Lukashov, Nikolai Nikolaevich. Great people and their exploits Nikolai Lukashov Hero of the Soviet Union

Lukashov Nikolay Nikolaevich
12.10.1959 - 17.08.1996
Hero of the Soviet Union
Date of Decree: 03/17/1988, Medal № 11571

Lukashov Nikolai Nikolayevich - Head of the headquarters of the ardent-assault maneuverable group of the Kerkinsky border squad of the Central Asian Border District, captain.

Born on October 12, 1959 in the village of Novomoscovka Tarskoye District of the Omsk region in the family of the worker. Russian. In 1977 he graduated from GPTU No. 1 of Omsk city in the specialty "Operator of machine tools with numeric software control." He worked in the specialty at one of the Omsk plants.

In 1977, he was called into border troops to the urgent service. He served on Chukotka by the shooter, after graduating from a sergeant school - commander of the department on the border outpost there. In 1978 he entered the Higher Military Political Border School (Golitsino of the Moscow Region), which successfully graduated in 1982. Member of the CPSU since 1983. After the school, he was sent to the Turkmen SSR, in the Nebit-Dagan border squad as the deputy head of the observation in the political part.

As part of a limited contingent soviet troops In the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan from March 1984 to April 1988. At first, he commanded a platoon in the Motometric Group of the Termez Border Council, from April 1985 - Head of the headquarters of the Armed Forces Maneuvera group (DSHMG) of the Kerkinsky border detachment, since 1987, the officer of the Officer Group of the Central Asian Border District in Afghanistan.

Participated in 23 major combat clasions. Over 70 times with their subordinates landed at the disposal location.

Head of the headquarters of DSHMG Lukashov N.N. He took part in the fight on the seizure and destruction of the base camp of the gangsters in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Bala-Bakan, which represented a greater danger. Personally led the advanced divisions of the group. Bold and decisive actions provided the fall of its division directly on the combat order of the rebels. Showed heroism, courage and courage. In that fighting before the maneuverable group, under the command of Lukashov, there was the following task: to capture the database during the day, do not give bandits to leave and carry away at least part of the weapon.

The helicopters, masking the folds of the terrain, were able to approach the base at a maximum altitude. However, barely helicopters approached the landing point, enemy machine guns earned on them. Despite the fact that the coursework was answered on fire, it was impossible to plant an archery in such a situation. And then the commander of the helicopters, who led by landing, decided to sit down ... for machine guns. The battle lasted not long, although the base was guarded reliably, competently. The enemies simply did not expect such a bold and rapid assault from the border guards ...

But when the main part of the gang was destroyed, the remaining dresses were hiding in the cave. They answered every attack with a powerful fire, apparently, deciding to accept here the last fight. I had to throw the entrance to grenades ...

The result of that battle was the capture of the launcher with 1060 projectiles to it, not counting the large amount of weapons and ammunition.

For courage and heroism, manifested in the provision of international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan, Captain Lukashov Nikolai Nikolayevich, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 17, 1988, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Golden Star Medal (No. 11571).

In 1991, after the end of the MV Military Academy Frunze, N.N. Lukashov is aimed at managing the troops of the Far Eastern Border District as an officer of the district police department of the district headquarters, then served as deputy head of the department at the headquarters of the Bikinsky border squad. In 1992, he was appointed Head of the Department of the Russian Group border troops In the Republic of Tajikistan, participated in hostilities during civil War, protecting Russian military facilities and defending the border with Afghanistan.

Being for the health of recognized limited military serviceSince 1995 he taught in the Golitsyn Military Institute of FPS of Russia. In 1994 received military rank "lieutenant colonel".

In 1995, fired to the reserve. Returned to the city of Omsk, where she worked by the head of the protection of the Omsk branch of one of the Moscow banks.

On August 17, 1996 tragically died in a traffic accident on one of the roads of the Omsk region. Buried in Omsk at the Old-Northern Cemetery.

Awarded the orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Red Star, "for the service of the Motherland in Armed Forces USSR "3rd degree, medals.

In 1988, in the village of Kamyshlovskiy Omsk region, during the lifetime of Hero, the street was named. In October 2000, a memorial sign was installed on the facade of the School of School.

In 1989, N.N. Lukashov was stolen the medal "Golden Star" Hero of the Soviet Union.

