Sinwen on the subject of MTSI. The lesson on the poem "MTSY" plan-abstract lesson in literature (grade 8) on the topic

Confession - 1. Christians: confession in his sins before the priest, leaving sins on behalf of the Church and God, church repentance. 2. Frank recognition in something, a story about its innermost thoughts, views. ( Dictionary Russian Language S. I. Ozhegova and N. Yu. Swedovaya). Why confession?

"As I turned across the ridge in Georgia, I threw the trolley and began to ride a ride; Lasil on the snow mountain (cross) on the very top, which is completely easy; From there, half of Georgia is visible as a saucer, and right, I do not undertake to explain or describe this amazing feeling: For me, the mountain air is balm; Kandra to hell, the heart beats, the breast breathe highly do not need this minute; So I could have looked a whole life. " From the letter M. Yu. Lermontova S. A. Raevsky

MTSYRY - the romantic soul of the author in front of us in the poem appears true heroic image. Passionate thirst for freedom and merger with a homeland defines all inner world Mc. He rushes his whole creature to one goal - to be free from any negle, connect from homeland and breathe the beauty of his native nature. In achieving this goal, MTSYSi is ready to sacrifice everything, the obstacles of his will did not know. Conclusion output

V. G. Belinsky wrote: "What kind of fiery soul, that for the mighty spirit, that for the Giant Nature of this MTSIR! This is a favorite ideal of our poet, this is a reflection in poetry shadow of his own personality. In all that neither says Mtsyry, itifies him with his own spirit, striking his own power. "

1 line - one noun expressing main topic Coincast. 2 Row - two adjectives expressing the main thought. 3 Row - three verbs describing actions within the topic. 4 Row - phrase, carrying a certain meaning. 5 Row - conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word). Translated from the French word "Sinwen" means a poem consisting of five lines. Sincweight

2nd an hour of studying the poem M.Yu.Lermontov "MTSYRY" according to its reading. The lesson provides an activity approach, a problematic learning method, RCMCP, group and individual forms of training.


Attachment 1

The history of the creation of the poem. In 1837, Lermontov decided to write

"Notes of the young monk 17 years. Since childhood, he is in the monastery; In addition to sacred, I did not read books. Passionate soul languishes. " 8 years have passed from this entry before the appearance of MTSYRY. During this time, Lermontov returned several times to the conceived plot. At first he writes the poem "Confession", the action of which is happening in Spain in the middle of the century. Hero "Confession" - a monk who violated the vow, who loved the nun and convicted for it to death. In 1835-1836, the poem "Boyar Orsha" appears, the hero of which, Arseny, the dyeing slave of a powerful boyar, brought up in the monastery, falls in love with the lady and is also devoted to the court of monks, but he managed to run. In these two works, where monologues are occupied by a great place, there are lines that later entered the Petzyri poem written in 1839. It was V. Stern's plan Lermontov found the most perfect embodiment.

The action of the poem occurs in Georgia, which Lermontov knew well. The emergence of the plan of the biographer of the poet P.A.viscontov connects with a journey through the Military Georgian Road. Then Lermontov visited the ancient capital of Georgia, the city of Mtskheta (next to Tbilisi), located at the merger of the Aragva and Kura rivers; Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, where the graves of the last Georgian kings Irakli II and George XII are located. There, according to the testimony of the relatives of the poet A.P. Shangireya and A.A. Khastatova, Lermontov met a lonely monk who told him his story. Highlander by birth, he was captured by General Yermolov. On the road, the boy fell ill, and Yermilov left him in the monastery. The little miner could not get used to monastic life for a long time, and made attempts to escape to their homeland. The consequence of one such an attempt was a long grave illness, barely not killed him. However, in the end, he resigned with his share and spent his life in the walls of the ancient monastery.

The prototype of the monastery of Javar, standing on the mountain opposite Sveti TsHowli, on the other side of the river.

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Causes (discoveries of MTSI, character traits)


non-symissions, gentle, proud, thirst for struggle,

the bridge, love is capable of patient, open and honest

the desire of life, love the brightness of the battle, heroism,

to the goal, all feelings, mighty spirit,

Freedom. Beautiful passions. Joy I.

mU Alone among the celebration,

people Victory

And I ran around the Georgian .. Exceozog Mighty Bars ..

