Life path of my great-grandfather Stepan Kuzmich Permyakov. Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov: biography

Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov (1906-1944) - The hero of the USSR , participant Great Patriotic War , guard colonel, native Dobrinsky district Lipetsk region.


Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov was born December 18 1906 year in the village Talitsky Chamlyk (now - Dobrinsky district Lipetsk region) in a peasant family. He graduated from the 4th grade of the parish school. IN 1927 year left for the capital Of Uzbekistan town Tashkent for the construction of a dam, worked as a concrete worker.

Six days of an offensive in the rear of the enemy became a new battle page in history armored forces Red Army ... Not only ours, but also the foreign press wrote about this. Tankmen of the 24th Panzer Corps under the command of General V.M.Badanov cut a number of important enemy communications and inflicted serious damage on its reserves. The actions of the brigades were so swift and unexpected that the Germans mistook them for raids. partisan ... Raid soviet tank crews was truly heroic - the Nazis had to remove from the nearest to Stalingrad section of tank formations and throw them to eliminate the deep breakthrough of our tankers.


An excerpt characterizing Nesterov, Stepan Kuzmich

While such conversations were taking place in the reception room and in the princess's rooms, the carriage with Pierre (for whom it was sent) and with Anna Mikhailovna (who found it necessary to go with him) drove into the courtyard of Count Bezukhoi. When the wheels of the carriage softly sounded on the straw laid under the windows, Anna Mikhailovna, turning to her companion with comforting words, made sure that he was sleeping in the corner of the carriage, and woke him up. Having regained consciousness, Pierre followed Anna Mikhailovna out of the carriage and then only thought of the meeting with his dying father that awaited him. He noticed that they had arrived not at the front entrance, but at the back entrance. While he was stepping off the steps, two men in bourgeois clothes hurriedly ran away from the entrance to the shadow of the wall. Pausing, Pierre saw in the shadow of the house on both sides several more people of the same kind. But neither Anna Mikhailovna, nor the footman, nor the coachman, who could not help seeing these people, paid attention to them. Therefore, this is so necessary, Pierre decided with himself, and followed Anna Mikhailovna. Anna Mikhailovna hurried up the dimly lit narrow stone staircase, beckoning Pierre, who was behind her, who, although he did not understand why he had to go to the count at all, and even less why he had to go up the back staircase, but judging by Anna Mikhailovna's confidence and haste, he decided to himself that it was necessary. Halfway down the stairs, they were nearly knocked off their feet by some people with buckets, who, with their boots clattering, ran to meet them. These people pressed against the wall to let Pierre and Anna Mikhailovna pass, and did not show the slightest surprise at the sight of them.
- Are half princesses here? - Anna Mikhailovna asked one of them ...
“Here,” the footman answered in a bold, loud voice, as if everything was possible now, “the door is to the left, mother.
“Maybe the count didn’t call me,” said Pierre as he walked out onto the platform, “I would go to my place.
Anna Mikhailovna stopped to catch up with Pierre.
- Ah, mon ami! - she said with the same gesture as with her son in the morning, touching his hand: - croyez, que je souffre autant, que vous, mais soyez homme. [Believe me, I suffer as much as you do, but be a man.]
- Right, I'll go? - asked Pierre, affectionately looking through his glasses at Anna Mikhailovna.
- Ah, mon ami, oubliez les torts qu "on a pu avoir envers vous, pensez que c" est votre pere ... peut etre al "agonie. - She sighed. - Je vous ai tout de suite aime comme mon fils. Fiez vous a moi, Pierre. Je n "oublirai pas vos interets. [Forget, my friend, what was wrong against you. Remember that this is your father ... Maybe in agony. I immediately fell in love with you as a son. Trust me, Pierre. I will not forget your interests.]
Pierre did not understand anything; again it seemed to him even more strongly that all this must be so, and he obediently followed Anna Mikhailovna, who had already opened the door.
The door opened into the forward reverse. In the corner sat an old servant of the princes knitting a stocking. Pierre had never been in this half, did not even assume the existence of such chambers. Anna Mikhailovna asked the girl who was overtaking them, with a decanter on a tray (calling her sweet and dear) about the health of the princesses, and drew Pierre further along the stone corridor. From the corridor, the first door to the left led into the living rooms of the princesses. The maid, with a decanter, in a hurry (as everything was done in a hurry at this moment in this house) did not close the doors, and Pierre and Anna Mikhailovna, passing by, involuntarily glanced into the room where, talking, the elder princess sat close to each other with Prince Vasily. Seeing those passing by, Prince Vasily made an impatient movement and leaned back; The princess jumped up and, with a desperate gesture, slammed the door with all her might, shutting it.
This gesture was so different from the princess's usual calmness, the fear expressed on Prince Vasily's face was so unusual for his importance that Pierre, stopping inquiringly through his glasses, looked at his leader.
Anna Mikhailovna did not express surprise, she only smiled slightly and sighed, as if showing that she had expected all this.
- Soyez homme, mon ami, c "est moi qui veillerai a vos interets, [Be a man, my friend, I will look after your interests.] - she said in response to his glance and walked even faster down the corridor.
