Physics lesson on the topic: "Ecology and Physics". Unconventional physics lessons at school Physics lesson energy and ecology

Teaching physics and geography
Pesotskaya Natalia Aleksandrovna and Davydova Larisa Emelyanovna
Integrated lesson / physics + geography /

"Environmental problems of energy"
Educational: coverage of problems arising from the use of heat engines by mankind and ways to solve them;
Developing: to consolidate and bring into the system knowledge about heat engines, using intersubject communications in physics, geography, ecology;
Educational: promote understanding of one's own intellectual achievements in the field of physics, geography, the formation of environmental knowledge
Lesson type: integrated lesson for improving theoretical knowledge and practical skills
Equipment: tables (schematic diagram of TPP, hydroelectric power station and water energy, nuclear reactor and NFC scheme), steam and gas turbines, internal combustion engines
During the classes:

Epigraphs for the lesson:
"We have changed our environment so radically that now, in order to exist in this environment, we must change ourselves."
Norbert Wiener
"There is such a rule: I got up in the morning, washed myself, put myself in order - and immediately put your planet in order"
A. Saint-Exupery

Physics teacher's question: "What will be useful for you today in the lesson?"

The answers of the children: "Knowledge, ability to navigate on the map, work with schemes, problem solving skills, ability to work in a group"
Geography teacher
“Our school has chosen a natural - mathematical cycle. Let's put together a cluster that reflects a list of professions based on the topic of our lesson "
My future profession: power engineer, engineer, electrician, ecologist, etc.

Physics teacher:
The class is divided into groups, approximately equal in strength. Students' performance will be assessed by a jury within the school administration.
Stage 1
Physics teacher: Each group received a homework assignment to draw up a project for one of their chosen types of power plants.
Group 1 starts with the protection of the TPP project.
The structure of electricity generation is dominated by thermal power plants operating on coal, fuel oil, and natural gas. The share of thermal power plants in world production accounts for 62%. The USA, China, Russia, Japan, Germany are leading in terms of electricity generation at TPPs. But other countries stand out in terms of the share of thermal power plants in total electricity generation: Poland, South Africa, "oil countries". The share of thermal power plants in the electric power industry of Kazakhstan is over 90%. Most of the energy is produced at 37 TPPs operating on the coals of the Ekibastuz, Maikubensky, Turgai and Karaganda basins, gas, and fuel oil. About 20 TPPs operate on Ekibastuz coal. In the vicinity of Ekibastuz, there are GRES-1 and GRES-2. In Almaty region, on the shore of Lake Balkhash, the South Kazakhstan State District Power Plant is being built. A significant increase in efficiency was achieved as a result of the invention of the steam turbine. The first steam turbine that has found practical application was manufactured by the Swedish engineer Gustav Laval in 1889. To operate a steam turbine, using the energy released by burning coal or fuel oil, the water in the boiler is heated and converted into steam. Steam is heated to a temperature of 5000C and at high pressure is discharged from the boiler through a nozzle. When the steam is released, the internal energy of the heated steam is converted into the kinetic energy of the steam jet. The steam jet velocity can reach 1000m / s. The steam jet is directed onto the turbine blades and drives the turbine into rotation. The rotor of an electric generator is located on the same shaft with the turbine. Thus, the fuel energy is converted into electrical energy. Modern steam turbines are highly efficient. The capacity of modern boiler-turbine-generator power units reaches 1.2 ∙ 106 kW. To improve efficiency in many power plants, a body taken from a steam turbine is used to heat water. Hot water enters the household and industrial heat supply system. The KPI of fuel in such a power plant (CHP) rises to 60-70%.

Geography teacher: When fuel is burned, substances harmful to plants, animals and humans are formed, such as nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon oxides, sulfur compounds, soot. What are the effects of harmful emissions on the human body?

Student response:
CO - carbon monoxide, when inhaled, binds to the hemoglobin of the blood, displacing oxygen from it, as a result of which oxygen starvation occurs, which affects the central nervous system. High concentration can cause death. Nitrogen dioxide causes severe irritation of the mucous membranes of the eye, and if inhaled, the formation of nitric and nitrous acids in the respiratory tract. Sulfur dioxide leads to cancer. The soot affects the lungs, increasing the risk of cancer. To avoid all this, a person builds chimneys at a height of more than 300m with the obligatory installation of special nozzles on them to capture poisonous gases, so-called dust collectors: using gravity; inertial dust collectors that use inertial forces when turning the gas flow; action-based centrifugal dust collectors centrifugal forces inertia (cyclones); bag filters based on filtration of dusty gas through fabrics; electric dust collectors, the action of which is based on the use of the forces of attraction.

