School of early development vowel sounds and presentation. Presentation - For parents "Vowels and letters

Introduction By working with our previous machines, we
switched the child's attention to the sound side of speech.
The next step in the work is to introduce the child to vowels.
and consonant sounds, teach them to distinguish. For this purpose
the "Vowel and consonant sounds" simulator is designed. From his
with help you will be able to form the necessary
skills, namely:
- to develop ideas about sounds;
- to teach the child to distinguish between vowels and consonants;
- teach to distinguish between hard and soft, voiced and deaf
- develop the skill of differentiating mixed sounds.
The presented materials will also allow you to replenish
vocabulary of children and broaden their horizons.

Explanatory note

All exercises must be done under control
an adult. Tasks should be completed in the order presented.
Select the required section in the content, and first
work, click on the word "start". When choosing an answer
it is necessary to click on the picture, or on the number. When you press
which is in the final slide you will return to
Main menu.
The simulator has three sections. The first section aims to
formation of ideas about vowels and consonants.
The second section focuses on working with consonants. He
contains two subsections: the first presents tasks for
distinguishing between hard and soft consonants, in the second - voiced and
deaf. Both of these areas have learning tasks and
exercises to practice the acquired knowledge. In this section
when performing a training task, you must use
keys on the keyboard.
The third section is the final tests on this topic, which
will allow you to check how much the child has mastered this topic.
Good luck! 1. Vowels and consonants
2. Consonant sounds
Hard and soft consonants
Voiced and voiceless consonants
3. Final test

Vowels and consonants

To begin

1. Find a picture in the name of which the first sound is a vowel.

1. Find a picture in the name of which the first sound is a vowel.

2. Find a picture in the name of which the first sound is a consonant.

2. Find a picture in the name of which the first sound is a consonant.

3. How can you call pictures in one word? Choose only those birds whose names begin with a vowel sound.

3. How can you call pictures in one word? Choose only those birds whose names begin with a vowel sound.

3. How can you call pictures in one word? Choose only those birds whose names begin with a vowel sound.

3. How can you call pictures in one word? Choose only those birds whose names begin with a vowel sound.

3. How can you call pictures in one word? Choose only those birds whose names begin with a vowel sound.

4. How can you call pictures in one word? Choose only those animals whose names end in a vowel sound.

4. How can you call pictures in one word? Choose only those animals whose names end in a vowel sound.


5. In which row do all words begin with a consonant?


5. In which row do all words begin with a consonant?


6. Find an extra picture

6. Find an extra picture

6. Find an extra picture

7. Find an extra picture

7. Find an extra picture

7. Find an extra picture

Hard and soft consonants

Learning tasks
An exercise

completed the task correctly?

1. How can you name all objects in one word? The children were given the task to choose those instruments in the name of which the first consonant sound is yours

1. How can you name all objects in one word?
The children were given the task of choosing those instruments in
the name of which the first consonant sound is solid. Who
completed the task correctly?

1. How can you name all objects in one word? The children were given the task to choose those instruments in the name of which the first consonant sound is yours

1. How can you name all objects in one word?
The children were given the task of choosing those instruments in
the name of which the first consonant sound is solid. Who
completed the task correctly?


2. In which row in the title of each picture is the last soft consonant sound?


2. In which row in the title of each picture is the last soft consonant sound?


3. Which gardener plants berries whose names begin with a soft consonant?

3. Which gardener plants berries whose names begin with a soft consonant?


4. In which row in the name of each picture is the last sound of a solid consonant?


4. In which row in the name of each picture is the last sound of a solid consonant?


5. Find an extra picture

5. Find an extra picture

5. Find an extra picture

6. Find an extra picture

6. Find an extra picture

6. Find an extra picture

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Learning task
An exercise

1. How can you call objects in one word? In the name of which object is the first sound of a voiced consonant?

1. How can you call objects in one word? In the name of which object is the first sound of a voiced consonant?

2. In which vase are flowers whose names begin with a voiced consonant?

2. In which vase are flowers whose names begin with a voiced consonant?


3. In which row do all words begin with a voiceless consonant?


3. In which row do all words begin with a voiceless consonant?


4. How can you name objects in one word? Choose those items whose names begin with a voiced consonant.

4. How can you name objects in one word? Choose those items whose names begin with a voiced consonant.

4. How can you name objects in one word? Choose those items whose names begin with a voiced consonant.

4. How can you name objects in one word? Choose those items whose names begin with a voiced consonant.

4. How can you name objects in one word? Choose those items whose names begin with a voiced consonant.

5. Find an extra picture

5. Find an extra picture

5. Find an extra picture

6. Find an extra picture

6. Find an extra picture

6. Find an extra picture

Final test (vowels and consonants)

Option 1
Option 2


1. In which row in the name of each picture is the first consonant sound?


1. In which row in the name of each picture is the first consonant sound?



2. In which row in the name of each picture is the last vowel sound?


2. In which row in the name of each picture is the last vowel sound?


3. In which of the zoos live animals in the name of which the first sound is a soft consonant?

3. In which of the zoos live animals in the name of which the first sound is a soft consonant?

"Success" Preschool Education Program - Explanatory note. Educational activities. The main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work. Intellectual and personal tasks. Gender. Principles of scientific validity. Variety of forms of training. Understanding some of the sources of danger. The content of psychological and pedagogical work.

