Our Heroes: "Night Witch" Nina Ulyanenko. They are proud of the Udmurt land Zolotukhina nina zakharovna 1946 year of birth

Nina Zakharovna Ulyanenko (1923-2005) - flight commander of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 325th Night Bomber Aviation Division of the 4th air army 2nd Belorussian Front, guard lieutenant. Hero Soviet Union.

She was born on December 17, 1923 in the city of Votkinsk, Vyatka province (now the Udmurt Republic) in a working class family.

She studied at the Saratov Aviation College.

In 1939-1940 she studied at the flying club at DOSAAF. On April 11, 1940, Nina Ulyanenko took to the air for the first time. From January to May 1942, she was a cadet in navigational courses at the military aviation school in the city of Engels.

At the front since May 1942. From May 27, 1942 - navigator of the flight crew of the night bomber squadron, from December 1943 to April 1944 - pilot of the 46th Taman Guards night bomber regiment, from December 1944 - flight commander of the same regiment.

She fought in the Stalingrad sky, off the banks of the Volga, participated in the liberation of the North Caucasus, Crimea, Belarus, Poland and East Prussia. Went with battles to the capital of Nazi Germany, Berlin. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1944.

By mid-February 1945, Nina Zakharovna, as a navigator, made 388 sorties, as a pilot - 530 sorties.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 18, 1945, for exemplary performance of combat missions by the command and for the courage and heroism shown in battles against the Nazi invaders, the Guard Lieutenant Ulyanenko Nina Zakharovna was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 8671).

Since 1945, the guard lieutenant Ulyanenko is in reserve, and then in retirement.

In November 1945, Nina Zakharovna became a student at the Moscow Military Institute of Foreign Languages.

In 1946, together with her husband (Nikolai Minakov), he left for Kursk, where he graduated from the two-year Kursk regional party school, and worked for the newspaper Kurskaya Pravda.

In October 1948 she moved to Izhevsk, worked in the editorial office of the newspaper "Udmurtskaya Pravda" as a literary worker, was in party work.

From 1947 to 1951 she was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, from 1953 to 1955 she was a deputy of the Izhevsk City Council.

In 1955, Nina Zakharovna entered the Udmurt state University to the Faculty of History and graduated from it. In 1957 she graduated from the Udmurt pedagogical institute... Since 1957 she worked as an educator, teacher, director of schools in the city and Votkinsk region.

She worked as the head of the training unit of the republican flying club DOSAAF.

All the post-war years she did a lot of work on patriotic education youth. After retirement, she lived in the capital of Udmurtia - the city of Izhevsk.

She died at the age of 82 on August 31, 2005. She was buried at the Khokhryakovskoye cemetery in Izhevsk.

Awarded the Order of Lenin, 2 Orders of the Red Banner, orders Patriotic War 1st and 2nd degrees, the Order of the Red Star; medals "For the Defense of the Caucasus", "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." and etc..

We continue the project dedicated to the residents of Izhevsk and the residents of Udmurtia who fought in the Great Patriotic War and were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Today we will tell you about a native of Votkinsk, pilot Nina Ulyanenko.

Nina Ulyanenko was born in 1923 in Votkinsk in a working class family.
She graduated from the flying club at DOSAAF, studied at the Saratov Aviation College.
It first flew on April 11, 1940.
At the beginning of the war, she graduated from navigator courses at a military aviation school.
At the front - since May 1942. First - the navigator of the flight crew of the squadron of the night bomber aviation regiment, since December 1943 - the pilot of the 46th Guards Taman night bomber regiment, since December 1944 - the flight commander of the same regiment.
During the war, Nina Ulyanenko made 918 sorties.
In August 1945 she was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
In 1948, Nina Ulyanenko moved to Izhevsk, worked for the Udmurtskaya Pravda newspaper, was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, a deputy of the Izhevsk City Council.
She graduated from the history faculty of the Udmurt Pedagogical Institute (now - UdSU), worked as a teacher, and later as a school director in the Votkinsk region.
In 1996 she was awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of the Udmurt Republic".
She died at the age of 82 on August 31, 2005. She was buried at the Khokhryakovskoye cemetery in Izhevsk.

