Statuses about our youth and youth are short. Beauty quotes

Fuck two. We will be forever young!
- Are you sure? Because it seems that at least once a year we are reminded of the exact opposite.

Youth is truly a wonderful thing. I was young once too. But everyone grows up; over the years everyone climbs the ladder of regret. And they reach the top. Finding complete despair!

When you create your work habits in your youth, it seems that they will last a lifetime and withstand any disaster.

Graham Greene

Youth is the only wealth worth keeping ... It makes those who possess it kings.

Oscar Wilde

To return youth, one has only to repeat all her follies.

Oscar Wilde

If youth knew how short it is, it would be even shorter.

"Arkady Davidovich"

When a person is young, a whole night of healthy sleep will not help him overcome any sorrows.

F. Bret-Garth "

From the point of view of youth, life is an infinite future; from the point of view of old age, it is a very short past.

Arthur Schopenhauer

I have this stupid fear that one day I will become old without ever being really young.

While you're young, in this long deception called life, nothing seems more desperately desired than a rash step.

"Françoise Sagan"

Each age has its own charms, but in youth they are also strangers.

"Gennady Malkin"

The best time in history when you were young enough not to lose enthusiasm, could still feel that it was here that a wave was breaking, on you and your generation, now I saw how another wave rolls again and again all the same foamy fun, surfing continues.

Ian Banks

When a person is young, it always seems to him that illness and death threaten anyone, but not him.

"Stefan Zweig"

In youth, every little trouble seems like just the End of the World. But this is not the case. This is just the beginning.

Take wisdom in reserve from youth to old age, for there is no asset more reliable.

“No one feels how youth is leaving, but everyone feels when it is gone.
Seneca "

When you are young, your possibilities are endless. You can achieve anything. You can become Einstein, you can become De Maggio. Then comes the age when who you could become is faced with who you are. And you are not Einstein and nobody at all. This is a painful moment.

While the world as a whole is moving forward, young people have to start over every time.

"Johann Goethe"

Youth is good not because it gives you the opportunity to do stupid things, but because it gives you time to correct them.

"Tristan Bernard"

Youth is preserved in our souls, we can return to it and see ourselves young again, but it is already in the past.

Bernhard Schlink

Youth flies fast: catch the passing time. The day that has passed is always better than the present day.


Only happy love can prolong the youth of a mature man. Another love instantly turns him into an old man.

Albert Camus

But while youth has not passed, it must be turned into joy. One hundred percent. To complete satisfaction, you understand? Only with these memories it will be possible to warm oneself in old age.

"Haruki Murakami"

Young people chase after what they want to gain, and old people become attached to what they fear to lose.

“J. Bernardin "

Only those who dream of getting older are really young.

"Vladislav Grzheshik"

Youth thinks: "Why did no one think before us?", And old age thinks: "After us there will be no one to think."

"Evgeny Vitalievich Antonyuk"

This happens when we suddenly remember with regret that we did not know how to enjoy youth, and say to ourselves: "If only I knew, I would have acted differently." And if someone told us: "Here's youth for you, live differently" - we would not even know where to start.

The sad thing is not that old age is approaching, but that youth is leaving.

Youth is the era of the lost.

The life of kind people is eternal youth.

A man is as young as a woman feels him.

There is no grief in the world that youth could not heal.

Youth is a religion, all adherents of which end in apostasy.

In youth, you compare everything with your dreams, in old age - with your memories.

Young is he who feels in the evening as in the morning; old - who in the morning feels the same as in the evening.

Precious sayings about youth

Only those who dream of getting older are really young.

Youth is a great magician.

Enchanting precious sayings about youth

Youth is like drunkenness, something like a feverish mind.

Youth is happy that it has a future.

Young men who pass by maturity into old age are disgusting, like old men who want to seem like young men.

Youth is good not because it gives you the opportunity to do stupid things, but because it gives you time to correct them.

Youth is disinterested in thoughts and feelings, therefore it most deeply understands and feels the truth.

When we are young we live to love; in adulthood we are to live.

Shaming the young is a necessary part of the hygiene of the elderly; it helps their circulation a lot.

Old and old friendships only appear in youth.

The radiant beauty of youth is diminished in its perfection by excessive and overly exquisite adornments.

