Nikolay druzik - how to prolong a fleeting life. Nikolay Druzik - How to Extend a Fleeting Life How to Extend a Fleeting Life Read Online

DRUZYAK Nikolay Grigorievich


I express my deep gratitude for the help provided to me in writing and publishing this book Zasyadvovk Galina Nikolaevna, Friends to Elena Evgenievna, Friends to Viktor Grigorievich, Friends to Evgeny Nikolaevich and Friends to Yekaterina Evgenievna.


For centuries, humanity has tried to solve the problem of longevity. Myths, legends, beliefs were born, which reflected the dreams of many peoples about immortality. The search for an elixir of eternal youth and beauty was undertaken. Today this problem has become one of the most important in natural science. Many creative teams have turned to finding ways to increase life expectancy.

It is known that in some regions there are many long-livers, while in others, as, for example, in Odessa, on the contrary, there is the highest frequency of many diseases. The life of Odessans is the shortest in our country. The author deals with both situations and finds an original solution. He offers not only new idea about the main reason for longevity, but also the real ways of translating it into life. It is about extending life not by lengthening the decrepitude period, but by naturally strengthening health in all periods of life. We are talking about a longer, more active and qualitatively fulfilling life.

After reading this book, readers will learn that in any region you can be both healthy and long-liver.

Many other new ideas were expressed in the book, which should be perceived with interest by the readers.

V. Degtyarenko,

president of the Odessa regional academies of sciences,

doctor of Biological Sciences.

"Sour taste" of health

What will happen to a person if he is put on a high-calorie, but rather bland diet: white bread, milk, boiled meat, fish, potatoes, etc.? Most likely, after a week or two, he will have an irresistible craving for something sour or salty - sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and other garden products.

And what, in fact, did he lack? Vitamins? But vitamin deficiency is not a problem these days. Today, when every pharmacy has a wide variety of domestic and imported preparations to choose from, containing not only the entire spectrum of essential vitamins, but also a daily set of trace elements, it is not at all difficult to help this trouble. But even with the inclusion of a vitamin supplement in the diet of our subject, fresh food for him will remain insipid, and his body will persistently demand something else.

Now, thanks to the author of the book you are reading, we know that this is "still" - organic acids, a universal factor of health and longevity, without which our body begins to "slip." True, I must say that, of course, we knew something about the taste and nutritional properties of our jams and pickles before, otherwise we would not have been so diligently engaged in annual autumn preparations, which we usually call vitamin preparations (although none of the same pickled cucumbers contain and a trace of any vitamins). But the author of the book clarified for us their real nutritional value, and at the same time the value of dry wine, apple cider vinegar, berries, citrus fruits, and in general everything that we call the gifts of nature.

Vitamins, trace elements, vegetable fiber ... Yes, of course, all this is necessary, but not only that. In dry wine or in apple cider vinegar, for example, all these components are present in such negligible quantities that they can simply be neglected, and, nevertheless, the American naturopathic physician D. Jarvis has dedicated an entire book, a kind of hymn, to the healing properties of apple cider vinegar ... This book has become a bestseller and has been translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. However, the famous doctor Jarvis also failed to explain the essence of the therapeutic effect of vinegar.

This was done by Nikolay G. Druzyk. But the surprise and novelty of the author of this book's view of human health conditions, revealed to us from the author's "bell tower", is far from being exhausted by this. Understanding the meaning of organic acids is only component more general author's concept, according to which the real "dog of our health" is buried in the acidic internal environment of the body. Moreover, the author indicates and what should be the optimal acidity of the blood. And here, I must say, he enters into a rather dangerous conflict with the official academic medicine. Because, according to all academic canons, the pH of human arterial blood is constant and fluctuates within a very narrow range - from 7.37 to 7.43. It is this dogma, no more and no less, that the author of the book encroaches on. But he is attempting not with his bare hands, but fully armed with very serious argumentation. We will not cite it here - the patient reader will get acquainted with it on their own, after reading the entire book. We only note that even these relatively difficult parts of the book are written with literary brilliance and are incomparably easier to read than most medical manuals and textbooks.

