Is civilization on the moon. Is there life on the moon? Mysterious objects, phenomena on the moon

17.09.11 The existence of aliens or extraterrestrials in general is still in question, and there is no unequivocal solution to this issue, which is the reason for the ongoing disputes between those who believe and those who call all evidence of the observation of unidentified objects falsification. Time will tell which of them is right.

Proponents of the existence of aliens cite as evidence photos and videos of UFO sightings taken in different parts of the world, as well as testimonies of those people who became contactees against their will. Moreover, some say that photographs taken on the moon are showing signs of alien lifeand NASA is not showing this overwhelming evidence of extraterrestrial life, maybe because the public is not yet ready to accept reality. Maybe aliens are watching humanity not from the depths of distant space, but from our natural satellite, which is actually very close?

Since 1947, which is considered the beginning of the countdown in the study of the UFO problem, the number of people on our planet who are engaged "on a voluntary basis" with this problem is growing. The so-called amateur ufology (enthusiasts), but not yet professional ufology.

Unfortunately, among people who consider themselves to be in the category of ufologists, very many occupy a very remote position from any science and therefore are not at all sophisticated in matters of scientific methods of research and investigation! The so-called "ufomaniacs" and amateurs, at meetings devoted to UFO problems, are especially active, aggressive and therefore dangerous. The main danger lies in the fact that the performances of Ufa fans compromise the entire problem under discussion as a whole!

And if a Ufoman is also a correspondent of a newspaper and publishes materials on UFO sightings in his area, be doubly careful - the desire to pass off as real, to make a sensation and thereby make his name known, is put in the very first place. Do not believe a single word of his message and check everything! A true journalist who can be trusted is one who puts in the very first place - interest in his work, the desire to collect and convey to the public as truthful and objective information as possible.

Ufology is a science that requires from its adherents not only encyclopedic knowledge of the most diverse scientific issues, but also a careful attitude to factual material, the ability to analyze the available data, treat them critically and draw careful conclusions from them.

Over the years, some researchers point to evidence of the presence of some unknown civilization on the surface of the Moon and cite video materials as evidence, and photographs of which strange objects are present, both on the surface of the satellite and above it. These objects include unusual moving lights, pyramid-shaped structures, glass domes, and more.

One of the most active supporters of the existence of a mysterious alien civilization on the moon is Richard K. Hoagland, who claims that NASA is hiding material evidence of an ancient lunar civilization from the public. He noted that the scale of the ancient ruins on the moon can be determined using orbital photographs. He also added that the cases of anomalies, which can only be explained if they are regarded as ancient remnants of some of the extremely advanced alien or alien technology that are present in photographs of the lunar surface taken by astronauts.

In his famous book Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA, he wrote that the photographs taken by the Apollo astronauts show the enormous glass towers and domes found on the Moon. Richard K. Hoagland explained that large domes and glass towers are not can appear out of nowhere and their artificial origin is evidenced by an unusual color that repeats the entire gamut of the rainbow.

In 2007 nASA consultant After the end of the Apollo program, the founder and chief investigator of the Enterprise Mission, Richard C. Hoagland, said that supposedly 40 years ago, traces of an ancient and clearly inhuman civilization were found on the Moon. But NASA ordered the destruction of the photographic evidence. Ken Johnston disobeyed and
hid some.

I had a falling out with NASA and got fired. ”NASA has remained mysteriously silent in response to sensational claims.


Moon: Astronomical data Macca: 7.35 * 1022kg. (0.0123 masses
Earth) Diameter: 3476 km. (0.273 Earth diameter) Density: 3.343 g / cm3
Surface temperature: minimum -150oC Distance from satellite to
planets: 384,400 km. Speed \u200b\u200bof movement around the planet: 1.03 km / s
Free fall acceleration: 1.62 m / s2

The lack of data on the presence of evidence of the existence of intelligent life on the Moon, first of all, the theorist associates with the fact that astronauts have no right to say that they have discovered, in particular, signs that aliens have left some strange objects.