From the poles of me and the root suffering the fight boiled,

silent bloomed hunger .. death

and the prayers of God from the mouth of her, on the way the fight!

in that wonderful garden and darkness to get off

mirutrieval was ..

and battles. so deep and quiet

Joy Breast Earth

meetings from the storm, and in the spice

thunderstorms rided, but

help human

Facts (I saw in the will? Phrases from text)

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Belinsky V.G.

Maksimov D.E.

Belinsky V.G.. ... what for the fiery soul, that for the mighty spirit, what kind of giant nature has this MTSI! This is the favorite ideal of our poet, this is a reflection

in poetry shadow of his own personality. In all that neither says Mtsryi, itifies

his own spirit, striking his own power.

Maksimov D.E.Mcyri is a high rebellious hero, looking for ways from his imprisonment to their homeland, in the world of whole being, freedom, struggle and love.

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Studying the life of MTSYS. Work in groups.

1 group. Life in the monastery.

1) How was the life of the MTSI in the monastery? What was the character and dreams of the young men-novice? Do they meet the conditions of life in which a young novice is forced to live? Fill table in comparison. .

Take output.

2) Word theme "MTSI".

3) Make a syncuine

1 group.


Studying the life of MTSYS. Work in groups.

2 groups.

Diagram Fishboon(fish bone).

In mind fits problem for discussion: "What is useless so many days

2) What art techniques

3) Word the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem.

3) Make a syncuine To the image of the hero during this period of life.


2 groups.

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"My open lesson"


Class: 9 "A"

Thing: Russian literature

Topic: Poem "MTSYRI". The image of proud and dismissed young men in the poem."What is the mystery of MTSI?"

Type of lesson: fixing

Goal: 1) to analyze the poem, reveal the characteristics of the character of the main character, finding out the ways of image the image of the chief hero of the poem, organize the activities of students to generalize and systematize knowledge within the framework of the topic; be able to allocate the features of romanticism in the work; 2) develop the skills of analytical work with the text, the ability to build a monologue statement, compare, make their own conclusions; develop skills expressive reading Laro-epic work; consolidate the argument skills on literary topic; be able to work in a group; 3) to educate independence of thinking, performance, the need to formally express their thoughts; Education of freedom-loving personality.

Methodical techniques: Communication message, problem presentation, conversation, research research, text analysis, independent work.

Equipment: Portrait of Lermontov, Epigraph to the lesson, estimation sheets, distributing material, illustrations for the poem, Audio recording "Fighting Bars", Caucasus video with a record of Georgian folk melodies, envelopes with critics, "Fishboon" scheme, comparative table (its filling ).

During the classes

I.. Org.Moment.Greeting. Psychological setting On the lesson.

Training "Good wishes"

Guys, let's think that we could wish each other,so that work in the lesson was fruitful. I wish you optimism and mutual support.

Teams give wishes to each other.

I.I. . Staging a learning task
Teacher (under the silent Georgian music): M.Yu.Lermontov - a brilliant poet, an artist, an officer, an amazing singer of sadness, a romantic and a patriot. He opened the world of the beauty of the Caucasus, looking at him with a growing look of the ingenious poet and a wonderful artist.

Speaking about Lermontov, Belinsky noted that the poet paid a complete tribute to a magical country, which was hit by the best, thankful impressions of his poetic soul.

The Caucasus was a cradle of his poetry, as well as he was a cradle of poetry A.S. Pushkin. And after Pushkin, no one poetically thanked the Caucasus as Lermontov. Here, his creative potential most fully revealed. "The hero of our time", "Demon", "Caucasus", "opening", "Ashik Kerib", "MTSI".

However, sad memories of the poet are connected with this edge. It so happened that in the Caucasus Lermontov visited several times: first - he was treated, then he was not in his will. Remember the poem "Tuchi" - it is difficult to part with a homeland close. The romantic poem "MTSIRI" is also filled with longing in the homeland, thirst for life, freedom.

Oblasting the topic of lesson"What is the mystery of the MTSI?" on the poem M.Yu.Lermontova "MTSYRY".(Slide 1). Reading epigraph(Slide 2).

I lived little, and lived in captivity.
Such two lives for one
But only complete alarms,
I would exchange if I could.

