Acupuncture - V.D. Molostov Acupuncture

Molostov Valery Dmitrievich - philosopher, biologist, neuropathologist, acupuncturist, chiropractor, massage therapist, vertebrologist (specialist in the treatment of spinal diseases).

The main directions of my research are at the junction of two sciences: biology and sociology, where the author determines the objective laws of the aging of society, calculates the duration of the existence of society as an organism. Man is a living organism. A person is made up of billions of cells that perform different functions. Old cells die, then new ones are born. Despite the emergence of new cells, people die of old age. Society is also a living organism. Society is made up of billions of people who perform different functions.

Children are born and old people die. But just like the human body, society is aging, and the aging process takes the form of economic, scientific and technological progress. After millions of years of continuous economic development, old civilizations inevitably perish from "old age."

The main directions of my research in the field of medicine are solving the problem of the functional activity of acupuncture points and the systematization of energy treatment methods in acupuncture. Research shows that acupuncture points absorb electrons, which produce the "powerhouses" of the heart, brain and 5 senses. Due to the absorption of electrons, heat is generated in the acupuncture points of all living organisms.

Books (9)

Chinese scraping massage GUA-SHA

Gua Sha scraping massage is a Chinese folk massage that originated in the agricultural regions of China several millennia ago.

The massage is easy to perform. A bone plate made of buffalo horn is taken, and the healer rubs the skin of the back with it until it becomes red. The main mechanism of the therapeutic effect of massage is to remove cellular debris and toxins from the back skin.

Cellular decay products accumulate in a healthy person. Moreover, the human body accumulates toxins, poisons, decay products during illness. If you remove at least some of the toxins from the body, then a person will feel much better.

Therefore, based on purely theoretical concepts, gua sha massage can be performed for all healthy people and patients. Removing toxins from the body also helps to increase the longevity of a person.

Massage treatment of diseases of internal organs. Slavic massage style

Healers and healers from 500 BC to 1500 AD used the simplest methods of treatment in the form of massage, herbal medicine (herbal medicine) and manual therapy (bone-setting).

The reason why physicians have recently begun to give preference to folk, long forgotten, extremely simple methods of treatment is that these methods have proved to be more effective in treating many diseases than the methods of modern medicine. In modern medicine, doctors are overly addicted to drug treatment of diseases, which leads to the occurrence of allergies and the death of patients from the use of certain medicines in tablets or in the form of injections (film actor Bruce Lee, singer Michael Jackson and many others).

But almost all human diseases except oncological and surgical (appendicitis, peritonitis, internal bleeding of duodenal ulcers, and others) can be treated without medication: massage, acupressure, acupuncture, manual therapy, hypnosis, psychotherapy, and so on.

The book describes methods of treating 50 diseases of internal organs using massage.

Radiculitis treatment with massage

A practical guide to the treatment of diseases of the spine and internal organs with massage.

The healing massage technique is completely different from the healing massage technique. According to statistics, every third patient turns to a neuropathologist with a diagnosis of sciatica. Radiculitis is not treated with manual therapy, but massage is good.

Therefore, the book is devoted to therapeutic massage - an ideal method for the treatment of compression neuritis, radiculitis and functional diseases of internal organs.

The book provides a clear differential diagnosis (clinical and pathological differences) of radiculitis from osteochondrosis, and discloses various methods of treating these diseases, which are clinically almost indistinguishable from each other.

Aging and death of civilization

Society is a "living organism", but much larger than a person. All living organisms age and die of old age. The reader will find the answer to the question about the causes of the aging of civilization, learn the symptoms of aging in society and the duration of its life.

In millions of years, scientific and technological progress will cause the death of our civilization. The problem of the impact of world capital on the material evolution of society is investigated in detail. The book precisely indicates the place (or rather, the continent) where the first man on Earth originated.

Evolution of civilization

The central theme of the book is the problem of aging of human civilization and the death of society from natural causes in millions of years.

Society (as a huge biological organism) is aging and will certainly "die" of old age in the future. The death of society "from old age" is a completely new problem for world social science.

