Numeric ability test examples. Numerical tests are one of the components of the development of intelligence

We will tell you what SHL tests are and show with examples how they help in the work of HR. Here are examples of all types of SHL tests with answers.

From this article you will learn

Psychometric tests:

What are SHL tests

Psychometric SHL tests are a recruiting tool that allows you to weed out inappropriate candidates even before the interview. SHL tests do not test the knowledge of applicants, but assess their intellectual abilities. According to statistics, after passing SHL tests, 70-80% of applicants reach the interview.

3 types of SHL tests

1. Verbal SHL tests

A verbal test is a piece of text on a certain topic, usually related to the future activities of the applicant. The text can contain complex constructions, terms and special expressions.

2-3 statements are given to the text. You need to rate them on the following scale: "True", "False" and "Little information".

2. Mathematical (numerical) SHL tests

Such tests involve solving mathematical problems of various levels of complexity. They do not specify integrals, derivatives and systems of equations, but, nevertheless, the problem requires the analysis of a large amount of data in a limited time.

3. Logical SHL tests

They are also called abstract thinking tests, induction tests, or diagram tests. Logic test items are given in the form of statements, a set of abstract shapes, number sequences, or diagrams. The candidate must find a pattern and answer the question or choose the correct option.

What are SHL tests for?

On SHL tests, they check how quickly a candidate can think, analyze information, focus, and whether he can think logically.

What can be checked with SHL tests

With the help of SHL tests, it is possible to assess the level of development of various types of abilities: the ability to abstract thinking, processing numerical and verbal information, understanding the principles of mechanics and a whole series of others.

  1. Verbal SHL tests

They allow you to determine how quickly the candidate perceives the text, understands logical connections and evaluates the proposed statements. There is a catch in these tests - the answer is “ Not enough information"Is often confused with the answer" False". Only a really competent specialist can assess the difference.

  1. Numeric SHL tests

They are used to test the candidate's ability to "see" numbers - to quickly solve fractions, search for the unknown, or determine percentages. Numeric tests measure the candidate's ability to understand graphical and tabular information.

  1. Boolean SHL tests

They allow HR to determine the candidate's ability to perceive unfamiliar information and make the right decision. Applicants who successfully pass the logic test usually have good analytical and abstract thinking, have an increased interest in learning.

  1. Use a variety of tests in one set, this will determine the different types of thinking of a person.
  2. Pay attention to whether the applicant notices slightly noticeable inscriptions in the task, use them to turn the entire course of the solution.
  3. Evaluate the candidate's ability to perceive a large amount of information, deliberately overload the text with data that is important to remember.
  4. Analyze how quickly fatigue builds up and a stupor sets in in the candidate's work; for this, increase the number of tasks.
  5. Does the test taker know how to correctly filter out unnecessary data that hinders the search for a solution? Determine this parameter using a lot of unnecessary data in the initial condition of the problems.
  6. Use tasks with complex logical connections when you need to build a long logical chain for the correct answer.
  7. Determine the degree to which the candidate knows a specific vocabulary, design tests so that many tasks are incomprehensible without knowing the terminology.

SHL test examples

An example of a verbal SHL test

Initial condition:

During the summer, when staff members go on vacation, some organizations hire students for temporary work. At the same time of the year, the workload in many companies increases, and there is a need for additional personnel. Temporary employment attracts students with the opportunity to acquire practical skills and get a job in this company after training. The company is also interested in the influx of new workforce. She tries to interest students and motivate them to continue cooperation. Students are not eligible for sick leave or paid leave, but their work is paid in full.

Statement 1: Students hired for temporary work receive vacation pay in the form of additional payments to the salary.

Correct answer: False.

Statement 2: Students can do the work of staff members on vacation.

Correct answer: Right.

Statement 3: Complaints and disciplinary procedures apply to students in the same way as to staff members.

Correct answer: Not enough information.

Example numeric SHL test

A task: “Working together, Tom, Harry and Dick will paint a 100 meter fence in 9 hours. Alone Tom will paint the fence in 18 hours and Harry in 36. How long will it take Dick to paint the fence if Tom and Harry take the day off.

Correct answer - 36 hours.

An example of a boolean SHL test

The candidate is offered a sequence of drawings, one of them is omitted. You need to select the missing one from the options below:

Correct answer: second drawing

There are many different combinations, and it can be difficult to find addiction, especially in a short time. Often such tasks are solved by high-class specialists intuitively, which allows you to quickly identify the candidate you need.

How to analyze SHL test results

When analyzing the results of SHL tests, it is important to rely on the quality of the answers, not the quantity of the given answers. For example, the first applicant filled in the answer boxes for all 50 questions, but only 25 of them were correct. And the second candidate answered only 25 questions out of 50 and gave the correct answer to all of them. The result of the second candidate will be preferable and more valuable, since it eliminates the likelihood of accidentally guessing the correct answer by simply ticking the boxes in the test.

