New psychology Brentano. Psychology of Act F.

Brentano Franz. (Brentano, 1838-1917) - it. The philosopher, in the past - the Catholic priest, who refused to San due to disagreement with the doctrine on the infallibility of the Pope. In his most famous work, "Psychology from an empirical point of view" (1874), a program for building psychology as an independent science was proposed. His concept of psychology B. called the psychology of the act.

He had a significant impact on the understanding of thinking in the procedural aspect in the Würzburg school, on the ideas of the Austrian school, the development of the method of phenomenological self-surveillance in Gestalt-Psychology and the Leipzig School, on the development of functionalism in psychology. Reading lectures on philosophy in the Vienna Un-Three, influenced the philosophical interests of Z. Freud, which while studying at honey. The faculty intended to even defend the dissertation on philosophy. (E.E. Sokolova)

His philosophical views are based in part on the teachings of Aristotle and its medieval interpreters, partly on the newest English psychology. From its essays the most important: "Die Psychologie des Aristoteres" (Mainz, 1867), "Psychologie Vom Empirischen Standpunkte" (Volume 1, Leipzig, 1874).

Brentano argued that "the true method of philosophy does not differ from the method natural Sciences" His view of scientific philosophy had a huge influence on the later German philosophers, such as A. Maineong and E. Gusserl, as well as on logical positivism.

Brentano Franz believed that in psychology it is impossible to consider isolated reactions, and it is also impossible by mechanical measurements to give an answer about the nature of mental processes. He laid the prerequisites for the subsequent development of the Würzburg School and Gestalt Psychology as a whole.


  • Selected work. - M., 1996.
  • On the ambiguity of the existing on Aristotle // theology. Philosophy. Culturalology. Vol. 4. - SP6, 1997.
  • On the origin of moral knowledge / trans. A.A. Anipko. - SPb.: Aletiaya, 2000. - 202 C - ("Metaphysical Research. Annex to Almanacu").
  • On the meaningfulness of the cargo in Aristotle. Spb. "VRFSH" \u200b\u200b.2012.
  • The psychology of Aristotle in the light of his teachings about Voūç ποιηΐΐyός (translation and comments I.V. Makarova) // Historical and Philosophical Yearbook'2002.
  • Essay on knowledge [fragment]; Letter to Anton Marti from 03/17/1905; 0B of obviousness. [Fragment]; Letter to Gusserly from 9.01.1905 / Anthology of world philosophy. T.3. M., 1971.

Literature in Russian

  • Tvardovsky, k.f. Brentano and the history of philosophy / trans. with Polish. B.T. Dombrovsky // Logical and Philosophical and Psychological Studies. - M., 1997.
  • Meerovsky B.V., Biryukov B.V. F. Brentano-historical philosophy of Aristotle // Historical and Philosophical Yearbook 1991 M., 1991. C.146-152.
  • Krasnoshekov A.N. Logic-semantic theory F. Brentano and the problem of obvious judgments // Scientific conference "Modern Logic: Problems of Theory, History and Applications in Science". St. Petersburg., 1994.c.19-21
  • Kyung, G. Brentano, Gusserl and Ingarten on evaluating acts and knowledge of values \u200b\u200b/ per. O. Kubanova // Logos. - 1995. - № 6. - p.117-123
  • Gromov R.A. To the question of psychologist: Brentanovskaya school and empirical versions of criticism of psychologist // Philosophy and future of civilization. Abstracts of reports and speeches of the IV Russian Philosophical Congress (Moscow May 24-28, 2005): in 5t. T.2. M., 2005. C.S.70-71
  • Gromov R.A. Brentano and Husserl as historians of philosophy // Logos. No 2. (59) 2007. - P.75-97
  • Makarova I.V. Franz Brentano and his "Aristotle Psychology" // Historical and Philosophical Yearbook'2002. Scientific publication. - Moscow, "Science", 2003, p.304-308
  • Makarova I.V. Franz.

Franz Brentano (1838-1917) put forward a program that opposed both the traditional elementary associative psychology and the new psychology of the Wandt.

Subjective method self-surveillance. Genuine psychological reality (and the subject of study of psychology) are acts of consciousness. The act is directed to the object - intentionality. From this immanent object object.

Three types of acts: acts of representation, acts of judgment, acts of feelings.

In the presentation, the subject is (present) to consciousness. The modifications of this act are perception, swollen.