Physics teacher: Group 2 continues with the project of protecting the hydroelectric power station.

Student's answer: About 20% of the world's electricity production comes from hydroelectric power plants. Canada, the USA, Brazil, Russia, and China are distinguished by the total amount of electricity generated at hydroelectric power plants. From the economically developed countries of the world, almost all of the electricity at hydroelectric power plants is received by Norway, then Brazil, Austria, Canada, Switzerland. Among the CIS countries, this group includes Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. In Kazakhstan, the electric power of hydroelectric power stations occupies an insignificant share: 3 large power plants - Bukhtarminskaya, Ust-Kamenogorskaya, Kapchagayskaya, they provide 10% of the country's needs. The use of the potential energy of water dates back 1000 years. Water wheels of various types were used in the ancient civilizations of Asia and the East. They received the greatest development in the 18th and mid 19th centuries, becoming the main drive for mills, machine tools, textile machines, etc. Hydropower is currently used to generate electricity. It is still considered that the most economical way to build high-capacity hydropower plants. About 130 stations are read in the world; the capacity of the largest stations reaches 13 GW. As a rule, 2 types of turbines are used: radial-blade, usually with a large impeller diameter up to 10m and radial-axial with a wheel diameter up to 7m, their efficiency is higher and they can operate with a significant fluctuation of the water pressure from 45 to 120m. To obtain a significant head of water and accumulate energy, they strive to build stations with high dams. HPPs have long been considered environmentally friendly industries, because they do not emit harmful emissions. However, it is not. The construction of a hydroelectric power station deforms the environment, because at the same time, huge water basins are created, fertile floodplain lands and forests are flooded, intensive evaporation of water occurs from the surface of reservoirs. It is known that the area of \u200b\u200ball artificial reservoirs in the CIS is equal to the territory of France. American scientists have found that the construction of high-rise dams and the accumulation of large volumes of water increases seismicity in the station area. An artificial earthquake was also observed when filling the reservoir of the Nurek HPP.

Physics teacher: What are the measures to overcome the negative impact of hydropower on the environment?

Student response: In some reservoirs, due to shallow waters, unfavorable hydrobiological processes occur, entailing decomposition organic matter and water bloom, which worsen the sanitary state of the reservoir. This negative influence can be used to grow rice, waterfowl, muskrat, nutria, etc. Silting of the coastal zone is undesirable in many respects, but it creates the possibility of obtaining fertilizers from the silt. In the future - the creation of small hydroelectric power plants with a unit capacity of 30 kW in small reservoirs. By creating small hydroelectric power plants, one can obtain electricity without affecting the natural environment as much as when exposed to a large hydroelectric power station.

Geography teacher:Group 3 speaks. NPP project.

Student's answer: nuclear power plants in the world provide 17% of the world's electricity generation; they already work in 32 countries of the world. Most of all nuclear power plants are in the USA, France, Japan, Germany, Russia, Canada. And in terms of the share of nuclear power plants in the total output, Lithuania, France and Belgium stand out. Nuclear energy is fully supplied with raw materials. The main producers of uranium concentrate are Canada, Australia, Namibia, USA, Russia. The only nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan was located in the city of Aktau with a fast neutron reactor with a capacity of 350 MW. The nuclear power plant operated in 1973-1999. At the moment, atomic energy is not used in Kazakhstan, despite the fact that the reserves (according to the IAEA) of uranium in the country are estimated at 900 thousand tons. The main deposits are located in the south of Kazakhstan (SKO and Kyzylorda oblasts), in the west in Mangystau, in the north of Kazakhstan (the Semizbay field).
Now the issue of construction of a new nuclear power plant with a capacity of 600 MW in Aktau is being considered. There are about 5 research nuclear reactors in operation in the country.
A nuclear reactor is a technical installation in which a self-sustaining chain reaction of fission of uranium nuclei with the release of nuclear energy is carried out. The nuclear reactor consists of an active zone and a reflector located in a protective casing. The core contains nuclear fuel in the form of a fuel composition in a protective coating and a moderator. Fuel cells are in the form of thin rods. They are collected in bundles and enclosed in covers. Such prefabs are called assemblies or cassettes. A coolant moves along the fuel cells, which perceives the heat of nuclear transformations. The coolant heated in the core moves along the circulation loop due to the operation of the pumps or under the action of the Archimedes forces and, passing through the heat exchanger or the steam generator, gives off heat to the external circuit coolant. It is known that 1 kg of uranium replaces 20 tons of coal. The world's energy reserves are estimated at 13 ∙ 1012 tons of uranium.

