Ivan Fleroov biography. Place of burial Captain Fleroova and his warriors

Hero Russian Federation, Senior Lieutenant

Born on April 6, 1905 (on March 24, on the old style) in the village of Tileracks of the Golya District.
Since 1932, the life of Flerova is associated with the army. During hostilities on the Karelian Isthmus in 1939-1940, Senior Lieutenant Flears commanded an artillery battery. For heroism and the manifested courage, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. In these years, he became a listener of the Military Artillery Academy named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky.
For the sixth day of the Great Patriotic War, Flearova was appointed commander of a separate experimental artillery battery of the RGK. For several days in Moscow, the first battery of field jet artillery under the command of Captain I. A. Flerova was formed. On its armament there were seven plants BM-13. On the second July the battery left the capital to the front - to the Smolensk direction.
On July 14, 1941, the first battery of reactive installations in the Red Army under the command of Captain Fleroov inflicted a blow to the accumulation of enemy troops and equipment at the Orsha railway station. For three months of staying at the front, the battery of Captain Flerov inflicted a huge damage to the Nazis. "…On the Eastern Front The Russians had an unprecedented jet weapon appeared ... on the place where the volley lay, iron is instantly mowed and the earth is burning ... ". The battery was transferred to the most responsible directions. Her salts destroyed live strength and the technique of the enemy near Smolensky, Bright, Yelni, Roslavl. Once, being surrounded by the personal part of the unit, using the last shells, continued to fight with the fascists as he could. On the night of October 7, 1941, the village of Bogatyr, knocking on the fire of the Carabinins, automata and pistols by the fire, the guards of the installations, and did not allow the enemy to capture the secret of our reactive weapons at that time. The wounded I. A. Flers blew himself together with the head launcher. None of the battery was captured. Most fell the death of heroes. Those who survived, made their way to their fights.
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 14, 1963, Fleroov was posthumously awarded the Order Patriotic War I degree.
For courage and heroism, manifested during the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Andreevich Flerov Decree of the President of Russia dated June 21, 1995 awarded the title of Hero of Russia.
The name I. A. Fleosova was called streets in Lipetsk, mud. In Lipetsk on the building located on the street. Soviet, 66, the hero of Russia is installed a memorial plaque. The monument is established in the mud in honor of Ivan Andreevich and a memorable board in the surge of the heroes. A museum of the famous countryman is open in the village of Tweak.


