Slavic empire. Great Moravia - Slavic empire in the center of Europe

(Old Russian epic)

The tales of the Time Chronicle of the chronicler Nestor in 6370 (862 AD) indicate. “And the Slovenes went to the Varangians on the Varangian sea, who were called RUSSIA and called Prince Rurik and his brothers to their lands. And our Land was nicknamed from those Varangians RUSSIA, or the RUSSIAN Land. "

10th century BC
The Sun is setting in the Ocean.
And we decide: “Who is the first,
Did you call that land Europe? "
Here from the distant Urals
Russes and antes were in a hurry.
The Hetrusians occupied the land,
That they came from the Hittites long ago.

Rusen * disappeared behind the mountains,
Whose white camp frightened the people.
They called them the Alps.
They settled here for a long time.
And the land of the white earthy surface,
They called Europe *.
What does the place of whites mean?
People who came from the North.

Here the beast grazes in abundance,
The wheat fields have risen.
The people live here for Prince Ross *
And the Celts are the children of Kolyada. *
Centuries, centuries passed
And the Rhine River carried the wave.
She then fenced off
From the dark, white country.

And in the East - the children of God,
All went through the Urals to the South.
The weather drove them away
And the Ocean * splashed here.
And RA is a river, * its plain,
It gave rest and comfort.
They settled forever
They live by the Russian sea.

At the crossroads, a city was erected,
That the Marmara sea is covered.
He became Byzantium for guests, *
Everyone could live here freely.
But in the fifth century of the old era,
The Persian king came here.
He brought the army seven hundred thousand,
Pick up the city from the Scythians.

And the ants and the Wends stood up,
And the Russians are glorious in battle.
Here Arianta * told everyone,
I will secret my tactics.
And so extermination began
Invaders and all enemies.
At the age of three, he scattered the troops.
In shame, Darius himself left.

In honor of this great Victory:
Scythians, arians, russes, antes,
Sarmatians, Wends and Ghettos.
Then they brought glory to God.
Here the cauldron * Victory was cast,
For the unity of peoples over the centuries.
Victory united us,
GLORY must be returned to God.

A thousand tribes are being lifted.
And they took the name here:
SLAVS you! All from now on!

Then, in ancient times,
The Antes built the royal Scythian.
They settled all over Europe.
Maked * subdued the Balkans.
Rusyns went to the land of Russ, *
There he created his empire.
Cherusci moved to the West *,
Calling the leader here Herman.

After all, GER means mighty,
And MAN - you are a man, father.
That was what the Etruscans called them,
For gigantism and strong speech.
Five centuries passed quietly.
Suddenly Rome was born from the Etruscans.
And all the hard times began,
But Rus was invincible.

But soon Herman's descendants.
Let's go to my brother, to the East.
Where the Slavs lived happily
As if God himself took care of them.
And the forests and arable lands were on fire -
Divine then people.
Whose world has always painted Nature,
He created masterpieces on it.

Germanarech * with his horde
I went to Novgorod and Pskov.
But he was defeated by Bravlin Yarym, *
Then he left for Ruskolan *.
Where he swore in love and friendship,
I asked Bus * for my sister.
Became a relative of Beloyar.
He killed his wife out of jealousy.

And battles and quarrels broke out.
Here the Vends * went out to the Slavs
And they captured Beloyar,
Then crucified him on the cross.
And the Bus's children cried,
Stinging * came to Russia.
The amals * brothers deceived them,
Sending Maru * to them.

Samosvet * is the father of the Alans,
He gathered an army all over Russia.
And moved him to amal,
To stop the enmity here.
The Germans fled from here,
They are called Germans now.
They became foreigners to us,
It is not clear that something is rekut.
The light itself drove them to the West.
They hid behind Laboy *.
He set the line for them forever:
"Do not come to us with the war."

So the centuries passed
Everyone was at ease in Russia.
Then Charlemagne the Roman,
He called the army to Russia to go.
Empire where SAMO-Light,
Lived carelessly all the centuries.
From the Elbe to the Ural-dawn,
Slavic is the land.

Karl moved the infantry to the Sakovs.
The amber * sea went to Russia.
He overturned the Varangian.
And Prus burst into Polabskaya.
Otto * descended to Morava *,
Capture the Venedian Rus.
Destroy the Slavic lands,
Divide the whole empire.