Youth is a wonderful thing. It is a crime to give it to children so that they waste it.

Old wineskins cannot stand young wine, and an old heart cannot stand young feelings.

The first sign of true love in a young man is timidity, in a girl it is courage.

Valuable precious sayings about youth

Old people believe everything, people of mature age doubt everything, young people know everything.

A young man becomes an adult when he begins to understand that adults do not exist.

Youth is delusion, mature age is struggle, old age is regret.

A conversation between an old man and a young man usually ends in contempt and pity on both sides.

Avarice clings to old age; love is for youth.

Young people today imagine that money is everything. And over the years they are convinced of this.

A person is still young, as long as he can learn, acquire new habits, and endure objections.

All women are young, but some are younger than others.

Wine and youth - double ignition for sensuality. Why add fuel to the fire?

Tell me what moods prevail in the minds of young people, and I will tell you about the character of the next generation.

Inexperience is a quality that allows a young person to do what an older person considers impossible.

Whoever reaches old age will feel illnesses from the luxuries that were in his youth, therefore, in his young years he should retire from luxuries.

Middle age is when you are too young to retire and too old to get another job.

Ironic precious sayings about youth

Youth is a disease that passes quickly.

In old age, you yearn more for the dreams of your youth than for its happiness.

Eternal youth is impossible; if there were no other obstacle, self-observation would make it impossible.

There is nothing more dangerous than linking your fate with the fate of a woman just because she is beautiful and young.

If one good thing left with youth, then the rest of the ages of human life would seem so unbearable that every individual would cut his throat at the 32nd year. Much squabble floats in the noisy waves of youth and floats away with them; and yet there is nothing better than these waves.

Perhaps youth is a vice, but only too quickly healed by age.

The indifference of old age contributes no more to the salvation of the soul than the ardor of youth.

Oh youth! Youth! Maybe the whole secret of your charm is not the ability to do everything, but the ability to think that you will do everything.

The secret to staying young is to avoid ugly emotions.

He was reproached for the fact that, being far from young, he was too attached to women. "What do you want, my friend, old age happens only once," he answered.

Acquire in youth that which over the years will compensate you for the damage caused by old age. And, realizing that the food of old age is wisdom, act in youth so that old age does not go without food.

The golden rule should be constantly refreshed in the memory of young people: nothing superfluous! So that everywhere you can protect yourself from satiety and disgust.

In the eyes of the world you will be young and beautiful only for a few years; and in the eyes of his spouse - only a few months.

Old age is known to fulfill the dreams of youth; example - Swift: in his youth he built a house for the insane, and in his old age he himself settled in it.

The poisonous remarks that old people make about young people are an attempt by old age to get even with youth.

The mistakes of the young are an inexhaustible source of experience for those who are older.

Young people do not know what beauty is: they only know passion.

Comprehensible Precious Sayings about Youth

Youth ends at the moment when you stop choosing enemies for yourself and are satisfied with those that are at hand.

A young man should be reasonable, not trying to appear to them; the old man must seem prudent, even if he was not.

It's wonderful to be young; being old is convenient.

Wealth in old age - prolongation of youth.

Each person has three youths: youthful body, youthful heart and youthful mind. Unfortunately, they never match.

In his youth, sublime thoughts arise in a person, which should subsequently make him famous.

Youth reveals everything for the first time, old age - only the old youth.

Youth is the time to learn wisdom, old age is the time to apply it.

Loneliness is possible only in early youth - when you have all your dreams ahead of you, and in late old age - when you have all the memories behind you.

Youth dreams that it will never come true, old age remembers that it never came true.

Every young man faces the same problem: how to be a rebel and a conformist at the same time? He solves it by rebelling against his parents and copying his peers.

Tibetan monks say: The worst thing that can happen to a person is beauty, fame and wealth.

Learn to distinguish between the important and the secondary. Higher education - not an indicator of intelligence. Beautiful words are not an indicator of love. Beautiful appearance is not an indicator handsome man... Learn to appreciate the soul, believe in actions, look at things.