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  2. Afanasyev N. M. Fepping the first rackets. - Cheboksary: \u200b\u200bChuvash Book Publishing House, 1972. - 208 p.
  3. Going out of the forest "Katyusha" // in memory and in the heart forever / K. T. Ogryzkov. - Lipetsk, 2005. - P. 186-187.
  4. Gorchakov P. A. Mom to immortality. - M.: Publishing House DOSAAF, 1980. - 23 p.
  5. GUK P. Komsomolskaya "Katyusha". - M.: Young Guard, 1972. - 256 p.
  6. Degtyarev P. A. Katyusha on the battlefield. - M.: Milimizdat, 1991. - 236 p.
  7. Ivan Andreyevich Fleroov // Glubanskaya Chronicle / V. B. Thin. - Mud, 2018. - P. 356-357: Fot.
  8. The Katyusch commander from duplex // Time chose us ... / Yu. I. Churilov. - Lipetsk, 2017. - P. 28.
  9. Kuzmichyev A. P. Soviet Guard. - M.: Milivdat, 1969. - P. 46-48.
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  11. Prokhorov D. B. Weapon Retribution. - Lipetsk: Lipetskaya Gazeta, 2005. - 136 p.
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  13. Sokolikov A. Captain from the legend // This memory is our conscience / URS. N. V. Uzubseva. - Lipetsk, 2005. - P. 52-60.
  14. The first volks "Katyusha" // Military Knowledge. - 1960. - №2.
  15. Konnov I. N. Battery Captain Fleroova // Military Knowledge. - 1962. - №3.
  16. Afanasyev N. Commander first reactive // \u200b\u200bLenin banner. - 1962. - June 10-13. ContinuedJune 12, 1962; continued June 13, 1962.
  17. Afanasyev N. The fate of the first "Katyush" // Spark. - 1963. - №9. - P. 9-11.
  18. Talinskaya M. He did everything that could // Leninet. - 1963. - 19 Nov.
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  20. Saico S. Feat the first rackets // Lenin banner. - 1965. - 12 Aug.
  21. Afanasyev N. The first salutes of the legendary "Katyusch" // True. - 1966. - July 14.
  22. Kuznetsov I. Essay on our countryman // Leninsky Banner. - 1971. - July 15.
  23. Lebedinsky G. first separate // Lenin's banner. - 1971. - 19 Nov.
  24. Sukontsev A. Medal for the fight // True. - 1972. - 25 Apr.
  25. Fedin P. was so born the legendary Katyusha // Commune [Voronezh]. - 1972. - May 9.
  26. Melikhov F. Commander of the legendary battery // Lenin banner. - 1972. - 18-21 Nov.
  27. Kochkin Yu in the footsteps of the hero's followers // Kirovets [LTZ]. - 1974. - 10 Oct.
  28. Semenov B. Village Twirecakes: Opening of the Museum of Combat Glory // Leninsky Banner. - 1975. - May 10.
  29. Kaidashko G. "And for you, and for me he did everything that could ..." // Leninet. - 1975. - May 17.
  30. Long V. For the price of life // Leninskaya Spark [Gluban district]. - 1975. - May 24.
  31. Gavrilov I. next to Ivan Fleroov // Leninskaya Spark [Golyansky district]. - 1975. - July 17.
  32. Kochkin. Yu Guard Captain Fleroov // Political Information. - 1975. - № 7. - P. 28-29.
  33. Kochkin Yu in honor of the first rackets // Lenin's banner. - 1975. - 26 Nov.
  34. Kochkin Yu. "We are largely obliged to him" // Kirovets [LTZ]. - 1977. - 6 dec.
  35. Kochkin Y. Rare photography // Lenin banner. - 1977. - 23 dec.
  36. Chebotarev V. In the Museum of I. Fleroova // Leninskaya Spark [Glubansky district]. - 1979. - May 31.
  37. Bolotov A. In the Museum I. A. Fleroova // Leninsky Banner. - 1981. - Jan 29.
  38. Karsanov K. D. Her called "Katyusha" ... // Soviet Russia. - 1981. - July 15.
  39. Novikov I. went ashore "Katyusha" // True. - 1981 - July 16.
  40. People remember their first volley // Leninskaya Spark [Gluban district]. - 1981. - July 23.
  41. About the first rackets // Leninsky banner. - 1981. - 17 Oct.
  42. Sidorov S. Hero-countryman // Leninsky Banner. - 1981. - 23 Oct.
  43. Nikolaev K. Memory of hero // Socialist Industry. - 1981. - 12 Nov.
  44. Fleroov V. My Uncle Fleers // Leninsky Banner. - 1982. - 9 Jan.
  45. Commander racket // True. - 1982. - May 9.
  46. Nikonov Y. The first commander of the rackets // - work. - 1982. - May 9.
  47. The first racket commander // Leninsky Banner. - 1982. - May 9.
  48. Apple O. on the pedestal "Katyusha" // Leninet. - 1982. - May 21.
  49. Milyukhin C. First volleys // Lenin banner. - 1982. - 19 Nov.
  50. Dedicated to the heroes of war // Lenin's banner. - 1983. - March 4.
  51. Dolmatovsky E. At the village of Bogatyr // Leninskaya Spark [Glyzansky district]. - 1984. - 23 Feb. Continued Page 4.
  52. Kochkin Yu in the footsteps of the legendary battery // Lenin's banner. - 1984. - 5 Saint.
  53. Transfiers C. Fidelity of the memory // Lenin banner. - 1984. - 17 Nov.
  54. Fights B. Feet to live in centuries // Leninskaya spark [Glyzansky district]. - 1985. - 4 Apr.
  55. Holidays N. At the House of Fleurova // Leninsky Banner. - 1985. - 14 Saint.
  56. Shiryaev P. There is a connection // Leninskaya spark [Gluban district]. - 1986. - 19 Apr.
  57. Krapivin N. The first volts of Katyush // Lenin's banner. - 1986. - July 17.
  58. Kchezhev P. in the memory of the people // Leninskaya Spark [Glyzansky district]. - 1986. - 20 Nov.
  59. Museum of Captain Fleroova // Leninskaya Spark [Glubansky district]. - 1987. - 19 Nov.
  60. Ivleva T. Will the countryman hero? // Lipetsk newspaper. - 1991. - 11 Saint.
  61. Bayukan A. Hero or not a hero? // Lipetsk newspaper. - 1995. - 7 Apr.
  62. Toporkov V. Dife "Katyusha" // Soviet Russia. - 1995. - May 6.
  63. Finally, the captain of Flears is named as it deserves, the hero of Russia // Lipetsk newspaper. - 1995. - 25 July.
  64. The remains of Captain I. Fleerova finally gained his last shelter // Lipetsk newspaper. - 1995. - 14 Oct.
  65. The remains of the rackets again betrayed the earth // True. - 1995. - 19 Oct.
  66. Apple O. He chose death without changing the oath // Lipetsk newspaper. - 1995. - 28 Oct.
  67. Ovchinnikova L. Riphadled Mystery, who came from the war // Zarya [Krasninsky district]. - 1995. - 7 Nov.
  68. Belichenko D. Found the grave of Captain Fleroova // Red Star. - 1995. - 11 Nov.
  69. Applers O. Salute Hero of Russia Ivan Fleroov // Globinskaya Izvestia [Gray District]. - 1995. - 11 Nov.
  70. Bytinov A. Under Smolensk, Yelny // Lipetskaya Gazeta. - 1996. - July 13.
  71. This salvo is already remembered for 55 years // Lipetsk newspaper. - 1996. - July 13.
  72. Dunaev P. leaving the forest "Katyusha" // Good evening. - 1998. - May 8-14.
  73. Suetin V. In memory of the legendary Flerov // Horodok. - 1998. - 28 Oct.
  74. Found "Katyusha" of our countryman Captain Fleroova // Komsomolskaya Pravda. - 1999. - June 18.
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  76. Golovanov Ya. Notes of your contemporary // Komsomolskaya Pravda. - 2000. - June 22.
  77. Viriukov Y. Song, which was put by a monument // Labor. - 2000. - June 22-28.
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  79. The first commander of the Katyush battery // Lipetsk newspaper. - 2001. - Jan.
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  83. In honor of the 100th anniversary of the first commander of the legendary "Katyusch" // Holy Russia. - 2004. - Saint. - №9.
  84. Aleshkin A. went on line // Parliamentary newspaper. - 2004. - 15 Oct.
  85. Dyachkov L. Chief Vollean of the War // Horodok. - 2004. - 19 Nov.
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  89. Solemn ruler in duplex // Lipetsk newspaper. - 2005. - 7 Apr.
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  94. Zabelin A. Legendary "Katyushi" // Lifting. - 2008. - № 9. - P. 194-199. Continued

Flerov, Ivan Andreevich
Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia

Ivan Andreyevich Flerov (April 24, 1905 - October 7, 1941) - Hero of the Russian Federation (1995), the commander first in the USSR SECR Separate experimental battery of the reactive artillery, captain.


