How to say stas in Japanese. Everything about real Japanese names: from spelling to meaning

For nineteen centuries of its existence, the simple Japanese people had the opportunity to call themselves only by name. They can add a nickname to it for variety, but this is not required. In the aristocratic environment, there were more opportunities for them to add any suitable surname to their name. Due to the small number of samurai, they had the same powers.

The Japanese do not try to distinguish themselves from Europe and therefore write the surname first and then the first name in the same way. But an attentive observer will notice the differences: in conversations, the Japanese can change their last name with the first name. This manifests itself in the letter: they try to write the first name, and the last name second. However, they highlight it with a capital letter.

In this article, you will learn how Japanese names sound in Japanese.

From the history

In writing, the Japanese name is depicted as one or more hieroglyphs. Sometimes parents try to distinguish themselves and add katakana or hiragana signs. In 1985, the list of formally allowed characters for writing the names of the Japanese was expanded, they included romanji, manyegana, hentaiganu and more familiar European symbols - $,%. In other cases, only hieroglyphs are encountered.

The old days are interesting because simple people were the personal property of the emperor. Gradually, to indicate the place of each of them in the functioning of the directory, surnames appeared. If a Japanese distinguished himself and performed a significant act that left a mark on history, he could be given a new name.

Historians suggest that the first surnames appeared after the Meiji recreation. The upper class gave the order to the plebeians to come up with a surname. Some people took surnames from the historical past, others wondered or asked for help from the priests. This fact explains one curious moment: on the territory of Japan you can find many different surnames that differ from each other not only in spelling, but also in meaning.

How Japanese names are created

The Japanese name is unique. It is expressed in the fact that not the name itself is written, but its meaning. In more detail, the Japanese name consists of several characters, each of which has its own meaning. For a complete combination of all components, connecting elements are included, which also mean something. In total, they form a specific word, although difficult to pronounce, but having a single meaning.


Inside any Japanese name, certain information is encrypted, which can be of several types:

  • regalia and insignia;
  • natural phenomena;
  • moral principles and respect for human rights;
  • numbers and other numerical indicators.

From the first category, one can recall the common ending of many names - 部 - be (a person who is engaged in a certain craft) and 助 - suke (involved in the administration of the armed forces): Yumibe (shooter), Daisuke (excellent assistant) and so on.

The meanings of Japanese names of the second kind are the names of flowers, the designations of rocks and caves, the names of animals, and so on: Hanako (child of a flower, because 花 - hana - a flower).

The third group is the qualities of a human character: courage, responsiveness, kindness, and so on (for example, Makoto is honest or Takeshi is strong as bamboo). The fourth is numbers and numbers. So, Ichiro is a Japanese name, translated from Japanese as "first son", because 郎 - iti is one.

Japanese names have another curious feature. One word with a specific meaning can easily be transformed into another by the slightest fluctuation in the intonation of the voice. This also applies to proper names. Although they have one hieroglyph in their composition, it is not always easy to read. For example, 東 - east - at the slightest mistake can become both Higashi and Azuma, that is, two completely different names.

Several variants of the same name

One Japanese name can be depicted in several ways. The most popular is the use of many types of writing. Today, hiragana, katakana and two variants of writing hieroglyphs (new or outdated) are used for this purpose.

Sometimes, if the parents wish, the child is called one of the few Japanese names, the meaning of which is so rare that one has to use hieroglyphs long out of use. For these purposes, there is a specific list 人名 用 漢字 - Jinmeye Kanji. It contains 862 hieroglyphs designed specifically for composing names. This list regularly interacted with another performing opposite functions - 常用 漢字 表 - Jie kanjihe (hieroglyphs for daily writing). Written signs regularly drifted from one to another, and carriers of not the most positive meaning gradually disappeared from history.

Popular name variations

Today among the Japanese are in demand unusual names... Often, in order to write them down, you need to remember the entire system of outdated hieroglyphs. But this is not used by all, but only lovers of similar names. The main reason for this selectivity is that they are more difficult to write than modern characters. For example, the hieroglyph 国 is suitable - kuni, meaning a country. Previously, it was written in a completely different form - 國.