Beauty is fleeting. But the beauty of the spirit, the beauty of the imagination and the beauty of the soul are real virtues.
- Vivien Leigh

The beauty of a woman is not in dress, shape, or hair. She is in the sparkle of her eyes. After all, eyes are the gateway to the heart, where love lives.
- Audrey Hepburn

The expiration date of your body is indicated on your lifestyle.
- Katherine Price

Many complain about their appearance, and no one complains about their brains.
- Ranevskaya

Nothing ages a woman like an oversized suit. - Coco Chanel
The highlight of COCO Chanel was in its simplicity.

Age for a woman is not the most important thing: you can be amazing at 20, charming at 40 and remain irresistible until the end of your days.
- Coco Chanel

Real beauty lives in the heart, is reflected in the eyes and manifests itself in actions!
- Osho

Jewelry is a whole science! Beauty is a formidable weapon! Modesty is the height of elegance! - Coco Chanel

If you were struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly.
- Coco Chanel

Your face at twenty is given to you by nature, what it will be at fifty is up to you.
- Coco Chanel

Restraining yourself when it is offensive, and not making scenes when it hurts - that's what the ideal woman is.
- Coco Chanel

Silly women try to impress men by dressing eccentrically. And men are afraid of it, they hate eccentricity. They like it when they look back at their women because they are beautiful.
- Coco Chanel

You don't have to be young and pretty to look great.
- Coco Chanel

Elegance is not about putting on a new dress. Elegant - because she is elegant, the new dress has nothing to do with it.
- Coco Chanel

Perfume is an invisible, yet unforgettable, unsurpassed fashion accessory. He notifies of the appearance of a woman and continues to remind of her when she is gone.
- Coco Chanel

People with good taste wear jewelry. Everyone else has to wear gold.
- Coco Chanel

At 20, a woman looks like God created her, at 30 as she wants it herself, at 50 as she deserves it.
- Coco Chanel

No diets, you need to eat less.
- Maya Plisetskaya

Taking care of beauty, one must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help.
- Coco Chanel

Every woman has the age she deserves.
- Coco Chanel

After walking and swimming, I feel that I am getting younger, and most importantly, that with bodily movements I have massaged and refreshed my brain.
- K. E. Tsiolkovsky

How mercantile you are, my friend. Remember: everything that money can buy is already cheap!
- Osho

No outer beauty can be complete if it is not animated by inner beauty.
- Victor Hugo.

Beauty is like a precious stone, the simpler it is, the more precious.
- Francis Bacon.

The radiant beauty of youth is diminished in its perfection by excessive and overly exquisite adornments.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Decency has never been in vogue, but the one who possessed it was out of fashion, he was and is above it.

The body is the baggage that you carry all your life. The heavier it is, the shorter the journey.
- Arnold Glasgow

Drinker and overeating are engaged in one thing - self-destruction.
- English proverb

My wife started going to a nutritionist and lost three hundred dollars in two months.
- Robert Orben

Your beauty is yours inner worldand how you work on it, how you keep yourself, what kind of culture you have inside of you, so you look.
- Renata Litvinova

Since people learned to cook food, they eat twice as much as nature requires. If you want to extend your life, shorten your meals.
- Franklin Benjamin (1706 - 1790). North American scientist and statesman

Eat and drink like the master of your stomach. Don't become a slave to the stomach.
- Swami Sivanananda. Yoga teacher, author of many books

A woman after forty looks outwardly the way she treated people in her youth ...

A young man becomes an adult three years earlier than his parents think, and two years later than he thinks.
Lewis Hershey

Youth is not good for that. that barks the opportunity to do stupid things, but that gives time to correct them.
Tristan Bernard

Youth was invented in the same era as the steam engine.
Frank Musgrove

Happy youth is an illusion of those who have lost their youth.
Somerset Maugham

If youth knew how short it is, it would be even shorter.
Arkady Davidovich

Is it okay when young people like us. already under forty?
Gabriel Laub

Sooner or later the time comes when you realize that your youth is over. But goals later you see that it ended much later.
Minion McLaughlin

The secret of eternal youth is developmental delay.
Eilis Roosevelt

Youth is a disadvantage that quickly passes.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Each age has its own charms, but in youth they are also strangers.
Gennady Malkin

Youth is an era of missed opportunities.
Cyril Connolly

The first twenty years is the longest half of life.
Robert Southey

Youth ends badly - because it ends.
Leszek Kumor

In youth, we move mountains, and then we try to get out from under them.
Kazimierz Hyla

That which in youth is abundant for happiness, then is not always enough even for pleasure.
Jacques Deval as amended by Dm. Pashkova

Only those who dream of getting older are really young.
Vladislav Grzheshik

Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later.
Herbert Asquith

Youth is America's oldest tradition, three hundred years old.
Oscar Wilde

Old acquaintances are made only in youth.
Vladislav Grzegorchik

Only youth gets more than it spends.
Vladislav Grzegorchik

Where there are no good old people, there are no good youth.