Biography is provided by Natalia Plotnikov.

Hero of the Soviet Union Captain Nikolay Lukashov ("Red Star" dated March 27, 1988, correspondent Captain 3 rank S. Ishchenko):

The sun had a lot of recent drifts on the Moscow streets, but the cold wind still fought her face. He walked along the Kremlin Wall, and the passersby was still looking at him. It was clear why: it hurts an unusual seemed in the frosty spring day his appearance. The dark brown tan, which in July is unattainable for many who visited Sochi, for example, the beaches, the burnt wheat mustache, the granuscar of gray unsubstantial eyes, the giving person emphasized the stern look. To top it all - a front-end chinel and cap.

No matter how the curiosity of the counter, when they threw a twenty-year-old Captain Nikolai Lukashov his chinel. And then everyone would see the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the Red Star, the Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of the 3rd degree and the medal "for military merit". A lot for an officer, only five and a half years ago, put on Lieutenant Shores! But there are no major awards on his chest. They will soon be awarded the hero of the Soviet Union Nikolay Lukashov - the medal "Golden Star" and the Order of Lenin.

South of Pyanja.

Events in Afghanistan ... In our homes, they came differently. I will inform someone that the son has left to fulfill international duty, to someone a story about the feat of our soldiers and officers on that long-suffering land. A year ago, we had the opportunity with a special sharpness to feel like everything that happens in Afghanistan, close to us. From the pages of newspapers and television screens, each hurts a bit like the word "Pyanj" like a shot. Then in March 1987, the gang of Dushmannov fired a Soviet town with such a name, crossed the border and attacked our border outfit. Blood shed.

Now I know - tried to organize such an attack more than once. And before the events in Pyanj, and after them ...

From the presentation to the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union on the head of the headquarters of the captain N. Lukashov: "The service began in the border troops in 1977. In 1982 he graduated from the Military Political School. In the provision of international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan participates from April 1985. He established himself with a bold, decisive officer. " About her service in Afghanistan Lukashov tells short phrases. Suddenly shook, looking somewhere up, where birds are scratching among the bare branches. And quite another voice says:

Spring ... sorry, there is no snow.

And immediately becomes clear, as he missed, a native Siberian, for the present snowball and frost under the Afghan Suns. He would now go to his native New Moscow, which was lost among meter snowdrifts in the Omsk region. Together with the Father, a collective farm mechanic, sit in a hot hidden house. Yes, where he ... He had long left from the parent home at the urgent service border guard to Chukotka. Following brother in the military aviation school. Bringing sons, my father was angry:

And who will raise bread?

Bread to raise, of course, it is necessary, this occupation is in the Lukashov family has always been in honor. But the military cause is not less than. It may, because the grandfathers of their mother-in-maternal, nor on the father's line never happened to never see Nicholas. Fortyly overnight years ago, one fell near Moscow, to another funeral came from under Stalingrad. Harbor Lucashov, no dispute, hereditary. But warriors too.

How did Nikolai Lukashov become an officer? His Majesty is the case. For the outpage, where to serve, the Captain A. Timokhin was depicted. Soul man. In the harsh, those edges, the price of the one with whom you live, find out quickly and unmistakably. Such an officer, like Timokhin, dreamed of becoming almost every one. So I was Nicholas in the Military Political School.

In the choice of the place of the officer service did not doubt. He did not know more and more dangerous to Afghanistan. However, his comrades graduates were equally set up. In Afghanistan, he did not get immediately.

But there is no loud without good. While Lukashov served on his native land, realized that in the choice of military profession a little was mistaken. With his character would be a commander. Also believed his chiefs.

Three years after the graduation, the school was offered command position - platoon commander. Those who have eaten the cadet bread together, have ever already rank big. But the platoon Lukashov was offered in Afghanistan. And he agreed without hesitation.

From the presentation to the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union on the head of the headquarters of the captain N. Lukashov: "Participated in 23 major combat clasions. Over 70 times with their subordinates landed at the disposal location.

I used to write about the heroes of the Soviet Union that received rewards today. True, they were submariner sailors. Surprisingly, everyone in conversation emphasized: I was lucky on the subordinates and on the bosses. Extremely, the same phrase said and Lukashov. And also, I think it is no reason this coincidence can be explained. Only in a strong and cohesive platoon or company, only in a strong carriage and can grow a hero. Heroes do not become suddenly. Heroes are growing every day.

