The Republic of Mordovia. Interesting facts from the history of Mordovia Mordovia

A few years ago, Mordovia was truly a country from a fairy tale - far from outside world, an unknown land, life in which was for the majority of Russians, and even more so for representatives of other states, an absolute mystery. Today global changes are taking place in Mordovia, which attracted the interest of the whole world to the small republic. Now, saying “I live in Mordovia”, we no longer hear the offensive “Where? Where?". Mordovia has something to be proud of, there is something to tell those who want to discern the originality, uniqueness and unusual path of development of the people, which is called the Mordovians.

Meet Mordovia!

Republic of Mordovia - subject Russian Federation, located in the European part of Russia, is part of the Volga Federal District. The capital is the city of Saransk. Behind these scant data lies the centuries-old history of the Mordovian people.

Mordva is one of the most ancient peoples of Russia. The first written mention of it dates back to the 6th century. (Jordan). Ancient Mordovian tribes lived in close proximity to the Slavic tribes. At the end of the 1st millennium A.D. e. the first Slavic settlers appeared on the Mordovian lands. Since that time, the thousand-year history of the coexistence of the Russian and Mordovian peoples begins. Mordovia is a multinational and multi-confessional republic. Mordovians, Russians, Tatars and other representatives of the peoples of Russia and the former USSR live here in peace and harmony. The titular population - Mordovians - are represented by groups of different culture and language - Moksha and Erzya, approximately equal in number.

"About 5% of the population of Mordovia - about 42 thousand people - are Muslims."

The primordially dominant religion in Mordovia was and remains Orthodoxy, fancifully absorbed many concepts and rituals of the traditional pagan beliefs of the ancient Mordovians. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were 42 monasteries and about 650 temples on the territory of modern Mordovia. The pearl of the religious architecture of Mordovia is the largest Orthodox church in the Volga region - the cathedral in honor of the righteous warrior Feodor Ushakov, located in Saransk. About 5% of the population of Mordovia - about 42 thousand people - are Muslims. In Mordovia, there are mosques in each of the 58 Tatar villages.

In Mordovia there are many villages with a mixed population, but there are settlements where exclusively Mordovians, Russians and Tatars live. There are several Ukrainian farmsteads.

Mordovia is proud that for many centuries there have been no serious conflicts on national or religious grounds. Every nation or small ethnic group feels comfortable in the republic - this is the basis of stability and development of Mordovia.

  • Mordovia was formed on January 10, 1930 as the Mordovian Autonomous Region
  • December 20, 1934 was transformed into the Mordovian ASSR
  • Since 1991, it was called the Mordovian SSR
  • In 1994 renamed to the Republic of Mordovia
  • On March 30, 1995, the State Assembly (Parliament) of Mordovia approved the coat of arms and flag of the republic.
  • On September 21, 1995, the Constitutional Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia adopted the current constitution.
  • The Republic of Mordovia includes 22 districts and 3 cities of republican subordination (Saransk, Ruzaevka, Kovylkino).
  • The population of Mordovia is 850,000 people.
  • In the north, Mordovia borders on the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the north-east - with Chuvashia, in the east - with Ulyanovsk, in the south - with Penza, in the west - with Ryazan regions.
  • There are 114 rivers flowing in Mordovia. The main rivers: Moksha with tributaries Issa, Sivin, Satis, Vad and Sura with tributaries Alatyr, Insar, Rudnya. There are about 500 lakes in the republic, the most significant are Inerka and Tatarka.
  • The industry of Mordovia is represented by mechanical engineering, electrical and processing industries, the construction complex and agriculture.
  • There are 9 higher educational institutions in Mordovia. The main ones are: Moscow State University. Ogarev, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Evsevyeva, Saransk Cooperative Institute, Russian University of Cooperation.
  • In Mordovia, there is the largest Orthodox church in the Volga region - the cathedral in honor of the righteous warrior Feodor Ushakov, located in Saransk.

Participation of Mordovia in wars

An important page in the history of the Mordovians, one of the brightest symbols of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of Russia, are the events of the Time of Troubles, when in the fall of 1612 the heroic actions of the service people and the population of the Mordovian region to protect the country's borders did not allow the nomads to strike at the territory.

Great Patriotic War was not only a dramatic, but also a heroic period in the history of all the peoples of our large country. Together with other fraternal peoples, the natives of Mordovia made a contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany.

Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) 240,000 natives of Mordovia were called up to fight against Nazi Germany.
132,000 natives of Mordovia died in the war
104 natives of Mordovia received the title of Hero Soviet Union
25 natives of Mordovia received the title of Knights of the Order of Glory
1013 war veterans from Mordovia are still alive today

Fighting in Afghanistan (1979-1989) 2,956 natives of Mordovia passed military service in Afghanistan
68 people died
115 people were injured
58 people became invalids of war
1,698 veterans of the military operations in Afghanistan live in Mordovia today

Fighting in Chechnya (1994-1996, 1999-2009) 3,500 natives of Mordovia did military service in the Chechen Republic
84 people - killed
2 people were awarded the title of Hero of Russia
3309 3309 participants in the hostilities in Chechnya live in Mordovia today

Creativity and crafts of Mordovia

The folk art of the Mordovian people is diverse. These are jewelry art, embroidery, patterned weaving, sewing with beads, artistic woodworking, as well as oral poetry, music, dance.

Archaeologists help us to get acquainted with the jewelry art of the Mordovians. During excavations, they find all kinds of jewelry made of copper, silver, gold and their alloys. The craftsmen were fluent in metal processing techniques. There is a lot of red in the Mordovian costume. This is the color of joy and love of life. Ancient Mordovian embroidery mostly adorned festive women's clothing, giving it a unique flavor. Women's clothing, which consisted of a set of shirts, was especially beautifully embroidered.

Decorative woodcarving is another traditional type of Mordovian art. Mostly men were engaged in it. Ornaments were applied to the pediments of huts, wedding chests, looms, spinning wheels.

Both collective and individual traditions are reflected in the musical creativity of the Mordovian people. The first were more manifested in the performance of non-ritual songs - epic, lyrical, round dance; the second - in wedding, funeral, memorial laments, lullabies. The Mordovian people created the art of polyphony, striking in beauty and harmony choral singing... It is recognized as unique not only among the Finno-Ugrians, but in general in the world musical culture.

Wood carving: Ardatovsky, Dubensky, Insarsky, Zubovo-Polyansky, Ichalkovsky, Bolshebereznikovsky, Ruzaevsky, Temnikovsky, Kochkurovsky, Kadoshkinsky, Krasnoslobodsky, Staroshaigovsky, Atyashevsky, Bolsheignatovsky, Torbeevsky, Romodanovsky, Chamzinsky districts, Saransk.

Clay toy: Atyashevsky district, Saransk.

Making Mordovian dolls:Ichalkovsky, Kovylkinsky, Torbeevsky, Romodanovsky, Ruzaevsky, Temnikovsky, Krasnoslobodsky districts, Saransk.

Weaving: Ardatovsky, Dubensky districts. Saransk.

Weaving from bast: Ardatovskiy, Temnikovskiy districts, Saransk.

Beading: Ardatovsky, Dubensky, Torbeevsky, Insarsky, Kovylkinsky, Chamzinsky, Zubovo-Polyansky, Staroshaigovsky, Romodanovsky, Krasnoslobodsky, Bolshebereznikovsky, Temnikovsky, Ruzaevksy areas, Saransk.

Sewing Mordovian national costume:Tengushevsky, Staroshaigovsky, Ardatovsky, Kovylkinsky regions, Saransk.

Bobbin lace weaving:town of Temnikov.

Cooper fishing:Temnikovsky, Ardatovsky districts, Saransk.

Weaving: Ardatovsky, Bolshebereznikovsky, Insarsky, Ichalkovsky, Dubensky, Krasnoslobodsky, Ruzaevsky, Kochkurovsky, Chamzinsky, Temnikovsky, Lyambirsky, Torbeevsky districts, Saransk.

Making ceramic dishes:Ardatovsky, Kochkurovsky, Ruzaevsky, Temnikovsky, Ichalkovsky, Kovylkinsky areas, Saransk. Manufacturing of Mordovian dolls: Ichalkovsky, Kovylkinsky, Torbeevsky, Romodanovsky, Ruzaevsky, Temnikovsky, Krasnoslobodsky districts, Saransk.

Making nesting dolls:Bolshebereznikovsky, Krasnoslobodsky, Tengushevsky, Chamzinsky districts, Saransk.

Gold thread embroidery:Zubovo-Polyansky district (Pokrov-Selishche village, St. Barsanofievsky female monastery).

Painting on wood:Ichalkovsky, Ardatovsky, Torbeevsky, Bolshebereznikovsky, Elnikovsky, Kadoshkinsky, Krasnoslobodsky, Temnikovsky districts, Saransk.

Embroidery: Romodanovsky, Zubovo-Polyansky, Dubensky, Staroshaigovsky, Temnikovsky, Tengushevsky, Torbeevsky areas, Saransk.

Felting felt boots:Ardatovsky, Zubovo-Polyansky, Insarsky districts, Saransk.

Blacksmithing: Kovylkinsky district.

Centers of national culture

Saransk - the capital of sports

Saransk is called the sports capital of the Volga region. Sounds loud. But we, who live in Saransk, know that such a title has been earned by a huge number of sports facilities, the number of residents in whose lives sport plays an important role and, of course, by the achievements of Mordovian athletes.