Some parents call their child such a complicated name that they themselves, and subsequently he, have to memorize the spelling of such an original word for a long time. But they are ready to endure such difficulties and are not going to abandon the outdated letter. There are reasons for this.

One of them is that the people are disappointed with the new alphabet. After the introduction of all the reforms, the remaining hieroglyphs were categorically not enough to record the minimum amount of necessary vocabulary. In addition, no one has foreseen how to replace names with a certain information load.

No less important is the influence of traditions, which also contributed to the return of obsolete signs. In addition, when written, they look much better than modern hieroglyphs, which also attracts young parents in the process of choosing a name. And we must not forget how ancient families flourish in Japan, along with Fujiwara. They would not write their last name differently because of the outdated hieroglyphs.

Many Japanese people love their story. They respect certain characters so much that they are ready to name their children after them. An additional advantage influencing their choice is the beautiful spelling of old signs.

Some of the outdated hieroglyphs, of which human names were made, have practically not changed - they could not find a suitable copy. As an example, we can give the hieroglyph for morality - 徳 - toku (present in Tokugawa, Yasunori), the 藤 sign - wisteria (Fujiwara, Saito), and so on. Such hieroglyphs can be found in the personal data of famous characters: 林保 徳 - Hayashi Yasunori, 齎 藤 - Saito Hajime, and so on.

Among modern Japanese names, it is popular to use the old characters and the old version of the kanji spelling, which has acquired the present copies. An example is the sign привести - tetsu, meaning iron. Previously, it was written in a completely different form - 鐵. Under the influence of fashion trends, he acquired additional features: 鐵 弥 - tetsuya and 鐵雄 - tetsuo.

General information about male Japanese names

Japanese names can have one or more components. In words with one component, there is a verb that assigned this name the ending -u (Mamoru), or an adjective with the ending syllable -shi (Hiroshi).

One curious feature that occurs among the names in Japanese is one character in the whole word. If there are two of these signs, it means that the man deserves to emphasize especially outstanding features in his name: son, husband, warrior, and so on. Both signs can have different ending.

No less common are cases when a name includes an extraneous hieroglyph, whose function is reduced to an easier reading of the name. Such actions automatically translate a two-digit name into a three-digit one (for example, the youngest son of Akira). The second name for such names is two-link. More rare are cases of three-link names with a successful attempt to keep one main character in the composition. Four-digit names written using the alphabet, without the participation of hieroglyphs, are considered exceptional.

Examples of boy names and their meanings

A common feature of male names is a reflection of how a particular boy was born in a family. To depict this, use the suffixes -kazu, -ichi (one), -dzo (three), -ji (two): the first, second or third son. Other values \u200b\u200bare presented in the table.

Name Value
Akira Bright
Goro Fifth son
Daichi Wise
Isao Dignity, honor
Yori Public servant
Kohaku Amber
Minori True
Nao Respected
Nobuo Right
Ryu Dragon spirit
Sora Sky
Takeshi Warrior
Tarot Eldest son
Hachiro Eighth son
Tsutomu Worker
Yutaka Rich
Yasushi Quiet

General information about female names

Many names inherent in Japanese women do not have a specific meaning. To depict the necessary qualities, use the signs -ma (truth), -yu (tenderness), -mi (beauty) and so on. When choosing a similar name, parents are guided by the desire to reward their daughter with the same qualities in adulthood.

For some time, the names of animals and plants were popular as Japanese female names. The hieroglyphs for tiger or deer have been credited with healing powers. But over time, this fashion has passed, and the names left after it are considered obsolete.

Sometimes lovers of such exoticism remember this fashion when choosing a name for their child. Greater preference is given to those hieroglyphs that were called plants and flowers: take (bamboo), kiku (chrysanthemum), momo (peach), ine (rice), and so on. Sometimes they are paired with numerals (nana - seven, mi - three), but such cases are rare. These are the consequences of the old tradition of giving names with the serial number of the birth of a particular child among other children of the same family.