No one knows how the fate of the young platoon commander in Afghanistan would have begun if there were no headquarters of the headquarters of the senior lieutenant Yu. Lapusko (now he is Major, a listener of the Academy). Nikolai himself believes that everything that he learned is - from Lapusko. What was shot at it from ten steps, that pomegranates were thrown down and never even wounded that in the trench where one was alone against a dozen gangsters and remained well - thanks to Lapusko science. By the time Lukashov arrived in the division, Lapushko has already participated in tens of fights, had a great combat experience.

In the first for Lukashov, they went together with Lapushko together. I had to defeat the gang of dusts in the gorge not far from our state border. Landed from helicopters right above the caves in which the gang was covered. On that day, Nicholas heard for the first time, as rushes over the failed turn from a large-caliber machine gun. Bullets sequels in front of them rubbank, did not give to raise the heads over the slope of a small elevation. Only a platoon grenade launchers who commanded Lukashov could knock them down. But even to pull them to the slope just so dusty would not give.

Lapusko ordered so. Distributing the goals in advance, paratroopers open a dense fire each in their machine gun. For a few seconds, which will be required to dubs to come home, everything that grenaderers will have for an accurate shot. And everything seems to do everything right then Lukashov. I instructed to shoot the most experienced grenadeometer to the senior sergeant V. Chadaev. Only the first grenade - by. They repeated everything first - the result is the same. Lapushko Rivz and Metal. Himself checked a grenade launcher. And it turned out, the senior sergeant was spooking in the fear of fire. Poor-wipe from grease grenade traveler and did not give him exactly aim. Decided to shoot with a mechanical sight. Then grenades and covered the goal.

They did not lose any person. But Lukashov and today remembers the feeling of guilt, with whom he returned from the battle. For myself, I concluded: always and in all circumstances should keep the commander in battle a clear head and hardness in the subordinate leadership. Whether in that time - not Lapushko, he himself would check the grenade launcher, would not be lost precious seconds, which under the fire a special price.

How many of them were later, hot fastes with dust ... In battles, the commander skill came to Lukashov with experience. Six months later, it was raised in office. In paratroopers, timid do not hold. His new subordinates were the people of desperate courage. This required a lot from him. And another particular responsibility was imposed by the fact that the command was not to accept anyone. Propertyor Lukashov Senior Lieutenant A. Zubarev died. In the Central Asian garrison, Zubareva has a family. But he did not have time to issue a relationship with his wife. That day, when he died, was born from the senior lieutenant daughter. According to the documents, it seems not to Zubareva. And pensions for the deceased father seems to be not supposed to her. How many Lukashov beat and his comrades to prove the injustice of the situation! How many times there was a feeling - in front of him the wall.

That "fight" Lukashov still won. Now and on the documents lives on the white light of the daughter of Andrei Zubareva. And since then, somehow in a special look at the paratroopers commander. From the presentation to the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union on the head of the headquarters of the captain N. Lukashov: "Lukashov N. N. took part in the fight on the seizure and destroying the basic camp of the bandits represented by a greater danger. Personally led the advanced divisions of the group. Bold and decisive actions provided the landing of its division directly to the combat order of the rebels, showed heroism, courage and courage. "

Rent a gang, which settled on that base, called Ermamat. Our soldiers dubbed him easier and more familiar to the Russian ear - Yermolam. Drag the gang in the gorge is difficult. It understood "Ermolai" and our command. However, the day has come when the gang is not impossible to postpone the transmission operation. Scouts reported that jet shells will be imported into the base. Before our border - about a hundred kilometers. The range of flight of such a projectile is about twenty kilometers.

The paratroopers were tasked: to capture the database during the day, not to give the enemy to leave and carry at least part of the weapon. Head of the headquarters of the division Captain Lukashov flew with the helicopters of the first group. The base came up at an extremely low altitude, concealing the folds of the terrain. And immediately in the portholes stationed outbreaks of machine guns of dusts. Through the rumble of helicopter engines, the pilots, as they could, tried to relieve the landing service.

