Nikola Tesla and the Tunguska meteorite: is there a connection? Is the Tunguska meteorite the result of Tesla's experiments? Tunguska Tesla meteorite.

In 1882, in Paris, Tesla built the first model of an induction generator powered by alternating current. And in 1884 he went to conquer America.

One of Tesla's patented inventions was a system for transmitting electricity through alternating multi-phase current. In his laboratory, in front of eyewitnesses, he juggled with luminous blobs of energy, similar to ball lightning ...

In 1898, as an experiment, the scientist attached to the attic iron beam in the building where his laboratory was located, a certain device that caused a strong vibration. The walls of the surrounding houses shook, people began to run out into the street in a panic ... “I could bring down the Brooklyn Bridge in an hour,” the researcher boasted. And he declared that with the help of his developments it was possible to split Earth, you just need to build a suitable vibrator and make accurate calculations ...

At the end of the century before last, a tower was erected in Colorado Springs, on top of which there was a large copper sphere. All around her, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled every now and then: it was Tesla who was engaged in the generation of electrical potentials. An electric charge, without any wires, immediately ignited 200 light bulbs at a distance of 25 miles ... However, the experiments did not last long: when the generator at the local power station collapsed because of them, they had to be stopped.

Tesla was forced to return to New York.

In 1900, banker John Pierpont Morgan commissioned a scientist to build the World Wireless Power Station.

The project was named "Wardenclyffe". As conceived by the researcher, the station was supposed to supply electricity to anywhere in the world, reflecting it from the ionosphere. To use the energy for its intended purpose, it was enough to have a receiving installation. Using the same system, it would be possible to broadcast any information to the entire globe, as well as make phone calls to anywhere in the world ... That is, a system similar to the Internet could have appeared already at the beginning of the last century!

A frame tower 57 meters high was built on Long Island. At the top of the tower was a huge copper "plate" - a transmitter-amplifier. Under the structure there was a steel shaft 36 meters deep.

A trial run of the installation took place in 1905. "Tesla lit up the sky over the ocean for thousands of miles!" the press cheered.

There are different opinions about the phenomenon of the Tunguska meteorite. According to some reports (invention of newspapermen?) on this day (June 30, 1908), Nikola Tesla conducted an experiment on the transmission of energy "through the air." In the months before the explosion, Tesla claimed he could light the way to the expedition's north pole. famous traveler R. Piri. In addition, there is information (in the form of unconfirmed rumors) that he asked the libraries for maps of "the least populated parts of Siberia". That is, some connection between these two events can be seen.

The hypothesis about the connection of Nikola Tesla with the Tunguska meteorite is relatively new. Its appearance dates back to the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century.

Note: In the article “The Tunguska meteorite and time: 101st HYPOTHESIS OF THE MYSTERIES OF THE AGE” the time of appearance of this hypothesis is considered to be 1996 (the author of the idea is the predictor Manfred Dimde), while the article states that in 2000 the idea was voiced in A. Gordon’s TV show .

"A close examination of the Tunguska events also suggests a non-meteorite version that the catastrophe happened as a result of a sudden release of wireless energy. Neither professional astronomers nor amateurs observed any fiery object that evening: what should have happened if an object weighing 200,000,000 pounds entered atmosphere at speeds of tens of thousands of miles per hour.The first reporters from the city of Tomsk who arrived in the area concluded that the stories of a body falling from the sky were the figment of the imagination of impressionable people.They also noted that the explosion was accompanied by considerable noise and crackling, but no rocks fell from the sky. The absence of an impact crater can be explained by the fact that no material body was there. An explosion caused by wave energy would not have left a crater. Thus, the theory of impact with an icy comet turned out to be untenable. Meanwhile , reports on the state of the upper atmosphere and on magnetic changes that came from different parts world during and immediately after the Tunguska events show a lot of changes in the electrical state around the Earth. Baxter and Atkins, in their study of the explosion - "A Visit to Fire" - speak in an editorial in the London Times about minor but clearly noted violations ... of magnets "which the authors, not knowing about the explosion, associated with solar flares"

Super Shot

The uninhabited area between Alaska and the North Pole could be targeted as a target for a test run of a wireless transmission system. Fired a devastating electric wave supershot at that target. However, the earthly dimensions accepted in those days were not accurate enough to solve this problem. Whoever concealed the demonstration of Tesla's energy weapons must have been greatly frightened: either because they missed their intended target and endangered the inhabited areas of the planet, or because the weapon worked too well and caused the destruction of such a large area at a simple pressing a switch, thousands of miles away. Whatever the reason, Tesla didn't get the fame he was looking for.

P.S. In parallel with Tesla, in Russia, experiments on the transmission of energy over long distances were carried out by Filippov Mikhail Mikhailovich. As an experiment, he lit a chandelier in Tsarskoye Selo from St. Petersburg. In June 1903, in St. Petersburg, while conducting laboratory work during the transmission of explosion waves over long distances, M. M. Filippov died under unclear circumstances. His apparatus and papers were arrested by the police.