"Mordovian athletes in Beijing won two gold and one bronze Olympic medals."

The history of their most striking victories began in 2008. Then Mordovia proved to the whole world that even a small Russian region can become an important participant in the world Olympic movement. Mordovian athletes in Beijing won two gold and one bronze Olympic medals. According to the conditional team classification, Mordovia has overtaken such countries as Switzerland and Mexico, leaving far behind most of the world's states. Sport is one of the main ideas for the development of Mordovia and incredible efforts are being made to implement it. All conditions have been created in Saransk for the development of amateur and professional sports. Large funds and organizational resources are invested in support of physical education and sports.

"The crime rate in the region-13 is now the lowest in the Volga Federal District, it is two times lower than the national average"

But the result of the comprehensive development of sports in our region is not only sports victories ... A soccer ball, a treadmill, a gym open until nightfall have become the best prevention of juvenile delinquency and drug addiction. The crime rate in the region-13 is now the lowest in the Volga Federal District, it is two times lower than the national average. Drug addiction among young people in Mordovia is also one of the lowest in Russia. Another indicator is the percentage of conscripts fit for service. According to this indicator, Mordovia has been ranked first among the regions of the Volga-Ural Military District over the past five years.

The sports phenomenon of Mordovia is the result of intense purposeful work on the development of physical culture and high-performance sports.

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Subject of the Russian Federation (AE 1st level)
The Republic of Mordovia
moksha. Mordovia Republics
erz. Mordovia Republics
Anthem of Mordovia
Included in - Volga Federal District
- Volgo-Vyatka economic region
Administrative center
Head of the Republic Vladimir Volkov
Chairman of the Government of the Republic Vladimir Sushkov
President of the State Assembly of the Republic Vladimir Chibirkin
  • GDP per capita

198.1 billion rubles (2016) (66th)

  • 245.2 thousand rub.
official languages Russian and Mordovian (Moksha and Erzyan) languages
Population ↘ 805 056 people (2018) (61st)
Density 30.81 people people / km²
Square 26,128 km² (68th place)
Timezone MSK (UTC + 3)
ISO 3166-2 code RU-MO
OKATO code 89
RF subject code 13

Official site
Audio, photo and video at Wikimedia Commons

Stamp "50 years of the Mordovian ASSR". USSR Post 1980

The Republic of Mordovia (moksha. Mordovia Republics, erz. Mordovia Republics; briefly: Mordovia (Moksh. and Erz. Mordovias) - a subject of the Russian Federation, a republic within it.

It is part of the Volga Federal District and is part of the Volgo-Vyatka economic region.

State languages: Russian and Mordovian (Moksha and Erzyan).


mordovia map

The republic is located on the eastern part of the East European Plain, approximately in the middle between Moscow and the Volga, and geographically its territory can be conditionally divided into two parts: the western part is located on the Oka-Don Plain, the central and eastern parts - on the Volga Upland. The highest place in Mordovia - 324 m.

The Republic of Mordovia is the closest Russian republic to Moscow: the distance by road from the Moscow Ring Road to the western border of Mordovia is 398 km, and in a straight line - 330 km.

Nevertheless, administratively Mordovia belongs not to the Central, but to the Volga Federal District.

Climate. Hydrography

The climate is temperate continental. The average temperature in January is -9 ° C, in July +18 ° C. Due to the lack of relief obstacles, the territory of Mordovia is open to both northern and southern air masses, therefore the average temperature can vary within: January 4, - 27, July +17, +31. Average annual precipitation is 350-700 mm.

Hydrographically, the territory of Mordovia is also divided into two parts: the western (53% of the republic's area) belongs to the Moksha basin, and the eastern (47%) belongs to the Sura basin. The total number of rivers flowing through the territory of the republic (taking into account very small rivers) is 1525, of which only 10 rivers are more than 100 km long: these are the Sura and its tributaries Alatyr, Insar, Pyana, as well as Moksha with the tributaries Sivin, Issa, Vad , Parta (tributary of the Vada) and Vysha (tributary of the Tsna).

There are several thousand lakes, ponds and reservoirs in Mordovia. The total water area is 21,000 hectares, with 14,500 hectares of territory under the swamps. Most of the lakes are located in river valleys and are of water-erosion origin (river oxbows). The largest of them are Vyachkishevo (near Temnikov) and Inerka. There are few karst lakes, the largest of them are Piyavskoe and Endovishche.

Flora and fauna

The western part of Mordovia is located in the zone of coniferous-deciduous and broad-leaved forests, in the central and eastern regions shrub and meadow steppes prevail. The flora contains more than 1230 species of vascular plants from 495 genera and 109 families. Of these, 4 species of lycopods, 8 are horsetails, 18 are ferns, 3 are gymnosperms, the rest are flowering plants. Herbaceous plants prevail, the number of tree and shrub species is small. The main forest-forming species: pine, spruce, larch, pedunculate oak, ash, plane maple, elm, warty and downy birch, alder, small-leaved linden, black poplar.

In Mordovia, 63 species of mammals are registered (of which 35 are rare), 267 species of birds (70 are rare), 44 species of fish live in the water bodies of the republic. The world of insects is very rich (more than 1000 species), but the variety of reptiles and amphibians is small. The fauna consists of representatives of the forest fauna (elk, wild boar, lynx, marten, white hare, capercaillie, hazel grouse, woodpeckers, blackbirds, tits) and, to a lesser extent, steppe fauna (speckled ground squirrel, steppe pied, common mole rat, great jerboa ).

On the territory of the republic, two specially protected natural areas of federal significance have been created (the Mordovian State Reserve named after P. G. Smidovich and the Smolny National Park), there are also nature reserves and natural monuments of regional significance.

(See also: Red Data Book of the Republic of Mordovia, List of PAs of Mordovia)


The Republic of Mordovia is located in the time zone designated by the international standard as Moscow Time Zone (MSK). The offset from UTC is +3: 00. The time in the republic corresponds to the geographic standard time.


The Mordovian people did not have their own statehood until the 20th century. In the writings of Western European historians of the 13th century, it is said about two Mordovian princes. Russian chronicles contain references to the "Mordva Purgasovaya", or "Purgasovaya volost", in the interfluve of Tesha and Marsha, as the lands inhabited possibly by the Finno-Ugric tribes of the Mordovians.

In the 1920s, after graduation Civil War the question of the formation of national autonomies of peoples that supported new government and who took an active part in the civil war on the side of the Bolsheviks, as a tribute for services rendered in suppressing the opponents of Bolshevism. At this time, the problem of identifying a territory with a predominantly Mordovian population arose. By 1920, the Mordovians lived in 25 provinces. From 1925 to 1928, more than 30 Mordovian volosts were formed on the territory of the Penza, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov and Ulyanovsk provinces.

Commemorative coin of the Bank of Russia

The next stage in the formation of the statehood of the Mordovians is associated with the division of the Middle Volga region into regions and the formation in 1928 of the Saransk district as part of the Middle Volga region, later renamed into Mordovian (with the center in Saransk). The district included counties and volosts with a Mordovian population, which were previously part of the provinces - Nizhny Novgorod, Penza and Simbirsk.

In 1930, the Mordovian District was transformed into the Mordovian Autonomous Region. To increase the number of Mordovians in it, some administrative units with the Russian population from the former Mordovian district were transferred to neighboring territories and, on the contrary, the southern territories of the Nizhny Novgorod Territory, densely populated by Mordovians, were transferred to the Mordovian Autonomous Region. It is interesting that initially they wanted to make the oldest city of the republic, Temnikov, as the capital of Mordovia, but in view of the absence of a railway there, the choice finally fell on.

On December 20, 1934, by the Decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was created. Also in 1934, four national regions were created as part of the Middle Volga Territory. In 1936, the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was separated from the Middle Volga region and included in the Russian Federation as an autonomous republic.

In 1990, the Supreme Council of the Mordovian ASSR adopted the Declaration on the State Status of the Mordovian Republic, according to which the Mordovian ASSR was transformed into the Mordovian Soviet Socialist Republic. On December 25, 1993, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the MSSR began to be called the Republic of Mordovia.

On March 30, 1995, the State Assembly (Parliament) of Mordovia approved the new coat of arms and flag of the republic. On September 21, 1995, the Constitutional Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia adopted the current constitution.


Ethnic map of Mordovia

According to Rosstat, the population of the republic is 805,056 people. (2018). The population density is 30.81 people / km2 (2018). Urban population - 62.98% (2018).

National composition

People 2010 year
Russians 443 737 (53,4 %)
Mordva (moksha + erzya) 333 112 (40,0 %)
Tatars 43 392 (5,2 %)

Areas of compact residence of Mordovian ethnic groups are located according to a geographic principle: Mokshans live mainly in the center and west of the republic, Erzyans - in the eastern part. About 3-4% of the population of the republic are prisoners serving sentences in the republic, but living in other regions of the European and even Asian part of Russia, as well as outside the Russian Federation. Mordovia ranks first in the Russian Federation in terms of concentration of correctional labor institutions, there are more than 30 of them. For comparison, there are 4 active SIZO and 6 correctional labor colonies with a population of 5.2 million. In the neighboring with a population of 1.8 million there are 2 SIZO and 4 ITK.