Lyakh * and Chekh, * and Anna Moravskaya,
Supported separatism.
They gave their land to the Germans,
Believing in a quiet life.
So Russia was captured
And shattered into pieces.
Slavic countries appeared,
Where Catholics came to power.

The feudal lords have settled around,
On pieces of Slavic Russia.
They drove each other out,
To seize the land for yourself.
Lyakh created Russia Polyanskaya in the fields.
The Czech placed the country on the Elbe.
Rus Carpathian grew in the Carpathians
In the Balkans - Danube Rus.

Near Greece - Rus Serebren,
A native country for Serbs.
In Illyria - Hungarian Rus,
And the Moravian was near.
And in the North and in the East,
Estlandian * Rus disappeared.
The stone became the enemies of Lithuania *
And Latvian Rus in armor. *

Then Novgorodskaya grew,
Uniting their lands.
She became unapproachable to Rome,
To preserve Holy Russia.
And the carnage began
The numbness of the Russian land.
This is how the wars continued
And the command for everyone: "Go away!"

And Varangian Rus is already groaning,
Thirty years since the war has been going on.
A new generation is growing
Defend your homeland.
Godoslav * in a heated battle with the Danes.
He fiercely went into mortal combat.
Rurik is a son, with his brothers,
They went to their father, breaking the formation.
In this bloody battle, shoulder girdle *
Lost Godoslav with his hand.
Rurik was eager to meet his father,
To take him home.

Numbness was imminent then.
Rurik gave the funeral to his father.
I was going to my grandfather in Slovenia,
Who called him for a long time.
Gostomysl * said to the boyars:
“My sons were killed.
My daughter is Umila Varyazhskaya,
She left her son Ryuri for us.
After all, VAR is a fighter and a defender.
They are saving Russia there.
Call him here,
The direct heir will be here. "

So Russia went to the North,
And she gave up her land.
With strong hope and faith,
That the descendants will say: "RETURN."
These old lands of Russ,
Captured for ages
So the European Rossa left,
That the Slavs will return here,
They will take their patrimony.
The Germans are afraid of this
And all the tenants are here.

This is how the prophets say it
For almost a thousand years:
“God will open the way for the Slavs,
Will give them a lot of victories! "

* Ev.Ro.Pa - EVa-life, RO - white, light; PA - place. (PARk, PArta, poPA is a full place, and ZHO is a life one)
Europe is the place of life of the white people of Prince Ross (Russ).
* Hittia - the Proto-Slavic empire of the Hittites and Antes in Anatolia - a rival of Egypt.
Abraham asked the Hittites to bury Sarah a piece of land, said: "We are wanderers and vagabonds in your land." He married Khetura, she bore him 6 sons. The Jew in the translation of the TRUMP.
* Roseny - Etruscan from Hyperborea, the first five hundred years - the kings of Rome and his teachers.
* Prince Ross (Russ) - the progenitor of the Rus, Dew, Rugs, Cherusks. Indicated in the Bible - Izk. 38-39. from Strabo, Ptolemy, Romans, Germans, French, Angles, Scots (Kolyadonia), Swedes.
* Kolyada is an ancient Hyperborean God Savior of the Celts, Aryans, Rus and Slavs.
* Ocean - the Ural (Siberian) ocean, from the Urals to Baikal. URA is the Russo-Aryan god of Victory, the Greek URAN, the Ural is the country of the god URA ..
* RA-river - river of Light - Volga (Great road). The Volga then flowed into the Gray (Russian) Sea.
* Russian Sea - from the 15th century A.D. e. Called the Black Sea. The Greeks called him Pontus (Deceitful.)
* Byzantium is a city of guests, Scythian and Russian Constantinople, Greek Constantinople.
* Arianta - Aryan son of Anta (Great commander of the Aryans. Antes, Scythians, Rus and Getae. Creator of the Slavs.)
* Maked (high) - a comrade-in-arms of Arianta - the progenitor of the Slavs - Macedonians.
* Kazan - a cauldron weighing 12 tons, with coats of arms from each tribe and people, poured from arrowheads.
* Cherusci, Giseks, Eruls, Ghetts, Get-Arians, Amals, Goths - Slavic tribes of the Germans.
* Germanorech - Rex, a descendant of Gisek, brother of Rus, went to Russia to seize the land.
* Bravlin the Second - Yary - Novgorod prince hero, warrior.
* Ruskolan - North Caucasian Rus, it was also called Great Scythia - the birthplace of Prince Kyi, Schek and Khoriv - the forefathers of Kievan Rus. (Great Antiya.)
* Bus Beloyar is the ruler of Ruskolani: Rus, Rugs, Aryans, Borus and Uman.
* Samosvet (SAMO) - the ruler of the Alans, Cherkassians, Dacians and Berendeys of Caucasian Rus.
* Laba is a Slavic river, renamed Elba by the Germans, and the Rusa river - Neman.
* Sting is the Slavic goddess of Sorrow. * Mara is the Slavic Aryan goddess of Death.
* Amber Sea - Venedian, Varangian, Scythian, Eastern, Slavic. Named by Charlemagne - Baltic, so as not to talk that it is Slavic.
* Otto 1 - the leader of the Germans - Austrians, captured Venedian Rus and Vienna.
* Morava is a river in Illyria and Great Moravia.
* Lyakh is the progenitor of the Poles. * Czech is the progenitor of the Czechs.
* Est-Landskoy (Eastern) Russia - Estonia. Esten, Osten in German East.
* Lithuanian, Lita-stone, Stone Rus.
* Latvian, armor - armor, Russia dressed in armor.
* Sveiskaya Rus. Svei-own (Swedish Rus).
* Godoslav (Bogoslav) - Prince of Varangian Rus, father of Prince Rurik.
* Shoulder girdle - protective armor on the shoulders.
* Gostomysl - the great Novgorod prince, the grandfather of prince Rurik.
* VAR - the name of the Roman commander - fighter, protector, warrior. The Barbarian is a twice fighter.
Varangians - singing fighters, gi - sound, guitar - the sound of a goddess. Barbara is a fighter girl.