The first flight of the future "night witch"

Nina Ulyanenko raved about the sky from her youth. In 1938, news spread throughout the country that three girls - Valentina Grizodubova, Polina Osipenko and Marina Raskova - made a record non-stop flight from Moscow to Far East... Three brave female pilots became the first women to receive the title of Hero of the USSR. Their portraits, cut from newspapers, hung in young Nina's room. She could not even imagine that in a few years she would be flying under the command of Marina Raskova.

In the 9th grade, Nina began to study at the local branch of the flying club, at the age of 17 she graduated from it, and after a while she was admitted to the 3rd year of the aviation technical school. When the war began, Nina immediately filed an application with a request to send her to the front. In January 1942, she arrived at the aviation group for the formation of women's regiments, the head of which was the navigator, Hero of the USSR Marina Raskova. At her suggestion, a regiment was formed, which would later receive the formidable nickname "night witches".

Under the command of Raskova, the future pilots were engaged for almost six months: during the day they studied flight and navigational affairs, and at night they took to the air and dropped training bombs, trying to hit the target. Finally, in May 1942, they were sent to the Southwestern Front.

Enemies called Ulyanenko's plane "plywood"

At first, Nina Ulyanenko was a navigator, and a year later she submitted a report to be transferred to a pilot. She flew in a lightweight U-2 biplane sheathed with plywood, which could carry several bombs on board. At the age of 19, she became a flight commander.

From the memoirs of Nina Ulyanenko:

“The order came: to bomb a cluster of fascists in the village of Digora. It took a lot of nerves to get there. On the right - the mountains, on the left - the beginning of the Main Caucasian ridge. The slightest miscalculation - and you will crash into the mountain. According to our intelligence, there were no searchlights in Digor. And when they reached the goal, the white peaks of the rays pierced the sky ... The Nazis grabbed our "crumb" and let them whip it with metal ... Well, we gave them. After the explosions of the bombs, a big fire broke out ... I thought: there is no better landmark than this fire ...

All night long our crews flew to Digora, smoking out the Nazis, all night long "rus faner", as the enemies called our plane, did not give rest to the enemy.

There was even such an anecdote in the camp of the enemy. The Russians, the Nazis said, had a plywood bomber. He can drop anchor in a certain place, stand over it and place bombs with the highest accuracy. Small, slow-moving U-2 instilled such fear in the enemy that the Nazis dubbed them "standing death."

Nina Ulyanenko is the only pilot from Udmurtia who served in the legendary 46th Guards Regiment, nicknamed "Night Witches". She fought in the skies over Stalingrad, participated in the liberation of the North Caucasus, Crimea, Belarus, Poland and East Prussia. With the battles came to Berlin. During the war, the native of Votkinsk made more than 900 combat missions - and this despite the fact that the pilots received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union after the first hundred.

From the memoirs of the navigator Olga Golubeva:

“For almost two months now I have been flying with Nina Ulyanenko. She is distinguished by her laconicism, restraint, adult seriousness. Our 19-year-old commander is considered calm, sane, worldly wise even in the regiment. Everything about her inspires confidence - a strong figure, a broad forehead, a direct gaze, strong arms. And the expression on the face is the same as that of people who know very well how today will end and how tomorrow will begin ”.

Nina Ulyanenko met the Victory Day in Berlin. On one of the columns of the Reichstag she even left an inscription in chalk: "Votkinsk - Berlin" and put her name.

After the war, she left the sky forever

About the fate of Nina Ulyanenko after the end of the war, we were told by her relative, politician Alexander Kuznetsov, from 2002 to 2010 - the Head of the city of Votkinsk.

After a while, Nina Zakharovna was offered to head a school in the village of Bolshaya Kivara, Votkinsk region. She retired from the position of director, and then moved to Izhevsk - here she, as an honorary citizen of Udmurtia, was given a 3-room apartment.