  • order of Lenin (December 11, 1965)
  • order of Lenin (July 10, 1985) - for the successes achieved by the workers of the MASSR in economic and cultural development, and in connection with the 500th anniversary of the entry of the Mordovian people into the Russian state
  • order of the October Revolution (January 9, 1980)
  • order of Friendship of Peoples (December 29, 1972)

Administrative division

Capital of the Republic of Mordovia:.

Administrative division Mordovia

The Republic of Mordovia includes 22 districts and 3 cities of republican subordination -, and.

  1. Ardatovsky district
  2. Atyuryevsky district
  3. Atyashevsky district
  4. Bolshebereznikovsky district
  5. Bolsheignatovsky district
  6. Dubensky district
  7. Elnikovsky district
  8. Zubovo-Polyansky district
  9. Insar district
  10. Ichalkovsky district
  11. Kadoshkinsky district
  12. Kovylkinsky district
  13. Kochkurovsky district
  14. Krasnoslobodsky district
  15. Lyambirsky district
  16. Ruzaevsky district
  17. Romodanovsky district
  18. Staroshaigovsky district
  19. Temnikovsky district
  20. Tengushevsky district
  21. Torbeevsky district
  22. Chamzinsky district

Mokshans make up the majority in Atyuryevsky (90.27%), Torbeevsky (62.55%), Staroshaigovsky (59.48%), Zubovo-Polyansky (52.14%) and Kovylkinsky (51.72%) districts.

Erzyan - in Kochkurovsky (92.14%), Dubensky (86.4%), Atyashevsky (84.72%), Bolsheignatovsky (83.47%), Ardatovsky (57.85%) and Bolshebereznikovsky (56.84%) areas.

In other areas, including the urban district of Saransk, the majority of the population is Russian.


There are 7 cities, 13 urban-type settlements and 1250 rural settlements in Mordovia.

Settlements with a population of more than 5000 people.


In 2016, positive dynamics was noted in all sectors of the economy, including industry, agriculture, and construction. Investments in fixed assets have grown, interest in the republic on the part of foreign investors is increasing. The agrarians of Mordovia achieved impressive results - the growth of production in the industry amounted to 112 percent. For the first time, enterprises of the processing industry have become equal in production volumes to large-scale industry.

The volume of work in the construction industry of the republic increased by 15 percent and exceeded 27 billion rubles. In many respects, this was facilitated by the unprecedented program of preferential mortgages launched in Mordovia at 5 percent per annum. The program has proven its effectiveness, 2 thousand people have already used the unique conditions, thus, about 4 billion rubles were additionally invested in the construction industry of the republic.

The most important task of the authorities in 2016 was to ensure the growth of wages outstripping inflation. We managed to do this - wages rose by 7 percent, and inflation was 5.5 percent. In 2017, the goal is to ensure an average growth of wages by 8 percent, while inflation is projected at 4.5 percent.

Due to the active modernization of existing and creation of new modern industries, the republic has achieved significant results in innovative development. Mordovia has become one of the leading regions in the country in terms of the share of innovative products in the total volume of industrial products, which today exceeds 28 percent. This is almost twice as high as the national average.

Positive dynamics is also noted in the social sphere. For the third year in a row, the republic has recorded a migration increase in the population - in 2016 it amounted to about 3 thousand people.

Transport arteries connecting Moscow with the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia pass through the republic. The capital of Mordovia, the city of Saransk, has become one of the cities that hosted the 2018 FIFA World Cup matches.

Saransk - the winner of the competition "The most comfortable urban (rural) settlement in Russia"

At the end of 2011, Saransk was recognized as the winner for the title "The most comfortable urban (rural) settlement in Russia" among cities of the 1st category. The competition commission evaluated municipalities according to 60 criteria, the main ones being improvement and infrastructure development. Saransk has participated in the competition since 2004, 4 times became the owner of the II degree diploma and 2 times - the III degree.

In 2012, Saransk took second place in the World Bank's Doing Business in Russia rating. The results of a subnational study by the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) were presented on June 21, 2012. The Doing business rating (investment attractiveness) is one of the main ones used by investors when making decisions about investing in the economy of a country or region. Research results containing comparative analysis regulation of entrepreneurial activity in 30 cities of Russia showed that it is easier to register a company, obtain building permits, connect to power grids and register ownership in the capital of Mordovia.


  • Alekseevskoye field of cement raw materials - used at the plants of JSC "Mordovcement" in the Chamzinsky region.
  • Deposits of phosphorites, oil shale and minor iron ores.
  • Atemarskoe limestone deposit


The main industries in Mordovia are mechanical engineering and metalworking. Iron foundry, chemical and petrochemical industries, light and food industries are also developed. Energy is based on the use of thermal power plants. According to 2016 data, the share of innovative products in the total volume of shipped products amounted to 30 percent. The leading industrial enterprises of Mordovia are among the best enterprises of the Volga Federal District and Russia, and they closely cooperate with foreign partners. Thus, joint projects of the republic's enterprises with telecommunications companies Alcatel and Nokia are developing, the Saransk branch of the SUN InBev brewing corporation, a branch of the Danone-Unimilk group of companies “Saranskiy Dairy Plant” are operating.


Agriculture - one of the main branches of material production in the republic. Thanks to active use new world-class technologies, new capacities being put into operation, continuous professional development of employees of the agro-industrial complex of Mordovia - one of the leading in the country. The region is in first place in Russia in the production of eggs, milk and cattle meat per capita. The agro-industrial complex of the region is represented by enterprises - recognized leaders of the Volga Federal District and Russia. In technical and technological terms, most agribusiness organizations achieve the highest standards.

  • CJSC AgroArdatov (Talina);
  • LLC "Agrosoyuz";
  • JSC "Poultry farm" Atemarskaya "";
  • Atyashevsky Butter Factory OJSC;
  • OOO Meat Processing Complex Atyashevsky (Talina);
  • Vector LLC;
  • Yolochka OJSC;
  • OJSC "Cheese-making plant" Ichalkovsky ";
  • MUP “Butter Factory“ Krasnoslobodsky ”;
  • OJSC "Lamzur";
  • JSC "Milk";
  • LLC "Milk";
  • LLC Agrofirma Mordovzernoresurs;
  • Mechta OJSC;
  • CJSC "Mordovskiy Bacon" ("Talina");
  • "Mordovian Bacon-Kovylkino" ("Talina");
  • OJSC "Mordovian Combine of Bread Products" ("Talina");
  • JSC "Mordovskoe Agroindustrial Association";
  • JSC "Mordovspirt";
  • JSC "Nadezhda";
  • OJSC Agrofirm Norov;
  • State Unitary Enterprise RM “Obrochensky Meat Processing Plant”;
  • OJSC "Agrofirma" Oktyabrskaya "
  • LLC "Romodanovosakhar";
  • JSC "Sun Inbev";
  • JSC Saransk Pasta Factory;
  • JSC "Saransk Bakery";
  • JSC "Saranskiy Cannery";
  • Saranskiy Meat Processing Complex CJSC (Talina);
  • Saranskiy Dairy Plant OJSC (Danone-Unimilk branch);
  • Agro-industrial holding "Talina";
  • LLC Agrofirma Temnikovskaya;
  • JSC "Tengushevskoe";
  • GUP RM "Teplichnoe";
  • ZAO Meat Processing Complex Torbeevsky (Talina);
  • JSC "Khlebozavod";
  • JSC APO Elekom;
  • LLC "Bakhet";
  • LLC Agrofirma Yubileynaya;
  • LLC Cheese Factory Sarmich;
  • Ruzovo CJSC.


  • Saransk CHPP-2 - 340 MW (construction of the fourth stage with a capacity of 110 MW is in progress);
  • Alekseevskaya CHPP-3 - 9 MW;


  • "Historical" direction of the Transsib, large locomotive depot and carriage depot Ruzaevka, carriage depot Saransk, carriage depot Krasny Uzel
  • Double-track DC electrified line Red node - - Ruzayevka -

Ruzayevka station is a large junction of the Kuibyshev railway, receiving trains of the eastern direction. In fact, today Ruzayevka is becoming part of a single agglomeration with Saransk. The way from the railway station Ruzayevka to the center of Saransk takes 15-20 minutes. In 2018, a high-speed train will pass through Ruzayevka, which will provide communication with Saransk, the host city of the World Cup.

  • Single-track non-electrified lines Krasny Knot -, Krasny Knot - and Kustarevka - Vernadovka
  • Saransk airport
  • Section of the federal highway M5 "Ural" with an entrance to the city of Saransk.
  • Federal highways P178 Saransk - Surskoe -, P158 - - Saransk - Issa - -
  • Oil product pipeline -
  • The network of main gas pipelines, including the largest Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod, compressor stations in the villages of Barashevo and Yavas, the settlement of Torbeevo
  • Sections of the long-haul transmission line - Zhigulevskaya HPP and the main line -

Investments in the Republic of Mordovia

The investment policy of Mordovia is based on the principles of supporting investors and ensuring a mutually beneficial and comfortable partnership.

To create the most comfortable business environment for attracting investments in the region's economy, a regional development institute, LLC "Corporation for the Development of the Republic of Mordovia", was created. The Corporation has 5 key tasks:

  1. Development of industrial sites;
  2. Attraction and support of investors on the principle of "one window";
  3. Fundraising and preparation of projects for financial institutions, both private and public;
  4. Development of public-private partnership mechanisms
  5. Investment marketing of the region.

