What should I read. What books to read for the development of intelligence and personal improvement (list)

Most people are just wrong.

With a light hand public opinion, reading has been elevated to the rank of an occupation that seems to be beneficial in itself. It is human nature to categorize and simplify everything, so there is nothing surprising in the existence of such a phenomenon. However, do not forget: reading is just one way of consuming information. Yes, reading helps us to be more focused and attentive, but in the end it all comes down to what information do we receive.

Fortunately, no one seems to have problems with access to books. But another problem arose - there are a lot of books, and only a few of them are worth spending your time on... Our task is to find the best of them, the kind of books, reading which will help you achieve your goals.

Don't be fooled: The choice of a book to read is almost never a matter of taste!

Only if you are going to spend time on the beach and you need to do something to keep your hands busy - only then you can choose something “to your taste”. And here you will have to be guided by the size rather than the content of the book.

I'm talking about those cases when you want to make a list of books to read in this way in order to get the most out of the time spent. Fortunately, despite the abundance of all kinds of literature, there are several types of books, among which you can definitely find those that will best affect your erudition.


"There will be no end to the compilation of many books, and getting carried away with them is tiresome ..."

Be picky about which books you spend your valuable time on. Let it if these are the books that will help you become better, smarter, and at the same time more pleasant in communication!


Perhaps the biggest bestseller of the decade is a psychological thriller with more unexpected plot twists than even the most demanding reader might wish for.


On the fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dunn's wife, Amy, disappears under suspicious circumstances, and he turns out to be the prime suspect in her possible murder.


Critics have called Flynn's book a "romance of mirrors": here nothing can be trusted and on every page everything is not what it seems. It seems that the reader opens the book for the sake of being thoroughly dumbfounded, but not only. Flynn composes a kind of fascinating reading material on the most beloved theme of the big novel - about the family. She takes two completely glossy main characters, rips off all the veils from them, so what kind of marriage is there, it’s uncomfortable to stand with such people, but at the same time it implies that such an impossible union of unpleasant people is the ideal formula for a strong marriage.

Screen adaptation

Young, successful, beautiful and, most importantly, emphatically Hollywood protagonists are just asking for the screen - Flynn seems to be writing a novel about the secret life of American stars. By the way, the novel repeatedly emphasizes what kind of blondes they are - and it seems that the very choice of Ben Affleck for the main role hints that Fincher was up to something in spite of the text. In any case, this adaptation will not be difficult to become better than the original - there is nothing in the text except the plot, and Fincher is just known for his ability to do beautifully.

Tom McCarthy "When I Was Real"


An avant-garde novel, admirably unlike any other novel before and after.


The main characterwaking up in a hospital after an unnamed disaster, he receives several million compensation for damage and paranoid uncertainty about the reality of today - and spends a fortune to recreate the "real" pictures dormant in his mind. It all starts with the construction of an entire house, in which a team of special people recreates the smell of fried liver, the sounds of music from the pianist from above, cats walking on the roof. But it doesn't end there - a scene of a street robbery is recreated behind the house, and then something worse.


Tom McCarthy came to literature from contemporary art, and his novel is not about the state of modern society, but rather about the state of contemporary art. Like trying to find out how far the art of Actionism can go in its pursuit of reality. That is, it is not only the fantasies of the hero who suffers from the inability to smoke a cigarette with De Niro's ease in Evil Streets that are important, but also the fact that every whim helps him to fulfill whole army professionals: from casting to literally choosing wallpaper. This alienation of the process from the result is reminiscent of the cinematic - is it worth adding that it was this book that Charlie Kaufman was inspired by when writing New York, New York.

Screen adaptation

It is logical that the film adaptation of the novel was also undertaken not by the director, but by the artist, and not of the last row: video artist Omer Fast became famous precisely for his works, feeling the line between art and reality - in Spielberg's List (2003) he interviews the team of the film Schindler's List on the site of a concentration camp built near Krakow as a set for a film, in Casting, a soldier talking about his service in Iraq turns out to be an actor trying out the role of a soldier. The author of the book and the director wrote the script for the film together - and, it seems, understood each other: the movie, where Tom Sturridge, with the help of artistic reconstructions, tries to reach his own forgotten past, Fast describes as the story of an artist devoid of talent.

Laura Hillenbrand "Unbroken"


One of the top nonfiction bestsellers of the decade, Time magazine's 2010 book of the year is about a man who survived.


