Chizhevsky's original chandelier. Chizhevsky Lamp - Effective Ionization of the Ambient Air

Air and water are two substances that enter the human body in the largest quantities. Besides chemical elements - hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen - complex molecules enter the lungs with each breath, organic compounds, solid silicon and carbon fragments, living organisms - bacteria and viruses. Even absolutely sterile and filtered air with the same chemical composition may differ in the degree of ionization.

Ionization is the transformation of a neutral microscopic particle - an atom or molecule - into a charged one. This happens by attaching or, conversely, knocking out an electron. Ionization can occur due to the sputtering of chemicals, as a result of an electrical discharge, or under the influence of a stream of high-energy radiation quanta.

In particular, air ionization occurs during a thunderstorm, when powerful electrical appliances are operating. Depending on the ionization mechanism, a positive or negative charge can prevail in the air.

In the 1920s, the physiological effect of ionization was actively studied in the USSR. Alexander Chizhevsky, a Soviet biophysicist with a classical pre-revolutionary education, determined in his works that air without ions adversely affects the health of experimental animals. And although he has nothing to do with the invention of the famous Chizhevsky lamp, it was he who formulated the principles of aeroionification on the basis of which it was constructed.

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In the general case, the Chizhevsky lamp is an ordinary electrode, from which accelerated electrons are pulled out under the action of an applied voltage of several tens of kilovolts.

The mechanism is very similar to how a common tungsten filament emits photons; in fact, that is why Chizhevsky's lamp was called a lamp, although it does not shine in the visible range.

In essence, weak beta radiation is emitted; as a result of collisions, air particles capture electrons - and ionization occurs.

Further design variations determine only the radiation intensity and the appearance of the device.

In Soviet times, the lamps put on stream began to be called "Chizhevsky chandeliers" because outwardly they resembled typical under-ceiling lamps. And they hung them there, higher.

There is still no unambiguous explanation for all the physiological effects associated with artificial air ionization.

If you discard unverified data, then there is only one thing left scientific explanation health-improving influence of Chizhevsky's chandeliers.

Increased ionization makes the air more chemically active, which, in turn, speeds up metabolism, stimulates reactions in cells, and has a general tonic effect.

Another reliably proven effect of the lamp is dust removal from the air. It has been proven by the many years of lamentations of housewives - from Chizhevsky's chandeliers on the ceiling, over time, a dark spot is formed from particles adhered due to electrostatic attraction.

Some researchers insist that the surface of bacterial cells suspended in air also has a positive electrostatic charge. And that bacteria "stick" to negative ions no worse than dust to a ceiling surface; and already these "clusters" of microorganisms, under their own weight, go down, where no one can inhale them.

Since many rumors circulated around the Chizhevsky chandelier, as well as around any other health-improving device, during the years of perestroika, it is impossible to guarantee the truth of this theory. But the fact that ionization of the air contributes to its disinfection is true. It is only unclear whether it is electrostatics or the fast electrons themselves have a destructive effect on bacteria.

In part, the positive effect of the Chizhevsky lamp is due to psychological moment... This is not a placebo, as skeptics say, but the breaking up of organic molecules by flying electrons, including those that interact with olfactory receptors and cause the sensation of smell.

This phenomenon is used not only in Chizhevsky chandeliers, but also in so-called household ionizers. They are even built into air conditioners - the impression that the air becomes cleaner and fresher appears very quickly when they are turned on. And in the conditions of a gas-polluted and smog-covered metropolis, even the illusion of free breathing significantly improves health.

In addition to the Chizhevsky lamp, there are other types of air ionizers. One of them is the salt lamps. The article
you can find out what kind of device it is, how much it costs and whether it is worth buying.

How to make an oxygen cocktail correctly? You can read about this

Which is the best humidifier - ultrasonic or cold? You can find out about this by clicking on the following link. It is interesting!

Parameters to look for when choosing a Chizhevsky lamp, are simple and straightforward. As a rule, the data sheet indicates the operating voltage, the area for which the ionizer is designed, the power consumption and the specific ionization of the air caused by the operation of the device.

If everything is clear with power and area - they are determined by the parameters of the network and the room - then the situation with the voltage at the electrodes is a little more complicated. The fact is that the Chizhevsky lamp - high voltage device. If the voltage is more than 30 kV, a person who inadvertently touches a working chandelier can get an unpleasant shock.

At the same time, voltages less than 20 kV do not provide stable ion generation; accordingly, the operating values \u200b\u200bmust be within these limits.

Specific air ionization is determined by how long it is planned to turn on the Chizhevsky chandelier. There are sanitary and hygienic standards for the degree of ionization; they all have values \u200b\u200bof the order of tens of thousands of ions per cubic centimeter. Chizhevsky lamps, in turn, create from ten to several hundred thousand ions per cubic centimeter at a distance of 1 m from yourself.

All these ions (partially recombining) are distributed throughout the volume of the room; as a rule, there are calculation tables for specific lamp models, which can be used to determine the recommended operating time depending on the size of the room.

Of course, it is worth selecting and appearance lamps, as well as by the type of mounting - floor or ceiling. When placing the Chizhevsky lamp, it is worth remembering that the flow of electrons can interfere with the operation of televisions, radios and other household appliances.

Chizhevsky's chandelier and air ionization in general are not a panacea, and not even an effective substitute for normal daily walks. But it really provides air purification, non-chemical disinfection and psychological comfort, therefore, for city dwellers, its use is a good way to tone up the body.

Air ionization video - from 2:50. I don't know about the quality of the products, but he says everything is correct.

6 reviews for article “ What is a Chizhevsky lamp and how much is it needed for our home?

  1. Novel

    I read the article and immediately a question arose. Why, if the health benefits of air ionization have been known since the 20s of the last century, this technology has not become widespread?

  2. Alexander2013

    I am not an author, but I will answer. She received distribution, for example, condenders and humidifiers with ionizers are sold and so on. It's just that people are biting on everything imported and domestic developments are not quoted unas for some reason ... and so a thing useful to love

  3. Marina Post author

    I purchased the Chizhevsky lamp on the advice of a friend who could not get enough of the miraculous properties of this lighting device. What can I say - I turn it on every day, for two hours, the air really becomes cleaner, and breathing is much easier. In addition, I noticed that less dust accumulates, if I used to wipe the dust every day, now I can do this procedure twice a week.