Physics teacher: Why are nuclear power plants considered more environmentally friendly than thermal power plants, what is the reason?

Student response:The radioactive emissions of a coal-fired TPP into the atmosphere with the existing effluent gas cleaning efficiency are 5-40 times higher than that of a nuclear power plant. This is due to the fact that one ton of coal contains 1-2.5 g of uranium and 2.5-5 g of thorium. With a coal consumption of up to 6 million tons per year, the total amount of uranium and thorium and products from radioactive decay passing through the furnace of the TPP boilers together with coal is from 1 to 2.5 tons of uranium and from 2 to 5 tons of thorium per year. If measures are taken at nuclear power plants to localize radioactive waste, then at thermal power plants and especially near ash dumps, an increased radiation background is observed.

Physics teacher: Project defense is over. We are embarking on a new stage - solving physical

tasks with ecological content Stage 2 "Solving problems with ecological content"
1 team:
How many cubic liters of natural gas do you need to burn to raise the temperature of 10 liters of water from 10 to 1000C? The specific heat capacity of water is 4200J / (kg ∙ 0С), the specific heat of combustion of natural gas is 4.4 ∙ 107J / kg. Heater efficiency 25%. What is needed to ensure that as little harmful combustion products as possible get into the environment?
2 team:
An electric lamp with a power of 60 W is lowered into a transparent calorimeter containing 0.5 kg of water. For 10 minutes, the water heated up to 100C. What part of the energy consumed by the lamp does the calorimeter transmit in the form of EM radiation? How can you reduce the energy loss due to radiation?
3 team:
What amount of water can be heated from 0 to 500C by a wind turbine, the wheel of which has a radius of 6m, per hour at a wind speed of 10m / s? What transformations of energy occur during this? Installation efficiency 20%.

Geography teacher: Fossil fuels pollute the environment and their reserves are not unlimited. Therefore, people are striving to find new types of energy that can produce electricity and ensure the operation of mechanisms. What are the alternative sources of electricity.
Tell us about little-known energy sources.
1 team talks about hydrogen fuel.
2 the team talks about bio-oil
Team 3 talks about using wind turbines.
(in the meantime, the solution of problems is being checked)

Geography teacher: Go to the 3rd stage of the lesson "Establish correspondence"
Station types
Technical and economic features
1. The largest share of energy produced
2. Highest construction cost
3. The greatest pollution of the atmosphere
4. The lowest cost of energy produced
5.creation of radiation hazard
6. Possibility of placement in electro-deficient areas
Answers: A 2.4; B 5.6; B 1.3

1. Thermodynamics
2. Calorimeter
3. Perpetual motion machine
4. Heat transfer
5. Heat engine
1. The way to change the internal energy of the body
2. The phenomenon of self-ignition of a combustible mixture, which occurs even before the piston reaches the top dead center
3. The doctrine of warmth and work
4. A device that can perform indefinitely long work without energy consumption
5. A device that reduces the heat exchange of the contents of the inner vessel with the external environment
6. An engine that converts the internal energy of the fuel into mechanical work
7. A value showing how efficiently the energy supplied to the machine is used
Answers: 1-3, 2-5, 3-4, 4-1, 5-6, 6-7, 7-2
Summing up the lesson. Rewarding teams

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 26 with in-depth study of individual subjects", Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan

Search for alternative energy sources
Integrated lesson in chemistry and physics

Prepared by a chemistry teacher

Larina Svetlana Vyacheslavovna

and physics teacher

Kuchukova Svetlana Sergeevna

Nizhnekamsk 2010

Larina Svetlana Vyacheslavovna

chemistry teacher

physics teacher of the 2nd qualification category

MOU "Secondary School No. 26 with in-depth study of individual

subjects "

G. Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan

Integrated lesson "Search for alternative energy sources" (chemistry, physics)
Lesson objectives: didactic - create conditions for the assimilation of new educational material, using the technology of critical thinking, problem learning. educational : to consolidate the knowledge of students about the properties, composition and application of the main natural sources of hydrocarbons as the main sources of energy; to introduce students to new sources of energy;
developing - to develop students' thinking, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize; to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe process of scientific knowledge; educational - to educate personal qualities that ensure the success of performing activities (activity, enthusiasm, observation); instill a culture of mental work;

Keywords (written on the board): oil, natural and associated gas, coal, fuel, energy, wind power, hydropower, tidal power, geothermal power, bioenergy.