M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY"

Which of the heroes belong these lines? Why theytaken epigraph to lesson?(The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is enclosed in them - the struggle for freedom. They are the meaning of life for the MTSYR. And therefore will help reveal the subject of the lesson).

- What is the main question of the lesson?(Slide 3). What tasks do we put to the lesson?

(Analyze the poem, reveal the image of Lermontovsky MTSY, find out what his mystery?)

On your desks lie Envelopes with the names of literary critics. We will open them only at the end of the lesson. When describing the image of the MTSI, we compare our opinions with the opinion of famous critics about him. Let's see if they coincide.

The teacher is negotiated assessment sheet. Sheet estimation

Studying the life of MTSYS.

Work in groups.

Total points

Maximum score

III. Check d \\ s. Actualization of knowledge on the topic.

1. Message student(Advanced task). (Slide 4). The history of the creation of the poem. It is assumed that Lermontov, wandering in 1837 (during the first link) in the old Military - Georgian road, stumbled upon Mtskhete on a lonely monk. Lermontov found out from him that he would be a Highlander, captive by the child General Yermolov. General him was visiting him and left the sick boy of monastic brethren. Here he grew up; For a long time he could not get rid of the monastery, he wondered and made attempts to escape to the mountains. The consequence of one such attempt was the long disease, leading it to the edge of the graves. Healing, the savage caught and remained in the monastery, where the monk was especially attached to the old man.

Problem question: Why M.Yu.Lermonts changed the initial name of the works of "Bari" (from the Georgian monk) on the "MTSIRY" (the novice, who is an observed by the monk, Alien, Alien)?

- Form of the narrative of the work? (Slide 5). What is confession?

2. Relaim the compositional elements of works with the chapters of the poem:

exposure (1 - 2 chapters, what will we find out?);

zaguka (the end of the chapter 2 - MTSYRY Escape);

development of action (3 - 16 chapters - rise, 19 - 23 chapters - decline);

culmination (17 - 18 chapters - Battle with leopard);

interchange (24, 25 chapters; 26 Chapter - Hero's testa).

Mutual groups. Discussion.

3. Draw illustration To the main events of the poem (hang out at the beginning of the lesson on the board).

IV . Studying the topic of lesson. Stage "Conference".

1. Definition of the poem as romantic.

Teacher: Today we will talk about the complex type of human character, which appeared in the XIX century, is a romantic character. Romantic hero - the personality is strong, difficult, passionate, the inner world is extremely deep, infinite; This is a whole universe full of contradictions.

Problem question:Is it possible to call a matcury by a romantic hero? (Yes. The hero is complex, contradictory nature, passionate, heroic, severe spirit, is in constant confrontation with foreign worldin which it is doomed to live).

2. Study of the life of MTSYS. Mcsury in the monastery and the MTSERI free.Work in groups on posters (distributing material).

As formed life Path of our hero? Is it possible to say that he broke up into 2 parts? Why? --- Let's explore the life path of our hero. For what? (Reveal its image, answer the question of the lesson).Research will be held in groups By themes: "MTSYR in the monastery" and "MTSYRY at freedom"

Recall the rules of work in groups.Sharing and writing on the board.

The teacher briefly introduces a list of tasks in groups.

We define the criteria for estimating future works(Uch-XI withdraws criteria by considering tasks in handouts).

1. Experimental answers to questions.

2. Approach answers to text.

3. Joint work.

4. Compliance with the rules of time.

5. Creative work design.

Speeches Group(Criterial assessment and scores in estimation sheets + Formative estimation: 2 stars and wish).

Teacher : The basis of the poem "MTSI" is the romantic concept of two worlds. One of them is alien to the hero, it is the "world of chairs of stuffy and prayers" (monastery), where he, as he thinks, languishes in captivity, the second world is
... The wonderful world of anxiety and battles, where the cliffs are hidden in clouds, where people are free as eagles. These two worlds cannot connect. And the stronger the denial of captivity, non-free, the shorter of the hero to the "Wonderful World", created by his rebellious imagination.

1 group. Life in the monastery(Slide 6).

table in comparison. Your answers confirm the text .

How dictates fate?