Pierre did not understand what the matter was, and even less what veiller a vos interets meant, [to look after your interests,] but he understood that all this should be so. They went through the corridor into a semi-lighted room adjacent to the count's reception. It was one of those cold and luxurious rooms that Pierre knew from the front porch. But even in this room, in the middle, there was an empty bathtub and water was spilled over the carpet. A servant and a clerk with a censer came out to meet them on tiptoe, not paying attention to them. They entered the reception room, familiar to Pierre, with two Italian windows, access to the winter garden, with a large bust and full-length portrait of Catherine. All the same people, in almost the same positions, sat whispering in the waiting room. They all fell silent and looked back at Anna Mikhailovna, who had come in, with her tear-stained, pale face, and at the fat, big Pierre, who, bowing his head, obediently followed her.
Anna Mikhailovna's face expressed the realization that the decisive moment had come; she, with the receptions of a business lady from Petersburg, entered the room, not letting go of Pierre, even bolder than in the morning. She felt that since she was leading the one whom the dying wished to see, her reception was assured. With a quick glance at everyone who was in the room, and noticing the count's confessor, she, not only bending down, but suddenly becoming smaller, swam up to the confessor with a small amble and respectfully accepted the blessing of one, then another clergyman.
“Thank God that we had time,” she said to the clergyman, “all of us, relatives, were so afraid. This young man is the son of a count, ”she added more quietly. - Awful minute!
Having said these words, she went to the doctor.
“Cher docteur,” she said to him, “ce jeune homme est le fils du comte ... y a t il de l" espoir? [This young man is the son of the count ... Is there any hope?]
The doctor silently, with a quick movement raised his eyes and shoulders up. Anna Mikhaylovna lifted her shoulders and eyes in exactly the same movement, almost closing them, sighed and walked away from the doctor to Pierre. She addressed Pierre with a particularly respectful and gentle sadness.
- Ayez confiance en Sa misericorde, [Trust His mercy,] - she said to him, showing him a sofa to sit down to wait for her, she herself silently went to the door, which everyone was looking at, and after the faint sound of this door disappeared behind her.
Pierre, having decided to obey his leader in everything, went to the sofa, which she had shown him. As soon as Anna Mikhailovna disappeared, he noticed that the gazes of everyone in the room, more than curious and sympathetic, were directed at him. He noticed that everyone was whispering, pointing at him with their eyes, as if with fear and even with servility. He was shown respect, which had never been shown before: a lady unknown to him, who spoke to the clergy, got up from her seat and invited him to sit down, the adjutant picked up the glove dropped by Pierre and handed it to him; the doctors fell silent respectfully as he passed them and stepped aside to make room for him. First, Pierre wanted to sit in another seat so as not to embarrass the lady; he wanted to lift his glove himself and bypass the doctors, who did not even stand in the road; but he suddenly felt that it would be indecent, he felt that this night he was a person who was obliged to perform some terrible and expected rite, and that therefore he had to accept services from everyone. He silently accepted the glove from the adjutant, sat down in the lady's place, putting his large hands on symmetrically exposed knees, in the naive pose of an Egyptian statue, and decided to himself that all this should be so, and that he should not to get lost and not do stupid things, one should not act according to one's own considerations, but one must leave oneself completely to the will of those who led him.
Less than two minutes later, Prince Vasily, in his caftan with three stars, majestically, carrying his head high, entered the room. He seemed thinner in the morning; his eyes were larger than usual when he looked around the room and saw Pierre. He walked over to him, took his hand (which he had never done before) and pulled it down, as if he wanted to test if it was holding on tightly.
- Courage, courage, mon ami. Il a demande a vous voir. C "est bien ... [Do not lose heart, do not lose heart, my friend. He wanted to see you. That's good ...] - and he wanted to go.
But Pierre saw fit to ask:
- How is your health…
He hesitated, not knowing whether it was proper to call the dying one a count; to call him a father was ashamed.
- Il a eu encore un coup, il y a une demi heure. There was also a blow. Courage, mon ami ... [Half an hour ago he had another stroke. Cheer up, my friend ...]
Pierre was in such a state of vague thought that at the word "blow" he imagined a blow from some body. He, perplexed, looked at Prince Vasily and only then realized that a blow is called a disease. Prince Vasily said a few words to Lorrain as he walked and walked through the door on tiptoe. He could not walk on tiptoe and jumped awkwardly with his whole body. The eldest princess followed him, then the clergy and clergymen walked, people (servants) also passed through the door. Behind this door was heard movement, and finally, with the same pale but firm face in the performance of duty, Anna Mikhailovna ran out and, touching Pierre's hand, said:
- La bonte divine est inepuisable. C "est la ceremonie de l" extreme onction qui va commencer. Venez. [The mercy of God is inexhaustible. Unction will begin now. Let's go.]
Pierre went through the door, stepping on the soft carpet, and noticed that both the adjutant, and the unknown lady, and some other servant, all followed him, as if now there was no need to ask permission to enter this room.

