What a real alien looks like. Scientists have shown what real aliens look like

At the words “alien” and “alien”, a stereotypical image of a humanoid creature in a silvery spacesuit with a disproportionately large head and black large eyes without proteins is often formed in the head. Meanwhile, not everything is so simple.

Analysis of eyewitness accounts, photographs, films and other evidence shows that even those aliens who resemble people (that is, humanoids) differ greatly in height and appearance... What then to say about those cases when the aliens are not humanoids. Let's try to consider the most typical cases.

So, humanoids. First of all, there are strong differences in height. Fluctuations here reach two meters. For example, if in the cases of the Roswell accident, as well as in the case of the accident in Tibet, the height of the creatures did not exceed 130 centimeters (but was not less than 90 centimeters), then in some other cases the humanoids seen reached three meters in height.

And in some cases, eyewitnesses say that the growth was quite normal, no more than two meters. Some fluctuations, of course, were observed, but this is natural for earthlings as well. Let's remember that people of very large stature or, conversely, small, but stocky have greater physical strength and endurance than people of average height and build. So why not assume that such pilots, strong and resilient, were selected for space flights?
In the face, the eyes attract the most attention. In creatures from one to two meters in height, they either resemble ordinary human ones, or they have a feature, namely, they do not have proteins. There are two versions on this score. According to one of them, these are not eyes, but adaptive devices, somewhat similar to our tinted glasses and contact lenses.

The devices allow you to regulate the effect of light and the environment on the eyes. According to the second version, the eyes of the aliens are fundamentally different in structure from ours and more resemble the organs of vision of a bee, a fly and some other insects (faceted vision).

They include many more perceiving cells and allow not only to send a better image to the brain, but also to process it differently. The fact is that with fractional perception of the image, the number of "frames" increases, and the picture is more complete and consistent, as with slow scrolling of a film, and the reaction of the creature does not suffer from this.

As for the rest of the face and head, in general they are very similar to the earthly, but in some cases they are slightly displaced, for example, low-hanging ears, a "smoothed" chin, a massive back of the head. Often they generally speak of a head that is too large in comparison with the body. Sometimes parts of the face seem disproportionately small: nose, ears. Finally, there are often descriptions where the head of the aliens (like the whole body) is devoid of hair.

Leather comes in a variety of colors, but these colors usually do not go beyond our understanding of what leather can be. In other words, no one has ever met creatures with blue or green skin. Often, the skin of the aliens is quite dark in color, and, as a rule, this coincides with the absence of body hair.

To what has been said, it must be added that in this case the muscles of the creatures are poorly expressed. There are analogs of biceps, but in the rest of the body, muscles are almost absent. Perhaps they simply lost their functions and atrophied. But in other cases, a different correspondence is observed: with light skin and "earthly" facial features, the outlines of the body look quite proportional.

The limbs almost always appear in proportion to the body. Disproportions that would make aliens look like monkeys are not found in the descriptions we know. Although in some cases the arms are long, almost to the knees. Most often, there are five fingers on the hands and feet; one of the peculiarities is that the nails are highly reduced and sometimes almost invisible (a detail seen on those aliens, whose height is about 1 meter). In addition, there are signs of syndactyly (webbing between the toes).

Of the other features of the body structure, it should be noted the absence of other limbs, rudimentary and innovative, for example, a tail and something like that. Outwardly pronounced sexual characteristics are also absent, but this rare observation is made from photographs, which may be fake. This refers to the aliens who died near Roswell. Unfortunately, the results of the autopsy performed at that time remained unavailable to us (with the exception of some facts), and therefore nothing definite can be said on this score.

The clothes in the descriptions and in the pictures are rather monotonous. As a rule, this is a jumpsuit that resembles a light spacesuit. He opens his hands, but his feet, apparently, do not. The helmet is not found in any description. Most likely, if it is, then it is left in the ship after analyzing the composition of the atmosphere, which turns out to be suitable for breathing.

The jumpsuit is tight, the material, according to some descriptions, resembles stretch. The color of the suit is most often described as silver, which is fairly easy to explain. Clothing made of a special material of this color protects against strong radiation and high temperatures, which is also used on Earth (firefighters, rescue teams in areas of accidents at nuclear power plants).