To be honest, the fate of Nina Zakharovna was not easy, - says Alexander Vladimirovich. - It so happened that she divorced her husband very early and raised her daughter alone. She grew up, married a military man and left with him, and Nina Zakharovna remained with her little granddaughter in her arms. She was very sympathetic, she could not refuse her relatives anything. I suggested that she move to Votkinsk, where she had many acquaintances, former colleagues, and students. There was an opportunity to provide her with a municipal apartment in a house for veterans, next to the school where she once worked, but she refused - perhaps because it was more convenient for her granddaughter.

At the same time, Nina Zakharovna was always very principled, she never changed her beliefs and did not adjust to anyone, - continues Alexander Kuznetsov. - I could say everything that I think to my eyes. But the main thing is that she never boasted of her title of Hero, and almost never wore a gold Star.

According to Alexander Vladimirovich, after the war, Nina Zakharovna never sat at the controls of an aircraft. She also did not like to talk about the war.


In memory of the legendary pilot

Unfortunately, in Udmurtia there are not many objects associated with Nina Ulyanenko. School No. 6 is named after her in Votkinsk; there is also a museum where you can hear a story about the life of Nina Zakharovna, see unique photographs and personal belongings of the famous pilot. The museum was founded in 2007 and is headed by Tatiana Kabakova. By the way, in December, when the 90th anniversary of the birth of Nina Zakharovna was celebrated, the granddaughter of the legendary aviator, who now lives in Crimea, came to Votkinsk. She handed over to the museum documents reflecting Nina Zakharovna's participation in the Great Patriotic War. This is a map of fascist Germany, with which she flew out on missions, two personal flight books, letters and greeting cards from her friends - fellow soldiers, personal diaries, two copies of Ulyanenko's book "Unforgettable" with the author's dedication, a disc with the favorite song of the war years "Zemlyanka".

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Victory, a stele was erected in Votkinsk with the names of all the Heroes of the USSR who were called up to the war from the Votkinsk military enlistment office. There is also the name of Nina Ulyanenko. In addition, residents of the city are going to come up with an initiative to name one of the new streets in honor of Nina Zakharovna.

In Izhevsk, the only monument associated with the "night witch" is the Memorial at the Eternal Flame, which lists all the Heroes of the USSR from Udmurtia. In addition, relatives, acquaintances, former students of Nina Zakharovna, on the days of remembrance, leave flowers at her grave in the Khokhryakovsky cemetery.


Who are the "night witches"?

This is how the fascists called the girls who served in the 46th Guards Bomber Regiment. The entire personnel of the regiment - from technician to commander - were women. They flew on training biplane aircraft U-2 (Po-2), sheathed with plywood. They were ideal for so-called "harassing raids." At night, these light bombers flew up to the location of enemy troops with engines installed at low gas or at an ultra-low altitude. This allowed them to remain invisible to enemy air defense systems until the last moment. By the way, such well-known films as "Heavenly Slow Mover" and "Only" Old Men "Go to Battle are dedicated to these aircraft.

For three years "night witches" made 24 thousand sorties, and 25 pilots and navigators became Heroes of the Soviet Union. One of them is Nina Zakharovna Ulyanenko.



Type of army Years of service Rank guard lieutenant

: incorrect or missing image

Position Battles / wars Awards and prizes

Nina Zakharovna Ulyanenko (-) - flight commander of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 325th Night Bomber Aviation Division of the 4th Air Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, guard lieutenant. Hero of the Soviet Union .


Throughout the post-war years, she did a lot of work on the patriotic education of youth. After retirement, she lived in the capital of Udmurtia - the city of Izhevsk.