A. Greshnov

Spring was early this year. The foliage blossomed violently on the trees. Local old-timers predicted a hot dry summer. And the villagers, anticipating the warmth, in the evenings gathered at the club and discussed everyday problems.
The villagers liked this time of year. The annoying mosquitoes have not yet appeared, and the ice drift on the Nerl River ahead of time, revealing all the beauty of the ancient churches. of which there were sufficient numbers in the village.
At the edge of the village stood a house with a spreading oak tree near it. It was evident from everything that the oak was more than one hundred years old.
For about ten years now, retired colonel Stepan Kuzmich Polovetsky has lived in the house. The villagers used to say that Stepan Kuzmich was alone and living a reclusive life.
Only sometimes a "cool" foreign car drove up to the house. A beautiful young woman was driving the car, she was dressed exquisitely. It was the daughter of Stepan Kuzmich - Tatiana.
The colonel selflessly loved his daughter, and stood for a long time at the window, waiting for her arrival. Fate decreed that except for his daughter Stepan Kuzmich had no one. Therefore, all thoughts were only about her. Sister Lyudmila died long ago. Not so long ago, the colonel buried his wife, with whom he was already divorced. And only daughter Tatiana sometimes brightened up his loneliness.
Stepan Kuzmich will soon be sixty-five years old. God did not offend him with his health. A career in the army was a success. All is well, only the worm "sharpens the soul." How is she there? Why doesn't she get married? When will he grow up? Kuzmich mentally asks these questions to his daughter. Very often the colonel “flips through” the years of his life and tries to understand why it so happened that he became a stranger to her.
There was a knock, the door creaked open, and Viktor Ivanovich, a physical education teacher at a rural school, stood on the threshold. In his hands another catch was "trembling": - Stepan Kuzmich, today is the day of air defense, it should be noted, - the teacher smiled, exposing his even, snow-white teeth.
It was decided to cook the fish soup. Well, what an ear without a hundred grams. In such a case, the colonel always had a reserve, and it would be foolish to hide it. We started cooking fish soup. A variety of fish made it possible to cook a double fish soup, which was especially appreciated by local fishermen.
… March 8, 1980 was special. Not only was it festive and sunny, information was received that he, Lieutenant Polovetsky, became a father. When he came to the maternity ward of the district hospital, the head of the department took the lieutenant aside and asked - whom are you, a young man, a boy or a girl?
- Girl! - almost without thinking, he shouted. So Kuzmich was "presented" with a daughter on the 8th of March. She was small and neat. Stepan Kuzmich looked through the window at this miracle of nature and was immensely happy. The lieutenant dreamed of his beloved daughter, who should, in the near future, become his continuation in every sense. As a token of gratitude, a huge bouquet of roses decorated the office of the head of the department.
When everyone returned home, the father-in-law carefully asked the young father: "What will we call our daughter?" Kuzmich was ready to answer. The wife wanted to call her daughter Svetlana.
“You don’t understand anything in life,” said the father-in-law and took out some Korean book (he is Korean by nationality). I leafed through it for a long time, read it carefully, and then said: “HER NAME IS TATIANA,” he put an end to it. Now this case is irrelevant. However, Kuzmich began to lose his daughter even then, showing weakness.
Tatiana grew rapidly, gained weight. A beautiful face has already appeared, but the character has also appeared. When Stepan Kuzmich was leaving to serve on Far East, he and his wife agree - first he will settle down, and then he will take the family. And so it happened. Of course, we flew to Primorye by plane, the flight was 9 hours. It's hard to even imagine, but Tanechka jumped on the lap of mom and dad. And from everything it was clear that she liked this situation, because with each jump she squealed. In order to get tired, she began to get to know her neighbors. And she got acquainted in a peculiar way.
To the left sat a solid-looking man. A starched shirt, a wide strict tie, and a serious appraising
glance, made it clear that he was one of the chiefs. It was clear to me, but not to Tatiana. She held out her hands to the man. He reciprocated and sat her on his knees. Suddenly, streams flowed down the shirt and trousers, Stepan Kuzmich grabbed Tatyana, but it was too late. The man sat with a bewildered look, all wet. By the way, it happened well at the beginning of the flight and there was enough time for everything to dry up. The stewardess found a dry spot in the rear of the plane. And Stepan Kuzmich sat in the place of this man, having previously covered the wet place with oilcloth, and then with a diaper. So we flew to Vladivostok.
After the plane landed, when everyone was invited to the exit, the man waited for Stepan Kuzmich and held out his hand. Firmly grasping his palm, he smiled and said: "Well, you, starley, give it!" Stepan Kuzmich never saw this man again.
