Secrets of mount and blade with fire and sword. Mount and blade Warband secrets and tips

In this guide, I will cover most aspects of managing the estate, all employees and buildings. It also provides brief information about faction units and historical reference. And in conclusion - information about the historical "Trilogy" by Henryk Sienkiewicz, on which the game is based.


village buildings

Mill: Increases the wealth of the city and the amount of taxes collected from the settlement.
Barn: Like the mill, it increases wealth and income from the settlement.
Secret cache: When a village with a secret cache is attacked, the wealth of the village is only reduced by a third. Welfare after ruin is restored much faster.
Rural administration: Increases the amount of taxes collected and improves the welfare of the village.

Village jobs:

Village Judge: Increases income from the settlement.
Treasurer: Increases the amount of taxes collected.
Priest: Improves the welfare of the village and the attitude of the population.

City buildings:

Water pipes: Increases the wealth of the city and improves the attitude of the population. Increases the water supply in case of a city siege from 30 days to 90 days.
Treasury: The city where the treasury is built receives taxes from all lands owned. True, you still have to collect the rent yourself.
Bank: Increases the percentage of taxes collected from the city, but reduces the overall wealth of the city. Allows you to give money in growth at interest or take a loan.
Academy: Allows you to train companions. The training lasts 8 days, there are three programs:
Medicine: +1 point to Surgery, First Aid and Wound Dressing skills.
Tactics: +1 point to Tactics, Learning and Pathfinding skills.
Military Training: +1 point to Athletics, Weapon Proficiency, and Shield Proficiency.
Only those skills can be upgraded that do not exceed the indicator of the corresponding characteristic in the proportion of "3 points of characteristic for 1 skill point" (for example, Intelligence - 12 points, therefore, all skills associated with it cannot be raised above 4 points).
The complex of defensive structures: When storming a city with defensive structures, the attacking side loses part of its troops.
Church: Increases the mood of the population. Allows you to hire a priest.
Arsenal: Each week adds a few low-level soldiers to the city's garrison. Allows you to hire a garrison commander.
Barracks: Adds foot soldiers to the garrison once a week. Required to recruit infantry.
Stable: Adds horsemen to the garrison once a week. Required to hire cavalry.

City positions

Prosecutor: Increases the amount of taxes collected and improves the attitude of the population towards you.
Tax collector: Significantly increases the amount of taxes collected from the settlement, but reduces the overall wealth of the city.
Trade Guild Leader: Doesn't increase city income as much as a tax collector, but doesn't decrease city wealth either.
Priest: Improves the attitude of the population towards you.
Weapon Master: Increases the number of troops in the garrison. You can order excellent weapons and only there you can make double-barreled pistols and carbines
Armor Master: Increases the number of troops in the garrison. You can order excellent armor and helmets.
Master Horseman: Increases the number of cavalry troops in the garrison. In addition, for 50,000 thalers, you can raise a thoroughbred horse for yourself.
Messenger Allows you to give orders to the city leader from the camp menu when you are outside the city (the city must not be under siege).
Garrison Commander Increases the number of troops in the garrison. You can also hire troops from him (1 or 3 fighters in 4 days, most of the light units can be hired 5 at a time).


Moscow Kingdom:

Landing army: Soldier armed with an axe. Can be hired in the village, with a positive attitude of the population. Subsequently, you can pump up to the townsman archer or militia with a spear.
Posad archer: A militia armed with a musket and a saber. Weak, suitable only for garrison service.
Militiaman with a spear: Unlike the previous unit, it is armed with a short spear.
Sagittarius: He is armed with a good musket and a powerful reed for close combat. Versatile and quickly gaining experience.
Archer Spearman: Improved Spear Militia. But the archer is still better.
Sagittarius of the new system: Sagittarius with improved equipment and an iron helmet.
New Formation Spearman: Sagittarius of the new order, armed with a long pike. Can be taken against cavalry.
Don Cossack: A light cavalryman armed with a saber, spear and carbine.
Battle sledgehammer: A light cavalryman armed with a saber, a bow, and an owl (glaive-type weapon). Very good armor for its class, when promoted to Veteran, units get tokens or chisels (effective against armor). They ride slow pack horses.
Local cavalryman: Improved copy of the previous unit (equipment is better), for veterans, medium chain mail is replaced with heavy ones.
Kalmyk: A heavy cavalryman armed with a powerful bow and oriental broadsword. One of the best (and beautiful) units in the game.
Moscow Reiter: A heavy cavalryman armed with a pistol or carbine and a straight broadsword. Good armor and equipment, quickly gaining experience.
Boyar warrior: Heavy cavalryman in plate armour. The weapons are varied: sabers, maces, pikes, owls, klevtsy, etc. He rides a combat or thoroughbred horse. In the field, it is second only to the winged hussars or the Swedish Reiters.

Army Zaporozhye:

Peasant: Ordinary peasants, then upgrade to naked or naked with a pike.
Golota: Peasants armed with scythes or axes and primitive self-propelled guns. If you take it, then only in the garrison for numbers.
Golota with a pike: A copy of the previous unit, but without self-propelled gun. Do not take.
Zaporozhye infantryman: An infantryman armed with a good musket and a good saber. Slightly better than musketeers of other factions in terms of stats.
Serdyuk: A heavy shooter, armed with a good saber and an excellent musket. The armor is weak, but this is balanced by high health and good hand-to-hand combat skills. The best Zaporozhye unit.
Net tyag: Heavy infantry wearing chainmail or strong zhupans. They are armed with good sabers and pistols.
Jura: A light cavalryman armed with a saber and a pistol or carbine.
Watchman: A light cavalryman armed with a saber and a carbine.
Watchman with spades: Light cavalry with lances.
Zaporozhye cavalryman: Medium cavalry with a variety of weapons. They ride fast racehorses.

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth:

Cosineur: A militiaman with a combat scythe. Can be hired in the village, turns into a militia with a musket, or into a pike militia.
Militiaman with musket: An analogue of the townsman archer.
Militia Pikeman: An analogue of the Moscow militia with a spear.
Jolner: Infantryman with musket and saber.
Pikeman: An infantryman with a long lance.
Lithuanian Musketeer: Armored copy of the jolner.
Volunteer: A light cavalryman armed with a saber and a pistol.
Lisovchik: A light cavalryman armed with a saber, spear or hussar konchar and a bow or carbine.
Dragoon: Polish dragoon armed with a saber, carbine and round shield. Good versatile light unit.
Sticky: Tatar riders in medium chain mail and helmets, armed with sabers and bows. They ride steppe horses and therefore are faster than other similar cavalry.
Polish Reiter: Medium cavalryman, armed with a sword or broadsword and a pistol.
Armored Cossack: Cossacks in heavy chain mail, armed with sabers, bows, cavalry lances or round shields. When promoted to Veteran, units may have hussar konchars in service.
Winged Hussar: Heavy cavalry in armor, armed with special very long lances and sabers. They ride war or thoroughbred horses. The best cavalry in the game.

Kingdom of Sweden:

City Militia: A militia armed with a long lance. Upgradable to Musketeer or Militia Pikeman
Militia Musketeer: An analogue of Moscow and Polish.
Militia Pikeman: Improved city militia.
Musketeer: An infantryman armed with a sword and musket. Slightly worse than similar units of other factions, the only advantage is a beautiful uniform.
Pikeman: An infantryman with a long lance and in good armor.
German pikeman: German mercenaries, slightly better than ordinary pikemen.
Finnish arquebusier: Riflemen in cuirasses and helmets.
Life Guard: An elite infantryman, armed with a sword or broadsword and an excellent musket. They fight best as shooters, but thanks to their high health, excellent equipment and skills, they can also fight well in hand-to-hand combat.
Sword master: An infantryman in heavy armor, armed with a two-handed sword. The best infantry in the game.
Dragoon: Light cavalry armed with swords and carbines.
Cuirassier: The average cavalryman, armed with a sword or broadsword and a pistol, is dressed in a cuirass (but his head is not protected).
Cuirassier Spearman: Cuirassier armed with a cavalry lance.
German Reiter: Heavy cavalry armed with broadswords and pistols.
Swedish Reiter: Reiters in heavy armor, armed with straight broadswords and pistols. The armor is one of the best in the game, the weapons are of excellent quality. Veterans may receive knightly helmets of the "arme" type. They ride war horses. A versatile unit, in the open field second only to the winged hussars.

Crimean Khanate:

Nomad: Soldier with a saber. Sometimes armed with a bow or shield. They have a small chance of obtaining packhorses when hired. Can be hired in the village, then upgraded to capa-kulu or bayrak. The best militia.
Kulu caps: A light infantryman armed with a saber or scimitar, shield and bow. It is ineffective in the field, it is better to use it to protect fortresses. For veterans, caps are replaced with chain mail helmets.
Seimen: Heavy archer, armed with a saber or scimitar and a good musket. He is dressed in light armor and a helmet. Take clearly.
Janissary: Elite archer, armed with an excellent musket and scimitar. Great damage at a distance, but in the case of melee, he loses to the universal and better protected seimen (Janissaries have only uniforms from armor).
Azap: Turkish light infantry armed with scimitars and shields. There is no armor, it is effective only in large quantities.
Bayrak: Light cavalryman armed with a saber. Sometimes armed with a spear or bow.
Jasak: Light cavalryman armed with a saber and a bow.
Nogay: A light cavalryman armed with a saber and shield.
Oglan: A light rider armed with a cavalry lance and a round shield. For veterans, caps are replaced with chain mail helmets.
Murza-chambul: Medium cavalryman, armed with a saber and a good bow. For veterans, robes are replaced with good chain mail, and steppe horses are replaced with racehorses.
Jebel: A light Turkish rider armed with a saber, shield or pike and a bow.
Circassian: Heavy horsemen in good chain mail, armed with sabers and bows.
Asak Bey: Heavy cavalry armed with good sabers and strong steel shields. They ride racehorses.
Nuker: Heavy cavalry in plate mail, various weapons. The armor is weaker than that of the boyar warriors, but there are steel shields. They ride war or thoroughbred horses.