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An excerpt characterizing Ulyanenko, Nina Zakharovna

His work in Moscow is as amazing and brilliant as elsewhere. Orders after orders and plans after plans come from him from the time of his entry into Moscow until his exit from it. The absence of residents and deputation and the very fire of Moscow do not bother him. He does not lose sight of neither the good of his army, nor the actions of the enemy, nor the good of the peoples of Russia, nor the management of the valleys of Paris, nor diplomatic considerations about the upcoming conditions of peace.

Militarily, immediately upon entering Moscow, Napoleon strictly orders General Sebastiani to monitor the movements of the Russian army, sends corps to different roads and Murat orders to find Kutuzov. Then he diligently orders the strengthening of the Kremlin; then he makes an ingenious plan for a future campaign across the entire map of Russia. In terms of diplomacy, Napoleon summons to himself the robbed and ragged captain Yakovlev, who does not know how to get out of Moscow, expounds to him in detail all his policies and his generosity and, writing a letter to Emperor Alexander, in which he considers it his duty to inform his friend and brother that Rostopchin made a bad order in Moscow, he sent Yakovlev to Petersburg. Having set out in the same detail his views and generosity before Tutolmin, he sends this old man to Petersburg for negotiations.
In legal matters, immediately after the fires, it was ordered to find the perpetrators and execute them. And the villain Rostopchin was punished by the order to burn down his houses.
Administratively, Moscow was granted a constitution, a municipality was established and the following was promulgated:
“Residents of Moscow!
Your misfortunes are cruel, but His Majesty the Emperor and King wants to stop them. Scary examples have taught you how he punishes disobedience and crime. Stringent measures have been taken to end the confusion and restore general security. The paternal administration, elected from among you, will be your municipality or city government. It will care about you, about your needs, about your benefit. Members of this are distinguished by a red ribbon, which will be worn over the shoulder, and the head of the city will have a white belt over it. But, excluding the time of their office, they will only have a red ribbon around their left arm.
The city police are established according to the previous position, and through their activity a better order exists. The government appointed two general commissars, or chiefs of police, and twenty commissars, or private bailiffs, appointed in all parts of the city. You will recognize them by the white ribbon they will wear around their left arm. Some churches of various denominations are open, and divine services are freely performed in them. Your fellow citizens return daily to their homes, and orders have been given to find help and protection in them, followed by misfortune. These are the means that the government has used to restore order and alleviate your situation; but in order to achieve this, you need to combine your efforts with him, so that you forget, if possible, your misfortunes, which you have endured, surrendered to the hope of a not so cruel fate, you were sure that an inevitable and shameful death awaits those who dare to your persons and your remaining property, and in the end they did not doubt that they would be preserved, for this is the will of the greatest and fairest of all monarchs. Soldiers and inhabitants, no matter what nation you are! Restore public trust, the source of happiness for the state, live like brothers, give each other help and patronage, unite to refute the intentions of the evil-minded, obey the military and civilian authorities, and soon your tears will stop flowing. "
With regard to the food supplies of the troops, Napoleon ordered all the troops to take turns to go to Moscow a la maraude [looting] to procure food for themselves, so that the army would be provided for the future.
Religiously, Napoleon ordered ramener les popes [to bring back the priests] and resume ministry in the churches.
In commercial terms and for the food of the army, the following was hung everywhere:
The proclamation
“You, calm Moscow residents, artisans and working people, whom misfortune has removed from the city, and you, scattered farmers, whom unfounded fear still holds in the fields, listen! Silence returns to this very capital, and order is restored in it. Your fellow countrymen come out boldly from their shelters, seeing that they are respected. Any violence committed against them and their property is immediately punished. His Majesty the Emperor and King protects them and among you he does not regard anyone as his enemies, except those who disobey his commands. He wants to end your misery and return you to your courts and your families. Conform to his charitable intentions and come to us without any danger. Residents! Return to your homes with confidence: you will soon find ways to meet your needs! Craftsmen and hardworking artisans! Come back to your handicrafts: houses, shops, security guards are waiting for you, and for your work you will receive your due! And you, finally, peasants, leave the woods, where you hid from terror, return without fear to your huts, in the exact assurance that you will find protection. The storehouses are established in the city, where the peasants can bring their surplus stocks and land plants. The government took the following measures to ensure their free sale: 1) From this date, peasants, farmers and those living in the vicinity of Moscow can bring their supplies to the city, of whatever kind, in two designated storage facilities, that is, at Mokhovaya and Okhotny Ryad. 2) These foodstuffs will be bought from them at such a price as the buyer and seller agree with each other; but if the seller does not receive the fair price he demanded, then he will be free to take them back to his village, in which no one under any circumstances can prevent him. 3) Every Sunday and Wednesday is scheduled weekly for big trading days; why a sufficient number of troops will be stationed on Tuesdays and Saturdays on all the major roads, just enough from the city to defend those transports. 4) Such measures will be taken so that the peasants with their carts and horses do not face obstacles on the way back. 5) Immediately the funds will be used to restore normal trading. Citizens of cities and villages, and you, workers and artisans, whatever nation you are! You are called upon to fulfill the paternal intentions of His Majesty the Emperor and King and to contribute with him to the general well-being. Bring respect and trust to his feet and do not hesitate to join us! "

