Young patriot - alexander alekseevich morozov. Police Colonel Alexander Morozov: Helped to catch a criminal - get a reward Alexander Morozov General Colonel biography

The cornet Govorukhin has been drinking for the third week already. I drank from the very day when I learned that Colonel Nazarov again appeared in the reeds near Elizavetinskaya.

The three-veined devil has come out, ”the cornet muttered when he heard this news.

And again he remembered the August night, when he and the colonel sailed across the fast river Manych.

It was about a year ago. The landing, thrown by order of Wrangel from the Crimea near Taganrog, ended ingloriously. Colonel Nazarov commanded the landing. Half of the landing party fell here on the deserted Azov coast. Nazarov managed to take the other half to the north.

For a month they walked along the right bank of the Don. Perpetrated reprisals against the Soviets, over small detachments of the Reds. But near the village of Konstantinovskaya, the Reds threw regular units at them.

The battle lasted two days, and the cornet still cannot understand how then he and Colonel Nazarov managed to leave. Near Manych, near a small farm, a detachment overtook them. The horses were shot, and the colonel was wounded in the shoulder. All the same they left, lay down in the copse until evening, and at night they sailed across the Manych. The cornet took the colonel's weapon. We had already reached the middle when the colonel began to sink ...

The cornet will never forget how a slippery and cold hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him under the water. The cornet turned out, kicked the colonel aside and, not remembering himself, straining to a convulsion, swam ashore. I lay on the sand for an hour. There was no one…

Then he returned to the Don. Here he was found by a representative of the ORA underground headquarters from Rostov.

A lot then hid in the Don reeds of white armies and detachments. Little by little, two hundred desperate people who had nothing to lose came to him in the winter. The Rostov organization provided money, promised to give great ranks. And most importantly, Govorukhin learned under great secret that in the middle of summer an English landing was expected from the Black Sea and the independence of the Don would be proclaimed.

By the spring, the cornet managed to put under his command a total of one and a half thousand sabers. He had his own people both in the village councils and in the military departments. Of course, he did not keep all his strength together: some in the reeds, some in the farms. However, if required, he could gather everyone in a few hours.

Govorukhin was hinted that Baron Wrangel himself had been informed of his efforts. In his dreams, the cornet saw on himself the colonel's shoulder straps, or even ... what the devil is not joking ...

And suddenly Nazarov. Like a tub cold water poured out on Govorukhin. Then he started drinking.

Govorukhin was sitting in a hut with the commander of the first hundred, Borovkov. On the table, among the bottles and bowls of snacks, a gramophone sparkled with a red bell:

Bloody Wilhelm dancing tango

Although it was defeated from the rear and from the flank ...

Here you, Faddey Ivanovich, - said Borovkov, - were in Germany. I heard there was a revolution there too. Well, here, I understand, the Germans made a revolution. But who are the Germans?

They did not have a revolution! - said, drunkenly drawing out his words, Govorukhin. - There was not and could not be. Germans, brother, neat people!

What? - asked Govorukhin and, looking up, saw in the doorway his orderly and a stranger in a tunic without shoulder straps.

Who it? Well I said that nobody ...

Allow me to report, your honor, - reported the orderly, - they are from their high honor Colonel Nazarov.

As if frightened of something, the gramophone fell silent, only the needle continued to scrape the record with a hiss. Govorukhin hit her with his fist. Sottenny Borovkov, sensing something was wrong, stood up.

Who it? - Govorukhin asked gloomily, looking at the guest.

Lieutenant Remizov, with a special assignment from Mr. Colonel.

From the colonel? he finally asked. - And what is the name of the colonel?

Ivan Semyonovich, - the lieutenant shrugged his shoulders in surprise.

The cornet, staggering, got up and suddenly shouted wildly at Borovkov and the orderly:

What are you staring at? Get out of here! And so that not a single soul! ...

The lieutenant, without waiting for an invitation, sat down. Govorukhin poured moonshine into two glasses. The neck of the bottle rattled frantically against the edge.

Drink, lieutenant, ”he said.

Maybe first about the case?

Welcome, ”Govorukhin answered, knocking the glass down his throat.

Remizov took a sip from the glass and winced in disgust.

Govorukhin took a pickled cucumber from the table.

Did Ivan Semyonovich tell you anything about me?

N-no, - under Govorukhin's drunken gaze, the lieutenant felt as if uncomfortable. “I have orders to make an appointment with you.

And what is the need for me? - Govorukhin again poured moonshine, but this time only for himself.

This is the directive from Rostov.

There was only one thought in Govorukhin's poisoned brain: does Colonel Mangch remember? It happens that people forget, or maybe he lost consciousness then?

