What faculties are there at Moscow State University. What are the faculties at Moscow State University? Faculties of Natural Sciences

Official information

Moscow State University has several dormitories with a total area of \u200b\u200b292 thousand square meters. which are home to a total of about 15 thousand students, graduate students, students of the preparatory department and refresher courses. Students live in rooms for 1-4 people, graduate students - for 1-2 people.

All the necessary conditions for life, study and recreation have been created in the hostels. There are reading rooms and computer classes, rehearsal rooms for music and theater studios, rooms for gyms and aerobics classes, rooms for rest and children.

List of hostels:
- Student House (DS, Main building of Moscow State University);
- Branch of the student's house (FDS);
- Student House on Lomonosovskiy (DSL);
- Student House on Vernadsky Avenue (DSV);
- Student House on Kravchenko (DSK);
- House of graduate student and trainee (DAS);
- Student House in Yasenevo (DSYA).

A number of hostels have clothing and footwear repair shops, hairdressers, dry cleaners and laundries. The dormitory of the House of Postgraduate and Trainee (DAS) has a canteen and a grocery store, in the dorm of the House of Student (DS) there are 4 canteens, several buffets and grocery stores. At the same time, one of the canteens plays the role of an attendant and works on weekends and holidays, as well as in the evening.

Along with this, sports grounds are equipped near the buildings of the hostels, and in the DS (in the Main building) and in the DAS (on Shvernik Street) there are swimming pools. In 2007-2008. the dormitories were renovated for a total amount of more than 100 million rubles, the purchase of furniture and new equipment was carried out, the student club was repaired.

The large scattering of hostel buildings in the South-Western District of Moscow makes it necessary to monitor the work of public transport. There are bus and trolleybus routes between all MSU hostels and the Main Building. At the initiative of the university administration, Mosgortrans opened a special express bus route “DAS hostel - a complex of buildings of Moscow State University”.

Certificate of provision of hostel in 2016

In accordance with the Rules for admission to the Lomonosov Moscow State University for nonresident students enrolled in Moscow State University for full-time study at places funded from the federal budget of the Russian Federation, and who have permanent registration outside the 5th zone of the Moscow Railway, places in the hostel are provided.

For nonresident students enrolled in Moscow State University for full-time study at places under contracts with payment of tuition fees and who have permanent registration outside the 5th zone of the Moscow Railway, places in the hostel are provided subject to the availability of free housing stock.

At the same time, the university seeks to provide places in the hostel for all those in need. For students on a budget, this rule is fully met, for students under a contract, the university provides a hostel subject to availability. A hostel is not provided for nonresident students of part-time education.

The cost of living for state students is 120 rubles per month; non-budgetary students - at the rates of contract residence. For preferential categories of students (including those studying on a paid basis) the hostel is provided free of charge.

Everyone knows that Moscow State University (Lomonosov Moscow State University) is famous and preferred by many young talents of our country. This higher educational institution is the classic and oldest in the Russian Federation. The university was founded by Lomonosov and Shuvalov in 1755, and the opening day on January 12 (January 25, old style) is now celebrated as Tatiana's Day - the holiday of the patroness of all students.

It is clear that the university provides first-class knowledge, proven for centuries. And in order to know which faculties are present at Moscow State University, you need to understand that the structure of the university is so large that you can't get around it in a week. Today, the institution has at its disposal about 600 buildings and buildings scattered almost throughout Moscow. And according to experts, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe university is approximately one million square meters! But the university has branches not only in Moscow; there are also university departments in Dushanbe, Tashkent, Astana and Sevastopol. At Moscow State University, there are: a huge scientific library of Moscow State University, a botanical garden, a yacht club, student theaters and many scientific departments.

The university is huge, and the choice of specialties is even greater. So what departments are there at Moscow State University? For young professionals, the university offers 30 faculties and 5 higher schools to choose from, on the basis of faculties there are departments, starting from which you will choose your specialty.

Faculties of Moscow State University

  1. Department of Biology.
  2. Faculty of Geography.
  3. Faculty of Journalism.
  4. History department.
  5. Institute of Asian and African countries founded.
  6. Physicochemical.
  7. Faculty of Physics
  8. Chemical.
  9. Faculty of Law.
  10. School of Economics at Moscow State University.
  11. Psychology faculty.
  12. Faculty of Sociological Education.
  13. Where is the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.
  14. Faculty of Bioengineering.
  15. Faculty of Bioinformatics.
  16. Fundamental medicine.
  17. History department.
  18. Faculty of Philosophy.
  19. Faculties of global processes.
  20. Faculty of Social Sciences.
  21. Faculty of Soil Science.
  22. Faculty of World Politics, Moscow State University.
  23. Philological.
  24. Faculty of Medicine at Moscow State University.
  25. Faculty of Public Administration.
  26. Faculty of Geography.
  27. Foreign languages \u200b\u200band regional studies.
  28. Faculty of Arts.
  29. Ethnological Faculty.
  30. Economics Faculty of Moscow State University.

They function as schools, but are faculties of Moscow State University: School of Audit, Business, Television, Modern Social Sciences and Public Administration.

Through these and many more faculties, you will gain knowledge that will qualify you as excellent specialists.

All related news: Undergraduate

Direction of training Number of budget places Number of seats under contracts for the provision of paid educational services Entrance tests indicating the form of conducting in descending order of priority
Biology 157 69 Biology (DWI, written)
Biology (USE)

Chemistry (USE)
Russian language (exam)
Ecology and nature management 20 5 Biology (DWI, written)
Biology (USE)
Geography (Unified State Exam)
Mathematics (USE, profile level)
Russian language (exam)

The minimum number of USE points required for admission to the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University is set at the level of the minimum number of points required for admission to a university.