The incredible biography of Louis Zamperini, the street boy who was raised as an Olympic runner and sent to the Games in Berlin. Then he became a pilot during the Second World War, survived a plane crash, drifted on a raft in the ocean for a month - and that's all to be captured by the Japanese.


An incredible and completely real story that Laura Hillenbrand found; our time needs heroes and, not finding them in the present, finds them in the recent past.

Screen adaptation

The Coen brothers wrote the script for the film Angelina Jolie, which we will see at the end of the year, her joint photo with the main character, taken shortly before his death, went around the Internet, but it may turn out that the desire to make a socially responsible movie will play a bad joke with her: this An already pretentious story is easy to kill with bestial seriousness.

Jannett Walls "The Glass Castle"


A wonderful book about a difficult childhood in a strange family.


Dad drinks, mom draws pictures, no one works, there is often no food at home and never money, children do not go to school, but dad can tell them the best fairy tale in the world, and mom will teach them to play the piano - and everyone is happy.


In fact, "The Glass Castle" is almost the best thing that has happened to the literature of young adults over this decade: instead of the fictional suffering of dystopian adolescents, there is a real difficult childhood, where the bohemian life of parents is not always the joy of their four children.

Screen adaptation

The main name of the upcoming film adaptation is already known - it is Jennifer Lawrence, for whom this book will become a chance to finally get out of the swamp of the Hunger Games somewhere closer to the arthouse. With all her love for Lawrence, a lot depends on her in this film adaptation: the whole book is built on very subtle details, and "Tideland" should come out of this in an amicable way, and not just another teen thriller.

Colm Toybin "Brooklyn"


Irishman Kolm Toybin, one of the most serious contemporary authors, tragically (for us) not translated into Russian, and his novel, which won the Costa Prize in 2009.


A young Irish woman leaves her native village for America for a better life - and although it is already difficult for her in Brooklyn, things become even more difficult when tragic events at home are forcing her to return home.


Kolm Toybin is one of the few authors who can write long, slow, unhurried texts and follow their heroes with close attention and exceptional sympathy, which have been forgotten by world literature for more than a hundred years. His novel, however, can be read more simply - like a novel about emigrants, on the contrary, where America becomes a place from which to leave.

Screen adaptation

Saoirse Ronan, an apprentice pastry chef at the Grand Budapest Hotel, will star in the upcoming - very Irish - adaptation of John Crowley, which seems to be the main plot of the heroine's inability to take life into her own hands.

Kevin Powers "The Yellow Birds"


The novel about returning from the war, written by a veteran of the war in Iraq, has become for Americans something like "On Western front no change ”in the XXI century.


Private John Bartle traveled to Iraq with his high school friend Murph. At the beginning of the war, they swear to each other not to die - but the hero returns alone. Surviving is still half the battle: it turns out to be completely impossible to adapt back to a peaceful life.


Kevin Powers' novel has filled the empty niche of the Big Novel on Iraq; Here, for the first time in the literature, all the soldiers' injuries are fully described - both in the fields and after the fields: why they leave, what they are going through and how they return.

Screen adaptation

Benedict Cumberbatch, approved for the lead role in the upcoming film by David Lowery, says too much about the upcoming film adaptation: he does not look very much like an Iraqi mercenary, which means that in a text that is half poetry and the other half is a call of blood, it is decided was to leave only poetry.

Sebastian Barry "Tablets of Fate"


A century of Irish history in a note from a madhouse.


A hundred-year-old woman, sitting in a madhouse, keeps a diary in which the tragedy of her own life is inseparable from the tragic history of Ireland - and her doctor sits around the corner and also keeps a diary, a little easier. Sooner or later they meet.


The 2008 Costa Prize, the Booker Prize shortlisted and some other sea of \u200b\u200bawards prove, if not the importance, then the literary excellence of the text, the author of which is one of the best Irish writers and playwrights living today.

Screen adaptation

It is a rare case when it is already clear at the stage of preparing the film that it will pay tribute to the original: Jim Sheridan in the directors, in the roles of the patient and her doctors Vanessa Redgrave and Eric Bana - and a whole sea of \u200b\u200bfamous names in flashbacks.

Elizabeth Stout "Olivia Kitteridge"


A collection of stories from the life of the American province, in which the main character manages to remain a minor character almost to the end.