Registered Cossacks (Rzeczpospolita and Zaporizhian Host):

Registered Cossack: A light rider armed with a saber, pike and carbine. Rides a steppe horse. If you play for the Cossacks, then these cavalrymen are better than the rest of the light cavalry - we definitely take them. If for the Poles, then only because they (like most light units) can be hired not by three, but by five.
City Cossack: Rifleman armed with saber and musket. Better than ordinary shooters, but worse than the elite. Like the previous unit, you can hire five units at once.

Regiments of the German system (the Commonwealth and the Moscow Kingdom):

German musketeer: A musketeer with good equipment and a helmet, quickly gaining experience. Better than standard, you can take.
Pikeman of the German system: An analogue of the German pikeman (only the uniforms and armor are more beautiful). Although the Poles and Muscovites have worse standard pikemen, so be sure to take them.

Scottish mercenaries (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Kingdom of Sweden):

Scottish Musketeer: An infantryman armed with a musket and a Scottish broadsword.
Scottish Pikeman: An analogue of the German pikemen (they differ only in uniforms).
Scottish swordsman: Infantryman in armor and with a two-handed weapon. The Swedes have much better sword masters, but for the Poles - that's it.

Other mercenaries (hired in taverns):

Mercenary shooter: Shooter armed with a musket and a saber. According to the characteristics close to the militias.
Mercenary Musketeer: A shooter armed with a good musket and a sword or broadsword. The characteristics are close to regular shooters.
Hired Pikeman: An infantryman armed with a long pike and dressed in a steel cuirass. Weaker than the Swedish pikemen, but much better than the Moscow and Polish ones. The best mercenary.
Mercenary Halberdier: An infantryman armed with a halberd, but only a helmet made of armor. The second most useful mercenary.
Mercenary Light Cavalry: A light cavalryman armed with a sword and a pistol.
Mercenary rider: Light horseman, only a saber from weapons.

Serdyuks - Cossacks of mercenary infantry regiments in the Right-Bank, later in the Left-Bank Ukraine in the 17th-18th centuries. These regiments were maintained at the expense of the hetman's treasury and were the hetman's personal security guard.
The first mention in the annals of these regiments dates back to 1674. It can be assumed that this army was established by Hetman Petro Doroshenko.
The regiments were recruited from Cossacks and other eager people, including foreigners - Poles, Serbs or Moldovans. We can assume that they were the personal guard of the hetmans and received a salary directly from the hetman. The regiment consisted of 400 to 500 soldiers. The regiments guarded the hetman's residence, military warehouses and military artillery. As the anti-feudal movement grew, Serdyuks began to be sent to suppress popular uprisings. Because of this and because of the high cost of maintaining this army, the attitude towards them was sharply negative.

Carapace regiments

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Henryk Sienkiewicz (full name Henryk Adam Alexander Pius Sienkiewicz (May 5, 1846, Wola-Oksheyska in Podlasie, Kingdom of Poland, Russian Empire - November 15, 1916, Vevey, Switzerland) - Polish writer, known as the author of historical novels, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 1905.
Henryk Sienkiewicz was born in 1846 in the village of Wola-Oksheyska near Lublin, in a manor that belonged to his family on his mother's side. His paternal ancestors descended from Lithuanian Tatars who inhabited the eastern territories of the Commonwealth since the XIV century. In 1858, Henryk Sienkiewicz moved to Warsaw, where he began to go to the gymnasium. There he studied at the university. Even before Sienkiewicz became a national Polish writer, he worked as a journalist and wrote feuilletons for a local Warsaw newspaper. In 1876, he managed to find a job that gave him the opportunity to go to America. Over the next two years, Sienkiewicz traveled around North America and wrote reports for the Polish press, in which, using the example of settlers, vagrants and entrepreneurs, he spoke about the American way of life. After returning to Poland, Sienkiewicz continued to write novels and short stories, working as a journalist.
In the novel "Quo vadis" (1894-1896), for which the writer received the Nobel Prize, Nero's struggle against Christians is depicted. It is interesting that the wild popularity of this novel did not bring financial benefits to Sienkiewicz. How Russian citizen, he was not entitled to receive his share of numerous translations: Russia was one of the few countries that did not ratify the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and works of art. If the writer moved to Krakow (which was part of Austria-Hungary), he could become a millionaire. Nevertheless, Senkevich preferred to stay in the Russian Empire, where he received a considerable income from the sale of his books in his native language.
The struggle of the Poles and Litvinians with the Teutonic Order in the late XIV - early XV centuries is dedicated to the historical novel "The Crusaders" (1897-1900).
In Soviet times, the Il-62 aircraft with tail number RA-86708 was named after him, and in our time, 2016 in Poland was declared the year of Henryk Sienkiewicz.
But we are interested in him as the author of the historical trilogy about the Commonwealth: "With Fire and Sword" (1883-1884), "The Flood" (1884-1886), "Pan Volodyevsky" (1887-1888). All these novels were greeted with enthusiasm by readers, and today they are considered classics of Polish literature. The "Trilogy" was written with the aim of reviving Polish culture and national identity at a time when Poland was divided among neighboring countries and ceased to exist. It brought the writer great popularity not only in Poland, but also in the Russian Empire, the first film adaptation of The Flood took place already in 1915, during the life of the writer. True, this was all back in the era of silent films and the film did not gain much popularity.
The "Trilogy" is often compared with "The Three Musketeers", but there is only one thing in common in the number of main characters - Skshetusky, Volodyevsky, Podbipyatka and Zagloba in the first volume.
The main characters and Prince Jeremiah Vishnevetsky, who was also a rather interesting historical figure, but we will consider him a little later.
Well, or if we consider the entire “Trilogy” as a whole, then these are Skshetusky (GG of the first volume), Kmits (GG of the second), Volodyevsky (GG of the final volume) and Zagloba (appeared in all three volumes). In addition, in the "Trilogy" the plot was based on real historical events (although Senkiewicz sometimes embellished certain moments, but did not misrepresent them), in contrast to the "Three Musketeers", which Dumas copied from d'Artagnan's "memoirs" (written by another by a little-known writer in 1700). These "memoirs" (like Dumas' novel) have practically nothing to do with the real d'Artagnan. The only thing in common with the book character is that Charles Ogier de Batz de Castelmore, Count d'Artagnan was a lieutenant commander of a company of royal musketeers and died in 1673 during the siege of Maastricht with the rank of field marshal.
Filmed "Trilogy" by the famous Polish director Jerzy Hoffman. They filmed it in reverse order, because in those days it was impossible to film “With Fire and Sword” about the war of the Poles against the Ukrainians, despite the fact that the USSR was the main sponsor of the filming. The third and second volumes were filmed in Soviet times - "Pan Volodyevsky" (1968) and "The Flood" (1974), where the opponents of the Poles were Turks and Swedes. And if we take into account the fact that almost all the main characters of the "Trilogy" (except for both Skshetuski) were not purebred Poles, but Litvins (inhabitants of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the vast majority of whom were Polonized Russian population of Western Rus', which fell under the rule of Lithuania during the Tatar-Mongol yoke) or Rusyns (a synonym for the word “Russian”, the Russian population of the Commonwealth was usually called that, and the Polonized Russian nobility of Southern Rus' (which also went to Lithuania) even called themselves "Russian nobility") , then everything just corresponded to the ideology. "Fire and Sword" was filmed in 1999, after the collapse of the USSR. All the films turned out to be excellent, just the way historical films should be made and literary works filmed. Subsequently, Hoffman had imitators who, in contrast to Fire and Sword, created such films as Prayer for Hetman Mazepa and Bogdan Zinovy ​​Khmelnitsky in Ukraine, as well as 1612 and Taras Bulba in Russia. But unlike Hoffman's films, these films should be watched only to understand how NOT to make a movie. and cut public money allocated for filming, but more on that in the next section.
Later, the famous American science fiction writer Jack Williamson (in 1976 awarded the title of "Grand Master", the second after Robert Heinlein) borrowed the types of heroes of the "Trilogy" for his cult series about the Space Legion: "Space Legion" (1934), "Comedians" ( 1936), "One against the Legion" (1939). In addition to these three books, there were several more novels in the cycle, but they turned out to be not so interesting, so the first three books are considered classics. This trilogy became one of the founders of the space opera genre.
Covers for the classic Space Legion trilogy, which, like The Three Musketeers and the Commonwealth Trilogy, was originally serialized in various magazines.
Most people also compare this trilogy with The Three Musketeers, although if you carefully read the first book, then most of the types of characters and some plot points are taken from the first two volumes of Sienkiewicz's Trilogy. Despite this, the cycle still reads well now (if you like retro fiction).

"Fire and Sword"

The first book of the "Trilogy" tells about the uprising of Khmelnytsky, and the action takes place in 1648-1651. It describes all the most important moments of the first stage of the uprising: the battle of Zhovti Vody, the battle of Korsun, the battle of Pilyavtsy and the defense of Zbarazh. The book ends with the defeat and death of the Cossack-Tatar army in the battle of Berestechko.

