Bekhterev on the soul. Natalya Bekhtereva: Clinical death is not a black pit The famous neurophysiologist Natalya Bekhtereva studied the brain for more than half a century and observed dozens of returns "from there", working in intensive care

Composite passenger catamaran "Griffin" / Photo:

The first Russian passenger carbon fiber catamaran turned out to be 30% cheaper than foreign analogues. He claims to replace the "Meteor" on the routes to Peterhof, and even to enter the line from St. Petersburg to Helsinki and Tallinn.

Petersburg shipbuilders on Thursday, October 19, rolled a large delegation of shipowners and officials along the Neva. For the first time, the public was shown a joint development with Rusnano - the only Russian passenger catamaran made of composite materials. Alcohol flowed like a river, but none of the Russians have yet decided to buy an inexpensive, economical and fast ship. But Cubans and Indians are already eager to buy the technology.

The village of Pontonny in the Kolpinsky district, where the Sredne-Nevsky shipbuilding plant (SNSZ) is based, is a place that looks far from innovation - not Silicon Valley at all. There are stalls near the road, a dull railway platform, from which a broken road goes to a checkpoint, where a woman of an unremarkable appearance sells honey right on the territory of the plant. Behind the fence there are old workshops, broken lawns; at the quay wall, weathered warships languish, over which the same experienced Soviet cranes hang. And a snow-white catamaran 26 by 9 meters sways on the waves. The body is pure composite, no metal. Today he has his first flight with passengers - potential buyers.

While awaiting departure, the Fontanka correspondent discussed the sudden technological breakthrough with one of the creators of the catamaran project (he asked not to be named). According to him, the plant actively uses composites to create warships, and a civilian ship could never have been born, but the circumstances were fortunate: the government decided to write off the Meteora and Komets, which have been discontinued since the 1990s. last century. In total in Russia, according to the river register, there are almost 150 "Meteors" and "Voskhod", of which 34 are assigned to St. Petersburg. They mainly work on lines in Peterhof and Valaam. Their replacement is a promising market.

"Several years ago, a discussion began that the" Comets "and" Meteora "have worked out the terms of service and endlessly prolong their work - the way to nowhere. Therefore, it was decided to create an alternative," - explained the interlocutor.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has created a targeted program "Anticipation", and in 2012 SNSZ won the tender for the construction of a 150-seat passenger catamaran with a composite hull. And in September 2017, the plant received another 150 million rubles from the St. Petersburg Industrial Development Fund to launch its production. Thus, it was possible to create the lead ship, which was named "Griffin".

Materials for the body made of carbon fiber were developed and supplied by Muscovites - the portfolio company Rusnano - Prepreg-SCM. Anatoly Chubais came to the SNSZ to look at the results of cooperation. They say that he was satisfied: the carbon fiber body is not inferior in strength to metal counterparts, but it resists fatigue better, is resistant to the action of the marine environment and is much easier to repair and operate. The weight of the vessel, in comparison with its metal counterparts, has decreased by 10-30% and its strength has increased by almost the same amount.

Due to this, the catamaran built at SNSZ is distinguished by a shallow draft (up to 1.5 meters), while afloat at the Meteors it is 2.35 meters. The vessel's capacity is also greater (150-200 people, depending on the modification) against 116-128 passengers of the Meteor. The cruising range is also significantly higher: 1000 km in comparison with 600 km for the Meteors. The catamaran can be operated at sea waves up to 4 points without reducing the speed characteristics. In such weather conditions it is simply dangerous for Meteora to fly on the wings.

At the same time, unlike the Meteors, catamarans are easier to operate: two engines, spaced across two hulls, allow you to turn around almost on the spot. Such vessels have high stability and comfort for passengers due to less rolling.

But the speed of "Meteor" is still higher - they accelerate to a maximum of 75-77 km per hour, and on average they operate at speeds of 60-65 km per hour. The SNSZ catamaran, which is being created as a replacement, can stably support 50-60 km per hour. The shipyard assures that this is not a problem - when the Meteor approaches the berth, it slows down and becomes an ordinary ship:

"At maximum speed" Meteor "is faster, but for short distances this is not necessary - winning 3-4 minutes does not give anything, - replied to the remark general manager SNSZ Vladimir Seredokho. - Just think, he will come not in 30, but in 33 minutes. But consumption and savings are completely different! "

Another painful issue is buyers. A small catamaran is worth, of course, not like a destroyer, but almost 300 million rubles. At the same time, the price of the Meteor modernization, during which more efficient engines are installed on it, ranges from 10 to 20 million rubles. After that, the service life of the hydrofoil vessel is formally extended by 10-15 years. But if we talk about new catamarans, then there is a more rosy situation:

“Abroad, similar catamarans are produced in Europe, Australia, Scandinavian countries, - said the director of the Fontanka plant. - But in this category, a similar European catamaran will cost 5-6 million euros, plus import duties, that is, 20-30% more ".

