Learn the Old Slavic language. Lecture notes of Sergei Danilov "Old Russian language"

LEARNING ANCIENT RUSSIAN LANGUAGE! In this article, we will study the Old Russian language and, in comparison with it, the Old Slovenian. The main emphasis will be placed on instilling the beginnings of figurative thinking, and not on phonetics and morphology, as in academic textbooks on the Old Church Slavonic language. Why is that? The phonetic reading of the ancient letters does not give access to the understanding of the information (meaning) embedded in readable text... After all, ancient languages \u200b\u200bare not so much a system of reading, but, basically, a system of extracting hidden meaning from these texts. The uninitiated take everything written literally, and those who know the "keys", that which is encrypted. Therefore, phonetic reading is not a "key" to comprehending depth, but, only, a sound designation of the readable symbols, which gives us an existential understanding of the ancient text and nothing more. Reading phonetically, we, as it were, slide over the surface of the information array, not being able to go to the depth. And any superficial knowledge is considered incomplete, distorted, i.e. lies. In the understanding of ancestors "lie" (bed - phonet.): Located on the surface (on the bed) - distorted, not full information about anything. To understand something deeply, you need to master not the combination of letters, not the writing of letters, but the connection of images, the connection in essence: why is it said this way, but it is different and what is the meaning of this verb. We are constantly trying to tie the image to specific words, concepts. It is necessary to realize that it is not phonetic representations of what we call a “word” that are connected, but images. That these unified images give rise to new unified images, which, in contact with new images, generate even newer images. Therefore, each image, connecting with another image, creates a new image, giving rise to more and more new images that are combined, responding to the call of your speech, your thought. You call them and they come. You combine them with others, and more, and more ... The result is a system of EDUCATION - the vocation of an image, education (s), creation, and not a system of training through coaching. And when you have learned how to digest, your brain switches to figurative thinking, figurative worldview, figurative worldview. This will be the most correct thing: you need to know the basis in order to understand everything else. And it is not at all accidental that before 1917 initial training without fail gave knowledge of the basics of the Old Church Slavonic language. This was the beginning of education, i.e. the ability to connect and understand the meaning of letters and words. And without this skill (key), which gives access to ancient texts, the rest of the training was considered meaningless. The Russian language was and still remains the language of images of deep meaning, in contrast to the European ones, which give a superficial (broadly) understanding of the transmitted information. In the structure itself simple words the Russian language has a fundamental knowledge of everything. And everyone who knows Russian can remember them. Only one study of the deep Russian language (images) and open communication with native nature can awaken genetic memory and rid the psyche of numerous "zombie" programs. Our language has retained the basic mechanisms of primordial speech (imagery) by about 30-40%. Languages \u200b\u200bof other peoples - by percentages and fractions of a percent. There are languages \u200b\u200bthat are almost completely built not on figurative principles, but on viral and bacterial codes. The words of the first speech were preserved in different languages but a little in each. Therefore, not all words need to be interpreted, because they are not real, but conditional contractual symbols in which there is no figurative conceptual meaning. In a modern person, due to the simplification of language and the loss of imaginative thinking, many processes of the brain are damaged and inhibited. The brain of our ancestors worked far from modern 3%, because the first speech was information dense and fast. Therefore, it was very different from the current communication systems. True, the mechanisms of transmission and processing of information in the human brain have not fundamentally changed. Images are formed in the brain due to frequency sound codes, which have their own matrix - a letter with its own image. Two letters, connecting, form a new image (slogan). The figurative (slogan) construction of the ancient thought speech provides for many synonyms and variants of the assembly sequence, because the task of the brain is to draw a holographic image of an object that is understandable. Despite the large differences between different language groups, the brain retains the holographic principle of operation - imagery, at least at the level of internal communication between the parts of the brain. When conducting experiments on the speech area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, it turned out that no matter how people of different nationalities broke languages, their brain pronounces words and communicates between their departments "in Russian". This once again suggests that the white person comes from a single clan and a single "nationality." We can understand an image as a collection of versatile knowledge that is combined into a specific description of an object or phenomenon. Each image carries a deep essence, which makes it possible to understand the purpose and existence of this image. The etymology of this word is far from unambiguous. S. Ozhegov: result; the ideal form of displaying objects and phenomena of the material world in the mind of a person; type, appearance; type, character; order; direction of something, etc. In V. Dahl: a portrait, the likeness of which, striped, painted face, icon. Among the Slavs, among other things: volumetric wooden figures of the Gods (kummirs). Reading the word "image" within the meaning of the drop caps also gives a lot of etymological options: double (about) one (one-one) we create (b); He is recommended by the Gods; etc. The figurativeness of Old Slovenian, and later of Old Russian, comes from the runes with which our ancestors reflected the reality around them. The rune is not a letter, not a syllable. And those philologists who believe that they can read the runic text are deceived. They pick only tops, unaware of the roots, like a character in a famous fairy tale. The rune is a secret (ultimate, deep) image of that phenomenon, an event that was displayed in the runic inscription, its essence. Each sign of the same Sanskrit, simplified form x, Aryan Karuna, has up to 50 meanings. Original, i.e. Karuna (union of runes), over 144. Therefore, the decryption of these texts was carried out, obviously, not by amateurs, but by professionals who had the gift of connecting and understanding the path of the rune image (darrungs). The graphemes of Karuna and the Holy Russian Drop caps were written under the so-called “celestial” (“godly” - in Mirolyubov's) line, but the images they carried in themselves often did not coincide. They were superimposed on the public text (simple reading), using it as a medium. To identify the desired image embedded in the text, in addition to the "simple reading", three more, so-called, "deep readings" (step-by-step deciphering) were performed. The result of each stage became the "key" to the transition to the next stage. All four readings were combined into a single text (simple reading - everyday wisdom; deep readings - a higher order of wisdom). And vice versa: depth information of the matrix. It turned out to be a kind of "information matryoshka" for general use. Common people repeated it in chants, hymns, glorifications of the Gods from century to century. It was so simple and reliable to ensure the safety of information in time. And among the priests were kept "keys" for deciphering ancient wisdom. That was general form saving knowledge in the past. And now, by example, we will show the very principle of information extraction. You, of course, know the expression "elementary truths." In the modern sense, this is something very simple, even primitive, known to everyone. For example, as 2x2 or as a, b, c, d, e, e, E, g, s, h (phonetic beginning of the alphabet) - 1 stage. But the letters (initial caps) used to have naming conventions: az, Gods (beeches), lead, verbs (verb), good, is, am, belly, zelo, earth - stage 2. By combining the names of the initial caps in pairs and adding their well-known images, we get a text familiar to many: I know God, the verb is good, to say good is being, the life of a velmi on earth is stage 3. We go down deeper, moving on to the deep images of initial letters: I know a lot, I am multiplying information about being, which is a form of existence of various life on earths (planets) - stage 4. It should be reminded over and over again that the vast and powerful state of Russia (Russenia, Svyatorus) had a great history and culture, the memory of which has been humiliated for more than a century. In these lands was the very source of the most ancient faith of mankind: the Vedic, and therefore it is here that one should look for the first roots of the very culture of writing graphemes that carry figurative meaning. The same one that our ancestors brought from the north from Daaria (Arctida), starting from the four most powerful primary sources of graphic display of sounds, which already at that time had an incredible time duration of their development and unity for us. The fact that Russia in Vedic times was unified and possessed a high cultural level is evidenced by the indisputable existence of a great, unified ancient Russian language, which has a more developed phonetics and grammatical structure than the modern Russian language. Nowadays, as already mentioned, the impoverishment (degradation) of our language is taking place. For example, the simplification of the pronunciation of letters (throat, nasal, hissing, whistling, etc.) led to the fact that verbal combinations (conspiracies, slander) that had been tested for millennia ceased to affect our body, because they are pronounced now with the wrong frequency, vibration. All the "reforms" of the last centuries were aimed at its primitivization, simplification, loss of imagery. The initial letter had 49 characters. Before Peter, 6 letters were removed from it. Peter himself brought their number to 38. Nicholas II and the Bolsheviks settled on 33 letters. And there is already talk that further simplification is inevitable if we want to live by European standards. But who has proven that their locale is higher? There they have already been reduced to as much as 24 letters! It has already been said about the loss of deep imagery in European languages, especially in English, which is being strenuously promoted to the role of the world language leader. Example: many authors studying the Old Russian and Old Slavic languages \u200b\u200bnote their brevity due to the additional transfer of the image. The expression "the prince will come" was considered. We still understand it. In English, these two words were conveyed by 11 words. In our language, all other words from english translation according to the rules are considered rubbish words. So think, do we need such a "leader" and such "reforms"? In conclusion, we can state that with the loss of imagery and the transition to a phonetic way of extracting information, our language became ugly and, ultimately, ugly. “The death of the tongue means the death of the Rod,” an Armenian thinker said in the last century. A distorted language leads to a distorted perception, from which distorted values \u200b\u200barise, distinctions are lost - in will and desire, form and formality, goodness and benefit, capacity and volume, etc. The genus loses its qualities and degrades (runs wild), turns into a people (the stratification of the Genus), from which, if the process lasts, a rabble originates (combined genus). It has been noticed that closed human communities, cut off from civilization, are gradually switching to a primitive language, and even residents of neighboring villages cease to understand each other. Something similar is observed in Western Europe... Residents of various regions in Germany, Finland, for example, already speak dozens of dialects and do not understand each other well. To stop or, for a start, to slow down the process of wildness, you need to return to your roots, figuratively speaking. And for this you need to know the language of your fathers, Shchurs, ancestors. And not only to know, but to be, to become their full-fledged heirs, having mastered the word in full. In order to see things with this word, and not destroy it, depriving it of the Image further, whereby everything is far away from the Rule, but closer to Navi. Our current language is only a shadow of the ancient language. The way two eggs are laid next to each other, and they do not differ in anything in appearance, but only one whole, and the other eaten away .... From the outside, it’s the same thing, but there’s no content in one. The trail is gone ... Our goal now is to find in the "shadow" of that sprout not killed by the Language of the Ancient and to grow it up anew. This work is not easy, hard, but, as Bobrok Volynsky used to say in his time: “Go for it, brothers! ..” Until the roots dry up, remind the Tree of Clans to Everyone whose traces are cold that they were born in Russia! With fury, Gods give them salt of the age-old road, To step feet in memory of past centuries. Well, and who does not understand, does not remember, the Wind will remind him. And it will be reflected in the lake Essence - a reflection of truth. They will shout earnestly: sworn, sworn! Rescue me! .. In Iznovi the ray is still shining. Chapter 1: Types of Writing Long before the Christianization of Rasichi (the "Indo-Europeans" of modern science) had many types of writing, about which Catherine II, introduced as the ruler of the empire to secret information about the past, bluntly stated that the Slavs many thousands of years before Christ's birth they had their own scripts. Note, not a letter, but writing, i.e. different types of writing. A similar point of view was expressed by M. Lomonosov, V. Tatishchev, E. Klassen. But such views were and adhere to not all, as they are expressed, "language schools." Basically historical science by hook or by crook imposes on the society the idea that before Christianization the Slavic Russians did not have their own letter. Nowadays, only "features and cuts" are recognized, and even then under the pressure of numerous finds of samples of this Slovene folk letter. All the rest is rejected, immediately declared "forgery, fake, nationalistic nonsense." Let's not get involved in a fruitless discussion about the mission of the "Solunski brothers", because the well-known historian N.I. Kostomarov once estimated their activities. More important for us is that the ROC initially knew that the Slavs have their own written language (in the Church-Historical Dictionary for 1889 it is clearly stated in this regard: “Rossy, varangian tribe, lived in southern Russia; with Byzantium they were either trading or fighting. St. Cyril borrowed the letters from them ”), but she preferred not to advertise her knowledge. This is a policy that at all times was considered an impure activity. It is she who is to blame for the fact that the largest ethnic group in Europe has been denied originality for some century: whoever and how you like, but not the Slavs (especially the Eastern ones). Is it not here, as they say, the dog is buried? Our ancestors called such a psychological (magic) technique "aversion of the eyes", i.e. switching attention to something that does not correspond to reality. “They (the Greeks) said that they had established a written language for us so that we would accept it and lose our own. But remember that Ilar (Cyril), who wanted to teach our children and had to hide in our houses so that we do not know that he teaches our letters, and how our Gods need to lay demands ”(Vleskniga / Patriarsi). There is a catalog of part of the runic manuscripts from the library of Anna Yaroslavna, which, after long twists and turns, ended up in the possession of the famous collector of the 19th century, scientist-archeographer A.I. Sulakadzeva. This catalog mentions two editions of the "Book of Veles": Yagily Gana smerda from Ladoga ("Patriarsi") and Olekha Vishertsa from Cherdyn ("Krinitsa") - "about the resettlement of old-timers and the first faith." It also included "Kolyadnik of the 5th century from the Danube Yalovets about the worship of the Troisky mountains, about fortune-telling in the pecherah", "Volkhovnik" manuscript of the 6th century, "Traveler" of the 4th century, "Perun and Veles broadcasting in Kiev temples to the priests Moveslav, Drevoslav and others" ( 5.6 century), etc. An excerpt from the Slovenian Veda, published by S. Verkovich in 1874: “... our grandfathers of that time were the most scientists on earth, and all the others came to ask the teachers how and what to do ... They (the Greeks) are from us and the plow taught, and learned crafts, and reading, and writing ... When our ancestors lived on the End-Earth (Daariya - Arctida?), Zhiva Yuda came and taught how to write golden tablets for the King's Garden ... There were many books of that faith ... Such books were in everyone village in Daspod (Bulgaria is ours), until the Gentiles came ... and began to burn those old books. But now no one is pulling out, but hiding in hiding places. "