Okay, ”he said. - I'll meet with the colonel. By only eye to eye. Well, let's say seven in the evening. Windmill near Surchinsky farm.

I can hope that the mister cornet won't forget tomorrow?

Govorukhin's red face turned purple even more.

Listen, - he suddenly said quietly, - what if I spank you now?

You will be held accountable to the OPA headquarters! - the lieutenant answered calmly, and something in his tone told the cornet that his six months freeman was over.

Okay, get out of here! - he said.

The next day, with ten reliable Cossacks, Govorukhin rode to the Surchinsky farm. The detachment walked openly, because everyone had documents certifying that the riders belonged to the militia, which was confirmed by a signature and a seal.

Towards five o'clock, two horsemen appeared on the road leading out of the gully. They conferred about something in full view of the Govorukhinsky detachment. Then one moved to the windmill, and the second - at a leisurely trot to the grove, where the Cossacks were standing.

- Alexander Vladimirovich, what is the innovation?

- A similar practice existed before. Citizens who provide assistance to law enforcement officers in the search and detention of especially dangerous criminals are encouraged by certificates and valuable gifts. The main and significant innovation is that now there is an official document - Order No. 356, which determines who exactly, for what merits, can receive a monetary reward.

- Who is it for?

- Monetary reward is due to people who provided police officers with reliable information that helps to solve a crime, to detain the perpetrators. But here you need to understand that the matter is not limited to one message. It is important that the information is really useful. And even in this case, the informant will receive a monetary "gratitude" only after the offender is detained.

- Given the financial interest, there is a fear that you will receive false reports.

- We are not immune from this. Therefore, I want to immediately clarify: the amount of money is issued for assistance in solving only that crime for which the Ministry of Internal Affairs has officially appointed a reward in advance. As a rule, these are "high-profile" cases that have a public response. If the source provided false information or it was not useful to the police, you should not count on payment.

- In Orekhovo-Zuevo were there cases when ordinary residents helped in solving crimes?

- Of course. And there are many such cases. For example, several years ago, a series of murders were committed in the Orekhovo-Zuevsky district. Elderly people were the victims. We toured the entire municipality, talked with residents. Everyone tried to remember some details, the smallest details that could point to the alleged killer. In the end, together, we managed to find the criminal.

But there is another category of citizens who adhere to the principle: "My house is on the edge." We knock on a house on the outskirts of the village. The owners greet us with these words: “We don't know anything. And in general - leave us alone. Otherwise, tell them that you will drag it to the courts ”... It seems that even the announced monetary reward will not play a role in this case. Unfortunately, such "activity" takes place.

In conclusion, Alexander Morozov recalled a crime committed not so long ago in Orekhovo-Zuevo: an elderly woman was killed in the entrance of a house on Madonskaya Street. it tragic event instantly "hyped" in local social networks, there was false information about the alleged killer-robber.

“I would like to appeal to all residents of Orekhovo-Zuev: this information is unreliable. Sowing panic is not worth it. As well as looking for "similar" in the crowd. The identity of the culprit has not yet been established. There is reason to believe that the murder was committed by a citizen who has been living in the attic or basement of a house for several days, ”concluded the chief police officer of the city districts of Orekhovo-Zuevo and Likino-Dulyovo.

Police Colonel Alexander Morozov has been celebrating his birthday in the public order service for 15 years under the main New Year tree in the city of Ryazan. For many colleagues and friends, a meeting with Alexander Morozov on New Year's Eve is a good omen, a symbol of the prosperous coming year.

For 15 years in a row, Acting Deputy Chief of Police of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alexander Morozov, has been celebrating his birthday “under the tree”. He has been serving in the internal affairs bodies for 22 years. Whatever the day - weekday, weekend or holiday, he is always at work. And under the chimes, and under the festive fireworks, and even in the early morning of the first day of the new year.

New Year's Eve Police Watch starts on the evening of December 31st and ends in the early morning of January 1st. Almost all police officers are replacing in order to ensure the peace and safety of citizens on the most "magical" night of the year.

We always have the maximum number of personnel involved if some event in the city - a holiday or a mass public event So for me this is a familiar thing. And the family is already used to the fact that on holidays I have to be at work. Traditionally, New Year's Eve in our family smoothly turns into the celebration of my birthday, which is January 1st. And in any frost "under the tree" the thoughts that the wife and children are waiting at home are warming. I have three of them - two girls and one boy. The daughters of the same old age, 19 years old, are both getting very important professions (doctor and teacher), and my son is only 8 years old, but he already dreams of following in my footsteps and becoming a policeman. Sometimes he asks to take him to work, especially on New Year's Eve, - says Police Colonel Alexander Morozov.

