Airborne commander now. Airborne commander was in a car accident

"Andrei Nikolaevich is a competent leader and a skilled organizer," Sergei Shoigu described the country's chief paratrooper. "He gained experience of service in the Far Eastern, Southern and Western regions, passed all the main command and staff positions - from reconnaissance platoon commander to commander of the 12th reserve of the Southern military district ".

The formation headed by General Serdyukov, according to the Minister of Defense, effectively carried out tasks in the south-western strategic direction, invariably demonstrated high results during exercises and surprise checks. "The business qualities and versatile knowledge of Colonel-General Serdyukov will be of great help in solving important issues of maintaining the combat readiness of the Airborne Forces at the required level," the Defense Minister said, presenting the standard to the new commander.

The new leader of the "winged infantry", in his reply, promised to support the glorious traditions of the Airborne Forces, which, in his words, are permeated with patriotism, selfless devotion and unbending will. "That high level, which the troops achieved under the leadership of Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, will serve as a starting point for me in my work, "admitted Andrei Serdyukov.

"I will make every effort to justify the high confidence placed in me, and I will strive to use my knowledge and experience for further development troops ", - concluded the new commander.

Recall, Hero of Russia Vladimir Shamanov commanded the Russian Airborne Forces since May 2009. He was recently elected to the State Duma, and later became the head of the Duma Defense Committee.

Sergei Shoigu today thanked Shamanov and wished him success in his new job. "Thank you, Vladimir Anatolyevich, for your great personal contribution to the development of the Airborne Forces and increasing the authority of the Armed Forces. I am sure that your professionalism, rich experience and active civil position will contribute to the adoption of responsible decisions aimed at strengthening the military security of the state and on a new post, "- said the head of the military department.

"Dedicating the next five years of lawmaking, I see it as my task to delve into the needs and tasks of the RF Armed Forces in this difficult time as my task," Shamanov replied to the Minister.

Help "RG"

Andrey Serdyukov was born in the Rostov region in 1962. In 1983 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne command school... He served in all key positions from reconnaissance platoon commander to air commander airborne division... Graduated in 1993 Military academy named after Frunze. After graduating from the military academy in 2009 General Staff The RF Armed Forces served as Deputy Army Commander in the Far Eastern Military District. Since January 2011 - Commander of the Combined Arms Army of the Eastern Military District. In February 2013, he was appointed Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District.

Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces), Colonel-General Andrei Serdyukov, returning from a military exercise, had an accident in the Murmansk region. The car with the general collided with a passenger car, the driver of which, according to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, lost control and drove into the oncoming lane. The life of the general, who received head and spinal injuries, is not in danger. The driver of the car was killed.

The incident involving the car in which Colonel General Serdyukov, his deputy Major General Vladimir Kochetkov, assistant Colonel Oleg Smykovsky and the adjutant Sergeant Major Andrey Batarev were moving, occurred on September 15 in the Murmansk region. On that day, the Volkswagen Caravelle service minibus assigned to the Northern Fleet was in an escort cortege, heading to the airport along the P-21 Kola highway: the day before, some Airborne Forces units began performing tasks in the exercise, which General Serdyukov personally supervised. On the 1420th km of the road, the car with the commander (he followed the third in the cortege) lagged behind a little and tried to catch up with the car driving in the front in the oncoming lane. However, a few seconds later Volkswagen collided tangentially with a Chevrolet Lanos at full speed, which was thrown onto another car moving in the same direction. From the impact, the car with General Serdyukov turned over several times and fell into a ditch.

With serious injuries, the commander was taken to the neurosurgical department of the 1469th Naval Clinical Hospital: there he was diagnosed with concomitant and bruised head and spine injuries (closed fracture of some vertebrae).

As Kommersant was assured in the Defense Ministry, now his condition is assessed as satisfactory, nothing threatens his health.