1. Calling stage: the topic of the lesson is determined from the keywords

"Search for alternative energy sources"

Chemistry teacher: The words of the American writer Christian Bowie "Few minds die from wear and tear, for the most part they rust from disuse" will be the epigraph of our lesson. And this is no coincidence. The more a person thinks, the broader his horizons become, the more phenomena he can explain. And in order to understand the incomprehensible, one must know the obvious. Lesson keywords are written on the board.

Let's try to formulate the topic of our unconventional integrated lesson, which will be taught by a chemistry and physics teacher.

"Search for new (alternative) energy sources".

To begin with, let's remember everything we already know about natural sources of hydrocarbons from the course of chemistry.

The main source of energy is oil 47%. Let's imagine we are at the largest oil refinery.

Question to the class:

What is oil externally and does this liquid have a boiling point?

(Oil is a liquid, black, oily, with a pungent odor, does not mix with water. Since it does not boil, it has a temperature range).

Is it possible to express the composition of oil with one formula? (Oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons, therefore the composition of oil is variable)

What methods of oil refining do you know?

What products of primary oil refining do you know?

Question to the class: Why is the use of fats, vegetable oil, eggs contraindicated in case of poisoning with oil products?

Answer: U / w dissolve in fats, are retained in the body, and thus have a longer destructive effect.

Question to the class:

Why are there practically no alkenes, alkynes and small cycles in oil?

Answer. The listed hydrocarbons are much more reactive than the hydrocarbons contained in oil. They are poorly stored even for several years - special stabilizing substances are added to alkenes produced by the chemical industry to prevent their polymerization and oxidation. What can we say about oil, deposits of which exist for geological periods of time. Of course, these hydrocarbons, even if they were contained in oil, would long ago have turned into less reactive substances (in the conditions under which the oil is deposited, they most likely polymerized).

Chemistry teacher:

“Invisible gold”, “invisible treasures”, “storerooms of blue fire” - these epithets are dedicated to natural and associated petroleum gas, which is in the deposits together with oil, dissolved in it or forms a gas cap. Gas is a convenient, economical, environmentally friendly fuel and chemical raw materials for the production of plastics, fibers, fertilizers, freons, medicines, rubbers, etc. 17% of natural gas is used as an energy source.

What is the composition of natural and associated petroleum gases?

Question to the class: Write the reaction equation for the combustion of household propane gas under a pot of borscht in the kitchen?

Chemistry teacher: More than 80% of the world's fossil fuel reserves are coal, which is becoming less and less popular. Replacing all nuclear power plants in our country with coal-fired thermal power plants would lead to a 50-fold increase in the number of premature deaths compared with the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Why do you think?

Chemistry teacher: For 5-7 minutes, you are offered a multi-level test to prepare for the exam on the topic "Natural sources of hydrocarbons"

The results are summed up in the form of self-control (Answers on the slide), errors are commented

Test assignments on the topic. OptionI.

1. Establish correspondence: 1) tar a) volatile fraction of oil 2) gasoline b) contains hydrocarbons with the number of carbon atoms from 12 to 18 c) used in road construction 3) cracking d) breaking up long chains of hydrocarbons 4) kerosene

2. Oil is:

    a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons with an admixture of mineral substances; a complex mixture of various hydrocarbons; a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons of the methane series, aromatic hydrocarbons and cycloalkanes with an impurity inorganic substances; a mixture of gaseous, liquid and solid hydrocarbons, which can be separated during processing.

3. The process of thermal separation of oil into fractions is called:

    cracking; distillation; reforming distillation; pyrolysis.

4. Oil cracking is:

    the process of splitting heavy oil hydrocarbons into light ones; thermal separation of oil into fractions; the process of converting paraffins and cycloparaffins into aromatic hydrocarbons; dehydrogenation of alkanes.

5. From the proposed refined products, select those that are obtained by distilling oil:

    gasoline coke oven gas; kerosene; coke; naphtha; dyes; gas oil; mineral oils; fuel oil; benzene and its homologues.
Answers: 1- (1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b,) 2-c, 3-d, 4-a, 5-a, c, e, g, and.

Option II.

1. Natural sources of hydrocarbons are:

    petroleum gases, oil, coal; many minerals and rocks; coke, wood.

2. The heaviest oil fraction is:

    gasoline, gas oil, fuel oil, naphtha, diesel oil.

3. Which gasoline has the best qualities:

    straight run gasoline; cracked gasoline; gasoline obtained from thermal cracking.

4. From the proposed products and materials, select those obtained from oil:

    glass; plastics, synthetic fibers; salt; paper; organic solvents, varnishes.