Tesla completed the Wardenclyffe project back in 1905, i.e. 3.5 years before the Tunguska meteorite. In fact, the contract with D.P. Morgan was terminated in 1903, after which Tesla unsuccessfully sought funding for 2 years.

Despite the fact that in 1908 neither the land nor the Tesla laboratory no longer belonged, all the equipment installed before 1903 stood still.

Data on Tesla's transmission of energy “by air” on this day can be discarded, because. he dealt with this problem for more than 25 years of his life, the information that Nicholas requested data on Siberia is also doubtful - there is no data on the original source of information.

More than a hundred years ago, an event took place known as " Tunguska meteorite” (below, Internet materials are used, including the site In the spring of 1908, all the esoteric societies of the world were discussing an imminent global catastrophe - the end of the world. Where this topic came from - it is not known what should happen, where and when, too.

But the approach of something terrible was felt everywhere, half-mad preachers wandered around Europe and prophesied its imminent attack. Among the sectarians, the number of suicides and ritual human sacrifices grew.

Strange things also happened in nature. Over North America, the Atlantic, Europe and Russia - unusual glows of the sky, bright colored dawns, huge ghostly figures, white nights in the south, auroras where they never were, rainbows without rain, multiple halos* around the sun. The air is saturated with electricity, hot luminous balls fly over Europe, Central Asia, Siberia and China, the ozone layer is rapidly depleting over Europe and much more inexplicable.

All these events grew until the terrible explosion on June 30, 1908 in the Siberian taiga between the Yenisei and Lena, which was called the "Fall of the Tunguska meteorite." After it, all these incomprehensible phenomena in nature and society quickly, although not immediately, stop. World War and revolutions temporarily eclipsed interest in the Tunguska meteorite - this name became a code name in studies of the causes of the disaster, but when their echoes subsided, people again began to ask themselves: “So what was it?” The whole 20th century was the search for an answer to this riddle, and by the beginning of the 21st, something began to clear up. What? That the meteorite has nothing to do with it. And what about? There are already more than a hundred hypotheses about this, including, of course, aliens, but not one of them explains all its features. Vitaly Romeiko, astronomer, veteran of the Tunguska expeditions: “The anomalous glow spread over an area of ​​approximately 12-13 million square meters. km. This is a colossal area. IN<...>Night did not fall on Italy. In Germany, the brightness of the sky, at about midnight, was 8,000 times brighter than, say, June 29th. This is a colossal kind of glow.<...>The meteorite hypothesis does not explain it in any way. No meteorite will cause the glow of the atmosphere.” Andrey Olkhovatov, geophysicist: “There has been a phenomenon that is not associated with the fall of an asteroid or a comet, but is some other<более>complex geophysical and not fully understood phenomenon of the Earth's nature. “And it was generated, most likely, by some other little-studied interactions between tectonic and atmospheric processes.” In other words, the cause of this explosion could be the release of underground energy into the atmosphere, as is often the case with an earthquake.

And then a completely unbelievable hypothesis appeared. That the "Tunguska Phenomenon" is the fruit of cooperation between human hands and ... our planet itself, because it is ... alive. At first it was a literary image, but soon objective facts appeared, confirming it to a certain extent.

In July 1994, the planet Jupiter was bombarded by debris from Comet Shoemaker-Levy. According to the calculations of astronomers, the comet should have crashed into Jupiter entirely. But, as if in horror, he suddenly began to convulsively affect her with his gravitational and electric fields until he tore it apart. As a result, instead of a cosmic catastrophe, which could have been disastrous for him, he received only a shelling of her with small fragments of a comet. It hurts, but not to death. Jupiter saved his life. So, according to a similar version, in 1908 the Earth also defended itself from the cosmic aggressor.

The fact that the Earth is a living being, only very large and complex, was considered by the ancients. But even now, many scientists say that it, like the entire Universe, is a living organism: “In principle, the Earth is an open system, and the influence of the surrounding space must necessarily affect, the Earth will definitely react” (Olga Tkachenko, Corresponding Member Russian Academy cosmonautics, senior researcher of the Russian Physical Society). That is, the Earth felt the danger in advance and mobilized its capabilities to repel the threat. By the same logic as with Jupiter, she “knew” in advance about the upcoming collision with the cosmic body, which promised death, at least for her state. And she began, like Jupiter, to prepare for defense. But not in two years, but in 40-50 years that way. Why? Jupiter also "knew" everything in less than two years, but he "knew" that he had physical defenses that could only act on enough close range. But the Earth did not have such means. She found them in union with her sentient life. However, she "knew" that this was her child - a so-so child, which we can clearly see from his hobbies for capitalisms, democracies and the acquisition of wealth, even if it is obvious that they lead to his death. Mankind is too weak and immoral to give it the greatest knowledge, which, of course, it will use to the detriment of all living things. And the Earth seemed to “decide” to pick up just one person with certain moral and spiritual qualities and provide him with the necessary knowledge and capabilities. From that moment on, this fantastic riddle of our planet was associated with the name of Tesla (1856 - 1943), but neither he nor anyone else knew about it.