On the night of December 31 to January 1, we make sure that the holiday is peaceful. Our people are cheerful and good-natured. They always offer to take part in the holiday, they try to treat them with sweets and tangerines. When there is a holiday everywhere, then it is more joyful to carry out the service ourselves, the main thing is that violations do not occur.

It is with the New Year that many have hopes, dreams and plans for the future. And the proverb: “How New Year if you meet him, you will lead him "- sunk deeply into the consciousness and, indeed, people believe in her. For many of his friends and colleagues, Alexander Morozov has already become a symbol of a prosperous upcoming New Year, perhaps that is why people from the close circle of Alexander Vladimirovich have been coming to him under the Christmas tree for 15 years in a row to congratulate and, having shaken hands with the "New Year" policeman himself, receive and a joyful mood and a sense of a safe holiday.

Alexander Morozov also spent this New Year at work. He congratulated his relatives in advance, but congratulations on his birthday began already under the first salutes of the festive fireworks!

1926 - 29.07.1991
Stripped of the title of Hero

Morozov Alexander Semyonovich - assistant platoon commander of the 383rd separate reconnaissance company (269th rifle division, 3rd army, 1st Belorussian front), Red Army soldier.

Born in 1926 in the village of Toropovo, now Leninsk-Kuznetsk district, Kemerovo region. Russian. Graduated from 9 classes.

In July 1944 he was drafted into the Red Army by the Lenin district military enlistment office. Since December 1944 he fought in the 383rd separate reconnaissance company of the 269th rifle division scout, squad leader. He distinguished himself in battles in East Prussia.

By mid-February 1945, scout Morozov had 16 personally taken control prisoners, 40 personally destroyed enemy soldiers and 5 machine guns. Was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

On February 17, 1945, a group of scouts under the command of the Red Army soldier Morozov secretly penetrated the enemy's battle formations and, during the attack, struck the enemy from the rear. As a result, the scouts killed more than 50 Nazis, and captured 18 soldiers and 1 officer. On March 18, operating with his scouts in the infantry battle formations, he captured a self-propelled gun together with the crew. He delivered the trophies to the location of his unit. On March 21, with a group of 8 scouts, he penetrated into the rear of the enemy, brought panic, captured two guns and 8 prisoners, whom he delivered to his location. On March 23, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Braunsberg - Heiligenbeil highway (now Braniewo, Poland and Mamonovo, Kaliningrad region), the Red Army soldier Morozov with a group of scouts, acting in infantry battle formations, participated in repelling three enemy counterattacks. In hand-to-hand combat, he personally destroyed 15 Nazis.

In total, by April 1945, the Red Army soldier Morozov personally destroyed more than 180 Nazis, captured 5 field guns of various calibers, 40 enemy soldiers and 2 officers.

Haveby the kaz of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 31, 1945 for the exemplary fulfillment of the command assignments on the front of the struggle against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown to the Red Army soldier Morozov Alexander Semyonovich awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

After the Victory, he continued to serve in the army. In 1947, senior sergeant Morozov was a clerk-captenarius of the 33rd separate Warsaw chemical protection company (Zhitkovichi station, Gomel region, Belarus). From April 1948 he served in the 10th separate guards rifle brigade (Arkhangelsk).

By this time, he was characterized negatively in the service: he systematically drunk, was arbitrarily absent from the unit, did not follow the orders of the commanders, got involved in fights with colleagues, insulted the officers. In December 1948 he was arrested. A military tribunal of the Arkhangelsk Military District convicted under Articles 193-5, paragraph "a" ("violent insult to a subordinate of the chief"), 193-3 ("resisting a person performing the duties assigned to him military service"), 193-7 (" unauthorized absence ") and 74 (" hooligan actions ") of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and sentenced under a combination of articles to 6 years in forced labor camps.

Haveby the kaz of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 19, 1950 for misconduct defaming the title of the order bearer, according to “ General Regulations about the orders of the USSR ”, stripped of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and awards.

After being released from prison, he returned home. In June 1977 he was again convicted. According to relatives, he took the blame on his brother, who committed the crime. He considered that it would be easier for him, as one who already had "experience," in places of detention.

Returning home, he worked at the Gorky mine. He lived in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky. Died on July 26, 1991. Buried at the Tenth Cemetery in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

Was awarded with orders Lenin (05/31/1945, not found during arrest), Red Banner (02/27/1945), a medal.

Additional material provided by Dmitry Sibiryakov. Photo courtesy of the Hero's granddaughter Marina Skovpen.

Biography prepared

Muddy political strategist, Rokhlin's deputy for the DPA Morozov - terrorist-lawyer, one of Buzina's killers February 9th, 2016

In no case do I want to say bad things about Lev Yakovlevich Rokhlin, somehow tarnish his image. But the general did not understand people at all.
A monstrous illustration to stories about how murky characters surrounded him in the last months of his life. They killed him. In order to use the death of an honest, courageous person for their own purposes.