And in general, the whole book is read with great interest. The author captivates the reader with his research on the nature of water in areas of longevity, and with his theoretical conclusions.

With anything many scientists have linked the secret of longevity! But Druzyk, with facts in hand, showed that the reason for everything is soft natural water with a low content of calcium salts in it. And he explained why.

We are used to looking at water as a gift from God, but it turns out that this gift can not always be considered as such. Someone was lucky with her, but some were not. And it turns out that such luck, as a rule, is accompanied by the phenomenon of longevity, no matter what region of the planet we take. And all this because the excess calcium content in natural water increases its content in the blood, which leads to an increase in its buffer capacity, which takes over, "extinguishes" the hydrogen ions so necessary for the body, introduced into it with food and formed in it continuously as a result of oxidation reactions of fats, proteins and carbohydrates (with the dissociation of carbonic acid).

Therefore, by the way, Druzhyk is such a fierce opponent of milk and all dairy products - after all, they are also rich in calcium, especially cheese and cottage cheese, which means they contribute to the alkalization of our blood.

Whether people, especially those who are not completely healthy, should completely abandon dairy products is a moot point. But the fact that their consumption should be introduced into some reasonably ordered channel, after reading the book leaves no doubt.

As for the water of those regions where its mineral composition leaves much to be desired (and this is, unfortunately, almost the entire territory of Ukraine and most of Europe, including the European part of Russia), the author suggests treating it as a food product and specifically prepare drinking water. Its recipe is extremely simple - ordinary distilled water plus two salt additives. Such

Sergei / 04/27/2019 I read it several times. The most important information in the chapter on radiation. About the preservation of teeth from caries, too, just to tears. And so on all questions of health and life.

Replicant / 5.03.2018 Book bomb. I read different reviews, here they write Druzyak died, and so his case was gone? The kingdom of heaven to him, God forbid everyone to live so much and as he, and not just "smoke the sky." Read and understand correctly he is for our health, but "health care" is against our health. This simple truth is unclear to many. And no one says that it is necessary to "score" on all doctors, be reasonable, as Homo Sapiens is a reasonable man. Either stay as you are ... why are you here at all and pretend to read something, or go to the charlatans for their dime a dozen.

Lydia / 06/18/2017 A wonderful book!

Victor / 11/13/2016 Druzyak respect and respect. For two years I have been applying his recommendations, it only gets better. Book for five.

Paul / 27.10.2016 The book turned my life upside down, blew my brain. Yes, official medicine will never support these calculations - sales market, money. I am already 63 years old, for 10 months I live in harmony with the book - minus 10 kg without tension, veins in my legs are drawn in, joints began to work, a good sleep and, in general, I welcome the new day with enthusiasm. Wonderful book

Sergei / 8.11.2015 A person comes to this world for a certain time, then leaves. This was and is the order of things. But they are about to break it. An extension of life for 20-30 years is coming, followed by immortality. Now numerous laboratories and medical centers, which are in the practical possession of the richest people on the planet, are conducting research and have come close to solving the problem of prolonging life. Unfortunately, these rich people themselves are an unwitting brake on research. The fact is that giving large grants to laboratories, due to their incompetence, they are unable to control the correct distribution of money and the organization of work. And where there is weak control, corruption and chaos arise. The current situation: the load of equipment and scientific personnel is only about 30%, no hint of optimization, no groups of search, systematization, analytics and preparation for research. Perhaps I am one of the few who know how to accelerate the search for life extension. Anyone interested, please contact [email protected]

Ilya / 11.10.2015 Book. Cool. The family twists their fingers. How without milk? It is a pity that the theory of this book is not compatible with the Vedic culture, they generally cannot eat meat there and all proteins are only from milk (cottage cheese, cheese, fermented baked milk).

yuri / 12/27/2014 Only private direction is considered apart from common work organism. But what about the alkaline recovery of Neumyvakin, which is no less effective in practice. And yet: what kind of blood and urine should be acidic or alkaline?