From the very beginning, the seaside climate did not suit Tatyana. Illnesses began one after another. Every month she was treated for bronchitis, which alternated with pneumonia. And when Stepan Kuzmich was transferred to serve in the Transcaucasus, the whole family breathed a sigh of relief. Tatiana stopped being ill. Hot dry climate, abundance of vegetables and fruits did their job. At first he served near the city of Mingachevir in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Stepan Kuzmich had no time to deal with his daughter, and his wife believed that it would be all by itself. Tatiana was very capable childbut was a little lazy. She grew up a good, sociable girl. Has always been in the center. Her friends respected her very much. In a word, a leader in a team. It was time to go to school, but there was no school. Rather, there was a school, but not complete. The teacher held classes for all classes in one room. Tatiana studied well, but the quality of education wanted to be much better.
Nevertheless, she was witty, turning into a rather beautiful girl. The metisks are all beautiful: in an oriental way, enlarged eyes, oval face, long, almost to the toes, thick brown hair, she is not devoid of intelligence. All this made Tatyana stand out among her peers. In addition, the fact that Stepan Kuzmich always held leading positions and was a subject of pride and permissiveness played in the negative direction.
At school and with friends, she was arrogant. Kuzmich saw this and suggested, but all his comments were perceived as nit-picking. I would not like to shift all responsibility for the results of upbringing to his wife, but Tatyana grew up selfish. And everyone in the family loved her. And only the father-in-law constantly reminded that you will reap the fruits of your upbringing. And he was right! Kuzmich was blinded by his love for his daughter. And at the same time, the time has come to enter the university. The choice fell on the medical institute. “I will be like grandmother,” she said convincingly.
These words for Stepan Kuzmich became a guide to action. He made every effort and acquaintance. Tatiana became a student at the Ivanovo Medical Academy. Enroll in prestigious university very few people succeeded. And every admission aroused the envy of Tatiana's classmates. Tatiana was in the "tenth heaven" and walked with her head held high. However, this was only part of the iceberg. It's time to learn. And here words do not always coincide with deeds. She failed the first session miserably. The analysis showed that my daughter was missing classes and had a "spree". Kuzmich did everything so that his daughter was not expelled. But everything was repeated at the next session and all subsequent ones. In the end, Tatiana announced that she did not intend to continue her studies. And this is after so much suffering. In the sixth year of study, Kuzmich with tears in his eyes took the documents. The officer could not bear this blow. The stroke was followed by Parkinson's disease.
Already there could be no talk of military career... But the misadventures continued. After being transferred to the reserve, the colonel underwent a brain operation, but it was unsuccessful. After a while, he felt the same pain. They offered a second operation - refused. It was then that Kuzmich decided to move away from civilization. I bought a small house in a village with a plot, fishing spots all around. From April to November, Kuzmich lived in a village house, and for the winter he moved to an apartment.
Once a wife came to the village. Surprisingly, she was helpful, accommodating. The conversation went on all day. His wife convinced Kuzmich that he should donate his share of the city apartment to Tatyana, otherwise she would be left without a roof over her head.
For Stepan Kuzmich, there could be no other solutions. The daughter has nowhere to live and he easily signs a deed of gift. And then the real miracles began. Somewhere a month after the conversation with his wife, Tatyana appeared, she spent the whole day in the village. Going home, she, as if by chance, said - Dad, you would have moved somewhere to live, because I have already registered your share of the apartment for myself.
Kuzmich did not expect such a turn of events, and asked his daughter - And where am I? - and heard a "worthy answer" - you have many friends, you will live with them. And if you resist, we will act differently.
The colonel could not believe his eyes, was it really his daughter?
Kuzmich thought, thought and slowly began to collect his things ..
The ear turned out to be notable. There was an incredible smell in the room.
Potatoes from last year's harvest were smoking on the table in a cast-iron pot, pickles stood separately in a jar, and a bottle of moonshine seemed to rise above the table. Everyone was waiting for the command.
And only Kuzmich stood at the window and looked at the road, which twisted and went beyond the horizon.
What Kuzmich was thinking was known only to him.

18.12.1906 - 20.10.1944
Hero Soviet Union
Dates of decrees
1. 19.04.1945


Hesterov Stepan Kuzmich - deputy commander of the 2nd Guards Red Banner Tatsinsky Tank Corps for the combat unit of the 3rd Belorussian Front, guards colonel.