Additional entrance test - options for tasks in 2011 - 2018 (http://cpk.msu.ru/, lower part of the sidebar).

List of required documents

  • personal application for admission;
  • copies of documents proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant;
  • original or copy of a document (black and white, do not crop) on education with an insert;
  • 6 photographs 3 × 4 in size (black and white or color without a headdress on matte paper, taken in 2020).

Copies of documents do not need to be certified! Simultaneously with the copies of documents, their originals must be presented.

Upon personal presentation of documents, the applicant presents documents proving his identity and citizenship.


Principles of distribution to departments

Special rights for winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads

Direction of training (specialty), educational program Olympiad profile General subjects or specialty (s) and directions of preparation of higher education Olympiad level The class for which the result was obtained Winner or medalist of the Olympiad General subject, in which the USE results must be at least 75 points Estimated benefit
Biology biology biology I 11 winner biology
11 prize-winner biology Maximum score on the optional biology entrance test
maths maths I 11 winner maths
chemistry chemistry I 11 winner chemistry The maximum number of points on the exam in chemistry
Ecology and nature management biology biology I 11 winner biology Enrollment without entrance tests
11 prize-winner biology
ecology soil science, ecology and nature management II 11 winner biology Enrollment without entrance tests
11 prize-winner biology The maximum number of points on the additional entrance test
geography geography I 10, 11 winner geography The maximum number of points on the exam in geography
maths maths I 11 winner maths Maximum Unified State Exam Points in Mathematics

Winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads must have the results of the Unified State Examination in the relevant general education subject not less than 75 points.

All-Russian Olympiad

Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Biology are admitted to MSU for undergraduate programs without entrance exams for the direction of training "Biology" and "Ecology and Nature Management".

Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Ecology are admitted to MSU for bachelor's degree programs without entrance exams for the direction of training "Ecology and Nature Management".

The winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics, chemistry and the Russian language receive the highest USE score (100 points) in the relevant subject.

Additionally, an applicant can receive points for the following achievements:

  • golden insignia of the TRP - 2 points,
  • the presence of a certificate or diploma with honors or a certificate containing information about the awarding of a gold or silver medal - 6 points,
  • the mark given (as a result of rechecking at Moscow State University) for the final essay is no more than 2 points.


At the time of admission, applicants (who have permanent registration outside the fifth tariff zone of the Moscow Railway) can be provided with a hostel:

  • to pass an additional entrance test
  • included in the lists of applicants for personal submission of documents

Medical certificate

There is no need to undergo a preliminary medical examination for admission to the Faculty of Biology.

BUT: Please note that studying at the Faculty of Biology requires students to complete several compulsory two to three month summer field practices that require long walking; many hours of work with optics and with chemicals at workshops, which makes quite stringent requirements for the health of applicants. Please take this into account when choosing a faculty for training!

Cost of education

Tuition fees for the 2020/2021 academic year will be announced in spring 2020.
The cost of training in the 2019/2020 academic year was:

One of the priority areas of Moscow State University is the training of mathematicians. It is held at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. The student can choose one of the specializations within the faculty - mathematics, mechanics or mathematics in the field of economics.

Students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University regularly win prizes at international Olympiads.

For those who are more interested in programming, the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics is suitable. This faculty trains specialists for solving more practical problems, not only in the field of informatics, but also in the field of the implementation of physical and chemical developments.

Faculties of Natural Sciences

The Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University is known for a large number of renowned teachers - 8 of them were awarded the Nobel Prize. A third of the physicists who make up the Academy of Sciences are graduates of Moscow State University. Although the main place at the faculty is given to the preparation of students in fundamental disciplines, subsequently graduates of the physics faculty can work not only in science, but also in production.

The Faculty of Chemistry is one of the oldest at Moscow State University; it has existed since the foundation of the educational institution. The training is carried out in one discipline - chemistry - but 18 different cadres representing all the spectra of modern science.

The Faculty of Biology trains specialists in genetics, anthropologists, physiologists, and botanists. There is also a relatively new, but very promising direction - biophysics. Graduates of the Faculty of Biology will be indispensable in pharmaceutical production, medical research and in the study of flora and fauna.

The biotechnology faculty separated from the biology faculty, which prepares first of all specialists oriented to practical activities.

The Faculty of Geology prepares specialists in the field of extreme in Russia - the search and extraction of minerals.

Humanities faculties

Moscow State University trains specialists in a wide range of humanitarian disciplines. The Faculties of History and Philology graduate both future scientists and potential teachers with a high level of training. There is a separate Institute of Asian and African countries. He conducts training in the history, culture and politics of the countries of the ancient and modern East. In this one can become a specialist in one of the rare languages.

Students study European languages \u200b\u200bat the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Regional Studies. Graduates, in addition to knowledge of the language, receive other skills necessary for a translator, for example, knowledge of the realities of the country of the chosen language.

The Faculty of Law of Moscow State University and the Faculty of Journalism are also widely known.

Also, knowledge about the politics of other countries can be obtained at the Faculty of Political Science.

Public administration

Applicants seeking to work in state structures can enter one of the higher schools of public administration working at Moscow State University. To do this, you need to have a bachelor's degree in another field of knowledge, since schools are recruiting only for a master's degree. Such education can be useful not only for recent graduates, but also for professional managers wishing to improve their qualifications.