Parallel world accessible to others 6. How the parallel world works

If we are so lonely in our Universe, then perhaps brothers in mind should be sought in other, parallel dimensions? Why not assume that our world has a "double"? There may be many inhabited planets, the inhabitants of which may well be like us. AND scientific evidence? - you ask. Indirect, but they are!

Light of other worlds

So, every year the area of \u200b\u200bthe Universe available for observation increases by one light year. It is difficult even to imagine how many generations must change before we get to the inhabited worlds ... But we are talking about our own universe. And other universes may have others physical characteristics space and time. Therefore, even our distant descendants are unlikely to ever be able to see them.

But there is also a version about parallel worlds adjacent to ours. The idea that random quantum processes cause the Universe to "multiply" into many copies of itself is very attractive.

And you can simply reject physical laws, presenting them to yourself as a pure abstraction. More recently, researchers from the European Space Agency made a truly sensational discovery. They came to their attention relict radiation, during the study of which by means of super-powerful telescopes, anomalous areas were discovered, characterized by such a bright luminosity that it can not correspond to the laws of physics. This confirms the theory that parallel universes are capable of penetrating, seeping into each other ...

Presumably, we are talking about matter that arose simultaneously with the birth of the Universe. And "glowing spots" are a trace of ancient contact with another space ... Different dimensions could have different physical constants.

Ranga-Ram Chari, a Californian scientist of Egyptian origin, analyzed the data and discovered "noise" that can only remain from the contact of two spheres (bubbles), in which universes are believed to originate.

Physics and mythology

Ranga-Ram Chari at the Max Planck Observatory managed to get photographs from space, which captured flares, which, in all likelihood, are the hypothetical lines of contact of the two universes. As a result, the researcher came to the conclusion that after the Big Bang, space was a collection of "soap bubbles" that constantly burst, releasing energy that contributes to the endless expansion of our universe and stimulates the formation of many other worlds.

An ancient Indian myth is involuntarily recalled about how Vishnu, who supports the entire universe, gives impetus to creation. Every second from the pores of his body appear spherical "bubbles" - universes ... This is how the discoveries of astrophysicists force to draw parallels with ancient myths.

Moreover, the modern popular theory of the multiverse says: universes originate on close range apart. And at the place of their contact, bright rings appear, exactly the same ones that Chari discovered.

Meanwhile, every discovery must also have opponents. So the next astrophysical sensation immediately faced a wave of skepticism. A number of scientists said that the bright lines in the photographs are just traces of dust clouds, albeit anomalous in their properties ... Therefore, additional independent analysis of the data obtained by Chari and his colleagues will have to be carried out.

There is a parallel world, but we will not be allowed there

At the same time, the existence of a different Universe is repeatedly mentioned in ancient sources. Even the father of cosmonautics, KE Tsiolkovsky, sacredly believed in its existence, though with the proviso: "We will never be allowed there." What did our brilliant compatriot talk about? Indeed, if we assume that the laws of physics that are familiar to us do not work in a parallel world, then how will inquisitive children of mankind get there?

After all, any technologies that we can create will be built according to the standards of this world, and not the neighboring one, about which we know nothing ...

But this does not mean at all that the next discovery has no practical benefit for us. It will at least allow us to think once again about how the universe works. And, maybe, take a new look at ourselves ...

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Astral, other dimensions, alternative and parallel worlds - these concepts in last years passed from science fiction works to our daily life... But do such worlds really exist or is it just a beautiful fairy tale? And if they do exist, is it possible to penetrate into them? (website)

... We will conventionally call this person Sergei Ivanov, since he is Russian, but does not want to advertise his own name. By profession, Sergei is an engineer, mentally he is absolutely healthy - this is what psychiatrists who examined him (at his request) say. The physical health of a man is also beyond praise: he has a "black belt" in karate and ken-do (the Japanese art of sword fighting). And despite all this, once in his life Sergei was seriously scared ...

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He says that he first began to see strange dreams at the age of fourteen. Then it did not last long, no more than two weeks, and the teenager did not have time to really get scared - he just marveled at the interesting plot and the brightness of his dreams. But ten years ago, Sergei experienced severe stress that lasted for about three months. Then the dreams began again - one more interesting and more colorful than the other. Unlike ordinary dreams, they were distinguished by coherence and absolute logical completeness. In addition, Sergei remembered them perfectly - as they remember yesterday. In each of his dreams, he was, as they say, "his own": he knew everything about the place in which he found himself, as if he was born there and lived a century. And this happened almost every night. Since Sergey was not fond of parapsychology and fantasy, he decided that he had schizophrenia ...

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The doctor the man turned to said that he was absolutely healthy. However, the unusual dreams did not stop, and Sergei again and again went to the doctors for help. In total, he was examined by six different psychiatrists and did not reveal any pathology. Sergei admits that, probably, he would feel better if he was found to have some sluggish schizophrenia ...

Parallel worlds as an objective reality

To paraphrase a well-known definition, we can say that parallel worlds are an objective reality that is given to some people in sensations. This is the opinion of Mikhail Averintsev - a hypnotist, psychic, or, as he himself says, a guide.