An unanswered question in any test block should be considered incorrect. Analyze the tests of future employees in terms of strengths and weaknesses. To do this, an HR specialist needs to clearly know what qualities a candidate for a particular position should have.

Verbal tests make it possible to assess the speed of assimilation of textual information and the ability to think logically. When passing the verbal test, in addition to the correct answer, it is worth assessing the mastery of the fast reading technique and giving the candidate an additional plus for it.

When conducting abstract logical tests, it is necessary to analyze the ability of applicants to make logical conclusions based on non-verbal information, usually presented in the form of abstract symbols.

Modern working conditions, productivity and quality of work performed, increasingly demand from applicants appropriate performance, personal, psychological and business qualities. For this, many serious organizations use testing when hiring, especially in departments such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Railways .., banks, including Sberbank .., as well as in large corporations.

Hiring tests are carried out for accountants and managers, for police officers and firefighters, for pilots and machinists, and for lawyers, and even for sales consultants ...

On this page of the psychoanalytic site website you can go online for free psychological testsused when recruiting for various departments and organizations online and free of charge.

However, keep in mind that these are examples of tests used when applying for a job. each employer can use his testing, depending on the necessary personal, mental, emotional, moral and business qualities of the applicant for a specific position or profession, in a specific enterprise or institution.
(Large corporations use SHL, Talent Q, Ontardent, Exect tests)

What psychological tests do job seekers pass when applying for a job?

Examples of basic psychological tests used when recruiting for work in various departments, organizations and enterprises, such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations ..., Banks (Sberbank), trade ..., testing for the positions of a manager, chief accountant, policeman, firefighter, rescuer, salesperson (sales assistant), lawyer ... etc. (career choice test)

Psychological tests

General psychological tests when applying for a job are not used as often as specialized ones for certain professions.
However, the results of tests for the speed of nervous processes (temperament), character accentuation, memory, attention and attentiveness may be of interest to some employers.

  • Character test - (software version)
  • Temperament test - (software option)
  • Attention test (switching attention)

Verbal tests

The verbal test when applying for a job is the basis of an interview with an applicant for a position and profession, where the verbal (speech) abilities of the applicant are needed.

Math tests

Some corporations employ math tests when hiring to determine analytical skills the applicant.

  • Math test (with answers)
Numerical tests

For some positions, such as accountant, employers use numerical tests when hiring.

  • SHL test

Logic tests

Logic tests when applying for a job provide information to the employer about the applicant's ability to find correct decisions in unfamiliar situations.
Logical thinking test

Emotional tests

Emotional stability, stress resistance - the necessary indicators of certification - tests upon hiring and subsequent re-certification - applicants and existing employees in positions where you need to work with people in dangerous, emergency and stressful situations (for example, police, Ministry of Emergencies, trade ...)

Personality tests

The mainwidely used personality test when applying for a job, the SMIL test (Standardized Multivariate Personality Research Method) is used - it is also the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MMPI) and its abbreviated version MMPI Mini-Mult

Intelligent tests

The level, intelligence quotient (IQ) of the applicant is often the most important indicator testing when applying for a job where the intellectual abilities of the future employee are required.

  • Online CAT test (short indicative questionnaire to determine general mental abilities - sometimes used in the CPD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
  • (with software processing of results)

  • Test for genius (aka the test for the reaction "Red Square" - sometimes used in the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Creative tests

Many modern organizations require creative, creative people, who sometimes have to have organizational and even entrepreneurial abilities, therefore, when applying for a job, they also use creative tests.

It is easy to find out what exactly is called a test of numerical information, the network is full of all sorts of explanations and examples, and in short - these are the tasks for which you should use math skills... You don't need to worry about your abilities: the tasks are simple, correspond approximately to the level high school.

In tasks you need to find:

  • interest;
  • shares;
  • relations,

while using:

  • data analysis;
  • graphic interpretation.

Examples include graphs, tables, or bar charts, and these conditions put some test takers to the test. There is no purely textual information, as in our school textbooks: "The train has left there, another train will meet it, when will they meet?" A numeric ability test consists of graphical data, and you only need to prepare for similar examples.

Why do employers use numerical tests?

The point of checking with verbal and numerical tests is to understand how well challenger copes with logical, mathematical problems in conditions of temporary shortages. It is clear that every literate person will solve a simple example with percentages, give him 10-15 minutes, but when the counter counts 60 seconds, or maybe less, the process of finding a solution is difficult.

Employers use numerical tests with answers to assess job seekers, to test their skills in handling large amounts of numerical information under stressful conditions. With the help of tasks, it becomes possible measure performance potential, to understand whether the candidate is ready to solve complex issues, to quickly analyze data already at the workplace.