In this book, the evolution of society is described in full, that is, from the emergence of the first Reasonable Man 5 million years ago on the northern continent of Arctida (on the continent of Hyperborea, which was once located on the site of the modern Arctic Ocean), to the death of society “from old age "3 billion years later during the occupation of other planets of the Universe.

Book cover picture.

"Tibet is the place where acupuncture originated."

The book is 500 pages long.

"Acupuncture. Manual therapy. Massage".

Author - Valery Dmitrievich Molostov.

A practical guide to non-drug methods of treating 250 diseases with needles, heating with a cigarette, manual therapy, acupressure and massage. It is told about the research to determine the functional activity of acupuncture points. All variants of energetic diagnostics of meridians and all methods of energetic treatment of diseases using acupuncture are described. All methods of treatment of spinal pathology with the help of manual therapy and massage are described.

Annotation for the book “Acupuncture. Manual therapy. Massage".

In modern medicine, doctors are fond of drug treatment of diseases, which leads to allergies and the death of patients from the use of certain medicines in tablets (film actor Bruce Lee) or in the form of injections (singer Michael Jackson and many others). But almost all human diseases can be treated without drugs: acupuncture, manual therapy, massage, acupressure, hypnosis, psychotherapy and so on. Therefore, I propose to widely use absolutely harmless methods of treatment that are carried out without the use of medications. In my opinion, the treatment of all diseases should go through three stages: non-drug treatment? medication? surgery. At the beginning of the book, there is a very brief description of the author's theoretical studies to determine the functional activity of acupuncture points. The main content of the book is the systematization of energy treatment methods in acupuncture. The book is a practical guide for treatment with needles, heating acupuncture points, acupressure (acupressure, shiatsu), electric shock, herbal medicine, psychotherapy. The book describes all the options for the energetic diagnostics of meridians and all the methods of treating 250 diseases with the help of energetic acupuncture methods. According to statistics, every fourth patient consults an acupuncturist with a diagnosis of osteochondrosis. Medical practice convinces that the effectiveness of the treatment of osteochondrosis increases 2 times with the parallel use of acupressure in one session, then acupuncture, and after the muscles and ligaments are relaxed (relaxed), it is recommended to use manual therapy. Treatment of radiculitis is an order of magnitude more effective when using massage, rather than manual therapy. Massage can cure a huge number of diseases of internal organs, peripheral nerves and musculo-ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, the last chapter of the book is devoted to therapeutic (not health-improving and not restorative) massage.

Name: Acupuncture. A practical guide to the energy treatment of diseases.
V.D. Molostov
The year of publishing: 2004
The size: 9.34 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian

The book at the beginning examines the theoretical foundations of determining the functional activity of acupuncture points. The main part of the publication examines the application of Zhen-Chiu therapy in practical medicine. The book examines acupressure, shiatsu, herbal medicine, electric current effects, psychotherapy. The possibilities of energy diagnostics of meridians and methods of therapy for 250 diseases are described in detail.

Name: Osteopathic diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the spine
Cherkes-Zade D.D.
The year of publishing: 1998
The size: 1.81 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: In the practical guide "Osteopathic diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the spine", ed., Cherkes-Zade DD, issues of the nervous system, its functional activity are considered. Outlined ... Download the book for free

Name: The basics of manual therapy. A guide for doctors and students
Yarovoy V.K.
The year of publishing: 1999
The size: 20.74 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Fundamentals of Manual Therapy. A Guide for Physicians and Students" edited by Yarovoy V.K., contains a review of the literature on manual medicine techniques. The techniques of this method of treatment are highlighted ... Download the book for free

Name: Clinical osteopathy. Reflex Techniques
Novoseltsev S.V.
The year of publishing: 2013
The size: 15.94 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: A practical guide "Clinical osteopathy. Reflex techniques" under the editorship of S. Novoseltseva, examines the features of reflex osteopathy for the treatment of diseases of internal organs ... Download the book for free

Name: Clinical osteopathy. Visceral techniques
Novoseltsev S.V.
The year of publishing: 2013
The size: 10.4 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: A practical guide "Clinical osteopathy. Visceral techniques" under the editorship of S. Novoseltseva, considers the peculiarities of visceral osteopathy for the treatment of diseases of internal organs ... Download the book for free

Name: Fundamentals of Kinesiology.
Enoka R.M.
The year of publishing: 1998
The size: 10.31 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Fundamentals of Kinesiology" examines the basic principles of motion control, presents such issues of this discipline as the relationship of force-motion, highlights a single joint system (its comp ...

