Phrases about the loneliness of the soul are short to tears. Loneliness quotes

Sad statuses about loneliness - The disadvantage of loneliness is that after a while you start to get pleasure from it, and you just don't let anyone into your life.

Weak people need a crowd, while strong people are satisfied with loneliness.

The more people around you, the more acutely you feel your loneliness.

Such an emptiness in the soul! Only chocolate and tears save ...

The pay for individuality is loneliness.

Strange, but for some reason I feel normal during the day, but with the onset of darkness, the emptiness that remained after you left begins to drive me crazy ...

Sadness is when there is time, but there are no friends to drink.

Loneliness is freedom, which is not happy!

Loneliness together is a voluntary hell.

It's just that sometimes people get tired of everything: from people, from the environment, from life. They just need to rest - alone ...

Why do you love being alone, listening to music and looking at the stars so much? - because that's the only way I forget about sadness and sadness.

Internet, it does not bring people closer. This is a cluster of loneliness. We seem to be together, but each one is one. The illusion of communication, the illusion of friendship, the illusion of life ...

Loneliness is the worst thing that happens to a person in old age.

There are so many people around, and every night you feel so alone ...

Loneliness is dangerous. It fascinates. Once you see how calm it is, you no longer want to deal with people.

Loneliness - good friendbut a bad advisor. Leonid Krainev-Rytov

The worst thing is when you really need support, and you are sitting with a phone in your hand and do not know whose number to dial ...

There is nothing more terrible than loneliness among people ...

When you talk about loneliness, only the one who knows that this is loneliness will understand ...

Loneliness is when you enjoy even spam

All tests are given to a person according to his strength,
the strongest get loneliness ...

Beautiful women are rarely alone, but often alone ...

Loneliness is a test of yourself. Victor Krotov

Loneliness is when you know who has put the blame in the kitchen….

New fetish - black stockings, a man's shirt, and a bottle of something strong. Loneliness is called.

No person can become more a stranger than someone you loved in the past. Remarque

The worst loneliness is loneliness in the crowd: when everyone around you laughs, and YOU want to cry ...

Better to live one year as a panther than a whole life as a sheep.

There are two types of loneliness - this is when nobody needs you and when you don't need anyone.

Loneliness is when "Gentle" is only yogurt.

Quality "loneliness" is better than the average crowd

People try to express themselves in different ways. The artist splashes out emotions, sensations, thoughts on the canvas, the writer leaves notes on paper, the musician plays sad music.

What to do modern peoplewho do not have special talents and skills. It remains to pour out the soul through statuses in social networks... Expressions should be precise and concise, full of meaning.

When a person constantly thinks about sadness and feels emptiness, it is better to express feelings through status on a personal page on a social network.

This method will help inform the world about inner sensations and experiences.

Note! It is advisable to use expressions with the meaning of an open type so that others do not perceive the recording as a suicide note.

Many use expressions famous people, quotes from the works of writers and poets.

Statuses for the soul that catch and convey the state of emptiness:

Phrases that tickle the nerves, conveying emptiness
Sadness permeates the heart, soul and thoughts. It hurts and is empty to human food. Worth saving from this
The state of mind is like a black hole - empty and lonely. I want to fill the dark space with bright stars
Silence explodes thoughts, emotions and feelings, reminiscent of the emptiness of the night
The soul is devoured by a thoughtless emptiness that rises from the depths of human self-consciousness
Emptiness can spur you to new achievements, indicating completely new and exciting events in life.
A cry into the void will not give an answer, like my soul, which is in a state of weightlessness, uncertainty, longing
Thanks to emptiness, so much space has formed in my soul that I can put the whole world there.
Empty soul and thoughts. The world rushes at the speed of light around a lonely heart. Escape or stay in the darkness of trouble
Wasteland in heart and soul, no sensation can compare. Better to get rid of sadness and sorrow through love

Sad statuses about pain and resentment

You need to choose words and phrases that optimally reveal your soul and emotional base. It is undesirable to indicate the name, the reason, the circumstances - only the consequences.

In his soul, a person can experience the brightest and darkest emotions and feelings. In the process of choosing words, you should not furiously pour out the resentment by projecting feelings into the social network.

