Burns or more, whichever is better. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


noun, g., uptr. often

Morphology: (no) what? gavewhat? gave, (see) what? dalwhat? give, about what? oh yes and in the distance; pl. what? gave, (no) what? gave herwhat? dalam, (see) what? gavewhat? far, about what? about the distances

1. Dahl is the space visible to the eye that extends to long distance.

Endless, hazy distance. | Steppe n ...

Dahl I

Vladimir Ivanovich [10 (22) .11.1801, Lugansk, now Voroshilovgrad, - 22.9 (4.10) .1872, Moscow], Russian writer, lexicographer, ethnographer. Born into a family of a doctor. He graduated from the medical faculty of the University of Dorpat in 1829. He was a doctor, then an official. In 1838 he was elected a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the class of natural sciences for collecting collections on the flora and fauna of the Orenburg region. He was in friendship with A.S. Pushkin. Was present at his death. Even in his youth, D. collected linguistic and folklore materials. In 1832 he published the Russian Fairy Tales. First Friday ", in 1833-39 -" There were also fables "in 4 books. Published in the 30-40s. essays in the spirit of the natural school (see. Natural school) under the pseudonym Kazak Lugansky. V.G.Belinsky noted ...


Gave | b (*), -AND from. Distance:

He is also ѹkaza and sto. and themѩ. in foreign countries and distant other. and abye ѿslan would (s) in ѹnitsyu. (μηκόθεν)PNCh XIV, 116v.

Dictionary old Russian language (XI-XIV centuries) / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Institute of the Russian language. - M .: Russian language. Chief Editor R. I. Avanesov. 1988 .


DAL -and, offer oh given, in the distance; g.

1. A far-reaching space. Endless, endless d. Light, foggy d. Space, sky-high distance. D. sea, sky, steppe, fields. Admire the distance. Peer into the very d. * And in the azure distance Ships appeared (Pushkin).

2. (with an index. or a defin. pronoun.). Spread. Far away, distant place; wilderness. From which one did you give? - From Kamchatka. Who will go to such a house? // what. A distant part the end of smth. In the distance of the corridor. Head to the village of the park.

DAL Vladimir Ivanovich (1801-1872), Russian writer, lexicographer, ethnographer; doctor; Corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1838) in the class of natural sciences (for collecting collections on flora and fauna). Household essays and stories in the spirit of the natural school. Sat. "Proverbs of the Russian people" (1861-1862). Created by " Dictionary living Great Russian language "(v. 1-4, 1863-66), for which he was awarded the title of honorary academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1863).

A source: Encyclopedia "Fatherland"

Vladimir Ivanovich (10.11.1801-22.09.1872), Russian writer, lexicographer, ethnographer. Born in Lugansk in the family of a Russified Dane. In 1814 he entered the Naval Cadet Corps. In 1819 he was released as a midshipman. In 1825 Dahl, leaving marine service forever, went to Dorpat, where from 1826 to 1829 he was a student of the medical faculty, on March 29, 1829, while still a student, he was enrolled in the 2nd Acting Army of the Ordines ...

DAL Vladimir Ivanovich (1801 - 72), Russian writer, lexicographer, ethnographer. Realistic sketches (30s - 40s) under the pseudonym Kazak Lugansky. The collection "Proverbs of the Russian People" (1861 - 62; contains over 30 thousand proverbs, sayings, jokes, etc.). He created the "Explanatory Dictionary\u003e of the Living Great Russian Language" (vols. 1-4, 1863 - 66; over 200 thousand words), which, unlike the academic dictionaries of that time, contains the vocabulary of living folk speech collected by the author in different regions of Russia, as well as phraseology, proverbs, sayings, comparisons, etc.

1. An intelligent author not less than an explanatory dictionary.
2. This Russian writer was published under the pseudonym Kazak Lugansky.
3. There, beyond the horizon.
4. Collection of American poet Robert Frost "Infinite ...".
5. Russian actor who played the role of a jester in the movie "King Lear".
6. Russian actor who played the role of Alik in the film "My little brother".
7. Russian actor who played the role of Zilov in the film "Vacation in September".
8. Russian actor who played the role of Senya in the film "The First Trolleybus".
9. Russian actor who played the role of Laevsky in the film "Bad Good Man".
10. Russian actor who played the roles of a soldier and a puppeteer in the film "Old, Old Tale".
11. Russian actor who played the role of Yevgeny Sobolevsky in the film "Chronicle of a dive bomber."
12. Russian architect, creator of the history of Russian architecture as a science.
13. What compiler of the dictionary was published under the pseudonym Kazak Lugansky?
14. Russian actor, and ...