After the collapse of the Slavic empire, the kingdom of SAMO-Light in the 8-9th century, Slavic countries-kingdoms appeared: Poland, Czech Republic, Moravia, Slovenia, Serbia, Illyria, Croatia, Hungary, Danube Rus and others.
The collapse of the Slavic empire was organized by the Roman Catholics to weaken the powerful European Russia, which they could not conquer.
Frederick 1 - Barba-Rossa is a descendant of the red-haired prince Ross. He conquered France, Italy, Germany - became the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. He opened the expansion to the East, to Russia - "Drang nach Osten" - The onslaught on the East in 1175 - 1181.

As I have already written in the new chronology from Nosovsky and Fomenko, it can be divided into two large sections. The first one is this criticism of the official history, which, I think, is very strong and, in general, fair. And the second one is reconstruction, which has a lot of questions. In this article, I want to write just about the second section.

The reconstruction is based on the theory that in the Middle Ages on the territory of Eurasia there was a huge and powerful Slavic Empire, references to which have come down to us in the form of references to the Tatar-Mongol Empire. The authors claim that under the name Tatar-Mongol, the Slavs are hiding, and the Tatar-Mongols themselves are the army of the Empire, which consisted of the ancestors of today's Cossacks. Under their theory, the authors found a large number of various circumstantial evidence, but direct evidence confirming or refuting this theory will probably never be found. This theory has many supporters, but even more critics, and no one can conclusively prove their point of view. I believe that today the possibility of the existence of such an Empire, we can assess only from the point of view of probability, or alternative history. So, I want, from the point of view of alternative history, to assess whether this could have happened or not.

All supporters of the official version of history do not doubt the existence of almost world empires - the Roman Empire and the Empire of Alexander the Great. But looking at the current state of these peoples, it is hard to believe in this. Throughout, so to speak, reliably famous history, these peoples proved themselves to be militarily miserable. They did not achieve any significant military achievements, moreover, they could not really defend their country either, and constantly lost their independence. However, everyone is sure of their military prowess in the past. Why do we doubt that such a world empire could have been created by the Slavs, or rather the Russians.

All critics of this theory do not doubt the military power of the Tatar-Mongols. Everyone is sure that in the Middle Ages it was the best army in the world. Now a hypothetical question - could the Tatar-Mongols have been Slavs? I do not find any fundamental restrictions on which this could not be. The main dispute revolves around the fact that the Tatar-Mongols could not be Slavs, they say, the Slavs, and the Russians, are not capable of such feats, which distinguished themselves in the history of the Tatar-Mongols. This is where I disagree.