It seems to us: youth has no wear,
But years roll like stones from the slope.

The days of youth are blessed. Old age loves to return to them through the fog of time. The elder remembers at dusk about sundial in the morning.
D. Byron

Youth dreams of fame.
D. Byron

A good part of our life we \u200b\u200bare busy weeding out what we have grown in our hearts in our youth. This operation is called gaining experience.
O. Balzac

In youth, everyone is more accessible than at another age, to everything that is high and beautiful. Blessed is the one who preserves youth until old age, without allowing his soul to cool, harden, petrify.
V. Belinsky

Man's youth is a splendid, splendid spring, a time of activity and boiling of strength; it happens once in a lifetime and never comes back.
V. Belinsky

Young men who pass by maturity into old age are disgusting, like old men who want to seem like young men.
V. Belinsky

Young people chase after what they want to gain, and old people become attached to what they fear to lose.
J. Bernardin

The decisions of youth are made with great haste, but then the next repentance flies to her on wings, and leaves her on leaden feet.
J. Bernardin

Take wisdom in reserve from youth to old age, for there is no asset more reliable.

Being a conservative in your youth is about starting life upside down. It is clear if old people are conservatives, but if young people become them, then the death knell is probably already ringing over the nation.
G. Beecher

In youth, we are all too busy with ourselves to see and understand the world. Over the years, interest in yourself is lost. And it is strange: it is then that we discover the most spiritual and intimate in ourselves.
E. Bogat

Youth is the only time to think about and make important decisions. Then comes maturity, when you need to act, but it's scary to be forced to change your whole life at an age when the time has passed and the strength is gone.
R. Browning

When a person is young, a whole night of healthy sleep will not help him overcome any sorrows.
F. Bret-Hart

Young people are more inclined to invent something, than to judge something, to implement, than to advise, to rush with different projects, than to be engaged in a certain business.
F. Bacon

Young people do not know what beauty is: they only know passion.
L. Vovenargue

Youth is disinterested in its thoughts and feelings, therefore it most deeply embraces the truth in thought and feeling ...
G. Heine

In adolescence, lofty thoughts arise in a person, which should subsequently make him famous.
K. Helvetia

Youth is always selfless.
A. Herzen

Youth, wherever it has not dried up from moral corruption by philistinism, is always impractical. To be impractical is far from being a lie; everything facing the future has a certain amount of idealism. Some kind of enthusiasm keeps you from falling better than any moral teachings.
A. Herzen

Youth is courageous and full of heroism, and in years a person is careful and rarely gets carried away.
A. Herzen

While the world as a whole is moving forward, young people have to start over every time.
I. Goethe

Youth is happy that it has a future.
N. Gogol

The blessings of youth are strength and beauty, the blessing of old age is the flowering of reason.

There may be smart young men and stupid old people. For it is not time that teaches us to think, but early education and nature.

Youth has wings with feathers from poetry and nerves from illusions; on them, she ascends to transcendental heights, from where the world is seen in light colored with all the colors of the rainbow, and life sounds like hymns to greatness and glory, but the storms of experience break poetic wings, and youth sinks to the ground - into a world like a crooked mirror, where everyone reflected in a distorted form.
D. Gibran

Youth is delusion, mature age is struggle, old age is regret.
B. Disraeli

Almost everything great is done young.
B. Disraeli

Youth makes mistakes, maturity fights them, old age regrets them.
B. Disraeli

Youth is a big disadvantage for someone who is no longer young.
A. Dumas (father)

It is so: youth has fun, old age scolds.
A. Dumas (father)

The sad thing is not that old age is approaching, but that youth is leaving.
A. Dumas (son)