Nina Zakharovna Ulyanenko was born on December 17, 1923 in the city of Votkinsk, Ukrainian ASSR, in a working class family. Russian.

In 1940 she graduated from Votkinsk high school them. AS Pushkin, where she joined the Komsomol. At the same time she graduated from the Izhevsk Aero Club, worked in kindergarten, then studied at the Saratov Aviation College, worked at an aviation plant. On April 11, 1940, Nina Ulyanenko took off for the first time.

From January to May 1942 at the Engels Aviation School she received the military specialty "navigator", the military rank of "sergeant".

In the Red Army from January 1942 on the mobilization of the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

She was enlisted as a navigator of the crew in the 588th Aviation Regiment of light near night bombers, commanded by Hero of the Soviet Union M.M.Raskova. Combat missions began in May 1942 on the Southern Front.

Since 1943, Ulyanenko was a pilot of the 46th Taman Guards Night Bomber Regiment. She flew over 905 successful combat missions. From the banks of the Volga to the defeated Berlin, she drove her car, participated in the liberation of the North Caucasus, Crimea, Belarus, Poland, East Prussia.

For heroism and courage she was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War of I and II degrees, the Red Star, and medals.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 18, 1945, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command and for the courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, the Guard Lieutenant Ulyanenko Nina Zakharovna was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Returning to a peaceful life, Nina Zakharovna graduated from the Kursk Regional Party School, the Udmurt State Pedagogical Institute. For many years she taught history at schools in Votkinsk and Votkinsk region. Throughout the post-war years, she did a lot of patriotic education of young people. After retirement, she lived in Izhevsk.

About his combat path Nina Zakharovna Ulyanenko told in the book "Unforgettable" (1949, 1964, 1975, 2005).

She died at the age of 82 on August 31, 2005. She was buried at the Khokhryakovsky cemetery in the city of Izhevsk. The name of N. Ulyanenko is immortalized on the Memorial Stele to the Heroes of the Soviet Union at the Eternal Flame in the city of Izhevsk.

  1. Kulemin I. G. Unforgettable // Heroes of our names / I. G. Kulemin. - Izhevsk, 1975 .-- S. 189-192.
  2. Dead loops of Nina Ulyanenko // Faces of Victory. - Izhevsk, 2005 .-- S. 44-45.
  3. Ulyanenko Nina Zakharovna // Our fellow countrymen: Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Full Cavaliers of the Order of Glory. - Izhevsk, 1995 .-- P. 182.

History knows examples of courage, resilience, dedication that women showed at different times in different countries. But massive heroism soviet women during the Great Patriotic War - a phenomenon that has no equal in the world. The name of each of them is a symbol of selfless love for the Motherland, military valor, and civic duty. A unique female regiment of night bombers was created in 1942 and ended its combat path near Berlin. The fascists called our glorious pilots "Night witches". All of them were awarded orders and medals, twenty-three received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Among them is our compatriot.