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Averintsev claims that these worlds are by no means invented, and is it possible to invent such a thing? There is a hypothesis (which, by the way, is quite consistent with the theory of academician V.I. Vernadsky about the noosphere), according to which everything that a person ever and anywhere invented existed or exists now. Thus, nothing can be invented, but it is possible to read - sometimes unconsciously - some scraps of information. Perhaps this explains the fact that over the past decades there have been many literary works written in the fantasy genre. Now no one is surprised that the writer foresees all kinds of scientific discoveries, but then why do we consider fictional a logically coherent and very reliable description of another world, different from ours - with the religion existing there, accepted philosophy, and so on? By the way, in recent years the number of people capable of perceiving astral fields has sharply increased.

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But back to our hero, whom we conditionally named Sergei Ivanov. Over time, he got used to his strange "nightlife", which, in principle, did not bother him, and a year later - and absolutely liked it. However, visits to the "parallel worlds" have become more rare - two or three times a month.

Now Sergei knows for sure that in a dream he always finds himself in the same three worlds. At two it "brings" it constantly, and at the third - no more than once or twice a year. At the same time, in the first reality, there is electricity, cars, helicopters, although it is obvious that both equipment and weapons are not ours. In terms of climate, this world resembles South Siberia.

In the second of the worlds visited by Sergey, everything is different: there are no firearms, but there are bows, spears, swords, horses ... In terms of the landscape, it is a hilly forest-steppe.

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As for the third world, it is difficult to describe it in words, everything is so strange there. Having mastered it, Sergei began to notice different little things: coats of arms, emblems, flags ... And it turned out that there was nothing like this on Earth and there is. And the main thing is that there is a different sky, different constellations! ..

There are infinitely many parallel worlds-reflections

"Guide" Mikhail Averintsev believes that there are an infinite number of parallel (astral) worlds. A little more than a hundred of them are most accessible to humans.

According to Averintsev, the picture of the universe is quite fully described by Roger Zelazny in a series of fantasy novels under the general title "The Chronicles of Amber". For those who have not read them, let us briefly explain: there is Amber, or order, and there is Chaos. They represent two extremes, like yin and yang, day and night, heaven and hell. There are many worlds between Amber and Chaos, including ours. Zelazny very accurately calls these worlds reflections. But is it possible to move from one such reflection to another? Of course, says Mikhail Averintsev. This is exactly what is happening with Sergei Ivanov, although his case is rather ambiguous (but more on that below).

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Dreams are of three types: the first reflects the real events of the day, the second reflects the passions of a person, that is, the work of the subconscious (according to Freud), but the third is just a journey through parallel worlds. And there is no need to think, says Averintsev, that the last type of dreams occurs less often than the first two, therefore each of us travels through the worlds-reflections in dreams, another thing is that all this happens unconsciously, and a common person, as a rule, remembers practically little of these travels.

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The case with Sergei Ivanov is quite another matter. He experiences every such journey as real as our physical world. Moreover, everything that happens in these parallel worlds, up to a scratch, remains on the body even after awakening. Once in the world where he is a warrior, he was almost killed at all, because about fifty people immediately flew at him. And although Sergey has a "black belt" and vast experience in such fights, he decided that it would be wiser to wake up. Fortunately, he can easily leave the parallel reality at will. By the way, no matter how many days and even months he was in the reflection, only a few hours of sleep pass in our world ...

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But what is alarming, Mikhail Averintsev continues his reasoning, today lucid dreams attract many, there are even whole home-grown "schools" of lucid dreams, which are easy to find on the Internet. However, going into any reflection is comparable to clinical death and not everyone succeeds in returning from there, since the conscious presence there can "bind" a person tightly.

With Sergei everything is different, and here the reason, most likely, is that he "comes from another reality" - far from being an earthling. This confirms the fact that after the doctors did not help Sergei, he turned to psychics, but they flatly refused to work with him - too strong a sensory guide, a real "stranger", whose energy shocks anyone, even himself a strong psychic.

That is why deliberate travels through reflections should be feared, because such as Sergei Ivanov, I think, is one person in a hundred million, and the travel itself is not a pleasant walk into the forest, while it is as real as our physical one. Of course, there is no danger in unconscious travels along them with the help of the guide-soul - it will save, it will lead you back, but when the walk obeys an imperfect mind ...

Parallel worlds have attracted thousands of researchers, it has already been proven that this is a reality that exists in parallel. The physics of space can be similar, and different, there is witchcraft and magic, time flows differently. People who managed to find a portal to a parallel world by chance were absent for a long time, and only hours passed in another reflection.

Parallel worlds - what are they?

The idea that there are many worlds was put forward by the ancient philosophers Democritus, Metrodorus of Chios and Epicurus. Later, scientists developed the same theory, relying on the principle of isonomy - equal being. The laws of physics argue that all dimensions are connected by photonic tunnels, this allows you to move through them without distorting the law of energy conservation. There is a version about such portals:

  1. The door to another world opens in "black holes", as these are funnels that draw in matter.
  2. It is possible to open a portal to a parallel world with correctly constructed models of different mirrors. Such stone surfaces were found near the Tibetan pyramids, when members of the expeditions began to see themselves in a different reality.