On the territory of this country, you can see unusual names that reflect weather phenomena and seasons: yuki (snow), natsu (summer), kumo (cloud) and so on.

Such names look no less impressive, which do not consist of the usual hieroglyphs, but with the participation of syllabic alphabets. They differ from other types of writing in that they are written according to the same scheme, which does not change under the influence of other factors. Those who wish to write their name in hieroglyphs take the general meaning of the word and already write it using the desired signs.

Examples of girls' names and their meanings

One notable feature of beautiful Japanese girl names is the use of the endings -ko or -mi. The first ending conceals an appeal to a child, the second - admiration for female beauty. Japanese female names and their meanings are presented in the table.

Making nicknames in Japan

Any Japanese nickname is created from a common name. To do this, you need to perform only one action: a special suffix -tyan or -kun is attached to the base of the word.

Basics are of several types. The most popular one looks like a full name: Yasunari, Kimiko (Yasunari-chan, Kimiko-chan). Along with it, an abbreviated version of the name is used: I, Kii (Ya-chan, Kii-chan). It is most often heard among friends or family.

Sometimes, to create a diminutive nickname, the name is completely transformed. For example, Megumi's name is changed to Kei-chan. Therefore, the first of the hieroglyphs that make up the name Megumi is read as Kei.

She joined the newfangled trends new opportunity create nicknames. To do this, take the first two syllables of the surname with the name and connect them together. This method is more common in celebrity nicknames. For example, Kimura Takuya - Kimutaku, Brad Pitt - Burapi and so on. A rarer version of this variant is the doubling of syllables (Mamiko Noto - Mami Mami).

For the Japanese, the sign good etiquette - in case of a chance meeting, contact a friend by last name. If a friend is part of a close social circle, then a diminutive nickname is allowed.

Names and surnames of local emperors

The emperors of Japan lived their lives not only without surnames, but sometimes without hearing their own name, as it was carefully classified. Even when drawing up official documents, one title was used in relation to a high-ranking person. After the death of the emperor, he was given a different name, which is later remembered along with this person. Such a specific name consists of two halves: an enthusiastic assessment of his behavior and the title of tenno (overlord). For example, after birth, the emperor was given the name Mutsuhito. The moment he dies, he will be called Meiji-tenno (highly developed overlord).

In Japanese etiquette, a sign of good manners is the habit of addressing the emperor not by name, but by title. For example, we can recall Akihito, who was called Tsugu-no-miya (Infant Tsugu). This title was sometimes reserved for a person if, for some reason, he did not receive a posthumous name.

Sometimes one of the members of the ruler's dynasty lost his powers and got a place an ordinary person... If this happened, then the ruler personally chose his surname. One of the most popular surnames of his time is Minamoto. In the event that the ruler's family accepted a new person, he could forget about his surname. For example, we can recall the crown-bearer Michiko. Before she married Emperor Akihito, her name was Michiko Seda.

How to translate Russian names into Japanese

The names themselves as such on japanese language are not translated. But if you wish, you can get the necessary interpretation if you remove the meaning encoded in the Russian name and already work on it.

For example, you can take russian name Valentine. Its meaning is "health". In Japanese, the word health is translated as "tsueshi". Therefore, the interpretation of the name Valentine is Tsueshi (healthy). The name Larissa is translated from Latin as a seagull. In Japanese, "seagull" is translated as "kamome". That is, Larisa is Kamome for the Japanese. The translation of all Russian names is based on a similar principle.

Examples of the formation of the Japanese interpretation of the Russian name

As we have already found out, it is not the name itself that is translated into Japanese, but its meaning. This transcript may come from Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and other languages.

The endings of female names: -i, -na, -mi, -ka, -ko, -ra, -ri, -ki, -e, and -e. Translation examples are shown in the table.