In addition, there is a potential for price reduction, the main thing is to enter the series. If the ships start producing one after another, then the second in the series will cost at least 1.5 times cheaper, and the fourth and subsequent ones will cost customers half the price, they promise at the plant. One vessel, taking into account the production and testing of the SNSZ, is built in 18 months. In parallel, work can be carried out on four similar projects.

As the representative of the Sredne-Nevsky plant, who was present at the meetings with potential customers, told Fontanka, the city became interested in the development - the vice-governor Movchan offered to rent the Griffin during the World Cup. A variant of use in the Crimea and on the Tallinn-Helsinki line, which the ship could cover along with the bus service, is being considered. But so far foreigners have shown the greatest interest.

"The Cubans would potentially like to make four hulls for 250 passengers using our technology, which they want to acquire. They need ships to communicate with the islands. The Hindu delegation also came with a similar interest," the source of Fontanka explained. “Technology can be learned quickly enough.

On the contrary, Russian buyers from the regions to which Fontanka approached during the trip on the catamaran could not say anything concrete about the plans of their organizations. Someone expressed hopes for leasing and preferential financing schemes, but so far only in words.

- So far, everyone is only interested, - the director honestly admitted. - People come to touch, look. Nowadays, many things are painted beautifully, and buyers prefer to see the product live first. Therefore, we will hold presentations on the lead ship for now.

MOSCOW, publication "", Ilya Kazakov

An academic who devoted her life to studying the human brain, died at the age of 84 [interview]

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Yesterday, June 22, at the age of 83, the famous neurophysiologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, laureate of the USSR State Prize, a member of many foreign academies Natalya Bekhtereva died at the St. George's Hospital in Hamburg.

For almost two decades, Natalya Petrovna was scientific advisor Human Brain Institute Russian academy sciences. The famous researcher studied how the brain of a healthy and sick person works. Natalia Bekhtereva - author of about 400 scientific works, she owns discoveries in the field of mechanisms of thinking, memory, emotions and organization of the human brain.

So, for example, Bekhtereva found that it is the neurons of the subcortical formations of the brain that "understand" speech, that the pathological state of the brain is the main cause of many chronic diseases nervous system... Academician Bekhtereva was one of the first to use the method of long-term implantation of electrodes into the human brain. Under her leadership, the central task of neurosurgery was finally solved - gentle contact with the brain structures.

Fate. Natalia Bekhtereva was born in Leningrad on July 7, 1924 in an intelligent family. She was the granddaughter of the great scientist Academician Vladimir Bekhterev (when he died, she was 4 years old). Her childhood was difficult. After her father, an engineer, was shot as an enemy of the people, and her mother was sent to Stalin's camps, the girl ended up in an orphanage. She became seriously interested in medicine during the war, when in besieged Leningrad was on duty in hospitals, caring for the wounded.

Scientific career. In 1947, Natalia Bekhtereva graduated from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute named after Academician Pavlov, in 1950 - postgraduate studies at the Institute of Physiology of the Central nervous system of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. From 1950 to 1990 she worked at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. She headed the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Then she became the head of the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Natalia Bekhtereva was a laureate of the USSR State Prize, a member of the Austrian and Finnish Academies of Sciences, the American Academy of Medicine and Psychiatry, and an honorary citizen of St. Petersburg.

Area of \u200b\u200binterest. Natalya Petrovna was a very interesting person, she studied the brain of the leaders, met with Vanga, and in last years believed in God and became interested in the phenomenon of experience after death. Natalia Bekhtereva wrote a book for the general reader, where she spoke in understandable language about the human brain and its riddles.


About faith in God

You are wondering how I came to faith. This moment had nothing to do with either Vanga's personality or science. It so happened that after a trip to Vanga - it just coincided in time - I went through a lot. I survived the betrayal of my closest friends, persecution at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, which I then headed and where I announced my decision to go to new Institute brain, and the worst thing is the death of two of my close people: my husband and his son from their first marriage. They died very tragically, almost simultaneously: Alik committed suicide, and her husband could not bear his death and died on the same night.