    There are many, let's say, inaccuracies in the article.
    In Soviet times, Chizhevsky's chandeliers were never put on stream, they were used in some hospitals and for high-ranking party officials.
    The Chizhevsky chandelier does not generate beta radiation (high-energy electron flow) .In the immediate vicinity of the chandelier electrode (fractions of a mm), electrons are captured
    oxygen molecules on the formation of negative oxygen ions.
    Chizhevsky's chandelier is not something unexplored. It is just very well studied, and the results of this study are given in the monograph by A.L. Chizhevsky "Aeroionification in national economy».

  4. Seryoga

    Well, how is it: Chizhevsky has nothing to do with the invention of the Chizhevsky chandelier?
    An extremely headless article.

I would like to present to your attention my own development of an air ionizer. There are many devices in this segment, but with a detailed analysis of the principle of operation and their schemes, it was revealed that many of them are just a marketing move and do not bring any benefit.

Nowadays, when fresh air has become a luxury and you can only breathe it far beyond the boundaries of megacities, this article is relevant. We all noticed that after a thunderstorm, the air becomes light, it is pleasant to breathe in full chest and if there were any ailments, then it immediately passed. This phenomenon interested many scientists, but only one managed to get to the bottom of the truth. At the beginning of the 20th century, a genius Russian scientist invented a device resembling a chandelier and named after the inventor - the Chizhevsky chandelier. The ionizer generated only negatively charged ions, they have a beneficial effect on the human body. The scientist put a lot of effort to prove his innocence and give the right to life to his device. He carried out a huge number of experiments and experiments on living organisms. According to the results of research, the enormous benefits of an artificial ionizer have been revealed in both agriculture (the volume of the harvest, where the device worked, increased), and in medicine, providing a preventive and therapeutic effect on the human body. Chizhevsky published the results in his own book:

As you can see from the table, the ionizer had a positive effect on all types of diseases.

Later in medicine appeared new method treatment - aeroionotherapy. The air in the room where the treatment is carried out is saturated with the device with light air ions, as a result of which it turns into healing and resembles the air after a thunderstorm.

Indications for use:

  1. Bronchial asthma
  2. Runny nose, pharyngitis, laryngitis, acute and chronic bronchitis
  3. The initial stage of hypertension
  4. Burns and wounds
  5. Neuroses
  6. Whooping cough
  7. Chronic periodontitis
  8. Treatment of abnormal behavior in newborns
  9. Rejuvenating effect

This is not a complete list of all indications for treatment.

Studies of air ions were carried out and are still being carried out by scientists from the Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogaryov, proving the benefits of this phenomenon, who also presented their devices to the public and who also destroyed marketing myths.

Scientists have proven such a phenomenon as a deficiency of air ions in the air, which has a deplorable effect on health. Experienced rats, who breathed air without air ions, became lethargic, weak, reproductive function was lost, and eventually died on the 10-14 days of the experiments. Alexander Leonidovich proposed a project of aeroionification in the premises, especially in the production workshops of factories and enterprises, because it is in such premises that the least amount of aeroions is. But this did not become very widespread.

The result of Chizhevsky's work was the worldwide recognition and implementation of the invention in all possible industries abroad. Foreign scientists tried to repeat the design of the Chizhevsky chandelier, but since the scientist did not sell his ideas, the creation of such an apparatus was not crowned with success abroad. But over time, for some reason, the attention to this discovery became less and less. And if you ask any passer-by if he has heard anything about the Chizhevsky chandelier, the majority will give a negative answer, which is undeserved and very sad.

Let's move on to the technical part.

Physical principle of action:

Ionization occurs under the influence electric field high tension, which appears in a system of two conductors (electrodes) having different sizes, about one electrode, with a small radius of curvature - a tip, a needle.

The second electrode in such a system is the mains wire, the ground wire, the electrical network itself, radiators and heating pipes, water pipes, wall fittings, the walls themselves, floors, ceilings, cabinets, tables, and even the person himself. To obtain a high-intensity electric field at the tip, a high voltage of negative polarity must be applied.

In this case, electrons are pulled out of the needle, which, colliding with an oxygen molecule, form a negative ion. those. a negative oxygen ion is an oxygen molecule O2 with an additional, free electron. It is this electron that will subsequently fulfill its favorable, positive role already in the blood of a living organism. These negative air ions will fly away from the tip, the needle to the second, positive electrode, in the direction of the lines of force of the electric field.

An electron that has left the metal of the tip can be accelerated by an electric field to such a speed that, upon colliding with an oxygen molecule, it knocks out another electron from it, which, in turn, can also accelerate, and knock out another one, and so on. Thus, a stream, an avalanche of electrons, flying from the tip to the positive electrode can be formed. The positive oxygen ions that have lost their electrons are attracted to the negative electrode - the needle, are accelerated by the field and, colliding with the metal of the tip, can knock out additional electrons. Thus, two opposite avalanche-like processes arise, which interact with each other to form an electric discharge in the air, which is called quiet.

This discharge is accompanied by a weak glow near the tip. This photoelectric effect arises due to the fact that some atoms receive energy from collisions with electrons that is insufficient for ionization, but transfers the electrons of these atoms to higher orbits. Moving back to a state of equilibrium, the atom throws out excess energy in the form of a quantum of electromagnetic radiation - heat, light, ultraviolet radiation. Thus, a glow is formed at the tips of the needles, which can be observed in complete darkness. The glow intensifies with an increase in the flow of electrons and ions, for example, when you bring your hand to the tips of the needles a short distance of 1-3 cm. At the same time, you can still feel this flow - an ionic wind, in the form of a barely perceptible chill, breeze.

Requirements for the device in accordance with GOST.

1) The number of negatively charged particles created by the ionizer (measured in 1 cm 3) - concentration of air ions , is the main parameter of any ionizer. The values \u200b\u200bof the standardized indicators of the concentration of air ions and the unipolarity coefficient are given in the table (Table 2)

In order not to lose the meaning of using an air ionizer, it must be borne in mind that the indicator at a distance of 1 m should not be less than the indicator of the natural concentration of charges in the air, i.e. 1000 ion / cm 3.

Therefore, it is advisable to increase the concentration index from 5000 ion / cm 3. The maximum value is selected depending on the time of use of this ionizer.