5.Residue after oil distillation:

A) kerosene

C) tar

D) gasoline

Answer: 1 - a, 2 - c, 3 - b, 4 - b, c, e, 5 - c

. Teacher: You were given tables in which you must record new information, questions that have appeared, conclusions.

Students have prepared tables to fill out:

Learned new

2. Stage of comprehension
Physics teacher: According to experts, at the beginning of the 21st century, oil and natural gas production will begin to decline: their share in the fuel and energy balance will decrease by 2020 from 66.6% to 20%. The oil crisis has already affected everyday life: for example, the temperature in government agencies Germany should not exceed 18 * C, on the stairs of houses the light is turned on for the minutes that a person needs to go up to his floor.

The steady increase in the population of our planet, the unprecedented rapid development of production during the scientific and technological revolution, the growing depletion of conventional energy sources (coal will last for 600 years, oil for 90 years, gas for 50 years, uranium for 27 - 80 years), finally , requirements for preserving the environment force people to look for new sources of energy, primarily those with renewable or scarcely depleted reserves. Humanity still poorly uses the possibilities of obtaining energy from natural, practically inexhaustible sources: the heat of the earth's interior and the ocean, the energy of ocean and river currents, tides and waves, wind.

Humanity consumes a huge amount of energy. We burn from 9 to 20 billion tons of fuel per year. 75% of all energy consumed is minerals (34% - oil, 25% - coal, 19% - natural gas); 5% of the rest of the consumed energy - nuclear power plants; 6% - hydroelectric power plants; 11% - from other energy sources.

Let's pay attention to the 17% that falls on renewable energy sources.

Despite the huge potential of renewable energy sources, their use is complicated by technical difficulties, and therefore, according to the most optimistic forecasts, no more than 30% of mankind's energy needs are satisfied due to non-traditional energy.

Now in the Russian Federation from non-traditional sources receive 1% of energy, which of course is very little. In our lesson, we want to draw attention to this problem.

Chemistry teacher: Actually, alternative energy sources are already not only available, but also successfully used for the benefit of people. Humanity for millennia almost toXX century quite intensively used wind energy for navigation, grinding grain, lifting water and much more. The reserves of wind energy are more than a hundred times higher than the reserves of hydropower of all rivers on the planet. Climatic conditions allow the development of wind energy on a vast territory, from our western borders to the banks of the Yenisei ..

Why do you think the use of wind energy stopped?

(In the 20th century, the use of wind practically ceased due to the appearance of heat engines and electric motors.) The widespread use of wind power units under normal conditions is also hindered by their high cost. However, with the depletion of available oil reserves and environmental pollution, interest in wind energy has revived in recent years and is likely to grow. Today, Denmark has more than 2,000 wind turbines and is the main exporter of this type of generator. Spain and Germany are the leaders in Europe in the use of wind energy, their growth every year is 25%.

Sweden, for example, plans to completely abandon organic fuel sources and switch to energy from renewable sources by 2020.

Iceland around 2050.

Back in the late 1920s. humanity began to use hydrothermal energy, i.e. energy from temperature difference sea \u200b\u200bwater from the upper and lower horizons.

For example, the conditions for the use of hydrothermal energy in Cuba are favorable.

As you can see, Europe and not only it, has proven that using alternative energy sources is not only necessary, but also profitable. They need to be developed, the future belongs to them.

Question to the class: Have you found information on what alternative energy sources are used or offered for use in different countries of the world?

Student speeches: 1. Most sources of renewable energy depend on geographic and natural factors that are different in each country. For example, solar and wind energy is more represented in Spain than in Austria. In turn, the numerous rivers and mountains in Austria are more suitable for the construction of hydroelectric power plants.

2. On the instructions of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Viktor Zubkov, the Ministry of Regional Development on September 8, 2009 hosted the first meeting of the interdepartmental working group on the development and implementation of a project for the use of low-quality wood and wood waste in the production of biofuel in the Arkhangelsk region.

3. The world's first floating offshore fully-functional wind turbine is built in Norway. The Hywind turbine weighs 5,300 tons and is 65 meters high. It is located 10 kilometers from the Karma Island, which is not far from the southwestern coast of the country.

4. American scientists write that "Defective" watermelons can become a source of biofuel

The juice left on the melon due to cosmetic defects of watermelons can become an important source of biofuel - fuel based on alcohols from natural raw materials, which are trying to replace motor gasoline in order to reduce emissions.

5. The grandmother of American President Barack Obama joined the youth environmental program Greenpeace "Solar Generation", popularizing the use of solar energy. In just three days, the Sun sends to the Earth as much energy as it contains in all explored reserves of fossil fuels, and in 1 sec-170 billion J. Most of this energy is dissipated or absorbed by the atmosphere and only a third of it reaches earth surface.