Nikola Tesla was the son of a Serbian Orthodox priest who, with unquestioned sincerity, was committed to Christian Orthodoxy, in contrast to the current secular passion for enrichment through the political games of the Russian Orthodox Church and other religious structures. And the Earth from a young age "prepared" him for this mission. At first, she endowed him with an irrepressible desire to know what was needed for this purpose - the nature of electricity. Then I connected it with the information core of the Universe - the base of all Knowledge known to us and all unknown. How did it happen?

“I am sure that a single Cosmos is united in a material and spiritual sense. In outer space there is a certain core, from where we draw all the strength, inspiration that always attracts us, I feel its power and its values ​​sent by it throughout the Universe and thus supporting it in harmony. I have not penetrated the secret of this core, but I know that it exists, and when I want to give it some material attribute, I think that it is LIGHT, and when I try to comprehend its spiritual beginning, then it is BEAUTY and EMpathy. The one who bears this faith in himself feels strong, works with joy, because he feels himself a part of the general harmony. As an experimenter of the highest qualification, Tesla describes in detail the process of his assimilation-penetration into this information core: “Thus, I was constantly looking for new visions and soon exhausted the familiar pictures from my home and immediate environment. After I repeatedly resorted to these mental exercises, trying to drive away all my ghosts, I noticed that " usual life» is defeated, the reality of ghosts becomes more and more true. Then, instinctively, I began to make excursions beyond my small world, in which he lived, and soon saw new scenes. In the beginning they were rather hazy and ran away when I tried to focus on them, but I soon managed to stop them. They acquired strength and clarity, and finally became concrete, like real objects. I soon found that I felt best when I relaxed and allowed my imagination to take me further and further. Constantly I had new experiences, and so began my mental journey. Every night, and sometimes during the day, I, left alone with myself, went on these journeys - to unknown places, cities and countries. I lived there, met people, made acquaintances and struck up friendships, and, however incredible it may seem, the fact remains that they were as dear to me as my family, and all these other worlds were just as intense in their manifestations. .."

Step by step, Tesla is mastering the connection with this information core of the Universe. 1887, imagining the nature of the rotation of the Earth's magnetic fields, Tesla says: "Now I know how the Cosmos works."

Tesla is rapidly developing the theory and practice of electrical engineering, especially microwaves, and the Earth, in a way that she understands, points out to him its special points with unique geophysical properties: Coloro Springs, Long Island, an ancient volcano near the Vanavara tract, perhaps some others. American Indians for several thousand years such places have been called "strength" and considered to be the sacred dwellings of powerful spirits. The peak in Colorado Springs, where he built his first tower and experimented with the Earth's electromagnetic field and wireless energy transmission, is generally considered by the Hopi Indians to be the Spiritual Pole of the World. There he perfectly mastered the control of the resonances of the World Ether and received such knowledge, thanks to which some began to consider him a sorcerer, and others - a conjurer-mystifier. 12 years before the Tunguska events, Tesla, unwittingly, demonstrated their terrifying power. Directly from his laboratory in New York, he caused an unprecedented earthquake. Hundreds of houses were filled with an unexpected rumble, window panes fell down, water pipes burst. And the fault was a vibrator attached to a metal support, which, according to Tesla, easily fit in his pocket. Buildings all over the area were bursting at the seams. They were saved from complete destruction only by the fact that the inventor managed to break his device with a hammer. Shortly afterwards, Tesla told reporters: “By applying the principle of resonance, in a few weeks I can cause such vibrations in the earth's crust that it will rise and fall hundreds of feet, throwing rivers out of their channels. This principle cannot but work.

After Colorado Springs, Tesla builds the Wardenclyffe tower in Long Island, capable of fulfilling the task possibly "set" to him by the Earth. With its help, he was able to simultaneously excite the upper layers of the atmosphere and transmit energy through the Earth. And to do a lot of other unusual things, not only for that time, but also for the present.

Tesla believed that the theory of the ether is inseparable from physics, since matter and space are inseparable. In this "subtle world" of the World ether, he lived as in earthly life and even freer, because he could travel in time, the result of which was his prophetic gift. Like the ancient philosophers of India, he believed that the past is the accomplished present, and the future is the unaccomplished. Once in New York, after a house party, he almost by force did not let his friends on the train - and he crashed with many victims. John Pierpont Morgan, with whom Tesla was friendly for some time, he dissuaded him from going on the Titanic.