All Slavic languages: Russian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Polabian, Slovak, Serbo-Croatian, Lusatian and Slovene, come from one, the roots of which come, the language of the poetic hymns of the Rig Veda. From the Vedic Sanskrit originates
Russia in Vedic times was a single linguistic space for vast territory and possessed a single great Old Russian language, which has a more developed phonetics and grammar than the modern Russian language.
The Old Slavic language was the common language of communication for all Slavic tribes in the first half of the 1st millennium AD ...

The linguistic analysis of the Slavic LANGUAGES clearly proves that the process of division of the Old Slavic language began in the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. In the process of separation old Slavic language the pronunciation of words changed, the pronunciation of words was distorted, the turns of speech were simplified, new vocabulary was added, grammar changed.

Over the 9 centuries, the Old Russian language has changed a lot, but even in the 9th century, when individual Slavic peoples were mentioned in the ancient Russian chronicles - Bulgarians, Czechs, Poles, etc., the chroniclers noted that they all spoke the same Slavic language. What does the word SLAVS mean?

Let's try to find the roots of the word SLAVES in the Vedic Sanskrit dictionary:

Shrava - śrava - Word.(The letters R and L are very often interchanged or rearranged, there are many examples of this: Bala-rai-ka \u003d bala-rai-ka - Balalaika... Ruch - ruс - ray, shine.Bark, paradise, rayati - laj, rai, rayati - bark, bark.)

Shravaha - śravaḥ - a word of praise, loud praise (Glory)

The result of each stage of deep reading of the text became the "key" to the transition to the next stage. All levels of reading the text were combined into a single deep understanding of the text. Starting from simple reading, one received everyday wisdom; deep reading - the highest order of wisdom, awareness of the deep information of the matrix. It turned out to be an "information matryoshka" for everyone: common people repeated sacred texts in chants, hymns, glorifying the Gods from century to century, so simply and reliably sacred (secret) information was stored in time. Wizards, sorcerers, priests kept "keys" to decipher ancient wisdom.

What is the principle of information extraction at different stages of EDUCATION?
For example, let's take the Old Russian ABC itself.
Stage 1: studying the name of the drop cap, its outline, recognition in the text and reading. Az, Buki, Vedi - “I recognized the letters” - says the child, because “Buki” sounds clearer to him than “Gods”.

Stage 2: all the alphabet letters - from Az to Yat - can be combined into a coherent instructive text:

AZ GODS LEAD \u003d I Cognized the Writings
VERB GOOD IST \u003d Word Is Wealth
LIVE GREAT, EARTH AND WHAT HUMAN BEING \u003d Live by working hard, Earthlings, and those who are like humans (those who consider themselves Human)
THINK OUR PEACE \u003d Comprehend Our Single Basis (Support)
RTSY WORD FIRM \u003d Carry (Rivers, Speak) Knowledge Convinced.
OUK FERET HER \u003d Knowledge Fertilizes the Almighty
TSY CHERVLE, STA ERA YUS YATI \u003d Dare, Tochi, Worm, to Comprehend the Existing Light!