Born on April 24, 1905 in the village of Tileracks of the Lipetsk region in the family of the employee. After graduating from the god school, he worked first in the village, then a student of a mechanic at the Borinsky sugar factory.

In 1926 he graduated from the School of Factory Apprenticeship (FMU) with a cast-iron plant in the city of Lipetsk. Here, as one of the best graduates of the school, I worked for some time a master production training.

In 1927-1928, the urgent service was held in the Red Army, in artillery parts.

In 1933, it was called up for 45-day courses of stock officers and from that time remained in the army.

In 1939, he was enrolled by the listener of the Military Artillery Academy named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

Member of the war with Finland 1939-1940. Being a battery commander of the 94th Gaubic Artillery Shelf Senior Lieutenant Flerov distinguished himself in battles in the "Mannerheim Line" breakthrough.

In 1940, for manifested heroism during Soviet-Finnish war In the battles of Lake Saunarvi awarded the Order of the Red Star.

After the end of the fighting, he returned to study at the Academy. He lived in the city of Balashikha Moscow region.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War took part in the battles.

Commanded on the Western Front a separate experimental battery of jet artillery from BM-13 installations (Katyusha).
For the first time, the BM-13 installation was tested in combat conditions at 10 am on July 14, 1941 during the shelling of enemy troops and technology in the city of Rudnya, supporting the defending parts of the Red Army. And on July 16, a high efficiency was shown in the destruction of unheavacked Soviet echelons at the railway site of the city of Orsha. On October 7, 1941, the captain of Fleers, being surrounded, the heroic died.

In the early days of the war, the captain of Fleers at the suggestion of the head of the Academy of Major General Govov was appointed commander of the first in the Red Army of a separate first experimental battery of jet artillery. On July 3, the battery, armed with five experienced and two serial combat machines M-13-16 (later by the name "Katyusha") and one 122-mm Gaubice used as a target, was sent to the West Front.

In addition, the battery was 44 cargo vehicles for transportation of 600 reactive shells M-13, 100 shells for a warmness, chant tool, three gas stations, seven daily food norms and other property. The personnel of the battery was 160 people (he left the environment to its 46 people).

July 16 at 15.15 on the direct orders of the Deputy Head of Artillery Western Front General G. S. Karofilli Battery Fleroov produced a volley over the railway node Orsha. It was second combat application Katyusch. There is a version that Soviet echelons were actually destroyed, in order to prevent them from entering the enemy. At the station Orsha at that moment there were a lot of arrivals of Soviet echelons with the property of the 1st Moscow Proletarian Moto rifle Division, 14th and 18th tank divisions, the 403rd warm and 592rd cannon artillery regiments, assigned the personnel of the 18th rifle division, the property of several head artillery warehouses and flavors of fuel from MBO and huge ammunition stocks, food and gear accumulated at the station after the export from the Western regions of Belarus. In addition, the station was exported from the district anti-aircraft guns of the army air defense station of almost all compounds stationed in Moscow, Orlovsk, Kharkov, Western, Kiev, the Volga district, which arrived at the landfill for the exercise before the war .

The second volley battery was destroyed by a pontoon bridge over the river Naroshitsa on the road Minsk-Moscow visited by German saphers on the site of the exploded by the traveling of the Western Front. Under the blow hit the 17th tank Division Wehrmacht. Within 3 days 17, the tank division could not participate in hostilities. On July 15, three volley was helped to break the resistance of the German troops of the rude. The battery composed of the 42nd division took part in the Yelnitsky counteroffensive.

On October 2, the Flero Battery was surrounded by the Vyazemsky Boiler. The batteries were held on enemy rears more than 150 kilometers. The captain did everything possible in order to save the battery and break through his. When it came to the end of fuel, he ordered to charge the installations, and the remaining rockets and most of the transport vehicles explode.

On the night of October 7, the column of battery cars fell into an ambush near the village of Bogatyri (Znamensky district Smolensk region). Once in a hopeless position, the battery person accepted the battery. Under the squall fire, they blew cars.
Many of them died. Being seriously wounded, the commander blew himself together with the headset. He was buried in the Smolensk region, the Ugran district, d. Bogatyr.

From the combat reports of the commander of the first battery "Katyush" Captain I. A. Flerov on July 14 - October 7, 1941:

14.7.1941 defeated the fascist echelons at the Orsha railway unit. The results are excellent. Solid Sea Fire.
7.x.1941 for 21 hours. Surrounded by the village of Bogatyr - 50 km from Vyazma. We will hold on to the end. No exit. We are preparing for a self-breaking. Goodbye comrades.