6. Electricity from asphalt: nano-coating will turn any surface into a solar panel, Russian scientists say

The idea is that, for example, the surfaces of sidewalks and highways can be filled with pigment molecules that collect sunlight and convert it into "clean" electricity or even fuel.

Physics teacher: The energy problem is one of the most acute. A booming economy in the 21st century requires more and more energy consumption.

Today, the total consumption of thermal energy in the world is\u003e 200 billion kW / h per year, (equivalent to 36 billion tons of conventional fuel). In Russia today the total fuel consumption is about 5% of the world energy balance. The main reasons indicating the importance of the early transition to AES:

* Global ecological: Today, the fact of the detrimental effect on the environment of traditional energy-producing technologies (including nuclear and thermonuclear) is well known and proven; their use inevitably leads to catastrophic climate change already in the first decades of the 21st century.

* Political: the country that will be the first to fully master the alternative energy, is capable of claiming the world championship and actually dictating the prices for fuel resources;

* Economic: the transition to alternative technologies in the energy sector will save the country's fuel resources for processing in the chemical and other industries. In addition, the cost of energy produced by many alternative sources is already lower than the cost of energy from traditional sources, and the payback period for the construction of alternative power plants is significantly shorter. Prices for alternative energy are declining, for traditional energy they are constantly growing;

* Social: population size and density are constantly increasing. At the same time, it is difficult to find areas for the construction of nuclear power plants, state district power plants, where energy production would be cost-effective and safe for the environment. The facts of the growth of oncological and other serious diseases in the regions of the location of nuclear power plants, large state district power plants, enterprises of the fuel and energy complex are well known, the harm caused by giant flat hydroelectric power plants is well known - all this increases social tension.

Evolutionary-historical: in connection with the limited fuel resources on Earth, as well as the exponential growth of catastrophic changes in the atmosphere and biosphere of the planet, the existing traditional energy seems to be a dead end; for evolutionary development society must immediately begin a gradual transition to alternative energy sources.

Chemistry teacher : One can argue for a long time which negative consequences carry reforms in the energy sector and utilities, what a heavy burden they will once again fall on our shoulders. But it is high time for us to make our life cultural, rich and happy.

And in order for our life to become better, we must learn to save.

Saving energy is becoming almost a new national idea. The government is preparing a state program that will save hundreds of millions of tons of fuel. The President calls for switching from incandescent bulbs to expensive but energy efficient light bulbs ..

Not everyone knows that in the middle of the 19th century Russia was one of the most energy efficient countries in the world. Despite the not very favorable climate, our energy efficiency was 3.5 times higher than in the USA and Western Europe. And the Russian stove in a wooden house remained the best heating system in the world.

The picture changed after the October Revolution. For 90 years, Russia has come to the 10th place in energy waste, skipping only "warm" and "very warm" countries

(Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ethiopia).

Our high energy intensity is a legacy of industrialization and planned economy.

Russia has a huge potential for energy savings - 45%. Energy saving in everyday life is not widespread in our country for two reasons: there is no material incentive and the culture of energy consumption.

I will give examples of our energy waste ... In Murmansk, on the shore of the Kola Bay, there are “Heated Houses”. Heating pipes are laid inside the walls, and a cold arctic wind blows over the warm facades of the buildings. Part of the heat is spent on heating the atmosphere. In the north, heated soccer fields are being built instead of winter sports. The residential sector is a “black hole” in the energy sector. Who is unfamiliar with the situation ... it’s spring outside, but the batteries are hot, we have to open the vents, thereby heating the street ... Utility workers are hastily burning the remaining fuel. Saving is not profitable for them, otherwise next year, taking into account extravagance, they will be limited in the supply of coal and fuel oil. This is where the remnants of a planned economy are.

The period of energy saving technologies and worldwide energy saving is coming.

Physics teacher: What ways can you suggest energy saving?

- At present, almost all European household appliances have a special eurolayer with the designation of the energy saving class from A to G. The most economical appliances belong to class A, and the least economical appliances to class G.

Experts have calculated that bringing our household appliances to the modern level in terms of electricity consumption would save more than 20 billion kWh of electricity per year, which is almost twice the annual output of the Volzhskaya HPP.

Energy accounting. The RF Law "On Energy Saving" provides for the compulsory accounting of energy resources. It is worth thinking about installing metering devices, replacing existing lamps with more modern, energy-saving ones.