Stage 3: other rows, columns and even diagonals of the drop cap also have a hidden meaning, presented in the form of a 7x7 matrix, which is proof of the uniqueness of the Old Slavic language, which absorbed the ancient roots of the words of Vedic Sanskrit, the language of our ancestors from Arctida.

The Old Russian Alphabet is a coherent text that contains a message!
When reading the name of each letter of the Old Russian Alphabet, a hidden message appears before you, written in the Old Russian language:

, (the letter A means "tma" (thousand), A \u003d legion (10 thousand) "We are Thousands"
- with God, with God's help

VERBS - speech of the word literacy, (God Created Verbs - God created speech)
GOOD is for Good.
IS - is, to exist
I AM - “I am with God within myself” I cognize space
-, exist for Life, for the meaning of Life is in Life itself
(very, strong, JELO - efficient, diligent, WHOLE - whole) (in English jealous - zealous)
- Earth
IZHE - in alliance, with the United,
IZHEI - ALL ITS (Earth), universal structure
INIT - permeated, community, communication, for unification
HERV - to ripen, ripen. (Ardent, spring, ardent, heat, hot ..., love).
, how,
PEOPLE - People, laity, people
THINK - goal, intention, determination, thought, reflection, when the flesh merges with the Spirit
- your own, close in spirit
ON - "this", the only
REST - calm,

SLOVO - a word, an embodied thought
FIRM - stronghold, visible space of heaven
UK - Decree
OUK - Science
FRET - to comprehend, to understand (in Sanskrit - forward! Hooray! - one cry of the attacking troops) PASS - move forward
- divine ()
OT - from here
TSY - (qi, tsti) - "tochi, penetrate, penetrate, dare", as
CHRRVL - worm
SHA - what,
STA - to, "in order to"
EPb - EPY - EPb \u003d b, s, b - Hard and Soft efforts.
YUN - clear, light.
YAT - Yat (yati) - to embrace, comprehend, take, have, withdraw.

The ABC contains not only instructive instructions for all students of literacy.
Let's try to build phrases of 3-4 drop caps in order, start each line with a new drop cap in order, at the end of each new line add the next alphabet drop in order.
Az Gods Vedy - I know the Gods
Ved Gods Verbs Good - Gods in the Vedas Verb Good.
Veda Verbs Good Is - The Vedas tell that there is good.
Verbs Good is Belly - Say that Good is Life.
Good is Belly Zelo - Good is a whole life (diligent)
Have Belly Zelo Earth - There is a lot of life on Earth.
Belly Zelo Earth Izhe Izha - There is a lot of life on the Earth and the whole (universe)
Zelo Earth Izhe Izhey Init - The Earth is integral together with the entire Universe
Earth Izhe Izhey Init Herv - the Earth in alliance with it (the Universe) is maturing (Yar, heat)
Izhe Izhey Init Herv Kako - Together with her, Everything is permeated, like heat (YAR, Love)
Izhey Init Herv Kako People - All of SHE is permeated with heat (Love), like people
Init Herv Kako People Think - Love is in it, like people have in their thoughts
Herv Kako People Think Our - Love, like people in their thoughts
How People Think Our On - How People Are One In Their Thoughts
People Think Our He Peace - Human thoughts are one about peace
Think Our On the Peace Rtsy - Think all our peace in words (in speeches)
Our On the Peace Rtsy Word - Our only peace in the spoken word
On the Peace of Rtsy Word Firmly - One peace in the firmly spoken word
Peace of Rtsy Word Firmly Uk - Peace in the firmly spoken word of the charter
Rtsy Word Firmly Uk Oak - Speak firmly the word of the charter and science
The Word Firmly Uk Oak Furet - The Word Firmly of the Rite and Science Comprehend
Firmly Uk Oak Furet Her - the Firmness of the charter and the science of comprehending God
Uk Oak Furet Her Ot - You will comprehend the Charter and Science from God
Oak Furet Her Ot Tsy - Dare to comprehend science from God
Furet Her Ot Tsy Worm - Comprehend science from God, try like a worm
Her Ot Tsy Worm Sha Shta - From God you are a worm, because
Ot Tsi Chervl Sha Shta - From here, understand (tochi) like a worm, because
Tsy Chervl Sha Shta Yun - Pay attention like a worm to make it clear
Worm Sha Shta Yun Yat - Tochi, the Tree of Knowledge, to Take the Light.

To stop, or, for a start, to slow down the process of savagery, simplification, and disfigurement of the Russian language, one must return to one's roots, figuratively speaking, to one's origins. And for this you need to know the language of your fathers, Shchurs, ancestors. And not only to know, but to be, to become full-fledged heirs of the richest heritage of our ancestors, having mastered the knowledge native language in full.

In the 9th century Saints Cyril and Methodius translated the Gospel into the Slavic language. Old Slavonic was similar to the Old Russian language, it was understood in Russia without translation.

Here is a fragment of the Gospel in Old Church Slavonic and modern Russian. The Russian translation of the Gospel was published in the middle of the 19th century.

The Gospel of Mark Chapter 1

1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

2 As it is written in the prophets: behold, I am sending my angel before you, who will prepare your way before you.

3 A voice crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

4 John appeared baptizing in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.

5 And all the country of Judah and the Jerusalemites went out to him, and they were all baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins.

6 And John wore a garment of camel hair and a leather belt on his loins, and ate akrid and wild honey.

7 And he preached, saying, The Strongest of me is coming after me, from whom I am not worthy, stooping down to untie the strap of His shoes;

8 I baptized you with water, and He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

Slavic letters

1. The capital of Ancient Russia.
3. The name of the city in Macedonia, where the holy brothers Constantine and Methodius, the enlighteners of the Slavs, were born.
5. Bread, which is consecrated in the church at Easter.
6. The name of the Patriarch of Constantinople during the life of the holy brothers Constantine and Methodius.
8. The head of the region in the Byzantine Empire during the life of the holy brothers.
9. What does the Greek word “sophia” mean?
2. Kind of painting on wet plaster.
4. Writing material used during the time of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
6. What was the name of Constantine among the people?
7. What was the name of Saint Cyril before he became a monk?
9. What was the name of the Byzantine emperor who sent Constantine to preach to the Slavs?
10. The name of the prince, under whom Rus was baptized.
11. Set of rules.



(Materials for lessons: in sections 1 and 3 of this collection, as well as in the textbook by N.G. Gorelova, B.I.Pivovarov "Native history", - Novosibirsk: "Ekor", 1995)

Lesson number I

Dialogue with students, introduction to the topic.
5 minutes.

What is a diploma? The beginning of the national writing is the most important milestone in the history of every nation. Origin slavic writing... The names of the creators. Contribution of Russian literature to world culture. Historical sources.

For materials, see pages 9-13 of the section! of this collection.

Historical excursion.
Time axis orientation.
10 minutes.

The desire for enlightenment by the faith of Christ led the Slavs to the need for a book language. Who are the Slavs? What do they have in common? Slavs in the 10th century What can become a unifying principle for peoples?

Information on the topic of the lesson.
20 minutes.

The life of the brothers Cyril and Methodius. Constantine the Philosopher. Translation of the word philosophy ("love of wisdom"). Enlightenment by faith of Christ of the Slavic lands. Creation of the Slavic alphabet. Death of Constantine (Cyril) and testament to his brother. Translation of the Holy Books into Slavic by Saint Methodius.

A visual aid is an icon, see the splash screen on page 53 of this collection.

Add. material 10 min.

Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Rus P. 72-79 of the textbook by N.G. Gorelova, B.I. Pivovarova "Native History".

Lesson number 2

Basic information on the topic. 20 minutes.

Slavic alphabet. What alphabet did Constantine create? Cyrillic and Glagolitic.

Page 12 of this collection.

Slavic alphabet and Greek alphabet. Where do Greek words come from in our language? Tracing words. See the article “Greek Around Us,” p. 18.
Church Slavonic language and its role in the formation of the literary Russian language. ... See section 3, pages 59-65.

Practical lesson. 20 minutes.

Reading some words in Slavic Text for language, reading text in Church Slavonic, writing Slavic letters and numbers in a notebook. Reading text see page 35, outline letters and numbers - pages 15-17 of the collection.

House. the task

Learn the names of Slavic letters.