The endings of male names: -o, -day, -go, -sa, -hiko, -ta, -ro, -n, -ru, -bu, -si, -ki, -hei, -ke, -to, - dzu, -mu, -i, -iti, -ti. For examples of male Russian names in Japanese, see the table.

As you can see, this is a literal translation of the words from which the Russian nameforms originated into Japanese.

Reading time: 6 minutes

A unique * opportunity to learn how to spell and read your name in Japanese! Just enter a name in the box below and the result will magically appear below. To begin with, I wrote my name in this field, and you can see how it is written and read.

The converter requires a JavaScript browser.

For the paranoid: the converter does not transfer anything anywhere and works completely within the framework of this page. You can even save this page and disconnect from the Internet and it will work ;-)

100% correct converter operation not guaranteed... Please report bugs in the comments.

The Japanese characters used for writing are the alphabet characters katakana... Each katakana symbol is a separate syllable, therefore this alphabet is called syllabic... Since the number of individual syllables in the Japanese language is rather limited (frankly, there are several times less of them than in Russian or English), foreign words that fall into the Japanese language often undergo strong changes to please Japanese phonetics.

Since the Japanese are most actively borrowing words from in English, this process is well studied, and is described in Wikipedia under the Transcription Rules section. In general, it can be reduced to the fact that the original pronunciation is divided into syllables, and single consonants are supplemented with vowels to complete the syllable, the syllables are simplified to match those available in Japanese.

This is how the converter above works. It is far from perfect, but in general it gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow transcription into katakana occurs. In addition, by default the converter does not try to be smart, that is, to use rare katakana combinations, and instead tries to simplify the syllables.

Remember that if you want to get the most correct and adequate transcription, nothing can replace a native speaker! This is especially important if you intend to use the transcribed name in official documents. Try to make your name easy to pronounce for Japanese people and comfortable for you.

As for other words, even a transcription made according to all the rules can be erroneous, since in the Japanese language there may already be another, generally accepted transcription for a given word.

For more information on katakana, see Katakana paragraph in The Complete Japanese Language Guide, Katakana Wikipedia article.

If you are interested in the source code of the converter, then it is available on the GitHub.

Alternative converters

For Russian words:

  • Yakusu.RU - supports accents for vowel lengthening
  • Kanjiname - plus phonetic selection of hieroglyphs (funny but useless)

Name translation

Above, the method of phonetic transcription is considered, but there is another one: direct translation of the name into Japanese. This is achieved by choosing a Japanese name that matches the original. For example, for the name Aleksey ("defender"), this analogue would be 護 (Mamoru). Accordingly, in the matter of translating the name you can be helped good dictionary or a native speaker. Alas, the lists with similar comparisons that circulate around the net are very imprecise.

Beware of counterfeits! :)

A comic method (and a script that implements it) is walking on the Internet, its essence is to replace each letter with a specific syllable. For example, "a" can be replaced by "ka", and the letter "n" by "that", as a result for the name "Anna" we get "Catotoka", which, of course, has nothing to do with real Japanese. Although due to the syllable it sounds very Japanese, I must admit. Be careful!

* The only opportunity without leaving this page. ;-)

Many of us are familiar with Japanese names from anime plots, from literary and artistic characters, from famous Japanese actors and singers. But what do these sometimes beautiful and cute, and sometimes completely dissonant Japanese names and surnames mean? What is the most popular Japanese name? How can Russian names be translated into Japanese? What is the meaning of the characters in a Japanese name? What Japanese names are rare? I will try to tell you about this and many other things based on my personal experience of living in the Land of the Rising Sun. Since this topic is very extensive, I will divide it into three parts: the first will focus on Japanese names and surnames in general, and the last one - beautiful female names and their meanings.

A Japanese given name consists of a family name and a first name. A nickname is sometimes inserted between them, for example Nakamura Nue Satoshi (here Nue is a nickname), but, of course, it is not in the passport. Moreover, when the roll call and in the list of authors of documents, the order will be exactly the same: first the surname, then the name. For example, Honda Yosuke, not Yosuke Honda.