What level of knowledge of mathematics should a candidate have?

It will not be possible to pass the numerical test without mastering the mathematical discipline, but the level of knowledge does not have to be high, on the contrary, theoretical knowledge higher mathematics will not help much in solving problems. Examples developed by companies SHL or Talent Q, require other skills, including high speed reading, highlighting the main information. Most of the tasks are easier to solve in your head, using occasionally a calculator, and you won't be able to find the answers - the developers took care of this.

Of course, "techies", graduates technical universities it is easier to prepare, to solve problems, but the "humanities" are also able to acquire solution skills, they just need to practice.

How do I choose an answer to a numeric test?

Online numerical tests it is convenient to take it, you can organize a suitable atmosphere, remove sources of noise from the office or sit down with a laptop in your favorite cafe, but all these moments will not guarantee a successful passage. Only hundreds of solved problems, the use of mathematical expressions of this type will give an experience that will eventually become a skill.

There is no point in choosing an answer offhand, you need to solve the problem, after which it will be easy to mark the correct option. Usually, the developers of numerical assignments give answers in small steps, that is, they are similar, differ by one or one hundredth, which does not allow counting on luck.

How to pass a high score numerical test?

The main advice is practice, the more you work with training numeric tests, the faster, more accurately and more confidently you will answer questions. Simple numerical tests are distributed free of charge on the network, they are easy to find, look at, solve, but such examples are only suitable for information. Tasks will have answers, but the level of these tasks is low, and you will not be able to get sufficient skill in solving them.

To count on a high score, you need to answer several hundred problems, and it is better to solve them in the most difficult conditions, for example, by limiting the time not to a minute, but to 40-45 seconds. Numeric tests vary from company to company, and it can be helpful to have some time to spare.

Tests effectively help to reveal the erudition of the applicant, his skills in work and find out how motivated he is.

A test is a series of multiple choice questions to test the applicant's readiness. The test results reflect the compliance of the tested with the organization's requirements.

Job Interview Tests

Consider the types of tests in a job interview:

  1. Professional - tests, including a list of questions on specialized knowledge and skills for a particular job.
  2. IQ test, reflecting the intelligence quotient, as well as the development of a person's abstract thinking.
  3. Tests for determining common and special abilities - reflect important qualities of the employee: logic, memory, attentiveness, hearing or sight.
  4. Personality and motivation tests:
    • personality tests help to calculate the type of a person's temperament, his character traits, how much he is able to focus his attention and shows his level of emotional stability;
    • motivational tests when interviewing for a job, they show how incentivized the employee is to exercise labor activity, whether he appreciates the position he holds, whether he will overcome the difficulties that have arisen at the workplace, and whether he wants to grow and develop in the chosen industry.
  5. Attention test - tests a person's ability not to lose vigilance for a long time.

    It is used for recruiting staff for those positions for which concentration and scrupulousness are of great importance.

  6. Shape test - used to determine the psychotype. In it, it is necessary to arrange five figures in the preferred order, and it will depend on which category of people the subject belongs to.
  7. Logic test - determine a person's ability to find a logical connection and think over multiple moves.

Interview test examples and answers


Professional job interview tests, examples of 3 questions from the test for employment in an international company for the position of economist. If the correct answers are given to 60% of the questions, then the test is passed:

  1. the amount of resources received by Russia from the IMF through conventional lending mechanisms in the 90s. amounted to (billion USD):
    • less than 5;
    • 5, 1 — 10;
    • 10,1 — 15;
    • more than 20.

    The answer is Mr.

  2. In the Eurasian Economic Community:
    • the number of votes for each country is the same;
    • the number of votes of each country is proportional to the shares of funds contributed by it to the community budget.

    The answer is b.

  3. World Trade organisation:
    • is part of the UN system;
    • is not a member of the UN, but is bound with it by a cooperation agreement;
    • not affiliated with the UN.

    The answer is b.

IQ test

A total of 40 questions in the test, you are given 30 minutes. Below are examples of 4 questions from the test for your reference.

  1. Find an extra word:
    • SHAKYR;
    • ESTAN;
    • CUBE;
    • COLNAB.

    The answer is kubol

  2. Insert the missing word in brackets:
    • LINE (....) IMPORTANT

    The answer is a prize.

  3. What is the next number in the series:
    • 18 10 6 4?

    The answer is 2.

  4. Find an extra word:
    • LUST;
    • TINOP;
    • FAITH.

    The answer is tinop.


  • <90 баллов — ниже среднего, им обладает 25% людей;
  • 90-110 points - the average result, 50% of the world's population has it;
  • \u003e 110 points - a high result, 25% of people have it.

To show staff motivation

There are 20 questions in the test. Examples of 3 questions from the test are given.