Already, in the past few hundred years, Russia has proven that it is capable of military force take over Europe. She did this during the Napoleonic Wars. Then, the same thing was repeated during the Second World War. We had enough military prowess and resources to capture Europe. Then why couldn't it have been in the past?

Ancient Europe in relation to the Middle Ages (1595). This means that this map depicts Europe at least a thousand years before the creation of the map itself! This means that the map shows Europe no later than the 5-6th century AD! And ... what is visible on this map? There is no LOWER WESTERN NOR EASTERN ROMAN EMPIRE on it! And, according to modern "history", they should have been and flourished!

There is no Roman Empire on the map of Ancient Europe, but on it ... most of the mainland is occupied by the Slavic-Aryan Empire, which in the next millennium will be called the Great Tartary!

Only in ancient times, the Slavic-Aryan Empire occupied almost all of Europe, Britannica (Great Britain), Hispania (Spain and Portugal) and Gallia (France and Italy) have recently "split off" from it. These countries had already separated from the united Empire of the White Race, but they were ruled by the Merovingian dynasty for some time.

* Additional Information:

Great Tartary. What Geography and History are silent about [The Past of Russia]

According to the map, which was made in 1670 in Paris, the state of "Great Tartary" included not only the Russian Empire, but also Western Europe, India, Iran, India, China, Japan and America.

Great Tartary - Rus Empire -

Evaluation of information

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In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the secular, imperial version replaced the religious-mystical geopolitical doctrine.

But the legacy of the previous concept continued to manifest itself for a long time in various foreign policy acts of the supreme Russian power. Thus, Peter I, when the Senate and Synod presented him with the title of Emperor of All Russia, the name of the Great and Father of the Fatherland - on the occasion of the conclusion of the Nystadt Peace with Sweden in 1721 - demonstrated a clear understanding of the continuity of Russia in relation to Byzantium, saying: “We must thank God with all the fortress; however, hoping for peace, we should not weaken in military affairs, so that with us it will not become so as with the Greek Monarchy ”55.

And this is far from the only fact of this kind. From a formal legal point of view, for example, on the territory of the Russian Empire until the very end, all the decrees of the Byzantine emperors were in force, which were not canceled by them themselves or by the Ecumenical Councils. Also known is the so-called "Greek project" of Catherine the Great, which involved the division of the Ottoman Empire by Russia, Austria-Hungary and Venice, the creation of the Greek Empire with the center in Constantinople and the grandson of the Russian Empress Constantine at the head.

And yet, starting from the first half of the XIX century foreign policy Russia was increasingly defined by typically imperial principles: legitimacy and conservatism. In the second half of the 19th century, the Pan-Slavic doctrine began to compete with the imperial geopolitical doctrine. These two concepts dominated the minds of the Russian political elite until the 1917 revolution, which radically changed the course of Russian geopolitical thought.

A classic of the Russian imperial idea can be called an influential publicist in government circles, MN Katkov, a long-term editor of Moskovskiye Vedomosti. The imperial geopolitical doctrine was most fully set forth by one of Katkov's followers, V.A. Gringmut. He argued that Russia “should become a great self-sufficient state, not in need of either moral or material support on the part of any foreign powers, but who, on the contrary, could provide them, on occasion, with similar support. Then she will, as the supreme, powerful judge, literally "dictate the peace of the universe" ... Power will rest in the hands of Russia, firmly and indestructiblely established in both halves of her empire and transforming them into one great, not European and Asian, but Orthodox, autocratic, Russian whole with a rich, unique and diverse culture ”56. In line with this geopolitical doctrine, Russia strengthened its southeastern and eastern borders.

The sermon of the Slavophiles was also not lost in vain. At first, the ideas of I.V.Kireevsky, A.S. Khomyakov and K.S.Aksakov were perceived by society as exotic. Their political program was very utopian and therefore unacceptable for politicians. Pretty soon, however, the disciples and followers of the early Slavophils eliminated this deficiency by modifying Slavophilism into a Pan-Slavic doctrine, which gradually acquired big influence among the then Russian ruling class.

The "Symbol of Faith" of Pan-Slavism was systematically and consistently presented in the voluminous work "Russia and Europe" N. Ya. Danilevsky. The task of Russia was proclaimed the liberation of the fraternal Slavic peoples from the alien power of Turkey and Austria-Hungary and the creation of an All-Slavic Union with a center in Constantinople and headed by Russia.