Main characters

From left to right: Podbipyatka, Zagloba, Skshetusky, Volodyevsky.
Jan Skshetusky- a nobleman from the province of Greater Poland, colonel of the winged hussars in the service of the Russian governor, Prince Jeremiah Vishnevetsky (Russian governor - the position of the head of the Russian province in the Commonwealth). He also participated in the subsequent war with the Swedes and in the second battle of Khotyn. The real prototype of the hero was the hussar officer Nikolai Skshetusky, who made his way from the besieged Zbarazh to King Jan Casimir with a request for help.
Michal Volodyevsky- a gentry from Little Russia, Rusyn. He served in the army of Prince Vishnevetsky, commanded a dragoon regiment. After the Khmelnytsky uprising, he fought in the Russian-Polish war, the war with the Swedes and Turkish war. He was the best swordsman and rider of the Commonwealth. The real prototype of the hero was officer Jerzy Volodyevsky, who died during the defense of Kamenets from the Turks.
Longinus Podbipyatka- a gentleman from Lithuania, served in the hussars of Prince Vishnevetsky. He fought with a two-handed sword named Daredevil, which was his family heirloom, preserved from the time of the wars with the Crusaders. Killed during the defense of Zbarazh.
Jan Onufry Zaglobacollective image stereotypes about the Polish gentry: petty, boastful, has a penchant for drunkenness. At the same time, resourceful, witty, as well as an ardent patriot and devoted comrade. The main comic character of the Trilogy. In honor of Zagloba, they even installed a commemorative plaque in Warsaw and a monument in the city of Szczytno:
The inscription on the tablet: Here, in the Kazanovsky Palace, Pan Zagloba fought with monkeys (one of the funniest moments of the next book).
Zagloba's shop in Szczytna

Screen adaptation

The last film based on the "Trilogy" was filmed in 1999. In Soviet times, this could not be done for ideological reasons, and also because there was a kind of agreement between Soviet and Polish filmmakers at that time: in the USSR they don’t touch Taras Bulba, and in Poland they don’t film Fire and Sword. Money for the film was collected all over the country, and Jerzy Hoffman himself with co-producer Jerzy Michalik pledged all their property in order to take a loan from the bank (if in our country directors and producers made films on their money and risk their property, then any crap on the screen would be much less). The bank that was involved in the making of the film even conducted a poll all over Poland: "Will you go to the cinema to see Jerzy Hoffman's film With Fire and Sword?" Most of the respondents answered positively. The film turned out to be very successful and after three months of rental the loan was paid off. The film was repeatedly shown not only in Poland, but also in Ukraine and Russia. “With Fire and Sword” nevertheless caused controversy, although Goffman, as in previous films, softened many accents and told the story in such a way that it certainly cannot be called anti-Ukrainian.
The participation of Ukraine and Russia in the filming was limited to the fact that Bogdan Stupka played Bogdan Khmelnitsky,
and Alexander Domogarov played Ivan Bohun.
In 2000, the film received the first award at the International Moscow Festival of Slavic and Orthodox Films.
On my own behalf, I can also thank Hoffman for the truthfully shown image of Jeremiah Vyshnevetsky (played by actor Andrzej Severin): without his idealization, but also without horror films and spreading cranberries in the spirit of Ukrainian plagiarists of Sienkiewicz's work. Full and reliable information about him - below.

Prince Jeremiah (Yarema) Mikhail Koribut-Vishnevetsky - statesman and military figure of the Commonwealth from the Vyshnevetsky family, Russian governor, the main leader of the Polish-Lithuanian troops during the uprising of Bohdan Khmelnitsky in 1648-1651. Prince on Vishnevets, Lubny and Khorol (1615-1651), headman of Przemysl (1649-1651), Kanev (1647-1651), Prasmytsky (1649-1651) and Novotarsky (1649), headman of Gadyatsky (1634-1651), great reymentar crown, governor Russian (1646-1651).
Prince Jeremiah Vishnevetsky was born in 1612. His parents were Mikhail Vishnevetsky (headman of Ovruch, Kiev castellan) and Raina Mogilyanka (daughter of the Moldavian ruler Ieremia Mohyla, cousin of the Kyiv Metropolitan Peter Mohyla). Both of them were distinguished by adherence to the Orthodox faith.
Mikhail Vishnevetsky died around 1616 (he was poisoned by an Orthodox priest) during a campaign against Moldavia, during which he placed his brother-in-law Alexander Mogila on the gospodar throne. Custody of the children and estates passed to his widow. Two more years later, the royal chancellery revived the old lawsuit of the senior royal comrade Stanislav Myshka against Mikhail Vishnevetsky “about the unpaid Polish 600 gold (300 each for 1612 and 1613) to Yurkgelt ... such a sum." The details of the case are unknown. The amount was not so large that the princess could not pay it. However, the decision was made very quickly (perhaps even in the absence of the respondent). On June 11, 1618, by royal decree, Raina Vishnevetskaya was sentenced to banitia (exile). According to the law, the banition extended to her children - Jeremiah and Anna. The fact that this case is the initiative of the king is evidenced by the phrase from the text of the decree “from the order and dowry of ours and from the service of our order, this banation for the exchanged called (respondents) with a voice rendered here in Warsaw.” The nobles of the Commonwealth were ordered not to dare to communicate with Princess Raina and her children, not to receive them in their homes and not help them with advice (“as if with banites ... don’t grind the greedy regiment and the matting, they didn’t rehove them in their houses and , glad and help them in no matter what). Around 1619, Raina Vishnevetskaya also died, and custody of Jeremiah and his younger sister Anna, together with their estates, was received by their uncle, Prince Konstantin Vishnevetsky.
Prince Jeremiah began his studies in Lvov. Prince Konstantin gave his nephew for several years to be brought up in the Collegium of the Jesuits in Lvov, where (according to one of the versions) Bogdan Khmelnitsky had studied several years earlier. A few years later, Jeremiah, together with two sons of Constantine, his peers, went to Europe. Their path lay through Italy, Spain and Holland. In 1631, Jeremiah arrived incognito in the Netherlands, where he got acquainted with the modern art of fortification, since the Netherlands was then in the first place in Europe in this matter. He later successfully applied the knowledge gained there during the defense of Zbarazh, and the redoubt construction technology borrowed from Holland was applied near Berestechko. In the same 1631, the prince returned home from Europe and took possession of the "Vishnevechina" or "Lubensky state", and also converted from Orthodoxy to Catholicism.
Prince Jeremiah became famous during the Smolensk War with the Moscow Kingdom (in which Bogdan Khmelnitsky also participated, who in 1635 received a golden saber from the king for his courage and for saving King Vladislav from Moscow captivity during one of the skirmishes near Moscow). The war began with the siege of Smolensk by the Russian army. Then, in 1633 and 1634, the troops of the Commonwealth under the leadership of Prince Vishnevetsky invaded the Kursk region. Their goal was Putivl and Rylsk. During the campaign, Prince Jeremiah devastated the important possessions of the Russian Tsar, plundering them and incinerating them. The prince became famous for the fact that he brutally burned villages, ordering "neither fire nor iron be spared by the enemy." Here he received his terrible fame and the name "Pyro". However, the siege of Putivl, which was the main Russian stronghold in the southwest, ended in failure for the Polish side, making it impossible to secure any territories for itself at the end of the war. From the Smolensk War, Vishnevetsky made the conviction that many Cossack formations were unreliable. During the siege of Putivl, the Cossacks did not obey his orders, and one day they simply fled from the camp at night.
After the war of 1634, the prince devoted himself entirely to active work on the estates he received from Prince Konstantin. Zadneprovsky possessions were huge, but sparsely populated. Richer than Jeremiah was only Vladislav Dominik Zaslavsky, ordinate of Ostrozhsky (but only in terms of the size of the land, but not profit from it). In 1641, after the death of Uncle Constantine, Jeremiah becomes the eldest in the family and inherits the rest of the possessions. The prince begins a widely planned action to colonize the Transdnieper region. Until 1645, the population in his possessions increased by 7 times (up to 38,000 houses and 230,000 subjects). Right-bank peasants fled here, attracted by the abundance of land and twenty years of tax breaks. The prince had one of the largest magnate armies of the Commonwealth. It numbered from 4 to 6 thousand soldiers, and if necessary, the prince could put up, according to various sources, from 12 to 20 thousand armed people. He was the largest landowner - in 1646 he had 230 thousand subjects in Ukraine. They contribute to the spread of local self-government - they receive the Magdeburg Law and the city status of Lubny, Poltava, Piryatin. Having taken possession of his land, he does not forget the issues of education and culture. Vyshnevetsky supported the Kiev-Mohyla collegium founded by his uncle Petro Mohyla. Not a single written evidence of Jeremiah's oppression of Orthodox believers in his dominions is known. However, he actively contributed to the spread of the Catholic faith in the territory under his control. The main support in carrying out this policy for the prince was the Jesuit order.
Later, he took part in the suppression of a number of Cossack-peasant uprisings, in particular the Pavlyuk uprising and the uprising of Ostryanin and Guni, while he was distinguished by extreme cruelty and love of torture, for which he was known as the “thunderstorm of the Cossacks” (stories about how, when hearing “Yarem is coming!” panic seized entire cities, not at all exaggerated). As executions for the rebels, Vishnevetsky came up with the most sophisticated methods and enjoyed the torment performed before his eyes, saying "Torment them so that they feel they are dying."
When in 1648 the uprising of Khmelnytsky began, he sought command over the gentry militia. After the defeat of the crown troops near Zhovti Vody and Korsun, Yarema continued to fight with his army and defeated Colonel Maxim Krivonos at Starokonstantinov. After the shameful defeat of Dominik Zaslavsky, Nikolai Ostrorog and Alexander Konetspolsky near Pilyavtsy, Prince Vishnevetsky led the remnants of the crown troops. In 1649, Vishnevetsky led the defense of Zbarazh - the royal commanders Firlei, Ostrorog and Lanckoronsky transferred command to him (the army would not have agreed to another commander). The defense of Zbarazh lasted for about a month, and the Polish army repulsed all the attacks of the Cossacks. In 1651, Prince Jeremiah was one of the commanders in the battle of Berestechko. In this battle, Vishnevetsky personally led the decisive cavalry attack of his regiments (among which were registered Cossacks) and overturned the Cossack-Tatar army. The Tatars and Khmelnytsky fled, the battle was won. But on August 20, 1651, in the Polish military camp near Pavoloch, Prince Vishnevetsky dies. To this day, the cause of his death has not been clarified. According to one version, he died from poisoning, according to another, from an illness during an epidemic. Already today, on the basis of the preserved detailed descriptions, the initial diagnosis was confirmed - food poisoning, which caused severe fulminant dysentery.

The second book of the "Trilogy" tells about the war with the Swedes (1655-1660), which in Poland is called the Swedish Flood.
In 1654, the Pereyaslav Rada took place, at which a decision was made publicly to unite the territory of the Zaporizhzhya Army with Russia, secured by an oath of allegiance to the tsar. Then the Muscovite Kingdom declared war on the Commonwealth for the liberation of the Zaporozhye Cossacks and the people living in the territories of modern Ukraine and Belarus.
In 1655, after Russian troops occupied most of Lithuania, Sweden attacked the Commonwealth. Sweden's intervention in the war and its military successes forced Russia and the Commonwealth to conclude the Vilna truce in 1656 and a short-term military alliance against the Swedes. After the expulsion of the Swedes from the Commonwealth in 1658, the Russian-Polish war resumed.
The book is set in early 1655 - late 1657.

The protagonist of The Flood is the Smolensk gentry Andrzej Kmitsic.