It was impossible to disembark under the fire of machine guns. The commander of helicopterists, who led the landing, decided to sit down ... at machine guns. In the open door, the car Lukashov saw straight trunk straight under his feet and dropping the calculation. Already jumping, I noticed how a little bit alone, R. Husneev jumped on the face of another machine gun ... Soon everything was over. On the crushed base, paratroopers captured 1060 reactive shells. A few days later, Captain Lukashov will return to his part. He is waiting for Afghanistan again. He would be a sailor - wish Lucashov seven feet under the keel. What they say in such cases paratroopers - right, I do not know. Probably just want good luck. She in his service is not the last thing.

The article is provided by the hero's brother - Lukashov Viktor Nikolaevich
Border Service of Russia. Encyclopedia. Biographies. - Moscow, 2008.

12. 10. 1959 Captain. Born on October 12, 1959 in the village of Novomoscovka Tarskoye District of the Omsk region in the family of the worker. Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1983. In 1977 he graduated from 10 classes and was called up to the army. In 1982 he graduated from the Higher Border Military Political School. In Afghanistan since 1985. Participated in 23 major combat clasions. Over 70 times with their subordinates landed at the disposal location. Head of the Motomagonian Group Staff, Lukashov N. N. participated in the fight on the seizure and destruction of the basic camp of the bandits represented by a greater danger. Personally led the advanced divisions of the group. Bold and decisive actions provided the fall of its division directly on the combat order of the rebels. Showed heroism, courage and courage. In that fighting before the maneuverable group, under the command of Lukashov, there was the following task: to capture the database during the day, do not give bandits to leave and carry away at least part of the weapon. The helicopters, looking at the folds of the terrain, were able to approach the database at a maximum altitude. However, barely helicopters approached the landing point, enemy machine guns earned. Despite the fact that the coursework was answered on fire, it was impossible to plant an archery in such a situation. And then the helicopter commander who led the landing, decided to sit down. on machine guns. The battle lasted for a short time, although the base was guarded securely, competently. The enemies simply did not expect from the border guards as a muster and rapid landing. But when the main part of the gang was destroyed, the remaining dresses were hiding in the cave. They responded to every attack with powerful fire, apparently, deciding to accept the last fight here. I had to throw the entrance to grenades. The result of that battle was the capture of the launcher with 1060 projectiles to it, not counting the large amount of weapons and ammunition. For courage and heroism, manifested in the provision of international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan, Captain Lukashov March 17, 1988 was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1991, after the end of the Academy. M. V. Frunze was aimed at managing the troops of the Far Eastern Border District, and a year later appointed deputy chief of separation of one of the brunties. He served in the Republic of Tajikistan. As a state of health, it is recognized as limited to military service, taught in the Golitsyn Military Institute. In 1995, fired to the reserve. Returned to Omsk, where she worked in the apparatus of the governor of the region. Tragically died in a traffic accident. Awarded orders Lenin, Red Banner, Red Star, "For the Service of Motherland in the USSR Sun" 3 degrees, medals.

  • - Ge Nikolai Nikolaevich, Rus. artist. In 1857 he graduated from Ah, participated in the organization T-VA mobile art. exhibitions. In 1852, he performed a small picture on the story of the poems "Haji Abrek" in the manner of K. P. Bryullov ...

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  • - Russian painter. He studied in St. Petersburg Ah at P. V. Basina. Pensioner ah in Italy. In 1857-59 he worked in Rome, in 1860≈69 in Florence. He lived in St. Petersburg and on the farm in the Chernihiv province ...
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  • - Russian painter. One of the founders of the comarable of the mobile phone. Psychological portraits, historical paintings, expressive, dramatic compositions on religious and ethical topics ...
  • - Grand Duke, Son Nikolai Nikolaevich, General from Cavalry ...

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  • - Grand Duke, 3rd Son of Emperor Nicholas I, Field Marshal General, Honorary Member of the Petersburg An. From 1855 member of the State Council ...

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Nikolai Nikolaevich G.

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Nikolay Nikolayevich GE I For the first time I saw Nikolai Nikolayevich Ge in our house in Moscow in 1882. I just just passed eighteen years. I remember how, returning from the rink, with skates in your hands, I went to the office of the Father and on the way from someone from home I learned that

Nikolai Nikolaevich G.

