Secrets of the Third Reich UFO. Strange Nazi UFO rumors and other Third Reich conspiracy theories

There are many hypotheses regarding UFO of the third reich, Was Flying Disc Type Aircraft Created in Nazi Germany or Not? In this article, we will try to answer these questions, and whether the Third Reich really possessed a "weapon of retaliation" by the end of the war. As controversial evidence we offer documents from the archives of the SS, department "Sonderburo 13" and the Wehrmacht.

I am confident about the future. The "weapon of retaliation" at my disposal will change the situation in favor of the Third Reich.

First of all, all flying UFOs of the Third Reich can be divided into three groups:

1) Light, reconnaissance vehicles

2) Heavy, offensive vehicles

3) Super-heavy vehicles planned for interstellar travel

Let's start in order, with the first group:

Light flying discs of the third reich

In July 1934, Viktor Schauberger, a famous German scientist, engineer who created the legendary "Schauberger engine" was invited by Hitler and high-ranking members of the Thule and VRIL societies to collaborate with them in the field of creating flying discs and a special engine for them. In July 1943, the first experimental flying disc RFZ-1 (Reichsflugzeug-1) was created under the leadership of V. Schauberger.

It was manufactured at Germany's first Arado aircraft plant in Brandenburg. His first test flight was also the last for him: as soon as it rose into the air, the device began to vibrate and jump, threatening to overturn completely. The Arado 196 on-board control system proved to be useless and ineffective.

Only thanks to test pilot Lotar Weitz, the device was able to land, however, during landing, the fuel tank was damaged and the device exploded. The end of the RFZ-1 served as an occasion for the creation of a series of devices of the VRIL type.


At the end of 1942, the VRIL society had its own test runway in Brandenburg, and a new prototype was immediately tested on it: the lightly armed VRIL-jager1 flying disc. It was single-seat and about 11.5 m in diameter, powered by a Schumman-Levitator and magnetically controlled.

He could develop speeds from 2,900 thousand km / h to 12,000 thousand km / h, at full speed he could make a turn through the right wing without harm to the crew. It did not depend on weather conditions, and had 100% adaptability to space flights. A total of 17 samples were built. There was also a two-seat version with a glass cockpit, and 84 test flights were carried out.



Diameter: 11.56 m.

Engine: Schumann-Levitator (armored)

Control: Pulse-magnetic

Speed: from 2,900 km / h to 12,000 km / h

Flight duration (in hours): 0.5 hour

Armament: kSK machine gun, and two MK 108 cannons


Duration of entering orbit: 12min.

Mass production: september 1944 or earlier.

The rest of the VRIL-2-6 models had only minor modifications and are not considered here.


The plans also included such a device as VRIL-jager7, about 120 m. in diameter that could carry entire groups of people. There were at least two VRIL-7s, and a cargo VRIL-7, both with the airborne names "ONE", they were supposed to be launched to Aldebaran, in April 1945, together with scientists of the VRIL society and service personnel, from Brandenburg.

According to some sources, in 1944, the apparatuses were ready and even passed some tests, but before flying to Aldebaran they had to perform several more missions on Earth, namely: from March to April 1945, to make regular flights to South America and Antarctica, carrying important persons of the Reich to a safe place. After that, the VRIL-7 device flew around the earth and landed off the coast of Japan on one of the Japanese aircraft carriers. His further fate is unknown.

Heavy flying discs of the third reich

Haunebu I

The Haunebu project was overseen by the SS, and the first prototype was ready in 1939, just before the outbreak of war. The device had about 25 m in diameter, and could reach speeds of 4,800 km / h. 52 test flights were performed.

haunebu I plan


Diameter: 25 m.

Engine: Thule-tachyonator 7b

Control: magnetic pulse

Speed: from 4,800 km / h to 17,000 km / h

Flight range (in hours): 18 hours

Armament: 2 × 8 KSK in three rotating machine gun turrets, 4xMK 108

Armor: double

Crew: 8 people

Space flight adaptability: 60%

Entering orbit: 8 minutes

Mass production: until the end of 1944

Comment: it is necessary to focus on the next model "Haunebu II" in order to further improve both models in parallel.