A still from the 2014 version, restored for the original film's 40th anniversary.
Like the main characters of "Fire and Sword", Kmits fought in the battle of Berestechko. At the beginning of the Russian-Polish war, he commanded a dragoon regiment in the Lithuanian army. After the defeat of the Lithuanian troops, he organized a partisan detachment from the remnants of his regiment and volunteers. Kmicitz was an ambitious and talented officer, not alien to nobility, but at the same time - cruel and depraved. The war aggravated the worst traits of his character: in the eyes of many, he turned out to be not only an autocratic bandit, but also a traitor. His fiancee Alexandra Billevich cannot forgive his cruelty, so Kmitsitsa has to do a lot of things to atone for his atrocities. When the Swedes occupied the entire territory of the Commonwealth and laid siege to the Yasnogorsk Monastery, Kmicyts participated in its defense. Desperate Poles, seeing how the monastery was fighting, began to unite, rebelled and drove the Swedes from their land. The heroes of the novel "Fire and Sword" are also in the book: for Skshetusky, Volodyevsky and Zagloba, who were joined by Stanislav Skshetusky (cousin of Jan, a captain from the province of Kalisz), a secondary storyline is assigned.
The real prototype of the protagonist was the Orsha cornet Samuil Kmitich.

Screen adaptation

Shooting the "Flood" turned out to be a task that was solved at the state level with the involvement of significant foreign exchange funds. For Poland, this was a serious step, given the unfavorable political situation and the gradually suffocating planned economy. We turned to the USSR. The resources of the Mosfilm film base, a special cavalry regiment of the Soviet Army and numerous free extras were used to create the "Flood", and all references to the Russian-Polish war were removed from the script. The film crew worked in Belarus and Ukraine; many scenes, including the defense of the Yasnogorsk monastery, were filmed in Poland, on the scene. Goffman counted on international distribution. The film was shot with a Panavision camera for wide-screen projection, on the best film at that time, which was then an innovation. The second part of the film turned out to be greatly reduced, in order to save money and time, most of the battles were cut out, leaving only the final battle near Prostki, in which Kmicits defeated the traitor Bohuslav Radziwill (but this battle was staged correctly). But, given the total length of the film at five and a half hours, it was a necessary measure.
The Flood won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 1975.

"Pan Volodyevsky"

The action of the final book of the "Trilogy" takes place in the years 1668-1673.
After the end of the Russian-Polish war in 1667, as a result of which the Left-Bank Ukraine, Smolensk, Kiev and other territories lost during the Time of Troubles went to Russia, the Commonwealth continued the war against the Hetman of the Right-Bank Ukraine, Petro Doroshenko, who became a vassal Ottoman Empire. This war was a prelude to the Polish-Cossack-Turkish war of 1672-1676 and the Polish-Turkish war of 1683-1699.
Of the historical events in the book, there is the defense of Kamenets in 1672 and the second battle of Khotyn in 1673.
The final book tells about Michal Volodyevsky, who was one of the main characters in the two previous books. Characters from other books like Kmicitz and Skshetuski appear briefly, but, as always, Pan Zagloba is in the thick of things. Here the story can be completed so as not to spoil at least this book, and the curious can read Additional materials Further.
and a monument erected in 1993 in the Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Kamenetz-Podolsky.
Attached to the tree trunk is a book with inscriptions in Polish “In memory of Pan Colonel Jerzy Volodyevsky, Hektor Kamenetsky. 1993”, “Life is a series of sacrifices” and the word “Rise” in Latin. At the base of the memorial is a core with an inscription in Latin "Freedom is a great thing." To some extent, the memorial can be considered a response to the monument to the real d'Artagnan in Maastricht, not far from the place of his death. By a strange coincidence, one of the supposed places of his burial is the Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Maastricht (and they died almost at the same time - August 26, 1672 and June 25, 1673).
Monument to d'Artagnan in Maastricht. The author of the sculpture is the Russian Dutchman Alexander Taratynov. The motto of the Musketeers is engraved on the pedestal: "All for one and one for all!"

Screen adaptation

Hoffman began the film adaptation of the adventure "Trilogy" by Sienkiewicz from the end, namely, from "Pan Volodyevsky". In the process of realizing his directorial ideas, he had to face many problems, not only artistic, but also logistical. For the then huge sum of 40 million zlotys, which made up the film's budget, impressive costumes and scenery were created, and plein-air shooting took place in the expanses of Poland and the former Soviet Union.
In many ways, the film turned out even more interesting book and it did not have some of the protractedness of the original. The defense of Kamenets in the film is presented more widely than in the book and closer to real events. Even organ (multi-barreled) cannons were shown - a rare type of artillery of that time, in our time they appeared in the Cossacks series of games. From the battle of Khotyn, they showed only the attack of the winged hussars, but again, due to budgetary restrictions.

organ cannon

The organ cannon is a multi-barreled artillery piece used in various armies in the 16th and 17th centuries. In Russia, such guns were called squeaked forties - magpies or a squeaky battery.
The name "organ" comes from the similarity of its appearance with the wind musical instrument of the same name. The organ had from 3 to 24 trunks (and sometimes more), fastened in several rows. All barrels were loaded in turn. The priming of the barrels in each row was connected by a common chute, which made it possible to make a simultaneous or sequential salvo. There were other designs of organs: cruciform or with rotation on a vertical axis.
Polish multi-barreled cannon, slightly larger than a rifle caliber. Such guns were called "szmigownica" (harmonica) or "organ" and one of these guns was shown in the film "Pan Volodyevsky" (in the next two films such guns did not appear, although they were in the books).
Depending on the caliber of the barrels, the organs were stationary or mobile field on a wheeled carriage. Field organs had a caliber of 2-3 cm, stationary up to 9 cm.
The gunners mainly relied on the number of firing barrels, especially since the mediocre ballistic characteristics of the organok did not play a significant role in point-blank salvos.
Organs fell into disuse with the spread of buckshot. The bodies were also abandoned because it was almost impossible to conduct accurate aimed fire from them, and loading required a very long time.
In the "Soviets" - the picture "The Battle of Varka - the crossing of the hussars" by Miroslav Sheyba (the battle itself was not included in the film "The Flood" and in order to show in the film Stefan Czarnecki, who defeated the Swedes near Varka and drove them out of Poland, he was made commander-in-chief in the battle of Prostki instead of Gosevsky).

The use of even the simplest tactics allows the player to win battles even with the numerical and force superiority of the enemy. This short article describes some of the most common tricks that any beginner can easily master.

If at the enemy superior forces is the cavalry(most often the Zaporizhzhya Host, the Commonwealth). We must remember that the best option would be pikemen / halberdiers. What's the best way to arrange people? Pikemen/Halberdiers are best left where they are, and shooters (if any) are placed close behind them. Cavalry - go to the flank of the enemy and pinch him (infantry / shooters). Cavalry (melee) will hit the pikemen / halberdiers, shooters shoot them plus the cavalry (ranged) of the enemy, your cavalry will beat the infantry. Further actions: order a ceasefire and give the order to go on the attack, and then come what may, after all, this is not Total War, where thousands of battles. As a result, you will immediately take the enemy into a trap, while pretty much bleeding both his cavalry and infantry, which will significantly increase the chances of success.

Now consider the case with strong infantry(Kingdom of Sweden). Against infantry it is better to use well-trained cavalry. In this case, you must also consider what kind of infantry you are facing: pikemen or swordsmen. In the first case, it is better to shoot back until your infantry approaches. In the second case, you can shoot or immediately go into battle. Shooters are best placed on a hill (if there is one). The artificial intelligence of the enemy does not sin with tactical delights, so actively using detours and maneuvering you will always have the initiative. Keep the shooters at a distance, preferably on a hill, order the cavalry (long-range combat) to shoot back, and the melee cavalry to attack only when your infantry approaches.

Against Tatar shooters(Crimean Khanate) the following tactics are proposed. The Tatars have all arrows, both horse and foot. First, horsemen go into battle. You shoot back on the move with cavalry), and then, which is very important, when the Tatars approach, you must order your cavalry to attack. At this time, the infantry is attacking the foot soldiers of the Tatars in all directions (by infantry, in this case, I mean the shooters), whom I advise to give the order "do not shoot." It is very difficult to fight against the Tatars in open areas, the battle with them can take a long time, so I advise you to take care of your own safety - if you are wounded and leave the battle, then it is unlikely that it will end in victory. The main thing to remember when fighting the Tatars is to launch a melee attack in time.

Let's say you fight with the Cossacks, they have good cavalry and infantry, but there is no special emphasis on shooters. We first order the cavalry to shoot back, and when approaching the enemy - to go into close combat. The infantry will first disperse, when approaching the arrows, then close up, the arrows will take an advantageous position, guided by the map (hill, river bank, etc.) What do we have? The cavalry hunts / destroy the enemy, the infantry attacks the shooters and the enemy infantry, the arrows fire at everyone.

Now let's say what you're up to fight with the Poles. They have strong cavalry (winged hussar, reiter) and not weak infantry (German pikeman / German musketeer), as well as mounted arrows - dragoons. Against them, as against cavalry, it is good to use pikemen and swordsmen, putting them in place. Reiters and winged hussars will fall into this trap, cavalry will need to be sent for the rest, and the shooters will again be placed in an advantageous position. After the destruction of the enemy cavalry, send our cavalry to the flank of the enemy infantry, and direct our own infantry in the forehead. With this we will pinch them, with the cavalry we will destroy the shooters and finish off the infantry. It is better to put the cavalry against the pikemen "scattered".

This is interesting: after the squad runs out of provisions, you can miss a few horses.

Many features of such a game as Mount & Blade are not trivial and remain outside the scope of all sorts of guides and manuals. Most players have no idea how interesting and deep the world of Calradia is. This collection of secrets, tips and tricks is like an express train, immersing you in the most subtle details of the gameplay, which you can only find out by playing for days on end.