What does the soul want?

film and stay in the gray walls of the monastery

Humility, passiveness
Fear of shocks and storms
Refusal of earthly joy
Pattle hope for Heavenly Paradise

Thirst for storm, anxiety, battle, struggle
Thrust for freedom, to strong and free people
Deep poetic perception of nature and beauty
The desire for the joys and suffering of earthly life, protest against church and any other slavery

Take output. "But after a captivity, he is used to" ... if you used, then why run? Why was the rebellion of McSri inevitable? (Captivity, non-free - this is an anti-abnital state, far from nature. Riot MTSYSi can be viewed as a riot of nature itself, a person born free. Circumstances are able to suppress a person to humiliate it, but cannot take himself from him to protest the conditions for himself. Life in the monastery).

2) Word theme "MTSIRI" (the image of a strong, bold, rebellious man, taken captive, who grew up in the gloomy walls of the monastery, suffering from oppressive living conditions and resolved risk price for his own life to break free to the will).

3) Make a syncuine To the image of the hero during this period of life.

Freedom-loving, oppressed,

Suffers, dreams, protests,

Romantic hero.

Teacher: Already in the monastery we see MTSYS strong and proud boys, obsessed with passion - Lu-bovy to homeland and freedom. But then he did not know much about himself, since only real life Checks the person and shows that he represents. What did the Mcsyri know about himself, finding out freedom?

2 group."Escape MTSIR, 3 days of freedom"(Slide 7).

To do this, use the diagram Fishboon(fish bone). In mind fits problem for discussion: what, besides a deadly wound, acquired a MTSYR for three "blissful" days? "What is useless for so many days, suffered, and why?"

In the lower "bone", the group discharges quotes from the text (which saw the MTSERS on freedom?) As arguments, and on the upper "bones" - reasons, i.e. Character features that opened a MC (See Appendix 1). After the end of work and discussion is concluded.

2) What art techniques Uses the author in the description of the life of the MTSERI free? (Give examples). For what purpose? (Disclose the nature of the MTSYR).

3) Word the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem (The poet glorifies the struggle for freedom, the feat, the rebellion, the power of character and intransigence. His heroism, the irrepressible desire for the goal, anxiety, the thirst for the struggle, the brightness of the feelings of the MTSERS is close to Lermontov).

3) Make a syncuine To the image of the hero during this period of life. Example.

Rebellious, brave,

Loves, fights, triumph

Seeks to see their homeland, merge with nature

Romantic hero.

3. The central episode of the poem is a fight with the leopard. TSO.This is the culmination of the three "free" day of the hero. Let's listen to an excerpt from the poem "Fight with Barz". Illustration (slide 8).
1) Why does Mczyry come into a fight with leopard? (A desire to prove his belief to the "mighty spirit" of ancestors, to test himself, to test himself, his strength, will, worthy of the validity of the fathers).

2) What feelings are the young man in a fight with a beast? (Voltage of forces, exhaustion open and honest struggle, full merging with nature, joy and triumph of victory.)

4. Creating problem situations: setting problematic issues. Writing an essay(Slide 11). Author's chair.

1 group. His kindness and suffocate concern, the monks ruined the life of a person? Is there a clear line between good and evil? When can good wrap evil?

2 groups. Why does a person live on earth? What does it mean to live for MTSI? What does it mean to live for you? (Be in constant search, alarm, fight, win, love, see your relatives, have a house, find out yourself)

(Independent work accompanied by quiet music).

V. . Validation(for estimation sheets).

Summing up the lesson.

1. Return to the lesson question.

What are we setting goals to the lesson? Did we manage to reveal the image of the MTSI?

Take conclusion: What is the feature of Lermontov MTSI? What is his riddle? Why for many decades he excuses and worries the feelings of readers?(1 min. Letters. Ind. Slave)

(In the center of the Petzyrian poem is not disappointed individualist, but strong man, Thirsful happiness and life. The poem approves the need for freedom for humans and denial of slavery and humility.)

2. Citation of the expression of critics about the Poem Lermontov.

And now open envelopes. (I'm reading.) Quotes on the board as well.

Belinsky V.G.. ... what for the fiery soul, that for the mighty spirit, what kind of giant nature has this MTSI! This is a favorite ideal of our poet, this is a reflection in poetry shadow of his own personality. In all that neither says Mtsiry, itifies his own spirit, striking his own power.