13 stories from a small town in New England, from which the image of the main character is gradually formed - an uncomfortable, domineering, aging school math teacher. We meet Olivia Kitteridge who is not young, and we see off the old one - in general, this is a story, if not about aging, then about the loneliness that inevitably accompanies it.


Pulitzer Prize in 2009 - and a whole bunch of awards: Elizabeth Stout managed not only to find a new hero, but also to accomplish a more difficult task - to tell the story of an uncomfortable heroine with sympathy.

Screen adaptation

Frances McDormand, the lead actor in the HBO miniseries due this fall, is not very suitable for the role of Kitteridge: in the novel, we are repeatedly shown how large, physically uncomfortable body she has. By making the heroine miniature, television also chopped off the novel itself, turning it into a story about what happens to marriage after the children have grown - a line that turns out to be far from the main one in the novel.

Jojo Moyes "Me Before You"


Sad story impossible lovewhich sells very well.


A girl at a crossroads loses her job and gets a job as a nurse for an intelligent, handsome and completely paralyzed person after an accident.


The genre of social romcom that Jojo Moyes invented with this novel and has been exploiting it ever since is an undoubted success. Here, in general, all the same Jane Austen plus the problems of the first world in the XXI century. That is, poor beautiful girls have nothing to pay for loans, Mr. Darcy also cry, in between times there are many details of the hard life of the working class, laughter through tears, but still more tears. It's not required reading, just a good girlish novel, but it proves that literature can be left in a good way without being too smart.

Screen adaptation

Estimated exit - August 2015. Sentimental prose of this kind, as a rule, in film adaptations becomes something moderately marginal: it gains its strong hundred million (three times the budget), after which everyone tries to forget it, as an annoying misunderstanding. Not counting on anything too much, the studio gave itself the will to play a little: it invited Thea Sherrock, who is known more for theatrical works, to the director's chair (this will be her debut in a feature film, but she, as they say, is widely known on Broadway, in particular, it was her we owe a naked Daniel Radcliffe with a horse), and for the main female role she called Emilia Clarke aka Khaleesi. And Sherrock seems determined not to knock tears out of the audience, but to show him the injustice of the British class system.

Nowadays, reading is not only necessary, but also useful. However, those who like to take their time with some fascinating book very often face the fact that they simply do not know which work is really worth the time spent on it. To get around this problem, you need to know and remember the most interesting books waiting to be read. Anyone who makes such a small list for himself will not waste a huge amount of his precious time searching for works.

The most interesting books for teenagers to read. Novel "It's Good to Be Quiet"

I must say that in last years reading has become fashionable, and it's great. Several years ago, not a single teenager took a rest, sitting at a book, because peers could make fun of him. Now the situation is completely different: not to read is a shame! Therefore, many teenagers are fond of literature that interests them. However, very often they cannot choose the works that suit them, because many writers write, as they think, "boring", and such books are very difficult for teenagers to read. In order not to face such problems, it is necessary to make a list titled "The most interesting books that teenagers should read."

One of all teenagers is "It's good to be quiet." The plot of this novel is very exciting and interesting, moreover, the work is written in an easy and understandable language for every teenager.

This book will focus on Charlie, the main character, who once overheard a conversation of his classmates about a guy who has the ability to understand other people's thoughts. The hero was in a depressed state associated with the death of Helen's aunt and his best friend, whose name was Michael. Charlie found out the address of the "understanding" guy and began to write letters to him. In them, he detailed all his feelings and experiences, but hid his address and name.

"The house in which ..."

No less will be the "House in which ...". This novel is intended for those who are fond of horror, mysticism and fantasy. It is important that the plot of the work does not allow the reader to relax for a second, because with each new sentence read, the teenager gets acquainted with new actions taking place in the novel.

"The house in which ..." describes the events that unfold in the boarding school for children with disabilities. They are experienced by the main character named the Smoker. He was transferred to another group, as he quarreled with his own, and it was after this that he became a witness to the unusual and mystical phenomena taking place in the House.

The list of books for teens entitled “Most Interesting Books to Read” could include “For Boys and Girls. A book of tips for survival at school. "

This work will be interesting precisely for those children who study in middle and high school. For those who are still in elementary school, it is better to postpone the acquaintance with the book. It is worth noting that people who have graduated from school long ago would also be interested in reading this work and remembering their school years.