2) Voltage at the emitter (ionizing electrode). Unit of measurement - kV

For household air ionizers, the voltage indicator should be in the range of 20 - 30 kV. If the voltage is less than 20 kV, then the use of such an air ionizer does not make sense, since ions start to form stably at a voltage of 20 kV. The use of an ionizer with a voltage of more than 30 kV in an apartment can lead to spark discharges, which contribute to the formation of compounds harmful to the body, including ozone. Therefore, the manufacturer's statements that the voltage is reduced to 5 kV and at the same time the production of ions occurs, is not appropriate. Science has proven it. There are also bipolar ionizers that produce both positive and negative ions. There will also be no useful effect from such devices, since according to the laws of physics it is known that the negative is attracted to the positive, forming a neutral, that is, zero charge. Therefore, such a device will simply turn your counter into an empty space, while not forming anything.

Instructions for use.

The device is completely safe for humans, despite the high voltage supplied to the emitter, so the current output level is limited to safe. However, touching the ionizer while it is on is not worth it, as this will cause an unpleasant discharge of static electricity. A dangerous case is when a person touches a simultaneously operating appliance and a massive metal object (refrigerator, washing machine, safe, etc.).

The device can work continuously 24 hours a day. It should be noted that the concentration of negative oxygen ions decreases with increasing distance from the radiator, as shown in the table. (Table 3)

Determining the ionization dose, A.L. Chizhevsky used the concept "biological unit of air ionization (BEA) - the amount of air ions inhaled by a person in natural conditions per day." On average, a person receives 1 BYA per day at a concentration of negative oxygen ions (OIC) of 1,000 / cm 3. This dose is considered prophylactic, health-improving.

To get the amount of air ions inhaled by a person in natural conditions per day - a biological unit of air ionization, it is enough to turn on the ionizer for the time indicated in line 3, depending on how far the person is from the device. In order to inhale the same amount of air ions that a person receives in 24 hours outside the city, for example, in a forest, it is enough to turn on the device for 20 minutes (0.3 hours) a day, being at a distance of half a meter from the ionizer (first column of the table) , or for 1 hour per day at a distance of 1 meter (third column of the table), etc.

A.L. Chizhevsky took 20 BEA for a therapeutic dose. In the first procedures of aeroionotherapy, small concentrations of inhaled aeroions are used. The duration of the average course is 20-30 procedures, performed daily, starting from 10 minutes and ending with 30 minutes. A repeated course should be carried out no earlier than 2 months later.

Emitter according to Chizhevsky.

The figure shows a diagram of the original emitter of an artificial ionizer, which was used by the scientist.

Explanations for the figure, if someone cannot see for some reason:

1 - rim of an electro-effluvial chandelier; 2 - holder; 3 - stretching; 3 - stretching; 4 - bracket-holder; 5.7 - clamp; 6 - external clamp; 8 - high-voltage insulator; 9 - locking screw; 10, 11 - screws ; 12 - ceiling mount.

The design proposed by Alexander Leonidovich resembled a chandelier. A frame made of a light metal rim - a ring 1000 mm in diameter, which was made mainly of a brass tube or steel - was suspended from the ceiling, on insulators. On this rim, a wire with a diameter of 0.25-0.3 mm was stretched, perpendicular to each other with a step of 45 mm. After tension, the structure formed a part of a sphere (mesh) protruding downward with a deflection arrow equal to 100 mm. Steel pins 300 mm long in the amount of 372 pieces are soldered at the points of intersection of the wire. The chandelier is suspended on a porcelain high-voltage insulator from the ceiling of the room and is connected to the busbar with the negative pole of the high-voltage source, the second pole is grounded.

Creation of the device.

Analyzing the articles and schemes that are presented in the public domain on the Internet, the following general shortcomings were identified:

  1. the use of the TVS-110 high-voltage transformer, which is quite large-scale and needs further improvement;
  2. the use of a high-voltage multiplier, which is also quite bulky and needs to be improved by breaking the epoxy body, which presents an additional difficulty;
  3. the use of zener diodes and the use of high power dissipation resistors, which also affect the size of the power supply and its power consumption.
  4. absence of a voltage divider in the form of two resistors connected in series and connected in parallel at the power input of the high-voltage unit from the 220V electrical network. This voltage divider relieves the consumer from the need to search for a neutral wire in a 220V outlet, which necessarily must be connected to the positive high-voltage wire coming from the transformer and connected to the emitter, thereby forming a ground loop, which is a mandatory requirement for devices of this purpose. This is done in order to obtain a high-intensity electric field, which guarantees the correct operation of the ionizer.

It's not a secret for anyone that old equipment is thrown out, and replaced by new devices both with more perfect functions of use, and with more perfect "stuffing". Old radio elements are replaced by new ones, which are not inferior in functionality, but on the contrary, surpass their ancestors; their size decreases - which entails a decrease in the size of the overall design of the device. For example, massive color televisions based on a cathode-ray tube (kinescope) have been squeezed out over time by new, more compact LCD and plasma televisions.

Obsolete equipment is thrown into landfill, despite the fact that the internals of these devices are of unique value.

Analyzing the circuits of high-voltage power supplies and their principle of operation, it was revealed that the main component of all devices is a high-voltage transformer and a separate voltage multiplier from old black and white TVs. Such transformers and multipliers needed to be improved and occupied a significant place in the design of the device. In order to follow the current trend towards compactness while retaining all functionality, the eye fell on the more modern, but also outdated, TVs and monitors with color cathode ray tube of the late 90s - early 2000s.

Compared to older devices of this type, progress in the design of color devices has brought a lot of new things both in terms of functionality and dimensions. The most important hardware unit, a line transformer, was examined. This device is responsible for increasing the voltage by several tens of kV, without which thermionic emission in the cathode-ray tube cannot exist.

Having disassembled several monitors of that generation, written off for recycling, a line transformer was removed, which underwent detailed study and analysis.

Transformer brand FBT FKG-15A006. In the design, you can see a high-voltage massive wire that connects to the CRT. With its dimensions, this line transformer is much more compact than previous generations of transformers (in the photo, a transformer already converted for work):

But in order how what was done.

Before starting work, a diagram of this transformer was found:

The analysis of the circuit showed that in its structure the transformer contains two insulated windings. Powerful high-voltage diodes and a high-voltage capacitor were used as part of the high-voltage winding. Unique was the fact that this design contained important components: two primary windings, a high-voltage winding, which includes a high-voltage multiplication. And the compact case, in which the structure is placed, has a great advantage over the well-known circuits, where the larger transformer and voltage multiplier were used separately.

  1. Removal of load voltages on the transformer windings.

For this experiment, the following were used: a sound generator with a sinusoidal pulse, a horizontal transformer, an oscilloscope for a rough estimate of the voltage on the windings and observing the type of signal, a millivoltmeter for taking accurate readings of the winding voltages.

The set parameters of the sound generator: current shape - sine, frequency - 20 kHz, amplitude - 1 V.