Haunebu II

By the end of 1942, the first sample of an apparatus of the type "Haunebu II", its diameter varied from 26 to 32 m. It could carry 8 to 20 people on board. The Thule-tachyonator served as the engine, and with its help the device reached a speed of over 6,000 km / h. 7 vehicles of this type were built, and 106 test flights were carried out.

Actually, "Haunebu II" was already ready for serial production, a contract was to be signed between the Dornier and Junkers concerns, according to which they were to begin serial production, the official name was to sound like: DO STRA (Dornier Stratosphere flying vehicle). But since the Fuhrer demanded 100% reliability of the devices, mass production was postponed, and apparently did not start: this was prevented by the end of the Second World War.

Technical characteristics:

Diameter: 26.3 m.

Engine: Thule-tachyonator 7b, armored, engine diameter: 23 m.

Control: magnetic pulse

Speed: from 6,000 km / h to 21,000 km / h

Flight range (in hours): 55 hours

Armament: 6-8cm KSK machine guns, in rotating machine gun turrets: on the fuselage at the bottom, 11cm KSK in one turret above.

Armor: triple

Crew: from 9 to 20 people

Space flight adaptability: 100%

Entering orbit: 19min.

Weather: does not depend

Times of Day: any

Comment: The Fuehrer demanded from us one hundred percent guarantee of the safety of the apparatus, it can be given only at the end of next year. For this reason, serial production cannot begin in the summer of 1944.

Haunebu III

Soon after that, the finest copy of this type of apparatus was ready: "Haunebu III", it had 71 m in diameter, several take-offs were made, one of them was even filmed.

The device lifted up to 32 people on board, could stay in the air for 8 weeks, and developed a speed of 7,000 km / h (according to data from the SS archives, up to 40,000 km / h). Only one device was made, and 19 test flights were made.


Diameter: 71m.

Engine: Thule-tachyonator 7b and Schumann Levitator (armored)

Control: magnetic pulse

Flight speed: from 7,000 km / h to 40,000 km / h

Flight range (in hours): 8 weeks (when flying with using S-L 40% longer duration)

Armament: 4x11 cm KSK in rotating machine gun turrets (3 at the bottom and 1 on top), 10x8 KSK in a rotating machine gun ring and 6x108 MK.

Armor: triple

Crew: 32 people, transport option up to 70 people

Space flight adaptability: 100%

Entering orbit: 25 minutes

Weather: does not depend

Times of Day: any

Start of serial production: approximately 1945.

The documentary "The Third Reich: Operation UFO" begins with the fact that after the Second World War, in 1947, the expedition of an American polar explorer was attacked by flying saucers in the region of the sixth continent - Antarctica.

Who did it - is it like the mysterious x in the equation? But there will be even more Xs.

What exactly is Antarctica, the South Pole? To date, a lot of research has been done on this continent, but much remains unclear. Why in the thirties did Germany allocate a lot of funds for the exploration of this continent? Then all this was done for a reason. Are secret bases possible under thick layers of ice? Why did a map from the Middle Ages appear - the sixteenth century, on which the whole of Antarctica is marked quite accurately and reliably, without ice cover, this is from the Middle Ages, when it was still very far from the official discovery and exploration of this continent. Is it possible that Antarctica is Atlantis - a legendary civilization with secret knowledge of the world? Or are there through passages that can connect the planet with other points of the universe? And that's why flying saucers appeared there for a reason.

In sufficient detail in a separate part of the program it is said about the Ahnenerbe - the mystical and occult organization of the Third Reich, which was engaged in the study of mysticism. They had great potential. They made expeditions in the thirties to different parts of the planet: Tibet, Antarctica.

Is it possible that the aircraft resembling UFOs, which mankind has observed since the time of A. Macedonian, were also developed in Nazi Germany. After all, the shape of these devices made it possible to do the impossible - to gain access to the approach of mastering such categories as time and space, gaining access to distant points of space in the universe; using machines as a time machine. After all, Ahnenerbe not only studied the heritage of ancestors, but looked for answers to mystical secrets and riddles in ancient manuscripts. And Werner von Braun himself said: "We got a lot out of these papers." After all, the program says that a disc of a similar model was seen during Battle of Kursk... And in the Russian aviation there was nothing of the kind.