Maksimov D.E.Mcyri is a high rebellious hero, looking for ways from his imprisonment to their homeland, in the world of whole being, freedom, struggle and love.

- Are your characteristics of the chief hero of the poem towards critics?

VI . Reflection "Tree of mood"
- What is your mood after the lesson? You have 3 apple-sticker of different colors in your hands. Sticker stickers on the "Mood Tree":

Pink sticker - excellent

Yellow sticker - good

Green Sticker - Bad

VII . D \\ z(Slide 12).

1. Write an essay-essay: "Who was the MTSERS for me?"

2. To learn by heart like an excerpt from the poems.

1 group

Sheet estimation

Studying the life of MTSYS.

Work in groups.

Total points

Maximum score


2. Study of the life of MTSYS. Work in groups.

Life in the monastery.

1) How was the life of the MTSI in the monastery? What was the character and dreams of the young men-novice? Do they meet the conditions of life in which a young novice is forced to live? Fill table in comparison. Your answers confirm the text .

Take output. "But after a captivity, he is used to" ... if you used, then why run? Why was the rebellion of McSri inevitable?

2) Word theme "MTSI".

3) Make a syncuine To the image of the hero during this period of life.


1 group. His kindness and suffocate concern, the monks ruined the life of a person? Is there a clear line between good and evil? When can good wrap evil?

2 groups

Sheet estimation

Studying the life of MTSYS.

Work in groups.

Total points

Maximum score


2. Study of the life of MTSYS.Work in groups."Escape Mcyri, 3 days of freedom."

Diagram Fishboon(fish bone).

In mind fits problem for discussion: what, besides a deadly wound, acquired a MTSYR for three "blissful" days? "What is useless for so many days, suffered, and why?"

In the lower "bone", the group discharges quotes from the text (which saw the MTSERS on freedom?) As arguments, and on the upper "bones" - reasons, i.e. The features of the character who discovered the McSri. After the end of work and discussion is concluded.

2) What art techniques Uses the author in the description of the life of the MTSERI free? (Give examples). For what purpose?

3) Word the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem.

3) Make a syncuine To the image of the hero during this period of life.


2 groups. Why does a person live on earth? What does it mean to live for MTSI? What does it mean to live for you? (Be in constant search, alarm, fight, win, love, see your relatives, have a house, find out yourself)

Belinsky V.G.. ... what for the fiery soul, that for the mighty spirit, what kind of giant nature has this MTSI! This is the favorite ideal of our poet, this is a reflection

in poetry shadow of his own personality. In all that neither says Mtsryi, itifies

his own spirit, striking his own power.

Maksimov D.E.Mcyri is a high rebellious hero, looking for ways from his imprisonment to their homeland, in the world of whole being, freedom, struggle and love.

Belinsky V.G.. ... what for the fiery soul, that for the mighty spirit, what kind of giant nature has this MTSI! This is the favorite ideal of our poet, this is a reflection

in poetry shadow of his own personality. In all that neither says Mtsryi, itifies

his own spirit, striking his own power.

Maksimov D.E.Mcyri is a high rebellious hero, looking for ways from his imprisonment to their homeland, in the world of whole being, freedom, struggle and love.

Open lesson on literature

"What is the mystery of MTSI?"

On the poem Lermontov M. Yu. Mtsyri

Epigraph lesson:

I lived little, and lived in captivity.

Such two lives for one

But only complete alarms,

I would trade if I could.

M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY"

The main question of the lesson: What is the mystery of the MTSI?

The history of the creation of the poem

Temple of Jvari, where Lermontovsky Mc

Confession - repentance in sins before the priest; Frank recognition in what is something; Message of your thoughts, views

1 group. Life in the monastery.

1) How was the life of the MTSI in the monastery? Do you meet the dreams of young people living in which he is forced to live? Fill in the table in comparison.

  • Why was the rebellion of McSri inevitable?

2) Word the topic "MTSI"

3) Make a syncewing to the image of the hero during this period of life.

How dictates fate?

What does the soul want?

2 gr. "Escape MTSIR, 3 days of freedom"

Causes (discoveries of MTSI, character traits)

C. that except for a deadly wound acquired McSi at freedom?


Facts (I saw in the will? Phrases from text)

2) What artistic techniques use the author? For what purpose?

3) Word the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem.