An interesting and not unreasonable assumption is made that some of the aliens are not living beings, but cyborgs, that is, cybernetic organisms. This follows from the peculiarities of their internal structure: lack of digestive and genital organs, strange blood composition. Specifically for pilots aircraftcrashed near Roswell. But it also needs to be verified.

In conclusion, a few words must be said about the reasons for the differences between aliens and earthlings. If we make the assumption that evolution on different planets under the same conditions proceeds in a similar way (as the Umians claim in their letters), then the appearance of the aliens must undoubtedly be similar to the appearance of earthlings. But since technically and in general in terms of development, they are much ahead of us, then their civilization must be much older than ours.

Thus, the aliens have passed the path of development, perhaps in several tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years, and the conditions of existence, environment and the influence of their own culture on them also resulted in a partial change in appearance. Most likely, we need to talk not about mutations, but about a longer process - evolution. Mutations could take place only in the event of global catastrophes, for example nuclear war, large-scale accidents. This would easily explain the dark skin color and lack of hair. But we do not know anything about this yet.

In the case of non-human beings, things are much more complicated. In the case of observing giant aliens according to the description, they differ from us only in that they have a three-meter height and some abilities that are not available to us. In addition, there are features in the structure of the body, for example, in the location of the organs of sight and hearing.

Something similar creatures were seen in the village of Nekrasovo, on the outskirts of Kostroma. On May 26, 1996, Eva Leonidovna Piskunova, one of the residents of this village, saw a three-meter man through the window of the house.

However, he seemed a man only at first glance. Its body was enormous, and its head was shaped like a perfect ball. The "skin" on the head was of an indeterminate color, and E. L. Piskunova did not notice the face. The ball only gleamed with blue, yellow and white sparks. The hands and feet of the creature did not stand out when walking, according to the witness's impression. It moved along the street for a while, and then disappeared behind a rowan bush. Eva Leonidovna, emerging from her daze, ran to see him, but the creature disappeared, as if it had evaporated.

Three-meter height is found in another description, this time from Nebit-Dag, in Turkmenistan. Twice, with an interval of almost 40 years, the inhabitants of this city saw creatures of a strange and even terrible kind, which were clearly not humanoids and had never met on Earth either before or after these cases.

The first time they were noticed by Lyudmila Vartanyants, then still a student of the Ashgabat Medical Institute, the second (in 1994) - another resident of Nebit-Dag with her son. The description in both cases is the same: the height is about three meters, the surrounding bright light and the ugly head, which is a pile of “eyes, trunks, mouths against the background of grayish-green skin” (according to L. Vartanyants).

The creatures were also anomalies in terms of their influence on the psyche. In both cases, they inspired unaccountable fear even before they appeared. Lyudmila lost consciousness when they appeared and subsequently discovered strong changes in terms of her psyche and physical ailment, so she had to miss a semester at the institute.

But the strangest thing is that she, absolutely unprepared, was able to pass the exams with excellent marks, as if someone was “putting” information into her mind. On the second visit, both witnesses noted that one of the creatures had a flask in his hands, into which he put something, collecting from the ground. And in the middle of the century, and in 1994 there were two creatures. These facts have not yet been explained.

Even taller creatures were recorded in 1989 in the Vologda region. They were about 4 meters tall. Aliens of similar description visited Dzerzhinsk in 1979, or rather, a pioneer camp nearby. The sizes were described with varying degrees of accuracy, but some details in the descriptions of appearance coincided in both cases, for example, round metal plates on the "chest".

Modern science fiction never ceases to amaze viewers with a variety of alien species that may exist on other planets. Usually these are green men with big eyes or spider-like headless monsters who strive to take over our planet.

But let's not get into fantasies, but based on real scientific data, let's try to imagine what the inhabitants of other planets might look like. Their vision of aliens was proposed by scientists from the University of Oxford, who published their work in the International Journal of Astrobiology.

They suggested that organisms on other planets could form according to the theory of evolution, given natural selection species.

In our article, we proposed an alternative approach to hypothetical astrobiology, that is, we used evolutionary theory to create models that are completely independent of terrestrial conditions, said Sam Levin, a researcher at the Oxford Zoology Department.