Mukor / 4.12.2013 And why did you decide that alkalization is what you need? Well, here's an example: kidney stones, in most cases, are oxalate, and how to deal with them? Drink "living" water? Well, they will grow even more. It is necessary to acidify, but for some, even nothing in some health allows.

Anton / 05/05/2013 "Most people have an alkaline blood, as we already know, but meat and fish actually alkalize the blood, and do not make it acidic, and vegetables and fruits have an acidic reaction and cannot alkalize the blood." It's a delusion!!


November Arthur / 14.12.2012 The serious approach to the problem of health and longevity is very impressive. Drink the right water, acidify your blood and no milk and you will have Happiness. This invaluable book can help many suffering and really sick people. Why are there all kinds of high costly technologies? If you are healthy and full of strength not difficult and expensive at all.

eugene / 26.05.2012 not very impressive

Lex / 09/13/2011 A wonderful book !!! I got rid of many ailments. No wonder, all ingenious is simple.

Bobr / 04/17/2011 Excellent book. I have been applying the technique in practice for at least six months, I lost weight, forgot about headaches, and my blood pressure dropped. Friends are super! I recommend to everyone.

fedor-hrstoforov / 17.01.2010 Impressive! I haven't finished reading yet. I especially like the links (in some chapter there. It attracts! I already use vinegar. I especially like the benefits of laziness. Thanks.