Judgment - the object is mng as true or false. Desire and will. The basis of ethical representations.

Acts of feelings. Emotional estimation.

Three important issues of psychology of consciousness are delivered - objectivity, activity and unity.

Ideological followers (everyone only partially relied on his ideas)

· Karl Stampf (1848-1936) - Founder of the Psychological Institute for Munich (1889) and Berlin (1893) universities. Pupils of Stampf were E. Gusserl, K. Cooff, V. Keler, M. Vertheimer, K. Levin. The central concept of the psychology of Stampf is a function - corresponds to the act of Brentano. Stampf distinguishes the phenomena of consciousness, mental functions and their products. At the same time, it is the functions that constitute the most significant in the mental life and the task of the study. The main feature of the function is procedural.

· A. Mainong (1853-1920) - created the "theory of objects", which became theoretical basis for the problem of integrity in the Grass school.

· Christians von Erenfels (1859-1932) - Gestalt-quality (quality form) - 1890.

· Theodore Lipps (1851-1914). Psychology as a science of consciousness associated with the real world. The interaction is carried out using acts. Introduced the concept of encompassion (empathy).

· W. Jems (1842-1910) - see question number 29

From the lecture:

Franz Brentano. He was a Catholic priest. Rely on Aristotle and Scholasty.

Thomas Akvinsky - Tomis. Interpretation of Aristotle. Achieving harmony between faith and mind.

Brentano - intention, intentionality.

The problem of the essence of mental phenomena. Interation as a characteristic of mental acts. Classification of mental acts. Methods of psychology.

He taught a lot, was a famous lecturer.

Criticized Wundt and for the subject, and for the method of psychology.

Consciousness is always subject, a person always thinks of something, and not at all. Psychology should show the direction of consciousness for the subject. That is, it is necessary to study the act of perception, feelings, judgments, etc.

In Würzburg, the student Brentano was K. Stampf, who, in turn, was a teacher of the founders of gestalt-psychology.

In Vienna, Brentano studied Freud and Gusserl (philosophical courses).

Chief work - "Psychology from an empirical point of view" (unfinished).

Development of ideas Brentano in psychology:

· Austrian (Grazing school)

Ehrenfels introduced the concept of gestalt quality.

· Psychology of functions K. Stampfa

· The theory of Empathy T. Lipps, analytical psychology F. Stata and J. Ward

Development of intentionality learning in philosophy: Phenomenology E. Husserl.

T. Lipps believed that when we see something, we cannot but make our spirits and feelings. Feeling perceives the act of perception.

Consciousness has the property of intentionality. This is the ability to intention (orientation). That is the ability to commit acts of orientation. The connection of these ideas with the ideas of Aristotle.

"Sensory mosaic" of consciousness cannot act as a matter of psychology. Consciousness has the ability to be inextricated to a particular subject, thanks to which he constantly carries out a holistic act. Each act directs consciousness on his subject. Each act of consciousness is an act of its orientation to a particular subject. The act of consciousness represents its function.

Acts of consciousness:

· Representation - Act of submissions

· Judgment - Act of Destinations

· Emotional estimation (feeling)

The followers of Brentano Stampf and Lipps will later say that the focus of consciousness on the subject is its function.

The subject of consciousness changes, but the act of the orientation remains unchanged.

The basic principles of psychology:

· Consciousness is an active principle

· Principle of object

· Principle of integrity

Leibniz in the controversy with LCER argued that consciousness initially actively introduces the concept of "Apperception".

Brentano, the function of the orientation causes integrity.

Würzburg School (early XX century). Application of experiment to higher mental processes, in particular to thinking. Support on the principles of new psychology Brentano. Ugly (beltenious, non-sensory) thinking.

Narcissus Ah introduced a unity of thinking - meaning. Values \u200b\u200bmay have different levels of development, the content may have different levels of generalization. Developed a methodology for researching concepts. Methods of Vygotsky-Sakharov.

The intensification (focus) on the task generates determine the trend. It combines all actions to solve the problem. The focus on the goal determines the integrity of the structure.

In the Austrian city of Graz, the school appeared, which was headed by A. Maineong. The composition of this school included H. Erenfels.

Schools of holistic psychology: Austrian (Graz), Berlin (Gestalt-Psychology), Leipzig (collaborated with the fascist regime), School Kurt Levina.

Experiment H. Erenfels. Melody for piano. When the tonality changes, the composition of the elements (notes, keys) is changing, but the melody is perceived equally.