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Ge Nikolai Nikolaevich Gi Nikolay Nikolaevich, Russian Painter. He studied in St. Petersburg Ah (1850-57) at P. V. Basin. Pensioner Ah in Italy (1857-63). In 1857-59 he worked in Rome, in 1860-69 in Florence. Housing

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(1996-08-17 ) (36 years) Place of death Belonging

USSR of the USSR


: Invalid or absent image

Battle / War Awards and Prize

Nikolai Nikolaevich Lukashov (October 12 - August 17) - Hero of the Soviet Union, Head of the headquarters of the ardent-assault maneuverable group of the Kerkinsky border detachment of the Central Asian Border District, the captain - at the time of the presentation to the title of GSS.

Biography and Military Career

Participated in 23 major combat clasions. Over 70 times with their subordinates landed at the disposal location.


Of premium sheet On the assignment of the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union:

Head of the headquarters of DSHMG Lukashov N. N. took part in the fight on the seizure and destruction of the Banitis base camp in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Bala Bakan, which represented a greater danger. Personally led the advanced divisions of the group. Bold and decisive actions provided the fall of its division directly on the combat order of the rebels. Showed heroism, courage and courage. In that fighting before the maneuverable group, under the command of Lukashov, there was the following task: to capture the database during the day, do not give bandits to leave and carry away at least part of the weapon. The helicopters, masking the folds of the terrain, were able to approach the base at a maximum altitude. However, barely helicopters approached the landing point, enemy machine guns earned on them. Despite the fact that the coursework was answered on fire, it was impossible to plant an archery in such a situation. And then the commander of the helicopters, who led by landing, decided to sit down ... for machine guns. The battle lasted not long, although the base was guarded reliably, competently. The enemies simply did not expect such a bold and rapid assault from the border guards ... But when the main part of the gang was destroyed, the remaining dresses were hidden in the cave. They answered every attack with a powerful fire, apparently, deciding to accept the last fight here. It was necessary to throw the entrance to grenades ... The result of that battle was the capture of the launcher with 1060 projectiles to it, not counting the large amount of weapons and ammunition.

For courage and heroism, manifested in the provision of international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan, Captain Lukashov Nikolai Nikolayevich, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 17, 1988, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Golden Star Medal (No. 11571).

Further career

In 1991, after graduating from the M. V. Frunze Military Academy, N. Lukashov aims at the Office of the Far Eastern Border County's troops as an officer of the border guard department of the district headquarters, then served as Deputy Head of the Department at the headquarters of the Bikinsky border detachment. In 1992, he was appointed head of the branch of the Group of Russian border troops in the Republic of Tajikistan, participated in hostilities during the civil war, protecting Russian military facilities and defending the border with Afghanistan.

As a state of health, recognized as expected to military service, has been taught from 1995 at the Golitsyn Military Institute of FPS of Russia. In 1994, he received the military rank of "Lieutenant Colonel".

In 1995, fired to the reserve. Returned to the city of Omsk, where she worked by the head of the protection of the Omsk branch of one of the Moscow banks.


On August 17, 1996 tragically died in a traffic accident on one of the roads of the Omsk region. Buried in Omsk at the Old-Northern Cemetery.

Awards and Memory

  • Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree
  • Medals

In 1988, in the village of Kamyshlovskiy Omsk region, during the lifetime of Hero, the street was named.

In October 2005, a memorial sign was established on the facade of the School of School, and educational institution Awarded the name of the countryman's hero.

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. The site "Heroes of the country."