Born on December 5 (18), 1906 in the village of Talitsky Chamlyk, now in the Dobrinsky District of the Lipetsk Region, into a large peasant family. Russian. He graduated from the 4th grade of the parish school. In 1927 he left for the capital of Uzbekistan, the city of Tashkent, to build a dam, worked as a concrete worker.

In 1928 he was drafted into the Red Army, with which he forever linked his life. He served in cavalry units. After graduating from the courses for junior commanders, he becomes the squadron commander, and then the foreman of the squadron. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1932.

In the early thirties, tank and mechanized units were created in the Red Army. The best personnel were selected for the service. Stepan Nesterov was among the tankers. In 1935, having successfully completed the Leningrad Armored Course, he became a tank commander, and after a while - a tank platoon commander.

During the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-40, S.K. Nesterov was the chief of staff of a tank battalion. In 1941 he graduated by correspondence Military academy armored and mechanized troops.

Since October 1941, Nesterov - on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War... At first he was chief of staff of a tank battalion, and then a regiment. In June 1942, Nesterov assumed command of the 130th Tank Brigade of the 24th Tank Corps. Nesterov's tankers took part in bloody battles near Stary Oskol, in holding a bridgehead on the western bank of the Don in the Korotoyak area.

On November 19, 1942, the historic battle to defeat the Nazis on the Volga began. The skill and experience of the brigade commander Nesterov were especially manifested in one of the most daring operations of the Great Patriotic War from the point of view of military leadership. It was deployed after the encirclement of German troops at Stalingrad. To push back the outer front of this encirclement, the High Command decided to deliver two descending blows on the western bank of the Don.

Six days of an offensive against enemy rear lines became a new page in the history of armor tank troops Red Army. Not only ours, but also the foreign press wrote about this. Tankmen of the 24th Panzer Corps under the command of General V.M. Badanov, a number of important communications of the enemy were cut, inflicted serious damage on his reserves. The actions of the brigades were so swift and unexpected that the fascists mistook them for partisan raids. The only wonder was where the partisans got such a huge number of tanks? The raid of our tankers was truly heroic - the Nazis had to remove tank formations from the sector nearest to Stalingrad and send them to liquidate the deep penetration of our tankers.

At the Tatsinskaya station, which the 130th brigade took in a night battle, the village and the enemy airfield were captured, hundreds of aircraft, tanks, guns, thousands of soldiers and officers were destroyed. The Nazis prepared the planes for takeoff, the engines were started. But I had to surrender - the runway was occupied soviet tanks... For military merits during the Middle Don operation on December 26, 1942, the 24th Panzer Corps, which included Nesterov's brigade, was transformed into the 2nd Guards Tank Corps and was awarded the honorary title "Tatsinsky". The 130th Tank Brigade became the 26th Guards.

After the victory soviet troops on the Volga, the 26th Guards Tank Brigade takes part in the Orel Battle of Kursk - in the famous battle near Prokhorovka, the lieutenant colonel personally led the tankers into the attack, being in the heat of the battle. The brigade smashes the fascists in the Belgorod direction. In August 1943, as part of the corps, it was transferred to Western front... Here tankmen under the command of brigade commander Nesterov liberate Smolensk and Yelnya. For the excellent execution of the command order to defeat the enemy in Yelnya, the brigade receives the honorary name "Yelninskaya".

In April 1944, the 2nd Guards Tatsinsky Corps became part of the 3rd Belorussian Front. Units of Nesterov's brigade in the early morning of July 3, 1944 were among the first to break into the southeastern outskirts of the capital of Belarus - Minsk. For the liberation of Minsk and the successful battles in Belarus, the 26th Guards Tank Brigade was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In the future, the Nesterovites contributed to the encirclement of a large enemy grouping and participated in its liquidation.

After the liberation of Belarus, the soldiers of the 26th guards brigade smash the enemy in Lithuania. Nesterov's tankers especially distinguished themselves during the liberation of Vilnius and the crossing of the Neman, for which the brigade was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree.

When the tankers approached the border with East Prussia, Colonel Nesterov parted ways with his brigade, with which he went along the front roads from the Don to Lithuania. He, as one of the most experienced and talented commanders, was appointed deputy commander of the 2nd Guards Tatsin Tank Corps.

The deputy commander of the 2nd Guards Red Banner Tatsinsky Tank Corps for the combat unit (3rd Belorussian Front), Guards Colonel Stepan Nesterov in October 1944 led the crossing of the Pissa River by formations and units of the corps in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Kassuben, located 14 kilometers away south of the city Stallupenen, now the city of Nesterov in the Kaliningrad region, and ensured their further successful actions. At the head of one of the tank brigades, he resolutely pursued the enemy.