The research results are presented in the table (Table 4):

It is also important to find the main characteristic of any transformer - the transformation ratio. The transformation ratio is found by the formula:

where U 2 is the voltage at the secondary winding of the transformer, U 1 is the voltage at the primary winding of the transformer. For this transformer, the transformation ratio was k \u003d 30 * 10 3/4 \u003d 7.5 * 10 3. If the transformation ratio is greater than unity, then such a transformer is considered a step-up, which in reality it is.

2. Checking the power of high voltage diodes.

In order to understand which diodes are used in the design and determine their load parameters, as well as determine their operability, the following study was done.

By closing the positive discharge high-voltage wire to the ground loop, thereby turning the negative wire into positive, connecting the built-in high-voltage capacitor to it, we achieved a change in the polarity of the transformer. Then, having connected the now positive wire to a power source of about 100 V, and connecting an ammeter in series to the negative wire, they began to smoothly apply voltage to the power source. The diodes were triggered at a voltage of 38 V, which confirmed such facts as: 1) efficient diodes; 2) diodes are powerful and such a diode assembly is suitable for further research.

Summing up the experiment, an important discovery was made: for the further invention and operation of the ionizer prototype, it is quite easy to change the polarity of the high-voltage winding, which eliminates the violation of the integrity of the transformer case. This is another big plus compared to using a voltage multiplier, where you had to break the epoxy casing, which is quite problematic, and manually change the polarity by soldering the required wires.

Modernization of the line transformer.

Thanks to the data obtained during the experiments, a work plan was outlined for the modernization of the fkg15a006 line transformer. The design provides two trimming resistors, which were not needed for further work and were carefully removed using a saw cut with a diamond disc. The saw cut was insulated and sealed with decorative plastic. Further, the high-voltage wire was shortened to the very base and connected to the minus of the transformer. The built-in high voltage capacitor pin connects to pin 8, which is now a plus. Excess contacts were removed and isolated. The insulator was epoxy resin, which is a good dielectric. After the resin dried, the excess was removed mechanically.

The ingenious idea of \u200b\u200ban engineer who was able to fit a rich internal set of elements and the presence of series-connected diodes in the secondary winding made it possible to easily make the necessary changes with the least expenditure of effort and money. What was unnecessary material for emission due to obsolescence turned out to be a device unique in its structure. Therefore, before throwing out the old equipment, it is worth thinking about other possible areas of application of the components of this device. After all, a lot of interesting and useful things can be done from waste and improvised material. This is what this work shows.

Schematic diagrams of control of a line transformer

For the operation of the transformer with maximum efficiency, the well-known schemes that are common on the Internet were not suitable. Moreover, after the analysis, obvious serious shortcomings were revealed. Taking into account these disadvantages, three unique, independent from each other, schemes that have not been previously encountered on the Internet have been developed.

Circuit on two dinistors

Consider connecting a dinistor to an AC power supply through a diode bridge.

After two half-wave rectifier, a ripple voltage appears, or in another way is called constant.

Full-wave rectification is interesting in that the voltage starts at zero, reaches its maximum value, and again drops to zero. In this case, when the voltage drops to zero, it means that for any operation of the dinistor, it will always close.

Depending on the RC circuit, the charging process of the capacitor changes. You can choose τ - the constant of the chain, which is equal to the product R * C, in such a way that the dynistor will open when the voltage across the capacitor reaches such a value that will certainly exceed the opening voltage of the dynistor.

For the dinistor to work properly, the opening voltage of the dinistor should be noted on the graph. Let's say U peak \u003d 310V, and the opening voltage of the DB3 dinistor is 30 V.

Opening voltages can be achieved at different points on the graph: both from 30 V to the peak - 310 V, and beyond the peak limit, when the graph has declined and the half-cycle voltage tends to zero. It all depends on the chain constant τ. But it is desirable that the opening voltage occurs at the peak of the capacitor charging.

To set a certain τ, a constant value capacitor is set, since the resistor is easier to select. The half time can be easily found. Let's say one half-cycle is 10 ms. Then at the peak of the half-period τ will be 5 ms. Knowing the capacitance of the capacitor and the required value of the constant chain τ, which must be achieved for the earliest response of the dinistor, you can find the required resistance from the previously known formula τ \u003d R * C.

The more the capacitor is charged to a higher value, the more its energy, which is given to the primary coil of the transformer. That is, the amount of energy is proportional to the square of the voltage across a given capacitor and is directly proportional to the capacitance of the capacitor. This way we can give more energy to the coil and get a higher voltage on the secondary winding.

Description of the scheme:

This circuit consists of a fuse, which was taken as a low-resistance resistor, a voltage divider consisting of two series-connected resistors connected to the power inputs of the 220 V network, a diode bridge, which is a full-wave rectifier, a timing chain R 3 and a capacitor C 1 , two dinistors KN102I, a parallel connected diode and outputs to the transformer winding.

Principle of operation:

This circuit uses domestic-made dinistors KN102I. It is these dinistors, since they have no foreign analogues and can withstand a current of up to 10 A. We achieve the optimal circuit constant (τ \u003d 2.8 ms), at which the capacitor is charged to the maximum voltage. Capacitor C 1 is charged through the circuit: plus of the diode bridge, resistor R 3, capacitor C 1, the primary winding of the transformer, minus the diode bridge. The use of two dinistors increases the voltage of the capacitor charge (up to 220V). At a given maximum voltage of the capacitor charge, the opening voltage of the dynistor is reached. When the dinistor is opened, the capacitor is discharged through the primary winding, as a result of which an oscillatory process occurs in the form of damped oscillations. An alternating damping voltage appears, which is transformed by a transformer. Only alternating voltage can be transformed, since the transformer is high-frequency (oscillation frequency 20 kHz). After transformation, the voltage is increased by a secondary high-voltage coil and rectified by a diode assembly, which is located in the case of the line transformer.

The VD1 diode is a kind of filter that conducts only negative half-waves of all-frequency oscillations, thereby achieving both positive and negative oscillations in the circuit.

The performance of the circuit was 24500 ions / cm 3.

This circuit is almost identical to the previous one, with the exception of the thyristor, which is here replaced by one of the dynistors and the addition of a second timing chain R 3 and a capacitor C 1, which serves to tune the dynistor.