Apparently, Hoagland is referring to retired captain Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon and who spoke of the ancient glass domes seen on the surface. However, in one of his interviews, Mitchell, who is a supporter of the existence of extraterrestrial life, called all Hoagland's theories as meaningless. He also stressed that there is no cover-up on extraterrestrial life at NASA. He noted that the images provided by Hoagland are far from best quality and are highly altered, therefore, they are not credible as evidence.

Nevertheless, Mitchell said that he does not deny the possibility of an alien presence on the Moon, and that aliens may be using its surface for their own interests, or simply the aliens themselves, these are residents of an artificial satellite of the Earth.

Scientists have found evidence on Earth of the existence of alien life

Experts have found a form of life at the bottom of a salt lake that was previously considered impossible on Earth.

US Aerospace Agency NASA will announce a recent "astrobiological discovery" made on Earth at a press conference on Thursday night
Experts will talk about the bacteria found at the bottom of the Mono Salt Lake in Yosemite national park California. An amazing fact is that this microorganism lives well in an environment rich in arsenic, while it is, in principle, poisonous to living things, reports with reference to The Daily Telegraph.

This discovery suggests that organisms with similar, hitherto unknown abilities to survive in a toxic environment exist in abundance in the Universe, not only on Earth ...

Are we descendants of aliens ?!

There is a hypothesis according to which intelligent life on Earth is corrected by the Supreme mind. Humanoids not only introduce through our subconsciousness the religious, philosophical and scientific concepts necessary for humanity, but also change people themselves. This hypothesis received unexpected confirmation.

Comparing the genomes of representatives different races and peoples, researchers came to the conclusion that a fifth of earthlings are descendants of aliens from other planets. The basis for this conclusion was that the same foreign genes were found in the genomes of some people, which their fellow tribesmen did not have.

In addition, the descendants of the aliens differ in many ways from the "ordinary earthlings", for example:

They need more sleep than ordinary people;

They dream mainly of colored dreams, while the "indigenous" earthlings have mostly black and white dreams;

They cannot endure direct sunlight for a long time, which causes them a feeling of acute discomfort;

They have the powers of the "third eye";

The descendants of aliens hate fluorescent lamps, high-voltage power lines and dampness: whether it be air, terrain or premises;

They have low blood pressure, although it does not in any way affect health and well-being, unlike ordinary earthlings suffering from hypotension;

The descendants of aliens, regardless of the level of education, are inherent in very high creative abilities.

However, it is possible that human "hybrids" are not the only "aliens" living on Earth. The Japanese entomologist Fukurai, who studied scorpions for many years, made an amazing discovery: this arthropod insect is fundamentally different from a million representatives of other species of the class of invertebrates in its fantastic ability to survive in any, the most adverse conditions. For example, at the bottom of a jar of water, a scorpion remains alive after two days, and sometimes more. This insect lives in the hot zone, but it is viable even after freezing.

During the experiments, the entomologist created unusual conditions for the scorpions, in which this insect could get on some other planet. For example, he was exposed to the strongest radioactive radiation. The scorpions remained alive even after a dose that was 130 times the fatal dose for humans. I fed these arthropods the most dangerous bacteria and viruses, but they turned out to be immune. His wards perfectly digested anything, including molds, from which other beetles and flies die.

In the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, large planetary debris and planetoids are discovered every year. Were developed plates, filmed through a telescope. One of the points found on them began to be suspected that it was a minor planet. The Japanese, Americans, French began to follow her, spending many hundreds of records on filming the night sky. However, the point escaped all the time, changing its orbit despite the most accurate calculations.

A series of photographs taken through a powerful telescope proved that a fairly large celestial body is moving in the stream of small debris. It received the number 4724 and the name "Brocken" in honor of one of the peaks in the Harz mountains. "Broken" makes one revolution around the Sun in 3.92 Earth years. German astronomers have determined its diameter at about 10 km, which is consistent with the calculations of the Americans from the Oak Ridge Observatory.

Astronomers have put forward a sensational hypothesis regarding the arbitrary movement of the Broken in orbit: it is an artificial space object, something like an intergalactic spaceport, which serves as a permanent base for aliens. It is from it that UFOs fly, abducting earthlings and dugouts, and delivering them to the "mother" ship. And from there they bring people-"hybrids", which gradually change the gene pool of earthlings.