For those who have not learned in their youth, old age is boring.
Catherine II

The young have hopes, the old live on memories.
F. Sanders

Young people like to talk about women and money, old people - about the vices of youth and diseases.
V. Zubkov

The peculiarity of young people is that they want all the best and certainly now and without much effort.
V. Zubkov

What you sow in youth, you reap in maturity.
G. Ibsen

In my youth, I demanded more from people than they could give: constancy in friendship, faithfulness in feelings. Now I have learned to demand less from them than they can give: to be near and silent. And I always look at their feelings, their friendship, their noble deeds as a real miracle - as a gift from God.
A. Camus

Youth is a lovely epoch of our life! The heart in the fullness of life creates for itself the future, which is sweet to it; everything seems possible, everything is close. Love and glory, two idols of sensual souls, stand behind the veil in front of us and raise their hand to shower us with their gifts.
N. Karamzin

Of the young people, those who blush are better than those who turn pale.
Cato the Elder

Eternal youth is impossible; if there were no other obstacle, self-observation would make it impossible.
F. Kafka

Youth are like butterflies: they fly into the light and fall on the fire.
B. Klyuchevsky

The entrepreneurial spirit of youth is worth the experience of the elderly.
J. Knorr

Youth is a person's springtime, in which seeds are sown for future years of life.
J. Knyazhnin

Excess in youth - a bill for old age, which has to be paid with interest for thirty years.
C. Colton

Only that which is firmly and reliably in man is what was absorbed into his nature at the first stage of life.
J. Comenius

Youth is a geyser of possibilities.
V. Krotov

Most young people think that they are natural when they are only impolite and rude.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Almost always, according to the adolescent inclinations of a person, it is already clear what his weakness is and what will lead to his body and soul falling.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Youth changes its tastes due to the ardor of feelings, and old age keeps them unchanged by habit.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Perhaps youth is a vice, but only too quickly healed by age.
D. Lowell

Youthful pessimism is a real illness of youth.
I. Mechnikov

In their youth, they do not know how to hide their feelings.
A. Maurois

Exceptional minds take pleasure in the tactlessness, arrogant and even hostile antics of ambitious youths against them, these are the pranks of hot horses that have not yet carried riders on them and will soon wear them proudly.
F. Nietzsche

Life gives every person an invaluable gift - youth, full of strength, youth, full of aspirations, desires and aspirations for knowledge, for struggle, full of hopes and hopes.
N. Ostrovsky

Whoever in his youth did not tied himself with strong ties with a great and wonderful work, or at least with a simple but honest and useful work, he can consider his youth completely lost, no matter how merrily it passed and no matter how many pleasant memories it left ...
D. Pisarev

We must devote youth and middle age to the Motherland, old age to ourselves.
Pliny the Younger

In young people, if their ambition is superficial, the fame and honor acquired too early, it seems to me, quench the thirst for glory and quickly quench it, giving rise to a feeling of satiety, while deep and stubborn natures are given luster and induce action.

Let youth sing love!

Blessed is he who was young from his youth,
Blessed is he who matured in time.
A. Pushkin

Hello, young, unfamiliar tribe !!.

Youth is the greatest magician.
A. Pushkin

But it's sad to think it's in vain
Youth was given to us.
A. Pushkin

A young man devoid of talent is an old man.
J. Renard

Young is one who hasn't lied yet.
J. Renard

Taste youthful delights!
Do not expect joy in old age:
The beauty will fade like a flower.
P. Ronsard

Youth with stronger shoulders, old age with your head.

Old fools and young people have no life.

The more he boasts from his youth, the more he will repent in old age.

Yun is with parties, and old with pillows.

Youth is the time to assimilate wisdom, old age is the time to apply it.
J. J. Rousseau

A young man who has never cried is a savage, and an old man who does not laugh is a fool.
D. Santayana

No one feels how youth is leaving, but everyone feels when it is gone.
Seneca the Younger

In youth we live to love, in adulthood we love in order to live.
C. Saint-Evremont

Whoever enjoys and feeds dissolutely from youth will become a slave and end up in suffering.

Youth is a time of courage.