The Pan-Slavic doctrine became very widespread in the 60s-70s. The peak of her popularity fell on the years russian-Turkish war, which in fact became the war for the liberation of the South Slavs from Turkish rule. The war caused an extraordinary rise in sympathy for the "brother Slavs" in Russian society.

However, the coming to power in Bulgaria and Greece of anti-Russian forces, which entailed the strengthening of Russia's geopolitical opponents in the Balkans, sobered many Russian politicians. Emperor Alexander III expressed this disappointment with the behavior of the Slavic countries, which owed their independence to Russia, but betrayed it, with his famous phrase, which turned into an aphorism: “From now on, Russia has only two reliable allies. This is her army and her navy. ”

It should be said that the imperial and pan-Slavic geopolitical doctrines not only reflected the mindsets of various parts of the Russian political elite, their ideas about the place and role of Russia in the global balance of power, but also expressed two necessary elements of an optimal model of Russian geopolitics.

In the imperial concept, the main emphasis was placed on the need to build a self-sufficient state. To be strong and powerful, the authors of the concept argued, Russia must become self-sufficient, be able to respond to all historical challenges without needing anyone's help. This idea of \u200b\u200bstate autarchy as the most important principle of state building, of course, had its own truth. Moreover, not the speculative truth of armchair theorists, but the truth of the people's experience, endured by all Russian history, which testifies that Russia often remained face to face against the hordes of “twelve languages” that united to put an end to it.

In the Pan-Slavic model, the main emphasis was placed on the need to unite civilizationally close countries and peoples around Russia in order to successfully resist hostile centers of power. Using modern geopolitical terminology, we can say that the Pan-Slavists proposed the creation of an Orthodox-Slavic Great Space. Danilevsky wrote: “Don't deceive yourself. The hostility of Europe is too obvious: it does not lie in random combinations of European politics, not in the ambition of this or that statesman, but in its most basic interests ”57.

That is why, from the point of view of Pan-Slavism, only the Russian-Slavic political union can be a guarantee of stability, a condition for political balance in the world. This idea also had its own truth, no less imperial rooted in our history.

By the beginning of the XX century the main task Russian political thought and state apparatus Russian Empire was to combine these two geopolitical doctrines. However, such a synthesis was carried out only in Soviet times ...

However, sensing the need to search for new geopolitical approaches, St. Petersburg at the end of the 19th century tried to make a strategic turn to the East. Realizing that control over space, especially for a continental power, depends primarily on the level of development of means of communication, the Russian government began the grandiose construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Measures were taken to actively colonize the sparsely populated regions of Siberia and Of the Far East... It is also very symbolic that Emperor Alexander III in 1890 sent the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Nicholas II, on a traditional study trip to the East.

However, this peculiar “Eurasian” geopolitical doctrine was not destined to become dominant in the minds of Russian society. The most influential part of it was still oriented towards the West, brought up on European values, and dreamed of the Europeanization of Russia. According to the evil but well-marked characterization of the Slavophils, “the monkeying of Europe” was a disease not only of the liberal intelligentsia, but also of a significant part of the higher bureaucracy. Therefore, in principle, the correct geopolitical turn to the East has degenerated into a European policy in the East. For example, Russia tried, like other European countries, to take part in the partition of China. The consequences of such miscalculations were not long in coming. Carrying out the right policy with unsuitable means ended in disaster russo-Japanese War... The turn to the East as a new course in Russian geopolitics did not take place.

In ancient times, Vedic philosophy was practiced by peoples from the British Isles to China and India. The sea of \u200b\u200bVedic confessors flooded all of Europe and Asia.

The Magi were the keepers of the ancient teachings. Knowledge was passed down through generations, studied orally and stored in ancient sacred writings. Those letters were kept securely like the fabulous soul of Kashchei. There is a hare in the chest, a duck in a hare, an egg in a duck, and the whole world began from the egg.

A fairy tale with connotations. Legends of many peoples tell of the birth of the World from an egg.

That chest with ancient knowledge stood in many temples of the ancient faith. And on the Baltic Arkon stood, and in Vladimir, and on the now Red Tagansky Hill in Moscow, and throughout Europe.