In addition, many previously abducted and returned back to Earth explain their absence by the fact that they spent all this time at the "aliens" station, studying at a "closed lyceum" located on a space object.


Now the Moon is an absolutely unfavorable place for the existence of life. The natural satellite of the Earth is devoid of atmosphere and magnetic field and is exposed to meteorite "bombardments", daily significant temperature fluctuations, as well as strong solar and cosmic radiation. In addition, the moon is very dry: water on it exists only in the form ancient ice at the bottom of polar craters and possibly deep in the mantle.

However, as stated by researchers Dirk Schulze-Makuch of the University of Washington and Ian Crawford of the University of London, about four billion years ago, shortly after the formation of the moon, conditions on it could have been very different. ... So, it is assumed that at that time (according to one of the hypotheses, the Moon could have formed from the substance ejected during the collision of a proto-earth with a celestial body), water could be present on the Moon in large quantities - about the same as on the early Earth. Later, after cooling, the Moon could form a primitive atmosphere protected by magnetic field, which was "generated" by the liquid core.

Under these conditions, scientists suggest, the moon could support some microbial life forms. This, however, would not have lasted long - and after several million years the atmosphere and the necessary water should have disappeared. However, 500 million years after that, according to the researchers, volcanic activity on the Moon reached its peak - billions of tons of gas were released, which could form a second temporary atmosphere of the satellite and aquatic habitat. The latter existed, presumably, for several more million years.

“It is very likely that the Moon was inhabited at the time,” notes Schulze-Makuch. “There could have been microorganisms in its waters — until the lunar surface became dry and dead.”

However, the question of how microbes could appear on the Moon in such a short time remains open. According to Schulze-Makukh, their most likely source is the Earth: 3.8-3.5 billion years ago, there were cyanobacteria on our planet that did not need oxygen. It can be assumed that some of these bacteria were "transferred" to the Moon from Earth by meteorites.

At this point, of course, this is just speculation. Perhaps, as Schulze-Makuch notes, future lunar missions will be able to obtain samples of the required period to see if they contain water or other possible markers of pre-existing life. In addition, according to the researcher, in the future, the assumption of the existence of life on the early Moon will help test experiments using simulated lunar environments.

On the surface of a natural satellite of the Earth, ufologist Scott Waring discovered traces of the presence of the permanent representatives of alien civilizations.

In his words, it was a human face and a cat's face. The ufologist found these photos in the NASA archives open for access. After researching and processing photographs taken from NASA, he noticed that one of the profile pictures shows a person's face. However, even more surprise was caused by the previously filmed face of the cat. To our deepest regret, the secret services edited the video so that nothing remained of the previous evidence.

It is no secret that NASA specialists are vigorously following the work of ufologists, regularly refuting evidence found by ufologists of the existence of life on other planets.

In fact, science fiction writers never dreamed of what they actually find on the moon. Even in their wildest dreams, they could not imagine what is hidden on the surface of the unexplored natural satellite of the Earth. The lunar finds literally surpassed all expectations in their enigma and mystery.

Exactly 50 years ago, the wondrous crater Uckert was found on a natural satellite of the Earth. Its landscape was seriously different from other lunar formations and simultaneously had a couple of heights, hypothetically - man-made. One of them is two and a half kilometers long, peaked - Peak, and then another, eleven kilometers long in the form of a comet placed on its tail - Tower. Researchers have not been able to argue for their occurrence.

Five years later, with the help of the NASA Lunar Orbiter-5, it was possible to remove the moon stones, to which the traces were leading. Some researchers decided that these moon stones move independently on the surface of a natural satellite. At the same time, the US mass media spread information around the world about a new non-protein species of life found on the moon. And again, the researchers were stumped, never finding a justification for the moving stones.