4) Make a syncuine to the image of the hero.


1 group. His kindness and suffocate concern, the monks ruined the life of a person? Is there a clear line between good and evil? When can good wrap evil?

2 groups . Why does a person live on earth? What does it mean to live for MTSI? What does it mean to live for you?


1. Write an essay of an essay: "Who became a MTSERS for me?"

2. To learn by heart like an excerpt from the poem.

"Romantic hero in the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSI"

Literature lesson in grade 8.

Purpose :

The student must learn to characterize the McSi as a hero of a romantic work
1. To actualize knowledge of romanticism, peculiarities of a romantic nature. To identify ways of disclosure of a romantic nature in the poem.
2. Develop the analytical work skills with text.
3. To bring up the independence of thinking, performance, the need to formally express your thoughts. Visit love for works by Russian classical literature.

Universal educational actions: Working with the text of the work, a quote filling of the scheme, monologic statements, work with reproductions, compilation of synkewine.

Meta-worthless values: Development of value ideas (freedom - invoine, power of the Spirit).

Planned results

Pupils will learn:

Characterizes the image of the young men, attracting the text of the poems and illustration of artists to answer;

Comment illustrations to the poem created by different artists;

Use elements of causal and structural and functional analysis;

Extract the necessary information from the literary text and translate it from one iconic system to another (from the text in the chart);

Coordinate personal activities with other participants in working together.

Type of lesson: Lesson of knowledge formation.
Type of lesson: Lesson-dialogue with elements of research and creative activity.
Forms of organization learning activities : Frontal, group.
Equipment: Text M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY", computer presentations (crossword, phishboon, audio recruitment of a passing from the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Fight with Barz").

During the classes

1. The organizational moment
Creating groups, identification of speakers.

2. Actualization of knowledge
- On the past lesson, we started studying the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY", spoke about the theme and composition of the poem. I suggest you solve the crossword, which will help you to recall some concepts that are directly related to the topic of our conversation. (See Appendix 1).

Responding to the last question, find out that romanticism - This is a direction in European art, characteristic of the end of the 18th - the first half of the 19th century. Romanticism proclaimed aspiration to limitless freedom, thirst for perfection, personal and civil independence. The basis of romantic art is the contradiction of ideal and social reality.

3. Operational and activity stage.
Today we will talk about the complex type of human character, which appeared in the XIX century, is a romantic character. We are familiar with the nature of the poem A.S. Pushkin "Gypsies". Let's try to answer the question: "Is it possible to call the middle a romantic hero?"

BUT) To do this, use the Fishboon diagram.
Scheme, or diagram, "Fishboon"invented by Professor Kauro Ishikawa.

This technique allows you to "smash" a common problem topic to a number of reasons and arguments. The visual image of this strategy is similar to the "fish bone", the "fish skeleton" (hence the name). In the head of "skeleton" fits the problem, which is considered in the process of working on artistic work. On the "Skeleton" itself, there are upper "bones", they are recorded for the causes of occurring events, and the bottom - to record the facts confirming the presence of formulated reasons. Records must be brief, represent keywords and phrases reflecting the essence. The "tail" is placed on the problem being solved.

Each group has a fishboan workpiece. So, in the "head" enter the problematic question, on the upper "bones" - the reasons, i.e. Signs characterizing romanticism in the literature (discuss this frontal), and on the lower "bone" each group independently writes out of the text quotes as arguments.
(See Appendix 2).

After the end of work and discussion, we conclude.

- Romantic hero - the personality complex, passionate, the inner world of which is extremely deep, is infinite; This is a whole universe full of contradictions. The low material practice of romantics contrasted the life of the Spirit. Interest in strong and vivid feelings, all-consuming passions, to the secret movements of the soul - the characteristic features of romanticism.

B) Working with illustrations.

Guys, what episode can be called the climax of the poem?

The central episode of the poem is a fight with the leopard. it

the culmination of the three "free" day of the hero.

What qualities of the hero manifested themselves in the fight? What symbolizes the fight with the leopard?

The battleship with leopard has a deep psychological and philosophical meaning: this is a figurative embodiment of what is happening in the soul of the hero. It will be engaged in two starts: the irrepressible desire for freedom and individualism, healing the hero, the "dunnumber" soul, a lonely "flower". McSiry is open to the whole world and at the same time closed, immersed in itself, it is not able to understand the truth of other people. Mcyri is not ready for a dialogue with the world of people - this is the most important cause of his life tragedy.