Freud, learning at the university, went to the lecture on the psychology Brentano. The property of the attraction is its direction (echo ideas of Brentano).

The Austrian Catholic Priest, who refused to Sana, due to disagreement with the doctrine on the infallibility of the Pope, adopted in 1870 at the I-M Vatican Cathedral; philosopher, predecessor of philosophy Edmund Gusserly.

Franz Brentano He believed that psychology "... should firmly adhere to the empirical observation method and get out of the philos. quagches where she got into the era (and not without influence) Immanuel Kantawhom Brentano considered mystic. For Brentano, the word "empirical" meant sensual experience with an emphasis on activity. " He believed that certain experience should always be directly correlated with a specific object. Wund He argued that psychology should study the content of experience (consciousness), and the task of the psychologist is to dismember these mental content on their discrete elements. Brentano opposed this approach and became one of the most stringent critics Wandta. For Brentano, psychological processes only then acquire their importance when they constitute acts of consciousness. When we see the "red" color, a significant mental event is not a color as such, but the act of "experiences of red" ... "

Psychological encyclopedia, 2nd ed. / Ed. R. Korsini, A. Auerbach, St. Petersburg, "Peter", 2006, p. 679-680.

Franz Brentano is most famous for its teaching on the intentionality of consciousness (this idea was borrowed to them from scholasticity) as a generic sign of mental phenomena.

In 1874. Franz Brentano I published a book: Psychology from an empirical point of view / Psychologie Vom Empirischen Standpunkt, where actually suggested a program for building psychology as an independent science. The concept of psychology F. Britano called the "psychology of the act" (the term is sometimes used in the literature: "International acts of consciousness"). General idea: A person is perceived in the experience of phenomena 2 types: physical (for example: sounds and colors) and mental.

Mental phenomena cannot be considered isolated, since they are all or otherwise - always directed to a particular object. Or: it is impossible to think, not a thought of something; see without seeing something; Love, not like anything, etc.

It is this focus and mean when they talk about the "intentionality of consciousness". And physical objects not Possess intentionality ...

Franz Brentano allocated 3 Psychic phenomena class:

1) mental acts of perception or submission;
2) mental acts of judgment (approval or denial of the object);
3) acts of love and hatred (that is, emotional acts).

At the same time, mental acts belonging to the first group are characterized by a philosopher as obvious and underlying other acts: judgments and love.

The philosopher called his theory of psychognosia, or phenomenognosion, but these names were not further distribution.

The concept of intentionality Franz Brentano borrowed from medieval thinkers, in particular from Foma Aquinsky, relying on Aristotle, wrote that the ability of the presentation (that is, as items appear to a person in his thinking) there is a clean form without matter, that is, and that this ability is already in the brain beforehow a person faces the world of things ...

In turn, ideas Franz Brentano influenced creativity Sigmund Freud., Edmund Gusserly And many others.