The servicemen who were with Andrei Serdyukov also had injuries - for example, General Kochetkov had a closed fracture of the first metacarpal bone, numerous bruises (head, chest and limbs), and Sergeant Major Batarev had a bruise of the cervical spine. The driver of the Chevrolet Lanos Oleg Karmazin, who was driving with his family, died in an ambulance (it was he who suffered the brunt of the collision). His wife Natalya received a closed craniocerebral injury, and the children born in 2000 and 2001 who were in the salon were not injured: they were examined on an outpatient basis in local medical institutions.

The Ministry of Defense believes that the victim is guilty of the tragedy: the ministry's message states that the driver of a private car “lost control and, having driven into the oncoming lane, made a collision with a minibus moving in a military convoy”.

Note that the predecessor of Andrei Serdyukov, Colonel General Vladimir Shamanov (now a State Duma deputy), also got into a serious accident. In 2010, a MAZ truck carrying two Tajik citizens rammed the general's service BMW on the 1st km of the Moscow highway at the entrance to Tula. The general's driver died on the spot, and he himself needed an operation. The then Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said that "Shamanov is a tough man": "He will recover and will continue to command the Airborne Forces." According to a Kommersant source in the current leadership of the Ministry of Defense, there is no doubt that General Serdyukov will continue to command the Airborne Forces: "As soon as he recovers, he will immediately start serving."

Director of the Center for Strategic Conjuncture Ivan Konovalov told about the remarkable career of the Colonel General.

Today Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov became commander Airborne troops instead of Vladimir Shamanov.

M. BACHENIN: Let's talk to the person who, I hope, will bring us up to date. Ivan Konovalov, director of the Center for Strategic Business, is in touch with us. Ivan Pavlovich, hello!

I. KONOVALOV: Good afternoon!

M.B .: Ivan Pavlovich, can you tell us something about the person of Andrei Serdyukov?

I.K .: Well, Serdyukov is now a legendary person, no less than the legendary Vladimir Anatolyevich Shamanov, the former commander of the Airborne Forces. Because it was Serdyukov who commanded, directed the operation in Crimea, and this operation in recent times of all military operations of the 21st century, it is recognized as perhaps the most successful.

The operation in Crimea was bloodless, and its political effect was tremendous. So now Serdyukov has already become a legend

I. Konovalov

M.B .: You started so that I thought: is it really only because he took over as commander of the Airborne Forces and immediately into the legend. That would be great too. Okay, but will he enjoy the same respect and honor, and I pronounce these words with absolutely justified pathos, as Vladimir Shamanov used among the veterans, paratroopers?

I.K .: Do not forget that at one time the Airborne Forces were created by another legendary general and marshal - Margelov. And everyone who was after Margelov, they somehow honored traditions. All the generals who were at the head of the Airborne Forces at one time have always been the elite of our army, whether we are talking about the Soviet or russian army - never mind.

M.B .: Well, it's not for nothing that the Airborne Forces are called Uncle Vasya's troops. Continue, please, forgive me for interrupting.

I.K .:You can name many generals who were at the head of the Airborne Forces, and they are all worthy people. Please note that information was leaked from the Ministry of Defense that General Teplinsky was considered for the post of commander of the Airborne Forces - this is also a worthy person, a hero Russian Federation... In the First Chechen War, he was generally a junior officer, fought in the frontline units, went an amazing way.

M.B .: Random people cannot end up in this post.

I.K .: Yes, this is basically impossible.

M.B .: That is, people who went through Crimea and copper pipes.

I.K .: Pay attention to the same career path, I say in a good way, of General Shamanov. After all, he left the army, was the governor, but returned, because he is a real military bone, a true Russian officer.

M.B .: Well, it's not easy to leave the Airborne Forces, yes.

I.K .: There is a concept "Russian officer" all over the world. There is the concept of French cinema or British tea, but there is a Russian officer.

The highest degree of Russian officers is a paratrooper, a Russian paratrooper

I. Konovalov

M.B .: With your permission, I will return you to General Serdyukov. That is, he became known in his circles exclusively thanks to the Crimean operation. What else can you say about Serdyukov? Where else did he serve, what did he do, some military merit.