Responsibility for the murder of the writer Oles Buzina was claimed by the associates of the "Right Sector" militant under the call sign "Lesnik", who died as a result of a shootout with the SBU in Kiev shortly before the New Year.

Such recognition was made on the air of Channel 17 fighter of the "Right Sector" with the call sign "Ronin" Alexander Morozov , who is also part of the "Forester's group".

Morozov clarified that the "Lesnik's group" carried out the murder of Buzina, ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Oleg Kalashnikov, and also blew up the Kharkov store Roshen.

« We acknowledge that the murder of Buzina and Kalashnikov is the work of our group, not the arrested guys who are tormented by the authorities. They have nothing to do with it. On the eve of the next anniversary on May 9, when they again raised their heads, and separatist propaganda began ... this action was carried out on Kalashnikov and Buzin - this is our job, "Morozov said.

Morozov himself said that he is a former resident of Moscow and an associate of General Rokhlin, left the Russian Federation because of a criminal case on charges of extremism and an attempt to overthrow the state power.

Under the general, Alexander Morozov appeared out of nowhere. In conversations with journalists, he called himself a political strategist. After the death of Rokhlin and before the Kiev Euromaidan, he positioned himself as a "leader The Popular Front them. L. Rokhlina ".
Here is his unused account for a long time " Revolution laboratory"-

The article in Top Secret is biased (with a number of distortions and politically biased characteristics), but it makes sense to quote an excerpt:

On April 7, at the initiative of Rokhlin and Ilyukhin, the chairman of the Duma Security Committee, the so-called "Headquarters for the preparation of impeachment in Russian Federation and the International Court of Justice in The Hague ”. According to the statement signed by them, the deputy chairman of the executive committee of the DPA A.V. Morozov is confirmed as the chief of staff.
This Morozov, according to the generals from the DPA, enjoyed almost unlimited trust in Rokhlin. It was he who was sent to the Rostov region at the end of May to win over the striking miners to his side. But who he was, no one could definitely answer, they were just surprised that Rokhlin brought a man who had never served in the army closer to him. (However, they hinted at friendly relations between Morozov and General's wife Tamara.) And in political circles, no one could say anything about him.
In a private conversation ... he said that he was a mathematician by education, spent a long time abroad, where he was engaged in business, in particular offshore operations in Cyprus. He published the newspaper "Russian Courier" in the same place. Returning to Russia, he founded the so-called "Slavic Club". At the end of 1997, he became an assistant to the State Duma deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party Viktor Vishnyakov. How he got to Rokhlin, he prefers to keep quiet.
One of Morozov's co-publishers said that he had studied for three years at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University. Having received a head injury, he was forced to go to work "not related to mental activity and giving physical activity." Worked as a prop in the theater Soviet army, set designer at the Bolshoi Theater. At the beginning of perestroika, the Golden Key cooperative opened in Lyubertsy. Then he was director of the Moscow branch of Novintech JV.
In general, a fairly common biography for a businessman, but by no means for a comrade-in-arms of a combat general. Just in case, I turned to the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for help. The results exceeded all expectations. It turned out that Morozov had been involved in serious criminal cases four times.
See the original material on the "Top Secret" website: http: //

1986 year. Prosecutor's Office of the Kalininsky District of Moscow. According to articles of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR 146, part 2 (robbery) and 117, part 3 (rape).

1987, August. Arrested in criminal case No. 55331, article 103 (premeditated murder). Accepted for production by the Prosecutor's Office of the Leninsky District of Moscow. Released on recognizance not to leave on October 16, 87th.

1989 year. Criminal case No. 2441, article 93 (theft of state or public property committed by fraud). Released in June 1992 on recognizance not to leave. The case, in particular, says: “As the chairman of the intermediary cooperative“ Intertransakto ”, A.V. Morozov through a number of other cooperatives, including fictitious ones, carried out operations for the purchase and resale of computer systems and appropriated significant funds. "

1991 year. Criminal case No. 102523 under article 130, part 3. (defamation). The interrogation was carried out by the Department of Internal Affairs-3 of the Central District of Moscow. There is no solution.

I doubt that the late general could even guess which character is entering his house, is friends with his wife, is his assistant and deputy in the DPA. That is why in the last two or three months I have completely entrusted the reins of government in the movement to him.
The best candidate to discredit the Yeltsin impeachment campaign could not have been imagined. And the first thought that comes to mind: Morozov was "seconded" to Rokhlin.
... The officers from the DPA headquarters told me that Morozov "brought with him money, and considerable money."