Alexander / 03/11/2018 I first got acquainted with the works of N. G. Druzhak in June 2010 after 3 times "lying-treatment" in cardiology with DS "Unstable angina", after which I was "offered" stenting and "lifelong" medication - predicted, cardiac, cardiomagnet and a few more + statins.
But I still found my way:
Information for thought.
... I do not think that I am healthy like a bull, at 73, many have much better health. But I have been working and living without pills for more than 7 years, previously using them and injections of 400-500 pcs / year for all my chronic diseases, how many people succeed now in such years - I don't know, I would like to hear from others about it ... So to say - "compare the incomparable", because I myself understand that health is impossible to compare.
I decided to explain what I “did” with my “unstable angina” in 2009-2010, because of which I paid off from work in April 2010.
(Unstable angina pectoris, or "angina at rest", previously even called "permanent pre-infarction state", is when an attack begins at any time, without any physical exertion or stress, in contrast to "Exertional angina", in which it stopped - the attack stopped, got nervous, ran or whispered quickly - started again - these are simple - non-medical terms).
And I coped not only with angina pectoris without pills, but also with several other chronic diseases, diseases that I had for several decades at 65 ... what I did for my health, which in 2009 was gone, and why I do not currently use ANY medication.
I'll make a reservation right away.
This happened for me personally after several of my actions. This does not mean that the same will happen for ALL. So I'm not going to teach or convince anyone, much less to argue. I only give information for thought and state the facts about my health, the health of my wife (at the age of 71) after she already had a heart attack in July 2009. I also cite facts on improving the health of some of my relatives, acquaintances, who were also helped partially by the same thing as me, but not always to the same extent.
Some have not completely got rid of taking the pills ... and some of the prescribed ones still have to be taken. This, as a rule, is already due to the irreversible changes that have taken place in their body. But reducing the amount of drugs is also progress.
My wellness experience.
More than 7 years have passed (since November 26, 2009) after the onset of the unstable angina pectoris disease. After 3 useless "lying-treatments" under droppers in cardiology for 10-15 days, treatment "according to the scheme", followed by a recommendation - vascular stenting. It's good that I didn't do stenting. Somewhere in 2012, more objective information appeared about vascular stenting (meaning the preventive installation of stents), although no one denied or denies that in emergency cases (in case of heart attacks, in particular) it can really save a person's life).
I paid off from work for health reasons on April 13, 2010 after the third discharge from cardiology. I wanted to sell a garage with Moskvich to pay for stenting, but "in secret" the same treating cardiologist said, they say, Al-dr Iv. do not rush, think, yesterday a patient died during stenting ... .. There were several difficult months when attacks, and therefore nitroglycerin tablets, came just in the middle of the night or when the body was moved to a sitting position in the morning. Coming to the garage to do something - I had to leave with a nitroglycerin tablet under my tongue right after some work. I had to take pills: nitroglycerin - for severe angina pectoris pain, preductal, cardiac, cardiomagnet and other ... ... We clean the vessels, Japanese sophora.
All these months I was looking for alternative or new developments of scientists for the treatment of CVD and IHD, finally I installed the COMP, which was gathering dust on the floor unconnected for more than a year, there was enough working Comp at work before that. Began to be interested in medicine in more depth on medical sites, in Med. Encyclopedias and Med. Library. I read a lot of books right in the Knizhniy store, wearing glasses - fluently - in a way that caught my eye about coronary heart disease, fortunately, I remember everything the first time (80%) - the main thing is the principle itself, without any specifics.
What did I find during this time from the "new"?
I called on the phone with Neumyvakin, about his treatment with "hydrogen peroxide", but I realized that only intravenous administration of hydrogen peroxide by a "competent" doctor (after all, he did this to his relatives, or "droppers"), something can specifically help organism, but even then not always. After I learned from an acquaintance, Ph.D. from Moscow, about the opening there of the "Neumyvakin Center" with the presence there of "candles and icons" - completely disappointed in him.
I phoned the research institute in St. Petersburg on their new developments - CYTOGENES (peptides that resume the division of the body's own stem cells). These peptides were developed for each SPECIFIC organ of the human body (at that time only 6 types of them were developed, including for the heart muscle - myocardium), with a DVD sent to me. But for me the time was not right for the full impact of these Cytogens - within 3-5 years.
I was interested in the new, at that time, shock-wave method of "punching" bypass (like shunts, "bypasses") - additional arteries. Alas, having shoveled the Internet, calling Kiev and so on, it turned out that in most cases, it is for six months - a year, then they again "overgrow", in a simple way.
I even talked to G. Malakhov (GENESHA) by E-mail, but I only made sure of my opinion about him as “not having his own opinion about diseases,” so as not to call him a “charlatan”.