Description of the scheme:

The circuit consists of a fuse, which was taken as a low-resistance resistor, a voltage divider consisting of two series-connected resistors connected to the power inputs of the 220 V network, a diode bridge, which is a full-wave rectifier, two timing chains R 3, C 1 and R 4, C 2, one DB3 dinistor connected to the thyristor control electrode circuit, thyristor, diode connected in parallel and outputs to the transformer winding.

Principle of operation:

In the circuit, a dinistor is used as a pulse supply to the control electrode of the thyristor. Similarly to the previous scheme, for a given dynistor, the circuit constant τ 1 is calculated, it is adjusted so that the dynistor opens when the maximum charging current on the capacitor C 1 is reached. As an actuator, a thyristor is used, which passes a current through itself of a much greater magnitude in comparison with two dynistors. A feature of this circuit is that the capacitor C 2 is charged first to the maximum value, which is set by the timing chain R 4 * C 2. And after C 2, the capacitor C 1 begins to charge. The thyristor will be closed until τ 1 of the timing chain R 3 * C 1 opens the dynistor, after opening which a pulse is sent to the control electrode of the thyristor to open the latter. This radio engineering solution is applied so that the capacitor C 2 can be charged to its full maximum, thereby giving its maximum energy when discharging to the primary winding of the transformer. When C 2 is discharged, an oscillatory circuit appears, similar to the previous circuit, thereby forming an oscillatory process that is transformed by a transformer.

To obtain positive and negative waves on the transformer, a VD3 diode is connected in parallel, which only passes one type of waves.

The performance of the circuit was 28000 ions / cm 3.

Transistor circuit

Description of the scheme:

This circuit allows you to transfer the operation of a line transformer from a constant power supply, i.e. from batteries, thereby allowing the ionizer to be mobile. The consumed current is in the range of 100 - 200 mA, which is quite small, ensuring continuous operation on one battery for 1-2 months (depending on the capacity of the battery).

Principle of operation:

A standard transistor multivibrator is used as a master oscillator, which generates an oscillation frequency of about 20 kHz. The generation frequency is set by timing chains. In this scheme there are two of them: R 2, C 3 and R 3, C 2. The oscillation period of this multivibrator is T \u003d τ 1 + τ 2, where τ 1 \u003d R 2 * C 3, τ 2 \u003d R 3 * C 2. The multivibrator is symmetrical if τ 1 \u003d τ 2. If we look at the output oscillogram of the voltage of any transistor collector, we will see a signal that is almost rectangular. But it's not actually rectangular. This is explained by the fact that the multivibrator has two states of quasi-equilibrium: in one of them, the transistor VT1 is open by the base current and is in a saturation state, and the transistor VT2 is closed (in a cutoff state). Each of these states of quasi-equilibrium is unstable, since the negative potential based on the closed transistor VT1, as the capacitor C3 charges, tends to the positive potential of the power source Uп (the charging of the capacitor C2 is faster than the discharge of the capacitor C3):

At the moment when this potential becomes positive, the state of quasi-equilibrium is violated, the closed transistor opens, the open one closes, and the multivibrator goes into a new state of quasi-equilibrium. At the exit, almost rectangular pulses Uout at duty cycle N ≈2.

But in this circuit, the signal shape can be neglected, since further along the circuit there are transistor switches VT3 and VT4, which operate at a low voltage level. These transistors set the waveform close to rectangular. If the ratio of the period T to τ is equal to two, then this type of signal is called a square wave. The current flows if transistors VT3 and VT4 are open, from the plus of the power source, through the primary winding of the transformer, transistor VT4, minus the power source. But after a half-period, the transistor VT2 closes, which means that VT3 and VT4 immediately close. In this case, there is a sharp change in the current from the maximum value, which is determined by the voltage of the power source and the ohmic resistance of the primary winding of the line transformer, from several amperes to a certain minimum value. As a result of this phenomenon, an EMF of induction occurs in the winding. And the magnetic flux is directly proportional to the magnetizing force, that is, the current that flows through the VT4 transistor multiplied by the number of turns ω .. The magnetic flux speed determines the EMF, therefore, in this circuit design, high-speed transistors were used, that is, high-frequency transistors that are capable of very quickly stop the current. The faster the transistor opens and closes, the faster the current in the circuit changes. Since a large EMF occurs on the primary winding, of the order of more than 100 V, high-voltage transistors were also used.

The performance of the circuit was 26,700 ions / cm 3.

All circuits are assembled on a circuit board, since at the time of creation it was not possible to get hold of foil-clad textolite. I will add the PCB layout later.

Any uniformly smooth insulated metal of arbitrary shape can be used as a radiator. As they say, there is no comrade in taste and color, so here the shape of the emitter can be arbitrary.

While there is no photo of the finished device, I want to add a remote control function and a countdown timer for the device's operation for ease of use. All this will be placed in the sconce body, the floor lamp itself will act as the emitter, while the main function of the sconce will remain - light, which will also be switched on through the control panel.

Summing up, I would like to note that the presented schemes differ from others known for their simplicity in execution, but more effective in work; small, compact size, low power consumption and most importantly, these circuits can be assembled by anyone who is friends with a soldering iron, since all the parts are not scarce, some are even thrown out (such as a line transformer).

May clean, fresh, healthy air come to your home. But consult your doctor before use.

Below is a video of the operation of a line transformer from two different circuits. Since it was not possible to measure high-voltage voltage, an improvised voltmeter was taken as a voltage measurement - a breakdown in the air. It is known that 1 cm of breakdown in air is equal to about 30 kV, which clearly shows the operation of a line transformer and that at a given voltage, aero-ion is generated.


  1. Chizhevsky A.L. Aeroionification in the national economy. - M .: Gosplanizdat, 1960 (2nd edition - Stroyizdat, 1989).
  2. http: //lyustrachizhevsky.rf/LC/TPPN/Prin_rab.html

List of radioelements

Designation A type Denomination amount NoteScoreMy notebook
Circuit on two dinistors
VS1, VS2 Thyristor & Triac


2 Into notepad
VD1 Diode bridge Bl2w101000 V. 2A1 Into notepad
VD2 Rectifier diode


1 Into notepad
C1 Capacitor470 pF1 Into notepad
R1, R2 Resistor36-50 kΩ2 Into notepad
R3 Resistor6-7.5 kΩ 2 W1 Into notepad
Line transformerfkg-15a0061 Into notepad
FU1 Fuse-resistor47 Ohm1 Into notepad
Thyristor circuit with a gate electrode
VD1 Diode bridge


1 Into notepad
VD2 Rectifier diode


1 Into notepad
VD3 Rectifier diode


1 Into notepad
VS1 Dinistor 1 Into notepad
VS2 Thyristor



Studies carried out by various scientific and medical institutes and laboratories have shown that when the negative charge on the cell membrane decreases, blood particles begin to stick together, which complicates blood circulation and leads to various diseases.