Prince Yuri Dolgoruky did not just start his activity on the Moscow hills. I had to retreat from the Red Hill from the ancient temples of Moscow that were beyond his control. And he retreated to Borovitsky Hill. He baptized Vyatichi. It was then that he began to build another city of Moscow, 1.5 versts from Moscow on the Red Hill. On the site of the current Kremlin new town already set up according to the dogmas of the Christian faith, in the image of Byzantine Constantinople. For this, see my entry "Moscow and Moscow".

Slavic empire of the prince-king Samo.

At the beginning of the 7th century, an interesting event took place in the life of the Slavs and all of Europe. The event explains a lot in Slavic history in general.

Chronicle of Fredegar, created in the 7th century. in the Frankish state, the existence of slavic state in Europe. In the year of the 40th reign of Chlothar (that is, between 623 and 624), a man named Samo, at the birthplace of a franc, from the Sansky district (northern France), took many merchants with him and went to trade with the Slavs, called Vinids. This name of the tribe was familiar to him, since he himself was a descendant of the Wends of the time of Caesar.

Now let's see what happened to Samo next. When the Vinids went on a campaign against the Huns, the merchant Samo also went with them, and showed great valor. Learning Himself from this side, the Vinids elected him king over themselves, and there he reigned safely for 35 years.

Samo had 12 wives from the clan of the Slavs, from whom he had 22 sons and 15 daughters. Thus, a Celtic merchant from Brittany became the first Slavic king! Here's another confirmation of the Celtic-Slavic ties. After all, the Slavs are unlikely, given the tribal structure of society, would have chosen some stranger as king. The Vedas contain both Celtic words and philosophical concepts that the Celts and Slavs have in common.

Before us is an ancient chronicle that describes the very real Slavic prince, who, being of a Celtic clan, but of Venedian blood, professed, like the Wends, one religious Vedic philosophy.

And somehow, gradually, other late events begin to be seen, about the calling of the prince of an alien clan Rurik to Novgorod. It seems that the first calling happened much earlier than the 9th century. But Himself not Rurik, and from him the first royal dynasty of Russia was not led. Let's go back to Samo.

During his long reign, Samo managed to create a powerful Slavic empire "from sea to sea", controlling the trade routes connecting the North and Baltic Sea at that time, with the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Archaeological data confirm that the Samo state could have occupied the territories of South Moravia, Lower Austria, Carantania, Silesia. The Slavic tribes of the Baltic were also natural allies of this state.

From the above, it can be seen that the Slavs in the VI-VIII centuries, and fighting and entering into alliances with nomadic tribes, occupied all the key places connecting the water trade routes along the Baltic, along the Vistula, Danube, Dniester, Dnieper, Don and subsequently the Volga. They also gained a foothold in the Mediterranean, conquering and colonizing vast territories Illyria, Greece and Asia Minor. In the west, their natural allies and partners were the Celtic states of northern France and the British Isles. Perhaps, two facts already related to Christian missionary activity are not accidental. It is known that Saint Columban, the famous Celtic preacher, wanted to visit the Venetians, but did not reach them, but his work was continued by another ascetic of Celtic Christianity and Columban's disciple, St. Amand, who made the first documented attempt to baptize the Slavs.

The chronicles that have come down to us tell about the strength of that Slavic empire.

To Samo for the investigation of a certain interstate conflict, the ambassador Sychariy arrived from the King of the Franks Dagobert.

Sycharius, as an unreasonable ambassador, addressed the King Himself with words of condemnation and threats, for Himself and the people of his kingdom must de serve Dagobert. Answering, the already wounded Sam grumbled: "And the land we own, Dagobertova, and we ourselves are his people, if only he decides to keep friendship with us." Sycharius said, "It is impossible that Christian servants of God could establish friendship with dogs." He himself objected: "If you are God's servants, and we are dogs of God, then as long as you constantly act against Him, we are allowed to torment you with bites." And Sycharius was driven out of the eyes of Himself.

Analyzing this passage, it is not difficult to see the humiliation of the ambassador of the powerful king of the Franks, despite the threats he spewed out. Itself, being a merchant and perfectly understanding the advantages of the Slavs, who seized many waterways, primarily trade routes, was interested in controlling the Eurasian trade. It is curious that Samo was not at all touched by his comparison with a dog, since the Celts had a cult attitude towards this animal - suffice it to recall that one of the main characters of the Irish heroic sagas was called Cuchulainn, that is, Culan's dog. So being a dog of God for a Celtic is a very honorable business.