To create these towers and other machines and mechanisms, Tesla did not make drawings and calculations, but used ready-made images, which he received, in his opinion, directly from the information core of the Universe. He always went to success consciously, his method is "foreknowledge", a direct eidetic vision of the unknown. It was a special reality that was destined to become a reality, and he did not need experiments, models, drawings. He called in his mind a three-dimensional image of the desired machine with all its details and electromagnetic fields, “launched” it in his imagination and tested its performance for several weeks, identified defects in its design and brought this eidetic image to perfection. In this method of materializing ideas, his thoughts were built into his visions. No one has ever and nowhere in the world had such an ability to perceive scientific and technical ideas. Tesla called it “the method of materializing creative concepts”: “The moment one constructs an imaginary device is connected with the problem of moving from a crude idea to practice. Therefore, any discovery thus made lacks detail and is usually incomplete. My method is different. I'm in no hurry with empirical verification. When an idea appears, I immediately begin to refine it in my imagination: I change the design, improve and “turn on” the device so that it heals in my head. It makes no difference to me whether I test my invention in the lab or in my head. I even have time to notice if something interferes with proper operation. Similarly, I am able to develop an idea to perfection without touching anything with my hands. Only then do I give concrete form to this end product of my brain. All my inventions worked that way. Not a single exception has happened in twenty years. hardly exists scientific discovery, which can be predicted purely mathematically, without visualization. The introduction of unfinished, crude ideas into practice is always a waste of energy and time.

What happened in the Siberian taiga in June 1908? From somewhere in the sky there was a hiss and a whistle. Something huge and luminous swept through the whole sky. Then - a blinding flash and several thunderous blows. The power of the explosion was monstrous, according to modern estimates, it is equal to two thousand Hiroshima. Science still cannot imagine any cosmic bodies with the properties of such a nuclear warhead. There, moreover, that it flew very strangely, exploded strangely and left behind neither a crater nor fragments. And all those weird lighting effects. However, the Earth trembled so that window panes flew out for hundreds of kilometers, animals fell from their feet, dogs howled, birds flew in nervous flocks, people were seized with unaccountable horror, many thought that the end of the world had come. But there were no reports of casualties, it all happened in the deep wilderness.

Traces of a giant catastrophe - a huge fallout of burnt trees - were discovered by the Leningrad meteorite specialist Leonid Kulik near the Vanavara tract only in 1927. More than 80 million trees lay strictly radially, with their tops from the center. Burns on the trunks spoke of a monstrous flash in the center of the fall. And... no trace of a meteorite. Still. It was assumed that a comet exploded high above the place where the forest fell. But a comet is ice mixed with cosmic dust, an ice block could not fly hundreds of kilometers in dense layers of the atmosphere, no traces of cosmic dust were found either.

More than 700 witnesses of the Tunguska event were interviewed, and they all saw this "meteorite" in different ways: "a hot ball the size of the sun", "a burning log", "sheaf", "broom", "tailed star" and even a black object, from which sparks and fiery arrows flew out. And he flew in, either from the east, or from the west or from the south, or early in the morning, or in the evening, and who heard the roar at lunchtime.

Central Siberia is a unique territory. 250 million years ago, it was an area of ​​unparalleled volcanic activity in the history of the Earth. Olga Tkachenko: “Everything was raging there. And if you look at a modern map, you will see huge traces of that paleovolcanic activity.” Powerful faults and the strongest geomagnetic and gravitational anomaly arose - a gravitational funnel, where the orbit of satellites "sags" by hundreds of meters. It attracts meteorites. The epicenter of the explosion was over the mouth of an ancient volcano, and before the explosion of the Tunguska body, witnesses observed a giant pillar of fire. It was visible for half a thousand kilometers, and even closer they saw how several such pillars of fire flared up one after another. The explosion itself was multiple. As remembered locals, people with beds were thrown up many times. Fountains of water began to gush out of the ground, new springs appeared, a swamp appeared on the site of the forest, and one mountain went underground ... Taiga residents talked about different trajectories, shapes, time and color of the meteorite, up to black, because they saw plasmoids , which escaped from the depths of the Earth and moved along the faults to the focus of unloading - the crater of the paleovolcano. And science knows that the vents of ancient volcanoes are an ideal channel for the release of underground energy, and explosions of such plasmoids can cause grandiose forest falls. In Siberia, they have long known about the ominous "rumbling abysses." The ancient Yakut epic Alankhol tells about the fact that columns of fire soar into the heavens, on top of which huge fireballs are born and carried upwards, accompanied by a swarm of bloody tornadoes.

What does participation in the Tunguska phenomenon of Nikola Tesla look like?

The universal mind is present always and everywhere, at any point in space and time, for it there are no concepts of "past", "present" and "future" - they simply do not represent anything for it. This does not mean that there is no time at all, it will remain as it is, but you can move in it, as in the space of the Universe. Nature is rational, containing Consciousness and materialized Thought. To consider the Earth "living and thinking" means to recognize that the information core of the Universe contains the probabilistic predetermination of its "life". Therefore, she "knows" what, where, when it should happen to her. But this is a probabilistic event, it can be one way or another. And the Earth began to defend itself. Perhaps, having chosen Tesla as her assistant in this and having provided him with everything necessary for this, she informs him in a way that she understands about the impending catastrophe. Being a member of the information core of the universe, he receives accurate information about the mass, trajectory and time of the fall of the meteorite.