On the morning of October 16, the Gumbinnen offensive operation began with a powerful, almost two-hour, artillery and aviation preparation. To pursue the retreating enemy along the current Kaliningrad-Nesterov highway, units of the 2nd Guards Tatsinsky Red Banner Tank Corps of Lieutenant General A.S. Burdeyny. Not allowing the enemy to recover, the tankmen boldly attacked his scattered units, moving further and further into the depths of East Prussia. They acted decisively on the left flank, where the offensive of the 26th tank and 4th motorized rifle brigades was coordinated by Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov.

One of the heavy obstacles on the way of the Soviet troops was the Pissa river, small, but with banks very inconvenient for the passage of tanks. When our tanks came close to the river, the enemy met them with strong artillery fire. Guard Colonel Nesterov, choosing the most vulnerable spot in the enemy defense, ordered the tank landing forces to force the Pissa. The enemy least expected a blow from the swampy section of the river. At the town of Kassuben, they managed to force the river.

Developing the offensive, the tankers, supported by a motorized rifle brigade, reached the city of Stallupenen. At the height of the battle on October 20, 1944, Guards Colonel Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov was killed by a German bullet to the west of the town of Kassuben (now the village of Ilyinskoye, Nesterovsky District, Kaliningrad Region). However, the operation, begun under the skillful leadership of S.K. Nesterov, was completed with honor: his subordinates took the city of Stallupenen and the fascist division "Hermann Goering" was defeated. The bridgehead for the general offensive of the Red Army against East Prussia was conquered.

Guard Colonel S.K. Nesterov was originally buried with military honors in a park in Kaunas (Lithuania). Later he was reburied in a mass grave in the town of Nesterov, Kaliningrad Region.

Haveby the kaz of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1945 for courage and heroism shown in the fight against the German fascist invaders, to the guard colonel Nesterov Stepan Kuzmich posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

He was awarded 2 Orders of Lenin, Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Suvorov, 2nd degree, Alexander Nevsky, Red Star, medals.

The first city of Stallupenen conquered on the territory of the enemy, near which the life of the guard lieutenant colonel was interrupted, was named after him - Nesterov. In the very center of the city of Nesterov, in 1956, a plaster bust of the Hero was installed in the city, which in 2005 was replaced with a bronze one. Also a bust of S.K. Nesterov was installed in the village of Dobrinka, Lipetsk region. One of the streets of Lipetsk, a diesel locomotive Kaliningradskaya, was named after Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov. railroad, secondary school the village of Talitsky Chamlyk, Dobrinsky district, Lipetsk region, on the building of which a memorial plaque is installed. Also, a memorial plaque was installed in honor of the Hero at one of the stations of the Kaliningrad railway.

Biographical material, photos of the Hero and his monuments were kindly provided to the site "Heroes of the Country" by Galina Suseyeva (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

“... From the morning of October 20, to develop the success of the troops of the 11th Guards Army, the 2nd Guards Tatsinsky Tank Corps of General A.S. Burdeyny in the band of the 16th Guards rifle corps... His immediate task was to defeat the opposing enemy and reach the line of the Rominte River. In the future, under cover of part of the forces from the west at the turn of the Angerap River, advance on Gumbinnen and capture this important enemy defense center. The actions of the tank corps in the offensive on Gumbinnen were reinforced by the 11th Guards Rifle Division.

The Nazis launched fierce counterattacks from the Jetsunen area in the direction of Kassuben.

At the turn of the Pissa River in the Kassuben area, the deputy commander of the 2nd Guards Tank Corps, Guards Colonel S.K. Nesterov. No matter how small Pissa is, you cannot compare it with either the Berezina or the Neman, but the crossing through it turned out to be difficult. The enemy had well fortified all approaches to the river, kept them under heavy artillery and mortar-machine-gun fire, and continuously launched counterattacks. Nevertheless, they managed to force the river near the town of Kassuben. Guard Colonel S.K. Nesterov was truly a fearless person. Risking his life every minute, he invariably appeared in the most difficult and dangerous areas. And when this calm, reserved officer gave orders with exceptional composure, it was impossible not to carry them out. The power of example is a great power!

The heroic actions of the Soviet guards were crowned with success. The enemy, entrenched at the Pissa line, was crushed, mostly exterminated, and the remnants of his units were randomly retreating. While repelling one of the counterattacks, west of Kassuben, the guard Colonel S.K. Nesterov was mortally wounded by an enemy machine gunner's bullet.