Better to choose the right phrases. The entry should not be too large and overloaded with beautiful words - simplicity is the best option.

Sad statuses that speak of pain and resentment:

  • How painful and dangerous it is for the heart to reveal its soul. You can pay dearly for the mistake of sincerity and kindness.
  • The soul hurts, it burns with fire. Love has gone like a snowball. Resentment and pain are two faithful companions of the heart.
  • It hurts and hurts when close people betray you. It is scary and dangerous when enemies do it. It is impossible to understand and forgive if this is a loved one.
  • A person's eyes can hide problems, lack of sleep, but the fire of pain and resentment can never be removed.
  • No physical pain can compare with mental pain. No medicine can heal the wound of the spirit.
  • The heart is on fire. Feelings are mixed, blurred and interfere with thinking - this is due to the feeling of pain and resentment.
  • Do you want to feel the pain and resentment of betrayal? Rely on a friend or loved one once.
  • Resentment, pain are woven together when there is no more strength to withstand the betrayal of a loved one.
  • It hurts both the heart and the soul, the body is torn apart. It will be nonsense if someone gives happiness.

In a desperate state of pain and resentment, you need to control your statements and make less eloquent posts on your social network wall.

A little secrecy will add mystery in the eyes of users and visitors.

Thoughts about loneliness

Loneliness is the most terrible feeling a person experiences. You can find a sincere friend, a loved one thanks to social networks.

A suitable status can draw attention to itself, reveal a person's needs.

Statuses about how lonely:

  • Loneliness allows you to feel people so deeply that tears welling up in your eyes.
  • Thoughts do not see depth, the soul strives upward - this is the result of the loneliness experienced by the personality.
  • Heart is broken forever. I am abandoned and alone. How to regain strength and faith in yourself? Find comfort, love.
  • Thoughts, thoughts and words can inspire loneliness. To get rid of a threat, you need a special person with love at heart.
  • Only a worthy person can brighten up lonely melancholy, so problems are not a sentence.
  • When it's bad and lonely, you want to cry and suffer to infinity. But someday the time will come and the darkness will dissipate.
  • Only cold comes from a lonely heart. You need to warm it up, caress it, save it.
  • You shit, nothing works? The worst problem is loneliness. Only love and recognition will help to escape from this.
  • Loneliness is a terrible feeling that causes disgust for others and yourself. It is necessary to deal with this type of sensation.
  • There are many friends and relatives around, but there is no one to talk heart to heart with. This terrible feeling of loneliness eats up from the inside.

Loneliness can also manifest itself in aggressive statements. It is important to pay attention to the sensations, and not to cause disgust with tearful statements. Use proud, dignified words and phrases.

Attention! Under the condition of loneliness, you need to independently be able to get out of this circle so as not to aggravate the psychological state.

It is worth finding a new hobby, meeting interesting people.

In the absence of thoughts, inability to speak out, it is worth picking up statuses on the Internet.

It is advisable to use sayings and quotes of famous writers and poets. You can independently correct the text by making minor edits.

Useful video

If a person is lonely, then he is strong. Weak people always drawn to the like.

Sometimes it rolls over - it becomes sad, in general I do not suffer, it does not hurt me, but you left and my heart became empty.

Loneliness is such a state of mind when there are a lot of people around you, everyone is having fun, talking, laughing and having fun, but you are sad ...

We are all alone, but in different ways. Someone more, some less. People are ashamed of their feelings, because they do not cause either sympathy or interest. But, one way or another, everyone is subject to loneliness.

Best status:
Endlessly lonely people cause the same endless sadness and longing. Sometimes you want to go up to such a person and just hug him to make your soul more fun.

"How many lonely people like me are in the world?" - Everyone thinks at least once, looking out the window. It is a pity that the moon cannot answer us, because it is just like people alone.

The law of loneliness: you will be sad alone, sorrow will triple, if you are sad with a friend, sorrow will disappear without a trace.

In the spring and summer it is sad, to drink or what? The apartment is empty ...

When the most beloved, dear to you person ... is very far from you ... and you miss him madly ... for me it is ... - loneliness ...

Do you love freedom ?! Free!