The following measures of state support are available to investors (in the Republic of Mordovia):

  • Provision of tax incentives: reduction of income tax rates; exemption from property tax; exemption from land tax.
  • Subsidizing a part of the interest rate of a bank loan.
  • Provision of the guarantee of the Guarantee Fund of the RM.
  • Possibility of providing enterprises with energy resources in the amount of up to 500 MW. electricity and up to 3 billion m3 of gas per year.
  • Selection of an investment site.
  • Investment project support.

Detailed information is available on the official website of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Mordovia.


The very first museum in Mordovia was opened in the city of Temnikov with the support of local nobles (among the patrons were the descendants of Admiral Ushakov, relatives of the writer Kuprin's grandparents, descendants of the Demidov metallurgists, etc.). Museum funds numbered more than 3 thousand exhibits. In 1956 the museum was closed (at about the same time all but one of the Temnikov churches were destroyed), the exhibits were transferred to the Republican Museum of Local Lore.

Modern largest museums: the Mordovian Republican United Museum of Local Lore with 9 branches in the regions of the republic, the Mordovian Republican Museum fine arts named after S. D. Erzya with 3 branches, the Temnikovsky Museum of History and Local Lore named after Admiral F. F. Ushakov, the Museum of Military and Labor Feat with a branch - the Museum of A. I. Polezhaev. In addition to the state, there are more than a hundred small museums in the republic on a voluntary basis, including those created at educational institutions, some enterprises.

The largest library in the republic is the Pushkin National Library. As part of the FSBI VPO "Mordovia State University named after N. P. Ogareva "there is also the largest Science Library them. M. M. Bakhtin. M. M. Bakhtin is a prominent Russian philosopher and thinker, theorist of European culture and art. Lived and worked in Saransk.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the sculptor Stepan Dmitrievich Erzya, who took his pseudonym from the name of the Mordovian people "Erzya", became world famous. The significance of his work is widely promoted in the republic, since in his works he paid considerable attention, including to Mordovian culture.

Composer Leonid Ivanovich Voinov gained fame in Mordovia. Streets in Saransk and Temnikov, music schools in Saransk and Temnikov, an orchestra of Russian folk instruments are named after him.

The State Puppet Theater of the Republic of Mordovia is widely known in Russia. The main repertoire of the theater is folk tales.

The national Erzya and Moksha cultures are represented by several popular performers performing modern songs in the Moksha and Erzya languages, as well as by several groups performing traditional music. Among them, the Torama group, founded in 1990 by Vladimir Romashkin, stands out. Performers of Moksha and Erzya songs present their repertoire in the republic, as well as at events dedicated to the Finno-Ugric culture in Russia and abroad.

Center of the Finno-Ugric World

The Republic of Mordovia is one of the recognized centers of the Finno-Ugric world. Since July 2002, the central office of the Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples of Russia has been located in Saransk.

In 2006, on the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and with the participation of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Volga Center for the Cultures of the Finno-Ugric Peoples was established in Mordovia. Him structural unit is the Interregional Scientific Center for Finno-Ugric Studies of Mordovia state university named after N.P. Ogarev, in which the cultural sector operates on the basis of the Institute of National Culture of the Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogarev. In Saransk are published science Magazine "Finno-Ugric World" and "Finno-Ugorskaya Gazeta", which are circulated both in Russia and abroad.

In July 2007, an international festival "Shumbrat, Finno-Ugria!" Was held in Saransk, in which about 3,000 representatives of the Finno-Ugric peoples from all over Russia and foreign countries took part. In 2009, the republic hosted the IV Congress of the Finno-Ugric peoples of the Russian Federation.

Millennium of unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state

In August 2012, the Republic of Mordovia hosted the celebration of the Millennium of the Unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state - an event of all-Russian significance.


In the republic, since the 1960s, the number of schools teaching Mordovian languages \u200b\u200bhas been gradually decreasing: in the 1960/61 academic year there were 550 of them, by 1988/89 there were 319 of them. In the 1990s, there was a sharp increase in the number of students studying the Erzyan language as a subject. in state and municipal schools of the republic: in 1990 there were 5802, and in 2000 there were already 7640. On the contrary, the number of children studying Moksha decreased: from 10774 to 7495. In 2010, out of 419 schools in 161st education was conducted at home ( non-Russian) language: in 137 schools - in one Izmordovian language, in 24 - in Tatar. In other schools, Mordovian languages \u200b\u200bwere taught in 2010 in primary grades. There are 9 higher educational institutions in the Republic of Mordovia.

  • Mordovia State University named after Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev. Founded on October 1, 1931 as a Pedagogical Institute, on October 2, 1957, it was transformed into a university. It currently has 14 faculties and 7 institutes. In total, about 25,000 students study at Moscow State University. It is the largest classical university in the Volga region. It occupies 42nd place in the ranking of classical universities and 13th in the ranking of universities that train the country's personnel for the highest echelons of power. In 2010 he received the category "National Research University".

In order to prevent extremism and harmonize interethnic relations in youth environment, March 2, 2014 at the Information and Situational Center of the Moscow State University. N.P. Ogaryova, a round table was held, where they discussed the development of interethnic interaction and the education of civic identity in the youth environment. The work resulted in the opening of the regional branch of the All-Russian Interethnic Youth Union in Mordovia.

  • Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after Makar Evsevich Evseviev. Founded June 30, 1962. It currently has 9 faculties. About 6,000 students study. In the rating of Rosobrazovanie in 2004, the institute took 36th place among 78 pedagogical universities.
  • Saransk Cooperative Institute of the Russian University of Cooperation. Founded on September 23, 1976. About 7000 students study at SKI RUK. The Saransk Cooperative Institute carries out three-stage training: lyceum - technical school - university. The cooperative technical school prepares mid-level specialists in 5 specialties, higher education is conducted in 4 specialties. In 2005, the university became a diploma winner of the competition "The best goods of Mordovia" in the category "Services".
  • Mordovian humanitarian Institute... The Institute began its work on November 19, 1993 as a branch of the Moscow External Humanitarian University. Since 1994 it has been functioning as an independent institution of higher education. vocational education... Currently, about 2000 people are studying at the university. Specialists are trained in 3 specialties at 9 departments. In April 2004, the institute was awarded the international award of the Global Resources Management Association “Gold Ingot” as the most sustainable enterprise in Russia and Eastern Europe.
  • Ruzaevsky Institute of Mechanical Engineering (branch) of the Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogareva.
  • Saransk branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy.
  • Sredne-Volzhsky (Saransk) branch of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
  • Branch of the Volgo-Vyatka Academy public service in Saransk.
  • Branch of the Samara State Transport University in Ruzayevka.

Mordovia is one of 15 regions in which, on September 1, 2006, the subject of the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture was introduced as a regional component of education.


The main world religions are represented on the territory of Mordovia: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. Most of the inhabitants of the republic are Orthodox Christians. The region is represented by 3 dioceses: Saransk, Krasnoslobodskaya and Ardatovskaya. The ruling bishop is Metropolitan Zinovy \u200b\u200bof Saransk and Mordovia. The central cathedral of Saransk is the Cathedral of the holy righteous warrior Theodore Ushakov.

On the territory of the republic there are ancient monasteries that have become a place of pilgrimage for thousands of people from all over the country. Monasteries of the republic: Sanaksar Monastery (Temnikov), St. John the Theologian (Makarovka village), Holy Trinity (B. Chufarovo), Alexander Nevsky (Kimlyai); women: Paraskevo-Voznesensky (village of Paigarm), Svyato-Tikhvinsky (village of Kurilovo), Svyato-Olginsky (town of Insar). There are 3 spiritual administrations of Muslims in Mordovia - the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Mordovia, the Regional Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Mordovia and the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Mordovia

The religious situation in the Republic of Mordovia is stable and tolerant. In close interaction of traditional religious organizations and republican ministries and departments, various events are regularly held to help preserve and strengthen social harmony, interethnic and interfaith peace in the republic.


In May 2010, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Republic of Mordovia and the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, which provides for interaction on the development of 22 sports in the region. Mordovia has been identified as a base center for the development of 7 summer and 3 winter "pivot" Olympic sports. In 2013, it is planned to increase their number to 22. At a meeting of the Council for Physical Culture and Sports under the President of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Mordovia was named among the four best regions for the development of mass physical culture movement in the country.

The list of Mordovian athletes-candidates for the sports national teams of Russia includes 112 people. For the London Olympics, Mordovia has trained 150 athletes in various sports. Mordovia exhibits more than 18 national sportsmen per 100,000 inhabitants. The symbolic Mordovian team includes a large number of winners and prize-winners of the most prestigious competitions. It includes 3 Champions and 3 medalists of the Olympic Games, 27 World Champions, 20 European Champions, 21 World and European Cup winners, 19 winners of the European and World Championships. Among the best are Olympic champions Aleksey Mishin, Olga Kaniskina, Valery Borchin, Olympic medalist Denis Nizhegorodov. At the youth and adult levels, the Mordovian sports school has won the victories of Stanislav Emelyanov, Tatyana Shemyakina, Alexey Bartsaykin, Vyacheslav Pakhomov, Alexey Yufkin and many others.

Among the athletes who have moved to Mordovia from other regions of the country are discus thrower Daria Pishchalnikova, athlete Yuri Borzakovsky, shot putter Anna Avdeeva. Since August 2011, the leading Perm figure skating coach Lyudmila Kalinina has been working in Mordovia. Some of her pupils also moved with her. Among them are the winners of the European Championship, participants in the Olympic Games Vera Bazarova and Yuri Larionov.