"Preschool program" - System-activity approach. Joint activity of an adult and children. Child development indicator. A new generation document. Educational areas programs. Immediate educational activities... Independent activities of children. Social portrait of a child. The motto of the program. Activity.

"Preschool education" School 2100 "" - Educational and methodological set. The child's readiness to further development... Four lines of development of the preschooler. Primary School: the main lines of the child's development. OS. A journey into the beautiful. A set of measures for the personality-oriented development of the child. Literacy training. The result of the development and education of a preschool child.

"Elkonin's training system" - Rules for writing letters. Albums - textbooks with speech tasks. Exercises for children three years... Play exercises aimed at developing phonemic hearing. Learning to read. Literacy training in senior group... "Name impact sound". Hard sign (b). Equipping a methodological office. Three-sound word models.

"Kindergarten - House of Joy" - House of Joy. Levels of ascent to competence. Implementation of the program. The system of upbringing of preschoolers. The dynamics of the growth of professionalism. The purpose of innovation. Methodologists of the House of Joy. Intellectual culture. Activity. Argument. The value of work. Innovation. Activity as a system. Technology implementation.

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There are 14 presentations in total

Technological map of the lesson teaching reading on the topic:

"Sounds of vowels and consonants"

1 class

Explanatory note

The lesson is composed on the topic: "Sounds of vowels and consonants."

Educational system "School of Russia"

Thing:literacy training


Tutorial:textbook "ABC" by V.G. Goretsky

The purpose of the lesson:

Give the concept of "vowels and consonants" sounds through the organization in part - search activities.



    to acquaint with the features of vowels and consonants ;

    teach to perform sound analysis of words;

    learn to distinguish between sounds: vowels and consonants;

    characterize a given sound, name its signs.


    develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, verbal - logical, visual - figurative thinking;

    develop students' speech based on their experience and knowledge;

    develop the ability to draw conclusions based on observations.


    develop an interest in reading;

    to instill cultural communication skills;

    foster respect for the opinions of others, the ability to listen to each other;

    know and strive to follow the rules of working in groups.

Lesson type: Discovery of new knowledge.

Equipment: cards for sentence outline, squares for word outline, literacy notebooks, computer presentation, circles for evaluating the work.

Planned results:


distinguishes between vowel and consonant sounds


    shows educational and cognitive interest in educational material;

    understands the reasons for success in learning activities

metasubjectniversal training activities:


    determines the purpose of the lesson with the help of the teacher;

    learns to express his assumption (version) based on working with the material;


    uses sign-symbolic means in the design of the sound composition of the word;

    draws conclusions about the result working together class and teacher;


    listens and understands the speech of others;

    learns to work in pairs.

Teaching methods:

 Verbal, visual, problematic, partially - search.

Forms of training:

      frontal work;


    • individual.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizing time... Self-determination for learning activities.

2 .. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in activities.

3. Staging learning task

4. "Discovery" of new knowledge

5. Primary anchoring

8. Reflection

Technological lesson map


Lesson steps

Teacher activity

Student activities


1. Self-determination for learning activities. Organizing time.

The bell rang out loud
The lesson begins.
Our ears are on top
Eyes open wide
We listen, remember,
We don't waste a minute

I hope you are in a good mood and I want to wish you a good mood throughout the lesson. Our motto will help us:

Everyone, everyone, good afternoon!

Get out of the way, our laziness!

Do not bother to work!

Do not interfere with learning !.

Personal:motivation, self-determination

Regulatory: goal setting

Communicative: planning educational collaboration with teacher and classmates

2. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in activities.

Guests have come to our lesson today. Did you recognize them? They also want to take part in our work. Side2.

- What does our speech consist of?


\______ _____ _____ .

Slide 3. Checking.

Repeat the sentence in a whisper to your neighbor. And now one of you will pronounce this sentence clearly and loudly, and the rest should clap whenever the next word is called.

- What are words made of?

What sounds are there?

Children call cartoon characters .

Written and oral speech.