05/05/2010 quit smoking (even in cardiology it was not forbidden, but recommended - to limit to 5-6 pieces) - smoked exactly 50 years, at least 1 pack per day, and it never gave me, like most smokers, breathing problems , shortness of breath or coughing (calmly reaped on the 8th floor without stopping). But I decided that it could help? Alas, for another 2 months there was no improvement, until I found what I needed.
In addition to searching on the Internet, by phone, phyto-pharmacies, dietary supplements, I, as I wrote above, for 1-2 hours in a bookstore read everything that related to my problems with coronary heart disease. At the same time, a lot of "superfluous" was remembered - Bubnovsky's kinesitherapy, Zalmanov's turpentine baths, B. Bolotov's pickles and oilcakes, acidification according to N. G. Druzhaka, recommendations of Semyonova, Vasilyeva, Eliseeva, Alekseeva, some foreign authors, more than 30 authors in total (and it was bought more than 40 books at a price of about 30-50 UAH).
I also got a booklet for only 12 UAH. about breathing apparatus that affect the body, as well as VLHD (Volitional Elimination of Deep Breathing) according to Buteyko, although it is incorrect to identify the effect of devices with VLHD. And the booklet was called "Way out of the impasse".
And this is for Sergei :: And she, perhaps, would have slipped past me, but I remembered the 60s, when the name of Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko thundered, although then I was studying to be an auto mechanic in Kharkov and was not interested in medicine at the age of 16. But the source of information about him was so great that even in those years (only at the age of 16), without the Internet, that his name and his VLGD I remembered for the rest of my life.
Then I called my cardiologist and asked her about the Samozdrav device, about which this book was written. In response, I heard that they really can be treated, but this device does not always help everyone and, allegedly, she could not advise me on it, since it is for “home use”. (I will be frank that the "denyuzhki" falling into the open drawer of the desk, in the staff room ... were more influenced.)
I got through to Samara and spoke personally with the director of the company that produces these devices - Mishustin. (By the way, he immediately offered me a job as a Dealer in Cherkassy from Samozdrav, which alarmed me a little, but I did not refuse to use him for treatment). After that, I called my son in Moscow, through him I bought an apparatus and began to "breathe", to do breathing exercises since June 24, 2010.
Already doing it, I did not stop "hiking" in book store and searches on the Internet, because, honestly, I was not completely sure of this "piece of plastic", as many still call it, not believing, like me at the beginning, in its capabilities as an Apparatus for treatment!
Ten days later I came across one of the books by N. G. Friends "Atherosclerosis May Not Be", which I also bought (although many now consider his system of "acidifying the body" nonsense and even call him a "charlatan"), but I also - what he added from his recommendations - refusal for 2 months from all dairy products. After 3 weeks, I already stopped using some of the secondary pills.
Since August 05, 2010 (1/5 month after the start of treatment) I have not taken any of the pills prescribed for life. And from August 15, I was already invited to work, which I refused a week later (it was just Heat at 38 * C).
On September 1, 2010 (only 5 months after checking out from work and 2 months after the start of classes), I was invited to work, which I could not refuse, although I had not yet finished the 1st stage of Breathing. gymnastics. Before that, I had already refused 2 more jobs.
Looking ahead, I report that for more than 7 years now I have been working without sick leave, without a single pill, although the hassle is very big.
What happened to me personally - gradually, and does not mean at all that for everyone it can also equally help.
1. Recovery from "unstable angina" - after 2-3 weeks - rejection of secondary pills, after 4-6 weeks - complete rejection of all.
2. Recovery from the ulcer of 12 PCs, which tormented me for over 20 years.
3. The exacerbations from Chr. Cholecystitis, because of which they wanted to operate twice at the age of 35, did not give consent.
4. The growth of "adenoma" stopped, and after 2 years - according to the results of ultrasound - there was even a partial decrease in it to 28 cm3, I repeat, she hasn't gone anywhere, but she doesn't bother at all (I never go to the toilet at night). Here it played a role, (my personal opinion) and Pumpkin Oil.
5. Hearing impairment has stopped (DS - Stage I-II Deafness). Decreased in the morning noises and ringing in the head.
6. Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae "disappeared", I apologize for the non-medical terminology, but it does not click or crunch in the neck when rotating the head and when working in a hole - under. machine.
7. There was never "pain and enlargement of the liver by 3-4 cm," which previously happened very often - 2-3 times a year).
At first, my wife looked at me as a "guinea pig", saying: "I wanted to go back to cardiology again - take pills." After my first Salary on new job (1 pension - you won't live, if the SECOND pension was spent on pills for TWO) - I understood the benefits and stopped.
On December 1, 2010 at the DR I gave my wife the same device and now she scolds me that I am sometimes lazy or forget to "breathe".
8. Wife's experience - (71 years old now) after a heart attack in July 2009. Complete rejection of all pills (preductal, cardiket, nitroglycerin, cardiomagnet and any other dietary supplements, such as "Clean the vessels", "Sophora Japanese") for more than 6 years, from April 1, 2011, but 4 months after the start of respiratory treatment gymnastics (NOTE - not in a month and a half, like me, but after only 4 months).