  • In the rain, crossbows are not as effective.
  • In the rain, people and horses move more slowly.
  • You can linger on the global map by holding the Spacebar.
  • New warriors can be hired in taverns.
  • You can also give orders to your companions in combat.
  • The higher the morale of the group, the faster it moves around the map.
  • The wounded heal faster in taverns.
  • To quickly buy and sell items you have with you, press and hold ctrl and click on the desired item with the left mouse button.
  • To open the command interface in battle, press the key backspace.
  • If you are stationed in a city or castle, then you will pay half the salary to the team. The same applies to units stationed in the castle as a garrison.
  • To immediately leave the area, press the key Tab.
  • To better aim, press the key Shift(optical sight effect).
  • You can order the soldiers to hold a certain position by holding down the key F1(by moving the flag).
  • On the mini-map (during the battle by pressing backspace) you can order the troops to move to a certain point by clicking on it.
  • It is possible to move the troops and prisoners of the player in bulk from the squad / to the squad (for example, from the garrison), if you hold down ctrl
  • If you are the commander-in-chief (marshal), and the subordinate lord refuses to go to the desired city or castle, you can order him several times in a row and sooner or later he will agree to follow the order
  • If you are not a marshal (voivode), but have asked an allied lord (lords) to follow you, then he (they) will not help you during the assault, but only in field battles.
  • To raise the horse on its hind legs, you need to simultaneously press ctrl+j
  • A lame horse can be healed in inventory. (while she may lose the bonus)
  • A lame horse can die in battle (disappear from inventory).
  • At any time, it is possible to end the game through the menu: camp => retire(this will show summary information and further fate hero)
  • If you “secretly penetrate” into an enemy city, then you can enjoy all the benefits, including a tavern, merchants, tournaments, a guild master, etc.
  • Damaged relationships with lords can be improved through wives by sending gifts (requires money, goods).
  • With good personal relations, enemy lords do not attack you, and their villages provide recruits.
  • There are no completely incompatible satellites. There is little morality (leadership, victories, variety of food).
  • No more than 32 types of troops can be in the detachment at the same time (for prisoners in castles / cities, the same restriction).
  • If you jump with a stretched bowstring, then the target designator will not go astray, which allows you to effectively shoot bots.
  • If you hover over the mouse while talking to an NPC, they will show the level of relations with him or his faction.
  • If BEFORE the battle in the menu "attack\send warriors\retreat" press I, then the inventory will open, with which you can change the equipment.
  • The key works in the same menu P. Those. you can call up the squad menu, for example, to regroup. Works only in field combat and only if main character is the initiator of the battle (rather than joining someone else's already started)
  • If the string of the bow or crossbow is already drawn, the shot can be canceled by pressing the right button. In the same way, a “false swing” is made when hitting weapons in close combat.
  • In villages with a good attitude, instead of recruits, you can hire troops of a higher rank.
  • The salary of the fighters stationed in the garrison is halved.
  • Did you know that at any time you can change the appearance and name of the hero by clicking on the name or portrait in the character window?
  • The location of any lord can be found through dialogue with the lord of the same faction. (You can also find out where your vassal is from your wife)
  • NPCs can be located not only on the first, but also on the second floor of the tavern.
  • On the global map, you can right-click on any settlement or squad and a menu will appear: follow to this place (follow the squad) and help for this place (squad)
  • Riding Skill ( riding) is important not only as a limitation when choosing a horse, but also as a bonus increase in their speed and maneuverability
  • After the death of the lord, his squad turns into a disorderly crowd (buildings are lost).
  • The probability of entering the battle of each type of warrior directly depends on the order in the list (the higher detachment - topics higher probability)
  • Ordinary peasants and villagers can be pumped into high-ranking units. From peasant women, for example, as a result, sisters of war are obtained, equipped with crossbows and heavy armor (in addition, there is a shield, sword and horse).
  • With all additional bonuses of the starting (temporary) character are saved. (noble flag, books, starting equipment).
  • After being captured, the main character randomly decreases one of the basic characteristics (strength, agility, intelligence, charisma) by 1 point.
  • With the growth of honor, relations with lords with a bad reputation deteriorate (and grow with those who enjoy a good one).
  • In tournament battles, you can (and should!) manage your team.
  • Captured lords in other people's castles and cities can be released not only on a quest, but of their own free will.
  • Bounty hunters are pumped into slavers - one of the top units in the game. Their main feature is their equipment with blunt weapons, which allows them to capture enemies in large numbers.
  • Pressing the key "X", you can use the weapon's alternate abilities. For example, attack with a dart like a regular spear in close combat.
  • After creating your own kingdom, companions can be made into lords, distributing possessions to them.
  • Allied lords and vassals can leave their prisoners in your city/castle. (For these purposes, you can use the celebration)
  • Pack horses increase the movement speed of the unit when the inventory is loaded.
  • By showing nobility when completing tasks, you can increase the parameters of honor. For example, refusing a reward for killing a criminal or for saving a village from bandits.
  • By talking with the inhabitants of villages and cities, you can get valuable information about the nature of the lords, profitable goods, etc.

With great pleasure I will add your tips, tips on the game. Feel free to leave comments. Gradually I will replenish this collection.

“There are rumors that if our gracious king starts a war with Turchin, the prince-voivode will come to the Crimea with fire and a sword, and these rumors are welcome throughout Ukraine and the Lower River, because if we don’t walk under his command in Bakhchisarai, then under whose else?

Let's go, true God! - responded Kurtsevichi.


  • Man is tempered in the crucible of history
  • Give me allotment of land in Poland
  • Checker, gorilka, horse Mikolkin
  • Do dragoons dream of sniper rifles
  • Writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan

1654. Europe is at a crossroads again. In the race of great powers, first one or the other breaks ahead. Now the Swedes are dictating their rules to the enlightened world, but until recently, the proud union of Poles and Lithuanians, the Commonwealth, was the strongest. They are currently going through difficult times. The neighbors have become very dangerous - not only Sweden. The Kingdom of Moscow has recovered from the disastrous turmoil and is rapidly gaining strength. The Zaporizhzhya Sich is full of unhealthy heat. The Crimean Khan is plotting to expand his possessions.

The smell of gunpowder hovers more and more noticeably over Eastern Europe. The turning point is about to come, and the world will be transformed.

You and I know who ended up on a horse, who - under his hooves. But after all, the mosaic of history could have developed differently, if there had been one more ambitious person on Earth in those days ...

The authors of the new Mount & Blade took up the fertile material. Correctly approach the image of a free voivode in the era sung by Senkevich, and it will not turn out to be a game - sweetie! Tweak the mechanics of the original, patch up artificial intelligence, deepen the process everywhere, and the wrapper will favorably emphasize the beauty of the content. If everything succeeds.

The old "History of a Hero" told about the pseudo-European Middle Ages. Universal, understandable to everyone and everyone topic. But the fictitious Calradia never dreamed of the intensity of passions inherent in Eastern Europe in the middle of the 17th century. The chosen period is generous with food for a fascinating and emotional narrative. Behind the gaming action is now a real story that fills every little thing with meaning. There are no more alien, abstract names on the map. Now you can visit the familiar Novgorod and Minsk, Vyborg and Warsaw, Moscow with its Execution Ground and St. Basil's Cathedral. Or, let's say, Bakhchisarai, which has gone into the shadow of the past, but is memorable at least according to Pushkin.

Key features of the game remain the same. Our hero still starts the game as an obscure vagabond, slowly gaining experience in his wanderings and acquiring loyal close and simple associates. Mostly for hard cash, which still needs to be earned by fighting off robbers and overcoming other difficulties of a wandering life. Time passes, there is more money in the wallet, and in the detachment, respectively, there are fighters. As the army grows, so do the claims. Our ward dreams of ending his career as a close associate of one of the great rulers. And even the great ruler himself, and with a noble army under his command.

And here a new game compares favorably with its predecessor. In Hero's Story, the taste of big things was insipid: from small fights to big battles, the hero grew in level, accumulated wealth and possessions ... but the game world met his successes with only silent acceptance. In "Fire and Sword" the player's achievements are given more visible, tangible weight.

The game quickly inclines the hero to choose a side. The young leader will disperse the petty bandits, provide the peasants with the desired goods, and soon he will take on the task of a big man - some pan or boyar. And here already the call of History cannot be avoided. Soon we will have to choose a side, decide who is dearer to us: Bogdan Khmelnitsky or Yan Kazimir, Alexei Mikhailovich or Stepan Razin, who is aiming for his place, or maybe the Lithuanian magnate Radziwill. You can also enter the service of the Turks and Swedes, however, in these cases the game will be plotless. But three campaigns should be enough to enjoy every little thing. It takes about sixty hours to complete the entire story tree.

The magic word "progress"

In the yard of the game, it is by no means the Middle Ages, but the new time. Some things are irrevocably a thing of the past - for example, jousting tournaments. And the place for them is not the same. In these parts, from time immemorial, men complained more about tavern fights.

In general, progress brought more than took away. Gunpowder weapons have spread widely in the world. It is capable of killing an armored reiter on the spot and completely ousted crossbows from circulation.

The approach to taking cities and fortresses has changed. Engineering thought has finally grown to the point of using ladders in quantity during the assault. Laughter with laughter, and the tactical depth of assaults has grown significantly, because now you can attack in several directions. In addition, a powder charge can be placed under the wall. And then try to break through the gap formed during the explosion. Or give up trying to take the enemy by storm and poison his wells. Without water, a long siege cannot be sustained.

However, guns, pistols and military tricks - these are all masculine pastimes. While the stronger sex learned to exterminate each other more adroitly, women were doing the real thing. How they learned to sing by the 17th century - this must be heard. Here it is, the soul of the game: in the bewitching voices of the female choir, singing about the joys and sorrows of those times. Gets goosebumps! And let nothing else be remembered from the sound accompaniment, you want to listen to and re-listen to these songs.

He had one consolation: war, war

Your mercy, as I see it, there are few campaigns with grassroots that glorified you.

Little war - little glory Great War- great glory.

Henryk Sienkiewicz, "With Fire and Sword"

The secret of the success of an epic game is in the right balance of elements, interpenetrating mini-games. If they are selected in the right proportions, when mixed, gold is obtained. The old Mount & Blade suffered from unevenness: it's thick here, it's empty there. The combat system was worked out much better than anything else. The developers of "Fire and Sword" tried to achieve greater balance, tighten up weak points.

What any game in the series would be GTA no missions? We dare to say, a much less memorable experience. To some extent, the three plots of "Fire and Sword" take the game to a new level. They just still lack significance.