That's when I changed a lot. The personally experienced experience was completely beyond the framework of the explanation of the world known to me. For example, I could in no way find an explanation for the fact that my husband, having appeared to me after that in a dream, asked for help in publishing the manuscript of his book, which I had not read and which I would not have learned about without his words. This was not the first such experience in my life (before my father's arrest in 1937, I also had a dream, then reflected in reality), but here for the first time I started thinking about what was happening in earnest. Of course, this new reality was frightening. But then my friend, priest, abbot in Tsarskoe Selo, Father Gennady, helped me a lot ... By the way, he strongly advised me to talk less about such experiences. Then I did not really listen to this advice and even wrote about what happened in the book - just like I used to write about any other observation.

About the Internet

If asked what I consider to be the most important invention of humanity, I would certainly call the Internet. This is a very useful invention. But mankind, as a rule, does not invent the best for itself. Building houses and atomic bomb builds to destroy them, fights infections and creates new infections, which then have to be fought again and so on ... I would like to think that the peak of the Internet craze should pass and everything should fall into place. The person will use the Internet as needed. I think the possibilities of human contact that the Internet has provided are fabulous. This is what people have dreamed of. The possibilities of the Internet are such that the language does not turn, to say that it is harmful or bad to use it. But when addiction arises, it is really bad. This addiction, in principle, is even treated in psychiatric institutions. And there is no need to argue whether this dependence of others is better or worse. Any addiction is not very good. The world is now so in love with the Internet that it is useless to discuss this problem, humanity will still use it.

About the possibilities of the brain

It always surprises me when someone tries to judge by what percentage the human brain is loaded. All my life I have been working with the human brain, and I know all the methods of brain research, but I cannot understand who and how calculates it.

We know that the brain is designed like this: no matter what happens in it, the whole brain is necessarily activated. He loses all the possibilities and further goes the minimization of the territories of the brain that will be involved. There is no situation when the brain does not play variants. This was once proved by Pavlov. We see it all the time. And this is wonderful, this is the best self-preservation mechanism of the brain.

About recipes for strengthening memory

In order for the memory to be better, it must be exercised. Just as there are exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, and abdominals, there are exercises to strengthen memory. They are very simple, generally available, and can be made in any setting. For example, many people are very fond of acquiring a large number of notebooks, personal weeklies, notebooks. Why not practice your memory and try to memorize all the phone numbers of your friends and acquaintances?

After all, it is no coincidence that earlier in schools children were forced to cram a lot by heart. Cramming was generally one of the teaching methods. We always criticized her a lot and, in the end, eliminated it. And together with her they threw a good memory simulator into the trash. To train your memory, it is very useful to study a foreign language, to memorize at least five to ten new words daily. Or memorizing poetry is a seemingly idle exercise, but believe my experience, it's a very effective exercise. Many people are fond of doing crossword puzzles - also a good method for developing memory and associative thinking.

You definitely need to replenish your vocabulary, read more. And not only newspapers, although the press is now quite interesting and diverse, but also science fiction, and lyrics, and special literature - in order to get as much information as possible. That is, to make your brain work. In general, the more diverse information a person tries to remember, the better he will be with memory. Therefore, do not take long breaks in mental work.

There are other ways to strengthen your memory. For example, natural recreation in nature. Forest walks are very beneficial, because it is not only a different composition of the air, different smells, but it is also a fundamental change in the situation, which in itself has a positive effect on the mechanism of our memory.

About prophetic dreams

As a rule, dreams have nothing to do with the future, so you should not take dream books seriously. But in my life there were several dreams that turned out to be prophetic. And one of them was incredibly prophetic, right down to the details. It was a dream about my mother's death. Mom was alive and well, rested in the south, shortly before that I received a good letter from her. And in a dream, and I fell asleep during the day, I dreamed that a postman came to me with a telegram, which said that my mother had died. I go to the funeral, meet people there whom I have never seen before, greet them, call them by name - it's all in a dream. When I woke up and told my husband my dream, he said: "Do you, a brain specialist, believe in dreams?"

In short, despite the fact that I was firmly convinced that I needed to fly to my mother, I was dissuaded from it. Rather, I allowed myself to be dissuaded. Well, after ten days everything happened exactly as it was in my dream. And to the smallest details. For example, I have forgotten the word village council long ago, I just never needed it. In a dream, I was looking for a village council, and in reality I had to look for it - that's the story. It was with me personally, but I'm not the only one. There are many other cases of prophetic dreams and even scientific discoveries in dreams. For example, Mendeleev's discovery of the periodic table of elements.