Limitless distance

Immeasurable distance

Infinite distance

Dictionary of Russian Idioms. ... Combinations of words with a high degree of meaning Academic 2011

Dahl Á noun cm. _ Appendix II

O gave; in the distance and in the distance (usually with definition) pl. dal dal

Above the blue spacious dandwhether

Strict features passed through.

The serene face was framed

River white flowers.


Blue distance. Zharg. pier Shuttle. Toilet. Maximov, 90.

A large dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina 2007

distance Obshslav. Usually explained as a formation from the same basis, but with a mutation, as length, long... However, it is more likely that the word is suf. derived from the index. pronoun. yes, kindred then, yes (union), lit. tolùs "far". Wed relations that one (in deletion) and this (near). School etymological dictionary Russian language. The origin of words. - M .: Bustard N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova 2004

distance well., ukr. dal f., Serbo-Horv. yes, slovenian. dálja, Czech. dál f., polish. dal f. It is usually considered as a degree of alternation with * dьliti, * dьlgъ (see length, length, long) and further Greek. δολιχός, ἐνδελεχής "long-lasting", Old Ind. dīrghás "long", avest. drāǰah- "distance, length", etc .; see Bernecker 1, 177; Meillet, MSL 14, 373. However, a secondary rapprochement with this root is also permissible, or long ago, if we count glory. dal related lit. tolì "far away". tolùs "remote", ltsh. tâls; see Toothed, AfslPh 16, 388; Mladenov 119; M. - E. 4, 146. K last words should be attributed to Czech. otáleti "cunctari". [Possibly, from the pronominal * do- (see yes) + lь; Wed * to - + - l- in lit. tolì. Other etymologies are less likely; see Slavsky 1, 136. - T.]<...>


sotr. "Gorn. Zhurn." 1857 g.


Big biographical encyclopedia 2009

Vladimir Ivanovich (10.XI.1801 - 22.IX.1872) - Russian. ethnographer and lexicographer. The son of a Dane who moved to Russia. Until 1826 he served in the navy, then he was a soldier. surgeon (until 1833). In 1837-59 he was in the state. service. Since the 30s. defined literary, ethnographic, dialectological. D.'s interests began to appear in his numerous. stories and fairy tales. D. became close to the literary circles of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and especially with the circle of Slavophiles and MP Pogodin. In 1845 he was one of the initiators and founders of Rus. geographic about-va and was associated with his ethnographic. department. In the 40s. appeared theoretical. articles by D., and in 1861-67 - "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" (vols. 1-4), which was reprinted several times in the 19th century. and in the present. time; in 1862 - Sat. "Proverbs of the Russian people", including up to 30 thousand proverbs, sayings, sayings, sayings, etc. Numerous were published at the same time. specialist. articles and monographs (on the Old Believers, etc.). With the controversy, and sometimes the viciousness of certain lexicographic. and ethnographic. ...

DAL, -and, oh, far away, well. 1. A distant place (colloquial). I will not go to such a village. Such a village (very far away). 2. Distant space visible to the eye. Golubaya d. Native dali. * Such a distance (to go, to go, to drag) (colloquial disapproval) - so far.

Watch value DAL in other dictionaries

Dahl - gave, well. 1.units only. far away place (colloquial). I will not let you go so far alone. He came from a terrible distance. That's how far you've got! 2. Distant space, ........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Dahl - 1. The space visible to the eye at a considerable distance.
About remoteness, visibility.
Boundless, boundless, boundless (obsolete), bottomless, boundless, ........
Dictionary of epithets

Dahl J. - 1. Distant space visible to the eye. 2. Remote, distant location. // Remote part of smth.... // Considerable distance, considerable extent .........
Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

Dahl - -and, offer. oh given, in the distance; g.
1. Far-reaching space. Endless, endless v. Light, foggy v. Cosmic, transcendental distances. D. sea, sky, steppe, ........
Explanatory dictionary Kuznetsov

Dahl Robert Alan (1915) - - a prominent representative of the American political science... In a number of world-famous books such as "Introduction to Democratic Theory" (1956), "Modern ........
Political vocabulary

Dahlberg Reaction - (G. A. Dal-Berg) a method of distinguishing between human milk and animal milk (mainly cow milk), based on the fact that when an acidified solution of chloride is added to milk ........
Comprehensive Medical Dictionary

Dahl - Oleg Ivanovich (1941-81) - Russian actor. In 1963-77 in the Moscow theater "Sovremennik", in 1977-78 in the Moscow theater on Malaya Bronnaya. He starred in the films: "Zhenya, Zhenechka and" Katyusha ", ........