Mourning youth is like regretting a beautiful woman who deceived us.
L. Stern

In youth, the new overshadows the old, but over the years, the past gradually turns into warm, rainbow tones.
R. Stevenson

The young man feels that the whole world is small for him.
R. Stevenson

Over the years, emptiness and disappointment are formed among those young people whose childhood and adolescence was a thoughtless satisfaction of their needs.
V. Sukhomlinsky

Being young means being too late to embrace a lifestyle that is not age-appropriate.

In youth, all forces are directed towards the future, and this future takes on such varied, lively and charming forms under the influence of hope, based not on the experience of the past, but on the imaginary possibility of happiness, that only understood and shared dreams of future happiness already constitute true happiness of this age ...
L. Tolstoy

Much squabble floats in the noisy waves of youth and floats away with them; and yet there is nothing better than these waves.
I. Turgenev

About youth! Youth! .. Maybe the whole secret of your charm is not the ability to do everything, but the ability to think that you will do everything.
I. Turgenev

Human life would freeze at one point if youth did not dream, and the seeds of many great ideas did not ripen invisibly in the iris of youthful utopias.
K. Ushinsky

A young man is like wax.
D. Fonvizin

Remembering youth is like visiting the grave of a friend whom we have offended and have no way of making amends.
D. Foster

Well-known life experience says that in order for a person to lead a calm, reasonable life, it is usually useful that in youth - in the heyday of strength - he "goes mad", that is, that at the right time the valves are open for the free release of the rebellious forces of mental life and thus the excess of their pressure on the restraining layers of consciousness is eliminated.
S. Frank

Youth, money, power and ignorance bring evil even separately. How much more fraught with evil are they all together.

Frivolity is characteristic of a blooming age.

I like in a young man any good features of old age, and in an old man any good qualities youth.

I praise the young man if he has something of the old man, and the old man if he has something of the young man; whoever follows this rule will grow old in body, but not in soul.

Young people think old people are fools; but old people know that young people are fools.
D. Chapman

Youth is a time of freshness for noble feelings.
N. Chernyshevsky

Often, in early youth, we declare a common opinion or custom absurd; however, over the years we begin to understand their meaning, and they do not seem so ridiculous to us. Doesn't it follow from this that people laugh in vain at certain conventions? Sometimes you involuntarily think that they were installed by those who read the entire book of life, but they are judged by people who are smart, but who have read only a few pages in this book.
N. Shamfort

Youth is so happy because it knows nothing, old age is so unhappy because it knows everything.
F. Chateaubriand

Youth without love, old age without wisdom is a lost life.

There is the beauty of youth, and there is the beauty of old age.
I. Shevelev

The young need edification, the old need justification.
I. Shevelev

Young ones stagger, old ones stagger.
I. Shevelev

The mistakes of youth are fixable, the mistakes of old age are tragic.
I. Shevelev

It is common for youth to sin with haste.
W. Shakespeare

Youth with its noble enthusiasm, with its vague aspirations for honest, just, for public truth is one of the greatest forces of progress.
N. Shelgunov

That's why youth is given to be ebullient, active, life-affirming.
M. Sholokhov

Morning is the youth of the day: everything is more cheerful, fresher, easier; we feel stronger, more cheerful, we have more freedom at our disposal ... Evening, on the contrary, is the old age of the day.
A. Schopenhauer

A youth that does not forgive itself, everything is forgiven; and old age, which forgives everything to itself, is not forgiven anything.
B. Shaw

Night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.
B. Shaw

When we are young, we believe that justice is the minimum that we have a right to expect from others. In adulthood, we are convinced that this is the maximum.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

In youth they learn, and in old age they understand.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

Blooming youth is pleasant, serene old age is comfortable.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

A person retains his youth as long as he is able to learn something, adopt new habits and patiently listen to contradictions.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

Youth is not a number of years, but a state of mind.
D. Enescu

What we sin in youth has to be redeemed in old age.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

If youth knew, but old age could!
A. Etienne

Gray hair in my beard, under the rib of my devil,
Again I show interest in the beauty,
How easy it is to fall in love at this age
It is a pity that I have gone far from my youth.

I want to make up for what I did not have time to,
Apparently many glorious deeds are foreseen.
I want to embellish my outcome of fate,
If only I had enough ... strength for that fight ...)