Children give examples.

From the proposals.

This is a proposal.

The student at the blackboard draws up a diagram.

Children are doing work.

Children are doing.

Three words.



From sounds.

We don't know.




Communicative: the ability to work in pairs and all together.


boolean: object analysis

3. Statement of the educational problem

Do you want to find out? Let's tell Masha and Misha about it

the bird is named.

This is an old friend of ours:

He lives on the roof of the house -

Long-legged, long-nosed

He flies to hunt.

Follow the frogs to the swamp.

What have you learned about the stork?

What sounds do we hear?


Statements of children

One person on the board, the rest in the typing book

We don’t know. Different.

Regulatory:goal setting.




Cognitive: symbolic actions (modeling)

Cognitive: statement of the educational problem

4. "Discovery" of new knowledge

    Acquaintance with a variety of sounds. Vowel.

1.– In chorus name first the sound in this word, and now - last.

Do you think we equallyor differently are we making these sounds?

very quiet ...

Louder now, louder.

What happens to the mouth?

Try close your mouth tightly and make this sound ...


When we speak sound, air passes

How is your mouth open?

- Sounds, when pronouncing which the air passes freely, without encountering obstacles, like through an empty tube, scientists called vowels.

Physical training

Stand up. Show.

How does a frog jump? How does she scream?

What picture superfluous?Why?

1.– What sound did you hear the same?

Pronounce it!

The air is passing free?


The sounds, in the pronunciation of which there is an obstacle, scientists called consonants.


Definition of the topic of the lesson:

[ and]

[ t]



Children's versions


Children perform movements



Kva - kva!

The frog is not a bird

there is

Vowel and consonant sounds

Communicative: ability to work in a group.

Cognitive: logical - putting forward hypotheses and their justification;

Communicative: proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information

Cognitive: setting and solving a problem with the help of a teacher

Cognitive:logical: analysis of objects in order to identify features.


plan, determine the sequence of actions

Cognitive:establishing causal relationships,

building a logical chain of reasoning

Cognitive:logical: analysis of objects in order to identify features

Communicative: deliberate and arbitrary construction of a speech utterance in oral form;

5. Primary anchoring

Help Masha

1.Game "Say a word"

The sound comes out ...


And what sounds agree

Whisper, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.

Sss… - a snake whistle is heard.

Shshh ... - the fallen leaf rustles.

Zhzhzh ... - bumblebees in the garden are buzzing.

Rrr ... - the motors are rattling.

2. Work on the textbook p.14-15.

a) - Observe how you pronounce different sounds.

b) - What sounds come to the finish line first? Slide 9.

c) - Consider the drawings and diagrams for them on p. 14. What sounds are pronounced in place of the red squares?

Consider the drawings and diagrams for them on p. 15.

Correlate pictures and diagrams.

Kids are playing


Children guess


Statements of children

Working in pairs


They do not meet any obstacles in the mouth.


By the number of sounds

Cognitive: establishing causal relationships,

building a logical chain of reasoning

Cognitive: establishing causal relationships,

building a logical chain of reasoning

Communicative: the ability to build a speech utterance in accordance with the tasks.

Communicative:the ability to work in pairs; take into account different opinions

Personal:to form the ability to express their opinion. Cognitive: symbolic actions (modeling).

Selection of bases and criteria for comparison.

6. Incorporation into the knowledge system and repetition.

Game "Catch the Sound"

Stand up

(duck, tiger, donkey, wolf, turkey, fox, boa, mouse)

Misha is checking you.

What are they doing?

Compose a story about children. Give them names. Make diagrams. Remember that people's names are capitalized. Show this on the diagram.

Children catch vowel sounds

Mouse, carrot, raspberry, spoon, onion, puddle.

Statements of children

Children do the work on their own.

Cognitive: brain teaser comparison and classification of objects Regulatory:self-control of activity; self-assessment of work results.

Cognitive:establishing causal relationships, building a logical chain of reasoning

7. Reflection

2. Conversation:

What was the topic of the lesson?

What goals did you set?

Were you able to overcome them?

If you were interested, everything is clear, everything worked out

If you sometimes had doubts, you made mistakes.

If you didn't understand the topic, it was not very interesting

Vowel and consonant sounds. Learn to distinguish the sounds of speech

Show signals.

Green circle

Yellow circle

Red circle


the ability to assess the correctness of performing an action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment.


the ability to self-esteem based on the criterion of the success of educational activities


During the classes

I Organizing time. Self-determination for learning activities.

The bell rang out loud
The lesson begins.
Our ears are on top
Eyes open wide
We listen, remember,
We don't waste a minute

I hope you are in a good mood and I want to wish you a good mood throughout the lesson. Our motto will help us:

Everyone, everyone, good afternoon!