Athletes of Mordovia at the 2012 Olympics

At the 2012 Olympics in London, representatives of Mordovia won five awards. In race walking, medals were won by the pupils of the Mordovian sports walking school under the guidance of the Honored Coach of Russia Viktor Chogin. "Gold" was won by Elena Lashmanova at a distance of 20 km and Sergey Kirdyapkin at a distance of 50 km. "Silver" - Olga Kaniskina. Two medals were won by athletes from the school of higher sportsmanship. Discus thrower Daria Pishchalnikova opened the score for Mordovia with her “silver”, and the runner Ekaterina Poistogova finished it with a “bronze”.

At the 2012 Paralympic Games in London, Mordovian track and field athlete Yevgeny Shvetsov became a three-time champion in the 100, 400 and 800 meters. At the same time, he set new world records at all three distances. ...

Preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup

By the decision of the International Union of Football Associations, Saransk received the right to host matches of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. This was announced on September 29, 2012.

The republic is undergoing large-scale preparations for this event of global importance. The greatest attention is paid to the development of road infrastructure. It is planned to build an overpass across the Insar river from the center of Saransk to the Zarechny district. By 2018, the high-speed train "Moscow - Samara" will run with a stop in Ruzayevka, thanks to which it will be possible to get from Moscow to Ruzayevka in 4-6 hours. With the construction and reconstruction of roads, Mordovia will prepare proposals for connecting them with tourist routes: Diveevo (through Temnikov), Sanaksar, access to Ryazan and Murom (through Tengushevo), etc.

By 2018, a temporary terminal will be built, which will increase the capacity of the Saransk airport to 1000 people (now it accepts up to 100 people per hour). By the time of the championship, Saransk airport will receive international status.

A new 45,000-seat stadium "Mordovia Arena" is being built to host matches, which will be transformed into a 26,000-seat stadium after the championship. Mordovia Arena will become not only a stadium, but a sports and cultural center, which will house shops, supermarkets, restaurants, tennis courts, basketball and volleyball courts. Part of the space will be allocated for dealerships of the largest carmakers.

In preparation for the World Cup in Saransk, it is planned to demolish a large number of dilapidated housing. The first houses in the Yubileiny microdistrict are already ready to move in. By 2018, the microdistrict will be fully built up. 33 thousand inhabitants will live here. After the World Cup, apartments in six 32-storey buildings will be provided to large families, orphans and disabled people. The five-star hotel is currently under construction in the city center on the embankment of the Saranka River and will be commissioned in 2014. The teams that will play in Saransk in 2018 will be accommodated in a four-star hotel near the children's park and Olympia (both hotels will have 85 seats). The Saransk hotel will receive four stars. All student dormitories will be reconstructed and equipped according to the format of two-star hotels.

Great attention is paid to the development of infrastructure and improving the level of service in Saransk. Several large shopping centers will open in the city at once. In 2012, the shopping and entertainment complex "RIO" began work, in 2015 the shopping and entertainment center "City-Park" was opened on Khimmash (not far from the monument to Emelyan Pugachev), shopping centers will also appear in Svetotekhstroy and Yugo-Zapad.

mass media

The first newspaper on the territory of Mordovia was published in 1906, when the newspaper "Muzhik" began to appear in Saransk. Today Mordovia has about 100 registered print media; there are branches of major Russian newspapers.

The republic publishes 1 daily newspaper - Izvestia Mordovii (published on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays) and weekly newspapers ProGorod, Stolitsa S, Vecherny Saransk, Mordovia, Molodaya Respublika, Selskaya Gazeta, TV Week, Telesem, Mokshen Pravda, Erzyan Pravda, Yuldash-Sputnik. Also, 22 regional newspapers are published.

Printed editions

  • "Evening Saransk";
  • “Voice of Mordovia University”;
  • "From hand to hand";
  • Izvestia of Mordovia;
  • "Mokshen Pravda" - in the Mokshan language;
  • "Young Republic";
  • "Capital C";
  • "Sixth number";
  • Erzyan Mastor - in Erzyan language;
  • "Erzyan Pravda" - in Erzyan language;
  • "Rural newspaper"
  • “Yuldash” (“Sputnik”) - in Tatar;
  • "Informagro" - an industry newspaper;
  • "Business world";
  • “Integration of Education”;
  • "Regionology";


There are two regional TV channels operating in the republic - a branch of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Russia", the private "Teleset Mordovia" (Channel 10). There are also 12 TVK "Saransk Television", which is a city channel.

In addition, in Saransk at the Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogareva, Ogarev-TV operates, which broadcasts broadcasting within the university, as well as in the format of Internet television.

Internet publications

There are 3 regional news agencies in the republic: Vestnik Mordovii (, MordovMedia ( and Info-RM (http: // The website of the state authorities of the Republic of Mordovia ( also operates in the format of a news agency. Among the independent Internet publications in the region, one can highlight the City Ratings portal (


The main law is the Constitution of the Republic of Mordovia.

In 1991, in Mordovia, like some other former autonomous republics (on the "wave" of sovereignty), the post of president was established.

At the national elections in the same year, a physicist by training, senior researcher at the Institute of Power Electronics Vasily Guslyannikov, who at that time headed the republican branch of the political movement Democratic Russia, was elected president.

In 1993, the Supreme Council of Mordovia abolished the post of president, on the basis of which V. Guslyannikov was removed from this post. Guslyannikov appealed against the actions of the highest legislative body of the republic in the Constitutional Court of Russia, but the Constitutional Court recognized them as complying with the Constitution of Russia.

In September 1995, Nikolai Merkushkin was elected Head of the Republic of Mordovia, who since January 1995 has been the chairman of the State Assembly of Mordovia.

N. Merkushkin won the presidential elections in 1998 and 2003 as well. Despite the fact that Merkushkin's third term expired in 2008, he raised the issue of confidence before the Russian president, which was decided in favor of the current head of Mordovia and he remained for a fourth term.

On May 10, 2012 N.I. Merkushkin left the post of the Head of the Republic of Mordovia in connection with his resignation and the one-time appointment of the acting governor. Vladimir Volkov has been appointed Acting Head of the Republic of Mordovia. On May 14, 2012, the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia approved Vladimir Volkov as the Head of the Republic of Mordovia.

Vladimir Sushkov has been the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia since 2012.

In the Republic of Mordovia, there are regional offices of the main political parties: United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party, Fair Russia, Yabloko, and Just Cause. The parliament of the republic - the State Assembly of the Republic of Moldova - is represented by deputies from United Russia and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. However, other political forces have the opportunity to work in public, for example, in the Public Chamber of Mordovia.

President of Russia on Mordovia

On December 20, 2012, the traditional press conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin was held in Moscow. The meeting was attended by over 1200 Russian and foreign journalists. At the press conference, the successes of Mordovia in various fields of economy, culture and sports were noted. The positive experience of the region in the development of interethnic relations was cited as an example. “Mordovia is one of the best examples of a multinational republic, where relations between different ethnic groups and religions are absolutely harmoniously built,” V. Putin noted.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has visited Mordovia six times.

The first visit took place on December 2, 1999, when Vladimir Vladimirovich was still the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Putin visited a number of industrial and social enterprises and praised the changes taking place in the region.

Vladimir Putin's second visit to Saransk lasted 2 days - July 7 and 8, 2002, when the president held a meeting with the heads of the regions of the Volga Federal District.

The third trip took place on August 10, 2006, during the visit V.V. Putin took part in the opening ceremony in Saransk of the monument to the holy righteous warrior Theodore Ushakov.

The next visit took place in the summer of 2007. The President visited Mordovia with his colleagues - the President of Finland Tarja Halonen and the Prime Minister of Hungary Ferenc Gyurcsany - to take part in the international festival "Shumbrat, Finno-Ugria" on July 19.

In June 2011, Putin visited the Institute of National Philology and Culture of the Finno-Ugric Peoples of the N.P. Ogarev Mordovian State University, held a meeting of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state, and also took part in the second All-Russian Forum of Rural Settlements in the village of Atemar.

In August 2012, the President took part in the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state. Near the monument "Forever with Russia" Putin addressed the residents of Mordovia. At the House of the Republic, he held the first meeting of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations.