Listen to the "Fight Bar" excerpt in an artistic design and consider illustrations to the poem performed by different artists. Does their ideas about the hero and your one coincide? (See Appendix 3)

Teacher's word:

M. Yu. Lermontov endowed a multix of the qualities and values \u200b\u200bthrough which the reader understands the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem. The poet combined opposite qualities in it, for example, he is strong and weak, etc. The meaningfulness of the hero complicates its interpretation in the illustrations.
We can detect significant differences in the visual images of the hero. Each artist has his MTSI. The main difference is to transfer its external data: features, physique, age, ethnicity, mood. The problem with which the artist faces is the ambiguous characteristic of the hero. The question arises: how to portray the hero?
44 artists created illustrations from 1863 to 2005.
L. O. Pasternak portrayed a midcier with Chernets. The hero with a gusty movement by hand aimed at the wall of the monastery, in a wild nature, in the native edges, is opposed to a static figure of an elder. Thus, the artist showed "the world of various people in the spirit of people with the help of individualization and variations of the plastic method." As dire, f.d. Konstantinov showed it as dire and bold. I. S. Glazunov showed it in different states, joyful and tense.
What is the reason for the appearance of completely different images of the hero?
The poem's hero has certain qualities that need to be known to understand the poet's plan, for analyzing the available and to create new illustrations.
McSi, as distinguished different researchers - this is a riotrist, and an alien, and a fugitive, and a "natural man", and the thirsty of the knowledge of the Spirit, and the orphan, who dreams of a house, and a young man who encourages imposed circumstances;
D. E. Maksimov noted the fiery passionship inherent in him, vitality, freedom and adamant will, the manifestations of the "mighty spirit" "his fathers". All these qualities are inseparable from its physical gravity and soreness, the inheritance of the monastery regime. "In it," Youth free strong ", and at the same time he is" weak and flexible as reeds "." His sullen and bold courage faces in it with feastfulness ("Puggy and Dick", "Fracking Look," says him in the poem). He is able to beat violently, screeching like a leopard, but it is easily tired and desperate before the frenzy.
Lermontovted A. S. Nomzer described the hero as follows: "Mighty knight, catching lightning, and a dunnual flower, dying from sunlight, are two equals those present in the poem of the appearance of the capital hero."

Having studied the pictorial and literary image of the MTSYR, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- Each artist embodied his understanding of the image of the hero;
- Recognition of the image allows you to portray it different: young men or a man, weak or strong, showing ethnicity or not, etc.;
-Itzyri the poet embodied everything that, in his opinion, lacked his contemporaries: "Eternal quest," rushing to freedom, the right to "Restless Movement" of the Spirit; With all the manifold of the Entities of the MTSI, it remains the whole fruit of the imagination of the poet.

4. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

What romantic features is MTSI?

Estimated answers.

1. Strong personality. It is distinguished by concentration on the idea of \u200b\u200blife, the passion of struggle.
2. The nature of the young man is controversial, with an internal conflict between human and animal. The main thing in his character is freedom.
3. The main character is alone, he comes into the fight for freedom one.
4. Mcyri - the hero is exceptional, acts in exceptional circumstances against the background of unusual paintings.
5. M.Yu. Lermontov uses a landscape as a means of characteristics of the hero and psychologism - a deepening in the inner world of the hero.

Compilation of synkievine on the topic "MTSI"



Freedom-loving, passionate,

Suffers, dreams, fights,

Seeks to see their homeland, merge with nature

Romantic hero.

5. Homework: 1. Examine the appropriate textbook section.

2. In writing to answer the question: "What
Attracts me in the character of MTSI? "

3. Perspective task - learn by heart

Excerpt from the poem.

"Lermontov Rodina" - the topic of the Motherland, which undoubtedly reflected in their work many poets and writers. Pupils 10 "in" class Vitutun Tanya and Shuvalova Julia. "I love the depreciation, but strange love ..." M. Yu. Lermontov. Larine hero Lermontov in general "strange." Analysis of the lyrical poem "Motherland". "I love me out ...!" - exclaims the lyrical hero.