Lesson number 3

Information on the topic. 35 minutes

Memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius. The glorification of the holy brothers by the Orthodox Church (Memorial Day 24 May). Icon of Saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

The icon is on page 57.
Hymn to Cyril and Methodius: Listen to a cassette tape or sing along with piano accompaniment.
Celebration of the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture in Bulgaria.

See pp. 33-34 of this collection.

An ancient book. What were the first books in Russia, when they appeared, how and by whom were they written? In the XI century, Russia was one of the most literate countries in Europe. Yaroslav the Wise. High level book art in Russia. Love for the book. Decoration of ancient books. Statutory letter. Textbook by N.G. Gorelova, B.I. Pivovarov "Native History", pp. 261-266.
Additional material. 10 minutes Archive. Who are archaeographers? What is an archive and what can its documents tell about? The first archives in Russia (XVIII century). Textbook "Native History", pp. 261-266.

The Church Slavonic language was created by Saint Cyril so that the Slavic tribes could offer their prayers to God in it, and so that the Word of God - Holy Scripture - could be spoken for them in this language. It arose during the translation of Bible texts and liturgical books, which were performed in the 9th century by Saints Cyril and Methodius with their disciples.

At the heart of church Slavonic lies one of the South Slavic dialects. But it is enriched with many elements of the structure and vocabulary of the then Byzantine (i.e. Greek) language.

The Church Slavonic language has never been a spoken language, it is a sacred, sacred language of the Orthodox Church, by the grace of God and the feat of the holy brothers-educators Cyril and Methodius bestowed on the Slavic peoples.

The Church Slavonic language is common to all Orthodox Slavic churches, although it has relatively minor features in different nations: Serbian, Russian, Bulgarian (such varieties of the Church Slavonic language are called revisions). For more than a thousand years of existence, it basically remained unchanged - knowing the modern Church Slavonic language, you can read old books (!).

The Church Slavonic language is native and close to us, it is necessary not so much to learn it as to learn it, and in order to improve it, one can study in the same way as we study Russian at school: its spelling, syntax, etc.

Among the Russian language, Church Slavonic for a long time played the role of "sublime style", not being in fact some other language. Our ancestors in everyday life used Old Russian, and in prayers, when writing the lives of saints, in spiritual teachings, sometimes even in annals, official letters and other documents - Church Slavonic.

Therefore, the translation of Church Slavonic texts, especially liturgical ones, into modern Russian is not actually a translation, but an attempt to blasphemously transfer them from the sacred to the everyday, colloquial, vernacular, by reducing the style of these divinely inspired works.

The Church Slavonic language has never been spoken, but it has been and remains a living language, since Orthodox Christians all over the world pray and glorify God in it. It is constantly updated with ever new liturgical, hagiographic and other texts.

In our time, a deep understanding is needed that the Church Slavonic language is one of the frontiers of Orthodoxy, against which the spirit of apostasy, apostasy, strives, after failing to physically destroy the Church, to reduce it to the level of ordinary human organizations. The rejection of the Church Slavonic language, its oblivion is a betrayal of the priceless treasure of God, given to all who are fortunate enough to belong to the Slavic Orthodox Churches.

Our quick guide should help you master the basics.

Assignment of the 1st lesson:

Try to read the given troparion (short prayer, hymn) to Saints Cyril and Methodius [see. 1st illustration; in parentheses, for convenience, there is disclosed the reading of words with titles - superscript letters, which will be discussed in more detail later].

Most of the letters are familiar to us, they are easy to "identify", despite the Church Slavonic script, for example: A, B, C, D, D, C, T ... But there are also absent in the Russian alphabet, or having a strong difference in spelling ... Look closely at the modern Church Slavonic alphabet, in which each letter has its own name [see. 2nd illustration].

As you can see, they are very different from the Russian ones - only a few letters. Remember how to read the following letters [see. 3rd illustration].

[In the second lesson, the consideration of the peculiarities of the use and writing of Church Slavonic letters in comparison with Russian, as well as capital letters will be continued].


In this lesson, the synopsis of the publication was used: "The shortest initial self-instruction manual of the Church Slavonic language." - Center for Orthodox Education, Torzhok, 2001.40 p.

Selection of materials, abridged presentation, revision, notes, cutting and processing of graphic fragments: Natalia Nezhentseva, 2016.

Today there is a proposal to talk about the Slovenian language - in its today's name: In Russian , about the previous language Slovenian - Old Slavonic and Svyatorussk. These are the original languages \u200b\u200bthat were - and now we have 3 adverbs: the adverb spoken in Russia (Russian), the Ukrainian and Belarusian dialects. Once a single language - so it was divided between a once single people, and everyone now identifies himself with these languages.
Why is the need to remember our language now ripe? Why do we need to deal with this issue? What role does language, as a tool, as a means, as a Divine Gift, influence a person? Why did the Gods give us a tongue from above? For what? Here, to designate such things - of course, we will not be able to deal with all the images meticulously, but we will still give the basic reference points: if a person is a seeker trying to figure it out and answer the question: "Who am I and why did I come to this world?" - he will figure it out, I think, on his own, on his own - good, now the Internet is such that all the information is there, but you need to learn to distinguish. As soon as we start to distinguish, it means that we can say that we know Old Slavonic - the language of Slovenia and the Russian language - the one that once defined and order of the Universe, and was considered the language of God.

What's interesting over the past centuries? In this XXI century, scientists finally came to the conclusion that it turns out, regardless of nationality, the parts of the human brain - whether it is white skin (Race), whether it is with yellow skin, whether it is red, whether - something gray, be it black - the brain departments communicate with each other in Russian. That's how it turns out! This is the Institute of the Brain in America (and the Bekhterev Institute repeated all these experiments) - and it turns out that the Russian language turns out to be a means of communication between the parts of the brain.

In order to start dealing with this issue, let's write how it sounds in modern transcription:
Russian language, and then we will bring it to the form that it once was in order to understand it. Let's start with a short word: Language.

If we look at the Old Russian Initial Cap and Church Slavonic Alphabet, there are 49 drop caps, but we will not find the letter "I": it simply was not there - this is already a remake, the so-called. Therefore, the word Language was written through 2 Drop caps:
Ar (Image of one kind or structure) and the second letter Yen (this is He-image and structure that determines the ascending Image)
Previously, all drop caps had Images: the main Image, which is written and auxiliary 49 images, depending on where this drop letter was located: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end, which Images influenced it: before and after it ... Therefore, she changed her Image. How to understand this? In the following way:
Light from the Sun, walking through the Galaxy, changes its quality, its spectrum changes, and, say, Jupiter is illuminated by a different spectrum of sunlight than the Earth. Likewise, Images. For understanding, here are two words:

RA - at the beginning this syllable goes like the Primary Fire of Creation or sunlight, or just light (from the spotlights that stand here). Depending on the position in the word, he changes his Image.
If here [ Rainbow] we have: RA- the primary fire of creation, DU - two or more, GA - paths (movement, path). That is, a multidimensional system. The rainbow, we know, consists of a spectrum: 7 colors (K-O-Z-Z-G-S-F) - from red to purple.
But in the word FIGURE the syllable RA has a different meaning. What is a shape? Here is some, say, an image of a person. So, the figure is the light reflected from the human body and manifesting it - it is not the Primary Fire of Creation, but the light that illuminates the person - and we see the Figure.

So, the word Language was written through 2 drop caps:
ЗЫКЪ - there was always EP (b) at the end, meaning "creating", that is, it is in the process of creation.
What's the difference between these words? If we use Images, we get (see picture):

How were the images removed? 1918, 10th day, 10th month, by decree of the People's Commissars No. 804, a reform of the Russian language was carried out. These Images were removed from the Russian language, and instead of them we received an alphabet, that is, a phonemic row: A, B, C, D, D. A phoneme that means nothing and it is not clear what it is talking about.
If you disassemble by phonemes, it sounds the same, but the Images are different. In the first case, Language is a part of our body, an organ of touch - that is, we feel the taste. And here it changes completely. This is what defines us as a spiritual component: language as an instrument.
If "Ar" was read as "a short", then "Yen" is already "e".
To correct the existing injustice, it is necessary to change the letter "I" to the letter "E":


For what? The first is the overhead nasal sound. If you say "EZYK", then the energy rushes to the eyebrow and stimulates the eyebrow chakra. If you say the Tongue, then the energy rushes down to the second chakra.