The main feature of the approach is that theoretical models of this kind can be applied to silicon life forms, aliens that do not have DNA or breathing nitrogen, the scientists explained.

As you know, species complexity arose on Earth in connection with basic transitions, for example, when a group of individual organisms evolved into an organism of a higher order - when cells became multicellular organisms.

One of the types of aliens that scientists have proposed - "Octomite". This is a complex alien, which includes a hierarchy of creatures, where at each level the creatures have common interests, so their conflict is prevented. Different parts of such a creature may have different tasks, division of labor, but still this is mutually beneficial cooperation, scientists suggested.

The authors presented a number of possible alien species that are at different levels of development. Image “A” represents a simple replicating molecule, with no visible construct, which may or may not participate in natural selection.

Under the letter "B" is an incredibly simple, cell-like entity that definitely competes with other species for survival, according to scientists.

Image "C" shows an alien with complex parts that must mutually function. The authors of the work suggested that such a creature was subjected not only to species selection, in which it "bypassed" its competitors, but changed significantly, that is, it mutated during its life.

We still can't tell if the aliens will walk on two legs or have big green eyes. But we believe that evolutionary theory gives us a unique additional tool to try and understand what aliens will look like, added Sam Levin.

If we take into account the fact that alien organisms will develop according to the evolutionary system, then at a certain period they will be able to resemble us - organisms from the Earth. Like humans, they will be composed of a hierarchy of beings collaborating to produce new form life. At every level of the body, there will be mechanisms to eliminate conflict, maintain cooperation and maintain functionality.

We still cannot say with certainty whether we are alone in the Universe, but if not alone, then now we have taken a small step in search of an answer to the question of what our space neighbors will look like, scientists concluded.

Over the past decades, interest in representatives of alien civilizations has grown significantly. To get started, we recommend that you read this article:

Before considering their main types, it is worth understanding who aliens are and what is their main difference?

Who are aliens and aliens?

This is not a tautology as it might seem. All types of extraterrestrial civilizations can be divided into 2 groups: aliens and aliens. Who is who?

Aliens - these are creatures that are friendly to earthlings.

Aliens Are hostile creatures.

The actions taking place on our planet go far beyond the imagination of any science fiction writer. A distorted perception of reality and the means that control people's minds block access to this information, which allows unenlightened humanity to be manipulated and controlled with impunity.

Many Hollywood films about aliens are not fiction, but are reality, which we mistake for a fairy tale ...

The main types of aliens and aliens

Only a small part of extraterrestrial civilizations of both destructive and constructive nature that regularly visit our planet is characterized here. The information is given for the purpose of familiarization and expansion of intellectual baggage.


An evolving hybrid of human and zeta; lives 500 light years towards the constellation Orion, but on a different timeline and is 300 years ahead of the Earth in time; height 150 cm, gray skin; the head is slightly larger than a human, the nose and mouth are small, the eyes are large black; females have hair white... Their type of evolution is very similar to that of the Earth or Pleiadian.


Lyrans - A related species of aliens from the constellation Lyra. As the legend says: the Lyrian race ascended to the fourth dimension, and those who for some reason stayed settled on our planet. Having undergone multiple modifications due to genetic mutations, their physical skills have improved; the growth of some individuals reaches three meters, they have a humanoid appearance with the features of birds and animals, which have found their reflection in Egyptian mythology.


The Pleiadians arrived from the constellation Taurus at 400 s. years from Earth. He is called "Seven Sisters"; our Sun is the eighth star of the Pleiades. For millennia, have regularly visited our planet; are, like the Lyrans, a kindred species. It is also home to light and energy beings, "Council 12", which rules all the planets of the Pleiadian civilization.


89% of the race comes from Vegan, and the remaining 11% from Lyrans. The appearance is very similar to that of humans, the skin is dark, but a tenth of the population is blond Caucasian type. They are aggressive by nature and are used to solving disputes by military confrontation. Their favorite battle takes place between good and evil, Light and Dark, where the light and enlightened Orions fight against their fellows, obsessed with a thirst for power, immensely cruel and aggressive.