Back in 1988, the leading Chinese astrophysicist Mao Kang puzzled researchers of the Earth's satellite with images of the footprint of a barefoot man and the remains of his skeleton, which were found on the surface of the Moon. At the same time, Kahn assured that the evidence of this was hidden from people for almost two decades, since the classified documentation dates back to August 3, 1969. And this means that the pictures were taken half a month after the appearance of astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin on the surface of a natural satellite of the Earth.

A Chinese scientist suggested that the death of a person whose skeleton was discovered was unnatural. But US researchers considered that these original finds are of extraterrestrial origin, which means they are associated with alien civilizations. At the same time, the secret services blamed everything on bizarre games of light and shadow, and also linked the find with the unique fantasy of a Chinese scientist.

Back in the 10th century, it was known that the Earth is round and the Moon shines. While the Apollo 11 astronauts recorded the duration of flares from one minute to a couple of hours on six areas of the lunar surface: the forty-five-kilometer crater Aristarchus, the hundred-kilometer crater Plato, the Sea of \u200b\u200bCrisis, the craters Grimaldi, Tycho, Copernicus and Kepler. There were various options: awakened volcanoes, gas evolution, etc. Ten years ago, an astronomer from Italy photographed a twenty-kilometer-long object, sparkling with lights, as it was performing a maneuvering maneuver to orbit the moon. Perhaps, those who jokingly called these lunar drivers alien lights were not mistaken. aircraftwhich regularly illuminate the natural satellite of the Earth.

Eight or ten years ago, ex-NASA employees officially announced information about a city covered with a crystal, enlightening dome in the sea of \u200b\u200bCrises, in some places the so-called roof of the city made of brightening crystal was damaged due to the fall of meteorites. The photographs show streets, bridges, stairs, towers.

Then NASA did not comment on this information. But back in 1979, US engineers revealed the secret of the mass media. It turned out that in the library of the Houston complex of the space agency, they came across pictures of flying saucers and pyramids, similar to the Egyptian ones.

Seven years ago, a reporter from Italy went public with a conversation with a native of Rwanda. That ten years ago was engaged in the dissemination of information of secret government programs U.S.A. They talked about a base allegedly found on a natural satellite of the Earth. A resident of Rwanda gave an Italian journalist classified photographs of the space agency with visible various protuberances of man-made origin. The aborigine also remembered what astronaut Neil Armstrong said when he landed on the moon, his communications were listened to by radio amateurs. Then, assurances appeared in the US mass media that Armstrong had suddenly transmitted to Earth that they were watching from the other side of the crater. spaceships... But later, the American astronaut refused these words.

This year, the version of the lunar city was again raised by a radio amateur from Nizhny Tagil, Valentin Degtyarev. The Ural resident said that he had studied many American photographs and summed up that the United States is making a lot of efforts to maintain secrecy, in order to conceal the presence of traces of aliens on the natural satellite of the Earth. The Russian noticed that the photographs were seriously retouched, and some objects were deliberately illuminated. But still, despite all the efforts, it was not possible to hide everything without exception. In the images from the Moon, you can still see the trail of a real man-made road, the outlines of alien flying vehicles, including a city at one of the poles of the Earth's natural satellite. True, experts are very distrustful of such finds.

And finally, three years ago, on images from a natural satellite of the Earth, experts found a one hundred and thirty-meter mysterious structure, which is similar to the spine of a large creature from another planet. Scientists have not yet identified either the raw materials that make up the object, or other characteristics and information about the mysterious find.

Tags: Moon, aliens

During 2007-2009, former NASA employees Richard S. Hoagland and Ken Johnston held a series of press conferences. According to them, the leading space organization The world has been hiding for 40 years the truth that the Apollo astronauts discovered traces of an ancient civilization on the Moon.

Crystal Towers of the Moon

Richard Hoagland sets out his views on the problem of lunar architectural and man-made artifacts in the most detail on the pages of his book Dark Mission. The Secret History of NASA ”, which has also been translated into Russian. An entire chapter is devoted to artifacts - "The Crystal Towers of the Moon". Armed with state-of-the-art technology, Hoagland analyzed images of the satellite's surface. We are talking about photographs that were obtained by the American manned mission "Apollo" and automatic research vehicles. The results are curious.