This cannot be explained. It is better not to be wise and say directly: since this cannot be explained by any of the modern scientific methods, we will have to assume that the future is given to us in advance, that it already exists. And we can, at least in a dream, come into contact with either a higher Reason, or with God - with Someone who possesses knowledge about this future. With more definite formulations, I would like to wait, because the advances in the technological direction of brain science are so great that maybe something else will be discovered that will shed light on this problem as well.

Used interviews from sites,.

In February 1916, in the midst of the First World War in St. Petersburg at a scientific conference, the words: "The immortality of the human person is a scientific problem!" These words were pronounced by Academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev. And then he added: “There is no death, gentlemen! There is no death! This can be proven. And prove strictly logically. The human personality is immortal! "

What happens to the human Person after the death of the physical body from the point of view of science? Yes, yes, it is science, not religion. What happens to our knowledge, skills, sensations, emotions, thoughts, information about the world around us accumulated over a lifetime, that is, to our life experience? Does our life end with the beating of our heart? If with death we turn into lifeless matter, subject to decomposition, then what was life itself worth? Many difficult and vital questions have been raised. But it turns out there are science-based answers to them!

What keeps the secret of immortality? The scientist suggested that the solution to this mystery is associated with the structure and functions of the human brain. That is why he devoted his whole life to studying it.

Photo 1. The soul of a person in a transitional state after the death of the physical body.

Plasmoids in the old temple

But today we will talk about something else ...

Academician Bekhterev once remarked that only 20% of people will be given the great happiness of dying, keeping the mind on the roads of life. The rest by old age will turn into evil or naive senile and become ballast on the shoulders of their own grandchildren and adult children. 80% is significantly more than the number of those who are destined to develop cancer, Parkinson's disease, or to sleep in old age from fragility of bones. In order to enter the happy 20% in the future, it is important to start now.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev

Where is the reason? Over the years, almost everyone begins to be lazy. We work a lot in our youth to rest in our old age. However, the more we calm down and relax, the more harm we do to ourselves. The level of requests is reduced to a banal set: "eat delicious - get plenty of sleep." Intellectual work is limited to solving crosswords. The level of demands and claims to life and others is growing, and the burden of the past crushes. Irritation from not understanding something results in a rejection of reality. Memory and thinking abilities suffer. Gradually, a person moves away from the real world, creating his own, often cruel and hostile, painful fantasy world.

Dementia never comes suddenly. It progresses over the years, acquiring more and more power over a person. The fact that now is just a prerequisite in the future may become fertile ground for the germs of dementia. Most of all, it threatens those who have lived their lives without changing their attitudes. Traits such as excessive adherence to principles, perseverance and conservatism are more likely to lead to dementia in old age than flexibility, the ability to quickly change decisions, emotionality. "The main thing, guys, is not to grow old at heart!"

Here are some indirect clues that you should consider upgrading your brain.

1. You have become sensitive to criticism, while you yourself criticize others too often.
2. You don't want to learn new things. Rather agree to have your old mobile phone repaired than read the instructions for the new model.
3. You often say: "But before," that is, you remember and nostalgic for the old days.
4. You are ready to talk about something with rapture, despite the boredom in the eyes of the interlocutor. It doesn't matter that he falls asleep now, the main thing is that what you are talking about is interesting to you ..
5. You find it difficult to concentrate when you start reading serious or scientific literature. You poorly understand and remember what you read. You can read half of the book today, and tomorrow you can forget its beginning.
6. You began to talk about issues in which you were never versed. For example, about politics, economics, poetry or figure skating. And it seems to you that you are so good at the issue that you could start running the state right tomorrow, become a professional literary critic or a sports judge.
7. Of the two films - a work by a cult director and a popular film novel / detective story - you choose the latter. Why strain yourself again? You don’t understand at all what someone finds interesting in these cult directors.
8. You are confident that others should adjust to you, and not vice versa.
9. There are many rituals in your life. For example, you cannot drink your morning coffee from any mug other than your beloved one without first feeding the cat and flipping through the morning newspaper.
The loss of even one element would unsettle you for the whole day.
10. At times you notice that you are tyrannizing others with some of your actions, and you do it without malicious intent, but simply because you think that this is more correct.

Upgrading your brain!

Note, the brightest people who preserve reason until old age, as a rule, are people of science and art. On duty, they have to strain their memory and do daily mental work. They keep their finger on the pulse all the time modern lifetracking fashion trends and even ahead of them in some way. This "production necessity" is the guarantee of a happy, reasonable longevity.

1. Start learning something every two or three years. You don't have to go to college and get a third or even fourth degree. You can take a short-term refresher course or master a completely new profession. You can start eating those foods that you haven't eaten before, learn new tastes.