In this way, by substituting the letter and pronunciation, we lost the meaning that was invested. And add b ( co-creating) - what is in action: EZYK
So: the Image ascending upward, the Earth, Era, Kako, and all this is created.
If we write Ezyche, then this is a member of the Family, one of ...
If we say that this is Ezyche NIKakoy, then we get Ezychnik:

That is, the Slavs could not be non-native, because they could not be aliens to themselves. An ezhychnik is one who did not understand the Russian language, the language of Slovenia, and was a different nation. Therefore, at present, the pagan, as a remake, is used, and this does not correspond to the original meaning that was put into it.

Now let's get down to the second word, why all the same RUSSIAN ... Nationality is associated with this word, but in general, there is no nationality "Russian" - this is also a remake, which was invented by the same people who adopted the Decree - this is the company of Blank, Leiba Davidovich - those who castrated the Russian language.
RUSSIAN is a compound word. It consists of two words: Russia and Skit .Skit - this is the place of settlement - where the Rus live. If a person was from the Skete of Russia, then he was Russian, so this is an adjective. Therefore, we can say: Russian Georgian, Russian Jew, Russian Mordvin, Russian Tatar. But Jewish Russian, Tatar Russian - we cannot say that, the language will not turn. So, Russian is belonging to Russia, i.e. a person who lives in one of the sketes of Russia.

In general, the nationalities "Ukrainian", "Russian" are remakes that were invented by the Bolsheviks in 1917, in order to divide the once united people. This technology is used to divide, play off and rule.

Let's go further. The first castration of the language was carried out by Cyril and Mythodius. They could not fully learn Russian - it is quite difficult. Therefore, five letters were removed, four were given a different name. Then Monomakh removed one more letter. Peter the 1st removed 6 letters. And the last, the most powerful blow was struck by the Bolsheviks, who removed the Images even from those 33 letters that remained.

There are two initials "Uk" and "Oak":
If we write the word Rus through "Uk", then it will be one meaning,
and if we write Russia through "Oak", then it will be a completely different meaning.
How do you understand these things?
Well, here's the letter "Uk" (U), in "Ukraine" it is present
- this is located at something, standing nearby.
Well, let's say:
Standing at Rod: Ugly.
There is a proverb: "There is a black sheep in a family."
What is it about? That the first child born in the family is with Rod. Now this word has been changed.

It used to be Yurod - without kin, rootless.
Hence the origin of the word holy fool.

And here " ROSE "- comes the initial letter" He "and the initial letter" Uk "( we'll talk about the meaning of this letter later). While you need to understand that there is a certain system, KON, Pokons, Kons, which are together around something. Therefore, if we take Russia, then we also had Red Russia (Chervonnaya), there was Silver Russia, White Russia, Pomor Russia (Prussia), there was Little Russia, Great Russia, etc. - all Russ were written through "UK", but if they were united, then they were written through "Oak". But different genera were pronounced differently: someone said “Rous”, someone said “Rus”, someone said “Ros”.

What does it give us? We need to figure out what a word is, its deep meaning - well, at least get to the second semantic row.
The Russian language is quite interesting - especially the Old Slovenian (Slovenian) language: it is multi-tiered, like a puff pastry. That is, one semantic row goes, the second semantic row, the third, the fourth ..., and, depending on how a person goes along the path of evolution, he operates with various images that fill this or that word.

Initial letter "retsi" P: number 100 (completeness) - speech, saying, flow
The flow of what? "Oak" - you still need to understand - this is sensuality and foundations. These are Poconas, Covenants, etc., etc. - those that rush. If we say that we speak, and do not say, then speech is the transmission of Images without distortion. Therefore, if PRIEST, then we say: “Life is Reaching”, that is, it conveys Images without distortion.
In this place the meaning " Row"Means" preservation " Saving what? The initials “word” (C) (We will figure it out later if there is such a need), but for now we need to know what is “the protection of the Word”.
There was such an island Ruyan - now Rugen - that is, once upon a time, our island, on which stood the city of Arkona, then captured by the Germans.

So, Russia is the keeper The words. What word? We remember the familiar, biblical - it is also from the Vedas - however, it is distorted. In the Vedas it is written like this:

I will now explain why the additional letter b appeared - this is “short O". Swallowing drop caps ( vowels) carry the main Image, they in words agree with the matching drop caps ( consonants).

First we will deal with the "Word", and then we will deal with other words, which are also quite interesting.

Words in the Russian syllabic language explained themselves, if they were true - when reading the scale: from right to left. Here, we take and rewrite " Word"- it turns out VOLOS
If it was originally Wordand the Word was at Godand the Word was By god, then this phrase becomes clear to us if we understand that VOLOS - this is VELES... But the Word was with God, originally from Cohn. We have a con - ROD.
First The Word was with Rod, and the Word was God (to others): Veles - God of wisdom.

But we go to the next semantic series. VELES further decomposed: Prophetic Forest - in modern language, it is Information Field of the Earth... That is, all the information that humanity has accumulated, in one way or another - from the mental it went into the energetic thin-material layers of the Earth, and all this is stored there, as in a library.
PROPHETIC- this is Lead, Esti (Knowledge of Being), Shta (in all its diversity and uncertainty) And (this is multiple repetition), and Th (this is a flash - a connection with the heavenly)
LES People in Genesis through the Word of the Creator.

This is exactly the Information Field of the Earth.

Here, if you make out what Russian is, and what Russia protects: WORD

Now what concerns Cohn is also quite interesting in the Russian tradition.
What is Kon? A lot is connected with Kon.
We draw a KOLO.

In the beginning, the Word was here (center). From a point, it went to the Limit and could go beyond the Limit.
If this KOH - everything that goes beyond him turns out for Kon. Our Ancestors lived According to Kon, Testament.
What is a veto, you need to figure it out.
The rule itself is not a ban, as they say now.
Covenant- according to the rule. Now, if we have a question, we want to understand the Russian language, and we ask a question, then we get an Answer

Here, as a first approximation, to understand in which direction you can move. This is one of the directions - this does not mean that there are no others - there are as many of them as, for example, each initial letter has 50 meanings, and accompanied by others - 49x49 - there are a lot of images. And then, this is the simplest system. Before that there were runes, before that there were 144 values \u200b\u200bfor each rune, before that - 256, but in general the runes went into a million.
And, in fact, all the clans possessed their own writing: there were Karuns, there were Tragi, the so-called.
Kharyan Karuna: Ka is a rune union.
If Ka stands at the beginning of a word, then it has an Image: Union, and if at the end of a word, it says: "one of this multitude."
Let's say there are grandfathers, but we need to say that one: Grandfather (then we will analyze the tale: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bitch ...)
So, Our Ancestors lived according to the Cohn, according to the Covenant, according to the Charter, according to the Usta - everything that was belonging to the traditions of this Cohn. If someone approached the Limit and transgressed it, he was a criminal. He married Kon. Therefore, according to the laws, Inhumans, smerds, demons, outcasts and so on lived. Therefore (we take the initial D "Verb" is the transmission of Wisdom, movement, outflow, flow, direction) - The flow, direction from Kohn, like a spark that slipped through is Goy... If he was expelled from the community, expelled from Kon - he was an Outcast. If we read the scale backwards, we get YOGI - here, Our Ancestors were Yogis, i.e. possessed all the Wisdoms of the Kon, which he gave.

Here is the Slavic Krinitsa, many already know it:

Ha(positive energy), Tha(negative), inhale-exhale - this is how Kon works. What do you need to understand? What happens at the exit from it is an inversion - an inversion in letters. If the words that reflect what is happening in Kon are through "O", then if we go beyond the circle, beyond the limit, we have another initial letter, the initial letter "Az" is the manifested one: God living on Earth. If you remove Kon, then the initial "He" changes to the initial "Az". Therefore, we must distinguish between what is

Freedom- Sva (heaven) given by God to Dobru Asam
LIBERTY - SV-rim-A, i.e. the person behind the rim, going against God, is a God-fighter.

Also Kon, the Creation also went from him ... We will not turn to the Vedas - we will turn to the Bible - it is closer to us a little bit, because Christianity is now the predominant religion.
It says that first there were Asses - Times: Speech, God born on Earth

(at the end of the "era" - we'll figure it out later)
They were the first, and they lived according to the Vedas, because they knew. But there were also the Second. If these ( Times) were created, according to the Bible, on the 6th day. It is written that God created man: a man and a woman. And on the eighth day, the Lord did not create, but created man, then he took a part of his body from him and made him a wife. This is cloning. This is how the second peoples appeared. With this The second was given Torah... Standing above them Dei(Vedas in reverse reading) - if it is a plural, then "ilk" is placed in front of them and their U ("UK") - it turns out Judea.