(Brentano) Franz (1838-1917) - it. And Austra. . He taught philosophy in Würzburg (1866-1873) and Vienna (1874-1894) Un-Tah. From 1864 - a Catholic priest, in 1873 in connection with the controversy around the dogma on the infallibility of the Pope, there was a spiritual san. His immediate disciples in Würzburg - K. Sulpef, A. Marty, etc., among students and students in Vienna - T. Massar, A. Mainong, E. Gusserl, K. Tvardovsky, K. von Erenfels, A. Höfler, s . Freud and others. In accordance with his teaching on the four phases of philosophy's development in each historical era (ascending and three decline) B. negatively estimated the Kantian and post-depth philosophy (phase of extreme decline), with the exception of positivism, with the representatives of which he, the Less, half alarmed. Under the influence of it. Trendelenburg B. philosophy appealed to Aristotle, who served as the starting point for his doctrine of consciousness. B. put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bphilosophy as strict science, which was then picked up by Gussers. The initial task B. considered the separation of items of natural science and psychology. The subject of natural science is physical phenomena, which are found in sensations (visible shape, color, landscape, audible sounds, etc.). The identification of the forces that causes the sensations, with the subject there is a sustainable existence science. Turning attention to physical phenomena in fantasy is one of the main sources of psychological knowledge. The subject of psychology is mental phenomena: acts of consciousness that cannot be given by self-surveillance. The source of knowledge about them B. considered the perception coexisting in one act of consciousness with any form of mental activity, each of which is aware of it as such: the presentation is like, judgment - as a judgment, etc. Internal perception, or internal, there is an evidence in the same source: the presentation is aware of it precisely as the idea that we have, judgment - just like the judgment that we express, etc. It is planned here by the main point of his discrepancy with I. Kant: according to B., the internal experience does not contain division on things in themselves and phenomena. The main signs of the differences in mental phenomena from physical are the following: 1) all mental phenomena or the essence of the presentation themselves, or are based on ideas; 2) each phenomenon is characterized by an intentional (mental) existence in it of the subject, or a reference to the object. B. re-introduces medieval "intentional", which becomes one of the main in philosophy of 20 V.
The classification of mental phenomena is carried out by B. Accordingly, their intentional nature, i.e. By a way to assign an object. There are three unavailable to each other class: acts of representations underlying all others; Acts of judgment in which it is recognized or rejected (judgments are not submissions), and acts of love and hatred and interests (feeling and will). From this classification, the ethical teachings of B. grow, based on the analogy between the third and second classes: in contrast to the representations, they detect the faithful and incorrect, true and false. The act of preferences of the true in the sphere of feelings and will is the source of moral consciousness.
In the late period B. Specify that our mental is aimed at things (body and "perfumes"), which are taken as objects in various ways. Only things have existence in their own sense, their higher generic is. What is taken as an object exists only in an informal sense: for example. Temptitude, not individual, love, and not loving, space, not spatiality, and not individuals who think. Real, according to B., maybe only individual. What is taken as an object - in the presentation, etc. - Not individually. Neither external nor inner perception gives an individualizing feature. The doctrine of consciousness is the point of intersection of all the main problems of philosophy B.: Problems of time, critical analysis of the language, nature of moral consciousness, the rationale for the optimistic religious worldview ("rational theisms"). The effect of philosophy B. is traced in the phenomenology of Husserl and M. Heidegger, neoralism, analytical philosophy, in the Würzburg Psychological School and Gestaltpeichology.

Philosophy: encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Gardariki. Edited by A.A. Ivin. 2004 .



Franz (. Jan. 16. 1838, Marienberg, near Boppard -. March 7, 1917, Zurich) - it. Philosopher, from 1864 - Catholic. The priest, from 1872 - Professor of Philosophy in Würzburg, and from 1874 - in Vienna. For doubts about the faith in 1873, there is a deprived of spiritual sanity and is excited from Catholic. The church, in 1880, is also eliminated from the professors. The follower of the philosophy of Aristotle and Catholic. (neo) scholastic. He was a decisive opponent of Kant and him. idealism; In contrast, the last defended pronounced. Brentano is the founder of psychology as a teaching on mental phenomena; Classifying them, it distinguishes three asn. Forms: Representations, judgments and emotions. An essential feature of the psychic phenomenon believed (see INTENTION). In the field of metaphysics tried to justify free Christ. . From his ideas, Maineong, Stampf, Gusserl proceeded from his ideas. As for the evolutionary views of Brentano, it should be noted that, while in early period All the objects of intentional acts, he considered the existing EO IPSO intravenously - the alert, which almost all his students perceived, including Gusserl, in a later period of creativity, he recognizes that objects of intentional acts are always transcendent. OSN. Production: Psychologie Vom Empirischen Standpunkte Aus, 1874; "VOM URSPRUNG SITTLICHER ERKENNTNIS", 1889; "Grundlegung und Aufbau der Ethik, Aus Dem Nachlaia HRSG. Von F. Moyer-Hillebrand ", 1952.

Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 .