And he starts to act. Tower "World System" - a complex electromagnetic oscillator, with the help of which, causing vibrational processes in the ionosphere and bowels of the Earth, it pumps them with energy received from the World ether. Starting from June 27, that is, 3 days before the Tunguska phenomenon, Professor Weber of Kiel University registers jumps in the magnetic field, which began at exactly 6 pm (midnight in New York), repeat every 3 minutes, and end at half past two night. They stopped an hour after the explosion. There is only one explanation for this - these were the inclusions of the equipment in the Wardenclyffe tower. The saturation of the ionosphere with electric energy caused anomalous optical phenomena over the Northern Hemisphere. It already happened. The night of June 15, 1903 became a bright day, the sky of New York over the Atlantic was decorated with dazzlingly bright strands of electric plasma more than a hundred miles long, which connected the spherical dome of the tower with the sky and were accompanied by thunder, it was so bright that one could read newspapers freely. The New York Sun wrote: “Those who live near Tesla's laboratory on Long Island are more than interested in his experiments with wireless energy transfer. Last night we witnessed strange phenomena - multi-colored lightning, emitted by Tesla himself, then the ignition of layers of the atmosphere at different heights and at large area so that the night instantly turned into day.<...>The whole air was filled with a glow centered around the human body for several minutes, and all those present emitted a light blue mystical flame.<... >We were like ghosts to ourselves." “Tesla lit up the sky over the ocean for thousands of miles,” wrote other newspapers.

With the help of rhythmic vibrations, Tesla also activates deep faults and paleovolcanoes of Siberia. There is no impact yet, but the Earth has tensed up and is in full readiness. And here comes the invasion. Vitaliy Romeiko: “This body moved in the atmosphere, it accumulated an electrostatic charge. And, in the end, some kind of discharge had to occur. He happened. It happened in the same place, this is the only place in the area where there was really a volcano. An electrical breakdown between the ionosphere excited by Tesla and the vent of the volcano was a gigantic luminous column ten kilometers in diameter, which shot up into the ionosphere to a height of 80 kilometers. Excited terrestrial bowels begin to dump a monstrous avalanche of energy through it, and this grandiose event is crowned with the brightest flash. This energy blow tore the aggressor to pieces, preventing it from crashing into the Earth, and a giant pipe carried the products of its evaporation and combustion tens of kilometers upwards. The remaining fragments were thrown off to the side for a great distance.

The geophysical hypothesis explains both the absence of meteorite material at the epicenter, and the variety of trajectories and shapes of fireballs, the underground rumble and earthquakes that began even before the explosion. The bowels of the earth were freed from excess energy for a long time. Hence the mysterious rumble in a clear sky, which passed from south to north over the Angara 5 hours after the explosion, and the evening plasmoids.

Fragments of the meteorite were searched for in the epicenter of a giant fall of the forest and found nothing. Or maybe they weren't looking there? The conditions are the hardest: deaf taiga and complete impassability. In such conditions, looking for fragments of a meteorite is an almost hopeless business, even at the epicenter. And the local population is silent. Astronomer Vladimir Koval, a veteran of the Tunguska expeditions: “The epicenter, as it were, fascinated the researchers due to the fall, pulled it to itself, hypnotized, but the substance - it shouldn’t be there, it should scatter.” “Communicating with the old Evenks, I got the impression that back then, in the first years, when Kulik’s expedition arrived, they knew some places where fragments of the Tungus body fell out. But they carefully concealed them. Shamans forbade Kulik's expedition to show the place where the Tunguska meteorite fell. And only allowed to show the area of ​​fallen forest. And this alone suggests that, apparently, these places are different. It is possible that the old-timers still know where the fragments of the Tunguska body are. Because once on the shore, they just told me in the process of communication that, guys, you are not looking there at all; where there is a fallen forest, this is absolutely not the area where one should look for. Why are they so reluctant to share their secrets? Maybe because they have special relationship to meteorites in general? Volodymyr Koval: “Any pieces that they could find, they made iron pipes, iron pendants, iron tools, and all this was considered heavenly metal and was considered sacred metal.”

Siberian newspapers wrote about the fall of stones from the sky in 1908, but this was quickly forgotten. All attention was focused on the giant fall of the forest. Only decades later did they decide to check the archival data. The search for fragments of the Tunguska body was resumed, but already in the place where reports of falling stones came from at one time. And here is a sensation: cosmic matter, fragments of a cosmic body melted by ultrahigh temperature - found! In the remote taiga, far from habitation and obviously not of local origin. But maybe they belong to another time? Yuri Lavbin, President of the Siberian Public Foundation “Tunguska Space Phenomenon”: “We find this substance underground, trees 60-80 years old have grown from above, in order to get a stone, we cut the roots. These features, which we see on these saw cuts, show precisely the year 1908. These are our passports, the tree was of such a diameter in 1908, its fragment of a comet from above burned the tree itself to the root, but the root system survived, and the pine began to grow further and, as it were, heal this wound. And the tree healed, and when we sawed it down in 1996, there were 88 layers here.” “Despite the fact that they are found in different places,<..>By chemical composition they are the same, identical." Such fragments are found hundreds of kilometers from the epicenter. Only a high-altitude explosion could do that.