Honorary Citizens


  1. Gross regional product per capita for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016 MS Excel document
  2. Gross regional product by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016 (Russian) (xls). Rosstat.
  3. Gross regional product by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016 (Russian) (xls). Rosstat.
  4. The population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2018. Retrieved July 25, 2018. Archived July 26, 2018.
  5. Both names are official and equivalent according to the Constitution of the Republic of Mordovia, art. 1, p. 2
  6. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Art. 5, pp. 12
  7. A. A. Yamashkin Physical and geographical conditions and landscapes of Mordovia: Textbook. allowance. - Saransk: Ed. Mordov. University, 1998. - ISBN 5-7103-0380-1.
  8. The nature of the Republic of Mordovia: Physical and geographical characteristics of Mordovia
  9. Mordovia
  10. Information materials on the final results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census
  11. Mordovia: Statistical Yearbook. - Saransk: Mordoviyastat, 2010 .-- P. 52 .-- 444 p. - 100 copies.
  12. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2017 (July 31, 2017). Retrieved July 31, 2017. Archived July 31, 2017.
  13. The size and distribution of the population of the Republic of Mordovia. Results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census. Retrieved January 19, 2015. Archived January 19, 2015.
  14. The head of Mordovia, Vladimir Volkov, congratulated media workers on the Day of Russian Press. Official website of the state authorities of the Republic of Moldova.
  15. The head of Mordovia congratulated the winners of journalistic contests, among the awardees was Vestnik Mordovia. Bulletin of Mordovia.
  16. Head of Mordovia Vladimir Volkov congratulated media workers on the Day of Russian Press.
  17. Innovation in Mordovia: what is the secret of the region's success ?. Regional comments.
  18. All-Russian competition for the title "The most comfortable urban (rural) settlement in Russia"
  19. Message from the Head of the Republic of Mordovia to the State Assembly of the Republic of Moldova. January 27, 2012
  20. All about Mordovia: Encyclopedic reference / comp. N. S. Krutov, E. M. Golubchik, S. S. Markova. - Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house, 2005 .-- 840 p. - ISBN 5-7595-1662-0.
  21. p.181
  22. p. 23
  23. p. 183
  24. The regional branch of the All-Russian Interethnic Youth Union will work in Mordovia
  25. A branch of the All-Russian Interethnic Youth Union was established in Mordovia Archived March 27, 2015.
  26. From September 1, many schools in the country will add another compulsory subject - the basics of Orthodoxy. Newsru, 30 August 2006.
  27. Website of the Saransk Diocese of the Mordovian Metropolitanate of the Russian Orthodox Church: Monasteries
  28. From the history of Mordovian sports
  29. On the eve of the International Forum "Russia - Country of Sports" Mordovia has become one of the most sporting regions of the country
  30. The famous Russian figure skating coach Lyudmila Kalinina now works in Mordovia
  31. Mordovia at the Olympics brought the Russian team five medals
  32. Ministry of Press and Information of the Republic of Mordovia. Retrieved April 2, 2016.
  33. OGAREV TV. Retrieved April 2, 2016.
  34. President accepts the resignation of the Head of the Republic of Mordovia
  35. RIA Novosti: Samara Governor Artyakov resigned
  36. Vladimir Volkov approved by the Head of the Republic of Mordovia
  37. Government of the Republic of Mordovia - the official server of the state authorities of Mordovia
  38. Press conference of Vladimir Putin


  • Everything about Mordovia: An Encyclopedic Reference / Compiled by: N. Krutov, E. M. Golubchik, S. Markova. - Saransk: Mordov. book publishing house, 2005 .-- 840 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-7595-1662-0. (in lane)
  • Ruchin A.B., Artaev O.N. Fish, amphibians and reptiles of the Republic of Mordovia. Atlas. - Saransk, 2007.


  • Guide to the Republic of Mordovia
  • Government Authority Server
  • Laws and regulations of the Republic of Mordovia
  • Agricultural portal of the Republic of Mordovia
  • List of cultural heritage sites of the Republic of Mordovia in Wikigid

There are so many regions in Russia that poorly educated young people sometimes get dizzy, and they confuse Moldova with Mordovia. At the federal level, there is no big news from Saransk and the surrounding area, so the population knows little about such a wonderful region.

Some have heard of Mordovia only in the translations of Goblin (a well-known translator of foreign films). In the goblin translation of The Lord of the Rings, Mordor was called Mordovia. It must be admitted that Mordovia became synonymous with Godforsakenness long before the first translations of the Goblin. For example, in the book of the famous writer Dovlatov "The Branch", the wife says to her husband, who admires a coffee vending machine: "You are not in Mordovia, scarecrow!" And if we add to these images the Soviet GULAG, which had an extensive representation in Mordovia, it is not at all surprising that the people consider this region to be something distant, cold, wild and frightening. But in fact, Saransk is just a stone's throw from Moscow, and Saransk itself is a lovely city. In 2011, he even won a competition for the most comfortable city in Russia. Of course, we know how these competitions are held, but all the same. The city is really well maintained.

Saransk. Photo by naum-lidiya (

Little was known about Mordovia even in Soviet times. The only thing that added fame to the region was a well-known anecdote:

“The Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union heard the question of uniting the Jewish Autonomous Region and Mordovia. In the end, it was decided not to unite them, since the disputing parties did not come to a common opinion on the name of the new republic: one side proposed to name the Jido-Mordovian republic, and the second - Morda Zhidovskaya ... "(The editors of the project are neither Semites, much less anti-Semites . Nobody needs to be offended. This is our folklore. This is our history.)

Let's go back to the region. As already mentioned, the first thing Mordovia is known for is its camps. Let me quote Dovlatov again:

“The ceremonial part lasted only twenty minutes. The manager himself spoke the longest. In the end he said: - We will forever remain prisoners of fascism. After all, what we have experienced is not forgotten ...
"Is he a prisoner of war too?" - I asked the armless Gurchenko.
“This bloke from the theater,” the old man replied, “appointed him as a party committee. For the fourth year he performs here ... In Mordovia, he would be three years old ... On felling ... "

The camps in Mordovia are located mainly in the western part of the republic. As you know, the Soviet government is very vindictive. At one time, Mordovia tried to resist young revolutionaries, and as a punishment the region was awarded a large number of camps. In those years, the communists suppressed the Mordovian uprisings with the help of chemical weapons.

Now only memory and history remind of those terrible times. The current government in the republic is in excellent relations with United Russia and Putin. In all elections there is a good turnout and abundant support from United Russia. On the territory of the republic there is a pretentious monument "Forever with Russia".

Until 2012, everything in the region was controlled by Governor Merkushkin. In fact, the entire republic was his principality. He led the region for 17 years, and during this time he managed to place the people he needed in key posts, and successfully for himself to establish all the processes in the republic. Local residents say that not so long ago Merkushkin could have been imprisoned, but he found a compromise with the country's leadership, and began to develop sports in the region with his own money. So far, no great success has been achieved on this basis. True, a large hockey stadium was built in the republic, but the game with the puck is not yet very developed, there are no corresponding traditions and a good school.

A lot of money was invested in the football team of Mordovia, which from the second division of domestic football reached the Premier League, but the Saransk footballers did not manage to stay there. The flow of money to the team has slightly decreased, and that's it, a fiasco. And all why? There are no traditions and a strong sports school. Money is invested - sportsmen-shabashniki come. No money - no athletes - no victories.

The regional leadership is well characterized by the situation with the football stadium in Saransk. Until 2010, in the city, the local team played at the normal Svetotekhnika stadium, which could accommodate 14,000 people, but it was suddenly demolished in order to break up the square in this place. Svetotekhnika was replaced by the Start stadium, which had a total of 5.3 seats. Is there logic? There is no logic. When the Svetotekhnika was demolished, they officially announced that they would build a stadium for 30 thousand seats in Mordovia to replace it, but the promises have not come true.

Stadium Start. Photo by pe100v (

In 2018, during the FIFA World Cup, Saransk is to become one of the host cities of the competition. At the Start, no one will allow the World Cup games to be played, so the regional authorities will have to invest money and build a new stadium with a capacity of 44 thousand spectators. Who will need it after the end of the championship is unknown. Local "Mordovia", which now plays in the second most important Russian league, will gather full stands only if it will distribute beer for free during matches, or show a striptease during the break.

Talking about the distinctive features of Mordovia, one cannot fail to mention the interesting situation with the anniversaries of the region. In 2012, Saransk celebrated the thousandth anniversary of the annexation of Mordovia to Russia. It is curious that this date was already celebrated in 2006, and 500 years in the eighties. Time flies so quickly in this wonderful land.

However, despite all the oddities and curiosities, Mordovia is a convenient region for life, and its capital is one of the best cities in Russia.

Geographical position

Mordovia is located in the eastern part of the East European Plain, approximately halfway between Moscow and the Volga. Part of the republic is located on the Volga Upland, and part on the Oka-Don Plain. The highest point of Mordovia rises 324 meters. In the south, the region borders on the Penza region, in the west - with Ryazan region, in the northeast the neighbor is Chuvashia, in the east - the Ulyanovsk region, and in the north - the Nizhny Novgorod region.

It should be noted that Mordovia is the closest Russian republic to Moscow: from the Moscow Ring Road to the western border of Mordovia along the road - 398 km, and if you fly directly by helicopter, then 330 km. However, despite its proximity to the capital, Mordovia belongs to the Volga Federal District, and not to the Central.


The indigenous population of Mordovia is Mordva, which is divided into two nations: Moksha and Erzya. There is also a Shoksha dialect in the Erzya language. True, this is an almost extinct language, no one speaks it. There are also dialects of Karatay and Teryukhan. Teryukhansky is a mixture of Tatar and Erzyan languages.

Russians in Mordovia are about half of the total population, and therefore the Russian language is in use there. The indigenous Mordovian youth prefer to speak Russian and know their languages \u200b\u200bpoorly. It is very difficult to distinguish outwardly a Mordvin from a Russian, we all have long been intermingled.

In other regions of Russia, visitors from Mordovia can give out a characteristic accent - they stretch the vowels at the end of a word, pronounce words in a chant and can put several stresses in one word. In addition, in Mordovian languages, nouns have no gender, and therefore native speakers often make mistakes in Russian: “I bought a cat, but he eats badly”. True, this applies mainly to the older generation, young people speak a typical Russian language.