The best books about life. "Crime and Punishment"

Not only teenagers love to read, but also adults. They are interested in literature written in a more "complex" language. Many adults love to read books about life. After all, it is in such works that you can find yourself, draw any conclusions, change your outlook on life and learn worthwhile lessons from them. In order not to spend a lot of time looking for a good book about life, you need to make a small list for yourself called "The most interesting books about life that are worth reading."

One of the most famous of the 19th and 20th centuries is "Crime and Punishment" by the great FM Dostoevsky. Probably, people who are not familiar with this work do not exist. The novel describes the mental drama of a man who decided to kill and committed it. "Crime and Punishment" is considered a classic of Russian and world literature. Anyone who wants to read any literature about life little man, you need to get acquainted with this work.

"Life and Fate"

The most interesting books worth reading about life can always delight and surprise any reader. Therefore, everyone who wants to read really good literature should make a small list for themselves, with the help of which it will be possible to spend time with pleasure and benefit.

The work "Life and Fate" should be noted, because it is it that is considered one of the best books about life.

Through this novel, the author tried to convey to the reader that there is nothing that can be put above human values: neither the ideals of the revolution, nor a separate system, etc. The writer wanted to show that the life and fate of any person is the greatest value.

Lust for Life: Vincent Van Gogh

If you want to find some worth reading, don't pass up Lust for Life: Vincent Van Gogh. You will surely like it. Every lover of literature about human life will not remain indifferent after reading the book, because it is a real masterpiece.

This work describes the very tragic fate of the great Vincent Van Gogh. The reader will get acquainted with how hard the artist's life was, no one understood him. Van Gogh's work was criticized and not accepted by society.

Now your list, entitled "The most interesting books that everyone should read", has been replenished. However, it is worth remembering a few interesting works on psychology that will appeal to every reader.

List of books on psychology. "People who play games"

If you do not like science fiction, mysticism, drama, etc., then a list entitled "The most interesting books worth reading about psychology" will be an excellent assistant in choosing good literature for you.

One of the most popular and best books on psychology is People Who Play Games. It can be safely added to the list called "The most interesting books worth reading." The work was written by the world famous psychologist Eric Berne, who created the transactional analysis, as well as the system of psychological assistance based on it.

The book is dedicated to ensuring that the reader can get rid of complexes and stereotypes that prevent him from everyday life... Through this work, the author tried to teach all readers to analyze their communication.

From the very beginning, the psychologist wanted to publish this book as an advanced textbook on psychology, but he managed to write it in a simple and understandable language for everyone, which can be understood by anyone who has expressed a desire to get acquainted with this work.

In order not to doubt the choice of literature suitable for you, you need to use the list called "The most interesting books worth reading." Reviews for each piece you choose can be easily found. This will help you understand what impressions the reader has after reading this or that book, and that is why you can make right choice works.

"A man in search of meaning"

Undoubtedly, the book "Man in Search of Meaning" is a masterpiece of literature on psychology, which everyone should read. A lover of works on psychology should get acquainted with this book, because it contains reasoning and answers to some important questions for every person. The book "Man in Search of Meaning" raises such eternal questions as the meaning of life and death, love and suffering, etc. The author decided to pay great attention to issues related to psychotherapy.

"Psychoanalytic diagnostics: Understanding the structure of personality in the clinical process"

The best one that absolutely everyone should get acquainted with is "Psychoanalytic Diagnostics: Understanding the Structure of Personality in the Clinical Process".

The work is one of best textbooks on psychoanalytic personality diagnostics. However, the scary title has absolutely no effect on the content. This book is written “ simple language". The work will be of interest to absolutely everyone who is fond of psychology and loves to read the relevant literature, written “simply” and “easily”.

However, quite a few people prefer to read not what they think "complex works". Many simply adore the classics and everything connected with it. Therefore, it is necessary to list several works that can be safely included in the list entitled “The most interesting books worth reading. A classic that will remain in the heart. "

Classics of literature that everyone should read. "Faust"

Classics will never go out of style, because such works appeal to most people who are fond of reading. In order to easily find such a book, you need to make a small list the best worksthat will not be able to leave absolutely anyone indifferent.

Faust is considered one of the most significant works in German literature. It is important that Goethe worked on this book throughout his life. The author finished the work a few days before his death. The writer saw the story of Doctor Faust for the first time when he was 15 years old, and after five years he decided to start creating his own interpretation of the popular myth, filling it with philosophical questions that relate to being.