Excerpt characterizing Lukashov, Nikolai Nikolaevich

Another hussar rushed to the horse, but Bondarenko has already thrown the reins of Trenzel. It was seen that the junker gave well to vodka, and that he was beneficial to service. Rostov stroked the horse around the neck, then he stopped on the porch.
"Nice! Such will be a horse! " He said himself and, smiling and holding a saber, ran into the porch, pouring his spurs. The owner of the German, in a swelling and cap, with the forks that he cleaned the manure looked out of the barn. The face of the German suddenly enlightened as soon as he saw Rostov. He smiled cheerfully and winked: "Schon, Gut Morgen! Schon, Gut Morgen! " [Fine, good in the morning!] He repeated, apparently, finding pleasure in greeting a young man.
- Schon Fleissig! [Over the work!] - Rostov said everything with the same joyful, briefly smile, which did not go from his busy face. - Hoch Oestreicher! HOCH RUSSEN! Kaiser Alexander Hoch! [Hurray Austrians! Hurray Russian! Emperor Alexander Hursa!] - He turned to the German, repeating the words, who often spent the Nemen by the host.
The German laughed, came out completely out of the door of the barn, drowned
Cap and, waving them above his head, shouted:
- Und Die Ganze Welt Hoch! [And the whole light Hurray!]
Rostov himself just like a German, waved a cap over his head and, laughing, shouted: "Und Vivat Die Ganze Welt"! Although there was no reason for a special joy for a German who cleaned his barn, nor for Rostov, who rushed with a platoon behind Saint, both people with a happy delight and brunch love looked at each other, shook their heads as a sign of mutual love and smiling diverged - German in a barn, and Rostov to the Exchange, which he held with Denisov.
- What is the barin? He asked the lavelice, known to the whole regiment of Pluta Lakee Denisov.
- From the evening there were no. True, lost, - Lavrushka answered. "I know, if I will win, it will come to brag soon, and if there is no morning, it means that they blurred," the angry will come. " Coffee order?
- Come on, come on.
After 10 minutes, the laurel brought coffee. Go! He said, "now the trouble. - Rostov looked out the window and saw Denisov returning home. Denisov was small man With a red face, shiny black eyes, black swarmed mustache and hair. It was unbuttoned mentor, wide chiccchirs lowered in the folds, and a crumpled hussar hat was hoping on the back of the head. He gloomy, dropping his head, approached the porch.
- LAVG "Ear," he shouted loudly and angry. - Well, take it off, DOO!
"Yes, I take it out," the voice of Lavrushka answered.
- BUT! You already got up, "Denisov said, entering the room.
"For a long time," Rostov said, "I already went to the Saint and Freilene Matilda."
- That's how! And I dressed, BG "AT, WCHEG", how, like Sukin Son! - shouted Denisov, without proud of the r. - so unfortunately! Such misfortune! As you left, and went. Hey, tea!
Denisov, wrinkling, as if smiling and showing her short strong teeth, began to shake with a short finger, like a dog, whipped black, thick hair.
- Chog "T me money" zero to go to this kg "YES (nickname of an officer), - rubbing his forehead both hands and face, he said. - You can herself" Establish, not a single kAg "you, none, none kag "You did not give.
Denisov took the crumpled pipe supplied to him, squeezed into the fist, and, scattering the fire, hit it on the floor, continuing to scream.
- SEMPEL DAST, PAG "Ol Beat; Satherm will give, Pag" Ol beats.
He scattered the fire, broke the phone and threw it. Denisov was silent and suddenly his brilliant black eyes glanly looked at Rostov.
- At least women were. And then, the kg "Ohme how to drink, there is nothing to do. At least DG" AWING SKOG "to her.
- Hey, who is there? - He turned to the door, having walked down the stopped steps of thick boots with a bumping spur and respectful cadeline.
- Wahmist! - said Lavrushka.
Denisov wrinkled even more.
"JVEG" But, "he said, throwing a wallet with several gold." - G'ostov, to see, dove, how much it remains there, and Sun wallet under the pillow, "he said, and went to Wahmist.
Rostov took the money and, automatically, putting up and smoking with piles of old and new gold, began to consider them.
- BUT! Tranquing! Healthy "OVO! Did a wet me" A! - Denisov's voice was heard from another room.
- Who? Bykov, in the rat? ... I knew, "the other thin voice said, and after the fact that Lieutenant was entered the room, a small officer of the same squadron.
Rostov threw a wallet under the pillow and shook his little wet hand outstretched him. Tellyn was before the campaign for something translated from the guard. He kept himself very well into the shelf; But he was not loved, and in particular Rostov could neither overcome, nor hide her unfortunately disgust to this officer.
- Well, what, a young cavalier, how do you serve my grouse? - he asked. (The griek was a riding horse, the incident sold by the calf Rostov.)
Lieutenant never looked into the eyes of a man who spoke to him; His eyes constantly overwhelmed from one subject to another.
- I saw you now drove ...
- Yes, nothing, the horse is kind, "Rostov answered, despite the fact that this horse bought for 700 rubles was not worth half of this price. "It became falling to the left front ..." he added. - cracked hoofs! It's nothing. I will teach you, I'll show you how to put a rivet.
- Yes, please show, Rostov said.
- I'll show you, show it is not a secret. And you will thank the horse.
"So I drove a horse," Rostov said, wanting to get rid of the calf, and went out to be told to bring a horse.
In the Seine of Denisov, with a tube, raising on the threshold, sat in front of the wachmistrome, which reported something. Seeing Rostov, Denisov wriggled and, pointing through his shoulder with a thumb into the room, in which the calmanin was sitting, frowned and shook himself.
"Oh, I don't like well done," he said, not shy by the presence of the Wahmistra.
Rostov shrugged, as if: "And I, too, yes what to do!" And, by order, returned to the calf.
The Telunin was sitting in the same lazy pose, in which he left Rostov, rubbing little white hands.
"There are such nasty faces," Rostov thought, entering the room.
- What, we ordered to bring a horse? - said Tellyn, getting up and casually looking around.
- ordered.
- Yes, go yourself. After all, I only went to ask Denisova about yesterday's order. Did you get Denisov?
- Not yet. Where are you?
"I want a young man to teach how to rush a horse," said Tellyn. ( 1959-10-12 )