I.K .: First of all, General Serdyukov, like all the commanders of the Airborne Forces without exception, went through the career of an Airborne Forces officer from the very beginning. He was a platoon commander and at the same time later commanded a combined-arms army in the Eastern Military District. This is very serious, you understand that a paratrooper who has completed a rather specific service, then receives an appointment as a commander in the combined arms army.

M.B .: Why is this remarkable? Can we civilians be explained?

I.K .: You understand that paratroopers are a special kind of troops. This is a special forces, such a big special forces.

And commanding a combined-arms army, where you have aviation, air defense forces, ground forces and whatever, is a little different. Because it is believed that paratroopers go all their way like such special forces, even if they command large formations like an airborne division - an airborne assault or an airborne assault. But this is fundamentally wrong, because the landing officers have a very broad outlook, they are in the highest degree educated people.

Serdyukov proved that a paratrooper officer can command a combined-arms army, there is nothing surprising in this

I. Konovalov

And it should be noted that all those who went through hot spots, officers, both Afghanistan and Chechnya, since the beginning of the 2000s, they have received the opportunity for serious career growth, and this is really good.

M.B .: Is it a reward or an experience?

I.K .: No, this is just a confirmation of merit.

I.K .: Absolutely yes, because if our troops had not saved the situation, there would have been such a hell that it is even difficult to imagine. Therefore, quick and clear actions saved the situation in many ways. And most importantly, in that situation in Crimea, it was necessary to act independently. It was not enough to receive the order of the supreme commander in chief to act, and then, on the spot, you need to act yourself.

General Serdyukov just noted that he was in a situation where he must act himself and prevent conflict

I. Konovalov

On the other hand, to save the situation and prevent the forces of nationalists who seized power in Kiev from breaking into Crimea and staging an orgy there. AT military history for some reason they always appreciate those who achieve something with a lot of blood. And here it was possible without blood. And this is much higher.

M.B .: Nicely. Thank you for keeping us up to date.

Commander of the Airborne Forces. Colonel General.

Andrey Serdyukov was born on March 4, 1962 in the village of Uglegorskiy, Rostov region. Long before the end high school firmly decided to embark on the path of the defender of the homeland. Get a military profession and go into the army, but not by someone, but by all means a paratrooper. It was with the landing troops that the teenager associated a real male profession.

Therefore, immediately after graduation, without hesitation, he applied to the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, which he successfully graduated in 1983. On the shoulders of the former cadet of the school, brand new officer shoulder straps shone with gold. Upon arrival at his duty station in the Pskov region, he took command of the reconnaissance platoon of the 76th Airborne Division. The efforts of the young officer, his ability to find an approach to personnel, allowed him to soon become a company commander.

Serdyukov's ambitious plans extended to further command positions, but military career included obtaining additional education, in connection with which the young man entered the Mikhail Frunze Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of Russia, graduating in 1993.

In 2009, a record appeared in his personal file about the graduation from the Academy of the General Staff, where he was the foreman of the course. The officers are well aware that such duties could only be performed by a person with an impeccable military reputation, moreover, with experience in military operations. After that, Serdyukov served as deputy army commander in the Far Eastern Military District.

Since January 2011, Andrei Serdyukov was appointed commander of the combined arms army of the Eastern Military District. In February 2013, he was reappointed as Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District. And on October 4, 2013, Andrei Nikolaevich took the chair of chief of staff - first deputy commander of the Southern Military District.

Colonel General Andrey Serdyukov was appointed Commander of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2016.

The commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Andrei Nikolayevich, on April 12, 2019, led the Russian group of forces in Syria. In this post, he replaced the commander-in-chief of the aerospace forces, General Sergei Surovikin, who had been in charge of the actions of the Russian military in the republic for the past few months. The main task Serdyukov will organize a joint patrol of the Russian military police and Turkish servicemen in the de-escalation zone of Idlib, where over thirty-five thousand militants are concentrated and more than thirty facilities with chemical substances are located.

He is a participant in the First and Second Chechen wars, airborne battalion to Pristina. Has over 200 parachute jumps. Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation.

(1962-03-04 ) (57 years old)
village Uglegorsky, Tatsinsky district, Rostov region, RSFSR, USSR Education: Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after the Lenin Komsomol;
Military Academy named after M. V. Frunze;
Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Military service Years of service: - present time. Affiliation: Russia, Russia Type of army: Airborne troops Rank:
Colonel General Commanded: 138th separate guards motorized rifle brigade;
106th Guards Airborne Division;
5th Combined Arms Army;
12th Reserve Command of the Southern Military District;
Russian Airborne Troops Battles: First Chechen War; Forward march to Pristina; Second Chechen War; Crimean crisis Awards:

Serdyukov Andrey Nikolaevich (born March 4, 1962, Uglegorsky settlement, Tatsinsky District, Rostov Region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian military leader, Commander of the Airborne Forces since October 4, 2016, Colonel General ().


Successively held the posts of deputy commander and company commander (1985-1986), chief of staff and battalion commander (1986-1990) in the same regiment.

After graduating from the Frunze Military Academy in 1993, he was appointed deputy commander of the 237th Guards Parachute Regiment of Torun, in 1995-1997 - regiment commander, in 1997-1999 - commander of the 104th Guards Airborne Assault Regiment, 1999-2002 - Deputy Commander of the 76th Guards Airborne Division (Pskov).

Later, he held the positions of: commander of the 138th separate guards motorized rifle Krasnoselskaya brigade in the Leningrad military district (Kamenka) from March 2002 to June 2004, commander of the 106th guards airborne division (Tula) from 2004 to 2007 ...

In 2009, he graduated with a gold medal from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Appointed deputy commander of the 5th Red Banner Army of the Far Eastern Military District (since 2010 - the Eastern Military District).

From October 2013 to December 2015 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District, from December 2015 to October 2016 - Commander of the 12th Reserve Command.


  • Order for Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR, 3rd degree.
  • Medal "To Participant of the March 12, 1999 Bosnia - Kosovo";

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An excerpt characterizing Serdyukov, Andrei Nikolaevich

- Asile? - Pierre repeated. - Asile en allemand - Unterkunft. [Asylum? Asylum - in German - Unterkunft.]
- Comment dites vous? [How do you say?] The captain asked incredulously and quickly.
“Unterkunft,” repeated Pierre.
“Onterkoff,” said the captain, and for several seconds he looked at Pierre with laughing eyes. - Les Allemands sont de fieres betes. N "est ce pas, monsieur Pierre? [What fools these Germans are. Isn't that so, Monsieur Pierre?] - he concluded.
- Eh bien, encore une bouteille de ce Bordeau Moscovite, n "est ce pas? Morel, va nous chauffer encore une pelilo bouteille. Morel! [Well, another bottle of this Moscow Bordeaux, isn't it? Morel will warm us up another bottle. Morel !] - the captain shouted cheerfully.
Morel brought in candles and a bottle of wine. The captain looked at Pierre in the light, and he was apparently struck by the upset face of his interlocutor. Rambal, with sincere distress and sympathy in his face, went up to Pierre and bent over him.
- Eh bien, nous sommes tristes, [What is it, are we sad?] - he said, touching Pierre's hand. - Vous aurai je fait de la peine? Non, vrai, avez vous quelque chose contre moi, he asked. - Peut etre rapport a la situation? [Maybe I upset you? No, really, don't you have anything against me? Perhaps regarding the position?]
Pierre did not answer, but looked affectionately into the Frenchman's eyes. This expression of sympathy pleased him.
- Parole d "honneur, sans parler de ce que je vous dois, j" ai de l "amitie pour vous. Puis je faire quelque chose pour vous? Disposez de moi. C" est a la vie et a la mort. C "est la main sur le c? Ur que je vous le dis, [Honestly, not to mention what I owe you, I feel friendship for you. Is there anything I can do for you? Have me. This is for life and death. I tell you this, putting my hand on my heart,] - he said, hitting his chest.
“Merci,” said Pierre. The captain looked intently at Pierre in the same way he looked when he learned the name of the shelter in German, and his face suddenly brightened.
- Ah! dans ce cas je bois a notre amitie! [And, in that case, I drink to your friendship!] - he shouted cheerfully, pouring two glasses of wine. Pierre took the poured glass and drank it. Rambal drank his own, shook Pierre's hand once more, and leaned his elbows on the table in a thoughtfully melancholy pose.
“Oui, mon cher ami, voila les caprices de la fortune,” he began. - Qui m "aurait dit que je serai soldat et capitaine de dragons au service de Bonaparte, comme nous l" appellions jadis. Et cependant me voila a Moscou avec lui. Il faut vous dire, mon cher, "he continued in the sad, measured voice of a man who is about to tell a long story," que notre nom est l "un des plus anciens de la France. [Yes, my friend, here is the wheel of fortune. Who said I wish I would be a soldier and captain of dragoons in the service of Bonaparte, as we used to call him. However, here I am in Moscow with him. I must tell you, my dear ... that our name is one of the most ancient in France.]
And with a light and naive frankness of a Frenchman, the captain told Pierre the story of his ancestors, his childhood, adolescence and maturity, all his related, property, family relations. “Ma pauvre mere ['My poor mother.'] Played, of course, an important role in this story.
- Mais tout ca ce n "est que la mise en scene de la vie, le fond c" est l "amour? L" amour! N "est ce pas, monsieur; Pierre?" He said, brightening up. "Encore un verre. [But all this is only an introduction to life, its essence is love. Love! Isn't it, Monsieur Pierre? Another glass." ]
Pierre drank again and poured himself a third.
- Oh! les femmes, les femmes! [ABOUT! women, women!] - and the captain, looking at Pierre with oily eyes, began to talk about love and about his love affairs. There were a lot of them, which was easy to believe, looking at the smug, handsome face of the officer and the enthusiastic animation with which he spoke about women. Despite the fact that all of Rambal's love stories had that character of filth in which the French see the exceptional charm and poetry of love, the captain told his stories with such sincere conviction that he alone experienced and knew all the charms of love, and described women so temptingly that Pierre listened to him with curiosity.
It was obvious that l "amour, which the Frenchman loved so much, was neither that lower and simple kind of love that Pierre once felt for his wife, nor that romantic love inflated by him that he felt for Natasha (both kinds of this love Rambal equally despised - one was l "amour des charretiers, the other l" amour des nigauds) [the love of the cabbies, the other is more evil love.]; l "amour, which the Frenchman worshiped, consisted mainly in the unnaturalness of the relationship to a woman and in a combination of ugliness, which gave the main charm to the feeling.
So the captain told a touching story of his love for one charming thirty-five-year-old marquise and at the same time for a lovely innocent, seventeen-year-old child, the daughter of a charming marquise. The struggle of generosity between mother and daughter, which ended with the mother, sacrificing herself, offered her daughter as wife to her lover, even now, although a long-gone memory, worried the captain. Then he told one episode in which the husband played the role of the lover, and he (the lover) the role of the husband, and several comic episodes from souvenirs d "Allemagne, where asile means Unterkunft, where les maris mangent de la choux croute and where les jeunes filles sont trop blondes. [memories of Germany, where husbands eat cabbage soup and where young girls are too blond.]
Finally, the last episode in Poland, still fresh in the memory of the captain, which he recounted with quick gestures and a flushed face, was that he saved the life of one Pole (in general, in the captain's stories, the episode of saving a life was constantly encountered) and this Pole entrusted him with his charming wife (Parisienne de c? ur [Parisian at heart]), while he himself entered the French service. The captain was happy, the charming Polka wanted to run with him; but, moved by generosity, the captain returned his wife to his husband, while saying to him: "Je vous ai sauve la vie et je sauve votre honneur!" [I saved your life and I save your honor!] After repeating these words, the captain rubbed his eyes and shook himself as if to drive away the weakness that had gripped him at this touching memory.