Get out of the way, our laziness!

Do not bother to work!

Do not interfere with learning!

II. Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in activities.

Repetition of Learned

Guests have come to our lesson today. Did you recognize them? They also want to take part in our work. Side 2.

Let's tell Masha and Misha what types of speech do you know?

- Give examples of oral and written speech.

- What does our speech consist of?

- Listen to my speech and determine what I say: - Poplar leaves turned yellow .

- Who can outline this proposal?

\______ _____ _____ .

Checking Slide 3

Repeat the sentence in a whisper to your neighbor.

Now one of you will pronounce this sentence clearly and loudly, and the rest should clap whenever the next word is called.

- How many words are in this sentence?

- How are words separated from each other in oral speech?

- What did you hear when you spoke the words?

- What are words made of?

What sounds are there?

III. Statement of the educational problem

Sound Analysis the words

Today we will solve this problem, we will find out into which groups all the sounds of our speech can be divided and why.

Do you want to find out? Let's tell Masha and Misha about it.

Okay. But first, guess the word in which we will listen to sounds. With this word the bird is named.

This is an old friend of ours:

He lives on the roof of the house -

Long-legged, long-nosed

He flies to hunt.

Follow the frogs to the swamp.

What have you learned about the stork?

Say that word again.

Let's write sound composition: (diagram)

What sounds do we hear?

IV. "Discovery" of new knowledge

1. Acquaintance with a variety of sounds. Vowel.

Sound analysis. (group work).

1.– In chorus name first the sound in this word,

and now - last.

Do you think we equallyor differently are we making these sounds?

Let's watch - say the first sound again, but very quiet ...

Louder now, louder.

What happens to the mouth?

Try close your mouth tightly and make this sound ...


- Air helps us to pronounce sounds.

2. When we speak sound, air passes freely, without encountering obstacles.

How is your mouth open?

But they closed their mouth, formed a barrier - and the sound did not work.

Sounds when pronouncing which air passes freely, without encountering obstacles, as through an empty tube, scientists called vowels.

They were named vowels because they always speak with a voice.

Physical training

Stand up. Show.

How does a chicken walk? How does she scream?

How does a rooster walk? How does he scream?

How does a duck walk? How does she scream?

How does a frog jump? And how she screams

What picture superfluous?Why?

    Acquaintance with consonant sounds.

1.– What sound did you hear the same? Pronounce it!

The air is passing free?

2.- Now say the last sound in the word stork.

Does the air also pass freely or is there an obstacle?

But try to make this sound so that your tongue does not touch anything. Happened?!

The sounds when pronouncing which there is an obstacle, scientists called consonants.

Consonants in Russian always go along with vowels - that's why they withvowels.

3. Definition of the topic of the lesson:

- How can you name the topic of our lesson?

V. Primary anchoring

Help Masha

1. Game "Say a word"

Air flows freely through the mouth,

The sound comes out ...

Guess Slide 6.

And what sounds agree

Whisper, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.

Sss… - a snake whistle is heard.

Shshh ... - the fallen leaf rustles.

Zhzhzh ... - bumblebees in the garden are buzzing.

Rrr ... - the motors are rattling. Slide 7.

How to distinguish a vowel sound from a consonant?

a) - Observe how you pronounce different sounds.

b) - What sounds come to the finish line first?

c) -Consider the drawings and diagrams for them on p. 14.

What sounds are pronounced in place of the red squares?

Why do different words have the same schemes?

Consider the drawings and diagrams for them on p. 15.

Correlate pictures and diagrams.

Vi. Knowledge inclusion and repetition.

Game "Catch the Sound"(standing)

- I will now call different words... If the word begins with a vowel sound, clap your hands. If it's a consonant, don't clap.

(duck, tiger, donkey, wolf, turkey, fox, boa constrictor, mouse). Misha is checking you.

Working with illustrations according to the textbook p.15.

Who do we see in the foreground?

What are they doing?

Make up a story about children.

Give them names.

Make diagrams.

Remember that people's names are capitalized. Show this on the diagram.

III. Reflexia

1. Psychological relief and stress relief

Close your eyes and remember everything that we had today in the lesson.

2. Conversation:

What was the topic of the lesson?

What goals did you set?

Did you manage to achieve these goals?

Are you having trouble?

Were you able to overcome them?

If you were interested, everything is clear, everything worked out, raise the green circle.

If you sometimes have doubts - you have made mistakes, please raise the yellow circle.

If you didn't understand the topic, it was not very interesting, raise the red circle.

We did a good job today. And Masha and the bear, I think, will definitely come to visit us.