  1. What do you value most in your professional activity?
    • Work schedule;
    • convenient location;
    • wage.
  2. Would you work beyond your working hours for bonuses and additional payments for qualifications?
    • yes, but no more than 2 additional hours;
  3. The manifestation of initiative in work is caused by:
    • the employee is driven by high responsibility;
    • desire to raise the company's ratings;
    • winning the favor of superiors and career growth;
    • the embodiment of their ideas, the desire for self-realization.

The results are calculated as follows: for some answers 0 points are given, in some - 1 point, in the rest - 2 points.

  • 0 to 7 - low motivation;
  • from 8 to 17 - average motivation;
  • 18 and above - high motivation.


The picture shows the names of different colors, that's just the word “Green” is written in red, the word “Yellow” is written in blue, and the word “Black” is written in yellow.

In practice, only half of the respondents cope with this task for a while.

This example was first used to identify foreign spies, but now such attentiveness interview tests are used to select a suitable candidate.

Shape test

Shape Interview Test: there are 5 shapes - rectangle, square, zigzag, triangle, circle.

Result - we determine which figure the subject put in first place. It will mean a characteristic feature of a person.

  1. Rectangle - a person has expressiveness and easy learning.
  2. Square - a responsible and punctual person.
  3. Triangle - a person is ambitious and ambitious.
  4. Zigzagcreative persondoing everything with enthusiasm.
  5. A circle - the person is friendly, open and benevolent.

Logical tasks at the interview

This section presents logic interview tasks with answers and provides a real example from the practice of a Russian financial company. There are 12 questions in total, below are 4 examples from such a test. For credit / fail.

  1. All hippos can swim. All geeks are hippos. So all geeks can swim.
    • Right;
    • wrong.

    The answer is a.

  2. None of the people will become governor if they have freckles. All people have freckles. This means that none of the people can become the governor.
    • Right;
    • wrong.

    The answer is a.

  3. Only bad people offend the weak and throw tantrums. Anya is good.
    • Anya hurts the weak;
    • Anya throws tantrums;
    • Anya does not offend the weak;
    • Anya offends the weak and makes hysterics out of date;
    • none of the above.

    The answer is in.

  4. Some sofas are buses. Some steam locomotives play the flute. So some sofas are playing the flute.
    • Right;
    • wrong.

    The answer is b.

If, as a result, 6 questions out of 12 are answered, then the test is passed.

How to get through successfully?

One of the most important questions is how to pass interview tests? There are some simple guidelines to follow.

  1. Remain calm and focused, even if there is little time left to complete the test.

    Visualize in your mind that this position already belongs to you and that you have already overcome all difficulties. So you set yourself up for a successful test, believe in yourself, no matter what.

  2. If you notice that the test questions are primitive, do not get confused and do not complicate the situation by thinkingthat there is a catch.

    Your twisted doubts can lead you to choose the wrong answer, even if you knew the right one. This is a special trick to weed out unsuitable candidates.

  3. Don't forget about the time management rule: if a stupor has come on any task, do not waste time, skip it and solve the rest, and return to the difficult one later.

    An idea for a solution may come up while you are answering other questions. And it also happens that in other questions there is a reference or even an answer to the question that caused you difficulty.

  4. You need to answer honestly, because in tests in 90% of cases there are control questions, which test how much the subject gives honest answers. Moreover, they are not always noticeable, some of them are qualitatively veiled.

    Attention! Memorize questions and answers as you progress through assignments. The HR manager is often an experienced psychologist. In the event that he suspects a lie, during further conversation he will somehow try to bring the person to clean water.

  5. Always run your eyes over the answers before giving up for errors. Check everything thoroughly, because due to stress, even if the person knew the correct option, he may put the wrong answer.

Preparing for testing

There are many useful information about typical test items at the interview.

If it's a large company, then you can find important information on the job forums about what interview tests are waiting for candidates for the position, and prepare for them.

Go through the different options and try to solve the logic, mindfulness, and ability tests. This will increase your chances of successfully completing assignments, because it is always easier to work with the already familiar material that you go through by analogy with what you have already seen before.

To solve motivation tests, you need to think about what answers you would like to see from a motivated employee, responsible and with great zeal to carry out all assignments, if you were the director of this company.

Prove that you are a worthy candidate for this place.

Solving professional tests requires knowledge in your profession. Read the necessary literature, repeat those nuances that you have not encountered in your work for a long time.

Take notes and highlight important details in them. You can consult with people who have more experience in this area, unless, of course, we are talking about trade secrets.


Interview assignments may vary, but they all allow an employer to make it easier for an employer to find a suitable candidate for a vacancy in the company, especially if there are a large number of applicants. Because there are the most diverse tests, then ultimately they help to get to know the subject from all sides and how he fits the company's requirements.

Interview testing has long been successfully applied in practice by many well-known international corporations, in the headquarters of which there are honored workers and have long proven their effectiveness in the selection of personnel.