In the early 1960s, Fleers appeared to the title of Hero Soviet Union. The presentation was signed by commander of rocket troops and artillery Ground Forces Marshal Artillery K. P. Cossakov. On November 14, 1963, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Ivan Andreevich Flerov was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.

On June 21, 1995, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (No. 619) for courage and heroism, manifested in the fight against the German fascist invaders in the Great Patriotic War Captain Flero Ivan Andreevich was awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously.

On March 5, 1998, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 111, the hero of the Russian Federation Captain Flerov Ivan Andreevich is forever enrolled in the lists of the Command Faculty of the Military Academy of Rocket Forces of Strategic Appointment (RVSN) named after Peter Great.

In the fall of 1995, a group of Vyazemsky search engines in 250 meters west of the village of Bogatyr found those killed along with the "Katyusha" artillery players. The remains of 7 rackets were found. Among them are identified the remains of Captain Flory. On October 6, 1995, all the remains are reburied next to the obelisk at the village of Bogatyr, established in memory of the feat of the racket.

Patriotic Internet project "Heroes of the country". © 2000 - 2012

Being seriously wounded, the commander blew himself together with the headset. The survivors with the fight broke away from the Nazis. Only 46 soldiers managed to get out of the environment. The legendary combat and other fighters, to the end with honor who fulfilled their duty, were considered to be "missing".

For many years, nothing was known for the fate of the commander of the first battery "Katyusch". Ridiculous rumors popked about the fact that Fleers deliberately started the battery in the ambush. And only when it was possible to detect the documents of one of the Army headquarters of the Wehrmacht, where with German scrupulsity it was reported that it actually happened on the night from 6 to 7 October 1941 at the Smolensk village, Bogatyr - doubts disappeared. It became known that none of the participants last fight did not capture. Captain Flerov was excluded from the lists of missing.

In 1960, the Hero of the Soviet Union was presented to assigning the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, the submission was signed by commander of missile troops and artillery of the land forces by Marshal Artillery K.P. Kazakov). However, after long wires I.A. Fleers were posthumously awarded only the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree. It took another 30 years so that the feat of the Kombat was adequately appreciated.

According to Lieutenant General P.A. Sudoplatov from the book "Intelligence and the Kremlin. Notes undesirable," the Nazis began to hunt for "Katyusha" immediately after the volley of the Captain Flory battery in Orsha. For each installation, the Hitler's command promised the Iron Cross, an increase in rank and vacation. But the attempt to capture the surrounded Battery Fleroz failed. The captain ordered the installation to blow, and he shot himself.

The task of this article is to find out how the tragic death of the hero of the Russian Federation of Captain Ivan Andreyevich Fleroov in his full name code is laid.

Watch pre-"Logical" about the fate of man. "

Consider the full name code tables. \\ If on your screen will be offset numbers and letters, put an image to match the scale.

21 33 40 57 72 75 85 88 89 103 104 118 123 140 146 152 155 165 189
F l b about in and in a n and n d r e e v and h
189 168 156 149 132 117 114 104 101 100 86 85 71 66 49 43 37 34 24

10 13 14 28 29 43 48 65 71 77 80 90 114 135 147 154 171 186 189
And in a n and n d r e e v and h f l o r o in
189 179 176 175 161 160 146 141 124 118 112 109 99 75 54 42 35 18 3

Fleers Ivan Andreevich \u003d 189 \u003d Courage's step.

We introduce another table:

2 8 17 31 32 37 44 52 66 81 87 103 118 130 145 153 159 173 183 189
189 187 181 172 158 157 152 145 137 123 108 102 86 71 59 44 36 30 16 6

According to three tables, it will be more convenient to carry out the decryption of numbers \\ translation them into the spoken track \\.

189 \u003d death-63 x 3 \u003d human-binding \u003d 16-Glea + 173-from brain breakdown \u003d 44-wing + 145-wound head \u003d 87-Velipa + 102-death \u003d 32 sam + 157-suicide \u003d 103-Fleers Ivan, Shot + 86-Andreyevich, dying, suicide, brain ward \u003d 44-woofer + 145-blow bullets into the brain \u003d 44-killed + 90 samo + 55-dypsy \u003d 33-wound + 57-man + 99-injury brain \u003d 65-fallen, fighting + 124-bulle in the man \u003d 65-fallen, fighting + 124-thugged himself \u003d 52-wounded, killed + 137-doomed, destroyed himself \u003d 123-catastrophe, killed in the head + 66-spit, \\ 14 -Bed + 52-wound \\ \u003d 16-PLEY + 50-head + 123-bullet wound \u003d 102-shot, killed himself + 87-dead \u003d 152-test head + 37-MER \u003d 43-blow + 146-bullet injury \u003d Shot \u003d 14-bit + 175-gunshot, shot to the head \u003d in itself from the revolver \u003d wrapped myself \u003d 27-mig + 104-shot + 58 outers \u003d 147-Plexus from breakdown + 42-brain \u003d 84-head, terminal + 105-death brain \u003d shoots in itself \u003d critical brain \u003d death rate \u003d 112-wound to the brain + 77-heads, kill \u003d 102-killed himself + 32 sam + 55-dypsy \u003d 161-Andreyevich Flerov, killed in the head + 28-Ivan, all \u003d 72-in head + 117-torsion.

Date Date Code: 7.10.1941. This \u003d 7 + 10 + 19 + 41 \u003d 77 \u003d action, head \u003d died in aim.