Nikolai Nikolaevich Lukashov (October 12 - August 17) - Hero of the Soviet Union, Head of the headquarters of the ardent-assault maneuverable group of the Kerkinsky border detachment of the Central Asian Border District, the captain - at the time of the presentation to the title of GSS.

Biography and Military Career[ | ]

Participated in 23 major combat clasions. Over 70 times with their subordinates landed at the disposal location.

Feat [ | ]

From a premium sheet of assigning the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union:

Head of the headquarters of DSHMG Lukashov N. N. took part in the fight on the seizure and destruction of the Banitis base camp in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Bala Bakan, which represented a greater danger. Personally led the advanced divisions of the group. Bold and decisive actions provided the fall of its division directly on the combat order of the rebels. Showed heroism, courage and courage. In that fighting before the maneuverable group, under the command of Lukashov, there was the following task: to capture the database during the day, do not give bandits to leave and carry away at least part of the weapon. The helicopters, masking the folds of the terrain, were able to approach the base at a maximum altitude. However, barely helicopters approached the landing point, enemy machine guns earned on them. Despite the fact that the coursework was answered on fire, it was impossible to plant an archery in such a situation. And then the commander of the helicopters, who led by landing, decided to sit down ... for machine guns. The battle lasted not long, although the base was guarded reliably, competently. The enemies simply did not expect such a bold and rapid assault from the border guards ... But when the main part of the gang was destroyed, the remaining dresses were hidden in the cave. They answered every attack with a powerful fire, apparently, deciding to accept the last fight here. It was necessary to throw the entrance to grenades ... The result of that battle was the capture of the launcher with 1060 projectiles to it, not counting the large amount of weapons and ammunition.

The title of the Hero of the Soviet Union[ | ]

For courage and heroism, manifested in the provision of international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan, Captain Lukashov Nikolai Nikolayevich, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 17, 1988, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Golden Star Medal (No. 11571).

Further career[ | ]

In 1991, after graduating from the M. V. Frunze Military Academy, N. Lukashov aims at the Office of the Far Eastern Border County's troops as an officer of the border guard department of the district headquarters, then served as Deputy Head of the Department at the headquarters of the Bikinsky border detachment. In 1992, he was appointed head of the branch of the Group of Russian border troops in the Republic of Tajikistan, participated in hostilities during the civil war, protecting Russian military facilities and defending the border with Afghanistan.

As a state of health, recognized as expected to military service, has been taught from 1995 at the Golitsyn Military Institute of FPS of Russia. In 1994, he received the military rank of "Lieutenant Colonel".

In 1995, fired to the reserve. Returned to the city of Omsk, where she worked by the head of the protection of the Omsk branch of one of the Moscow banks.

Death [ | ]

Died on August 17, 1996 in a traffic accident on one of the roads of the Omsk Region. Buried in Omsk at the Old-Northern Cemetery.

Awards [ | ]

Memory [ | ]

In 1988, in the village of Kamyshlovskiy Omsk region, during the lifetime of Hero, the street was named.

In October 2005, a memorial sign was established at the Facade of the School of School, and the educational institution was assigned the name of the countryman's hero.