"Youth, where are you going?"
"I followed
I'm going for my own hope! "
"Who walks differently?"
"All the light
Goes with hopes on a lead! "

who are you following? "
"Follow your own dream!"
"Has anyone caught up with the dream?"
"Maybe I caught up, or maybe not!"

Who is your God, name? "
"I have only one god - Love!"
not everyone is lucky in love! "
"I pray to her, and do not contradict me!"

you went on a long journey
Maybe you don’t believe that you’ll make it? "
"I believe!"
"What is the essence of this faith?"
"Look back - then you will understand!"

We do not age from old age
Not from the years passed.
We're getting old with fatigue
From offenses and from sins.

From longing and doom
From unfulfilled love
From everyday despair,
Everyday hustle and bustle

From worries that only multiply
From problems that cannot be solved
We age before we age
For souls are dried up.

The years go by and again the day
in which joy and sadness,
small cobweb wrinkles
and there's rubbish in my head ...
and how old ... that's not the problem,
soul, as young as before,
and only a woman knows everything
sad, laughing ... a year.
they don't take a soul,
and now the grandchildren are growing up,
and everything seems to understand
the hearth, as before they cherish ...
And every new, personal, year
plus time ... finish somewhere,
and women ... they are like children
so funny, here, people ...

Autumn walks under my window
And, removing gray hair from dull eyes,
Everything is looking for a crack to seep into the house,
Everything is waiting for me to shut up and cool down.

And prepared slippers, and a blanket,
So that in the evenings I knit mittens,
Folk healers leafing through.
And at ten to sleep, to save light!

And I laugh. I'm laughing in her face!
Citizen, wipe your glasses!
I'm not afraid of the years gone by.
Do not wander under my windows!

What kind of slippers? Shoes - chic shine!
What kind of blanket is there ?! I am not sitting still.
I won't get tired of the squirrel in the wheel
I do not know how to roost.

And, watching my portrait,
A friendly passer-by will smile
And even with curiosity it will turn around:
There are no ads on me about age.

I admit one medicine in my life
I happily swallow it in handfuls:
I love to love so much, and I love!
I do not cool down and do not shut up.

Let someone laugh, it doesn't matter!
Let someone rebel and condemn:
I will shut up when I'm gone
Cool down, too, only then.

How old age changes faces!
As if under the skin of cotton wool.
Uneven, puffy
Her pencil lies down.
The melted wax flows down
Once elastic cheeks.
Making deep ducts,
Wrinkles huddle together.
The masses are covered with ash
Ice lay on my hair.
Everything is dull, everything is colorless,
And mirrors threaten with torture.

And only the eyes do not fade
Under the lead of a pencil
After all, in them, never getting old,
A young soul lives.

Why do I go to visit,
Trying to get to the ball?
I sit there like a fool,
I pretend to be careless.
He is mine by right, incense,
But only She is flattered:
Still, I'm seventeen years old,
And she is under fifty.

I can't hold back my shame
And he paints without asking
Me to the tips of my nails
And even the tip of the nose;
She is, where necessary, there is white
And there is red where it is necessary:
The blush is windy but true
Under fifty lipstick.

Eh, I would have the color of Her face,
I could be without care
Purr a cute little thing
And do not waste music.
She makes jokes and I'm boring
I sit, looking down.
Well, as luck would have it, seventeen to me,
And she is under fifty.

Crowd of graceful youths
It is crowded around Her;
They look in love, even though She
They are good for grandmothers.
To her wheelchair - not to mine -
They are in a hurry to settle down;
All why? Seventeen to me
And she is under fifty.

She is in the saddle - they follow her
(Calls them "Heartbreakers")
And I ride myself alone.
From morning until lunchtime
I'm in the best dresses, but me -
Alas! - will not be invited.
Oh my god, oh why
I'm not under fifty!

She calls me "my friend"
"My angel", "dear",
But I'm in the shadows, always in the shadows
Because of Her, I know;
Introduces the "former" to his own,
And he is about to die:
Still, she needs youngsters,
And on the contrary to me! ..

But she won't always be like that!
Years of fun will pass
She will be pulled to rest
Forget games, fashion ...
A ray of the future shines on me
I am reasoning simply:
I wish I had half fifty,
So that she's under ninety.