I don’t feel my heart, I don’t feel my hand ... I myself have decided so, silence is my friend ... I would have better sinned ... Loneliness is torment ...

There are five of us ... Me and four walls ...

Loneliness is when you are and when you seem to be not.

People are often lonely because instead of building bridges, they are building walls.

You sit on a chair with a straight back, and your soul lies nearby in a lump, tightly hugging your knees with your arms, like a wounded, but faithful dog

I am not looking for anyone, I don’t regret anyone, I don’t love anyone, I don’t suffer, I don’t believe ... I don’t call anyone, I don’t forgive anyone, I don’t owe anyone - I don’t promise ...

I know what loneliness is: A bitten piece of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music that is already hurting my ears, an unbearable emptiness in my heart and tears in my eyes ...

Signs, questions ... who are we with ... a cry of loneliness ...

Loneliness is when you go crazy, and you even have no one to tell about it ...

I am lonely, and you are lonely ... But we will not take a single step to meet each other.

How tired I am of hearing “I want you”, so I want to hear “I want to be with you!”

i am alone! Why do I need someone? I will be painful again! All efforts are fruitless, all thanks! All are FREE

Each creature has a pair. Where is my creature ?!

I'm lonely ... and for some reason I like it ...

Dummy people huddle together. Loneliness is like death for them. The rulers of the world look down on everyone and strive for solitude. I am neither one nor the other, and I take loneliness for granted.

I love the music of the rain, when my heart is lonely ...

I'm alone. Why do I need someone? I'll be alone again. All efforts are fruitless. Thanks to all. Everybody's Free

She makes me hot sandwiches every morning. I gently whisper to her, "Already going, going ... Now." But she never understands me. Maybe because she's a microwave?

One and alone are two completely different concepts. You can be lonely at a noisy party too. And it's a state of mind

It's nice to be alone when you are in love with someone, even if not mutually. This develops fantasy. Only alone can a person show their true essence

Loneliness absorbs the soul when the dearest and closest person leaves us. Then we become like beasts in a cage. We start throwing ourselves against the walls and howling at the moon

Loneliness is an absolute. The only one that exists. Everything else is a figment of our imagination, an illusion.

Sometimes you want to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, get an old photo album and listen to the rain outside the window. Fight loneliness! Go outside, run through the puddles and you will see a rainbow

I'm not alone because I have a bad temper. I'm lonely because I think outside the box

And I had no idea that parting is so painful ...

Beautiful girls are never alone, but they are often alone ...

I have nowhere to go, I destroyed my world

Loneliness is when there is a phone in the house, and the alarm clock rings 🙁

We parted, but every minute I am your image at the heart of the bank. I have not stopped loving, and for the life of me, I cannot believe in this separation ...

If I am alone, I see the relish of life ... I dumb instruct an annoying voice that will instruct you ...

Loneliness is when you wake up from a call in the middle of the night, you are glad that suddenly someone was needed, but all your expectations break off with the phrase "Sorry, I just made a wrong number"

Is loneliness when you watch the clock tick? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you ..

I will marry a can of coffee and will always be cheerful and happy. my lover will be an mp3 player, the record holder for the most music lover's orgasm brought to me

Loneliness is when you watch the clock ticking? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you

don't look that I am Highness, save me from loneliness ...

I am alone ... in the whole world ... I am so lonely among you ... you are unfortunate people ... who do not understand ... the whole life ... because life is a lie ...

Don't be jealous of loneliness. I will not understand this jealousy. Sometimes a person wants to be alone, alone ...

Better to be unknown but happy in love than brilliant but lonely

Loneliness is when you reply to spam and add it to your contact list

For some, loneliness is when they are unloved, someone is lonely because he has no friends, And I am lonely when you are not around ...

I am so lonely at this hour that I want to die.

Love is when the heart beats faster, and separation is when every minute it seems that it is about to stop ...

Loneliness is when there are a lot of people around, but you cannot fully value not only one ..

The phone has 100 contacts, but there is no one to call…. There are 500 friends in contact, but you don't know who to write to. ...

emptiness in hearts, as if I am alone in the world ...

You're lonely? Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the company of an intelligent person

Loneliness - in 4 corners looking for the fifth.