Hoagland noticed strange geometric formations in the Uckert crater area. Moreover, in the crater itself there is a certain dark triangular object against the background of a lighter circle. It is curious that earlier the NASA AS10-32-4810 image was studied by the American ufologist Fred Steckling, who discerned the entrances to the sublunary alien bases in the dark spots, but completely did not pay attention to the geometrically correct formations.

LO-III-84M snapshot

Meanwhile, in a LO-III-84M image taken by one of the Lunar Orbiter spacecraft, Hoagland spotted a pin-like tower a mile and a half high. On the surface of the Moon, which had been bombarded by asteroids and micrometeorites for millions of years, this fragment looked like a completely anomalous structure - with a top irregular shape, thickening in the middle and tapering downward. Computer magnification has produced very impressive results. The extraordinary structure consisted of repeating intricate internal crystalline forms visible throughout the object.

Using a computer, Hoagland enlarged the images taken from the LO-III-84M negative, which revealed an amazing internal structure of cubic or hexagonal cells, heavily damaged by time, but still clearly visible. The size of these cells is probably about seventy meters.

Dome over the sea

In the same picture, you can see the poorly lit top of a more massive cubic 'tower, most likely glass. The initial assumption that a comet flying behind the Moon was in the frame was rejected, since in February 1967, when the picture was taken, none were observed. Calculations showed that this is a glass tower more than seven miles high. Computer processing of the photograph indicated the presence of another anomaly, conventionally called "a fire in the steppe". We are talking about a multi-meter layer of material that covers the surface of the Moon, which emits a reddish glow. Calculations have shown that this material most likely consists of glass fragments and something else incomprehensible.

Snapshot of AS 10-32-4822

Hoagland suggested that once upon a time there was a sea on the Moon, which was completely covered by a glass dome. About 100 miles southwest of the bowling pin and glass tower, the Surveyor 6 probe captured something else in November 1967. It looked something like sparkling beads. The Surveyor image shows sparkling chains along the western horizon and intense light over a geometric structure visible against the airless moonlit sky. Hoagland believes that this phenomenon can only be caused by the interaction of sunlight and a giant glass dome located directly above the moon's surface. The real treasure was a NASA snapshot of AS 10-32-4822 taken by Apollo 10 in 1969. To the northwest of the already known Uckert crater, an unusual region of the lunar surface with clear geometric outlines is clearly visible. Due to the fact that the area looks almost like a city, a geology consultant even gave it the nickname "Los Angeles on the Moon." The photograph shows an area of \u200b\u200bhundreds of square miles, approximately equal area terrestrial Los Angeles, a surprisingly correct three-dimensional drawing is visible. Rows of lines, stretching over the surface at times for tens of kilometers, seem strikingly similar to the streets and avenues of earthly cities. But from some places in the photo, round craters a mile in diameter are clearly visible.

It seems as if the lunar city was bombed. At the same time, it is quite possible to assume that meteorites have nothing to do with this bombardment - most likely, we are talking about the use of nuclear weapons... Independent experts admitted: from a geological point of view, "lunar Los Angeles" is a relatively young "city", at most several hundred million years old. In AS 10-32-4822, the researchers also found an object - a giant castle, extremely similar to Neuschwanstein, built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria. But the height of the lunar "castle" reaches 11 miles. Studying the picture, Hoagland came to an unexpected conclusion: the lock hangs above the surface of the moon, and a wire holds it in the air.

But here, perhaps, you can argue with him: perhaps the lock is simply installed on an absolutely dark base or on a mirrored and extremely flat surface. The optical effect, when islands or ships appear to be floating above the water, has been well known to sailors for a long time. As you know, there is no water on the surface of the Moon, but there may well be a mirror area around the proposed castle. Why not? As for the "wire", then, given the gigantic dimensions of the castle, its diameter clearly exceeds 10 meters. Whole communication nodes could pass inside such a "wire". And not only, for example, fiber-optic lines, but, for example, a pneumatic railway.

Who built it all?