Dal Monte - (Dal Monte) Toti (real name and fam. Antonietta Menegelli -Meneghelli) (1893-1975), Italian singer (coloratura soprano) and dramatic actress. In 1916-43 on the opera stage, including in the theater ........
Large encyclopedic Dictionary

Dal-elven - (Dalalven) - a river in Sweden, origins in Norway. 520 km, basin area 29 thousand km2. It starts in the Scandinavian mountains and flows into the Botnian Hall. Baltic m. Average water consumption ........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Dal Vladimir Ivanovich - (1801-1872) - the author of the "Explanatory Dictionary", was engaged in the study of the antiquities of the Urals. D. accompanied A.S. Pushkin on his trips to the Orenburg province. For 8 years of service in the Orenburg region ........
Historical Dictionary

Dal Vladimir Ivanovich - Dal, Vladimir Ivanovich - a famous lexicographer. Born on November 10, 1801 in the Yekaterinoslav province, in the Lugansk plant (hence Dahl's pseudonym: Kazak Lugansk). Father........
Historical Dictionary

Dal Lev Vladimirovich - Dal, Lev Vladimirovich - architect (1834 - 1878), son of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl. He received his architectural education at the Academy of Arts. He served as a provincial architect in ........
Historical Dictionary

Dahl - sotr. "Gorn. Zhurn." 1857

Dal (Cossack Lugansky), Vlad. Yves. - known belletr. and lexicographer, p. 10 n. 1801 in Lugansk, Yekaterinosl. lips., with. Dr., by origin. Dane, † 22 p. 1872 in
Big biographical encyclopedia

Dahl, X. - researcher p. Obi 1870
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Dahl, A. - transl. 1870
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Dahl, Al. Nick.dr honey., R.
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Dal, V.N. - ed. of the article "About the teacher., inspection., direct. and vacations." (1860
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Dal, Vladimir Ivanovich - - the son of Johann Dahl, a famous ethnographer, lexicographer and popular writer, was born on November 10, 1801 in Lugan, a place in the Slavyanoserbsk district, Yekaterinoslav province, ........
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Dahl, Heinrich - (Dahl), cabinet-courier Russian. sl., author of works. historic. 1804
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Dahl, German Yurievich Fon - - in 1772-1777 was a Riga customs inspector, in 1786 he was promoted to the rank of valid. stat. counselor, was an advisor for customs affairs in the St. Petersburg state ........
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Dal, Ivan Matveevich - (Iohann Christian Dale) - doctor, originally from Denmark; in his youth he left for Germany and at one of the universities took a course in theological faculty, and also studied many languages, ........
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Dahl, Johann Christian - from. S., Dr. med., Jutlandsk. native, † in Nikolaev, 1821 (father of Heinrich Dahl, see, grandfather of K. Dahl,
Big biographical encyclopedia

A dictionary is a collection of words with explanations, interpretations. The words that are given in the collection are located inalphabetical order, therefore, it is much easier for those who know the alphabet to use the dictionary.

Many people know that there are many dictionaries. There are dictionaries for specialists, for a wide range of readers, for schoolchildren. Depending on the tasks of the dictionary, the composition of words will be different, they will be located and explained in different ways.
If you are interested in what a particular word means, in what cases it is appropriate to use it, please contactexplanatory dictionary... You can guess that since it is named POLKOVY,means interpret everything about the word you are interested in, including information about the stress in the word, its spelling, the most typical phrases.
The most famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by SI Ozhegov and V. Dahl.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801 - 1872) - writer, doctor, lexicographer, creator of the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language".
Vladimir was born in the village of Lugansk plant (now - Lugansk) on November 10, 1801. His family was highly educated. His father was a doctor, linguist, and his mother was a pianist, she knew several languages, was interested in literature. It is not surprising that Vladimir received an excellent education at home.
As a child, in his biography, Vladimir Dal became very attached with his soul to his native land, later he even took the pseudonym Cossack Lugansky.
Education in the biography of Vladimir Dahl was received at the St. Petersburg Marine cadet corps... After graduating in 1819, he went to serve in the navy. But after several years he decided to choose a different path - he began to study medicine at the University of Dorpat (now - the University of Tartu).