So Nikola Tesla, one might say, alone, destroyed the space alien. But this was not the only problem of this level that he could handle.

Tesla’s metaphysics of seeing the picture of the World and thinking immeasurably surpasses the current level of science, he applied the fundamental laws of physics with unusual ease and insight, and he made no mistakes in this, and his hypersensitivity of their perception lies beyond the limits of modern psychophysical explanations. His metaphysical interpretation of the philosophy of being goes beyond the generally accepted. Few people still see him as a philosopher and a man of spirit, he is considered only a talented engineer, but in most he just spiritualized technology, physics, science in general, and with his whole life laid the foundations of the civilization of the third millennium. The influence of his inventions on modern technology is enormous, but not on science, and not because it really does not exist, but because it is still largely rejected by “serious scientists”.

Back in the 1920s, Tesla began to create the "Time Machine" or "Technique for Overcoming Age" based on the principle of a single zero standard of time. The idea of ​​the Generator of a single zero time standard was to create a complex of spinning and spinning wheels of the “top” type. As a final measuring element, they had to be connected to the rotation of the Earth, meaning that it is associated with the rotation solar system, that as the secondary zero standard of time - with the rotation of the Galaxy and further - with the rotation of the Universe, which, as Tesla believed, revolves around the zero point of time. This Zero Time Generator, repeating all these whirling and rotating processes, was supposed to serve as the basis of the time machine and the technique of overcoming age. It is assumed that Tesla implemented some of these ideas in a project that ended with the “Philadelphia experiment”, which, according to the surviving impressions of witnesses, was reduced to teleportation using the energy of the Eldridge destroyer and its crew attracted from the World Aether. These testimonies also contain information that it was also a teleportation of crew members in time. The true results of the SSH experiment are carefully hidden, taking measures to be considered unscience fiction.

However, the Tunguska phenomenon provided other topics for reflection. Not only Tesla, but also esoteric societies and Siberian shamans knew about the cosmic invasion in advance. Vitaly Romeiko: “I am friends with the Evenks and I talked a lot at the site of the Tunguska disaster. And almost a month later, the shaman said that we should reconsider our paths and leave these places.” At the secret council of the elders of the tribal tribes, the supreme shaman warned that in June the fire god Agda would descend to the Tunguska region. Decided to change the nomadic circle, and each clan to follow new routes. Moving from village to village, shamans warned people about the upcoming event. The taiga began to move, the Evenki began to drive away the herds to the east, to the Lower Tunguska and further to the Lena River. The dangerous place was deserted. Vitaly Romeiko: “There was one Evenk left on Lake Cheko, not far from the site of the Tunguska disaster, his name was Umun, Lonely.<...>Unexpectedly, one of the shamans came to him to warn him that he needed to leave here, he refused<...>. He survived at the time of the disaster. He saw thousands of iron arrows that stuck into his eyes. He's blind, yes. And later this blind Evenk described these events.” “He suddenly noticed that 3 days before that, before the disaster, the fish left, the bird disappeared, and in general there was silence in the taiga. It amazed him." Obeying their inner instinct, the animals left, the birds flew away, the fish left, they learned about the impending catastrophe, and the vast taiga region fell silent in anticipation ...

Now many people believe that living beings are able to receive information about upcoming events from the information core of the Universe. For some it is an intuitive feeling, for others it is knowledge. It is believed that hypersensitive people can go into special states of superconsciousness. There are places on Earth where these human abilities are activated, for example, in Siberia and the Gobi-Altai region, and therefore there are so many pagan cults and shamans. Olga Tkachenko: “The fact is that there are certain points of power, what we refer to as the crossroads of fault zones. Pagan shrines - they're at these rift crossroads or rift zones." Volodymyr Koval: “This is a place where they can, at certain times, communicate with some cosmic forces, with spirits. It was there that they usually performed their rituals, left amulets, charged them with this heavenly energy. They never call it<...>places of power, but there is something similar in their terms. They always say, "There are fun places over there." Olga Tkachenko: “And in these points of power, what we call “epiphany” opens up. There is a reception of information - really, without mysticism - information from outer space. There is a reading, as it were, of information about the state of the nearest, distant Cosmos.

Nina Sviderskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor: “An altered state of consciousness is a complex and mysterious process. Here Tesla could enter an altered state of consciousness, moreover, arbitrarily with the help of a conscious act. "The axes of superconsciousness also arise when the shaman is immersed in the state in which he usually performs his activity." “The issue is very controversial, now sometimes this problem is referred to as pseudoscience, the so-called. But there is, nevertheless, an idea that is already well-established, for example, the idea of ​​Vernadsky's noosphere.