189 \u003d 77 + 112-punched \u003d 27-mig + 112-punched + 50-head \u003d 17-AMBA + 95-piercing + 77-heads.

The day of the day of death \u003d 92-seventh, the brain, died + October 128, from the injury \u003d 220 \u003d firearm wound \u003d killed by a shot.

The code of the full date of death \u003d 220-seventh of October + 60-in man \\ code of the year of the death \\ \u003d 280 \u003d killed by a shot in the man.

280 - 189- \\ Full name code \\ \u003d 91 \u003d dying.

The code of full years of life \u003d 123-thirty, a catastrophe, killed in the head + 97-six, murder \u003d 220 \u003d killed shot \u003d 144-suicide + 76-songs.

144-suicide - 76-thubble \u003d 68 \u003d wound, killing.

220-thirty six - 189- \\ code of full name \\ \u003d 31 \u003d act.

The article is based on memories that the author recorded from the Flerolev soldiers in the 60s of the twentieth century.

Ivan Andreevich Flears was born in April 1905 in the village of Twirecakes of the Lipetsk region in the family of the employee. After graduating from the Zemskaya school, began working at Soviet power, was a student of a locksmith at the Borinsky factory. In 1926 he graduated from the factory-factory learning school (FZO) in Lipetsk. As the best student was left to work as a workshop of production training and a teacher of mathematics. In 1927-1928, served in the Red Army in the artillery part.

In 1933, the reserve officers were called on short-term courses, after their end, was left in the army. He participated in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, commanded the Gabichic Battery. Slightly in battles in the breakthrough of Mannerheim's lines. He showed himself a brave, who knows his work by an officer who is able to rally the personnel and act in a complex setting. His battery was surrounded by Saunairvi Lake. Found shells, food. About two weeks, the battery was protected only by small arms. Each fighter was tasked with a breakthrough. But soon the war was over, the need for a breakthrough was silent by itself.

About what has happened and about actions was accidentally recognized by Valentine's wife, when he found a record in his gymnaster and a letter in case of death in a breakthrough from the environment.

In 1940, Captain I.A. Flears was awarded the Order of the Red Star and aimed at studying at the artillery academy named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky. He lived with his family in the city of Balashikha Moscow region.

June 22, 1941 instead of passing the first exam in the Academy I.A. Fleroov wrote the head of the Academy Major General L.A. Govorov report with a request to send to the front. After six days, he was unexpectedly invited to the Kremlin. The conversation was short. Fleroov was tasked: "Comrade Flears, the Motherland trusts you with a powerful secret weapon, which has no army in the world. If it falls into the hands of the enemy, then not your life, no life of your close relatives is not enough to redeem this guilt " . In the same place, he introduced him to the Commissioner of the Future Division.

A man in civilian clothes approached Fleurov, said himself. "And now we will go to the station and from arriving echelons you will form your battery." Drivers, artilleryrs, telecommunications, all that is needed for mobile, independent division were selected. After a couple of days, Flearov, the Commissioner and 10 people who were appointed for the posts of commander of cars (firing platforms), arrived at the outskirts of Moscow to get acquainted with the new technology.

There were cars in the hangar, similar to the pontoons. When the cover was removed from one, they saw a lattice design on the basis of the three-axis truck ZIS. She was heard in a whisper: "But we are artilleryrs ..." Engineers of Dmitry Shitov and Alexey Popov approached. "You can't write anything, listen. This is a BM-13/16 132-millimeter reactive installation on 16 rockets, the start of which is carried out in 7-8 seconds, the weight of 40 kg missile, a combat charge of 1.5 kg, flight speed is about 320 m / s, a shooting range from 300 meters to five kilometers. Rocket flight trajectory is close to the flight path of 122-millimeter Gaubitsa.

On the night of July 3, 1941, from the Moscow region back, to Smolensk, a column of 44 cars came out, which was closed on the trailer the only 120-millimeter Gaubita. As part of the column: seven BM-13/16, rockets for ten salts, one hundred charges to the Gaubice. All necessary services for autonomous actions, personal composition - 160 fighters and commanders, a small NKVD detachment to protect the columns on the route and unhindered movement to the front line.

During the daytime, the column was driven into the forest, they were hosted and engineers conducted classes on the study of the material part, trained in mastering the equipment, the preparation of combat positions. In the evening moved on. Profit under Outshi. Observing strict secrecy, neither the army commander nor the commander of the front was not notified of the arrival of the battery.

Here, as I remembered after the war, the surviving batteries first volley (before that no one, even Flears did not see and did not hear the shooting from BM-13/16). We give memories recorded by the author in the 60s of the last century:

"July 14, 1941, 15 hours. Sultular cloudless sky. From abundance of bright colors cuts eyes. Our troops are not visible (our artillery was not, and the soldiers were hidden in individual trenches per person). In binoculars, the locked railway station of the Orsha station is clearly visible. In a few years, it will be known that on that day the new 17th tank division arrived at the station, which the German command intended to be introduced into a breakthrough east of rsha, so the troops were not unloaded. Afternoon sleep. There are clocks lazily between the echelons.

... Calculations are checked, the Conditional code on the radio is transmitted. Seven dark green trucks left the forest in a hollow for firing positions prepared at night.