On April 19, 1945, Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his courage and bravery. The first city of Stallupenen conquered on enemy territory, near which the hero's life was interrupted, was named after him. In the very center of the city of Nesterov, a monument to the brave tankman rises ... "

From the message about the death of S.K. Nesterov to his parents:

“Dear Kuzma Alekseevich and Natalya Petrovna! Your son Stepan Kuzmich died a heroic death while breaking through the enemy defenses in East Prussia. He gave all his strength and his life to the last drop of blood for the great cause of victory, for the honor and freedom of our Motherland. The loss is heavy. But the soldiers and officers of Nesterov did not flinch in battle, and for the death of their commander they brutally avenged the enemy. Thousands of fascists were crushed by the tracks of the tanks of the Guards Colonel Nesterov. Enemies rushed about in fear and horror, but nowhere they found salvation. There was no mercy for them and no. The entire path of Nesterov tankers from the border of East Prussia to the city of Konigsberg is strewn with the corpses of the Nazis. This is our revenge for the death of your son. We are proud that the hero of the Patriotic War Stepan Kuzmich Nesterov grew up in our family. Be courageous and you, dear parents of the hero, whose honor and dignity he has glorified forever.

I wish you strength and health. With deep respect to you, Guard Lieutenant-General of Tank Forces A.S. Burdeyny ".

Stepan Kuzmich Ostapenko (1909-1943) - Chief of Intelligence of the 131st Guards Artillery Regiment, Guard Senior Lieutenant. The hero of the USSR.


Born on March 28, 1909 in the village of Dmitrievka (now - Balakovsky district, Saratov region). Russian. He graduated from the Tersin Agricultural College in 1931 and the Higher Agricultural School in 1936. In the period from 1931 to 1934 he worked as a livestock technician at the state farm "Pogranichny", on the eve of the Great Patriotic War he was the editor of a regional newspaper. Drafted into the ranks of the Red Army in 1940. Re-called in 1941. Participated in soviet-Finnish war 1939-1940 years. From July 1942 to October 1943 he fought on the Voronezh, Steppe and 2nd Ukrainian fronts. He took part in the battles near Voronezh, in the Battle of Kursk and the liberation of Ukraine. The command was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He did not manage to receive high awards of the Motherland, he died in battle. For a long time, the fate of the Hero remained unknown. He was buried in a mass grave in the village of Lozovatka, Kryvyi Rih District, Dnepropetrovsk Region, Ukraine.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 22, 1944, for the courage and courage shown during the crossing of the Dnieper, the capture and holding of a bridgehead on the western bank of the river, the guard senior lieutenant Ostapenko Stepan Kuzmich was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union.

He was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Medal For Courage.


  • Heroes of the Soviet Union: Brief biographical dictionary / Prev ed. Collegium I. N. Shkadov. - Moscow: Military Publishing, 1988. - T. 2 / Lyubov - Yashchuk /. - 863 p. - 100,000 copies - ISBN 5-203-00536-2.
  • Rumyantsev N.M.People of legendary feat. - Saratov, 1968.

My great grandfather, Permyakov Stepan Kuzmich was born on January 10, 1921 in the Kurgan region, the village of Krasnaya Khatka (Shlyapino).

The family had three sisters: Vera, Masha, Galya and Stepan Kuzmich, the eldest great-grandfather of all. As a teenager, he helped his father plow, sow and harvest. After leaving school, he worked on a collective farm in various jobs. At that time they did not pay money for work, they gave out grain and feed. Life was difficult.

When the war started Stepan Kuzmich was 20 years old, he served in the army. On June 22, radio announced that Germany had attacked the Soviet Union and that the bombing of Soviet cities had begun.

On September 14, 1941 he went to the front. He ended up in the 34th regiment of the NKVF troops as a driver, he had to deliver ammunition and everything he needed to the front line.

By order of the chief of the NKVD troops of the USSR, Major General Comrade Apollonov On October 3, 1941, the regiment departed from near Moscow to the front in the direction of the city of Orel.

In view of the fact that before the regiment arrived at its destination, Oryol was occupied by the enemy, the regiment disembarked on October 5, 1941, in the city of Mtsensk, where it finished its formation and began to perform the combat mission assigned to it by the command of the 4th Tank Brigade. 1st Guards Tank Brigade.

The regiment was tasked with acting as a forward detachment to ensure the concentration of Red Army units and their defense in the area of \u200b\u200bMtsensk. In accordance with this task, the regiment took up defensive positions on the southern and southwestern approaches to the city of Mtsensk, with an attached artillery division as support at the firing positions of the western outskirts of the city.

On October 9, 1941, the subdivisions of the regiment entered into battle with the advance units of the enemy, acting in contact with the 4th tank brigade. The enemy was advancing in massed groups of tanks, followed by infantry in cooperation with aviation. Despite the superiority of the enemy forces, the regiment during October 9-10, 1941, several times repelled the attacks of the Germans and held the occupied line. With the onset of darkness on October 10, 1941, in accordance with the order received, the regiment withdrew to a new defensive line, taking up defenses in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village. Dolmatovo.