Brentano (Brentano) Franz Clemens Hermann (January 16, 1838, Marienberg-March 17, 1917, Zurich) - Austrian philosopher. He studied philosophy and psychology in Munich; Würzburg, then in Berlin, where in 1862 under the leadership of F. Trendelenburg defended doctoral dissertation "On the various meanings of the Aristotle". In 1864, Brentano receives a San Catholic priest. From 1866 reads, logic, psychology and metaphysics in Un-Te Würzburg, then, from 1874, already in the position of the ordinary professor in Vienna. In 1872 and 1873, during trips to England, France and Germany personally meets Spencer, T. Fekhner, E. G. Weber, V. Windelband. In 1879, he removes spiritual san (assuming to marry, Brentano, in the Austrian legislation, could not be a priest), while losing the professorship. In 1896 he moved to Florence and receives Italian citizenship, at the same time ceasing a public academic career. In different years, his lectures were visited by K. Stampf, A. Marta, E. Gusserl, 3. Freud, K. Tvardovsky, A. Mainong, T. Masik, X. von Erenfels, A. Castil, O. Kraus. The most devoted pupils was created "Empirical School Brentano". The creation of his own philosophical system Brentano correlated with the original historical and philosophical concept of "four phases of the development of philosophy", developed by him in I860. In accordance with this theory, three large period-antiquity, Middle Ages and a new time, consist of cyclically replacing each other four phases. The first phase is characterized by climbing philosophy, the adequacy of "natural" methods of philosophizing to its subject, the absence of artificial, out-of-incorrect prerequisites of knowledge (eg, Plato, Aristotle; Foma Akvinsky; Locke, Descartes). The second phase marks the beginning of the decline of philosophy, accompanied by the erosion of pure philosophical interest, the dominance of "practical" targets, the transformation of philosophy into official discipline (and epicureism; DUNS livestock; French and German). The third phase - the Skepticis Phase - deprives the confidence of science, "published on the market square" and justifying everything that is pleased (often directly opposite, like stoicism and epicureism). The human mind is generally refused to see and present robust foundations of knowledge (pyronism, sext empiric; Okkay; Yum). The fourth phase restores a cognitive person in the rights, but it also connects it with external, inexpensive grounds, since all the "experienced" foundations of philosophical knowledge were destroyed by skepticism is the phase of "mysticism" (nonopenecy and; Meister Eckhart, Nikolai Kuzansky; Kant, Fichte, Shelling, Hegel). T about., Brentano, after the completion of the fourth phase of the new time, after the "extreme decline of philosophy", the first phase of the new historical period, the lifting phase, which his own philosophy is obliged to correspond, moreover, this phase is initiated. The name of its basic labor "Psychology from an empirical point of view" (1874), as Brentano writes, "characterizes it and on the subject, and by the method." Psychology, Brentano, studies (1) of human consciousness and methods for their compound, as well as (2) prerequisites and the emergence of these elements. The first is descriptive psychology (or descriptive phenomenology), the second-subject of genetic psychology, given it to physicochemical processes. Descriptive analyzes and describes the phenomena of our consciousness, that is, the facts directly the data in the experience, or that the same, items that have in the inner perception. Brentano attributed his work to descriptive psychology, calling her psychognosia. Psychoginosia is the only possible for the Brentano-form of scientific philosophy, which has accurate and reliable statements about the researcher. human consciousness. Generally outside the phenomena of consciousness, on Brentano, there is no subject of philosophical research, since the data of our world is the amount of phenomena, or phenomena, available exclusively as inquiry in consciousness. It distinguishes mental and physical phenomena. The first are acts of representation that arose through or fantasy, judgments and movements of the soul ", or emotional phenomena. The idea always lies at the base of the two other types of mental phenomena. If we judge about something, simultaneously with the act of judgment we will definitely represent this "something" if we love, I love in the presentation "something." Physical phenomena is a color, figure, cold, smell, i.e. what is given in a mental phenomenon. The visible structurality of the world in fact turns out the structure of consciousness. Consciousness is always directed to something, it can only be described in terms of relationships, relational. Such fundamental consciousness of Brentano calls the "intentional attitude". The intentionality implies a correlative pair, where one correlate is consciousness (mental phenomenon), and the other, to which he is directed. For example, "Vision-visible", "Act of Representions-Presented", "Desire-Desired". At the same time, only the first of the correlates is real (has a real being), the second is not unrealized and has an exclusively intentional existence of "inside" the act of consciousness. For example, about which thinks is unreal in his own sense of the word (it exists only intenniently), but Reaen act of ideas about this person. In general, the real existence can be resolved only in the sphere of obvious experience. From the fact that Brentano writes that I see a stain or hear the sound, it does not yet follow that this stain or sound exist. The existence of an object of a mental act is not clear in the most-advocacy act, while the non-existence of a mental act would mean him, which is obvious contradiction. Brentano distinguishes primary and mental objects. The primary object of the mental act is its internal. However, in any act there is a secondary object-himself mental act, which is given as if "at the same time" with the object primary. In the presentation of the color (as the primary object, physical phenomenon) there is always a presentation of this presentation.