Subtle hybrids of people and Sirians, whose purpose is to serve people as guardians or mentor-teachers; luminaries of sacred geometric science; they control planetary orbits using sound. Their homeland is considered Sirius-B, where the leading space training center for higher evolution is located.

Aliens from Alpha Centauri


The Arcturians are aliens from the constellation Bootes, located at 36 St. years from Earth and visible in the northern hemisphere. Arcturus is in the tail Big dipper... They have reached the fifth-dimensional frequency spectrum and surpass all civilizations in our galaxy in development. Very fragile, 90-120 cm tall, they look like twins with a greenish tint and huge, almond-shaped eyes; life expectancy is 400 years on average. Interact with the environment through telekinesis; their thinking is 100 times faster than human. There are many underground bases on Earth. They control energies through various crystals.


A non-physical race of angelic winged beings of the Beta constellation system, which is considered the galactic center of thought. They went beyond the physical limitations of being and established contact with the Earth through the Light.

Life on Mars

This alien species has evolved to the higher dimensions of the frequency spectrum, and to discover it conventional methods does not seem possible. The Lemurians were at enmity with the Martians, hence the myth that Mars is a warlike planet. Under the planet's surface, there are races of a non-humanoid type, like terrestrial ants and praying mantises.

Life on Venus

In the bowels of this planet, there are grandiose subtle aliens. This is a world where the struggle for survival is completely absent. The world of Venus is unusually colorful and full of variety. Crystalline mountains, sparkling rainbow oceans, rich vegetation and natural harmony of all forms of life.

Alien species

  • Dragons... A type of reptile with a repulsive characteristic appearance. About 1,000,000 years ago, they took over the Earth and settled under its surface in the crust. As a result of this war, almost the entire surface of the planet was affected, the climate deteriorated, pole shifts, floods and earthquakes occurred, but the continent called Atlantis received the most damage. The homeland of dragons is in the higher dimensions, in the Orion system, far beyond the borders of our galaxy.

This is a kind of highly developed and benevolent creatures, which was separated during the evolution of universe No. 3 about 225 million years ago, and the entities that did not undergo transformation (a picture similar to ours today) were expelled. Having settled on Earth, they influenced humanity in the most destructive way, subjecting it to DNA correction and changes. They still consider themselves to be the full masters of the planet and people.

They are unsurpassed specialists in the field of experimental genetics. They combined a dragon and a human gene. As a result, a hybrid "Draco" (or lizards) was bred, whose height is more than 2 meters, with a humanoid body and a reptilian face covered with scales. Dinosaurs have also been experimented with. As a result, many creatures were bred that threaten human existence (Chupacabra, for example).

  • and the Nephilim... Highly developed technological soulless creatures from the Sirius-A system, split from their native civilization. They originate from the Elohim clan, descended from the Elohea - the highest race of divine type beings that oversees and controls humanity. They move in space on a giant ship-planet Nibiru, much larger than Jupiter and is, as it may not sound shocking, the planet of our solar system.

They capture underdeveloped planets in order to gut resources completely, gradually destroy all living things and leave them only when in place of the flowering planets there is only a dead desert with no signs of life.

This species is closely related to cooperation with Draco hybrids and outwardly they are very similar to each other. 950 thousand years ago, the process of genetic interbreeding of man and the Anunnaki took place successfully, as a result of which the resulting hybrid Nephilim was much superior to man intellectually, but there was completely no spiritual principle in it.

  • Zetas, Draco-Zetas... The homeland of the Zetas is the planet Draconis, a member of the Federation of Reptiles. Masters of black magic and satanic rituals. They can calmly change their appearance to match a person and remotely control and manipulate people. They themselves look like it is usually customary to draw aliens - with a disproportionately large head and black eyes, skin color is closer to gray, 120 cm tall.

The bulk of the abductions of people is committed by this particular type of aliens (Zetas), following global program enslavement of earthlings. Monstrous experiments are carried out on them, which, oddly enough, are coordinated with the human World Government, which directly controls all of humanity.

Draco hybrids are distinguished by an exorbitant thirst for power and an unwillingness to obey cosmic uniform laws. They have a rare ability to disguise themselves as light beings and skillfully process any information.