Next to the commander of the platforms of Popov and Shitov engineers. All is ready. Soldiers flee from cars to open trenches. 15 hours 15 minutes. Captain Flears, which is at the observation point, takes a radio microphone, a radio operator on the battery repeats the team: "By the fascist invaders of the battery of a volley!". It can be heard and not comparable roar. At the site of the parking lots of smoke and dust clubs. 112 bright zippers pulled into the sky, leaving the muffled rokot, and again silence. In seconds, the cars are hung and drip off. A group of fascist bomber unfolds, passes over the machines and begins to bomb the place where the volley has just been produced. When an unusual roar rang out, tired of digresses and the soul of the Red Army women looked out of the trenches, trying to understand what happened. And the lightning hijacked from the eye continued to fly towards the enemy. After a few moments, the fiery avalanche hit the railway node. The earth shook. Jumped. Waghes with ammunition and gasoline tanks exploded. Everything stirred. In the sea of \u200b\u200bfire, it was seen how the explosions left the rails from the sleepers impregnated with gasoline. Earth burned. Wagons turned into shapeless piles of metal. Encryption went to Moscow: "14.7.41 gave a blow to fascist echelons at the Orsha railway unit. The results are excellent. Solid Sea Fire. "

So began the glorious combat path of the Soviet reactive artillery and the hunt of the fascists behind the battery, which Captain I.A. Fleers.

On July 15, 1941, the battery intelligence reported that the Germans were putting a pontoon crossing through the Orshitz River, and the German divisions of no less infantry regiment were procreated to the Bolshak. The cars came to the line of fire and a volley was made to the approaching column. The column and crossing were completely destroyed. Several surviving fascists from the crossing fled to our shore to surrender.

The same evening, during the prival, a conversation came about that in every kind of troops there is a technique, which is called the teaching names "Seagull", "Currency" ... "And how do we call our" Masha ""? Someone offered Katyusha. "Why? .." - "Katyusha" went ashore, sang a song and there is no fascist regiment. And how these wet with the crossing fled with the hands raised to explain to her in love ... "

One day, Captain Flears was on a battalion observation point, when an unexpectedly the enemy went into attack by the forces, several times the battalion exhausted in previous battles. The Germans began to surround the command and observation point of the battalion. In order not to be surrounded by and captive, Flears caused fire on itself. The supervisory point was broken. Fleurov was found in a dilapidated diverboard unconscious with a strong contusion.

Daily battery hit the enemy, participating in the counterattack under Vyazma. The Gaubice was used to destroy individual, small-sized purposes. If the target designation gave Flers, the goal was amazed from the first time.

For three months of staying at the front, the battery captain Fleroova inflicted a huge damage to the fascists. The hunt for the battery of the Nazis began after the first volley and did not stop at no one hour. Applying military trick, the art of maneuver and disguise, the battery applied powerful blows and left the enemy.

On October 7, 1941, the battery fell into the environment and got into an ambush in the village of Bogatyr. Night, quiet, dogs do not bother, shutters closed, the light is not lit, they began to leave cars. And suddenly, on both sides, the docking rifle-machine-gun fire. Realizing that there is no way out, they gave the last volley so that no rocket gets the enemy. Being wounded in the throat and not having the opportunity to blow up the car remotely, I.A. Flears rushed to the head car and blew it out of the cabin (each car had 40 kg of dynamite for self-destruction).

Personal composition, faithful to his military duty and inspired by an example of his commander, destroyed the rest. Of the battery after the war, less than fifty people are left alive. Someone managed to go to the front line, someone found himself in the partisans, someone experienced captivity. Other batteries appeared (by the way, at the end of July, this section of the front received a battery of nine BM-13/16 "Katyusch"), divisions, shelves, jetty divisions, but all this was later. "

Glory about the feat of Captain Ivan Andreevich Flerova and his first jet battery will survive the century, as fame about the feat of the battery of Colonel Raevsky, the hero of the war of 1812.

Valentin Ageev

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24.10.2015 22:52

And everything would be nice and fought well. But they could not clear the attitudes of the setting. Three of them the Germans captured almost entirely.
Although, nothing would change.
The first two "Katyusha" were captured in Ukraine a month earlier.
And even -14.07.41 Germans in Orsha have not yet been.

Right from the ancient Russian village of doublecracks, which in the Golyansky district of the Lipetsk region. Twirecakes, by the way, is the birthplace of five (!) Heroes of the Soviet Union.
April 6 - another anniversary of the birth of Ivan Flerov (recording of March 31, 2013 - author)

This is his house museum. The house was rendered in 1975:

The memory of the heroic fellow villagers is carefully stored in duplex. In our world, a diluted nothing is forever ... But time it puts everything into place. It is unpleasant to the practical forgetting of the Flory Museum in duplex from the superior authorities - district and regional. It is pointless and cynical to talk about the "development of tourism in the Lipetsk region", when the museum of the most famous (outside of Russia!) Countryman keeps existence only due to the enthusiasm of the team of the two-stage school, headed by its director Vasily Alekseevich Khryukin and the Hero of the Soviet Union, director Galo, Chairman of the Heroes Association Russia in the Lipetsk region Yuri Ivanovich Churilov. Read more from Yu.I. Churilov can be found.