And the program makes a very important emphasis on the fact that Hitler's dream was to combine the spear, which he received a long time ago, with the Holy Grail, which he could not find. But the emphasis is on the fact that the Grail, which Hitler was looking for, in addition to the experience of his ancestors, symbolized the moral principle, purity of thoughts, morality, kindness in the fundamental principle, which was not in the ideology of Hitler and the Third Reich as a whole. But it is precisely this morality, morality that should be at the basis of all research, pioneering discoveries that humanity makes. Everything should go for the good of the world, the triumph of good, humanity and justice. All discoveries, progress.

And Vitaly Pravdivtsev put on a wonderful documentary program that makes you think about the secrets, riddles of the world, when answering which there will probably be more questions than answers, but you need to continue looking for answers, relying on morality and ethics.

1947 year. Another expedition of the legendary American polar explorer Richard Byrdcame to the shores of Antarctica. Unlike the first three, it is fully funded Naval forces USA and has a military name - Operation "High Jump" ("High jump"). Everything is going according to plan: tens of thousands of aerial photographs were taken in the first weeks. And suddenly something mysterious happens: the expedition, designed for six months, after two months hastily curtailed and leaves the shores of Antarctica. It was a real escape. The destroyer Murdoch, almost half of the carrier-based aircraft, dozens of sailors and officers were lost.

Upon his return, Admiral Byrd appears before the members of the emergency commission of inquiry US Congress. He reports on the attack on the expedition of strange "flying saucers", which "... emerged from under the water and, moving at great speed, caused significant damage to the expedition."
Who put the American squadron to flight?

Is it true that the Nazis created a top secret base in Antarctica? Where did the thousands of highly qualified German specialists and highly secret industries of the Third Reich disappear at the end of the war?

Did German scientists really develop disc-shaped aircraft? What results did they actually achieve? Can we trust rumors that Germany was creating disc-shaped flying vehicles capable of going into outer space?

What I was looking for in the ancient manuscripts of the East and secret documents secret societies the most mysterious organization of the Third Reich - the Ahnenerbe society? What is really behind the "hollow earth" theory that was so popular in the Third Reich?

What is the true purpose of the powerful HAARP electronic complex in Alaska? Why the majority of the staff of American Antarctic stations are directly related to the Agency national security, The CIA and other intelligence agencies? Russian scientists and intelligence veterans take part in the film.

Having come to power in Germany, Hitler dreamed of world domination of the Third Reich, therefore, since the beginning of the 30th of the twentieth century, German scientists have been actively developing a secret weapon. One of such developments was "discs", better known to all of us as unidentified flying objects.

The reason for the development of such unusual aircraft by the Germans is unknown. There is a version that in 1936 a UFO crashed near Freiburg and, thanks to this, the Germans acquired new technologies. However, most likely the reason for such developments was the need to create such aircraft, the shape of which will increase their speed and carrying capacity.

What did the Germans reveal during the research

Conducting numerous studies, the Germans turned their attention to the fact that the elliptical wing of an aircraft has a lower inductive resistance when compared with a rectangular one, so the German attack aircraft had wings in the form of an ellipse. Carrying out such developments, the Reich scientists decided to go further and consider the circle option. So scientists of the Reich have developed discoplanes, helicopter discs, vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, and projectile discs. From the middle of World War II in some documents

mention is made of the encounters of people with unidentified flying objects in the form of a disk, which could fly at great speed through the formation of stormtroopers and suddenly go out, disappear from the night sky. After the war, in the archives of the CIA, documents were found about the study of trophy samples that were developed by the Nazis, they were tested after the war in the United States.

The most famous designers of discs were scientists Schriever, Habermohl, Zimmermann, Andreas Epp, Kurt Tank, Giuseppe Bellonze. One of the earliest vertical takeoff flying machines was the Schriever-Habermohl flying saucer.

It was first tested in the Czech Republic in the early forties. The disadvantage of the apparatus was strong vibration, due to improper operation of the rotor. Tests of this model continued until the end of the war. In 1945, it was possible to achieve a horizontal flight speed of about two hundred kilometers per hour, but the disc was lost during testing, and was found only in 1952.