Production of more economical vehicles

Structural changes in the economy (growth in the share of less energy-intensive industries)

Nuclear power development

Use of inexhaustible natural resources (solar radiation, heat of the Earth)

What prospects do we see?

Over the next 30-40 years, the following changes are likely to occur:

Consumption growth stabilizes

The share of new technologies for energy production will increase

The scale and cost of transportation will increase

The efficiency of use will increase

The share of alternative energy sources (nuclear), solar energy, wind energy will increase

Chemistry teacher:

3. Stage of reflection: Today in the lesson we discussed what changes can occur or are taking place in the energy sector. How to save energy? What are the reasons for the transition to AIE.

Grades are given for the lesson.

Homework: How to prove that modern ways of human use of organic fossil raw materials of the planet (natural gas, coal, oil) are to a large extent the source of an ecological crisis on a planetary scale?

(2-3 minutes)

I would like to end the lesson like this:

No vessel holds more than its volume,

except for the vessel of knowledge; it is constantly expanding


List of used literature:

3. Specialized magazine No. 7,2007 ENERGY SUPPLY;

4. Magazine for managers and specialists ENERGETIKA OF TATARSTAN №2 (6) 2007;

5. Magazine TATARSTAN 12 "2002 (special issue dedicated to JSC" TATENERGO ");

6. Magazine "Science and Life", publishing house "Pravda", 1989. 7. Sources of energy. Facts, problems, solutions. - M .: Science and technology 8. Non-traditional energy sources. - M .: Knowledge, 1982. 9. P. Revell, C. Revell "Energy problems of mankind", "Peace", Used materials and Internet resources: E-library:

Man was born to be lord, master, king of nature,
but the wisdom with which he should rule did not give him from birth:
it is acquired by teaching.

N.I. Lobachevsky

For many, the concepts - physics and ecology - seem to be incompatible. After all, physics, the introduction of its results into industry are presented as one of the main sources of environmental pollution. Energy, the nuclear industry, and many other industries that make extensive use of the achievements of physics, have a negative impact on the environment.

There are various interpretations of the term "ecology". Ecology as an independent science belongs to the biological sciences, and the very term "ecology" was proposed by the German evolutionary biologist E. Haeckel. Along with this "biological" understanding of ecology in modern society, there is the concept of "ecology" as an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of technogenic pollution of the environment.

A new understanding of ecology arose on the basis of the theory of thermodynamics of open systems and is the most "physical" one. This understanding of ecology can be found in the works of A.A. Bogdanov, V.I. Vernadsky. Bogdanov, at the beginning of the 20th century, expressed the idea that the laws of organization should operate not only in living, but also in inanimate nature.

The prophet of the twentieth century V.I. Vernadsky in the early 30s, when the physics of Newton was replaced by a new the quantum physics, wrote that "a person is a quantum system, a person is a space in miniature."

Today, the modern scientific picture of the world is built on the basis of the physical laws of nature, which must reflect and take into account the growing environmental problems. Influence of human activities on the world, has become so close that human invasion of nature can no longer be chaotic and limitless. All this must be regulated in a certain way, or otherwise civilization will face an ecological catastrophe.

The solution of environmental problems to a large extent depends on the formulation of environmental education and upbringing of the younger generations. Students should be well aware of the laws of nature, understand the relationship of natural phenomena, be able to foresee and evaluate the consequences of interference in the natural course of various processes.

In the middle comprehensive school environmental education is interdisciplinary in nature and is included in the content of many subjects: natural history, geography, biology, chemistry, physics, etc., and as an independent course in our school is not conducted, therefore it is necessary to make the most of the aspects of ecology in the lessons of all disciplines and after school hours. It is believed that teachers of biology and geography should deal with environmental issues at school. This is probably why, in the process of the formation of school environmental education, physics was far from being in the forefront.

But the experience of working as a teacher at school has shown that physics teachers can also make a great contribution to environmental education. At first glance, it seems that the interests of physics and ecology are contradictory. After all, ecology studies the relationships in nature, and physics is a science that underlies scientific and technological progress and introduces violations

numerous natural interactions. However, we must not forget that "physics" in translation from Greek means "nature". I believe it is necessary to use physics as a tool for preserving the environment.

Today studying proccess very tense in physics. To connect the subject of ecology with physics, it is necessary to determine what types of knowledge of an ecological nature should be included in the content of this discipline.

Determining the amount of environmental information in any subject is a very difficult issue. His specific solution depends on the experience of the teacher, on the time that can be allotted during the lesson for elements of ecology.

But there are also physics lessons that can be fully devoted to the study of environmental problems:

Study of heat engines;

When studying the topic of energy resources;

The water cycle in nature;



Nuclear physics, etc.