Name: Osteopathic treatment of intraosseous dysfunctions.
Chikurov Yu.V.
The year of publishing: 2011
The size: 3.93 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The manual "Osteopathic treatment of intraosseous dysfunctions" at the modern level illuminates the concept of osteopathic dysfunction. The book reflects in a concise form general questions and general concepts of internal ... Download the book for free

Name: Soft techniques in manual therapy.
Chikurov Yu.V.
The year of publishing: 2002
The size: 2.96 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The manual "Soft techniques in manual therapy" highlights the modern direction of manual therapy, presents osteopathic diagnostics, general issues of craniosacral osteopathy, characterizes ... Download the book for free

Name: Treatment of internal organs with visceral osteopathy techniques.
Chikurov Yu.V.
The year of publishing: 2006
The size: 2.76 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The publication presents basic issues of visceral osteopathy. "Treatment of internal organs with methods of visceral osteopathy" covers the manual diagnosis and treatment of visceral organs, which includes ...

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"Tibet is the place where acupuncture originated."
for the book "Acupuncture and Manual Therapy".
At the beginning of the book, there is a very brief description of the author's theoretical studies to determine the functional activity of acupuncture points. The main content of the book is the systematization of methods of energy treatment in acupuncture and warming up points. The book is a practical guide for treatment with needles, heating acupuncture points, acupressure (acupressure, shiatsu), exposure to electric current, herbal medicine, psychotherapy. The book describes all the options for the energetic diagnostics of meridians and all the methods of treating 250 diseases using energetic acupuncture methods. According to statistics, every fourth patient consults an acupuncturist with a diagnosis of osteochondrosis. Medical practice convinces that the effectiveness of the treatment of osteochondrosis increases 2 times with the parallel use of acupressure in one session, then acupuncture, and after the muscles and ligaments are relaxed (relaxed), it is recommended to use manual therapy (osteopathy). That is why the author devotes the last chapter of this book to the treatment of osteochondrosis with the help of manual therapy.
The book will be of interest to practical doctors, medical students, and is also designed for a wide range of readers who are interested in oriental methods of treatment. Everyone who is interested in the problems raised by the author of this fascinating book can contact him by phone: Republic of Belarus, Minsk, (code 8-10-375-17) 270-70-75. His address: 220116, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Izvestia newspaper prospect, house 8, apartment 241. His home page on the Internet:, E-mail: [email protected]
Popular science edition.
Valery Dmitrievich Molostov.
Acupuncture and manual therapy.
BBK.53.58, M 75
UDC 615 814 (076)
ISBN 5-222-01296-4
© Molostov V.D.
It is told about the research to determine the functional activity of acupuncture points. All variants of energetic diagnostics of meridians and all methods of energetic treatment of diseases using acupuncture are described. All methods of treatment of spinal pathology using manual therapy are described.
and manual therapy ”.
A practical guide to non-drug methods of treating 250 diseases (with needles, warming up with a cigarette, acupressure and manual therapy).
Author - Valery Dmitrievich Molostov.
From the author.
Chapter 1. Electrophysical basics of acupuncture.
§ 1. Electrical function of acupuncture points.
§ 2. The reasons for the occurrence of the meridional movement of electric currents.
§ 3. The mechanism of the needle's therapeutic action.
Chapter 2. Topography of acupuncture points.
§ 4. Topography of acupuncture points of the lungs meridian.
§ 5. Topography of acupuncture points of the large intestine meridian.
§ 6. Topography of acupuncture points of the stomach meridian.
§ 7. Topography of acupuncture points of the spleen meridian.
§ 8. Topography of acupuncture points of the heart meridian.
§ 9. Topography of acupuncture points of the small intestine meridian.
§ 10. Topography of the acupuncture points of the bladder meridian.
§ 11. Topography of acupuncture points to the kidney meridian.
§ 12. Topography of acupuncture points of the pericardial meridian.