That is, you can find everything in the Russian language, the answer to any questions - if you carefully study and read the primary sources, then everything will be clear: why one people was created, why another people was created. The mission of this people, and the mission of this people. They differ. This is why the Russian language exists - in order to Times (Asy) fulfilled their mission. This tool, the Russian language was given to them for this.

Let's say the word Racism.
It is also complex, consists of several words:
RASA - Clans of Ases of the Country of Ases and IZM - Truth of the Earth World, i.e. people with white skin are the truth of the earthly world. Those. that Russia, which guards the WORD, accordingly preserves God - of the one who was this Word - that is, accordingly, the mission and purpose.
Therefore EZYK not just given. Although now quite punishable things have been made of this word, not only in our country, and in Article 282 on "inciting ethnic hatred" all this is hidden.

Tale about the Turnip
A text that was known in the 17-18 century (from the collection of Afanasyev)

Dedka planted a turnip and a big, big turnip grew. Daddy began to pull the turnip - he could not pull the turnip. I called my grandmother, called my granddaughter, called the bitch - they pulled and pulled, they cannot pull. Then they had to call 5 legs. The fifth leg for the fourth leg, the fourth leg for the third leg, the third leg for the second leg, the second leg for one, one leg for the knot, the bitch for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip. They pulled, pulled and pulled the turnip.

In this form, the tale is incomprehensible to us, because we have lost the true meaning of the Russian language, what kind of legs they are. Here in the picture it is drawn: the legs are drawn, how they go, but, in general, it is about construction.
We are talking about rafter legs. Why and how it is done - can be briefly explained.
Again we take Kon, because everything went from him, and in order to figure something out, you need to have knowledge about Kon.
Con divided by 16 piecesThen we connect the upper point with the first intersection points - the angle between these segments is first legthen goes second leg, third leg, fourth leg could not pull out, and only fifth leg helped them.

And that Horomina, that building (House is the wrong word, because the house is a Domina, where the deceased was lying), the roof of which was such a corner of the rafter leg, then the energy of the Earth began to flow from the ground.

1st leg - used in barns, because the current from the ground was minimal, and food was stored there.
For livestock were used 2nd and 3rd, and in residential buildings - already other legs. In the towers different angles were used: 4th, 5th, 6th legs.
7th leg used in the templeswhere many people came, services took place. Now this corner can be seen in Catholic churches - they became the heirs of this Arian culture, Hyperborean.

This is what the fairy tale is about: if you want to build a roof, and you want the energy to go, say, for the living room, where guests come, so that the energy is renewed, and not stagnant, as in the barn, then you had to take the 5th rafter leg.

Next, that's what I would like to talk about.
All 49 letters were expanded into 2 matrices: 5x5

How were they filled? Knight's move - they were circling: A-B, B-C, C-G, G-D, D-E, etc. - if the horse is walking, then we completely fill in this table.
The first 25 letters formed into the 1st matrix, the second 24 into the second. And here we have this window - the so-called. 25th frame.
Here, just, 25th frame we will be interested in: what is it? Why does this "dummy" allow us to enter the Prophetic Forest, which we are talking about.
The Russian language allows you to balance the work of the right and left hemispheres of the human brain, so that he can enter the Prophetic Forest and receive direct information from the energy-information Field of the Earth. That is, a library opens up for him with all the wealth that humanity, Our Ancestors, has accumulated on our Earth.
How does this happen?
In the "Great Savior" there is a state that the psyche describes:
- in the scientific presentation, I found them in the relativistic concept - it is available, available on the Internet. Its author is Klyuev Alexander Vasilievich (there is also a co-author).
This concept describes in scientific language what our Ancestors knew: how the human psyche functions.

Five modes of functioning of the human psyche.

This Pantacle was used by the Bolsheviks. For what?
Its action is such that if this sign is next to the head, then the alpha rhythm of the human brain decreases, and the person, to put it mildly, begins to weaken the mind.
You need to understand how it all works.

1st type: Intuitive-subconscious mental activity.
If we take modern developments in management, the Concept of Public Safety, then there are zombies and there are demons. Intuitive-subconscious mental activity is a state in which we find ourselves constantly. Throughout our lives, we develop certain stereotypes.

Let's say a movement: how to erase it from this board - I have it worked out, and I don't need to train - in the same way: brush my teeth, sit down, take a marker, write - that is, these are all stereotypes.

Imagine a situation that now someone starts to take the marker away from me and will not let me write. And my desynchronization will start, i.e., I will stop working in this automatic time mode.
To understand. What is this mode, let's turn to the time axis to make it clear, for this we use the Russian language.
We have a past PRSH, we have a future BDSCH... And somewhere we have the present. Will we be able to display the present on this axis?Let's try:

If I drive and stop, this is already the past. Again I want to portray the present, I still draw the line - and again, this is the past.
Hence, the present is the movement itself.

The moment when I make a movement is the present. This is well known to those Second, biblical, who govern us.
Here, the present. So that a person does not get here: (HERE and NOW) into the state of "Savior" - someone steps on this present from above - Someone "Stands On ..." (STN) ... all this, having built a house, and does not allow us to use either the Russian language or our own psyche to get into this present, into the state of "Savior", that is, come to God. We are either in the past or in the future - this is what the relativistic concept says and says "Spas".
Who is this Standing On ...? Again I appeal to our Kon. If this is the initial letter He, then outside of it we get the initial letter A - an inversion occurs. We went beyond Kon, and if we add the letter A to these matching letters, we will get:

SATAN is nothing else.
This is where Satan is hiding.

That is, it is a kind of energy-informational entity that does not allow a person to get into the present in various ways.
So, if I started a desynchronization mode - I was taken out of the mode of intuitive-subconscious mental activity, then I can enter 4 states.
2.Rational and mental activity.
I will try to understand why they took the marker from me, who is taking it?

In time it looks like this:
- 1. Type of activity - intuitive : we are late from the present by 0.5-1.5 seconds, because the factor series has already left, the situation has changed, my psyche quickly extracts from memory everything that I have worked out, takes out some stereotypes from the pantry of memory, and, in accordance with the changed factor series, I begin to act accordingly.
- 2. If I was desynchronized, then I go into the mode rational activity ... How is it different, interesting? It differs in that I will already be 2 or more seconds late from real time. Those. I need to think about what happened, I need to make an assessment and analysis of the whole factor series that happened around me and somehow react to it.

3. There is the following mode of action: I can get into emotional and mental activity ... If rational-mental activity is the past, then emotional-mental activity is the future. How is it characterized?
I set the task to take back this marker, and then I am not at all interested in how the situation around me will change if I need to pick it up. Those. emotions prevailed, I stopped thinking, I stopped evaluating, I am only focused on taking this marker. Therefore, I will again apply what is in my memory. Those. I will be ahead of the curve. How? The situation could change, they could put another similar marker on my table, but I will not see it - I will run after the person who took it.

There is also a 4th, reflex activity ... What it is? A person has a stressful condition. We get into it when the level of desynchronization of mental activity is sudden. Here, they attacked us. We won't think about what to do and how if they started beating us ?! Here the body enters the reflex mode, and the person begins to act reflexively. If I have in my memory the tried and tested methods of resisting this pressure, then I can fight back. If I do not have this, then in this case I fall into a stupor. I don't act at all.

And there is a 5th mode that we are interested in - this is intuitive-conscious mental activity ... This is precisely that 25th frame when we fall into the divine, and we become an action: we are "Here and now" and, in fact, have control over what happens. This is the state of "Savior". But in order to get into such a state, you need to activate, make sure that both the left and right hemispheres work at the same time. And here you cannot do without the Russian language.

What english language and other Western languages? These are languages \u200b\u200bthat block. We take on Kon and draw: Left and Right hemispheres. So, if the Russian language makes both the right and left hemispheres work, then English is a completely left hemisphere language - there are no images. A person can never get into this superconscious activity, he can never get into the present. This does not mean that everyone cannot - there are individual cases - everything depends on the spiritual level of a person, but the Russian language, in this case, the Slavic, Old Russian language, it is just a reliable means to bring a person to the point when we can get into this state and synchronize the work of the left and right hemispheres when our brain is working to its fullest.

Why can't we get into the present? Here is the Satan that we talked about - Who is his helpers? He has demons in his assistants.
Those. a person has 3 egos:
- the ego of the physical body,
- the ego of the mental body - rationality, mind,
- the ego of the vital body is emotional.