On some commemorative sites dedicated to I. Flerov in Russia and other countries can be viewed below:
At the homeland of the hero, in the village of Twire, May 9, 1975 is open memorial Museum I. A. Flerov.
Monuments are built in honor of the rake of the battery: The village of Bogatyr (Smolensk region), in the city of Orsha, in the city of Rudnya, in Balashikha, in Pavlovo (Nizhny Novgorod region), near Zamenka Smolensk region).
In the city of Mud (Lipetsk region). On May 8, 1982, the Guards mortar "Katyusha" was installed at the pedestal, brought from Rzhev member of the war A. I. Timofeev; The monument was dedicated to I. A. Flerov.
Set memorable boards:
In Moscow, at home number 7, on Polikarpova Street, where the battery of Captain Flory was going.
In Balashikha, at home number 6, on Fleroov Street, where he lived.
The name of Flory is worn streets in the cities of Lipetsk, dirt, Orsha, Balashikha, the village of Znamenka, in the village of Solovylyvo Smolensk region. His names called the village. high school No. 3 of Balashikha.

In this museum were part of sergeitrof48. , annaZv77 and 1995Sonya1995. . So you can ask and their opinion about the museum.

Last year, schoolchildren put birch alley To home:

This house is:

The house is in the very center of the village, opposite the church:

From the biography of Ivan Andreevich Flerov:

Born on April 24, 1905 in the village of Tileracks of the Lipetsk region in the family of the employee. After graduating from the god school, he worked first in the village, then a student of a mechanic at the Borinsky sugar factory.
In 1926 he graduated from the School of Factory Apprenticeship (FMU) with a cast-iron plant in the city of Lipetsk. Here, as one of the best graduates of the school, she worked for some time a master's training master.
In 1927-1928, the urgent service was held in the Red Army, in artillery parts.
In 1933, it was called up for 45-day courses of stock officers and from that time remained in the army.
In 1939, he was enrolled by the listener of the Military Artillery Academy named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky.
Member of the war with Finland 1939-1940. Being a battery commander of the 94th Gaubic Artillery Shelf Senior Lieutenant Flerov distinguished himself in battles in the "Mannerheim Line" breakthrough.
In 1940, behind the heroism during the Soviet-Finnish war in the battles at the Lake Saunairvi was awarded the Order of the Red Star.
After the end of the fighting, he returned to study at the Academy. He lived in the city of Balashikha Moscow region.
From the first days of the Great Patriotic War took part in the battles.
Commanded on the Western Front a separate experimental battery of jet artillery from BM-13 installations (Katyusha). For the first time, the BM-13 installation was tested in combat conditions at 10 am on July 14, 1941 during the shelling of enemy troops and technology in the city of Rudnya, supporting the defending parts of the Red Army. And on July 16, a high efficiency was shown in the destruction of unheavacked Soviet echelons at the railway site of the city of Orsha. On October 7, 1941, the captain of Fleers, being surrounded, the heroic died.

In the early 1960s, Fleers appeared to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The presentation was signed by commander of missile troops and artillery of the land forces by Marshal Artillery K. P. Cossack. On November 14, 1963, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Ivan Andreevich Flerov was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.
On June 21, 1995 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (No. 619) for courage and heroism, manifested in the fight against the German-fascist invaders in the Great Patriotic War, Captain Flerov Ivan Andreevich was awarded the title of hero of the Russian Federation posthumously.
On March 5, 1998, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 111, the hero of the Russian Federation Captain Flerov Ivan Andreevich is forever enrolled in the lists of the Command Faculty of the Military Academy of Rocket Forces of Strategic Appointment (RVSN) named after Peter Great.
In the fall of 1995, a group of Vyazemsky search engines in 250 meters west of the village of Bogatyr found those killed along with the "Katyusha" artillery players. The remains of 7 rackets were found. Among them are identified the remains of Captain Flory. On October 6, 1995, all the remains are reburied next to the obelisk at the village of Bogatyr, established in memory of the feat of the racket.

The most massive and large-scale celebration of the birthday of Ivan Flory was held on the eve of the 50th anniversary of Victory - 1995. It was all the leadership of the area.

Family photo floors:

General view of the main exposure hall:

View to the right, to the exit:

Metric statement of the birth of Ivan Flory:

The pedigree the genus of the flora is prepared by the specialists of the state archive of the Lipetsk region:

Thematic exposures:

Letter Flero Zhenya from Front:

Do not forget about other two-stage heroes:

Here are such athletics of Fleroov's memory, when he was officially not a hero of Russia ...

In connection with interruptions in the camera, photo preparation was also used photos

Born on April 24, 1905 in the village of Tileracks of the Lipetsk region in the family of the employee. After graduating from the god school, he worked first in the village, then a student of a mechanic at the Borinsky sugar factory.

In 1926 he graduated from the School of Factory Apprenticeship (FMU) with a cast-iron plant in the city of Lipetsk. Here, as one of the best graduates of the school, she worked for some time a master's training master.

In 1927-1928, the urgent service was held in the Red Army, in artillery parts.

In 1933, it was called up for 45-day courses of stock officers and from that time remained in the army.

In 1939, he was enrolled by the listener of the Military Artillery Academy named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

Member of the war with Finland 1939-1940. Being a battery commander of the 94th Gaubic Artillery Shelf Senior Lieutenant Flerov distinguished himself in battles in the "Mannerheim Line" breakthrough.

In 1940, behind the heroism during the Soviet-Finnish war in the battles at Lake Suoyarvi was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

After the end of the fighting, he returned to study at the Academy. He lived in the city of Balashikha Moscow region.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War took part in the battles.