§ 13. Topography of acupuncture points of the meridian of three body cavities.
§ 14. Topography of acupuncture points of the gallbladder meridian.
§ 15. Topography of acupuncture points of the liver meridian.
§ 16. Topography of the acupuncture points of the median meridians and wonderful "vessels" (FM No. 1 - 8).
§ 17. Topography of extrameridian acupuncture points.
§ 18. Topography of "new" acupuncture points.
§ 19. Topography of auricular (ear) acupuncture points.
Chapter 3. The laws of energy treatment.
§ 20. Daily cyclic movement of energy along the meridians.
§ 21. Annual cyclical movement of energy along the meridians.
§ 22. Types of effects on acupuncture points. The rule is "boo-se".
§ 23. Specific points of the meridians.
§ 24. The rule of changing the energy of the meridian by the "mother-son" method.
§ 25. The rule of changing the energy of the "husband-wife" meridian.
§ 26. The rule of changing the energy of the meridian by the "noon-midnight" method.
§ 27. Rules for changing the energy of the meridian by the "big prick" and "small prick" methods.
§ 28. Other rules.
§ 29. Median meridians.
§ 30. Wonderful meridians.
§ 31. Power generator.
§ 32. Aggressive environmental factors.
§ 33. Traditional doctrine of organs and meridians.
Section 34. Acupuncture diagnostics.
§ 35. Empirical acupuncture.
Chapter 4. Private acupuncture.
§ 36. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the lung meridian.
§ 37. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the lung meridian.
§ 38. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the meridian of the large intestine.
§ 39. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the meridian of the large intestine.
§ 40. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the stomach meridian.
§ 41. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the stomach meridian.
§ 42. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the spleen meridian.
§ 43. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the spleen meridian.
§ 44. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the meridian of the heart.
§ 45. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the meridian of the heart.
§ 46. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the meridian of the small intestine.
§ 47. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the meridian of the small intestine.
§ 48. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the meridian of the bladder.
§ 49. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the meridian of the bladder.
§ 50. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the kidney meridian.
§ 51. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the kidney meridian.
§ 52. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the pericardial meridian.
§ 53. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the pericardial meridian.
§ 54. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the meridian of the three body cavities.
§ 55. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the meridian of the three body cavities.
§ 56. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the meridian of the gallbladder.
§ 57. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the meridian of the gallbladder.
§ 58. Treatment of diseases with excess energy in the liver meridian.
§ 59. Treatment of diseases with a lack of energy in the liver meridian.
Chapter 5. Manual therapy for osteochondrosis.
§ 60. Chiropractic, osteopathy and manual therapy.
§ 61. Etiology and pathogenesis of radiculitis and osteochondrosis.
§ 62. Clinical studies of the spine in osteochondrosis.
§ 63. General principles of treatment of osteochondrosis.
§ 64. Features of the clinic of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
§ 65. Manual therapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
§ 66. Features of the clinic of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.
§ 67. Manual therapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.
§ 68. Features of the clinic of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.
§ 69. Manual therapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.
§ 70. Clinical classification and treatment of herniated intervertebral discs.
§ 71. Manual therapy for newborns.
§ 72. Indications and contraindications for manual therapy.
§ 73. Differential diagnosis of radiculitis and osteochondrosis from diseases similar to them.
Literature on acupuncture.
Literature on manual therapy.
Table of Chinese names of acupuncture points.
Atlas of acupuncture points.