Saranskaya embankment. Photo by or-lyuba (

In addition to the speech of a real Mordvin, a surname can give out - in it the root of an incomprehensible meaning is combined with the suffix -kin, therefore the surname sounds funny and simple. For example, Kaniskin. What is "canis" - one Mordovian knows. There are also surnames ending in –ev, which are derived from ancient Mordovian names. For example, Gundyaev. By the way, the name of Gundyaev is borne by Patriarch Kirill, who in the world is Vladimir Gundyaev, the most real Erzya.

Mordovians in Mordovia are about 40%. Russians are about 53%, there are still 5% Tatars. Many Mordovians can be found in Moscow. It is close to go from Saransk to the First See, and young people, at the first opportunity, try to go to the capital. There are quite a few cars with Mordovian numbers in Moscow.


Now it is calm in Mordovia, because there is nothing to divide in the republic. There are really no huge industries and minerals. However, in the 90s, things were different. In the organized crime group, fighters from Mordovia were highly valued. Local young people left in batches for Moscow to join one or another group. Mordovians were valued for their excellent physical shape, fearlessness and thirst for money. There was no work at all in Saransk and its environs in those years.

Unemployment rate

Mordovia was unlucky with minerals. Saransk itself has oil reserves, but it is not being produced. Either the reserves are small, or it is expensive to mine.

The main industrial sectors in the region are lighting and electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and metalworking, the production of medicines, and the food industry. In the 90s, Lisma, which produced a wide range of light sources, was almost bent, but the state helped it. Now the plant has become a state unitary enterprise, and at the very least managed to provide it with orders.

One of Lisma's workshops. Photo by proviandrey (

There is in Mordovia JSC "Plant" Saranskkabel ", JSC" Biochemist ", which produces antibiotics, and other enterprises. There are no particular problems with working in the region. True, some villages have not yet recovered from many years of devastation, but this is observed everywhere in the country. The average salary in the republic is 21,000 rubles. To many, this amount seems small, and therefore people, especially young people, are trying to leave for Moscow. Night on the train - and you are in the capital, and there are completely different earnings.

Property value

Real estate in Mordovia is not cheap. Average price for square meter in Saransk over 50 thousand rubles. In Ruzayevka, real estate is much cheaper. For 2 million you can rent a good two-room apartment there. In Saransk, this will require 500-600 thousand more.


The climate in Mordovia is temperate continental. The average temperature in January is -10 ° C, and in July +20 ° C. Living here is quite comfortable. True, due to the lack of relief, the weather can change dramatically. The northern air masses are replaced by southern ones, and vice versa.

Cities of the Republic of Mordovia

Park area of \u200b\u200bSaransk. Photo by or-lyuba (

Ruzaevka - the second city of Mordovia in terms of population, industry and everything. The population of Ruzayevka is only 46 thousand people. And, in truth, the city looks more like a big village than a small town. He even has a village name, Ruzaevka, and not some, for example, Ruzaevsk. The city is an important railway junction. Except on railroad, locals can work at the Ruzkhimmash plant, Vismut, Ruztex and others. In principle, there is enough work here, but young people still try to leave here.

The urban planning tradition originated in the Mordovian region at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries, during the period of the founding of the “new earth” fortresses. They were built in strategically important places on the forest-steppe guard borders of the Russian state, which was then intensively expanding in the southeast direction. Here, the Russian urban planning tradition has interacted with the peasant - Mordovian and Russian building practice for several centuries.

The compositional center of the cities of that period was a fortress of regular geometric shape. Geometry emphasized central position fortress in the natural landscape and symbolically likened it to the Heavenly City. Since the forms of structures obeyed the relief, their geometry was partially distorted (which was a characteristic feature of medieval architectural aesthetics). The location and size of the individual elements of the structure were dictated, of course, not by compositional, but by fortification requirements: the main gate was located where the road approached, the largest tower was placed in the most vulnerable place, etc. The size of the fortresses was also regulated - the perimeter of the walls of rectangular supporting fortresses was laid within 400 - 500 fathoms (in Saransk it was 470 fathoms. The appearance of the fortresses emphasized the impressiveness and inaccessibility.

The standard space-planning elements of the fortress were walls and towers of several types. For wall structures of the 16th - 17th centuries the so-called "taras" and "gorodni" are characteristic. The total height of the walls reached 8 - 10 m. Towers 15 - 20 m high (fours, sixes or eight) had a tiered volumetric composition with expressive plastic: the passage towers, as a rule, were in the lower part of a four with a gate, turning into an eight , and were crowned with a high hipped roof with a small turret on top, also covered with a hipped roof. The corner towers were built in a high quadrangle with a hipped roof. The fortresses, almost devoid of decor, stood out for their monumental forms and the large rhythm of the towers.

The main feature of the spatial organization of the county towns of Temnikov, Saransk, Krasnoslobodsk, Ardatov, Insar of the 18th-19th centuries. there was a slow liberation from the features of a military, and then a rural settlement. The entire history of local cities clearly shows the dominant role of state power in the cultivation of space, its desire to form small towns as centers of the agrarian region, to give them a civilized look. Located on the banks of small rivers, on the promontory hills, the city centers have always turned to vast meadow floodplains, from where the most expressive city panoramas opened up. The initial urban planning structure of these settlements was “fortress - bargaining - posad”. Their architectural image was formed not so much by civil buildings as by cathedrals, parish churches, city and suburban monasteries. In the XVI-XVIII centuries. the cities were a compact rectangle of a wooden fortress on the edge of a hill and townships with a sparse fractional layout. At the beginning of the XIX century. After a radical reconstruction of Russian cities, a large quarter became a planning unit of a settlement, and urban centers were freed from the remains of fortresses for the arrangement of rectangular squares with administrative buildings. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. the urban environment is becoming denser and socially differentiated; central streets and factory quarters appear. Socialist reconstruction in the XX century. noticeably violated the spatial structure and distorted the appearance of small towns.

Ardatov (founded in the 17th century). Until the beginning of the 19th century. the village of Novonikolskoye had an ordinal layout and a small number of stone buildings. In 1804 the city received a regular master plan with a system of rectangular blocks oriented along the river. Alatyr, and the central Cathedral square.

By the beginning of the XX century. in Ardatov, a wooden one-story building blocks and a panorama of the city center from the opposite bank of the river were formed. In the XX century. the city has lost the cult ensemble of the central part, but the city-wide center remains on the site of the Cathedral Square - at the intersection of ul. Lenin and Lunacharsky. New typical multi-storey residential construction was carried out on the eastern and northern outskirts of the city, an industrial zone was created on the southern outskirts.

Coat of arms of the city of Ardatov... Approved on August 16, 1781. Description of the coat of arms: “In the upper part of the shield the coat of arms of Simbirsk. At the bottom - two heaps of hay in a silver field, as a sign of a great abundance of hay. "

Insar (founded in 1648). Urban structure of Insara II half of the 17th - mid XVIII in. - "fortress - bargaining - posad". A wooden fortress in the shape of a rectangle with towers around the perimeter was built on a hill at the confluence of the river. Insarki and Issy. Posad with an ordinal layout was located north-west of the fortress; a trading area arose between them.

In 1785 the city received a regular general plan with a rectangular system of large blocks and a central square. By the middle of the XIX century. the city expanded to the south, the settlements of the lower part were separated by the r. Insarkoy. In the XX century. the city with the demolition of religious buildings has lost its historical appearance. Residential buildings remain a wooden one-story manor type. According to the 1984 master plan, the city-wide center was preserved at the intersection of ul. Gagarin and Moskovskaya, a new typical multi-storey residential development was carried out in the north-west, an industrial zone was created on the south-east outskirts of the city.

Coat of arms of Insara... Approved on May 28, 1781. Description of the coat of arms: “In the first part of the shield the coat of arms of Penza. In the second part, in a golden field, there is a large forest, surrounded by a groove with gates and gates, signifying an abundance of forests and an ancient grotto located near this city. "

Krasnoslobodsk (founded between 1535 and 1627). Town planning structure of Krasnoslobodsk in the second half of the 17th - mid-18th centuries. - "fortress - bargaining - posad". A wooden fortress in the form of a parallelogram with towers around the perimeter was built on the high bank of the river. Moksha, posad had an ordinal layout. According to the general plan of the late 18th century. the city received a quarterly layout, on the site of the fortress in the southern part a rectangular Cathedral Square arose, at the beginning of the 19th century. it was joined by a retail space. In the XIX century. the central square was built up with 1-2-storey stone residential buildings, in the southern part a city garden was laid out. At the end of the XIX century. the second ensemble was formed - the Assumption Monastery in the northern part of the city. By the beginning of the XX century. the city had expressive panoramas created by civil and religious buildings, opening from the floodplain of the river. Moksha from the southern and eastern suburbs.

In the XX century. the city, slightly going beyond the historically formed borders, with the demolition of religious buildings, lost its existing appearance. At the end of the XX century. it was divided into two parts - with a one-storey wooden estate and a stone multi-storey building. According to the general plan of 1984, the main compositional axis is st. Kirov, and the city center is located in the blocks on the street. Communist, International, Kalinin and Lenin. Two squares were formed - Sovetskaya and Kommunarov.

New typical five-storey residential development is underway in the northern and northwestern parts of the city.