Negative air ions increase the body's immunity. The lungs are straightened, the blood becomes more "flowing", many diseases are cured. Thanks to air ions, patients with burns of more than 70% of the skin surface survive.

The principle of operation of the Chizhevsky Chandelier

The principle of operation of devices such as the Chizhevsky Chandelier is to saturate the air with negative oxygen ions. In turn, air ions inhaled by a person give up their electrical charges to blood erythrocytes, and with them - to cells of the whole organism, normalizing metabolic processes.

Useful properties of Chizhevsky chandeliers

Chizhevsky's chandelier is an excellent prophylactic and therapeutic agent that saves us from many diseases.

- Chizhevsky's chandelier increases mental and physical performance;

- Chizhevsky's chandelier neutralizes "smog" positive ions from electronic devices;

- Chizhevsky's chandelier "revives" the conditioned air, removes dust and microorganisms from the atmosphere.

Moreover, recovery with the help of the Chizhevsky Chandelier requires a minimum of time and labor. It is enough just to ventilate the room well, then turn on the Chizhevsky Chandelier and leave the room for a quarter of an hour. During this time, it will cleanse the air from dust and microbes. Well, then you, sitting next to the Chizhevsky Chandelier, go about your business. Chizhevsky's chandelier heals you itself.

Devices such as the Chizhevsky Chandelier can extend life by 40-45%. Moreover, not a period of old age, but youth - physical and creative activity. It has been proven modern research devices such as the Chizhevsky Chandelier, carried out at the N.V. N.V. Sklifosovsky.

If you have an infectious patient in your house, the Chizhevsky Chandelier will help you sterilize the room, because after a half-hour treatment with negative ions, the number of microbes in the room decreases 4-5 times! Moreover, under the influence of the Chizhevsky chandelier, not only the air is disinfected, but also the sputum - the patient becomes harmless to others!

The therapeutic and prophylactic effect of aeronizers of the Chizhevsky Chandelier type is confirmed by scientists from the leading research institutes: N.V. N.V. Sklifosovsky; Institute of Higher nervous activity and Neurophysiology RAS; Scientific and Practical Association "Phthisiopulmonology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS.

Application of the Chizhevsky Chandelier

Chizhevsky Chandelier should be used with caution, gradually returning to normal mode work. The duration of the first session with the Chizhevsky Chandelier should not exceed 30 minutes. Then, increasing the dosage by half an hour a day, the stay under the Chizhevsky Chandelier aeronizer is brought up to 3-4 hours a day.

The Chizhevsky chandelier does not give side effects, however, people suffering from the 3rd degree of angina pectoris, the 3rd degree of atherosclerosis, the 2nd and 3rd stages of tuberculosis, oncological diseases, as well as in case of a heart attack, should use the Chizhevsky Chandelier only after consulting a doctor!

The proposed by A.L. Chizhevsky method, which he laid in a device called the Chizhevsky Chandelier, became widespread throughout the world. Behind last years scientists from different countries have proposed several more methods of artificial air ionization, as well as various types of air ionizers such as the Chizhevsky Chandelier.

IN recent times Chizhevsky's lamp began to disappear from sale, because it was replaced by analogues that are more effective and safe, and also have a number of technological advantages -.

If you are a radio amateur, you can assemble the Chizhevsky Chandelier with your own hands. You can see detailed instructions and a diagram in this article.

I would also like to note that I have a natural air ionizer at home - which not only contributes to the ionization of the air, but also is a wonderful piece of furniture.

Air and water are two substances that enter the human body in the largest quantities. In addition to chemical elements - hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen - complex molecules, organic compounds, solid silicon and carbon fragments, living organisms - bacteria and viruses - enter the lungs with each breath. Even absolutely sterile and filtered air with the same chemical composition can differ in the degree of ionization.

Ionization is the transformation of a neutral microscopic particle - an atom or molecule - into a charged one. This happens by attaching or, conversely, knocking out an electron. Ionization can occur due to the sputtering of chemicals, as a result of an electrical discharge, or under the influence of a stream of high-energy radiation quanta.

In particular, air ionization occurs during a thunderstorm, when powerful electrical appliances are operating. Depending on the ionization mechanism, a positive or negative charge can prevail in the air.

In the 1920s, the physiological effect of ionization was actively studied in the USSR. Alexander Chizhevsky, a Soviet biophysicist with a classical pre-revolutionary education, determined in his works that air without ions adversely affects the health of experimental animals. And although he has nothing to do with the invention of the famous Chizhevsky lamp, it was he who formulated the principles of aeroionification on the basis of which it was constructed.

What is a Chizhevsky chandelier?

In the general case, a Chizhevsky chandelier is an ordinary electrode from which accelerated electrons escape under the action of an applied voltage of several tens of kilovolts.

The mechanism is very similar to how a common tungsten filament emits photons; in fact, that is why Chizhevsky's lamp was called a lamp, although it does not shine in the visible range.

In essence, weak beta radiation is emitted; as a result of collisions, air particles capture electrons - and ionization occurs.

Further design variations determine only the radiation intensity and the appearance of the device.

In Soviet times, the lamps put on the stream began to be called "Chizhevsky chandeliers", because outwardly they resembled typical ceiling lamps. And they hung them there, higher.

There is still no unambiguous explanation for all the physiological effects associated with artificial air ionization.

If we discard unverified data, then there will be only one scientific explanation for the healing effect of Chizhevsky chandeliers.

The benefits of the Chizhevsky chandelier

Another reliably proven effect of the lamp is dust removal from the air. It has been proven by the many years of lamentations of housewives - from Chizhevsky's chandeliers on the ceiling, over time, a dark spot is formed from particles adhered to due to electrostatic attraction.

Some researchers insist that the surface of bacterial cells suspended in air also has a positive electrostatic charge. And that bacteria "stick" to negative ions no worse than dust to a ceiling surface; and already these "clusters" of microorganisms, under their own weight, go down, where no one can inhale them.

Since many rumors circulated around the Chizhevsky chandelier, as well as around any other health-improving device, during the perestroika years, the truth of this theory cannot be guaranteed. But the fact that ionization of the air contributes to its disinfection is true. It is only unclear whether the matter is in electrostatics or the fast electrons themselves have a destructive effect on bacteria.