From the author.
The book differs significantly from the monographs of other authors. Unchanged (for my book and books by other authors) remains only "Part No. 2" of the book, which describes the topography of acupuncture points of 12 standard meridians, median and wonderful meridians, extrachannel, new and auricular points. The rest of the material is exceptionally novel.
First, this book describes in detail the methods of practical application of the laws of acupuncture and warming up points for the treatment of 250 diseases based on changes in the energy of standard meridians. No other monograph in Europe has as much information on the energy treatment of diseases as this book. At the same time, methods of treating diseases with electroacupuncture, herbal medicine, Japanese acupressure (shiatsu), and Slavic acupressure are given. More than 20 methods of increasing and decreasing energy in each of the 12 meridians are described. These methods were brought from ancient times by Chinese acupuncture in the form of special laws of energy change: "noon - midnight", "mother - son", "big prick", the ocean and 4 seas of energy, impact on the wu - shu points, on the wonderful meridians, and so on. Further.
Secondly, the book teaches any person to define an acupuncture diagnosis. This can be done by 18 methods. After all, while the doctor does not know the diagnosis, he does not know what the person is sick with, what needs to be treated, and, consequently, how it can be cured! The acupuncture diagnosis is completely different from the clinical one that sick people and doctors in hospitals and clinics are used to dealing with.
Thirdly, for the first time in the world, the book provides a scientific explanation of the physiological role of acupuncture points. After five years of research, the author of the book found that acupuncture points absorb electrical biocurrents that are produced by the human body in the heart, brain and inside specific tissues of the five senses.
Fourthly, the book provides a short and very understandable presentation of the treatment of spinal pathology using manual therapy methods. According to statistics, every fourth patient consults an acupuncturist with a diagnosis of osteochondrosis. Medical practice convinces that the effectiveness of the treatment of osteochondrosis increases 2 times with the parallel use of acupressure in one session, then acupuncture, and after the muscles and ligaments are relaxed (relaxed), it is recommended to use manual therapy (osteopathy). That is why the author devotes the last chapter of this book to the treatment of osteochondrosis with the help of manual therapy. After reading the 5th chapter of the book, each doctor can apply this method of treatment in their practice.
After studying the book, the reader acquires the opportunity to successfully cure some diseases himself. The book will be interesting for practitioners, medical students, as well as a wide range of readers who are interested in oriental treatment methods.
Non-pharmacological methods of treatment include acupuncture, manual therapy (osteopathy), physiotherapy, psychotherapy, hypnosis, and some others. The acupuncture method of treatment (chen-tszyu therapy, zhen - injection, tszyu - warming up) is becoming more and more popular. It has shown itself to be an effective way to treat various diseases of the peripheral nervous system and internal organs. Approximately 250 diseases can be cured with acupuncture. The main advantage of the method is that the treatment is carried out without saturating the body with chemicals. Modern medicine is overly keen on the drug treatment of diseases. Long-term use and overdose of drugs destroy internal organs. Injections of medicinal substances cause allergization of the body, and this provokes the development of diseases such as asthma, psoriasis, eczema, diathesis, intolerance to many foods, etc. During acupuncture treatment, no chemical substances enter the body. This is an "environmentally friendly" method of treatment. The method activates the body's defenses to fight the disease. Modern medicine has a large number of scientific facts testifying to the enormous potential of the protective forces of the human body, which do not manifest themselves, since they remain in an inactive, "conserved state" for a long time. To make the hidden potentials of living organs and tissues work, the body is influenced by acupressure, acupuncture, psychotherapy, the heat of a smoldering cigarette, electric current, magnet, hypnosis and other methods.
The acupuncture method, like any other method, has indications for use and contraindications. Diseases that can be treated well with acupuncture are described in the third chapter "Private acupuncture". Acupuncture successfully treats patients with lesions of the peripheral nervous system, as well as functional pathology of many organs (gallbladder dyskinesia, bedwetting, and so on). Chinese acupuncturists claim that they can treat over 250 diseases with acupuncture and warming points. The most optimal age for acupuncture treatment is children over 7 years old and adults up to 55 years old. In young children and old people, the effectiveness of treatment is 2 - 3 times lower. 2 hours before starting treatment, the patient should eat well, relax, be fresh, cheerful, confident in the success of the treatment. The main contraindications to the use of acupuncture are as follows. Do not apply acupuncture treatment to a patient who is in an unconscious or febrile state (temperature above 38 ° C). You should not use this method for infectious diseases in the acute stage (dysentery, influenza, cholera, viral hepatitis, and so on) and for pregnant women 2 - 3 months before delivery. You should not try to alleviate the condition of patients with acupuncture for acute surgical diseases (appendicitis, bone fractures, and so on), for therapeutic diseases in the acute stage (myocardial infarction, stroke, acute pancreatitis, and others). An acupuncturist cannot help a patient with malignant neoplasms (cancer, sarcoma), leukemia and other blood diseases.

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