Despite the fact that "Faust" is a very interesting work, it is necessary to replenish the list of "The most interesting books worth reading." The list of literary masterpieces will help each reader find what he has been looking for for a long time and read such works that are very popular.

"War and Peace"

"War and Peace" is the greatest epic novel that shows Russian society during the wars against Napoleon. The novel contains a huge number of parts, as well as chapters with plot completeness. This book contains hundreds of episodes that will not leave the reader indifferent.

"One Hundred Years of Solitude"

No less amazing is the work "One Hundred Years of Solitude". It is worth saying that reading this novel will cause a storm of emotions in every reader, and also leave the best impressions. Therefore, if you want to read a real masterpiece of literature, opt for the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude.

Now you can safely name the most interesting books worth reading. A list of these works will always help in difficult times when you want to read some good literature. Books - best friends, which will help save yourself from depression, as well as learn a lot of new things, in addition to spending your free time with benefit. Therefore, you should not spend a lot of time looking for really good books that are worth your time, because the list of the most interesting books will always help you quickly choose a book, and it will definitely become your favorite.

Today, it is rare to find truly useful and interesting books on self-development. Sometimes a pretty cover hides mediocre content. To make it a little easier for you to navigate the variety of developing literature, we have prepared an overview of the 10 latest novelties of the end of 2013 - beginning of 2014.

"Emotional intellect. Russian practice ". Sergey Shabanov Alena Aleshina

This book is not as popular as the namesake from Daniel Goleman, but very useful, informative and oriented towards Russian practice. Psychology, sociology, NLP, management and many other disciplines are intertwined here to help you understand and manage your own and others' emotions. In addition, this work is genuine study guide, which offers various cases, questions, exercises, opinions (including skeptical ones). You can just read the book in a few evenings, or you can study with it for several weeks - choose yourself.

The authors of this book, Sergey Shabanov and Alena Aleshinat- successful business trainers of the EQuator company, authors of trainings and programs for managers and leaders. Their clients include Severstal, SIBUR, MTS, MAGNA Cosma International, Nissan Manufacturing RUS, Danone Group of Companies in Russia, Yandex.Money, DataArt, OpenWay, Gazpromneft-North-West, Alfa-Bank , SIAB, Uralsib, Vostochny Express Bank, North-West Customs Administration, Swedwood, Yulmart and others. In the book, the owners of the consulting company EQuator talk about the domestic practice of using emotional intelligence in business. Emotional intelligence or EQ is a concept that characterizes a person's ability to be aware of emotions, to achieve and generate them in such a way as to facilitate thinking, understanding emotions and what they mean, and, accordingly, manage them in such a way as to contribute to their emotional and intellectual growth.

I am very glad that I was able to read this book, which perfectly complements the lessons on our site. This book will be especially useful for those who decided to create works of art... This is not a textbook, but rather a collection of metaphorical stories, dialogues, poems and photographs that will allow you to feel the creative spirit of Marina Moskvina.

Book page on the publisher's website.

“Take or give? A new look at the psychology of relationships ”. Adam Grant

This is another useful book on developmental psychology. The author tries to prove that the desire to help other people to the detriment of their own interests, without expecting any rewards, is not only not useless, but, on the contrary, leads people to success. Don't believe me? Read the book.

Book author, Adam Grant is the youngest and most popular professor at the Wharton School of Business. He has devoted over a decade of his professional life to studying the psychology of relationships in various structures - from Google to the US Air Force. The respected BusinessWeek magazine ranked Adam Grant in the world's Top 40 Professors Under 40.

Book page on the publisher's website.

  • Section "", which contains popular literature in addition to;
  • Article "" in our blog.

If you decide to spend your evening reading interesting book, then the proposed list of popular literature will help you in choosing an artistic creation. Notable contemporary authors and classic writers offer the reader some of the most engaging works to date.

Based on fan reviews fiction and the demand for works in stores, a list of TOP 10 most read books in Russia today was compiled.

The novel by an English writer tops the top ten rating. The main characters do not yet know that their meeting will radically turn their lives upside down. Lou Clarke has a boyfriend for whom she has no real feelings. The girl loves life and her job in the bar. And nothing seemed to foreshadow the appearance of problems that the girl would have to face in the near future.

Fate brings Lou to a guy named Will Taynor. The young man suffered serious injuries from a motorcycle that hit him. His only goal is to find the culprit and take revenge.