The positive effect of the Chizhevsky lamp is partly due to a psychological factor. This is not a placebo, as skeptics say, but the breaking up of organic molecules by flying electrons, including those that interact with olfactory receptors and cause the sensation of smell.

This phenomenon is used not only in Chizhevsky chandeliers, but also in so-called household ionizers. They are even built into air conditioners - the impression that the air becomes cleaner and fresher appears very quickly when they are turned on. And in the conditions of a gas-polluted and smog-covered metropolis, even the illusion of free breathing significantly improves health.

The harmful effects of the Chizhevsky chandelier. Contraindications

A huge number of scientists are trying to prove that this invention is dangerous to humans. There is still no convincing evidence of the harm of the Chizhevsky chandelier.

It should be taken into account that in many resorts the air contains a much higher concentration of air ions than is given to a person during treatment. Therefore, during his stay at sea, a person can inhale hundreds of times more air ions than he inhales in ordinary life or during treatment.

Despite the fact that today not a single contraindication has been proven, the USSR Ministry of Health in 1959 approved the following list:

1. General depletion of the body

2. Bronchial asthma

3. Heart failure of 1 and 2 degrees

4. Vascular sclerosis and tendency to spasms

5. Ozena disease and disturbance of the nasal mucosa.

I would like to note once again that all these points are only theoretical and do not have any practical research. However, modern studies of the effect of high concentrations of air ions on the human body have shown that it is well and painlessly tolerated not only by humans, but also by all animals.

For over 80 years, no scientist has been able to prove the negative effects of oxygen ions. If we take all their assumptions as a basis, then we can conclude that all categories of patients who are not recommended to use the Chizhevsky lamp should also not open the window to ventilate the room.

Despite the huge number of rumors about the dangers of the Chizhevsky chandelier, so far not a single case of human disease from an excess of air ions has been recorded.

What should be considered when buying a Chizhevsky chandelier?

The parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing a Chizhevsky lamp are simple and straightforward. As a rule, the data sheet indicates the operating voltage, the area for which the ionizer is designed, the power consumption and the specific ionization of the air caused by the operation of the device.

If everything is clear with power and area - they are determined by the parameters of the network and the room - then the situation with the voltage at the electrodes is a little more complicated. The fact is that the Chizhevsky lamp is a high voltage device. If the voltage is more than 30 kV, a person who inadvertently touches a working chandelier can get an unpleasant shock.

At the same time, voltages less than 20 kV do not provide stable ion generation; accordingly, the operating values \u200b\u200bmust be within these limits.

Specific air ionization is determined by how long it is planned to turn on the Chizhevsky chandelier. There are sanitary and hygienic standards for the degree of ionization; they all have values \u200b\u200bof the order of tens of thousands of ions per cubic centimeter. Chizhevsky lamps, in turn, create from ten to several hundred thousand ions per cubic centimeter at a distance of 1 m from themselves.

All these ions (partially recombining) are distributed throughout the volume of the room; as a rule, there are calculation tables for specific lamp models, which can be used to determine the recommended operating time depending on the size of the room.

Of course, it is worthwhile to carry out the selection both by the appearance of the lamp, as well as by the type of attachment - floor or ceiling. When placing the Chizhevsky lamp, it is worth remembering that the flow of electrons can interfere with the operation of televisions, radios and other household appliances.

Chizhevsky's chandelier and air ionization in general are not a panacea, or even an effective substitute for normal daily walks. But it really provides air purification, non-chemical disinfection and psychological comfort, therefore, its use for urban residents is a good way to increase the tone of the body.

Chizhevsky chandelier: instructions for use

The method of using the Chizhevsky Chandelier is extremely simple. Having well ventilated the room, you turn on the chandelier and go to the next room to go about your business for 10-15 minutes. During this time, ionization and dust settling occurs, the air in the room is cleaned.

Avoid drafts during air ion prophylaxis, as air ions are easily carried away by the air stream.

If after the first sessions a headache or dizziness appears, do not worry. Similar sensations are observed in urban dwellers after a long stay in the fresh air (for example, in a forest) and represent the body's normal reaction to unusually clean air. Just reduce the time spent under the Chizhevsky chandelier.

"Chizhevsky's chandelier" does not give side effects, however, people suffering from the 3rd degree of angina pectoris, the 3rd degree of atherosclerosis, the 2nd and 3rd stages of tuberculosis, oncological diseases, as well as in case of a heart attack, should use "Chandelier" only after consulting a doctor.

Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

What is a Chizhevsky chandelier? What is the principle of its action? How can it be useful in everyday life? How to make a Chizhevsky chandelier with your own hands, according to what scheme? A detailed description and answers to all these questions are in our material.

Chizhevsky chandelier: features, manufacturing instructions

The Chizhevsky chandelier (or lamp) is an air ionizer. Such devices are used in many modern apartments, whose residents are tired of city smog, and they want to breathe fresh, almost "forest" air.

Of course, an air ionizer can be purchased at almost any hardware store. But we are not looking for easy ways. Therefore, let's figure out how to make a Chizhevsky chandelier "in the garage" and enjoy the air that blows from a summer thunderstorm.

What is Chizhevsky: a little theory

The human body needs air for its existence. And for a comfortable and long life - high-quality and clean air. Ion is one of the elements contained in airspace. It tends to become negative or positive, depending on the type of charge.

So, what is Chizhevsky's lamp? It is a device that can change the number of electrons in the air. Moreover, this is the very first device in history that is capable of this.

If you completely simplify the description, and get by with just one sentence, then Chizhevsky's invention can be called an ordinary control electrode.

A brief excursion into history

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists around the world began to actively study the processes of air ionization. And all because each of them wanted to find a solution to the problem, which was a possibility.

Chizhevsky's chandelier is the property of large-scale and painstaking work of researchers. Even today, in the age of high technologies, many scientists cannot make an unambiguous answer regarding the effect of this device on a living organism.

The design got its name in honor of the well-known biophysicist Chizhevsky A.L. But, they have an indirect relationship to the invention. He only developed methods of ionization by the air method, which became the theoretical and later practical basis of the lamp.

In the scientist's notes, reports of experiments were found, which established that air without ions has an extremely negative effect on the human body, as well as the well-being of animals. After repeated experiments, his thoughts were confirmed by modern great minds.