Deep loneliness is when you walk down the street in the evening, and even mosquitoes don't bite you ...

Parting doesn't always mean the end. Sometimes it's just a discovery new page in life

The soul was suddenly empty. This is no one's fault. Feelings just die ...

I am so lonely at this hour that I want to die. I have nowhere to go, I destroyed my world, For me, only a candle cries at the cold dawn ..

Loneliness is happiness because then we do not know lies, betrayal, fear of losing a loved one, we just live for ourselves (

The moon and the sun converged on my horizon. Day and night were reversed. I live, I breathe, but not with you….

I sat and looked at the sky ... there was one obel ... and I realized that it was me ...

loneliness is when only shampoo spies on you in the bathtub

He hugged her tightly to him and tried to feel the wonderful scent of perfume that emanated from her earlier. But I only felt the bitter smell of cigarettes, alcohol and loneliness ...

nothing screams louder than silence ...

But she was happy, And she didn't know tears at all ... Through the pain and the cry: "I'm strong!" She whispered: "I'm tired ..."

Loneliness is when you know exactly who blamed in the kitchen

When you are alone, you even have sex with yourself. Every single person can come up with their own own worldhow God once did it

The night sky, sparkling stars, the moon illuminating the road, dreams, complete silence and short loneliness are all that made her happy ... But loneliness now interferes ...

Loneliness is when wonderful people surround you, but they have someone closer than you.

When you're alone for ages, you become very choosy about food and sex.

We are all doomed to some degree of loneliness. It ever overtakes each of us ...

What does loneliness mean? For me, this is when I go to the kitchen in the middle of the night to drink water, and there is no one to ask "Where are you going?"

Loneliness is when they forgot to pick you up from the morgue ...

When I am alone ... it seems to me that I am completely alone ... And when I am with people ... it does not seem to me ... I know it for sure ...

We are no longer links of the same chain, we are no longer parts of one whole, he no longer wakes me up in the morning with a kiss ... Does anyone have a pill for love?

Real fighters for their place in the sun have neither allies nor friends. They endure loneliness, because they are strong in spirit

- Why do you always wear headphones? “They're like an airbag between me and the rest of the world.

My neighbors from above flooded my neighbors from below. Conclusion: everyone ignores me!

Only a candle cries for me at a cold dawn ...

Life is too short - you shouldn't waste it, in vain pitying yourself, sitting alone. There is a spark inside everyone, you just need to kindle it in order to warm up with life-giving warmth, wake up and dare to live on.

Night. I sit and smoke and stare out the window. It's sad, there is no one to talk to, no one is waiting for my call. I look at the stars and think: "How many more of us are so lonely in the world?"

In search of little green men, she ambushed the bathroom, armed with a kitchen knife and a screwdriver. Loneliness has disturbed my equilibrium. It seems it's time to try on a straitjacket ...

Much depends on ourselves. Until we ourselves want to break out of our shell of loneliness, no one will help us with this.

Love is when the heart beats faster, and separation is when every minute it seems that it is about to stop ...

I crawl under the covers, and loneliness quietly creeps up to me, snuggles up to my back and strokes, strokes, strokes my hands, chest, neck ...

Proud loneliness is a cheap excuse for uselessness

Only alone can you consider in yourself what does not allow society to see

Life at the very top can be quite lonely, but it's a great place to voice your opinion

The phone has 100 contacts, but there is no one to call…. There are 500 friends in contact, but you don't know who to write to. ... And only real friends call and write first. They don't need a reason

Sometimes we crave loneliness, but we just can't manage to be alone with our thoughts and feelings, and sometimes we need someone to be there, but he is not ...

Loneliness is considered to be a kind of awareness of oneself as useless, abandoned by a person. But for what reasons does a person who lives in the company of other people consider themselves lonely and abandoned? Is that so? Let's try to figure it out with short quotes about the loneliness of great people.