Hero of the Soviet Union Nina Zakharovna Ulyanenko from Izhevsk became a soldier of the world's first female aviation regiment at the age of 18 and flew over 900 sorties in night bombers during the war years.

Nina Zakharovna spent her childhood and youth in Votkinsk. Nina visited the flying club, flew in the skies over the Votkinsk reservoir and made sharp turns and loopholes. The main heroine of the girl's aviation dreams was Marina Raskova, who, by the order of the commander, jumped out of the plane over the taiga and wandered in the wilds without food for many days. Nina Ulyanenko and her friends went on a hunger strike for several days, like a brave pilot, in order to cultivate will. The girl would not believe that the war would soon begin, and she herself would become a navigator, and then a pilot of the guards regiment, which would be commanded by the same Marina Raskova, that Nina would also have emergency landings and multi-day transitions without food, but already in the combat area ...

From May 1942 until the end of the war, Nina Ulyanenko flew at the front on PO-2 in a squadron of night bombers. The bombs dropped by it fall on German warehouses and echelons, on accumulations of enemy equipment and forces.

From Nina Ulyanenko's autobiographical book “Unforgettable” we read: “I felt the car shudder, the bombs went down. And at this moment more than a dozen enemy searchlights seize the plane. For a moment, I was distracted from the instruments and managed to notice that the searchlights were shining from somewhere above, and a piece of the moon somewhere below. And the thought: "I'm losing my spatial position." And just then I remembered the words of my first instructor Petya Stavrov: “Turn off the gas, put the rudder neutral, the plane will enter normal flight by itself”. And the shells of anti-aircraft guns hoot, bullets whistle, they want to tear to pieces our little ship. Finally we break out of the ring of fire. The gaps are removed, and the enemy searchlights are gradually disappearing. "

How many episodes were there? Probably a lot, because every night the girls flew out on missions on average five to six times, and even competed to see who would have time to make more flights.

“The nights are short in the spring. We return home late. Calculated: if we go to our airfield, we will no longer be released on a mission, since dawn is on the nose. Closer to the front line is the brother's airfield (of the same type of male regiment). We decide: we have enough gasoline, and we will ask them for the bombs. Thus, once again, so to speak, "disturbed" the Germans ... We got it for willfulness from the commanders. But we felt that they were nevertheless satisfied with our ingenuity ... "- we read from Nina Ulyanenko's book" Unforgettable ".

The war took away girlfriends: the girls' planes burned and fell on enemy territory. And yet the war brought true friendship and boundless skies. For many years after the war, the pilots of the Guards Aviation Regiment gathered on May 2 in Moscow in the park opposite the Bolshoi Theater, and all their life achievements were brought to the court of their combat friends.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 18, 1945, for exemplary performance of combat missions of the command and for the courage and heroism shown in battles against the Nazi invaders, the Guard Lieutenant Ulyanenko Nina Zakharovna was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal

For Nina Ulyanenko, the road to the sky after the war was closed: the country's squadron was replenished with new, more advanced aircraft, which were more demanding on the pilot's health. She did not pass the medical examination. And although at first it seemed that she did not need another professional fate, she nevertheless graduated from the pedagogical institute. She worked in schools in the villages of Svetloye and Kivara, Votkinsk region. Then she taught history lessons in Votkinsk. After retirement, she lived in the capital of Udmurtia - the city of Izhevsk.

Nina Zakharovna - participant of the Victory Parade in Moscow on the day of the 50th anniversary of the Victory.

Nina Zakharovna became the fifth person to be awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the Republic in Udmurtia. Her name is now next to the names of M.T. Kalashnikov, G. Kulakova.

Nina Zakharovna died on August 31, 2005. She was buried at the Khokhryakovskoye cemetery in Izhevsk.

All residents of Udmurtia remember and are proud of their famous countrywoman.

Head: Tatiana Egorovna Kokorina, Russian language teacher.