How the chandelier works

The Chizhevsky lamp works quite simply. So, we found out that the device is an electrode operating according to the scheme:

  1. A voltage is applied to the main structural element, which is generated in a device consisting of 2 electrodes. The latter are electrical conductors with different radii;
  2. A needle-like structure is attached to an electrode with a smaller cross-section. The second electrode is an ordinary wire through which current flows and voltage is transmitted;
  3. The needle, located on the first electrode, plays the most important role in the entire structure, as the electrodes are constantly pulled away from it. This process arises when the needle touches air molecules;
  4. Recycled air particles are “released” from the structure and into our lungs.

The use of the Chizhevsky chandelier in the modern world

In life modern man full of various devices and gadgets that can make life easier, more comfortable, more enjoyable, and more exciting. This is one side of the coin.

But, looking from the other side, we see (more precisely, scientists understand) that all these devices practically "eat" the air, filling it with positive charges. As a result, we have a "deficit of negative particles".

To normalize all vital processes, you need to reduce the negative impact of gadgets on the air. It is for this purpose that the Chizhevsky chandelier is used - an air ionizer.

Instructions for use

The Chizhevsky chandelier will have a positive effect on the body only if used correctly, strictly according to the instructions. The main thing is to remember that as soon as you bring the structure into the house, you must correctly conduct the first "session", as well as the installation of the structure:

  1. Turn on the device for 30 minutes. No more!
  2. Every day, gradually increase the duration of the session until its duration reaches 3-4 hours a day.

If you live in a city and have never used air ionizers before, then after starting the Chizhevsky lamp, you can feel headache or even nausea. If this happens, do not worry, as this is a normal body reaction to unfamiliar indoor air. You just need to shorten the sessions, and increase them at a shorter interval.

It is also important to correctly install the device:

  • The ceilings of the premises must be at least 2.5 m high;
  • The air humidity in the room should be kept up to 75%;
  • There should be no chemical substances in the air;
  • The lamp should be located at a minimum distance of 2.5 m from the equipment.

The benefits and harms of using the Chizhevsky lamp

Unfortunately, air ionization cannot be called an exceptionally useful procedure for the human body. Of course, when all microbes and bacteria are destroyed in the room, it is good, since they no longer enter our body, and this even helps to cure some diseases.

But, if you constantly breathe air filled with negatively charged particles, then you should prepare for negative consequences... Therefore, let's take a closer look at these points.


A homemade particle converter at least allows you to clean the air in the room, which has a positive effect on human health. Especially one who is already suffering from certain diseases:

  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, throat, nose;
  • Asthma or asthma attacks for unknown reasons;
  • Infectious diseases (such as tuberculosis);
  • Various allergies;
  • Nervous system problems.

Moreover, the Chizhevsky lamp not only allows you to effectively cope with air purification, but also generally has a positive effect on human health:

  • Improves concentration, relieves fatigue, helps to cope with work more efficiently;
  • Minimizes the risk of problems with cerebral circulation, which reduces migraines, dizziness, etc.;
  • Helps the lungs saturate with purified oxygen, improving lung function.

In addition to the human body, Chizhevsky is capable of positively influencing other living organisms as well. Thus, the device is often used in the field of plant cultivation, because this device stimulates the growth of cells, and also increases their lifespan.

It is worth remembering that there are a lot of laboratory and artisanal tests of the Chizhevsky device, and only a small part of them is supported by evidence of the use of the device, which is substantiated by science. Therefore, many "achievements" of the design remain in question.


Undoubtedly, a chandelier is a device with many advantages. But, in addition to the benefits, it can also harm its owner. So, in the process of carrying out hundreds of thousands of experiments, researchers have identified such harmful "sides" of the apparatus:

  • May cause complication of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Often causes severe aching headaches in the forehead;
  • Often disrupts the rhythm of breathing.

It is believed that people of any age group are allowed to use the Chizhevsky lamp. But, based on the theory of the device's operation, we can conclude that the ionizer is not recommended for everyone.

Main contraindications:

  • Cancer tumors of different localization;
  • Renal failure;
  • The last stages of tuberculosis;
  • Heart failure.

DIY Chizhevsky chandelier: diagram, manufacturing description

Let's analyze the simplest circuit of the Chizhevsky lamp, which is powered by a 220 Volt network:

How does the electrical circuit work

When the "positive" half-cycle of the voltage passes through the resistor R1, VD1 and the primary winding of the transformer, the capacitor C1 begins to charge. VS1 is a SCR, which is closed at this moment due to the lack of current in the control diode VD2.

With a "negative" voltage half-cycle, diodes VD1 and VD2 are closed. At the SCR cathode, the voltage drops below the voltage level at the electrode. A current is generated in the circuit of this electrode, and the SCR opens.

During this process, the capacitor C1 is gradually discharged, and transfers the charge through the primary winding T1. A high voltage pulse appears on the secondary winding. All this is repeated with each period.

The rectifier, assembled on VD3-VD6 diodes, rectifies high voltage pulses. The constant voltage at the output of the rectifier passes through the limiting resistor R3, and goes further - to the "lamp".

Design features and necessary details

Before assembling the device, make sure that you have all the radio components prepared:

  • Resistor R1. Must have a resistance of 9 kOhm (3 resistances of MLT-2 type can be connected in parallel);
  • Resistor R3. It is made of MLT-2 connected in parallel so that the total resistance is 15 Mohm;
  • Diodes VD1, VD2. You can take any with an operating current of 350 mA, and a reverse voltage of 400 V (for VD1), and 100 V (for VD2);
  • Capacitor C1. MBM type, with a voltage of 250 V. С2-С5 - POV-type with a voltage of 10 kV. You can take any other capacitors that are designed for high voltage;
  • Trinistor VS1. KU202K-N or KU201K, L;
  • Transformer T1. Optimal - a motorcycle ignition coil of type B2B for 6 V. But, any other will do. For example, from a car. You can also take a conventional TVS-110L6 television transformer, and connect its 3rd wire with capacitor C1, 2nd and 4th with a "zero" wire, and high-voltage with capacitor C3 and diode VD3.

For the design, it is worth choosing a durable plastic case of a suitable size. The main thing is that the distance between high-voltage capacitors and diodes is as large as possible. And even better - immediately after soldering, fill these parts with wax or silicone, which will reduce to zero the risk of short circuit of contacts, or corona discharge, ozone odor.

As a result

So we assembled the Chizhevsky chandelier with our own hands. The presented scheme, and the description for it, are extremely simple and understandable even for a beginner. Everyone can assemble such an ionizer at home without any problems.

The main thing is to always remember the safety rules during the assembly of the device, and in the process of its use. So, always carefully insulate the soldering points of the conductors, and gradually increase the light-on sessions.

Finally, as always - a useful video on the operation of the device: