If a student comes to the tutor's home. Tutor's revelations or why we are not at school again Is it worth going to a tutor

RN, age: 15/21/2017


Don't worry like that! Most likely the problem is with the tutor not working on consolidating the material with you. Our brain is so arranged that we need to repeat the same thing many times, including by solving practical problems. So give up his services, start reading the textbook yourself, watch free lectures, make cards with formulas and keep them in front of your eyes, solve many problems. Even if you do not have the ability for this subject, patience and work will grind everything and you can not only get 4, but even 5. Most importantly, do not lose sight of any topics, eliminate gaps in knowledge (for example, how exactly do you know the multiplication table ? Can you play it extremely fast? This is very important). Calmly and methodically go to your goal, you will succeed. And your parents are just trying to motivate you. So do not worry

Marina, age: 11/21/2017

Hello! First of all, I want to tell you - you are a very, very diligent person! This is a huge plus that at such a young age you are trying to pull up your studies, do not forget about it. It is very commendable that you want your parents to be proud of you, do not want to upset them. You are a great son!
You just need to remember that you don't have to torment yourself like that! The more you worry, the harder it will be to learn. Please try to calm down, I understand this is not easy, but I am sure you can handle it! After all, stress does not have a positive effect on the body, on the brain. Protect your precious health, don't let stress destroy you. Remember, knowledge can always be improved, it is never too late to learn, but health is harder to improve.
It will be a huge plus if you start to study this subject more yourself, deepening your knowledge.
You have great potential, you are diligent and purposeful - I am sure that you can do everything! The main thing is to always be calm. I wish you great luck, I believe in you!;)

Rimma, age: 11/21/2017

Ivan, age: 37 / 11/21/2017

Good afternoon! I can say from my own experience: fear, a feeling of worthlessness very strongly affect the result. It is dangerous to be in this state all the time. Who hasn't had any failures? Open any biography of any famous person. There are so many cases when everything went to victory, but the result was sad - due to circumstances beyond his control. But people did not lose heart and moved on. You know, an acquaintance of mine, a successful person in banking, once thought that after university he sent over 100 resumes to get the job he needed! So don't worry, you won't get anywhere. Do not bring yourself to illness! If you are a believer, read your prayers, it will help you stay calm. If not, calm yourself down, say that everything will be fine. You don't need 5, you just need 4! Good luck!

Svetlana, age: 38/22/11/2017

Hello. Analyze whether the material became easier for you after additional classes, whether the topics became clearer, maybe it is worth changing the tutor, a lot depends on him.

Irina, age: 29 / 22.11.2017

Hi! I really sympathize with you. Just don't be discouraged. If you die, you will definitely disappoint your parents. They love you regardless of your ratings. Naturally, they will scold you for triplets, this is because they worry about you, about your future. You can still fix everything, there is still a lot of time before the exam) go to the tutor, and for all additional, and study at home, then you will definitely succeed in increasing the result) The main thing is that you have the desire for this) Remember that grades are not the main thing in life. And exams are not as scary as they might seem. Do not lose hope for the best) If this problem bothers you so much, you can talk to a psychologist online. And you can also ask the Lord for help) God made you a wonderful person, He loves you very much and will never leave) Ask Him for help more often and it will become easier for you) I wish you a sense of life, more patience and strength, good family relationships, academic success, good health, always good mood, happiness, more love, joy and peace in life and all the very best! God will help you! Guardian angel for you!

Anastasia, age: 11/22/2017

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"I stop working with children": shocking revelations from a professional tutor

In our time, tutoring is thriving - no one sees anything shameful in inviting a person to “hold out” with a child's school curriculum, so such specialists are in great demand. And for some reason no one comes to mind that the fashion for tutors is the clearest evidence of gaping failures in the system of Russian school education.

A post in which a professional tutor in English Maria Kovina-Gorelik talks about the peculiarities of her work, relationships with children and parents, as well as her attitude to school studies.

This post is dedicated to the work of a child tutor from the perspective from which I see it. It is addressed primarily to parents of schoolchildren (present and potential).

In general, children are terrible clients. If only because they, as a rule, do not study in the summer. From the seamy side, it looks disgusting: in May, a wave of recent calls throws out tutoring services on the websites of tutoring services, who are mortally tired for a year, but in need of work.

In September, my phone can receive up to three applications a day, in May the site kindly informs that 112 colleagues have responded to an interesting order before me. For a tutor, this means that all year long you need to carefully set aside some amounts for the summer, but with the onset of summer it turns out that just now (and only now) he has time to go to Ikea, be like a massage, heal his teeth and do a lot more completely urgent matters. Savings melt by July. August is gloomy.

This alone is enough to make requests to take another baby aboard not seem so harmless. If you keep all your schedule busy with "kids", the summer can be more than dull.

But this is so, an economic prelude. Secrets of the profession. I'm sure many would not like to delve into this at all, but I see a certain benefit in exposing. I want people who ask me or another teacher to "do a little work" with their Katya, Vasya and Petya, "pull up a little according to the program" to understand well what they are asking for and respect other people's work, time, schedule, refusals and motives of these bounce.

You have to understand that a tutor never works in a vacuum. He works closely with parents and the school, and the child in all this gimmick takes the last place, and should - the first. Basically, this says everything, but I know that it is not clear. So I will continue.

My parents hire me as a qualified teacher and expect high professional qualities. Sensible assumptions about my professional qualities look something like this: I know the language well, I can talk about it in an interesting way, I know the techniques, I am guided in the manuals, and I also know how to find an approach, interest, and in general do all this incomprehensible magic that will make their child finally do homework or just understand something.

Parents expect me to recognize what the problem is with their child, and help solve this problem.

These are logical expectations and are consistent with the qualifications available. However, this is not important, it is important at the expense of what, on what fuel, thanks to which I am able to do all this. And I know how to do this through subtle listening, seeing and understanding, which, alas, cannot be limited.

And this means, dear parents, that I will see, hear and understand a lot, not only about the link "child - English", but also about other adjacent links, for example, "child - parents", "child - school", "child - environment "," the child is himself "," the child is the level of his intellectual, emotional and mental development"," The child is his hormonal background "and so on. This means that I will see far more than what you want me to see.

If a child has alarm bells that are beyond my competence, I will see it. If the child is behind in development, I will see it. If the child is physically or emotionally drained, I will see it. And if you mistreat your child, I will see it.

Here are three real cases. I did not stay in any of these houses: in the first two cases I left on my own, in the last - they parted with me with the wording “You are too good for us” (this is not a joke, ladies and gentlemen).

1. A boy, 11 years old, was invited to improve Russian and English. The tutor, which is typical, he asked for himself, because he felt that he was lagging behind and could not cope. Lovely family, three boys, a cat recently got. The relationship is warm, the boys have a separate room, good conditions. The child studies in an elite school, and he studies there every day from 9 am to 6 pm: in the morning - compulsory lessons, in the afternoon - endless drama circles, modeling, additional physical education and other poems to the accordion. I came at 7, and we worked until 9.

After two months of classes, once a week, I took my mother to the side and said that, alas, we are not progressing, and that, in my opinion, the load should not be increased, but reduced. That is, to cancel at least me to hell. We parted amicably.

The situation is far from the most critical, but there is a complete lack of understanding of physical capabilities, norms and limitations. Mom is a psychologist by training, but for some reason she managed to overlook black circles under the eyes of her beloved son.

It is difficult for an 11-year-old to understand that there are good physiological reasons for not understanding. It cannot even enter his head that HE, YOUR MOTHER, KNOCKED UP LIKE SIDORA'S GOAT, GO TO SCHOOL EVERY DAY FOR A FULL WORKING DAY !!! And that shouldn't be so.

The final touch: the child was sent to London for spring break. Learn the language. Of course, what else to do on vacation ?! Relax? Lying at home, playing with brothers and a cat? Go to museums? For children's performances? Why, then, if you can go with strangers to an unfamiliar country, where you can move in an organized way under the teachers and finish teaching what you have not learned in a semester. We give the child the most Best Education, which only fits into it. Including any tutor he asks for.

And he will ask. More than once.

2. Hired to study with a brother (11–12) and a sister (16). In total, the family has four children, a large apartment, signs of wealth and well-being. Toddlers in fashionable clothes are busy with toys. Both students speak well, although the boy is noticeably fidgeting and is constantly pushing himself, and the girl is all in nervous tics and stutters a little. In the second lesson, the boy suddenly cannot say literally anything, all his attempts are confused, he sways in his chair and repeats “I don’t know” and “I cannot do it”, like a parrot, the state is close to hysterical.

My gentle visits from different ends bring no results. I call my mom. The child, realizing that they will now discuss him, runs out of the room in tears and shouting: "I tried, but nothing worked out for me!"

I gently try to explain to my mother what is happening to her son, without using dangerous words from the field of psychology and insisting that the situation is beyond my competence as a teacher. That the child needs help (URGENT, YOUR MOTHER !!! QUALIFIED !!! PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP !!!)

She perceives it in her own way, and literally tells me the following: "I, of course, understand that you are paid to teach the language, and not to tame such subscribers." Then she puts pressure on me and manipulates in all possible ways, but since I saw some episodes of her and her father's treatment of children, I hold on firmly, knowing that I will not work in this family.

The mother leaves the room with the text: “Well, this is what you have brought. They refuse you! "

I leave the apartment under a heart-rending VOY. And I wouldn't be surprised if the belt went into action that evening.

If at least some social services worked for us, I would apply for this family. But they do not work, as well as schools and many other state and social institutions. But in Moscow there are more than 10 thousand tutors in my subject alone. How many times do we come to someone's house and see this there? And do we see?

3. They persuaded me to work out with the girl (they wanted me exactly, they negotiated with my mother for a long time, as a result I decided to take it).

A tiny Khrushchev and inside - a picture of dead time: a carpet on the wall, an icon on the carpet, a million porcelain figures, napkins, plastic roses in a vase. A setting that makes you want to fly upwards, stripping naked and washing yourself in the rain. At home, a grandmother, who, after several meetings, expresses her life in approximately the following expressions: "what time is it now," "I raised three," "35 years at school," etc.

During the lesson, the doors do not close, the grandmother goes here and there. The girl is 12 and hardly speaks. In no language. She especially does not speak when grandmother's route runs past our table.

For an hour and a half, with a wet back, I arrange a puppet theater for the girl, funny pictures, best friend children and other polyphonic sketches, because the girl is silent. From time to time I cling to the semblance of a spark in my eyes. I squeeze a few hopeless words out of her.

After a couple of lessons, we proceed to the innocent topic "Family", and from the confused explanations I use ticks to pull out the following: the girl has a mother, stepfather and brother with whom she does not live. About her brother, she can not decide in any way, whether he is, or whether he is not, and I, completely bewildered, have to ask again several times in all ways. different languages... Because I don't immediately understand how this is possible.

And then I understand. I understand that the girl's mother has a good computer and a plan to go to London together in March (and on this score, my grandmother, who is “35 years old at school,” gives me valuable pedagogical advice: at each lesson, to memorize with her granddaughter several useful expressions just in time for the trip).

But the mother herself is not. Mom lives with her beloved man and a new son. And the girl lives in the middle of icons and napkins with her grandmother, whose brains have moved to one side and are stuck in the post-war period.

And at home I have been trying for two weeks to somehow come to terms with the situation, although I want to yell for a long time. Call mom and yell. Put your grandmother in the hallway and yell. But I pull myself together, because I think: maybe the Lord brought me there on purpose, so that somehow? To show the girl that there are other human species? What's the difference, well, yes, through English, since it happened. Will I be able to? I have no answer to this question.

So far, the girl is afraid of absolutely any of my suggestions, which is not surprising for a person who is afraid of the sound of his own voice. And here I am whole, I have red lipstick, I smile. And I'm not afraid of anything. But after a couple of weeks, my grandmother herself calls me and says that I have an excellent technique and they are completely satisfied with everything, only the girl is too busy, so they decided to postpone the language. And I sigh with shameful relief, heavy as lead.

Your girl has no problems with English.

She also doesn't have a mom.

What the hell is English here ?! Which London?

The horror is that absolutely all these people are sure that they love their children very much. Do the best for them. And everything in their family is in order, and if not in order, then everything is still not entirely bad, and in general it is not my business. I was invited to teach English.


A short note: I have wonderful children in my students. We work with them for a long time and productively. They have normal parents - not ideal, no, there are also nuances, but normal. However, it's not just the parents, so let's move on.

It's somehow awkward to talk about how the school has degraded over the past decades. Firstly, I did not work there and would never go, and finding fault with what I did not succeed in and did not even try is below the belt. Secondly, so much has already been said, which is sickening.

But this does not change the essence. The school does not teach anything. Suffice it to say that I have as many as three students from one specialized English school, where they have this English for 7-8 hours a week. And they need a tutor. Just think about these numbers, this is complete madness!

The eerie truth is that I cannot completely reinstall them on normal human rails, because in ten years the school has etched them inside such ruts from which you cannot dig them out. And no matter how much the parents harbor hopes that I will teach them to speak, I will not teach. This can be done by ripping them out of the school perception of reality, and this is exactly what you can try to do in the summer, that is, during the period when there is no school.

But in the summer, as I already wrote, they don't do it. Summer is sacred. Let's kill ourselves to volvulus within a year, and we will kill ourselves exponentially so that by the end of the 11th grade, to the Unified State Exam, we will crawl in a really dangerous state under the arms of tutors in all subjects, but we will not touch the summer. Just when it would be possible to make a high-quality breakthrough, masking it under pleasant pastime, with films, songs, and other human activities, etc., we will not allow even 3 hours a week to be allocated to slightly overload a rested and fresh brain.

In several issued after verification control works I found incomprehensible places and asked: "And you did not come up to clarify what was meant here?" - to which the child replied to me: "I made sure that it is better not to ask questions." In some there were blatant mistakes on the part of the teachers (English school, yes). But in general, if someone is not in the know, checked tests and other works are now usually not returned. Of course, why should you know exactly what your mistake was, your business is to know the grade and try to improve it on the next attempts. How? As you want.

They are still learning topics and retelling them in class. For example, about the Indians. As I remember now, one of the heroes of the text was called POPOKATEPETL. I remember another topic about Moscow City. Like how many meters the Federation Tower. After that, they are surprised that the children speak poorly. WHAT IS THERE TO SAY, IF THIS IS SOME CODE, ABSOLUTELY UNUSABLE FOR NORMAL HUMAN PURPOSES? !!! And what can I do with my three hours against school eight? But of course I try. And I must say that I succeed in something, albeit with great difficulty.

However, the expectations of parents, as a rule, are smashed against the rocks in this place. Therefore, I will say it bluntly and clearly: dear friends, if you want your child to do well in a subject at school, then the safest way to achieve this is to act in parallel with the school in accordance with its guidelines, which I personally will never do, because I cannot. Organically.

If you want your child to speak at least someday (this, most likely, will not happen at school, here you need more powerful shocks than three hours a week with a tutor), then you can hand it over to me, I will twist his brains into the necessary side, and when the school haze looses its grip, he will have the opportunity to plant further training tongue to more or less sensible yeast.

This is all that I can do, because all the other “good” results are achieved either by drill and violence, or with initially different initial data.

It is impossible to make him do well at the same time in an average school with its crazy demands and ill-conceived formats, and speak fluently and fluently in English on really topical, life topics. This equation will not converge ANYTHING.

They do not know how to think here and now.

They do not know how to use sources and reference books.

They do not know how to use the known to clarify the unknown.

They do not know how to interbreed information, draw conclusions, compare, generalize.

They don’t know at all that after “I don’t know” some actions may follow, except “sit down, two”.

The minimum difficulty leads them to a completely inoperative state (the nuances are rich and correlate with their personal characteristics: someone is mad, someone is desperately dull, someone every time feels the collapse of all hopes, someone throws all their strength to maintain the illusion of their own solvency ). At this moment they are busy with anything other than English, and I spend time, attention, energy to breathe normal life into them.

By the way, it is inhaled ONLY after such moments, experienced differently than through pulling, appeals to conscience and other common teaching techniques.

I tune all this, like a huge harp, and then they go to school, where they upset me with this harp.

Grade 11 is worthy of a separate mention. Now I have two adorable dolls in my arms, soon release. To say that their intellectual abilities have fallen is to say nothing, and I have known them for 3 years.

The girls look like seaweed in raspberry syrup and don't know a damn thing. They yawn from monstrous fatigue, besides, they are in love and lose weight. All tables are pasted over with pieces of paper with mathematical formulas, historical facts, quotes from Pasternak and hearts of more frivolous content. They are seized by either a migraine or a stomach infection. I am insanely, insanely sorry for them.

At school, they do absolutely nothing all year long except for runs in the form of the Unified State Exam, although it is a no brainer that the test format can only be a test format, but not an educational one. I repeat like a mantra: "Sleep and cartoons", but they do not listen. They are completely unable to learn effectively, but they cannot do anything other than study until they are completely glazed.

Delirious, they try to repeat three types of conditional sentences (and repeat, by the way, not unsuccessfully, because this is an understandable pattern that you can cling to). But they are completely powerless to describe the decor of their room or a picture from the fairy tale "Cinderella", as well as to give birth to another thought of their own.

Parents enthusiastically warm up the degree of universal nerves. They ask me: "Do you think she will give up?" - "Will pass" - I confidently answer, realizing that at least someone needs to stand exactly in this field of the deranged feather grass. It would be better for the children if it were their parents, but who knows. Maybe if they could do it, there would be no need for me at all.

Feeling of total, widespread disconnect and ill health. Parents do not fulfill their functions. The school does not fulfill its functions. The tutor comes to this and tries to do something. He suffers, in fact, defeat - because with my capabilities and knowledge, with the support and tailwinds, I could achieve with these children the results that I can only dream of now.

Therefore, for the near future I will stop working with children. I'm tired to death of fighting windmills, seeing things that hurt, getting bumps for things that other people don't do. I love children. I can work with them. But with parents and school - no, and I probably will not study. I'd rather wait until these children grow up and understand what's what. Actually, it is with such people that I work at the moment with great pleasure, finding in almost every adult a child who was once tortured for a long time and difficult.

And I no longer have the strength to look at it in real time.

And a couple of recent episodes from our non-school life.

1. My daughter, returning from a walk with a new acquaintance boy, told about their conversation on educational topics: “When he found out that I was studying at home, at first he said that it was cool, and then that they were not prepared for the exam at all, they themselves think, what to do". The question is: who needs such a school?

2. Today we wrote a "ministerial" test in Russian. The text of the assignment was compiled by "very special people")) In the Russian assignment, gross mistakes in Russian. In some places, the wording is so clumsy that it is not possible to complete the task with complete confidence that you understand what the author wanted to say.

This article will be about the sore point - how not to be mistaken with the choice of a student. Soon on September 1, the students will run to look for tutors, remembering that this year they are taking the Unified State Exam or a position at work that requires knowledge of the language is vacant. How to weed out those who leave after a few sessions?

Such students can be recognized:

  1. By ad
  2. Call
  3. When we will meet face to face

    By ad

This is the easiest stage, when we spend the least effort in case of refusal.

  1. Everything in the ad text that catches the eye and does not fit into a regular request.

    A special approach is required / A strict teacher is needed.

    Immediately, thoughts arise that something is wrong with the student - he jumps in class like a goat, does not listen to anything except the sounds emanating from his iPhone? I saw one of these, I no longer want to waste my own and other people's time.

    You don't need a school teacher.

    The question arises: What is bad about school? In my life I met a bunch of teachers who do not fit into the pattern of an elderly woman with a bun on her head, who teaches everyone using the grammar-translation method.

    An internship / study abroad / residence in Oxford is required.

    It is especially strange when such requirements are imposed on a preschooler's tutor. Does the parent or student want a “cool tutor” to show off? Maximum benefit for minimum money? I do not pay attention to such and similar applications, most likely, this is an extra headache.

  2. If the order states that duration of classes is short: a month or six months is also a reason for me not to agree to an order. Then this period may turn out to be even shorter, and the money for the order will be given, and the students who were refused because there was no free time left, have already gone to other tutors.
  3. Preparing for the exam in a short time... Especially if it is the Unified State Exam, and especially if they want to pass with a good score, and at school he has a grade of 4 or worse. There will be many claims and expectations on the part of parents, not everyone can explain the correlation between the complexity of the exam format and the child's real capabilities.


These problems usually arise when you are not choosing the student, but the student is choosing you. When on the phone we reach the discussion of the moment “what you want from classes”, you can hear the following phrases that should warn:

When we will meet face to face

Here it is the hardest thing for me to part with a student, because we have already spent time on each other and met personally. To refuse me in such cases is always inconvenient, but I try to gather my will into a fist. I will work with him later.

  1. Rudeness... Most often among schoolchildren or the only adored heir. They are just ill-bred children whose parents do not teach the difference between an adult and a peer. In class, such students may refuse to complete some task, because they are not interested, in the middle of the lesson to go to eat because they want to eat, or write to a friend in WhatsAppe. I try to politely explain to the parents that I am used to a different attitude, and I advise you to write in the repeated application: “the child needs a special approach”. To the site administrator, I find out that I can't work with difficult children, and I won't take an order
  2. Disinterest... Also, most often among schoolchildren who go to English, because their mother forced them (or the whole class is additionally engaged in him, we won't be worse than others). If a person does not want to (and especially a teenager who likes to do everything in spite of), even a lot of beads are unlikely to change anything.
  3. Excessive workloadstudent. There are also schoolchildren who go to additional dances-volleyball-music-drawing-Chinese, because their parents are raising a young star from them. Such children usually come to the lesson with a desire to sleep and rest, and not to study.
  4. Personal dislike... It seems like an adequate-looking character, he does everything in class, but you don't like him, that's all. It is inconvenient to say “you are not that kind” head on, so I explain the impossibility of dealing with sudden personal circumstances.

There are, perhaps, some problems that become visible only after a while, but I have not yet met serious ones. If I am not satisfied with something, I speak with the student himself, or with his parents.

These are the criteria I am trying to be guided by when choosing clients. But I don't always succeed. When I was just looking for students, I took everyone who asked, fearing that I would not find anyone later. Now I am studying with two, with whom I cannot part in any way - I have been teaching them for a long time, my parents are counting on me, my conscience torments, although, in an amicable way, it should be. But now I take new ones according to the rule “Measure seven times - cut one!”.

Which students to avoid

If a student comes to class at your home, then it is very convenient for you. Indeed, in this case

    you do not waste time and energy on the road,

    you do not need to carry with you textbooks, notebooks, manuals and other items (umbrella, mobile phone, water, snack, etc.) necessary for the lesson, since everything is at hand at home,

    don't you care about arriving on time, not being late for class,

    after all, you are not wasting money on travel, and that amount can range from 10% to 25% of your royalties. For example, if in my city of Ivanovo you will get to a student with a transfer, then you will spend 12 * 4 \u003d 48 rubles on the road, which is 24% of the cost of a lesson of 200 rubles.

However, every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment. In this situation, this means that you should take care of providing a favorable environment for training. In order for the student and you to be comfortable, you need to pay attention to the following points.

Place of study... Better if it is a separate room. It should be clean and ventilated. No unmade beds, dirty dishes, stuffed with ashtrays. Quiet - there should be no working radio or TV.

If it is not possible to allocate a separate room for classes, then you can simply use a relatively isolated place with a desk. It should not have unnecessary items, only necessary for this lesson materials, lamp, computer.

By the way, it's not very good if, during your studies, water is pouring somewhere in the house, cutlets are grinning in a frying pan, lids are knocking on pots, it smells of fried fish, burnt porridge or soup. We must try to avoid such distractions.

Your pets, that is, relatives or other people with whom you live. It is imperative to agree with them the place and time of your classes. If there are small children in the house, then someone should work with them so that they do not make noise and do not come into your room.

Your kind... It is not good if you meet a student in a dressing gown, worn out house slippers, with an unkempt head and unclean teeth. An office business suit and high-heeled shoes are not required at all. You just have to, as they wrote earlier in the novels, to be "tidied up". Neat clothes, neat clean shoes, neatness in everything - this is necessary and sufficient.

Time of arrival or arrival of the student... Perhaps the student will appear at your place before the appointed time, so you should be ready for his arrival in advance (20-30 minutes). If he comes early, it is perfectly acceptable to ask him to wait, especially if you are still studying with a previous student. Invite the visitor to sit down somewhere and repeat the theory given at home.

If the student is late, then five minutes after the appointed time you call him on his mobile. If he doesn't answer, call him again after another 5-10 minutes. If he does not answer again, then call your parents and ask about the situation - what is happening?

Footwear. It is still customary for us in many families to invite guests to take off their outdoor shoes in the hallway. Here you are the master of the situation. Decide for yourself what to do. The following options are possible:

    The student takes off his shoes. Then you offer him slippers or slippers, which, of course, must be clean and at least seemingly new and unkempt. But to be honest, it's not very hygienic.

    If the student comes with his second shoe, that is better. However, it is not very convenient for him, since he must remember about this second shoe, wear it, and generally resembles a school.

    Use of shoe covers. Conveniently. Disadvantage - in winter, in street shoes in the apartment, your feet are hot. Associated with a medical institution.

    The student brings a second shoe, leaves it somewhere on the shelf, for example, in a bag, and puts it on when he comes to class. This option seems to me the most acceptable.

Food - whether to treat? You can do something light - tea, sandwich, candy. But not necessarily. Pure water during the mini-break and at the end of the lesson - it is quite enough and even desirable. Offer to the student and drink yourself.

By the way, about the water. It will be great if somewhere near the table at which you are studying, there is water - either in a decanter or in a plastic bottle. It is better to use disposable glasses, because then the person will not doubt that the glass is clean. Yes, and you are calmer.

Pets.If you have them, then you should find out if the student is afraid of, for example, dogs or cats, if he is allergic to pet hair. Personally, I love cats and am happy to pet and take them in my arms in any home. But the student may be uncomfortable if the cat's hair sticks to his clothes, or he may be frightened when the cat suddenly jumps into his lap.

To meet and see off. The first time it must be done, then - according to the situation. You should especially pay attention to this point if

    the child is not very big,

    it's dark outside (and in winter it gets dark already at 17 o'clock),

    you live in the private sector.

The student must be brought to a stop, put in a transport and inform the parents by phone that the child is going home. Then parents will be calm for the safety of their child.

In any case, the way the child will get to you and return home must be agreed with the parents in advance. The best option is when the parent brings or brings the child to you and after the lesson takes him away from you. Unfortunately, this is not always possible to implement.

These are the main points that you need to think about and take into account in advance if a student comes to study at your home.

I myself have been working as a tutor since 2009. I work part-time, not work. I believe that when tutoring becomes a business, the search for students develops into a chase, and the teacher-entrepreneur simply gains more clients - it doesn't matter if they really need additional classes or not.

I took the exam in Russian language, literature, English, physics and mathematics. And I prepared for all these subjects myself (the school conducted additional - free - classes in physics and English). I passed all these subjects for 80+. That is why I am critical of tutors and tutoring.

In my opinion, tutoring has one huge disadvantage: tutoring atrophies the student's ability to self-organize. When every week a person comes to the child who thinks over the program, homework, exercises in the lesson for him, then the student simply will not need to think about managing his time. Other people do it for him.
But what happens next? A student takes the exam, enters a university, and there no one will "graze" him. Such a student does not know how to methodically prepare for exams, read the necessary literature on time, and do assignments. And it turns out that he comes to the first session with a lump of debt. Thus, the tutor is doing a disservice to his student.

If the child does not have serious difficulties in the subject, he is able to independently prepare for the exams. A person must learn to set goals and paint a strategy for achieving these goals. Otherwise, in life after school, he simply will not survive. The child should feel that it is he who is responsible for his academic performance, for the quality of knowledge assimilation. Tutors simply interrupt this sense of responsibility in the student. That is why I am annoyed by families where it is believed that once a tutor has been hired, then from him now and the demand for the results of the student; that the very fact of having a tutor is the key to success.

When I see that a student is capable of doing well without me, I have a conversation with my parents and explain that tutoring is unnecessary for them. But in most cases, they are skeptical of my words. With a tutor, they are calmer.
I especially do not like the cases when parents hire a tutor to "help with homework, with mastering the program." Why, in fact, should a controlling person constantly hang over the child? Well, he does not want to study literature, well, he does not pull the top five in Russian - and God bless him! I absolutely don't understand parents who invite tutors to schoolchildren in grades 1-8. Why is there any coaching at all in the intermediate link? Let the child learn how he learns: not everyone should be excellent students!

On the other hand, there are times when additional classes are really needed. I had a girl with dyslexia, second grade ... I was tormented, tormented, but in the end I convinced my parents that they needed not a Russian tutor, but a qualified speech therapist. We listened, thank God! Then there was another boy with attention deficit disorder. I also passed it to a specialist with a psychological education. Because, in fact, he had no problems in the Russian language and literature. There were guys at home and on external studies: yes, they need supervision.
A tutor will not hurt during preparation for the Olympiads, for additional entrance tests. But no more. After all, even here - if the student wants to deepen his knowledge of the subject - he is able to independently get to additional information... I'm not bragging, of course, but by the end of the 9th grade, I had already mastered the entire school mathematics curriculum and got to analytical geometry and linear algebra... By herself, by herself. It was just very interesting. But there was no tutor who would prepare me for the Olympiads. Therefore, there were no outstanding results.
So - my conclusion - the tutor is good only for solving point problems, but otherwise let the child learn to cope with difficulties himself, because in adulthood no one will babysit him.