The researchers traditionally indicate two stages in the philosophical evolution of Brentano, and between them runs at the turn of the centuries, in any case it is believed that in 1902 the fracture has already happened. The second stage does not differ from the first fundamental installation on the correlation of the act of consciousness, only an existential primary object of the mental act is changed. Brentano argues that the subject of thinking can not be carried

the existing, but only what really exists, and really exists only individual. A more differentiated mental act is also introduced. Catching a certain object in the external perception, we grab in internal perception and this perception itself, and as directed to the physical object, i.e. it turns out that this object is submitted by us not only directly (in external perception), but also indirectly (in the internal perception). If, for example, we have the presentation of universal non-being, then here it is necessary to distinguish the idea of \u200b\u200bus as those who deny the universal non-being (in the modus "straight") and the representation of the thing at all (in the "indirect" modus). The thing that exists here is the subject of thinking, it is not a "universal non-being", but the act of thinking. The proposal "There is a conceivable" is replaced by the proposal "There is a thinking".

Analytical work on the problem of consciousness allowed Brentano productively participate in many fundamental discussions of its time, in particular, on the problem of the unconscious, where in the dispute with E. Heartman and his supporters of Brentano, the self-contrastfulness of the term "unconscious consciousness" was noted, not allowing the presence of unconscious mental phenomena. The philosophical effect of Brentano is difficult to overestimate. It is viewed in the development of phenomenology, analytical philosophy, theory of objects, gestaltpsychology.

Op.: Select. Work. M., 1996; On the ambiguity of the existing on Aristotle.-In KN.: "Theology. Philosophy. Culturalology. St. Petersburg, 1997, c. four; Psychologie vom Empirischen Standpunkt. Lpz., 1874; Von der Klassifikation Der Psychischen Phaenomene. Lpz., 1911; Wahrheit und Evidenz. Hamburg, 1962; Die abkehr vom nichtrealen. Bemmünch., 1966; Deskriptive Psychologie. HAMB., 1982.

Lit.; Krans 0. Franz Brentano. Münch., 1919; MOST 0. Die Ethik F. Brentano "s. Münster, 1993; Windüchet HF Brentano und Die Scholastik. Junsbrock, 1936; Methode et métaphysique Selon Fr. Brentano. P., 1995; Tvardovsky K. F. Brentano and.-In KN .: Logic-philosophical and psychological research. M., 1997.

V. V. Anashvich

New philosophical encyclopedia: 4 tt. M.: Thought. Edited by V. S. Stupina. 2001 .

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    Clemens Brentano, 1778-1842) The most vibrant and significant representative of the second generation of German romantics (see German literature). Already during the years of youth, being still completely under the charm of the Ien Romantics (see Romanticism), B. ... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Brentano, Luio (born in 1844) a well-known German economist. In 1872 he was a professor economic Sciences In Brzlavl, later held the Department of Political Economy in Strasbourg, Vienna, Leipzig and from 1891 in Munich Universities. ... ... 1000 biographies

Brentano, as opposed to Wilhelm Wyndt, stated that the main method of psychology was observation, and not experimentation. He distinguished the act of color vision and touch color content.

Brentano (Brentano) Franz

(16.01.1838, Marienberg - 03/17/1917, Zurich) - Austrian philosopher, creator of theoretical direction in psychology - "psychology of the act".

Biography. In 1864 he received a Catholic education, became a priest. From 1866 to 1873 Privat-Associate Professor, then (from 1872) Professor of Philosophy in Würzburg and (from 1874 to 1896) in Vienna.

Research. Developed the foundations of descriptive psychology, which, in contrast to genetic psychology with its causal analysis, requires the immediate description of mental phenomena with a further definition of their structure. Mental phenomena, in his opinion, possess a distinctive sign - intentionality, a focus on otherwise. Put the basis for the positiveness of the reality of the nature of consciousness, in which a particular role recognized for the experience of time. I had a significant impact on the Würzburg school.

Works. Psychologie des Aristoteres. Mainz, 1867;

Psychologie vom Empirischen Standpunkt. Lpz., 1889;

Vom Ursprung Sittlicher Erkenntnis. Lpz., 1889;

Von Klassifikation Der Psychologischen Phanomene. Lpz., 1911;

Philosophische Untersuchungen Zu Raum, Zeit Und Kontinuum, Hamb., 1976;

Untersuchungen zur sinnespsychologie. HAMB., 1979;

Selected work. M., 1996.