As mentioned above, this is only a small part of the alien representatives who visit our planet.

Thinking matter in the universe has an infinite variety of options

The image of an alien, replicated in cinematography and science fiction, will be radically different from the real one. If we seriously admit the existence of an alien intelligence, then what could a creature from other worlds be like? Agree, there are not so many options in cinema or literature. And all of them, one way or another, correlate with the life forms represented on our planet. The same "Alien". With all the outward differences from earthly forms, he, nevertheless, has paws, a head, a tail, and teeth. "Alien", like a chicken, lays eggs. He can be pissed off. He is vindictive and vindictive. That is, the emotions of this monster are similar to human ones. Meanwhile, the variety of thinking matter in the Universe should have an infinite variety of options. And certainly aliens from outer space will not look like humanoids. There is no other planet in the Universe, the conditions on which would be one hundred percent similar to those on Earth. In any case, we will proceed from this postulate. And if so, then the forms of life there will have nothing to do with ours. Because life adapts to external conditions.

Aliens Among Us - Facts

There is an opinion

Alien life is as diverse as the infinite universes in space and the universe itself

Where there is a physical substance plus a large amount of energy, life can arise, however, not necessarily in the understanding that we give it.

It can be an intelligent Ocean, remember Stanislav Lem's Solaris, or a rational cloud, thinking giant clots of plasma, or maybe colonies endowed with intelligence.

There is an opinion

Scientists think that on planets where most of the surface is occupied by water, mostly aquatic species live, similar to those that live on Earth.

Even on Earth, where all forms of life evolved in the same conditions, there is a huge variety of them: from bacteria and viruses to humans.

Therefore, even if the aliens arrive from a planet similar to ours, then serious ones will arise with their identification. Although there is an opinion that they are already here, only we are not able to recognize them.

Because they can look like mold, or mosquitoes, or ferns. They can be inside a cell or inside an atom.

There is an opinion

On planets with powerful gravity and a dense atmosphere, strong and aggressive creatures are likely to dominate

They can exist beyond the boundaries of space and time, so they will simply be inaccessible to our perception.

Some scientists believe that some of the marine animals may be aliens, namely those that use light pulses to communicate with each other.

There is a theory that cockroaches can act as the most realistic candidates for the role of alien monsters. This concept is supported by the fact that the conditions of existence in the Universe are very different, and cockroaches are the most persistent creatures on the planet that can survive in insane, extreme conditions.

There is an opinion

Molecules on Earth are composed primarily of carbon. Therefore, some researchers reject non-carbon life on other planets.

In 2010, scientists discovered organisms that do not need oxygen. This, again, has made an adjustment in the understanding of what life can be, and how we imagine it.

It has been suggested that life forms such as. More precisely, silicon.

For decades, children, film producers and scientists have been preoccupied with the thought of what aliens look like. If they exist, are they like us, or take on the most unimaginable forms? The answer to this question, in fact, depends on our understanding of evolutionary processes occurring at the deepest level.

Hollywood has spawned a fair number of humanoid aliens over the years. Initially, this choice was dictated by necessity: special effects required someone to put on a rubber suit. Ironically, now that computer graphics can do everything, cinema aliens look as human-like as possible, so that the viewer could emotionally empathize with them: a good example is James Cameron's Avatar.

Currently, the only life forms available for our study exist here on Earth. They have a single origin 3.5 billion years ago, but this common ancestor gave birth to perhaps about 20 million existing species of animals alone. Their bodies are arranged according to approximately 30 different kinds structures of bodies of large groups, defined as types of organisms.

But when animals first split into species about 542 (or more) million years ago in the Cambrian evolutionary "explosion", there could have been even more varieties of basic organisms. Take, for example, the five-eyed, trunk-equipped opabinia, petiolate and resembling a dinomisk flower, as well as our distant relative, the chordate pikaya.

Film rewind of life


Yes, aliens exist

The New York Times 06/22/2016

How to recognize alien life?