What has been said here about the Tunguska phenomenon is not generally recognized. "Serious scientists" will surely classify this as "pseudoscience". Many questions remain. But we can confidently say that its solution will completely change our views on the Universe and the life of mankind. And she's close. It could happen earlier, but there are powerful forces that prevent this. They stubbornly hold on to Einstein's theory of relativity and deny the theory of the World ether, and with them Tesla's discoveries. And they will continue to do so. They really need it.

* "Halo is a group optical phenomena in the atmosphere. They arise due to the refraction and reflection of light by ice crystals that form cirrus clouds and fogs. The term comes from the French halo and the Greek halos, a ring of light around the sun or moon. The phenomena of the halo are very diverse: they look like iridescent (in the case of refraction) and white (in the case of reflection) stripes, spots, arcs and circles in the firmament.

Vl. Vorobyov

The most powerful explosion on Earth, equal in strength to 185 Hiroshima, has become one of the most mysterious cosmic phenomena in the world. On June 30, 1908, at about seven o'clock in the morning, a huge fireball flew over the deserted Siberian taiga and exploded in the air. The explosion, which knocked down about 200 thousand hectares of forest, was recorded by observatories around the world. Eyewitnesses - residents of Evenk villages - talked about the strongest tremors and terrible scorching heat, and the "ball of light" itself was compared with the "second Sun".

The Tunguska meteorite literally shook the entire planet, but left no traces, in connection with which its history has acquired secrets and legends. We have collected the most interesting of them.

Taiga a few years later at the site of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. Photo:

A meteorite or a bunch of cosmic dust?

According to one of the most common explanations, a powerful explosion in the area of ​​the Podkamennaya Tunguska River was caused by the fall of an iron or stone meteorite or a group of meteorites.

However, the "meteorite" did not leave any traces - not a single expedition to the place of its alleged fall found a crater, debris, or meteorite substance. True, some researchers managed to find trace elements, presumably of cosmic origin, such as lonsdaleite, troilite, taenite and sheibersite, but the fact that they hit the Earth in 1908 was not confirmed.

On the other hand, a number of researchers, including Russian scientists V.I. Vernadsky and G.F. Plekhanov suggested that the Tunguska phenomenon was not associated with a monolithic meteorite, but was a cloud of cosmic dust. So, Vernadsky believed that the Tunguska body was a loose clot of this dust, and Plekhanov believed that the Earth had crossed a cloud of interstellar matter.

Earthquake or fireball?

On the other hand, a number of versions suggest the earthly origin of the Tunguska phenomenon. For example, strong earthquake. So, according to the hypothesis of Doctor of Technical Sciences P. G. Udyma, the explosion was caused by the release of a huge mass of natural gas crystal hydrates from the bowels of the Earth. In the districts permafrost in Western Siberia, deposits of such crystalline hydrates were just discovered. According to the scientist, their excessive accumulation created high tension earth's crust, as a result, a crater was formed, and gas crystals, along with the mass of the earth, were thrown into the atmosphere. In the air, the gas increased sharply in volume, which caused an explosion, and the earth created the effect of a falling "meteorite". The crater itself, as P.G. Udyma disappeared under groundwater - a swamp formed in its place.

On the other hand, some researchers have suggested that the Tunguska phenomenon is nothing more than a giant fireball. This version was expressed by eyewitnesses as early as 1908, but the peak of the theory's popularity came in the 1980s.

A powerful explosion - not a single victim. Thoughtful experiment?

A dark place in the story of the "Tunguska meteorite" is the fact that a powerful explosion that knocked down forests and killed a lot of wild animals did not entail a single human victim. Oddly enough, this gave a number of researchers a reason to assert that the Tunguska phenomenon is of an artificial nature and is associated with tests of a thermonuclear bomb.

Nikola Tesla. Photo:

So, in 1945, science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev, based on eyewitness accounts, suggested that an alien ship with a nuclear engine crashed over the modest Podkamennaya Tunguska river.

The version with aliens, of course, was rejected by almost everyone as fantastic, but the hypothesis of an artificial explosion was developed. So, on the territory of the explosion, suspicious personalities were often met. For example, a certain "geologist from the Berlin Institute", who was detained, but did not have time to interrogate, as he hanged himself in his own cell. This "Berlin geologist" prompted some researchers to think about the Ahnenerbe Institute and its nuclear projects.

Besides, Soviet mathematician and astronomer F.Yu. Siegel argued that the Tunguska object flew maneuverably, changing direction, speed and altitude. The scientist came to the conclusion that a natural object could not move like that, and therefore, the version of its artificial origin was confirmed.

And, finally, the most important thing is the absence of human casualties. On the one hand, it was quite far from the epicenter of the explosion to the settlements, but on the other hand, the power of the explosion shocked the entire planet. Information began to appear that someone had warned the Siberian Evenks in advance ... For example, shortly before the disaster, shamans urged residents to leave the “place of convergence of the god Agda”, all strategically important paths for nomads were moved from it, and the area was declared forbidden. All this information, the reliability of which, of course, can be questioned, gave reason to assume that the "Tunguska meteorite" was in fact a specially planned nuclear experiment by unknown scientists.