On May 28, 2017, the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Lukashov was awarded the Russian-Polyansk border post office. In the village of Russian Polyana Omsk region installed Bust Hero.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Lukashov (October 12, 1959 - August 17, 1996) - Hero of the Soviet Union, Head of the headquarters of the landing-ass maneuverable group of the Kerkinsky border detachment of the Central Asian Border District, Captain - at the time of the presentation to the rank of GSS.

Biography and Military Career

Born on October 12, 1959 in the village of Novomoscovka Tarskoye District of the Omsk region in the family family. Russian. In 1977 he graduated from HPTU No. 1 of Omsk city in the specialty "Machine operator with numeric software control." He worked in the specialty at one of the Omsk plants.

In 1977, the USSR was called up to the border troops for urgent service. He served on Chukotka by the shooter, after graduating from a sergeant school - commander of the department on the border outpost there. In 1978 he entered the Higher Border Military Political Red Banner School of the KGB of the USSR. K. E. Morosilovav, PGT. Golitsino of the Moscow region, which successfully graduated in 1982. Member of the CPSU since 1983. After the school, he was sent to the Turkmen SSR, in the Nebit-Dagan border squad as the deputy head of the observation in the political part.

As part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan from March 1984 to April 1988. At first, he commanded a platoon in the Motometric Group of the Termez Border Council, from April 1985 - Head of the headquarters of the Armed Forces Maneuvera group (DSHMG) of the Kerkinsky border detachment, since 1987, the officer of the Officer Group of the Central Asian Border District in Afghanistan.

Participated in 23 major combat clasions. Over 70 times with their subordinates landed at the disposal location.


From a premium sheet of assigning the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union:

Head of the headquarters of DSHMG Lukashov N. N. took part in the fight on the seizure and destruction of the Banitis base camp in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Bala Bakan, which represented a greater danger. Personally led the advanced divisions of the group. Bold and decisive actions provided the fall of its division directly on the combat order of the rebels. Showed heroism, courage and courage. In that fighting before the maneuverable group, under the command of Lukashov, there was the following task: to capture the database during the day, do not give bandits to leave and carry away at least part of the weapon. The helicopters, masking the folds of the terrain, were able to approach the base at a maximum altitude. However, barely helicopters approached the landing point, enemy machine guns earned on them. Despite the fact that the coursework was answered on fire, it was impossible to plant an archery in such a situation. And then the commander of the helicopters, who led by landing, decided to sit down ... for machine guns. The battle lasted not long, although the base was guarded reliably, competently. The enemies simply did not expect such a bold and rapid assault from the border guards ... But when the main part of the gang was destroyed, the remaining dresses were hidden in the cave. They answered every attack with a powerful fire, apparently, deciding to accept the last fight here. It was necessary to throw the entrance to grenades ... The result of that battle was the capture of the launcher with 1060 projectiles to it, not counting the large amount of weapons and ammunition.

For courage and heroism, manifested in the provision of international assistance to the Republic of Afghanistan, Captain Lukashov Nikolai Nikolayevich by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 17, 1988 was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Medal of the Golden Star (No. 11571).

Further career

In 1991, after graduating from the M. V. Frunze Military Academy, N. Lukashov aims at the Office of the Far Eastern Border County's troops as an officer of the border guard department of the district headquarters, then served as Deputy Head of the Department at the headquarters of the Bikinsky border detachment. In 1992, he was appointed head of the branch of the Group of Russian border troops in the Republic of Tajikistan, participated in hostilities during the civil war, protecting Russian military facilities and defending the border with Afghanistan.

As a state of health, recognized as expected to military service, has been taught from 1995 at the Golitsyn Military Institute of FPS of Russia. In 1994, he received the military rank of "Lieutenant Colonel".

In 1995, fired to the reserve. Returned to the city of Omsk, where she worked by the head of the protection of the Omsk branch of one of the Moscow banks.


Died on August 17, 1996 in a traffic accident on one of the roads of the Omsk Region. Buried in Omsk at the Old-Northern Cemetery.

Awards and Memory

  • The order of Lenin
  • Order of the Red Banner
  • Order of the Red Star
  • Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree
  • Medals

In 1988, in the village of Kamyshlovskiy Omsk region, during the lifetime of Hero, the street was named.

In October 2005, a memorial sign was established at the Facade of the School of School, and the educational institution was assigned the name of the countryman's hero.