The developers have done a great job to make the game world historical and authentic. Costumes and weapons have been painstakingly recreated. Historical realities are respected: behind every boyar or nobleman there is a real historical person. And in this beautifully tailored, truthful world, the hero now even has a goal of being. One thing is missing, but important - the breath of living history. It's enough for tactical game, but for the game of the plot - stereotyped, flat. Alas.

The West is the West, the East is the East, and together they ... come together, and how!

A lot has gotten better. Updated graphics. Opportunities have expanded. There was a mode of fast battles. Life in Eastern Europe is more fun than in the good old Calradia. And it became more pleasant to wave a saber, and to lead a detachment, and to move big politics. There is a place for a free soul to roam.

Only, in fact, the old fairy tale in a new way remained a tactical action movie with a set of side "amusements". Of course, in dizzying battles you forget about the details. Maybe because they are still details? A little sorry for the unrealized potential. After all, the groundwork for more is great. To create a powerful, full-blooded plot, to equalize other elements of the game with fights - and this will be a five-year event at least. Practically " Space Rangers with passions for Senkevich.

How much your obedient servant would give for the built-in mini-game “write a letter to the Turkish Sultan” alone! No one promised, but I thought - what if? Who knows, maybe in the future ... After all, the initialMount & Bladewas once born from one man's dream of the perfect game. A game that will have everything he wants.

In the meantime - while the checkers are naked, and forward, on a dashing horse, smash the enemies! Don't relax too much, Sultan!

Looking around the native land

The map of Eastern Europe is dotted with various settlements. Let's consider them in detail.


Lord's Hall.Here people come to receive people of noble blood and their guests. They are approached for assignments, to carry them out or in search of the right person from the same country.

Tavern.Hot spot. In total, three or four people are usually found in a tavern: an innkeeper, a mercenary and a couple of other visitors.

  • Innkeeper. You can turn to the owner of the establishment for accommodation and entertainment. It costs much more than just spending the night in the city - as much as twenty-five thalers. But forces are restored with lightning speed. And for a round sum, you can put down all visitors and increase your reputation.

On a note: in a city, your squad requires only half of the normal payments. So recuperating here is not only safer, but also more economical than in an open field.

  • Mercenary. They are found in taverns very different. Local and alien, experienced and still green, numerous and piece. But everyone is ready to join your detachment for a reasonable fee.
  • Satellite. In the taverns they are looking for a worthy commander and special mercenaries. We will talk about them in more detail.
  • book dealer. From these itinerant businessmen, a valuable commodity can be purchased for a fair amount. Reading books on halts and during long sieges has a good effect on the hero.
  • Mediator. A person to whom you can sell your captives into slavery for good money. If the moral aspect does not confuse you, this is a good way to get rich.
  • Wayfarer. Knowing friend. If you are looking for a person around the world and can not find it in any way, for a reasonable fee, the traveler will indicate his current location.
  • Visitor. Just a regular who came to have a good time. If he is in the mood, he can be invited to meet in a fistfight. And bet for the victory for a small amount. It's not for interest to beat each other.

Suppose the result of the dispute did not suit you, or simply the comrade's face failed. You can seriously quarrel with the visitor and show the adversary in the backyard how much a pound is dashing, already with a weapon in hand. Just don't be surprised if he calls a couple of buddies to help!

On a note: if the regular is not very eager to fight, it is worth trying to get him drunk first. But keep in mind: you will not meet drunken visitors in the taverns of the Crimean Khanate. Alcohol is forbidden to Muslims after all.

Market. Here some get rich, while others leave their savings. Goods for greater convenience are distributed among four merchants. The most savvy can also walk around the market and find out what profitable deals can be done today.


The same city, only much less populated and somewhat better fortified. Taverns and markets are not kept in fortresses, but they are still allowed to stay. Yes, and to the noble gentlemen staying in the fortress, if you politely ask, they will let you through.


The common people have a simple life. What can be done in the village?

Walk through the center.Sometimes, you need to look around in the village, find someone. Most often, you will be interested in the local headman. You can talk with him about the state of affairs in the village, buy livestock, recruit recruits. And sometimes the job is for a compassionate guest.

visit the market. The rural market is different from the urban one. Peasants sell food and the simplest household items. And the calculation is not carried out in cash, which they never had. Prefer natural exchange. Although they will not refuse your money.

Force peasants to hand over supplies. If your threats are convincing enough, the peasants will part with part of the reserves. And give slack - you will feel what the anger of the people is.

Steal cattle. If it is impossible to agree with the headman, why not just take away the coveted cow without asking? The main thing is not to get caught.

Loot and burn the village. If you break the resistance of the peasants, you can profit well. Please note that this terribly worsens relations with the village and the country that owns it. The burned village will be empty for some time, and then it will begin to live its former life.

Mercenary Camp

The best way to quickly put together a large squad is to visit one of the five camps scattered around the map, one for each country. Five types of fighters are offered for hire. After you pay for the services of a certain class of mercenaries in the camp, others will no longer be available to you until the former ones leave you for some reason. Until then, it will be possible to replenish the ranks of the chosen warriors in the camp and purchase more sensible weapons and equipment for them.

This is how the sons of the fatherland mature

The character is made up of characteristics, skills and ability to wield various weapons. There are only four characteristics: strength, agility, intelligence, charisma. They give small pluses and determine how much the hero can develop his skills. And therein lies the significance of any character. The skill development limit is equal to the characteristic to which it is assigned, divided by three without a remainder.

Each level brings one stat point and one skill point.

It is important: when selecting skills, keep in mind that they are divided into personal and squad. A personal skill affects whoever has it. Squad skills affect the entire group. If there are two people with a squad skill in the group, it does not stack. It is assumed that the most capable person is engaged in this business. So it makes no sense to develop each of the squad skills to more than one squad member.

Characteristics and skills


The main thing for which it is needed is to wear more advanced equipment. The best weapons and armor require high strength. The fact that each point in strength gives one point of health is a nice boost. Finally, strong hero hits harder.

iron skin. Increases health by 2. From the category of "if there is nowhere to go." But there are never many points, and in order to feel the difference, you need to significantly develop the skill. Go ahead.

A strong beat. Increases the damage of all melee weapons by 8%. If you want your hero to walk in the forefront of the army and encourage the fighters to exploits by personal example, this is your skill.

Powerful Throw. It also increases damage, but from throwing weapons and by as much as 10%. For those whose weapon of victory is a well-balanced hatchet, the skill is valuable. Moreover, a certain level of skill is needed in order to use the best throwing weapons.

powerful shot. This skill has the highest damage bonus at 14%. Although the draw on some bows simply does not allow the damage to increase beyond a certain level. If you plan to become an archer - take it.


It is important for the equestrian, as thoroughbred horses are demanding for this characteristic. It will come in handy for the rest: each point brings 5 ​​units of skills and accelerates the hero’s attacks by 0.5%.

Weapon proficiency. Increases the limit to which weapon skills can be increased. Each nested unit increases it by 40. We take it when we approach the upper bar in any skill. Unless, of course, we plan to develop it further.

Shield Mastery. Shield damage is reduced by 8%. The hero blocks attacks faster and easier. Let the strength of the shield be restored in each new battle, but there is little joy when it shatters into chips in the heat of battle. Therefore, the skill is most useful for everyone who uses a shield.

athletics. Run acceleration. The benefit is doubtful. Too many points need to be invested to get a tangible advantage over other foot soldiers. And the horseman will overtake you and overtake you anyway.

Horseback riding. A hero with this skill gallops faster and can handle more thoroughbred horses. The advantage of mounted is huge in any battle, except for the assault. One of the most useful skills.

Mounted shooting. Who wouldn't want to shoot more accurately, harder and not fall out of the saddle? Who would not like to invest in other skills. And the horse archer - that's it.

Collecting trophies. Squad skill. Increases loot from any prey by 10%. There will be more of it, in addition, things will be of better quality. Nice, though not vital skill.


In comparison with other characteristics, this is noticeably more significant. After all, for increasing intelligence, the hero receives additional skill points. In addition, many skills are assigned to the intellect.

Education. Allows honored heroes to share knowledge with the young once a day. Everyone below the level of the character gets some experience (higher skill - more transferred). Quickly pays off the invested points. It should be developed as early as possible and to the limit. If satellites also join the training, the experience of your army will grow by leaps and bounds.

Tracking. Squad skill. Allows you to see on the map traces of recently passed units. And with the development of the skill - and some information about them. All this is more curious than useful. So it is quite possible to save points and take a companion with this skill to the squad.

Tactics. Squad skill. Increases by 1 advantage in battle. But only for every second point in the skill. The usefulness of this greatly depends on the settings for the scale of fights. One fighter out of a hundred is not enough. One in twenty is already significant.

Finding a path. Squad skill. Speeds up movement on the map by 3%. Very often, these few percent turn out to be critical in the question of "who will catch up with whom." It is better not to rely on companions, but to develop this important skill on your own.

Vigilance. Squad skill. Expands the visibility of the group on the global map by 10%. Seeing the enemy from afar can be useful, but there are many more useful things.

Logistics. Gives six additional places for items and equipment. If you manage to do without this skill - honor and praise to you. And if there are not enough places all the time, do not be stingy, spend a point.

Wound dressing.20% faster unit healing. Without this skill, you will have to constantly stop to rest. And the safe city walls might be too far away. So the skill is needed. It is only important to decide whether to develop it with your hero or find a knowledgeable companion. Fortunately, there are skilled doctors among them.

Surgery. Squad skill. For each point, any warrior in the party has a 4% chance not to die from a normally mortal wound. The most useful skill, and the further, the higher its significance. After all, you will have more and more troops.

First aid. Squad skill. Each unit is five percent of health restored after the battle. Wound dressing is probably more useful if you're not fighting many fights one after the other.

Engineering. Squad skill. Helps build siege engines and fortify your holdings. Moderately helpful.

Belief. Helps in negotiations, persuasion, intimidation. Depending on the style of the game, it will be completely useless to someone, it will bring huge benefits to someone. One thing is for sure - at first it is worth doing more important skills for survival.


Each point in charisma increases the maximum size of the squad by one.

Leadership.Increases maximum squad size by 5, boosts morale, and reduces upkeep costs by 5%. A lot of useful things in one skill.