Of course, the question arises: who and when could have built these structures? Here is what Richard Hoagland himself says about this in an interview: “I believe that the Apollo project has confirmed the existence of an ancient, but still human civilization on the Moon. It was laid by our ancestors in the scary thinking of which tribe. But we were able to publish only a small part of the information received by NASA, that people once inhabited the entire solar system. "

Dating hundreds of millions of years, proposed by independent experts, takes us back to the age of the dinosaurs, if not even further. However, even in those days, people could exist on Earth. This is evidenced by archaeological finds - for example, traces of human feet in geological layers corresponding to the Cambrian time (505-590 million years, Antelope Springs, Utah, USA, 1968), the Triassic period (213-248 million years, Nevada, USA, 1922) and the Carboniferous period (286-320 Ma, Rockcastle, Kentucky, 1938).

Despite its relative proximity to us and seeming simplicity, our satellite continues to hide many interesting secrets, and some of them are worth knowing about them.
1. Moonquakes

Despite the fact that, in fact, the Moon is just a dead piece of rock with extremely low geological activity, crustal movements occur there too. They are called moonquakes (by analogy with earthquakes).
There are four types of moonquakes: the first three - deep moonquakes, vibrations from meteorite impacts, and thermal moonquakes caused by solar activity - are relatively safe. But moonquakes of the fourth type can be quite unpleasant. Typically they are up to 5.5 on the Richter scale - enough to make small objects start to shake. Such tremors last about ten minutes. According to NASA, such moonquakes make our moon "ring like a bell."
The most frightening thing about these moonquakes is that we have no idea what exactly is causing them. Earthquakes on Earth are usually caused by tectonic plate movements, but there are simply no tectonic plates on the Moon. Some researchers think that they may have some connection with the tidal activity of the Earth, which, as it were, "pulls" the moon over itself. However, the theory is not supported by anything - tidal forces are associated with full moons, and moonquakes are usually observed at other times.
2. Double planet

Most people are convinced that the moon is a satellite. However, many argue that the Moon should be classified as a planet. On the one hand, it is too large for a real satellite - its diameter is equal to a quarter of the diameter of the Earth, so the Moon can be called the largest satellite in Solar systemif this ratio is taken into account. Pluto, however, also has a moon called Charon, whose diameter is half the diameter of Pluto itself. Only here Pluto is no longer considered a real planet, so we will not take Charon into account.
Due to its large size, the Moon is not actually in low-Earth orbit. The Earth and the Moon revolve around each other and around a point in the center between them. This point is called the barycenter, and the illusion that the Moon is in Earth's orbit is due to the fact that the center of gravity is currently inside crust... It is this fact that does not allow us to classify the Earth with the Moon as a double planet, but in the future the situation may change.
3. Lunar debris

Everyone knows that there was a man on the moon. But not everyone knows that Man (we will specially write this word with a capital letter) used the Moon as a standard picnic spot - astronauts who visited the Moon left a lot of garbage there. It is believed that about 181,437 kg of artificial materials rest on the lunar surface.
Of course, not only the astronauts are to blame - they deliberately did not throw sandwich wrappers and banana peels on the moon. Most of this debris came from various experiments, space probes and lunar rovers, some of which are still functioning today.
4. Moon Grave

Eugen "Jin" Shoemaker, a famous astronomer and geologist, is something of a legend in his circles: he developed methods scientific research cosmic impact, and also invented the techniques that the Apollo astronauts used to study the moon.
Shoemaker wanted to become an astronaut himself, but could not get the job due to minor health problems. This remained the biggest disappointment throughout his life, but Shoemaker nevertheless continued to dream that someday he could visit the moon himself. When he died, NASA fulfilled his most cherished wish and sent his ashes to the moon with the Lunar Prospector station in 1998. His ashes remain there, scattered among the moon dust.
5. Lunar anomalies
Some images taken by various satellites show very strange things on the lunar surface. It seems that there are artificial structures on the moon, the size of which ranges from very tiny, usually in the shape of a parallelepiped, to "obelisks" at least 1.5 km high.
Lovers of the paranormal even "found" a large castle among these objects, "hanging" high above the surface of the moon. All this seems to indicate an advanced civilization that previously lived on the moon and supposedly built complex structures.