2. Surround yourself with young people. You can always pick up all sorts of useful things from them that will help you to always remain modern. Play with children, they can teach you a lot that you do not even know about.

3. If you haven't learned anything new for a long time, maybe you just weren't looking? Take a look around, how much new and interesting is happening where you live.

4. From time to time, solve intellectual problems and pass all kinds of subject tests.

5. Teach foreign languages, even if you don't speak them. The need to regularly memorize new words will help train your memory.

6. Grow not only upward, but also inward! Take out old textbooks and periodically recall the school and university curriculum.

7. Go in for sports! Regular physical activity before and after gray hair really saves you from dementia.

8. Train your memory often, forcing yourself to remember verses that you once knew by heart, dance steps, programs that you learned at the institute, phone numbers of old friends and much more - everything you can remember.

9. Break habits and rituals. The more the next day differs from the previous one, the less likely you are to "smoke" and come to dementia. Drive to work on different streets, give up the habit of ordering the same dishes, do what you have never been able to do

10. Give more freedom to others and do as much as possible yourself. The more spontaneity, the more creativity. The more creativity you have, the longer you retain your wits and intelligence!

7 july granddaughter of the world famousphysiologist, psychiatrist and neuropathologist Vladimir Bekhterev, a world-renowned neurophysiologist,head of the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Natalia Bekhtereva would have turned 90 years old. She passed away on June 25, 2008 in a hospital in Germany.We have always followed her research closely. And Natalya Petrovna herself, who rarely gave interviews, more than once went to meet the readers of AiF. Conversations with her diverged into quotations (see "AiF" No. 1-2, 3, 4, 2003, No. 27, 2004, No. 13, 2008). Today we publish some thoughts of the great scientist.

NP Bekhtereva was engaged in "brainstorming" for more than half a century. She was awarded the USSR State Prize in the field of science. She was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, "For Services to the Fatherland" III degree, etc. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, an honorary member of dozens of international scientific societies, author and co-author of over 370 scientific papers. For the first time in the Soviet Union, she applied the method of long-term implantation of electrodes into the human brain.

Illumination is the pearl of the soul

Neurophysiologist Natalya Bekhtereva in the laboratory of the Department of Neurophysiology of the Institute of Experimental Medicine. 1966 year. Photo: RIA Novosti / Yuri Korolev

- I often think of the brain as if it were a separate organism, as if "a being in a being." The brain protects itself from the flurry of negative emotions not taking over it entirely. When I realized this, I felt as if I had found a pearl.

Is there a soul? If so, what is it? .. Something that permeates the entire body, which is not hindered by walls, doors or ceilings. The soul, in the absence of better formulations, is also called, for example, that which seems to leave the body when a person dies ... Where is the place of the soul - in the brain, in the spinal cord, in the heart, in the stomach? You can say - "in the whole body" or "outside the body, somewhere nearby." I think this substance needs no space. If it is, then in the whole body.

Is there life after death?

- I know one thing: clinical death is not a failure, not a temporary non-existence. The man is alive in these moments. It seems to me that the brain dies not when oxygen does not enter the vessels for six minutes, but at the moment when it finally begins to flow. All products of not very perfect metabolism "pile" on the brain and finish it off ... Why do we sometimes see the environment as if from the outside? It is possible that at extreme moments in the brain, not only ordinary vision mechanisms are activated, but also mechanisms of a holographic nature. For example, during childbirth: according to our research, several percent of women in childbirth also have a state, as if the "soul" goes out. Women giving birth feel themselves outside the body, observing what is happening from the side. And at this time they do not feel pain.

Another mystery of the brain is dreams. The biggest mystery to me is the very fact that we are sleeping. Could the brain arrange itself so as not to sleep? I think yes. For example, dolphins sleep by turns of the left and right hemispheres ... How can you explain "dreams with a continuation" and the like? Let's say that this is not the first time you dream of some very good, but unfamiliar place - for example, a city. Most likely, the "fairytale cities" of dreams are formed in the brain under the influence of books, movies, and become like a permanent dream place. We are drawn to something not yet experienced, but very good ... Or prophetic dreams are receiving information from the outside, foreseeing the future or random coincidences? .. I myself two weeks "before the event" with all the details saw my death in a dream mother.

Almost all people have a fear of death. They say that the fear of waiting for death is many times more terrible than it itself. Jack London has a story about a man who wanted to steal a dog sled. The dogs bit him. The man bled out and died. And before that he said: "People slandered death." It is not death that is terrible, but dying ... I am not afraid.

Natalya Bekhtereva, scientific director of the Institute of the Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences. 2008 year. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexey Danichev