Coat of arms of Krasnoslobodsk... Approved on May 28, 1781. Description of the coat of arms: “In the first part of the shield the coat of arms of Penza. In the second part, in a silver field, there are four branches intertwined with fruits, as a sign of the abundance of this fruit. "

Temnikov (founded in the XIV century). Town planning structure of Temnikov in the second half of the 17th - mid-18th century. - "fortress - bargaining - posad". A wooden fortress in the form of a trapezoid with towers around the perimeter was built on the right bank of the river. Moksha. Posad with 6 settlements was located south-west of the fortress in a bend of the river, in accordance with the rugged relief it received a branched layout.

At the beginning of the XVIII century. the city center moved to the west - to the r. Mokshe. In general, the city found itself in a shallow bowl facing the river. According to the general plan of 1797, the existing layout was fixed: the settlements acquired a semblance of a radial-ring system, the central part with Cathedral Square, the northern and southern parts of the city with parish churches were formed. In the 18th century. R. Moksha became the compositional axis connecting the city with the suburban Sanaksar monastery.

In the XX century. the city did not receive significant spatial development, but with the demolition of cult objects it lost its historical appearance. In the 1970s. it was divided into two parts - with a one-storey wooden estate and a stone multi-storey building. According to the general plan of 1986, the city-wide center was preserved in the historical part, a residential area with a typical five-storey building and an industrial zone on the north-eastern outskirts of the city were formed.

Coat of arms of Temnikov... Approved on August 16, 1781. Description of the coat of arms: “At the top of the shield is the Tambov coat of arms. At the bottom there is a great and frequent forest in a golden field, as a sign of the great abundance of forests. "

Troitsk... Trinity prison was built in the 1590s. at the confluence of the Moksha and Sezeldy rivers. The fortress in the form of a quadrangle with 6 four-sided towers was located on the left bank of the Moksha. Town-planning structure of Troitsk, 17th century - "fortress - bargaining - posad", the city acquires semicircular shape: the fortress is located on the edge of a hill, streets are adjacent to it on three sides; posad, enclosed between rivers and surrounded by an earthen rampart, takes on a radial-ring structure.

At the beginning of the XVIII century. the city is developing in two directions: one settlement with a branched layout is located west of the secondary fortifications, the other stretches along the Krasnoslobodskaya road to the north. The central part, surrounded by an earthen rampart and a ditch, had dimensions of about 700 × 700 m, the length of the upper part of the city was 3,500 m. At the end of the 18th century. the city was abolished.

Shishkeevo... Shishkeevsky prison was built on the left bank of the river. Shishkeevka opposite the confluence of the Yuzhga channel. The fortress with 4 towers was a parallelogram. A gate was built in the northwestern wall, behind which a bargaining was formed. Posad began to form to the north and west of the fortress. Shishkeev in 1780-1797 was the district town of the Penza governorship. After the abolition of the Shishkeevsky district, it was a significant city for more than 100 years. At the end of the 18th century. it had a regular structure: the entire oval-shaped settlement was enclosed in the south, east and north by a river and two channels, in the southeastern part near the bank of the r. Shishkeevka were the remains of the fortress. The whole city was divided into 15 large quarters, most of the streets formed a rectangular grid, but the square was not formed.

Saranskwas founded in 1641 as a fortress on the southeastern outskirts of the Muscovy, on the Atemarskaya zasechnaya line. In 1651 Saransk became the administrative center of the Saransk district.

The functional structure of Saransk in the second half of the 17th - mid-18th centuries. can be characterized by the formula "fortress - two bargaining - posad" (planning type - sector settlement). At the end of the 17th century. the Saranka River became the main compositional axis of the city. The fortress played a dominant compositional role even after the city lost its military function. It lasted until the end of the 18th century. By that time, the trade and craft Saransk already consisted of 5 settlements. Three of them were located north of Saranka, two - to the south.

The first general plan of Saransk was developed in 1784 - 1785. and approved by Catherine II. The regular master plan laid the foundation for a rectangular system of street networks with neighborhoods and squares, which, with a few exceptions, has survived in the historical part of the city. It took into account the existing division of the city of the r. Sarankoy into two parts - upper (upland) and lower (floor) and the center is oriented to its wide floodplain. The city took on the shape of a square with a cut off northeast corner; in the middle a rectangular grid of quarters is picturesquely cut by the floodplain of the r. Saranki.

The city's central square began to take shape in the 1780s. on the site of the northern part of the fortress, where stone cathedral churches and government tents were located, at the intersection of two main compositional axes. According to the general plan of 1785, the area of \u200b\u200belongated proportions (1: 4) stretched along the river. Saranki.

In the XIX century. Saransk is becoming the largest city in the Mordovian region. Its layout is streamlined, but does not change dramatically. Urban planning activities of this period are not aimed at creating ensembles, but at the gradual saturation of the subject-spatial environment and an increase in the building density. The role of the state in the regulation of urban life is noticeably decreasing, the importance of such an important urban planning tool as the master plan is decreasing. The initiative goes to a private developer. In 1893, a line of the Moscow-Kazan railway was drawn through Saransk.

At the beginning of the XX century. Saransk, the second most important city in the Penza province, remained a typical district center. In 1913, the total population of the city was 16.2 thousand people.

The transformation of Saransk from a county center into the capital of the republic led to significant changes in its cultural and economic characteristics. In 1940, the Leningrad Institute Giprogor developed a new general layout of the city. These projects provided for the reconstruction of the existing buildings and the development of the city in new territories within 15 years with a prospective population of 100 thousand people. It was planned to expand the city in the north and west directions. The enterprises of the light and food industries were united into a compact production zone.

The creation of the Mordovian Economic Council in 1957 gave a powerful impetus to urban construction. But the planned location of large industrial enterprises, which made Saransk one of the industrial centers of the Volgo-Vyatka economic region and entailed forced housing construction, led in turn to the territorial growth of the city and major urban planning miscalculations. In the late 1950s. the development of vacant territories to the north-west and south-east of the old city began. In 1959, four residential areas began to form there, and the first multi-storey residential areas appeared.

By 1988, the population of Saransk had grown to 328.7 thousand people, which was largely due to the accelerated growth of the industries of the city-forming group. Housing construction was directly related to the work of the urban industry. With the development of the northern industrial zone, the north-western residential area began to be intensively built up, and as the Rezinotekhnika plant developed, the north-eastern residential area expanded, the southern industrial zone developed along with the south-western residential area.

Comprehensive reconstruction is becoming the ideology of modern urban planning. In Saransk, it should cover the center (new public buildings and complexes, comfortable housing, landscaping). The 1988 master plan provided for the complete demolition of private buildings. To solve the transport problem, high-speed transit highways are being laid outside the center.

Coat of arms of Saransk... Approved on May 28, 1781, again approved on July 8, 1994. Description of the coat of arms: "In a silver field, a red fox and three arrows."

Volga Federal District. The Republic of Mordovia. Area 26.12 thousand square kilometers. Formed on January 10, 1930.
The administrative center of the federal district - the city of Saransk.

Cities of the Republic of Mordovia:

The Republic of Mordovia - a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Volga Federal District, located in the eastern part of the East European Plain. The rivers belong to the basins of the Oka and Volga rivers, the largest of the Mordovian rivers: Moksha, Vad, Satis and Sivin. There are several thousand lakes, ponds and reservoirs.

The Republic of Mordovia is a part of the Volgo-Vyatka economic region. The main industries are machine building and metalworking; light and food industries are also developed. In addition, iron foundry, chemical and petrochemical industries, and light industry are well developed. Agriculture of the republic specializes in meat and dairy cattle breeding and the cultivation of grain and fodder crops. Poultry farming is well developed.
Mordovia lacks diversity natural resources... Its main wealth is fertile land. From minerals there are deposits of limestone, various clays, peat, chalk.

In the 1920s, after the end of the Civil War, the question of the formation of national autonomies of the peoples of the Volga and Ural regions began to be resolved.
In 1930, the Mordovian District was transformed into the Mordovian Autonomous Region.
On December 20, 1934, by the Decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Mordovian ASSR was created.
In 1990, the Supreme Council of the Mordovian ASSR adopted the Declaration on the State Status of the Mordovian Republic, according to which the Mordovian ASSR was transformed into the Mordovian Soviet Socialist Republic.
In January 1994, by the decision of its Supreme Council, the MSSR became known as the Republic of Mordovia.
Order of Lenin (December 11, 1965)
Order of Lenin (July 10, 1985) - for the successes achieved by the workers of the MASSR in economic and cultural construction, and in connection with the 500th anniversary of the entry of the Mordovian people into the Russian state
Order of the October Revolution (1980)
Order of Friendship of Peoples (December 29, 1972)

Cities and regions of the Republic of Mordovia.

Cities of the Republic of Mordovia: Ardatov, Insar, Kovylkino, Krasnoslobodsk, Ruzaevka, Temnikov.

Urban districts of the Republic of Mordovia: "Saransk".

Municipal areas: Ardatovsky District, Atyurievsky District, Atyashevsky District, Bolshebereznikovsky District, Bolsheignatovsky District, Dubensky District, Elnikovsky District, Zubovo-Polyansky District, Insarsky District, Ichalkovsky District, Kadoshkinsky District, Kovylkinsky District, Kochkurovsky District, Krasnoslobodsky District, Romambirsky District Ruzaevsky district, Staroshaigovsky district, Temnikovsky district, Tengushevsky district, Torbeevsky district, Chamzinsky district.