In Russia, as a rule, the opposite is true. Compare yourself, which is more familiar Anastasia Sidorova or Anastasia Sidorova? Russian names and surnames in general differ from Japanese ones in that we have many people with the same first names. Depending on the generation, at one time or another, among our classmates or classmates there were three Natasha, four Alexander, or solid Irins. The Japanese, on the other hand, have the same surnames.

According to the site version myoji-yurai Japanese "Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov" are:

  1. Satō (佐藤 - helper + wisteria, 1 million 877 thousand people),
  2. Suzuki (鈴木 - bell + tree, 1 million 806 thousand people) and
  3. Takahashi (高橋 - high bridge, 1 million 421 thousand people).

The same names (not only in sound, but also with the same hieroglyphs) are very rare.

How do Japanese parents come up with names for their children? The most reliable answer can be obtained by looking at one of the typical Japanese sites - name aggregators (yes, there are some!) b-name.

  • First, the parents' surname is set (women do not always change their surname when they marry, but children have the father's surname), for example, Nakamura 中 村, then their names (for example Masao and Michiyo - 雅夫 and 美 千代) and the gender of the child (boy). The surname is set in order to find names that match it. This is no different from Russia. The parents' names are needed in order to use one of the characters from the father's name (in the case of a boy) or from the characters of the mother (in the case of a girl) in the child's name. This is how continuity is maintained.
  • Next, the number of hieroglyphs in the name is selected. Most often two: 奈 菜 - Nana, less often one: 忍 - Shinobu or three: 亜 由 美 - Ayumi, and only four in an exceptional case: 秋 左衛 門 - Akisaemon.
  • The next parameter is the type of characters that the desired name should consist of: it will be only hieroglyphs: 和 香 - Waka, or hiragana for those who want a quick spelling of the name: さ く ら - Sakura, or katakana, used to write foreign words: サ ヨ リ - Sayori. A mixture of kanji and katakana, kanji and hiragana can also be used in the name.

When choosing hieroglyphs, it is taken into account how many features it consists of: distinguishing between favorable and unfavorable numbers. There is a formed group of hieroglyphs that are suitable for composing names.

So, the first result of my hypothetical query is Nakamura Aiki 中 村 合 希 (the meaning of the hieroglyphs is realizing dreams). This is just one among hundreds of options.

Hieroglyphs can also be selected by sound. Hence, the main difficulty arises in comparing Russian and Japanese names. What if the names have a similar sound, but different meanings? This issue is solved in different ways. For example, my sons' names are Ryuga and Taiga, but Russian grandparents call them Yurik and Tolyan, and it is more convenient for me to call them Ryugasha and Taigusha.

The Chinese, who use exclusively hieroglyphs, simply write down Russian names in accordance with their sound, choosing hieroglyphs with more or less good value... In my opinion, the most consistent translation of Russian names into Japanese should be based on their meanings. The most popular example of the implementation of this principle is the name Alexander, that is, the protector, which in Japanese sounds like Mamoru, means the same thing and is written in one hieroglyph 守.

Now regarding the use of names in everyday life... In Japan, just like in America, surnames are used in formal communication: Mr. Tanaka 田中 さ ん, Mrs. Yamada 山田 さ ん. By the name + suffix -san, female friends call each other: Keiko-san, Masako-san.

In families, when family members address each other, their marital status is used, not their name. For example, husband and wife do not call each other by first name, they refer to "spouse" and "spouse": danna-san 旦 那 さ ん and oku-san 奥 さ ん.

It's the same with grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters. Emotional coloring and this or that status of a household member is emphasized by the well-known suffixes -kun, -tyan, -sama. For example, "granny" is baa-chan ば あ ち ゃ ん, a wife as beautiful as a princess is “oku-sama” 奥 様. That rare case when a man can call his girlfriend or wife by name - in a fit of passion, when he can no longer control himself. It is permissible for women to use “anta” - あ な た or “dear”.