Trade.Squad skill. Your trades become 5% more profitable. In addition, you will learn about profitable trade offers faster. It is worth getting a knowledgeable companion - a merchant, and save your points for other important skills.


There are enough clubs, axes, spears, swords, axes and other murder weapons in the game. It differs in attack speed and damage (and ranged weapons also have accuracy and ammunition). Weapons are divided by damage types into stabbing, cutting, crushing. The type determines the time of the swing and the method of avoiding the blow.

On a note: blunt weapon wounds are less likely to result in death. If you want to take many prisoners, arm your troops with clubs.

In addition, the instruments of war are also divided into classes of development. If the hero knows how to swing a halberd, then he can handle the reed as well. We improve our weapons skills in two ways.

At each level we are given 10 points. We can put them all into one skill, but then we will soon reach the bar set by the “Weapon Mastery” skill. In addition, the higher the skill, the more points it costs to advance further in it. Therefore, choose several directions for development. One weapon class for melee, one for ranged, and optionally a fallback for special occasions.

In addition, skills grow with their successful use. They cut down a dozen enemies with a saber - they got the hang of hitting harder and faster. So the skill rises even above the allowed maximum.

One-handed weapon.There are plenty of its varieties in the game, it’s impossible to list everything. The key and common dignity for all of them is that you can take a shield in the second, free hand. And it significantly increases the chances of a fighter to survive.

Two-handed weapon.Too big to handle with one hand. Although there are specimens that are handy to use this way and that way. Usually the swing of such a weapon is long, but the impact force is noble.

Polearm.Extremely dangerous if handled skillfully. One on one enemy with a short blade can simply not be allowed to approach him at a dangerous distance. Some spears allow the mounted warrior to ram the enemy. It happens both one-handed and two-handed.

Luke.If someone thinks that bows are obsolete, let him tell the Tatar raiders about it. And in the 17th century, bows still had an important advantage over other ranged weapons: speed. Circling around the enemy on a horse and showering a hail of arrows is a tactic that has stood the test of time.

Firearms.Gunpowder is power! Shotguns and pistols hit far, quite accurately and very powerfully. Such a weapon has only two troubles. Small: you can’t shoot from some guns on horseback - the risk of falling off a horse is too great. Large: Recharging takes forever.

Thrown weapons.For lovers of the exotic. A well-thrown knife or dart strikes the enemy no worse than any other weapon. But the reserves for each battle are too small and the distance over which they fly is too small. It is usually easier to cut down the enemy in melee.

And all for one!

As we have already mentioned, you can meet companions in taverns. In total, there are as many as sixteen of them roaming the lands of the game. Everyone has a character, history, preferences. Some don't get along with each other. Many have painful "fads". A wise governor will respect the pride of his subordinates so that they do not quarrel with him and with each other.

After all, it's worth the trouble. Many companions are skilled fighters, others are talented managers and healers. There are a lot of useful squad skills in the game, you can’t pay due attention to everything alone. This is where satellites come in handy. A well-chosen team will mitigate the shortcomings of their boss.

Companions cannot die in combat. Unless they lose consciousness. And if it turns out that the satellite leaves you, say, when you are captured, do not despair. Search again - and you will find him in one of the taverns.

So, it's time to introduce you to these glorious ladies and gentlemen.

Pan Zagloba.Old gentry, boastful, loud and quarrelsome. Servant to the king, father to the soldiers. He does not like it when salaries are delayed and badly fed. Level 3. Iron Skin 5. Slam 3. Weapon Skill 75.

It is important: in the campaign dedicated to the Swedish invasion of the Commonwealth, Pan Zagloba is an indispensable companion. You need to find it right away. In this, as in the search for other satellites, your best helpers are travelers in taverns.

Tepes.The offspring of the Transylvanian rulers, a distant descendant of Prince Vlad, nicknamed Dracula. Carried away by family fame. Level 5. Leadership 3. Training 2. Riding 2. Many military skills 1 each. Weapon skill 60.

Priest Spasokukotsky. A priest who was defrocked for drunkenness and scandals. Equally well wields a long pike and no less long tongue. Does not tolerate those who lose. Level 4. First aid 3. Surgery 2. Trade 1. Wound dressing 1.

Cossack Mamai.It appears to everyone as a distant descendant of the "same" Mamai. Embodied the spirit of the Cossacks. He despises commanders fleeing the battlefield. Level 10. Slam 3. Riding 3. Athletics 3. Weapon Skill 135. Mamai is an obligatory companion in the campaign of the Zaporozhian Sich, but not from the very beginning.

Karlsson.Drunken Swedish landsknecht. He even drank away personal weapons, but the cuirass remained with him. Level 5. Many military skills by 2. Weapon skill 70 (Pole - 130).

Fedot.A fugitive archer from the Kremlin hunting order. Doesn't believe in fairy tales. An ardent defender of the common people, he will not allow them to be robbed and oppressed. Level 6. Athletics 2 Pathfinding 2. Tracking 2. Many Combat Skills 1 each. Weapon Skill 50 (Gunshot - 100)

Elisha.Younger boyar son. Tragically ill... allergic to alcohol. Service in Rus', of course, did not work out for him. He became a willing people. Does not deal with robbers and those who do not remember debts. Level 2. Riding 4. Athletics 1. Weapon skill 50.

Bakhyt.Tatar executioner, dismissed by reduction. Fate has often been unkind to him. But the service is steadfast, as long as they are fed regularly. Level 7. Slam 4. Captive keeping 2. Weapon skill 40 (Two-handed - 130)

Olgerd.Orthodox Litvin from the Smolensk region. A nobleman, more than once led squadrons into attacks. During the war, his lands came under the hand of the Moscow Tsar, but he himself remained loyal to the gentry. Level 3. Many combat and military skills by 1. Weapon skill 60.

Victor de la Buscador.The origin of the dark, but it is clear that the nobleman. He was the commander of the hired infantry at Radziwill. He left the service for love, but only the beauty turned out to be windy. Well equipped and armed. Level 9. Tactics 4. Leadership 2. Combat skills by 1. Weapon skill 125.

Nogai.Tatar troublemaker. He knocked out part of the Nogai horde to oppose Khan Giray. Now he stays away from his native lands. Very demanding, irritated by any violations of discipline. Level 6. Riding 3. Athletics 2. Weapon Skill 80.

Sarabun.Kiev doctor. Tries to use patients according to the methods of the French engineer Beauplan. Contrary to what was expected, he copes well with the duties of a detachment healer. Robbery opponent. Level 5. Wound dressing 4. Surgery 3. First aid 3. Weapon skill 50.

Oksana.The most natural Ukrainian girl. Poltava gate. She wanders, because in the old place she was accused of the death of cows. The craft forbids her from killing people. Level 3. Trade 2. Many skills by 1. Weapon skill 40.

Ingri.Swedish candy girl. Cynical, unprincipled, bitchy ... but what a hostess! After a batch of wine that "smelled like horse urine", it no longer supplies goods for the Swedish army. Level 5. Logistics 4. Trade 4. First Aid 2. Weapon skill 65.

Two things in Rus' are the most terrible of all: rebellion and women in anger.

barbarian.Russian woman, originally from Novgorod. Enters the burning huts, stops the horses at a gallop. Heavy on the hand - accidentally killed her husband with a rolling pin. Then she fought off the guards and went to fight. Level 5. Trade 2. Healing skills by 2. Weapon skill 50.

Fatima.Tatar, slender as a gazelle and dangerous as a leopard. Ex-wife's bodyguard Turkish Sultan. The Sultan once strangled his wife, sent Fatima for sale. Fled, cutting out the guards. Does not tolerate cowardice, dishonesty. Level 8. Power Throw 4. Athletics 4. Combat Skills 1 each. Weapon Skill 90.

By order of the noble pan

Why do those in power live in the world? Of course, to provide our hero with tasks! Without them, life would be monotonous. They are a good source of money, experience and reputation. If we exclude the introductory and plot tasks, eight types of assignments remain.

  • Deliver a letter.With messengers in Eastern Europe tight. Noble gentlemen will often ask you to convey a message to someone. The matter is simple. Most likely, the right person can be found in his own possessions. Hand over the letter in person, and the case is ready. If the desired comrade does not sit at home, it is worth asking around other lords and travelers in taverns. And you can not think about the difficulties of the way back. The reward for such a task is presented by the addressee.
  • Kill the robber.Here you will have to work hard. True, it is not necessary to search for an adversary all over the world for a long time. The employer reports in which settlement he was last seen. That's where the horse should go. On the spot, we rely only on ourselves. Passers-by are unlikely to tell you where to look for the villain. Look out for a nervous person who does not find a place for himself. The robber will probably hide in the back streets or prop up the wall of some building. Convict him of crimes. The bandit will have to run away from you with a fight. Nobody needs him alive, so you can shoot him in cold blood on the spot and return to your employer for a well-deserved reward.
  • Collect a debt from a nobleman. In high circles, the bad habit of taking money and not returning it is as common as among ordinary people. Helping to shake out a debt is a costly business, but it is worthily rewarded. First you need to find the debtor. He is usually ready to return the money ... but not all. The rest has to be paid out of your own pocket. But it's never too late to bargain a little! And also - to put pressure on the debtor's conscience. This will worsen your relationship, but it will bring you closer to completing the task.
  • Scout the villages.Easier than just delivering letters. The nobleman names three settlements. You just need to get to each of them, and then return to the employer with a report.
  • provoke a war.The task is simple in essence, but requires a difficult moral choice. The governor, who wants to unleash a small victorious war, is looking for a sacrificial lamb for this purpose. You can help him. He assigns requirements to the daredevil. With you - a fighter suitable for them. He is sent to the enemies with a letter testifying to the treachery of their sovereign. The daring envoy dies, the fighting begins, and you leave the governor with a reward.
  • Train peasants in the village.Safe and well rewarded job. It is required to arrive at the named village, spend a little time training the villagers and conduct a training battle with them on poles.
  • Bring a squad of fighters.Clear as day. The ruler needs warriors. You supply these warriors to him. They are usually easiest to recruit at the mercenary camp.
  • A duel with a lord who insulted a lady.The only task that is issued not by the high lords themselves, but by their wives. It happens that a lady in a conversation complains about an offender who spreads bad rumors about her. The slanderer must be found and challenged to a duel. If you successfully defend her honor, the lady will show you her favor and, on occasion, will pat for you before her husband.