"M.Yu.Lermontov" MTSI "" - "Already wanted in the color of the years it will freeze the monastic vow ...". "That was the desert Eternal Guest - Mighty Barc ...". How long did Mcsyri in the monastery? What regrets the young man before death? Is the midster of death afraid? "Holding a jug above your head ..." (and then in the text). At what age did the boy hit the monastery? What event was MTSYRi prepared?

"Comparison of the" Prophet "Lermontov and Pushkin" - Comparative analysis poems "Prophet". Fate. Comparative analysis of three poems. The heart will not learn to love. Kram "Christ in the desert". Chernyshevsky. Themes of repentance. Three prophets. The book of the Prophet Jeremiah. Basic topics lyrics. Formation of Nekrasov. Lermontov "Prophet". Pushkin "Prophet". Nekrasov "Prophet".

Borodino poem - according to the genre, the work reminds the ballad (tells about the legendary historical event). Familiarity with the composition of the poem and the characteristics of the narrative; Education of a respectful attitude towards the great past of Russia. Ya.P. Culp. Wordwork. Borodino Composition, narrative features.

"Poem Lermontov" Borodino "" - Kutuzov. Dormant water. Losses of Russians. Russian soldiers. Wordwork. Poem "MTSYRY". Borodino. Biography of the author. The history of creating a work. Mikhail Lermontov. Bogati. School of Guards Junkers.

"Poem Lermontov" MTSIR "is a poem confession. I knew only the Duma power, one, but a fiery passion ... Lermontov wanted to create the image of a young man, taking free from the monastery. The idea: the struggle for freedom, protest against the people of the human personality of social conditions. Mcsiry - in Georgian, it means the "obstacle monk", such as the "novice".

Lermontov was in love with the Caucasus from the earliest childhood. The magnifier of the mountains, crystal purity and at the same time dangerous power of rivers, bright extraordinary greens and people, freedom-loving and proud, shocked the imagination of a big-eyed and impressionable child. Maybe, therefore, in his youth, Lermontov was attracted by the image of the rebel, on the threshold of the death of an angry speech in front of the senior monk (the poem "Confession"). Or maybe it was a premonition of her own death and a subconscious protest against the monastic ban to enjoy everything that was given by God in this life. This is a sharp desire to experience the usual human happiness and sounds in the death confession of the young MTSIER - the hero of one of the most wonderful poems about the Caucasus.
The poem was written by M. Yu. Lermontov in 1839. In poem the main character Most close to modernity. The fate of the Highlander, moving to freedom from captivity, who did not receive it was the most consonant with the Lermontov generation. At the same time, the heroic pathos of an uncompromising struggle inspiring the MTSER to end it short lifewas the most direct reflection of the Lermontov ideal.
... Contrary to the seeming monologue of the poem, in which there is a confession of her sole hero, the poem is internally dialogic, which expands its semantic spectrum.
The years of Staying MTSYR in the monastery, violent admission to civilization were saturated not only by bitterness of loss, but also known gains. The unusualness of his position and fate makes the MTSI think about the problems that were not peculiar to him. Along with the dreams of freedom and homeland, the desire to know the surrounding world begins to know the world. The Hero Duma testify to his deep experiences, about the formation of self-consciousness, which displays the hero from natural viability:
Long ago I thought
Take a look at distant fields.
Learn whether the land is beautiful
Find out for the will il prison
We are born to this light.
Mcsury lives in nature and. In Lada with nature. But nature, which was for the hero was previously beautiful, the place of free stay, it is suddenly inconvenient and even hostile:
In vain in rabies sometimes
I ripped the desperate hand
Ternist, confused by ivy:
. All the forest was the eternal forest around
Terrible and thicker every hour;
And a million black eyes
I watched the nights of the darkness
Through the branches of each bush ..
In the poem, Lermontov develops the idea of \u200b\u200bcourage and protest, incorporated earlier in other works. But in this poem, the author almost excludes the love motive, who played a significant role. This motive was reflected in a brief meeting Mcsury with Georgian at the mining flow. The hero, defeating an involuntary gust of a young heart, refuses personal happiness in the name of freedom. Patriotic idea is combined in the poem with the theme of freedom. Lermontov does not share these concepts. In one passion he merges his love for the debris and thirst for will.