In 1828-1829 he took part in russian-Turkish war... Dal takes part in battles, helps the wounded, operates in field hospitals. Awarded with awards, he begins to work in the military land hospital of St. Petersburg as a resident. Soon Dahl's biography becomes widely known: he was known as an excellent doctor. During his medical practice, including military, Dahl wrote several articles, sketches.
Then Dahl took up literature in earnest.
In 1832, his Russian Fairy Tales. First five ". He makes acquaintances and friendships with famous writers and poets: Gogol, Pushkin, Krylov, Zhukovsky and others. Together with Pushkin, Dahl travels across Russia. Dal was present at the death of Pushkin, treated him after the duel, participated in the autopsy.
During his biography, Vladimir Dal wrote more than a hundred essays in which he talked about Russian life. He traveled a lot, so he knew Russian life very well. Dahl also compiled the textbooks "Botany", "Zoology", and in 1838 he became a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
But the most significant and voluminous work in the biography of Vladimir Dahl remains the "Explanatory Dictionary", containing about 200 thousand words. Being well acquainted with many professions, crafts, signs and sayings, Dal put all his knowledge in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language."
From 1849 to 1859, Dal lived in Nizhny Novgorod, where he served as the manager of a specific office, after which he moved to Moscow. During this time, he published many articles and works. The first volume of the "Explanatory Dictionary" was published in 1861. A year later, "Proverbs of the Russian people" were published. Dahl's biography was awarded the Lomonosov Prize.
Dahl died on September 22, 1872.

Sergey Ozhegov was born on September 22, 1900 in the village of Kamennoye (now the city of Kuvshinovo), Tver province, in the family of Ivan Ivanovich Ozhegov, an engineer-technologist at the Kamensk paper and cardboard factory. On the eve of World War I, the Ozhegovs moved to Petrograd, where young Sergei graduated from high school. Then Ozhegov entered the Leningrad University at the Faculty of Philology, but was soon forced to interrupt his studies - he was drafted to the front. Ozhegov took part in battles in the west of Russia, on the Ukrainian front. In 1922 Ozhegov graduated military service at the headquarters of the Kharkov Military District and immediately began his studies at the Faculty of Linguistics and material culture Leningrad University. In 1926, university professors Viktor Vinogradov and Lev Shcherba himself personally recommended Ozhegov to graduate school at the Institute for the Comparative History of Literatures and Languages \u200b\u200bof the West and the East.
In 1936 Ozhegov moved to Moscow. Since 1937 he taught at Moscow universities (MIFLI, MGPI). Since 1939, Sergei Ivanovich became a researcher at the Institute of Language and Writing, the Institute of the Russian Language, and the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
When the Great began Patriotic WarOzhegov decided not to evacuate the capital and stayed to teach.
Ozhegov is the author of one of the most famous and widely used Russian dictionaries to this day - the one-volume Dictionary of the Russian Language (1949, with corrections and updates was reprinted several times, since 1992 - with the participation of N. Yu. Shvedova). This unique and colossal work recorded the modern common vocabulary, demonstrated the compatibility of words and typical phraseological units. Ozhegov's vocabulary formed the basis of many translation dictionaries.
Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov died in Moscow on December 15, 1964. The urn with his ashes rests in the wall of the necropolis of the Novodevichy cemetery.

and chorish (from beauty, more beautiful, krache?), stucco, red, beautiful, beautiful, handsome, bass, basque, prominent, smart, handsome, handsome, handsome, handsome, moral in appearance, in appearance; | kind or sensible, okay, capable,

Watch value Good in other dictionaries

Good - not bad
not bad
not bad
what do you need
Synonym dictionary

Good - good, good; good, good, good. 1. Possessing positive qualities or properties, quite satisfactory, such as it should be; against. bad, bad .........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Font, Nice - In legal regulation: a requirement regarding the type of font used to print the text of the insurance policy, which may contain exceptions, abbreviations, ........
Economic Dictionary

Good - th, th; -rósh, -а́, -о́; it's better; best.
1. Quite positive; such as it should be, necessary, necessary. H. hearing. X-th apartment. H. rest. H. tool. H. handwriting. H. appetite .........
Explanatory dictionary Kuznetsov

Good - (good) When used as a special term, "good" refers to a specific class of INTERNAL OBJECTS, namely those that, in the view ........
Psychological encyclopedia

Good Gestalt - Any solid, stable configuration. See PREGNANCY.
Psychological encyclopedia

Good Human Drawing, Test - This is an intelligence test used to test children (usually up to 12 years old) in which the child is asked to draw a person as well as he can. Results are being evaluated ........
Psychological encyclopedia

Good Instance - designation of the quality of this copy. brands as above average. For X. e. to the signs for the cat. the quality of the brand is assessed, no specific claims can be made .........
Philatelist's Dictionary