Air & Space 04/27/2016

What happens if aliens call us

BBC 03/20/2016

Little aliens

Inosmi 07/06/2014 In the famous thought experiment biologist Stephen Jay Gould wondered what would happen if we rewind the tape of life and replay it. Gould argued the importance of chance in evolution: it is worth changing one little thing a little earlier, and the consequences of the change grow in time like a snowball. In the version of history we know, the pikaya, or something very similar to it, survived and gave birth to fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and, finally, ourselves. But what would have happened if it had not survived? Could another group have spawned intelligent beings so that you can now read this text with five eyes instead of the usual two? If our origins on Earth really were based on this axis, then why should aliens evolve on other planets, even remotely resemble us?

The answer, according to evolutionary biologist Simon Conway Morris, lies in evolutionary convergence: the process by which distantly related animals develop very similar traits. For example, a similar streamlined shape of dolphins, tuna and extinct ichthyosaurs developed in each species in the course of evolution independently of the others as a reaction to selective pressure with effective rapid movement under water.

But what aspects of alien biology can we see? Carbon biochemistry shows that carbon forms stable chains and also creates stable but easily broken compounds with other elements. Other elements, the most case example - silicone and sulfur - form less stable compounds at temperatures similar to those existing on Earth. Water or some other solvent also appears to be necessary. For evolution to take place, there must be some mechanism for storing and reproducing information with moderate accuracy, such as DNA, RNA, and the like. And although the first cells themselves appeared on Earth quite early, the emergence of multicellular animals required almost 3 billion years of evolution. Therefore, it is quite possible that life on other planets could get stuck at the unicellular stage.

On a planet resembling Earth, it is also possible that radiation from an alien sun or suns will be used biochemically as a source of energy. A relatively large number of multicellular primary producers will likely require a light storage system from leaves and twigs to efficiently use light. Similar forms and rules developed convergently on Earth, therefore, on planets similar to Earth, we can expect the appearance of various, familiar forms of "plants".

With a few exceptions, animals eat either the primary producers or each other, the options are infinitely many. Finding food often requires movement so that the mouth is in front, that is, the animal needs to have a beginning (head) and an end (tail). Moving on a hard surface requires a special structure (for example, cilia, muscular feet or legs) at the contact boundary, that is, there must be a back and an upper side. This usually also entails bilateral (right-left) symmetry: indeed, most animals belong to a "supergroup" called "bilaterally symmetric".

Why shouldn't they be giant intelligent "insects"?

But what about the huge, brain and intelligence creatures that can move in interstellar space? Insects are the most species-rich group on Earth: why shouldn't aliens be like them? Unfortunately, if your skeleton is on the outside it is difficult for you to grow, this also implies that you periodically shed the shell and re-build it. On a planet like Earth, all relatively small terrestrial creatures with skeletons outside would break under their own weight as they molt, and a complex brain can take a significant size to accommodate.

Relatively big brain, some of the ability to use tools and problem solving seems to be interconnected on Earth and evolved many times: in monkeys, whales, dolphins, dogs, parrots, crows, and octopuses. However, the monkeys developed the ability to use tools much better. This is at least partly the result of bipedal walking, which frees the forelimbs, and the dexterity of our fingers (which may also be the key to writing).

In the end, the question of how much intelligent alien beings will resemble us remains open. Perhaps the presence in humans of only one pair of eyes and ears (sufficient for stereo vision and stereo hearing), one pair of legs (a shortened version of the initially more stable two pairs) is important, or maybe not. Many other organs are also paired as a consequence of our evolutionarily deeply rooted (and perhaps inevitable) bilateral symmetry. However, some parts of our structure are just the result of chance. The fact that we have arms and legs with five fingers is a consequence of the reliance on five fingers in our ancient four-legged ancestors, whose close relatives used to rely on both seven and eight fingers.

Indeed, most species were subject to random "blocking" in the course of development, which led to a more stereotypical and less flexible structure of the organism during evolution. Sorting out the functional and the random is one of the big, outstanding challenges in evolutionary biology that will help us better understand how alien life forms might be different from us.

The main way we search for intelligent life in space is to try to intercept radio or gamma transmissions. These actions are more concentrated on stellar systems with planets similar to the Earth, since it is believed that it is on them that life can exist. After all, it’s easier to look for “the life we \u200b\u200bknow” than the life we \u200b\u200bknow nothing about.