But Lou and Will's acquaintance becomes a turning point for the heroes. life path... They had to pass tests in order to find each other. The novel captivates with its eccentricity, where there is no hint of banality.

A work of the genre of fantasy Dmitry Glukhovsky "Metro 2035"became a sensational novel this year, which is a continuation of the previous parts: "Metro 2033" and "Metro 2034".

A nuclear war has killed all life on the planet and people are forced to settle in the subway.

In the story that concludes the trilogy, readers will find out whether humanity will be able to return to earth after a long imprisonment underground. The main character will still be Artyom, who is so fond of book lovers. Fantastic dystopia is rightfully ranked ninth among the most read books today.

The eighth position of the rating is occupied by a psychological novel with elements of a detective story of a British writer Paula Hawkins "The Girl on the Train"... A young woman, Rachel, destroyed her family herself by addicted to alcohol. She has nothing but the image of the ideal couple Jess and Jason, whose life she watches from the train window. But one day this picture of a perfect relationship disappears. Jess disappears under strange circumstances.

Rachel, who drank alcohol the day before, tries to remember what happened and whether she has anything to do with the strange disappearance. She begins an investigation into a mysterious case.

According to 2015, the bestseller is among the top 10 best-selling books in the country.

Donna Tart released the third part of a masterpiece of psychological prose "Goldfinch"... Art is closely intertwined with the fate of the teenager Theodore Trekker, under tragic circumstances. The boy loses his mother during an explosion in an art gallery. Escaping from the rubble, the main character decides to take with him a painting by the famous author Fabricius "The Goldfinch". The boy has no idea how a work of art will affect his future destiny.

The novel has already fallen in love with many readers of Russia and rightfully takes the 7th place in the top 10 most popular books for today.

New detective of the Russian writer Alexandra Marinina "Execution without malice" entered the top 10 most read books in Russia. Anastasia Kamenskaya, together with her partner in the service, Yuri Korotkov, come to a Siberian town to resolve personal issues. The trip becomes for the heroes another investigation of a mysterious wave of crimes. Professionals in their field will have to find out how the murders of environmentalists and the fur farm that litters the surrounding area are related. An exciting story about an unusual investigation awaits the reader.

Immortal manuscript Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" Is one of the most widely read books in Russia today.

The classics of world literature tell the story of true, betrayed love and insidious betrayal. The master of the word managed to create a book in a book, where reality is intertwined with the other world and another era. The executor of human destinies will be the dark world of evil, doing good and justice. Bulgakov managed to combine the incompatible, so the novel is firmly in the TOP 10.

"Planet Water"- a new literary work by Boris Akunin, which consists of three works. The first story "Planet Water" tells about the amazing adventures of Erast Petrovich Fandorin, who rushes in search of a maniac hiding on the island. For this reason, he has to interrupt the underwater expedition. The second part of the book "Lonely Sail" tells about the hero's investigation of the murder. The victim is the former lover of Erast Petrovich. The concluding story "Where Should We Go" will acquaint the reader with the robbery case. The main character is looking for traces that will lead him to the criminals. The book was published in 2015 and is rapidly gaining popularity with today's readers.

Paulo Coelho became popular in Russia thanks to philosophical creation "Alchemist"... The parable tells about the shepherd Santiago, who is in search of treasures. The hero's journey ends with the acquisition of true value. The young man meets an alchemist and comprehends philosophical science. The purpose of life is not material wealth, but love and the accomplishment of good deeds for all mankind. The book has remained the most widely read in Russia for many years.

Professor Robert Langdon has to solve the murder mystery. The cipher, which was found next to the murdered museum employee, will help the hero in this. The answer to the crime lies in the immortal creations of Leonardo da Vinci, and the code is the key to them.

The most readable book in Russia today is a dystopia George Orwell 1984... This is a story about a world where there is no place for true feelings. Here absurd ideology, brought to automatism, rules. The consumer society considers the Party's ideology to be the only correct one. But among the “dead souls” there are those who do not want to put up with the established foundations. The protagonist of the novel Winston Smith finds a like-minded person in the person of Julia. A man falls in love with a girl, and together they try to take steps to change the situation. The couple will soon be declassified and tortured. Smith "breaks down" and renounces his ideas and beloved. The book about a totalitarian regime of government remains popular all over the world to this day.