Only children are named by name, and not only their own. Suffixes are also used, the eldest daughter, for example, Mana-san, the youngest son, Sa-chan. At the same time, the real name "Saiki" has been truncated to "Sa". It's cute from a Japanese point of view. Boys from infancy to adulthood are called na-kun, for example: Naoto-kun.

In Japan, as well as in Russia, there are strange and even vulgar names. Often such names are given by short-sighted parents who want to somehow distinguish their child from the crowd. Such names are called in Japanese "kira-kira-nemu" キ ラ キ ラ ネ ー ム (from Japanese “kira-kira” - a sound that conveys brilliance and from the English name), that is, “brilliant name”. They are somewhat popular, but like all controversial things, there are good and bad examples of the use of such names.

A scandalous case, widely discussed in the Japanese press, was when the son was given a name that literally means "demon" - yap. Akuma 悪 魔. This name, as well as the use of similar hieroglyphs in the name, was banned after this incident. Another example is Pikachu (this is not a joke !!!) Jap. ピ カ チ ュ ウ by the name of the anime hero.

Speaking about the successful “kira-kira-nemu”, one cannot but mention the female name Rose, which is written with the hieroglyph “rose” - 薔薇 yap. "Bara", but pronounced in a European manner. I also have one of my Japanese nieces (because I have 7 of them !!!) with a brilliant name. Her name is pronounced Juné. If you write in Latin, then June, that is, "June". She was born in June. And the name is written 樹 音 - literally "the sound of a tree."

Summing up the story about such different and unusual Japanese names, I will give tables of popular Japanese names for girls and boys in 2017. Such tables are compiled every year based on statistics. Often, it is these tables that become the last argument for Japanese parents choosing a name for their child. Probably, the Japanese really like to be like everyone else. These tables display the ranking of names by hieroglyphs. There are also similar ratings for the sound of the name. It is less popular because choosing characters is always a very difficult task for a Japanese parent.

Place in 2017 ranking Hieroglyphs Pronunciation Value Frequency of occurrence in 2017
1 RenLotus261
2 悠真 Yuma / YūmaCalm and truthful204
3 MinatoSafe harbor198
4 大翔 HirotoLarge spread wings193
5 優人 YutoGentle man182
6 陽翔 HarutoSunny and free177
7 陽太 YōtaSunny and courageous168
8 ItskiStately like a tree156
9 奏太 SōtaHarmonious and courageous153
10 悠斗 YutoCalm and eternal like the starry sky135
11 大和 YamatoGreat and reconciling, ancient name for Japan133
12 朝陽 AsahiMorning sun131
13 Green meadow128
14 Yu / YūCalm124
15 悠翔 YutoCalm and free121
16 結翔 YutoUnifying and free121
17 颯真 SōmaFresh breeze, true119
18 陽向 HinataSunny and purposeful114
19 ArataUpdated112
20 陽斗 HarutoEternal as the sun and the stars112
Ranking place 2017 Hieroglyphs Pronunciation Value Frequency of occurrence in 2017
1 結衣 Yui / YūiWarming with her arms240
2 陽葵 HimariA flower facing the sun234
3 RinTempered, bright229
4 咲良 SakuraCharming smile217
5 結菜 YunaCaptivating like a spring flower215
6 AoiDelicate and elegant, shamrock from the coat of arms of the Tokugawa family214
7 陽菜 HinaSunny, spring192
8 莉子 RicoCalming like jasmine181
9 芽依 MayIndependent, with great potential in life180
10 結愛 Yua / YūaBringing people together, awakening love180
11 RinDignified170
12 さくら SakuraSakura170
13 結月 YuzukiCharming151
14 あかり AkariLight145
15 KaedeBright as an autumn maple140
16 TsumugiStrong and durable like a sheet139
17 美月 MitskiBeautiful as the moon133
18 AnApricot, fertile130
19 MyoPeaceful waterway119
20 心春 MiharuWarming people's hearts116

What Japanese names did you like?