9. Dear brother - (80 years old now) lives in Kaluga. “Oklemalsya” after a stroke at the age of 75, also with the “Samozdrav” apparatus (moreover, I didn’t even know about it at first, as we talked at that time - very rarely).
10. Comrade, retired major, fighter pilot (after a stroke at 50). "Oklemalsya" with the help of Frolov's apparatus, but only 1 year after the start of classes. And immediately after the attack, I did not go down from the 6th floor to the street for a year, and for another 3 years I drove to my mother in a village on Moskvich 80 km away.
11. My namesake, a neighbor in the Autocooperative who had been walking with a stick for more than five years (I don’t know the exact DS), threw the stick away at 77 years old (a year after using the device, also autonomously from me). In 2013, at the age of 78, he drove his car to visit relatives in Russia, more than 2000 km in one direction.
12. Traumatology surgeon, with 40 years of experience in an ambulance clinic (77 years now), in the early 90s "restored" my spine manual therapy, now retired, with the help of pranayama, he restored his health (chiropractors usually have “covered legs”) and completely restored the black color of his hair (he was gray, only the temples remained gray).
13. Ch. doctor obl. TB dispensary (former), (77 years old now), is very grateful for the HEALTH, which was returned to her by the device, which I got her on the Internet.
14. A comrade from the Autocooperative, (58 years old now), got rid of Arrhythmia 5 years ago with the help of the same Samozdrav apparatus. Previously, he often lay in the hospital ...
There are many other acquaintances and relatives (USA, Italy, Israel), who note an improvement in health in many indicators with the help of breathing exercises, coronary heart disease and CVD and other diseases. In Germany - for asthma, in Perm - instead of the proposed QUOTE operation - on the sleepy Artery (Tatyana Sumatohina), I mean those with whom I communicate directly via Skype), and so, in general, I know a lot by correspondence and from different countries.
In addition to treating many diseases, breathing exercises (apparatus) for many simply improve their overall health.
For example, my Headmistress wanted to do it in 2011, at 45, Ch. boo. at 35.
What else does it give, according to many of my observations?
General - weight loss, reduced food intake and, as a result, improved overall well-being. One of the problems in women (my sister was the first to notice when she was 76 years old) is the “decrease” in the amount of gray hair.
Disadvantages - the need for periodic breathing exercises, like any other physical exercise, but THIS is much more pleasant than SWALLOWING pills for a lifetime, and dozens of times cheaper, which is very important given today's multi-fold increase in drug prices.
There are 10% of people for whom this breathing exercises did not bring the expected result, but still the effect on the general condition is observed.
And the last thing. All of the above improvement is not the effect of one thing, it is a complex of immediately applied.
What exactly did I do:
1. I bought a device for breathing exercises for a penny (compared to the cost of pills for 1 month) - you can do anything, but the simplest one is Samozdrav.
2. Refused, according to the recommendations of N. G. Druzhak, from all (for 2 months) previously consumed by me (70% of my former food - cottage cheese, sour cream, hard cheese, milk, cream) dairy products, except for butter (after 2 x months, when he completely abandoned the pills, he added ryazhenka or cream, 150 g each).
3. I switched to cooking food and coffee only on water purified by the "reverse osmosis" method with its obligatory mineralization. This is currently recognized as the best way to purify water (mechanical, chemical and membrane + mineralization).
4. Added a handful of raisins or dried apricots to the obligatory diet (consumed for 1.5 years), then replaced dried apricots with walnuts.
5. During the month, I drank acidified water once with simple citric acid in the morning, my wife - with Apple cider vinegar (200 g. Water + ½ tsp. Citric acid + 1 tsp. Honey). And now, with discomforts - colds, fever, or just fatigue, also 1-3 cups of acidified water.
6. 2 times a year I take a course of using Pumpkin Oil, according to the instructions.
And about N. G. Druzhaka.
I believe that 50% of my health improvement is the Merit of a Friend, after all, Breathing Gymnastics on the "Samozdrav" apparatus, which he also mentions in the chapter "Are we breathing correctly?" Anthem. and there is a partial "acidification" due to an increase in CO2, part of which is converted into carbon dioxide.
Soon I will also connect physical gymnastics (although only yesterday - 02/12/2018, an article appeared with the results of studies on an increase in the likelihood of atherosclerosis with increasing physical activity, up to sports) only when - I don't know, probably after a complete cessation of work.
Thank you for your attention, maybe someone will need something !!
By the way, in 2013-2014, "there was nothing to do" - there was a 1 year break in work, "I dropped my glasses" and now I read and work on my computer - without the Glasses, which I wore for more than 20 years - in recent times 10 years - +2.5.
For this I had to "shovel" more than 20 E-books, buy and read several primary sources in printed publications and on the basis of them - Make up Your "Program for improving vision according to the W. Bates method", in general there are "many" of them in the Internet, although it is much different from those "walking" in the Internet ....
Zhdanov, Norbekova, etc.