This incident ended with the complete defeat of the troops of Dagobert sent to them by the Slavs and the invasion of Samo's warriors in various regions of the Frankish kingdom. Soon Dervan, Prince of Sorbov, joined Samo.

If we consider the name of one of the northern countries of that time - Wales (Weles), we will see a frank and transparent consonance with the name of the main pagan god of Northern Russia - Veles. This gives every reason to doubt the modern so-called. an academic presentation of the history of the first millennium. Not the sea, but the ethnic ocean of the Vedic faith and the Slavs flooded all of Europe.

From the comments in LJ.

And here are some interesting words about writing for international trade said by my constant opponent on the issue of early Slavic writing vishurshen in Live Journal. “The incentive will appear when those who do not have a written language have a need for accounting, control and regulation of trade operations. And it will arise only with sufficient trade turnover and socio-political organization, which no longer requires private merchants, but public and state supervision over the order of trade. "

Exactly. We have the Empire of the Slavs and Celts of the 7th century, stretching across half of Europe and trading with all of Europe. And how can such an incentive be considered sufficient for the development of writing, at least in terms of numerical accounting or not? I suppose, definitely, yes. Moreover, Somo had a natural ally - the island Slavic principality on Ruyan with recognized international trade and “Ruyan conducted quite a lively trade throughout the Baltic, had money turnover, even collected tribute almost until their fall, had a kind of tax system ”- vishurshen.

And here is another interesting comment in LJ from sun _sunych: “The Slavs had protective symbols for cult purposes. In village magic, nowhere is it mentioned that you need to write something on a piece of paper. Whispering, placing some object with special properties is all too often. They wondered more about animals ... about live animals. It makes sense to attribute the lines and cuts to numbers rather than letters. "

These are the judgments found in the blogosphere.

Obvious conclusions.

One of the main occupations in the Empire was trade, because Prince Samo himself was a merchant. Trade routes throughout Europe were under control, the empire flourished, had a serious army to defend its interests. Such activities over a wide area require accounting. And without this, what kind of state, what kind of trade.

And here he is the first conclusion.

We are told that the Slavs did not have a written language. But they simply had to keep trade and granary books. And such books were found by archaeologists and linguists. Remember the saying: "Cut your nose." Our snubs have nothing to do with it. Here it is "Nose".

In the old days, the word "nose" meant not only the respiratory organ, but also commemorative plaques on which people made notches or even say notches so as not to forget about the upcoming business. In Russia, such plates were called NOSES, because they were carried with them. This is where the notebook began.

What did you take into account in your notes?

They recalculated their own and foreign currencies, took into account the goods sold and the number of units of that goods, and its value, Arab dirhams and Odin's Ladoga eyes - precious beads.

And since they kept records, then they should have had a digital letter for the account. It certainly was. At the beginning of the 10th century, the Bulgarian monk Brave wrote about this: “The Slavs read and wondered in their writing - Features and cuts” without dispensation. counted and wondered. This is what linguists believe today, not read. In those days, there was no need to write stories about Major Pronin, Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot, but they did not exist.

Here is the second conclusion.

The empire itself was great, the empire of the Slavs and the Celts from Ireland to the very outskirts, from the Southern Baltic to the Peloponnese. Its territory and glory did not give rest to some people before, and does not give it now. After all, how many times has Russia revived after that empire of the 7th century, and this is a direct challenge to its neighbors. Therefore, they obscure our history in every possible way. And, of course, there are no "pink elephants", hurray-patriotism. Before us is their Majesty Facts of Antiquity.


Let us finally recognize the obvious, albeit undesirable for someone, the culture of our ancestors on the ancient land. Culture from the Magi to the first flight into space of our Yuri Gagarin. The Ladoga pre-Christian currency on which Russia grew up, the world's first lunar rover on a neighboring celestial body is ours. The world's first orbital space stations - ours. And the origins are there, among the Slavs in past centuries.

I will end the article with the words of the Russian emigrant P. Filipyev. “… We are interested in and we need not multiplying the number of fairy tales - we already have enough of them, but removing the veil from our initial history. We need to see it without embellishment and perversion, in order to know who we are and where we are from, and what goals and paths to them were predetermined by the distant ancestors who gave birth to us. The dust raised around this does not help to clarify the horizon in any way, it only clogs the eyes and makes breathing difficult for the one who removes these veils over Slavic history ”.