Commanded on the Western Front a separate experimental battery of jet artillery from BM-13 installations (Katyusha). For the first time, the BM-13 installation was tested in combat conditions during the shelling of enemy echelons at the railway station of Orsha, on July 14, 1941, which showed high efficiency. The next day, the battery under the command of Fleroov held a shelling of the columns of enemy troops under the city of Rudnya, supporting the defending parts of the Red Army.

Combat path during the Great Patriotic War

In the early days of the war, the captain of Fleers at the suggestion of the head of the Academy of Major General Govov was appointed commander of the first in the Red Army of a separate first experimental battery of jet artillery. On July 3, the battery, armed with five experienced and two serial combat machines M-13-16 (later by the name "Katyusha") and one 122-mm Gaubice used as a target, was sent to the West Front.

In addition, the battery was 44 cargo vehicles for transportation of 600 reactive shells M-13, 100 shells for a warmness, chant tool, three gas stations, seven daily food norms and other property. The personnel of the battery was 160 people (he left the environment to its 46 people).

On the night of July 3 (4), 1941 from Moscow on Mozhaisk highway, the battery of Captain Fleroov I. A. went to the front along the route: Moscow-Yartsevo-Smolensk-Orsha. Two days later (July 6), the battery arrived at the place and became part of the artillery of the 20th Army of the Western Front.

July 14, at 15.15 on the direct order of the Deputy Head of Artillery of the Western Front of General G. S. Karofilli Battery Fleroov produced a volley along the Railway Naros of Orsha. It was the first combat use of Katyush. There is a version that Soviet echelons were actually destroyed, in order to prevent them from entering the enemy. The second volley battery was destroyed by a pontoon bridge over the river Naroshitsa on the road Minsk-Moscow visited by German saphers on the site of the exploded by the traveling of the Western Front. The 17th tank division of the Wehrmacht fell under the blow. For 3 days, 17 tank division could not participate in hostilities. On July 15, three volley was helped to break the resistance of the German troops of the rude. The battery composed of the 42nd division took part in the Yelnitsky counteroffensive.

On October 2, the Flero Battery was surrounded by the Vyazemsky Boiler. The batteries were held on enemy rears more than 150 kilometers. The captain did everything possible in order to save the battery and break through his. When it came to the end of fuel, he ordered to charge the installations, and the remaining rockets and most of the transport vehicles explode.

On the night of October 7, the column of battery cars fell into an ambush near the village of Bogatyri (Znamensky district of the Smolensk region). Once in a hopeless position, the battery person accepted the battery. Under the squall fire, they blew cars. Many of them died. Being seriously wounded, the commander blew himself together with the headset.

  • From the combat reports of the commander of the first battery "Katyush" Captain I. A. Fleroova on July 14 - October 7, 1941:

14.7.1941 defeated the fascist echelons at the Orsha railway unit. The results are excellent. Solid Sea Fire. 7.x.1941 for 21 hours. Surrounded by the village of Bogatyr - 50 km from Vyazma. We will hold on to the end. No exit. We are preparing for a self-breaking. Goodbye comrades.


  • Order of the Red Star
  • Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree (posthumously)
  • Medal "Golden Star" Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously)


In the early 1960s, Fleers appeared to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The presentation was signed by commander of missile troops and artillery of the land forces by Marshal Artillery K. P. Cossack. On November 14, 1963, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Ivan Andreevich Flerov was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.

On June 21, 1995 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (No. 619) for courage and heroism, manifested in the fight against the German-fascist invaders in the Great Patriotic War, Captain Flerov Ivan Andreevich was awarded the title of hero of the Russian Federation posthumously.

On March 5, 1998, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 111, the hero of the Russian Federation Captain Flerov Ivan Andreevich is forever enrolled in the lists of the Command Faculty of the Military Academy of Rocket Forces of Strategic Appointment (RVSN) named after Peter Great.

In the fall of 1995, the group of Vyazemsky search engines found in 250 meters the west of the village of Bogatyr (village) of those killed together with the "Katyusha" artilleryrs. The remains of 7 rackets were found. Among them are identified the remains of Captain Flory. On October 6, 1995, all the remains are reburied next to the obelisk at the village of Bogatyr, established in memory of the feat of the racket.

  • Monuments are built in honor of the rake of the battery:
    • At the village of Bogatyr (Smolensk region)
    • In the city of Orsha
    • In the city of Rudnya
    • In the city of Balashikha
    • In the city of Pavlovo (Nizhny Novgorod region)
    • At the village of Zamenka Smolensk region)
    • In the city of Mud (Lipetsk region). On May 8, 1982, the Guards mortar "Katyusha" was installed at the pedestal, brought from Rzhev member of the war A. I. Timofeev; The monument was dedicated to I. A. Flerov.
    • At the homeland of the hero in the village of Tweak, the Memorial Museum of I. A. Fleroov was opened on May 9, 1975.
    • In Moscow, at home number 7, on Polikarpova Street, where the battery of Captain Flory was gathered, a memorable board was installed.
  • Flora name is worn:
    • street in Lipetsk
    • street in the city of Mud
    • street in the city of Orsha
    • street in the city of Balashikha
    • street in the village Zamenka
    • street in the village of Solovyovo Smolensk region
    • state farm in the Smolensk region
    • central Square Village Twire
    • high School No. 3 of Balashikha