Nikolay Friends

How to extend a fleeting life

FOREWORD. "Sour taste" of health

What will happen to a person if you "put" him on a high-calorie, but rather bland diet: white bread, milk, boiled meat, fish, potatoes, etc.? Most likely, in a week or two he will have an irresistible craving for something sour or salty - sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and other garden products.

And what, in fact, did he lack? Perhaps vitamins? But vitamin deficiency is not a problem these days. Today, when every pharmacy sells a wide variety of domestic and imported drugs to choose from, containing not only the entire spectrum of essential vitamins, but also a daily set of trace elements, it is not at all difficult to help this trouble. But even with the inclusion of a vitamin supplement in the diet of our subject, fresh food for him will remain fresh, and his body will persistently demand something else.

Now, thanks to the author of the book you are reading, we know that this is "still" - all kinds of organic acids - a universal factor of health and longevity, without which our body begins to "slip". True, I must say that, of course, we knew something about the taste and nutritional properties of our pickles before, otherwise we would not have been so diligently engaged in the annual autumn preparations, which we usually call vitamin preparations (although in the same pickled cucumbers there is no trace of any -or vitamins). But the author of the book clarified for us their real nutritional value, and at the same time the value of dry wine, apple cider vinegar, berries, citrus fruits, and in general everything that we call the gifts of nature.

Vitamins, trace elements, vegetable fiber ... Yes, of course, all this is necessary, but not only that. For example, in dry wine or in apple cider vinegar, all these components are present in such negligible quantities that they can simply be neglected, and nevertheless, the American naturopathic physician D. Jarvis devoted an entire book, a kind of hymn, to the healing properties of apple cider vinegar. This book has become a bestseller and has been translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. However, the famous doctor Jarvis also failed to explain the essence of the healing effect of vinegar on the body.

This was done by Nikolay G. Druzyk. But the unexpectedness and novelty of the author's view of the human health conditions that are revealed to us from the author's "bell tower" are far from being exhausted by this. Understanding the importance of organic acids is only an integral part of a more general author's concept, according to which the real "dog of our health" is buried in the acidic internal environment of the body. Moreover, the author indicates, and what should be the optimal acidity of the blood. And here, I must say, he enters into a rather dangerous conflict with the official academic medicine. Because, according to all academic canons, the pH of human arterial blood is constant and fluctuates within a very narrow range - from 7.37 to 7.43. It is this dogma, no more and no less, that the author of the book encroaches on. But he is attempting not with his bare hands, but fully armed with very serious argumentation. We will not cite it here - the patient reader will get acquainted with it on his own. We only note that even these relatively difficult passages of the book are written with literary brilliance and are incomparably easier to read than most medical manuals and textbooks.

And in general, the whole book is read with great interest. The author captivates the reader with his studies of natural water in areas of longevity, and with his theoretical conclusions.

With anything many scientists have linked the secret of longevity! But Druzhyk, with facts in hand, showed that the reason for everything is soft natural water with a low content of calcium salts in it. And he explained why.