Beautiful women are rarely alone, but they are often alone.
Henrik Jagodziński

Dreamers are lonely.
Erma Bombek

Loneliness is the wrong side of freedom.
Sergey Lukyanenko

Loneliness, how overpopulated you are!
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The better the means of communication, the further the person is from the person.
Yalyu Kurek

The sage is least alone when he is alone.
Jonathan Swift

Solitude is a luxury for the rich.
Albert Camus

You are not alone in your loneliness.
Ashley Diamond

We make ourselves lonely.
Maurice Blanchot

Eagles fly alone, sheep graze in herds.
Philip Sidney

In every person there is a piece of loneliness that close people, earthly entertainment, pleasure or enjoyment will never fill. It just so happened since biblical times, namely from the moment when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, loneliness settled in the hearts of people. Maybe loneliness is that eternal longing for the times of being in paradise, but maybe not. Probably, everyone should answer this question for himself. Well, quotes about loneliness will help with this.

Wise quotes about loneliness

We are often more alone among people than in the quiet of our rooms.
Henry David Thoreau

Alone, man is either a saint or a devil.
Robert Burton

Loneliness is a famous refrain of life. It is neither worse nor better than many other things. They just talk too much about him. A person is always alone or never!
Erich Maria Remarque

The most cruel loneliness is the loneliness of the heart.
Pierre Bouast

A person feels lonely when surrounded by cowards.
Albert Camus

Loneliness is sometimes the best society.
John Milton

A brooding soul tends to loneliness.
Omar Khayyam

The worst loneliness is not having true friends.
Robert Burton

Better to be alone than in bad company.
John Rae

I don't know anyone who doesn't feel lonely in one way or another.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

As long as humanity exists, so much loneliness exists. More than half of humanity is afraid of him and cannot understand in any way why it sooner or later comes. But, as they say, you need to know the enemy by sight. So let's try to understand this topic with the help of sayings and quotes of great people.

About loneliness with meaning

Loneliness is a wonderful thing; but you need someone to tell you that loneliness is a wonderful thing.
Honore de Balzac

Being alone often makes a person feel less alone.
Johann Gottfried Herder

God is with us, so we are not alone.
Konstantin Kushner

I've never met a partner as outgoing as being alone.
Henry David Thoreau

Most strong people and the most lonely.
Henrik Ibsen

Loneliness is really a lousy thing for all its enormous benefits.
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

I've always been the best company for myself.
Charles Bukowski

Loneliness only heightens the feeling of being unnecessary.
Ken Kesey

You must not confuse loneliness and solitude. Loneliness for me is a psychological, spiritual concept, while solitude is a physical one. The first dulls, the second calms.
Carlos Castaneda

The first thing loneliness prompts is to deal with yourself and your past.
August Strindberg

Many find positive moments in solitude. Indeed, loneliness can be viewed as an opportunity to be alone with yourself, to understand your own soul and to listen to your inner voice. Many psychologists believe that the time we spend alone is the most rewarding. If a person was always busy communicating with others, many wonderful thoughts and ideas would never occur to him. And besides, as one quote says, you can live alone if you are waiting for someone.

Sad statements about loneliness

Don't wait for someone else to take the first step. What can you lose besides your loneliness?
John Kehoe

How pleasant it is to lie motionless on the sofa and know that you are alone in the room! True happiness is impossible without loneliness.
Anton Chekhov

How good it is to be alone. But how good it is when there is someone to whom you can tell how good it is to be alone.
Ernest Hemingway

To be able to endure and enjoy loneliness is a great gift.
Bernard Show

Better to be alone than unhappy with someone.
Marilyn Monroe

I don't like being alone. I just don’t make extra acquaintances - so as not to be disappointed in people once again.
Haruki Murakami

Loneliness is when there is a telephone in the house and the alarm clock rings.
Faina Ranevskaya

Being alone does not mean that you are weak. This means you are strong enough to wait for what you deserve.
Will Smith

It is scary to become unnecessary, not to be lonely.
Tatiana Solovova

A foolish person seeks how to overcome loneliness, a wise person finds how to enjoy it.
Mikhail Mamchich

But, clever quotes about loneliness with meaning is one thing, but the real state when, even being among other people, you feel lonely is quite another. Being alone for too long has a negative effect on life expectancy. By degree negative impact for life expectancy, loneliness is equated with smoking and alcohol. And sometimes only a good psychoanalyst can help. Well

Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking

Loneliness is a great feeling. It unites millions ...

loneliness is what makes you feel different and pity

Loneliness is addiction. From myself. And this is stronger than any other addiction. © Sergey Bodrov

Men cannot be left alone for a long time ... They are such breeders - they either breed dirt in the house, or women in bed ...