Black hole, UFO, Nikola Tesla...

The version of the artificial origin of the Tunguska object also fits into the hypothesis that the "meteorite" was launched by the famous physicist-inventor Nikola Tesla. He developed methods for generating electrical discharges and was so successful in his experiments that rumors spread - could Tesla have fired a trial "energy supershot" from his laboratory? However, according to Tesla's biographers, the scientist left his laboratory in 1905, that is, three years before the Tunguska phenomenon.

There are many even more exotic versions. For example, employees of the University of Texas A. Jackson and M. Ryan suggested that the Tunguska meteorite was a small black hole. According to scientists, this black hole collided with the Earth in the Siberian region and passed through our planet, which led to numerous light phenomena in the atmosphere and a shock wave recorded by observatories of different countries.

Well, on the pages of the journal "Technology for Youth", ufologists (UFO researchers - approx. Tsargrad) and mystics A. Kuzovkin and A. Priym suggested that extraterrestrial intelligence was purposefully affecting the Earth. In their opinion, the aliens brought down three "information containers" over Siberia, the contents of which will be inaccessible to mankind until it "ripens" to a certain level.

There are many other versions of what happened on June 30, 1908 over the deaf Siberian taiga. And there are so many of them that I. Zotkin, an employee of the Committee on Meteorites of the USSR Academy of Sciences, even wrote an article in 1970 called “A Guide to Help Compilers of Hypotheses Related to the Fall of the Tunguska Meteorite”, where he described 77 such versions. Until now, scientists have not come to a clear conclusion. The mysterious history of the Tunguska meteorite remains under a veil of secrecy, but leaves boundless scope for imagination and scientific analysis.

For a long time I found various sources for this article, but I never wrote about this hypothesis. On the one hand, it seems absolutely fantastic, on the other hand, Tesla generally did a lot of things that even now, after 100 years, few people are able to realize and understand. Some things can't even be repeated.

Could it be that the official biography of this outstanding person does not reflect everything that he did in his life. Of course it can! Firstly, we must not forget that Tesla worked in the United States, where already in those years there was a ruling caste that considered itself the masters of the destinies of the whole world. Then they were not strong, as they are today, but they were not weak either. This means that even then there were special services that probably watched such a creator as Tesla and could make sure that some of his works did not become public.

In addition, Nikola Tesla himself, being clearly not a fool, could understand that not all of his work should be advertised to the public, because there may be those who use the information and technologies received to the detriment of others.

What kind of Tunguska meteorite is this?

So about the Tunguska meteorite. A few years ago, the press actively discussed the topic that the cause of the explosion in the taiga near the Tunguska River was a bunch of energy, and not a comet, nor an alien ship, etc. Official science, of course, only recognizes the version of the meteorite, because other versions do not allow or allow it to prove.

According to this version, this bunch of energy was focused precisely by Nikola Tesla on June 30, 1908. Tesla experimented with the accumulation of aetheric energy. The beam that he sent from the territory of the United States from the tower in Wardenclyffe passed through the Earth's atmosphere, while accumulating a colossal charge of energy, which, let's call it that, was carried away by the initial clot. Further, the beam reflected only from the Moon, only from the ozone layer, as from a mirror, and went into the uninhabited part of the Siberian taiga. The trajectory of the beam was calculated specifically so as to get into an uninhabited place.

If this version is correct, then Tesla probably did not expect such a scale of the event. The Tunguska meteorite is still one of the most inexplicable phenomena. new history. They cannot find any fragments of the actual meteorite, ship, rocket, etc. If this meteorite was made of ice, then it is not clear why it pulled so hard. So the version of the energy impulse looks quite plausible.

Tesla wanted to make a big light bulb

Various sources claim that Tesla was looking for ways to illuminate the area covered by the polar night in order to accompany the research expedition of the famous traveler R. Piri. He also looked for maps of Siberia. For what?

A lot of stuff is written about Tesla that is not in his official biography. They write that they successfully tested a gravitational engine for example. Nowadays, they write that other craftsmen from Russia are experiencing a similar installation. They write that the aircraft of our ancestors also moved on light energy, using the wave nature of light. Tesla worked with waves, he wrote a lot about the wave nature of light and the universe in general.

Could Tesla, even if not expecting such a catastrophic result, create a device that struck at the Tunguska taiga. Yes he could!

Why doesn't the US or some multi-billionaire threaten the whole world now and before that uses a weapon built on the same principle. Unclear! This is the weakest point in the version of Tesla and the Tunguska meteorite. After all, how is it with us - scientists have done something, and the state has immediately introduced this into military technologies. So either Tesla has nothing to do with it, or he somehow managed to hide his experiment for the time being, and information about his technology did not get to that very world government.