The successful implementation of the possibilities of environmental education of students can be achieved in the implementation of all forms of education: classroom and extracurricular work, elective courses, extracurricular activities, solving physical problems with ecological content, students' research work on ecology, etc.

By the end of the second millennium, mankind entered a world of complex interdependencies and global environmental problems. The rapid and growing human intervention in natural communities has created a real threat to the existence of our environment. Today, environmental problems are among the main concerns of the inhabitants of the Earth.

Raising a person capable of living in harmony with nature is the most important task of the school. Pupils should realize the idea that the laws of nature are learned not only for the purpose of applying them for the benefit of people, but also so that a person does not violate the harmony of the world around him.

It is important to strengthen such a position in life: a careless, irresponsible attitude to nature is immoral; a sense of the value of the nature that surrounds us enriches the spiritual world of man, raises his moral principles. Indeed, according to the writer S. P. Zalygin, "the attitude of a person to the environment is already a person himself, his character, his philosophy, his soul, his attitude to other people."

Zolotova Svetlana Evgenievna
mathematic teacher
Chashchina Svetlana Yurievna
Chemistry teacher
Usanova Victoria Vasilievna
Physics teacher
Place of work: GBOU Gymnasium № 1562 named. Artem Borovik, Moscow
Location: Moscow

Integrated lesson in mathematics, physics, ecology

The integrated lesson is designed for grade 8 students and reveals the connection between mathematics, physics and the ecology of our planet by the example of solving economic problems of ecological content.

Targets and goals:


  • to create in students the motives for energy-saving behavior;
  • the formation of competence in the field of independent cognitive activity;
  • develop skills and abilities to solve math problems economic content.


  • promote the development of creativity, skills to work with educational information, analyze; compare;
  • continue to develop the skills of intellectual teamwork, the ability to express your point of view.


  • educating a person interested in the most important trends in the development of the planet, environmental problems; draw the attention of students to the problem of saving energy and energy resources;
  • to involve schoolchildren in useful activities for energy and resource conservation;
  • stimulate the interest of students in the practical application of the knowledge gained at school.

Lesson type: lesson in applying the knowledge gained.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time

Good afternoon guys.

In 2017, Earth Hour will traditionally, for the tenth time, be held in Russia and other countries of the world. How many of you have heard about this action? When does it pass? What is this promotion?

The main theme of the Earth Hour was the environmental responsibility of every inhabitant of the planet. The goal of the global action Earth Hour is to draw attention to the limited resources of our planet, and urge people to carefully and responsibly treat what nature gives us.

For one hour from 20.30 to 21.30 in Moscow, the illumination of more than 1600 buildings and 14 parks will be turned off. It is very important not just to ask yourself the question: “What can I personally do to save energy consumption?”, But to take at least a step towards an ecological lifestyle. As part of the action, everyone who wants to turn off the lights and electrical appliances for an hour to express their respect for the world around them.

  1. Motivation for learning activities

The very word "ENERGY" is somehow immaterial at first glance. Do not see, do not touch! However, nothing around us happens without the participation of this very energy.

In this video, you were reminded of where electricity comes from in our homes. Let's list for what purposes we use it. (student answers)

That is why the twentieth century is called the age of electricity. The “electrical breakthrough” took place not so much in the production area of \u200b\u200bthe electric power industry as among consumers of electricity when it is used in household processes.

The processes of generating the electricity we consume are damaging to the environment. This damage makes us think about the possibilities of reducing energy consumption.

The problem of energy saving is relevant not only for our families, gymnasium, city, country, but the whole world. Saving energy makes it possible to reduce your own costs and have a lower impact on the environment.

Energy saving is a set of measures for the conservation and rational use of electricity and heat. In today's lesson, we would like to take a closer look at the issue of energy saving in the field of energy saving.

So how will you formulate the key question for today's lesson? Lesson topic: Electricity. Learning to save.

The need for energy is constantly increasing. Often, electric lamps burn in empty rooms, electric stove burners work aimlessly, TV screens glow. It has been established that 15-20% of the electricity consumed in everyday life is lost due to consumer negligence.

  1. Checking and discussing homework
  • Over the weekend, we gave you the following task: Draw up an energy passport for an apartment. To do this, it was necessary with the parents to fill out the table offered to you and calculate the family's expenses for using ... ..

Nominated: School, Lesson summary, school, algebra grade 8
Zolotova Svetlana Evgenievna
mathematic teacher
Chashchina Svetlana Yurievna
Chemistry teacher
Usanova Victoria Vasilievna
Physics teacher