NASA has never refuted these strange theories, despite the fact that all of the images are most likely faked by adherents of the "conspiracy theory".
6. Moon dust

One of the most amazing and at the same time most dangerous things on the moon is moon dust. As everyone knows, sand penetrates everywhere and on Earth, but dust on the moon is an extremely dangerous substance: it is fine, like flour, but very coarse. Thanks to its texture and low gravity, it penetrates absolutely anywhere.
NASA had numerous problems related to moon dust: it tore apart astronauts' boots almost completely, penetrated into ships and spacesuits, and became the cause of "moon hay fever" in hapless astronauts if they inhaled it. It is believed that with prolonged contact with moon dust, even the most durable object can break.
By the way, this devilish substance smells like burnt gunpowder.
7. Difficulty with low gravity

Although the moon's gravity is only one-sixth that of Earth's gravity, moving across its surface is a feat. Buzz Aldrin said that it would be extremely difficult to establish settlements on the Moon: the legs of astronauts in bulky spacesuits were buried in the moon dust by almost 15 cm.
Despite the low gravity, human inertia on the moon is high, making it difficult to move quickly or change direction there. If astronauts wanted to move faster, they had to pose as clumsy kangaroos, which was also a problem, since the moon is full of craters and other dangerous objects.
8. The origin of the moon

Where did the moon come from? There is no simple and accurate answer, but, nevertheless, science allows you to make several assumptions.
There are five main theories about the origin of the moon. The fission theory claims that the Moon was once part of our planet and separated from it by a very early stage history of the Earth - in fact, the Moon could just be located in the place of modern The Pacific... The capture theory says that the Moon simply "wandered" through the Universe until it was captured by Earth's gravity. Other theories say that our satellite either formed from asteroid debris or was left from the collision of the Earth with an unknown planet the size of Mars.
The most reliable theory at the moment of the origin of the Moon is called The Theory of the Rings: a protoplanet (a planet that is just forming) called Theia collided with the Earth, and the resulting cloud of debris eventually gathered together and turned into the Moon.
9. Moon and sleep

The influence of the Moon and Earth on each other cannot be denied. However, the moon's influence on humans is a source of ongoing debate. Many believe that full moon is the cause of strange behavior in humans, but science cannot provide conclusive evidence for or against this theory. But science agrees that the moon can disrupt the human sleep cycle.
According to an experiment carried out at the University of Basel in Switzerland, the phases of the moon affect a person's sleep cycles in a strictly defined way. People sleep worst of all, as a rule, on the full moon. These results can fully explain the so-called "lunar madness": according to the experiment and the assurances of many people, it is on the full moon that they most often have nightmares.
10. Moon Shadows

When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first set foot on the moon, they made an amazing discovery: the shadows on the moon are much darker than the earth's shadows due to the lack of atmosphere. All moon shadows are absolutely black. As soon as the astronauts stepped into the shadows, they could no longer see their own legs, despite the brightly glowing solar disk in the sky.
Of course, the astronauts were able to adapt to this, but such a contrast between the dark and light areas of the surface still remained a problem. The astronauts noticed that some shadows - namely, their own - have halos. They later learned that the eerie phenomenon is due to the opposition effect, in which some dark shadow areas develop a bright halo, provided that the observer looks at the shadows from a certain angle.
The shadows of the moon have become the scourge of many Apollo missions. Some astronauts found that it was impossible to complete maintenance tasks on the spacecraft because they could not see what their hands were doing. Others thought they had accidentally landed in a cave - this effect was created by the shadows cast by the slopes.
11. Lunar magnetism

One of the most interesting mysteries of the Moon is that the Moon has no magnetic field. Surprisingly, the stones that astronauts first brought from the moon to Earth in the 1960s had magnetic properties. Maybe the stones are of alien origin? How can they be magnetic if there is no magnetic field on the moon?
Over the years, science has established that the moon once had a magnetic field, but so far no one can say why it disappeared. There are two main theories: one states that the magnetic field disappeared due to the natural motions of the iron core of the moon, and the second states that this may be due to a series of collisions of the moon with meteorites.