As a result of the battles near the town of Mtsensk, the regiment destroyed 14 tanks, two tankettes, two armored vehicles, two guns, two aircraft, and scattered up to two battalions of infantry. In these battles, the regiment had losses: killed - 30 people, wounded - 91 people, missing while retreating - 331 people. a significant number of which subsequently emerged from the enemy's encirclement and joined the regiment and military units Red Army), wrecked cars - 8, heavy machine guns - 6, large-caliber - 1, light machine guns - 7, rifles - 40, anti-tank guns - 3, TT pistols - 2.

Among the wounded from the explosion of an enemy mine, he was wounded in the right and left forearms and my great-grandfather Stepan Kuzmich... He was sent to the hospital, but it turned out to be more difficult there than at the front - to see the injuries of the soldiers, so he soon returned to the front.

After being cured in a hospital in Tambov, he was sent to the 19th Separate Cadet Rifle Brigade, where he served as a driver in a special department. 19 A separate cadet rifle brigade began to form in accordance with the Decree of the State Defense Committee of 10/14/1941 “On the formation of 50 rifle brigades»In the fall of 1941 in the Oryol military district. Formed by the end of November 1941 near Tambov and received the name "19th cadet brigade". On November 30, parts of the brigade plunged into echelons and two days later arrived in Moscow in the concentration area. Over the course of several days, the brigade was transferred to various areas.

When re-staffing the brigade Stepan Kuzmich sent to the 816 Separate Motor Transport Battalion, in which he arrived in the 3rd Reserve Motor Transport Regiment on the 2nd Belorussian Front, where he served as a company foreman.

My great grandfather Stepan Kuzmich he skillfully coped with his duties: he provided everything necessary for the combat training of the company, and also conducted the classes at the direction of the company commander; showed concern for his subordinates; followed appearance soldiers and sergeants of the company, made them an individual fit of uniforms and shoes; demanded that the soldiers and sergeants of the company observe military discipline, the daily routine; distributed orders for service and work between platoons, personally checked the correctness of order management in platoons; monitored the exact performance of duties by the company duty officer; gave out ammunition for guards and weapons to soldiers and sergeants with the permission of the company commander, and to the duty unit - by order of the regiment duty officer, personally receive them and inspect them after delivery; received and examined weapons and other material supplies entering the company, strictly monitored their availability; organized storage and accounting of received military regulations, manuals and teaching aids, as well as their issuance for temporary use; monitored the implementation of the rules for the heating of furnaces.

Summer 1944 Marshal of the Soviet Union Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky ordered to move the command post of the 2nd Belorussian Front, which was previously in a small village, in a forest, closer to the front line. The village, located in an open area, by that time had already been bombed more than once - obviously, the enemy guessed about the deployment of a large headquarters in it. The preparation offensive operation would have caused even more intensive traffic in the area of \u200b\u200bheadquarters and hardly passed the attention of enemy intelligence.

In a directive dated November 28, 1944, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command ordered the troops of the 2nd Belorussian fronts and the neighboring 3rd Belorussian fronts to deliver two powerful sweeping strikes from the regions south and north of the Mazurian Lakes on the flanks of Army Group Center. Before the troops of the two fronts, the task was set: to break through the enemy's defenses and, developing an offensive on Marienburg and Konigsberg, reach the sea, cut off the Nazi troops defending here from the main forces, and then, dismembering the surrounded formations, destroy them in parts, clear the territory of East Prussia from the enemy and Northern Poland.

The 2nd Belorussian Front was tasked with routing the enemy grouping and on the tenth-eleventh on the day of the offensive, reach the line Myshinets, Villenberg, M. Bezhun, Plock, and then advance towards Nove Miasto, Marienburg.

My great grandfather Permyakov Stepan Kuzmich reached Konisberg, but during one of the battles he was wounded and sent to the hospital, after which he was commissioned with the rank of foreman.

For military exploits, my great-grandfather Stepan Kuzmich was awarded: the medal "For Military Merit"; the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and commemorative medals.

After the war, my great-grandfather returned to the Urals in the city of Sverdlovsk, soon met the girl Claudia and they got married. Great-grandfather and great-grandmother had 4 children: Galina, Valery, Tatiana and Natalya. In Sverdlovsk Stepan Kuzmich worked as an auto mechanic at the UralMash plant.

In 1956 the young family moved to the Kemerovo region, pos. Gramoteino. My great-grandfather took part in the construction of the Gramoteinsky mine administration, where he worked until 1981.

He retired at the age of 60. the wounds received in the war made themselves felt. His legs hurt badly and he could not work further.

Leader: Zaitseva Olga Alexandrovna a history teacher

MBOU OOSH number 23 Belovo