We are used to looking at water as a gift from God, but it turns out that this gift can not always be considered as such. Someone was lucky with her, but some were not. And it turns out that such luck, as a rule, is accompanied by the phenomenon of longevity, no matter what region of the planet we take. And all this is because the excess calcium content in natural water increases its content in the blood, which leads to an increase in its buffer capacity, which, as a result, takes over, "extinguishes" the hydrogen ions so necessary for the body, introduced into it with food and formed in it continuously as a result of oxidation reactions of fats, proteins and carbohydrates (with the dissociation of carbonic acid). Therefore, by the way, Druzak is such a fierce opponent of milk and all dairy products - after all, they are all also rich in calcium, especially cheese and cottage cheese, which means they contribute to the alkalization of our blood.

As for the water of those regions where its mineral composition leaves much to be desired (and this, unfortunately, almost the entire territory of Ukraine and most of Europe), the author proposes to treat it as a food product and specially prepare drinking water. Its recipe is extremely simple - ordinary distilled water plus two salt additives. This way of production drinking water was patented by the author, and in his native Odessa even the production of this water under the name "Nikolinskaya" (in Ukrainian - "Mikolinska" - Note. ed.), sold in 5- and 20-liter containers.

And what diseases can be treated with this method? Almost everything. Can't believe it? Well, let's put it more specifically: with its help, a favorable background is created in the body for the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of pathologies. And now this is far from so strange. Because following the recommendations of the Friends leads to saturation of the body with hydrogen ions (acid shift of the internal environment). The latter, however, play a key role in the intracellular processes of the redox cycle, that is, without them, our "personal biochemical plant" would not have worked for one second. And besides, "acidic" blood (and this is already pure physical chemistry) has a lower viscosity and, therefore, easily penetrates into the smallest capillaries of our circulatory system, which is especially important in some diseases.

True, the main supplier of hydrogen ions is still not water or food, but carbon dioxide, which is formed in the body as a result of oxidation of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in it. And in this regard, the interpretation by the Friends of the therapeutic effect of the so-called volitional elimination of deep breathing, better known as the Buteyko method, is especially curious. The fact is that the author of this method, who demonstrated the effectiveness of shallow (shallow) breathing in bronchial asthma and a number of other diseases, associated it only with the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood, giving this gas a primary importance for the body, and he assigned oxygen only of secondary importance Moreover, he believed that the abundance of oxygen in the atmosphere even harms the body, while Druzhyk explained the effectiveness of this method by the fact that due to acidification of the blood with carbon dioxide, the release of oxygen to the cells of the body by hemoglobin increases, they are better supplied with energy, which contributes to the healing of the body. Both dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms during forced breathing are explained by the leaching of carbon dioxide from the blood and alkalinization of the latter, and therefore the supply of oxygen to both the brain and the whole organism deteriorates.

However, Buteyko's respiratory system is only a small part of the "testing ground" on which Druzak tested his theory. Having carefully analyzed a number of other proven unconventional health-improving methods, such as fasting, slow running, urine therapy, winter swimming, he came to the conclusion that the healing effect of each of them is based on the same blood acidification, an acidic shift in the internal environment of the body. The accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles - during running, the penetration of acidic components of urine (necessarily belonging to a healthy person) through the skin - during urine therapy, etc.

This “common denominator”, summed up under a number of proven therapeutic and health-improving methods, is, in our opinion, one of the most impressive places in the book, where the triumph of the author's theoretical concept is practically beyond doubt. It turns out that there is no special need to exhaust yourself with intermittent fasting, pull on sneakers in inclement weather and run or make compresses from the urine of even a very healthy person, if you can regularly acidify your body using a simple set of tools offered on the pages of the book.

By the way, which acids should be used to acidify the blood, from the point of view of the Friends, does not matter. For example, he himself uses ordinary food-grade citric acid from a sachet. Whether because it is the most accessible, or for reasons of economy - a question to the author. But it provides the reader with a fairly wide choice. This is apple cider vinegar, promoted by Jarvis, and dry wines, and citrus fruits, and sauerkraut, which does not need any advertising, etc., etc.