Loneliness is a wonderful thing, but there must be someone nearby to tell you what a wonderful thing loneliness is.

I'm not alone because I have a bad temper. I'm lonely because I think outside the box

Only in solitude can you consider in yourself what does not allow you to see society

Fuck you, teachers of life, unable to lend a hand when asked.

Loneliness has one big plus: No one hides anything from you ...

loneliness is when only shampoo spies on you in the bathroom

Loneliness is a chronic cold of the soul. Lonely people, it is proven, in fact, often freeze.

Loneliness is a gift and punishment from God for talent. © Vyacheslav Zaitsev

It's better to enjoy being alone than suffering from friends

There is no loneliness worse than being alone. © Mark Levy

Loneliness is when you buy diamonds for yourself!

When you are happy ... you laugh ... it seems that the whole world is laughing with you ... but when you cry ... you cry alone ...

Complete freedom is possible only as complete loneliness. © Tadeusz Kotarbinski

Being lonely on Valentine's Day is like being lonely the other 364 days. Don't make this a tragedy.

Loneliness is a salvation from disappointment. But it is better to find and lose and find again than to observe from the outside how others do it ...

A brooding soul tends to loneliness. © Omar Khayyam

Knowing yourself comes with knowing loneliness.

My heart is chronically cold with loneliness ...

I do not want a thousand nights, Dark, like a she-wolf of the wild, Where again alone, again nobody's I Fall asleep, having drunk a cup of bitter wine ...

People call it Valentine's Day, I call it Tuesday

I am looking for a girl - no mobile and no internet connection. Long.

About the misunderstood, disliked, under-embraced A person under-embraced while away a sad century, Life is well-worn, depressed person. You do not need to communicate with him, listen, try to understand, But quietly get close and suddenly add a hug ?!

Damn, loneliness rolled over again. I'll go get drunk and it's time in the yard with the cats. Anyhow, but the company !!!

There are men who are comfortable alone. But if such a man falls in love, finds his own, then this is forever.

Does anyone know such a feeling when you are out kindergarten forgot to pick up? You sit and wait, everyone has already been taken away, but they still don’t come for you ... No one has forgotten, of course, but it seems to you SO ... Now this feeling still visits me sometimes ...

Night. A park. Pouring rain. And He sat and looked at the sky. Night. Bedroom. It's raining outside the window. And She sat and looked at the drops flowing down the glass. How lonely. They both thought.

Loneliness is sometimes given to us in order to understand the truth that if there is no love in us, then it is useless to seek in others.

Loneliness is not when no one is around, it is when the only one you need is not around ...

It's good that friends are nearby, you can lean on their shoulder. You can't live without friends. Loneliness is difficult !!!

When you want to be alone, there are always too many people around. When you really want to see at least one dear person, you are alone. ©

Music is the best medicine for loneliness.

A person becomes truly lonely not when he does not find love and friendship from people who do not need him, but when he forgets those who need him.

The loneliness of the child gives the doll a soul. © Janusz Korczak

If I appeared on this earth, does it mean that someone needs it?

Loneliness is not when you have no one, but when you need someone alone ...

Having learned to enjoy loneliness ... you stop depending on people ...

Proud loneliness is a cheap excuse for uselessness

Loneliness - from "alone at night".

Still, it's a shame to be happy alone. © Albert Camus

Again you walk barefoot on the glass, Feeling neither pain nor pricks. You put your heart in armor, And in your soul there is frost and wild cold ... 08/06/2013 %%%% Loneliness is a voluntary thing. Powered by mains

If I am alone, I see the relish of life. I dumb instruct the annoying voice, which will instruct

There is no need to be afraid of LONELINESS, living in a crowded rapid, ... it allows us to collect our THOUGHTS and be alone with our CONSCIENCE ...

I'm alone! Why do I need someone? I will be painful again! All efforts are fruitless, all thanks! Everything is FREE

The book is a lifeline thrown into loneliness.