Since 1942, Giuseppe Bellonze began to work on a new disc aircraft for attacks on enemy bombers, the device had blades at the edges and was a disc. When its blades rotated during the flight, they cut everything in their path, and if at least one of the blades was lost, then the center of gravity of the disk was shifted, and the pilot lost the ability to control the disk. Rudolf Schriefer advanced more in the development of flying saucers.

In Breslau was developed aircraft diameter 67 meters, which could take off at a speed of 300 km / h and move about 2200 km / h. In the winter of 1945, an experimental flight was made to an altitude of 15,000 meters. Despite the success of the developments due to the tendency to defeat in the war, the apparatus was destroyed. At the end of the war, in 1945, the so-called Omega disc was developed. This disc-shaped helicopter was captured by the US Army in 1945 and tested there in 1946. By appearance looked like a flying saucer with a large propeller. Several such discs were made after the war.

The conclusion may be simple: UFOs are created by humans

Thus, one can hardly speak of extraterrestrial origin

flying discs of the Third Reich, they were all the creation of the human mind. This means that the technology could be improved. This means that the UFOs that people see now are the work of man.

A lot is known about the developments of the Third Reich in the field of "flying saucers" today, but questions do not diminish over the years. How successful were the Germans in this? According to some reports, in 1936, a UFO crashed near the city of Freiburg. It was discovered and, possibly, German scientists, with the support of the SS, were able to repair and even test its energy system and propulsion system.

However, attempts to reproduce them in earthly conditions ended in failure. Therefore, the flying machine existed in one copy. These projects were led by representatives of three occult societies at once - "Thule", "Vril" and "Ahnenerbe". For five years, the Germans have been carrying out carefully hidden work to create a secret facility in Antarctica, code-named "Base 211". In any case, this is stated by a number of independent experts. By the end of the war, the Germans had nine scientific enterprises, which tested the projects of "flying discs". Scientists believe that at least one disk development enterprise could have been transported to Antarctica during the collapse of the Reich.

The famous researchers of the Antarctic secrets of the Third Reich R. Vesko, V. Terziyski, D. Childress argue that since 1942, thousands of concentration camp prisoners, as well as prominent scientists, pilots and politicians with their families and members of the Hitler Youth, have been transferred to the South Pole using submarines. Some scientists believe that the German base in Antarctica has survived to this day. Moreover, there is talk of the existence of a whole underground city called "New Berlin" with a population of two million people. The main occupation of its inhabitants is supposedly genetic engineering and space exploration... Indirect confirmation of the existence of the base is called repeated UFO sightings in the South Pole region. They often see "plates" and "cigars" hanging in the air. And in 1976, using the latest equipment, the Japanese simultaneously detected nineteen round objects that "dived" from space to Antarctica and disappeared from the screens. In addition, scientists have discovered several artificial satellites in Earth orbit, belonging to no one knows ...

In 1927, the expedition of the famous English archaeologist and traveler Albert Mitchell-Hedges found "crystal" skulls in Central America. The find was preceded by work that began in 1924 to clear the ancient Mayan city in the tropical jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula (now Belize). Thirty-three hectares of forest that had swallowed up the old buildings, it was decided to simply burn down. When the smoke finally cleared away, the participants of the expedition had an amazing sight: stone ruins of a pyramid, city walls and a huge, for thousands of spectators, Lubaantung amphitheater. Digging up these ruins, Mitchell-Hedges found his "crystal" skulls. This find has become one of the most mysterious in the twentieth century.

The skulls were taken to one of the museums in Brazil. And in 1943, after an attempted robbery of this museum, Ahnenerbe agents were detained. During interrogation, they testified that they had been taken to South America on a special mission to find and "seize" the "crystal" skulls of the "Goddess of Death". For the same purpose, several more groups were abandoned. And although many were also arrested, it is possible that someone has achieved success. The "confiscation" of rare finds was directed by the bearer of the "knowledge of the devil" Willigut. He was especially interested in the magical methods of the priests of Atlantis. The Nazis hoped that this knowledge of the "progenitor of the Aryan race" would allow them not only to create a "superman", but also to subdue other people with the help of magic. Today, some researchers suggest that the crystal skulls found were made in Atlantis and only miraculously survived the catastrophe. If so, it becomes clear why the SS were so actively interested in them.