Parallel worlds - proof of existence

For many years, scientists have broken spears in disputes: are there parallel worlds? Serious studies of the problem were carried out in the middle of the last century, when the scientist Hugh Everett published the materials of his scientific work, giving the formulation of photonic mechanics through the conditionality of states. The physicist was the first to notice the disagreement between the wave and matrix formulas, which formed the basis of the Multiverse theory:

  1. During the selection process, all its possibilities are realized.
  2. Each choice is different from the others because it is embedded in a different reflection.
  3. It does not matter who makes the choice: an electron or a person.

The theory deduced by physicists about the existence of many worlds is called superstring theory or the theory of the Multiverse. Parapsychologists, for their part, argue that there are supposedly more than 40 portals to other dimensions in the world, of which 4 are located in Australia, another 7 are in the USA, and 1 is in Russia, in the Gelendzhik region, in an old mine. There is evidence that a young guy who decided to go down there disappeared for a week, and went upstairs already very old, and did not remember anything about what happened.

How many parallel worlds are there?

Physicists suggest that superstring theory supports the existence of parallel worlds. It testifies that all the elements of the world are made of vibrating threads and membranes of energy. According to this theory, other dimensions can be from 10 to the 100th power to 10 to the 500th power of pieces. Mathematicians present their proofs. If parallel straight lines can coexist in two-dimensional space, and parallel planes in three-dimensional space, then parallel three-dimensional spaces are combined in four-dimensional space.

What does a parallel world look like?

Scientists find it difficult to describe parallel worlds, because parallels cannot cross, and it is difficult to visit that reflection for the sake of experience. In this matter, one can rely only on the words of eyewitnesses. In their vision, parallel worlds are:

  • nature of amazing beauty, inhabited by elves, gnomes and dragons;
  • an area that looks like a volcano's crater, bathed in crimson light;
  • rooms and streets, reminiscent of childhood places, filled with light.

The only thing that the descriptions are similar in is in a strong stream of light that manifests itself from the void. Scientists saw similar phenomena in the pyramids of the pharaohs, the researchers deduced that the cameras are covered with unique alloys that glow in the dark. When trying to expose the chip to sunlight, these alloys disintegrate, it is impossible to study them, so there is no exact data.

How to get to a parallel world?

Traveling to is one of the popular science fiction topics and the dream of many inhabitants of the Earth. According to theorists, the easiest way is a dream, in which information is received and transmitted many times faster than in reality. If we talk about deliberate movement, then the situation is somewhat different. According to esotericists, it is possible to enter another world, but it is very dangerous, since the other nature of the emitted waves can negatively affect the structure of the human brain. But through trial and error, several ways have been developed that will help make such a journey:

  1. Lucid dream, providing for the shutdown of consciousness and immersion in another reality.
  2. Meditation... The techniques are similar.
  3. Using a mirror... Since ancient times, magicians have made special rituals for this.
  4. Through the elevator... The transition is best done at night, alone, pressing the floor numbers in a certain sequence.

Creatures from parallel worlds

It is difficult to say what the parallel worlds are, what is found there. But beings from another reflection of reality at all times were observed by a great many people. It's not just about humanoids. The most famous cases of such meetings:

  1. 93 years old. In Rome, people saw a luminous, golden ball that floated across the sky.
  2. 235 year. In China, the belligerents saw a large scarlet ball, which threw out rays in the form of daggers, moving from north to south.
  3. 848 year. The French noticed objects in the sky that were shaped like glowing cigars.
  • fairies;
  • poltergeists;
  • critters.

Cinema about parallel worlds

There are many films about parallel worlds; directors and writers have named this genre of fantasy. There our world is portrayed as part of the multiverse. All categories of viewers love watching about parallel worlds. Most Popular Movies:

  1. Parallel Worlds (2011, Canada) - adventures, fantasy.
  2. The Chronicles of Narnia (2005, USA) - pure fantasy.
  3. "Sliders" (1995 - 2000, USA)- a series closer to science fiction.
  4. "Fierce Planet" (2011, USA) - adventure, fantasy, thriller.
  5. "Verbo" (2011, Spain) - fiction.

Books about parallel worlds

Are there parallel worlds on earth? - writers have been looking for the answer to this question for a long time. The very first legends about the Gardens of Eden, Inferno, Olympus and Valhalla quite fall into the category of a story about parallel worlds. The concrete concept of the existence of other dimensions appeared already in the 19th century, with the light hand of H.G. Wells. AT contemporary literature there are hundreds of novels about time travel, but such classics are called pioneers:

  1. H. Wells, Door in the Wall.
  2. Herbert Dent, "Emperor of the Country" If ".
  3. Benjamin Hirschhorn, "Rude Romance".
  4. Jorge Borges, Garden of Forking Paths.
  5. "Multi-tiered world" - a cycle of fantastic stories.
  6. The Chronicles of Amber is the most vivid reflection of other dimensions in literature.