It happens that help is needed not only for big people, but also for ordinary peasants. The headman of the village also sometimes throws us a job.

  • Bring livestock.The matter is simple. It doesn't matter how the cattle will be obtained. You can steal it in a richer village, you can buy it. The main thing is to drive the merrily mooing cows to the village safe and sound and hand them over to the headman.
  • Deliver goods.In order to get the most out of the assignment, it is useful to know the market situation. Knowledge of history also helps: the realities of time and place are strictly observed. Where did the salt get on the majority of Russian tables before? Right. And so, there on it and the prices will be lower.
  • Deal with robbers.Dashing people got into the habit of robbing peasants returning from city fairs. For you, this is a good opportunity to profit from trophies and earn a reputation.

great glory

It was foretold by signs in the heavens, and excited human faces, and the flashing of swords, and at night the howling of dogs near the huts, and the neighing of horses that smelled blood. War!

Henryk Sienkiewicz, "With Fire and Sword"

Sooner or later, repetitive tasks become boring. There are also unique, original assignments in the game, but they are only enough for the first time. Soon the time will come for real exploits. When your reputation in one of the three "story" countries reaches ten, you can begin to complete the story tasks of this state.

To start the script Commonwealth, it is enough to turn to any noble pan and agree to take his side. From now on, with all the Poles you meet, you should discuss the fate of Poland, until one of them offers to find Pan Zagloba. And once you find him, Zagloba will know what to do.

Scenario Zaporozhian Sich begins with the request of a citizen of the Zaporizhian Army. Bandits attacked the Cossack village, help is needed. When they are driven out, the mortally wounded old man will tell you about a certain Black Hetman. Questioning the Cossack commanders will show that your friend Jacques de Clermont knows something about the Hetman. Here are the wheels turning.

Plot Kingdom of Moscow getting started is a little more difficult than the other two. The first order is given by an arbitrary Russian commander. You will have a conversation with him about False Dmitry, and for additional information you will need help in a raid on the Poles. Destroy any three villages of the Commonwealth, and the boyar will point to the person you need.

It's time and honor to know

Not everyone likes to storm the heights of the political Olympus. Tired of the worries of camp life, you can always retire to rest. It is enough to "take action" in the camp menu and then "end the adventurer's life". All: fanfare, end of the road.

This is interesting: experienced players sometimes compete with each other in the high-speed passage of games. The developers decided to play a trick on them. The fastest way to end the game is to select the "Leave" option in the dialogue before creating a character.

The retirement screen provides a neat list of all your accomplishments. It depends on them who the hero will depart from military affairs. At worst, it will drag out a miserable existence. At best, he will become the right hand of the sovereign and will focus on governing the country. If the result you see upsets you, it will not be too late to change your mind and achieve a better share for your character.

We hope that our advice, coupled with the training built into the game, will be enough to get back on your feet and get stronger. The world of "Fire and Sword" is waiting for its heroes. Wherever fate takes you, let the sword and fire, in need, be your help, clear nobles!

1 2 All

It all starts as usual: create a character for yourself, appear on the map, start playing. There is already a guide in detail about the first steps in the game, so let's fast forward to the moment when you got rich, got armor, weapons and a squad, and most importantly - popularity. So you, a famous warrior, come to the Moscow Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and take an oath of allegiance to him, although you can simply become an ordinary mercenary of the Moscow kingdom. After you have taken the oath of allegiance to the king, go to the nearest nobleman and say: "Can you tell me how to win glory?" about False Dmitry. But for more necessary information, he needs to do one favor: to ruin 3 villages of the Commonwealth. This requires a good squad, because:
a) If you have a small detachment, the villagers will try to rebuff you, and there are many of them ...
b) A Polish lord who happens to be passing by will not be slow to look into his village, and what will he see. that some GG is robbing his possessions ... He will punish you ...
So let's assume that you have successfully ravaged three Polish villages, then you go to the lord who gave you this task, he gives you an award and tells you about a certain Gerasim Evangelik, who once commanded the personal guards of False Dmitry. and you can learn something from him, but he lives in the village of Trakai (but it’s better to read what they tell you, because it’s possible. The village may be different). So you go to Trakai, and ask the local headman where Gerasim lives, and he says, they say, the village is big and he doesn’t remember everyone, you automatically offer him a bribe, but he refuses, saying that they need help now: a priest from Vilna stole their miraculous icon and left for Vilna, and you are asked to return this icon. Well, in general, you go to Vilna, and in the afternoon (or in the morning, but not at night!) You enter the city, there you ask passers-by where the priest is, they will say all sorts of different things until one smart person says that the priest has left to Riga. You go to Riga, enter there, and again ask the priest until you are told that he is in a tavern. You enter a tavern, and there are three "Regular taverns" and a priest, you go up to him and talk about the icon, then you start a meaningless conversation with him and he tells you that he will not give the icon back, after that three options appear: take the icon by force (priests and regulars, armed, themselves begin to fight with you), give money (in my opinion, a considerable amount, but I don’t remember exactly) and brag about their successes (the priest will say that he knows you and give you the icon. And so, you and return with an icon to Trakai, where the headman tells you that the nimble Gerasim has left for the village of Valuiki. which Gerasim did not participate) it turns out that he is wounded. Before his death, he tells you the name of the governor (although it may be before the battle), gives you the cross of Tsarevich Dmitry and sends you to the above-mentioned governor. The governor asks you to deliver the niece of the Swedish king Carl Gustav, who visits the king in Novgorod, the prison guard in Novgorod will give you "everything you need" (to get into the prison, go to the tavern in Novgorod, exit it manually, through the door and go straight until you see a soldier on the right. This is the prison guard. After that, Eleanor (the niece of the Swedish king) joins your squad, then you have to run around the map and look for Karl; when you find him, tell him that you delivered his niece, he will give a reward and ask you to deliver a letter of gratitude to Alexei Mikhailovich. You go to Moscow, hand over the letter to the tsar, he asks you to bend the knee, and ... he sees the cross of False Dmitry on you, for which he throws you in jail. Then you are dressed in rags (as when you enter the city), but they leave you a weapon with which you need to wander around the dungeon and kill all the guards. But, if you can’t defeat them, then they will bang you) That’s the end of the fairy tale. If you still managed to get out of the clutches of the lawless people, then a quest appears, according to which you need to find yourself a strong patron (I personally went to the one who gave the quest about the villages). He tells you about Stepan Razin, the contender for the throne of the Moscow kingdom, and you are going to look for him. He hides in one of the taverns (most likely the entire Crimean Khanate). You found Razin and in a conversation with him you decide that you are the grandson of False Dmitry, and he joins the detachment. Then he sends you to some prince of the Muscovite kingdom. You come to this prince and talk about the uprising (which has not yet begun), and he tells you that he would gladly join, but the Tatars stole his daughter and he is in grief. You offer him to release his daughter and he sends you to Kafa, where you need to talk with the slave trader and he will say for 3000 thalers that the hawthorn in Azak-Kale is with Murza. You go there, enter in grief in a Crimean robe, with a saber and a pistol, and there are 4 Crimean soldiers standing there, you approach the Seimen and after a short, almost friendly conversation, they attack you. Well, you defeated them, took the hawthorn and brought it to the prince. He joined your uprising and gave a letter with which all the lords will 100% join you, you just need to run around the map and look for them. You need to talk with the first lured lord, after a long conversation, two options appear: "Is it true, am I a prince or not"; the second - I don’t remember, but it seems there is something about the Zemsky Sobor. Choose the first one - you will become a king, and if the second one, then you still have to fight for power, and if you don’t fight, then you will be killed. So, we chose the first option, became the king, entered the royal chambers, and there Razin and four archers, we talk with Razin and he asks you to make him a marshal, if he agrees, then he is a marshal, you are the king and everyone is happy, but with me there was a glitch, the re-election of the marshal began, etc., so I choose the second option - to refuse Razin, then he shouts that you are an impostor and, together with the archers, rushes at you. You defeat them and become both king and marshal. After that, the task hangs! False Dmitry the Third, "which says, they say, you have become the king, and now you need to lead your state to victory. In short, you are the ruler and now your only goal is to conquer the whole world...
Congratulations!!! You have read the guide.

  1. Rob 3 villages and report it
  2. We are moving to the village of Trakai and looking for Gerasim Evangelika
  3. The headman tells us about a certain monk Ksendze
  4. We are moving to the city that the headman spoke about (I have Vilna, you may have a different one)
  5. We ask the locals on the streets about this monk. we will be sent to another city (I have Riga)
  6. We talk with the citizens of Riga (or your city) and find out that the monk is in a tavern.
  7. In the tavern, we ask you to return the icon that he stole (I recommend convincing or bribe, but not to fight, he's a monk: D)
  8. We return the icon to Trakai, we give it to the headman. We learn that Gerasim Evangelik is in Klin (in another village).
  9. We go to him and talk to him (BEFORE THIS, SAVE!). He will tell us an interesting story, then we will be attacked by bandits, of which there are many, and we must defeat them.
  10. Take the message of the Evangelist to the governor Yuri Buinov-Rostovsky
  11. He tells Elenora and orders you to take her to the Swedish king Charles.
  12. On the way, she will want to tell you something, you ignore her.
  13. After the girl is delivered, you will need to send a letter to the king ( SAVE!)
  14. They put you in jail (YOU KNOW WHY YOURSELF), you need to take out all the guards.
  15. After escaping, you meet with any vassal of Muscovy. Now you need to find Stepan Razin.
  16. Find out from any traveler where this contender for the throne.When you find him, swear.
  17. Find the lord Razin will tell you about and complete the task of rescuing his daughter from captivity.
  18. We go to one of the cities of the khanate indicated in the task and talk with the slave trader, find out where the lord's daughter is, and save her (it's better to save, because you have to fight)
  19. We return the daughter to the lord and ask him to join our uprising.
  20. Further according to the standard: we capture castles, we persuade vassals to our side. Here one of the lords will offer us to pretend to be that rightful ruler, we agree!
  21. We end the uprising with victory, Razin will demand for himself high position.We refuse him, after which Razin is shot and forgotten . And you become the ruler of Muscovy.
  22. /Complete/