So, until we part with these energy-informational constructions in our psyche, we will not be able to get into the present.
Because the ego is YOURSELF. We read in the scale - we get BES. In general, our ego is devilry.
Demons are not those who are behind the human structure - behind Cohn, but those who are within us.
What are they needed for? They are needed in order for us to survive in this world, on the way, while there was the Night of Svarog or the Galactic Night - in order to survive in these conditions, these egos had to be formed.
Now we do not need them, because on 12/21/2012 we are switching to a new mode, the Galactic Day begins, in fact, we will need these egos only as a computer: they came, turned on, worked and turned off.

How do you turn off these egos?

That's interesting Pushkin wrote to us about this: "House in Kolomna" - there is a full version of 54 octaves (lectures KOB, Zaznobin - give 2 semantic series). I want to draw your attention to one quatrain of Pushkin:

Then blessed is he who rules with a strong word
And keeps the thought on its leash, (mental ego)
Who lulls or crushes in the heart
An instantly hissed serpent; (vital ego)

And then let's go to the physical body - as Pushkin imagined.
A person freed from demons, from the ego - this is called that his individual consciousness came out into the universal consciousness, into that Prophetic Forest, i.e. he became enlightened.
This is the first step on the way evolutionary developmentwhen he defeated all 3 egos. This is how Pushkin wrote, how they achieve such a state. He has a poem "The Prophet", and here there are key words that are quite interesting:

We languish with spiritual thirst,
In the gloomy desert I dragged

What is it about? Spiritual thirst: when a person takes the path of spiritual development, he evolves. This is how he accurately writes: "We are tormented by spiritual thirst." What is longing? This is not a compulsion, not an incitement, it is just longing, when from within, from the heart, something prompts a person to follow the path of evolutionary development.

And the six-winged seraph
He appeared to me at the crossroads.
With fingers as light as a dream
He touched my apple.
Prophetic apples were opened, (namely: apples!)
Like a frightened eagle.
He touched my ears, -
And they were filled with noise and ringing:
And I heeded the shudder of the sky,
And the high angels flying
And a reptile underwater passage,

And vegetation of the valley vine.
And he clung to my lips,
And tore out my sinful tongue,
And idle and crafty,
And the sting of a wise snake
My frozen lips
Inserted with a bloody right hand.
And he cut my chest with a sword,
And he took out his quivering heart,
And coal blazing with fire
I put it in my chest.

Now, all three egos are not. So, what state does a person get into? Pushkin writes further interestingly:

I lay like a corpse in the desert

those. what it is? After the individual consciousness came out into the universal, he completely freed himself from this "ego" and lay like a corpse. And then the act of spiritual birth takes place, i.e. the twice-born person becomes. How does this happen? Here, further the conditions are necessary for a person to be born in the Spirit, to come to God.

And God's voice called to me:
“Rise, prophet, and see and hear,
And here's the most important thing:
Fulfill my will

That is, a person is completely fulfilled by the will of God, and these demons are replaced by the Providence of God. So, he just gets into the state that we talked about: into the Present - he lives here and now

And, bypassing the seas and lands,
Burn people's hearts with the verb. "

The information possessed by such a person is directed not to the Mental Ego, not to the Vital Ego, but directly to the human heart - where the person has a secret - we talked about this in general.
Here, in short, what is Russian Ezyk, what kind of divine instrument it is, which is given to us, what is it for, how it allows us to synchronize the work of the right and left hemispheres, why know all of its Images, that is, see every word in its Images and fillings.
To make it clear what we are talking about, these are also abbreviated words:
Church (Tse Ancestral Circle of Fathers Knowing)
Post (Complete cleansing of his own bodies by creating) [Danilov said: constant cleansing]
POP (Ashes of the Fathers Betrayed)
That is, if we ask ourselves and try to find the second semantic series - the meanings that are embedded in the Russian Ezyk, then we will deal with many things. Those. modern science will not be needed, which, to put it mildly, has distorted everything - it serves, in general, the Illuminati Order, which once created it. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the significance of the Old Slovenian Ezyk, the ancestor of which was the Sveto Russian Ezyk.

How can the 3 dialects, Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages \u200b\u200bbe combined now - that's the task. In any case, these peoples will not have a future if unification does not take place on the basis of the Russian Ezyk. But in order to restore the Russian Ezyk, a necessary condition is needed: to recreate the one who keeps the Word and the Gods - RUSSIA.

Therefore, I think in last years manifestation of Russia - as it was: Kievan Rus - it will still be restored if we want to survive and fulfill the mission that was entrusted to the people with White skin color, to the People of the RAS.

Answers on questions

What was before the Russian Ezyk?

The fact is that the Clans of the Race - there were 4 main Clans:
H'Aryans, Da'Aryans, Rasens, Svyatorus - had different scripts (and the language was the same)
H'Aryans- had Karuna - priestly letter
Yes'Aryans - Tragi
Rasens - had a mirrored writing - it is now preserved in the form of Etruscan writing. Now this mirrored letter has been deciphered: a mirror must be substituted in order to make the inversion of the letters. The Rasene language is now being translated, and practically there is much in common with the Belarusian language. Until the 21st century, the Etruscan language could not be translated - it was believed that Etruscan was unreadable: from Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic, etc. does not translate. And it never occurred to anyone that Etruscan was a Rasensian language.

The letters were different for everyone, they were divided functionally: a priestly letter, a trade letter, there were lines and cuts for writing letters: he tore off the bark, quickly scribbled a letter and handed it over with a baggage train, or with a caravan.
Before the night of Svarog: 988 - almost all Slavs were literate without exception. Only the outcasts did not own the writing.
There were also military letters (so-called passwords) - this is for each prince, each family had its own language - even that was! And at the everyday level, they used features and cuts - now these are the runes of the Rod (Chudinov) - in this language all the Rods corresponded among themselves.
The Slavic-Aryan Vedas are now preserved on Karun - modern man will not read.

It turns out that each varna had its own letter. What does Futhark refer to?

What is the magic of Russian amulets?

It's all about the image. How does it work? We return to Kon again. The thought is material? The brighter the Image is created - at the exit from Kon, it materializes, and this Image, this energy is sealed into the amulet. If runes are still being used, then there is a strengthening. There is a direct contact with the energy-information field of the Earth, and a person does not give his energy, but pumps the energies of the Prophetic Forest there. This is how filling happens.
In "Great Spas", especially during construction, all this is used in the manufacture of weapons: cold steel from the Cossacks. For what?
Consider an example: Checker Ka is one of; initial letter Ш - Triglav (by the will of the Father, by the power of the Spirit and by the way of the son) that which stands behind this limit is a certain indefinite latitude.
And the Checker, which is a certain geometry, length and made depending on the ergonomics of the hand, carried out transitions, i.e. the blade itself, its curved part, was included in the Earth's Torsion Field. If such a checker fell into skillful hands, then the metal did not deteriorate, and the wounds were inflicted quite seriously. The curvature of the checkers and the Torsion field worked with those who are incarnated on Earth (A - went beyond Kon) to destroy matter. Two W - reinforced! Is a weapon.
Therefore, blades were spoken, amulets were spoken.
If a woman loved and the thought-form was directed at this amulet, prepared for her husband, then this energy protected him

We have lost our knowledge! Where can you find everything?

Everything is there on the Internet. We again return to the "Spas" system.

Here is the Man. He has bodies: 1st, 2nd, and so on up to 13 bodies. Man is the foundation of God on Earth.
There was no letter "I", there was "Az" - God incarnate on Earth (in image and likeness).
Souls who come to Earth are trained. Earth is the Intergalactic University.
What does the word "suzhit" mean? A dozen is 12, i.e. for 12 incarnations, a person must pass, experience, and form completely all spiritual structures: that vibrational subtle body consisting of 13 bodies. How he formed all this, so he receives information. When Hara goes through Thorns (when there is an exit of individual consciousness into universal consciousness) - hence the word "characterist". This is the first step. This precedes Spiritual development. Man connects to To the Prophetic Forest - the energy-informational Field of the Earth, and begins to go Illumination ... Not only the meanings of words become clear, but also how they were formed.
Therefore, working with the Russian Ezyk, you can bring yourself to such a state.

In order for us to tune in to the frequencies of Ezyk Slaveni, we must want - our will can do anything. Therefore, we can change this frequency and make it what it should be. And when he was already upset with the Images and with Ezyk himself, then in such a miraculous way all these things begin to open, although all this knowledge is there.
You can find lectures on the Internet, say Sharshin (interesting, see what surname), Vyshin, Alekseev etc.
There are many people who follow their own path to the knowledge of the Images of the Svyatorussky Ezyk.

Therefore, what is "suzhit"? If he has formed an energy body, he will not be born on Earth: a person comes 13 times, has worked and left. The next souls come young, they gain experience again. Why is humanity not changing?We are here like at school. You cannot jump from one class to another. Right now, there will be a rather interesting period, a transitional period - the distribution by classes will just take place. The energy sector will change.

You know: 12/21/12 - it will start Galactic Day, and now, the energy will be added. If now our brain worked at 3%, then with each goal, after this date, it will begin to slowly increase up to 100%.
It is not clear why a person needs a brain if he uses only 3%. Lack of energy. In order for it to be enough - now, now is absolutely amazing time: in addition to our Sun, we will begin to illuminate more Galactic sun... This is an objective process. And the Russians will start to wake up. Our nationality is not Russian, but rusich - this is a noun ( "Rusich" is precisely the nationality of those who now call themselves Russians).

The Old Russian Ezyk is now a help: drop caps and Images - namely, Images that make the right hemisphere work. As soon as there was a connection, as soon as the right and left hemispheres began to work synchronously, then the person begins to see. There are eyes, and there are also Eyes. Eyes and eyes are different things: you need to understand that with the eyes Spiritual vision is realized. This is a vibrational vision - when you feel a person: you feel how he rings, how he sounds. You see the figure with your eyes - the reflection of light from this body, and with your eyes you feel its vibrations. It is a spiritual vision, with the heart.

How will the unification happen if we are stubbornly pushed to the edge in order to forget all this?

To understand the words, since we are dealing with Russian Language, consider:
Kul - something that you can put something in. If it is formed, then it is approved. So? Here we approve it: Cult... But if we have collected it and affirm it in accordance with the Primary Fire of Creation, then it turns out Cult-u-RA ("Y" - what is nearby).

What are globalists doing? They are engaged in the fact that the Primary Stream - C (Goal) (our Goal - Culture) - so that we do not achieve this goal - they divide this energy flow into several.

This stream in its multitude - Qi - Vili(discreteness) - za-qi-i . That is, discrete division of a single Stream into its constituent parts. That is why there are many languages, many peoples, why there should be many states, etc., etc. Do not allow to unite. This is their paradigm.

Our paradigm: Cult-Ra - we have forgotten. AND the basis of Culture is the Russian Yezyk.

Why is the Russian Language called in Russia now - the authors Sanidze and Gerber - "ethnic Russians" took and wrote such a textbook, where, instead of Az-God-Veday - Watermelon-Drum, etc.
So here's the problem: we don't understand the difference between words, so we don't distinguish. As soon as we get back to this, we begin to DIFFER - everything will fall into place.
Until we distinguish, we do not have an instrument, but our Ezyk, a figurative Ezyk, is the instrument for discrimination. Then we will understand everything. And so they deceive us.

How are we being deceived? Very simple. Let's say how it is done in Ukraine:
We open the Constitution, 1 article.
(Interesting: again KOH and the status, and if you remove KOH and add Pro, an interesting transformation turns out, someone thinks about it, why does this happen, and what is the constitution?)
If we get through that the word has changed from the replacement of two letters, then we understand what we have written in the 1st article.

Ukraine is NOT stagnant. Why did they write "Square" in the constitution?
Now they say that all psychologists know that the prefix "NOT" is not perceived by the human brain, so the brain discards it. Therefore, the biblical commandments "do not kill, do not steal" - it is kill, steal.
And the same thing here: Fallow!
But you do not need to contact psychologists if you know Ezyk
Here, we look: the initial letter Our (N) - what was known to Our Ancestors (Ours).
Again we return to KON. There was a Thought ("M" - think), this Thought became mine - it became Ours. It turns out that we change this letter to Ours ("N"), but it has not yet gone beyond KON - it is still unknown. Denying “Not” is not something I put in my pocket (my shirt is mine, but not ours). If we add “is” (“E” - five elements of life, flora, fauna, being), then this is what is not manifested, what does not work. That which has not yet materialized.

If I know Ezyk, then I understand that in the 1st article, in the word Independent, the prefix does NOT need to be removed, and then I understand that Ukraine is dependent... On whom are you dependent? From the sovereign (it is sovereign). Who is a sovereign? it supreme ruler - the word is French. What does the French word do in the Ukrainian constitution?Question?!

Democratic. Everyone is worried about this democracy. Opening dictionaries of the 19th century. We can look at Plato even earlier. What it is? How to translate? Slavery, the power of the slave owners. In Plato, Democracy is in the penultimate place... Below only Tyranny (we open Plato and read).
We are told: the power of the people, but the people - Ohlos! It means that Okhlocracy should be with us if we have the power of the people. And we have the power of slave owners. Demos is someone who lived in the area of \u200b\u200bAthens called Demos, had a certain property qualification and had slaves. Or still a free citizen. Free, entitled to bear arms. Opens up our constitution, the rights of the citizen. Is there a right to bear arms there?
So we have demos. Who! The one who is in our government. And above them there is a sovereign, but he is beyond the limit. Why is he out of bounds?
There is a certain center Federal Reserve System - discount rate 0% Can someone explain why the NBU discount rate is 7.5%? Why does 7.5% overflow immediately? Then comes the financing of the business - already the rate in dollars is up to 15%, and in hryvnia up to 30% loans, because deposits are already 25%
What is incomprehensible if you know Russian Ezyk?

That is why Cyril and Methodius came to Russia - in order to castrate the language. For this, Peter the 1st was, and the Bolsheviks. For the Galactic Night, and this Night is 7 Circles of Life:

7 x 144 (Circle of life-144 years) \u003d 1008 years.
988 + 1008 \u003d 1996

What year? Adoption of the Constitution, which says that Ukraine is a slave state. But they gave us the Circle of Years - 16 years: 1996 + 16 \u003d 2012. All! Time to wake up.
In order to wake up, you need to do Ezyk.

How would it be correct to write in the Constitution then?

Why do we need the Constitution? We had Poconas. We had Covenants. We married Kon, we live by the law, and only demons live by the law. Why have we become devils ?! Who doesn't understand this ?!
Everyone says: "Legal nihilism" Kravchuk complains that we need to become "slaves of the law." Europe has been a slave to the law for hundreds of years, and we need to become slaves.
Yes, the Slavs were never slaves! Therefore, the law will not enter the Ost (the Acceptance Axis). The testament will enter, the Pocon will enter. Because there is a Limit in genetics. And when Kon comes up to him, the psyche says: don't do it! It comes from the inside.
This year, by the way, Russia hosted a rather interesting international conference. Leading American scientists arrived - those who had just created Russia in the early 90s as a US colony. 20 years have passed - they summed up the results. They say: "We could not break the people, we could not remake." They even conducted research: they took a referential group of several people and wrote step by step 1-100 manipulations that needed to be performed: 100 steps, operations. None of the Slavs passed from one to 100. When they ask him: "At the 23rd step you had to do this, but you did it differently - Why?" He says: "Why would I do this if I did better ?!" Someone already at the 1st step did not do that, someone - at the 99th. But none passed. We are not Japanese, we are not robots. And this is sitting inside us: this 25th frame, the so-called. They say, "For you to be successful, you have to become Japanese." They drew such a conclusion in Russia, and, accordingly, we have the same prescription. You cannot be robots, you cannot be successful, because you have everything "through the tree stump."

How do you see our Earth in another 16 years?

I don't even want to look there, because what difference does it make to me what will happen in 16 years if I am "Here". How "Here" will turn out - I can say for sure: there will be such a factorial series that will make the Slavs learn Russian Yezyk - otherwise they will not fulfill the Mission with which they come to Earth. That is, they will still create conditions under which, whether we want it or not, we will still remember how it should be. We have no way out! Because PravoSlavie is the glorification of Pravo, the World of the Gods.

But this is from here, and from above how to translate this word? From the point of view of God? Here, he is now looking at the territory of Ukraine. And here there should be Lava - the people's one, and God must rule through this Lava. I.e Rule With Love... Where is this Lava? If everyone is disconnected? This is not Lava - lumps from Lava!
Here is the Russian Ezyk - what just gives an understanding, but what to do, and how to be.