Taskaev roman petrovich hero of the russian federation. Test pilot roman taskaev

Regional public organization "Borodino-2012-2045" appealed to Patriarch Kirill with a request for a blessing for the construction of the chapel of the Monks Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves on the Strastnaya (Pushkin) Square in Moscow ...

In 1967-1971. went in for gliding and parachuting at the Chita flying club. Since 1971 - in Soviet army... Since 1975, having graduated from the Kharkov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, he served as a pilot in the Air Force units (Northern Group of Forces, Odessa Military District). In 1981 he was transferred to the reserve. In 1983 he graduated from the school of test pilots and entered the flight test work at the A.I. Mikoyan Design Bureau.

Raised into the sky and tested the MiG-AT jet trainer (1996-1998). Participated in tests of supersonic combat aircraft MiG-29, MiG-29M, MiG-29K, MiG-31, MiG-31M. He conducted critical flight tests for the MiG-29, MiG-29UB and MiG-29M, as well as tests for refueling the MiG-25RB, MiG-25PD, MiG-31, MiG-29K.

In 1995, he set a world aviation altitude record for a MiG-29 aircraft.

He ejected twice from emergency aircraft in desperate situations.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 891 of August 16, 1992 for the courage and heroism shown during the testing of a new aviation technology, test pilot Roman Petrovich Taskaev was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the Golden Star medal.

Since 1998 - Deputy Director General Design Bureau named after A.S. Yakovlev for flight tests. He tested the Yak-130 jet trainer.

Member of the International Association of Test Pilots.

Test pilot Roman Taskaev

Grenadier Stepan Novikov

On October 1, 1787, the Turkish army attempted to seize the Russian fortress of Kinburn, which was covering the main base of the Russian fleet, the city of Kherson.

The 6 thousandth landing under the cover of the Turkish fleet entered the battle with the 1,500th garrison of the fortress. At the difficult moment of the battle, A.V. Suvorov, with a sword in his hands, rushed into the thick of the battle, dragging his miracle heroes along with him. Seeing that the Turks were closing the ring around their beloved commander, the grenadier of the Shlisselburg regiment Stepan Novikov rushed to his rescue.

The brave soldier, as Suvorov himself later recalled, "knocked Turchin with a bayonet, shot his comrade, rushed one out of thirty people." Confused, the Turks fled. Inspired by Novikov's example, the Russian soldiers drove the enemy, turning the tide of the battle in our favor.

June 11th

On this day:

Kulevchin battle

On June 11, 1829, Russian troops under the command of General of Infantry Ivan Dibich inflicted a decisive defeat on the Turkish army at Kulevche in eastern Bulgaria.

Kulevchin battle

On June 11, 1829, Russian troops under the command of General of Infantry Ivan Dibich inflicted a decisive defeat on the Turkish army at Kulevche in eastern Bulgaria.

Russian army, numbering 125 thousand people and 450 guns besieged the fortress of Silistria occupied by Turkish troops. On June 11, a Russian detachment attacked the Turks and captured the heights of the village of Kulevcha.

The victory in the Battle of Kulevchin gave the Russian army a passage through the Balkans to Adrianople (now Edirne, Turkey). The Turkish army lost 5 thousand people killed, 1.5 thousand prisoners, 43 guns and all food. The Russian army lost 1270 people killed.

After the conclusion of the Treaty of Adrianople, Russian troops left Kulevch.Thousands of Bulgarians rushed after them, fearing Turkish repression. Kulevch became empty, and the settlers founded a new village in the Odessa region, which is still called Kulevch. where do they live today about 5000 ethnic Bulgarians.

The execution of Tukhachevsky

On June 11, 1937, the highest commanders and political workers of the Soviet Armed Forces Tukhachevsky, Primakov, Yakir, Uborevich, Eideman and others were shot about the verdict of a military tribunal in Moscow on charges of organizing a "military-fascist conspiracy in the Red Army."

The execution of Tukhachevsky

On June 11, 1937, the highest commanders and political workers of the Soviet Armed Forces Tukhachevsky, Primakov, Yakir, Uborevich, Eideman and others were shot about the verdict of a military tribunal in Moscow on charges of organizing a "military-fascist conspiracy in the Red Army."

This process went down in history as the "Tukhachevsky case." It arose 11 months before the execution of the sentence in July 1936. Then, through Czech diplomats, Stalin received information thatamong the leadership of the Red Army, a conspiracy is brewing, led by Deputy People's Commissar of Defense Mikhail Tukhachevsky, and that the conspirators are in contact with the leading generals of the German High Command and the German intelligence service. A dossier stolen fromsS security services, which containeddocuments of the special department "K" - a camouflaged organization of the Reichswehr, engaged in the production of weapons and ammunition prohibited The Versailles Treaty... The dossier contained recordings of conversations between German officers and representatives of the Soviet command, including the minutes of negotiations with Tukhachevsky. With these documents, a criminal case began under the code name "The Conspiracy of General Turguev" (the pseudonym of Tukhachevsky, under which he came to Germany with an official military delegation in the early 30s of the last century).

Today, in the liberal press, the version that "stupid Stalin" becamea victim of the provocation of the special services of Nazi Germany, who planted fabricated documents about the "conspiracy in the Red Army" for the purpose of decapitation Soviet Armed Forces on the eve of the war.

I happened to get acquainted with the criminal case against Tukhachevsky, but there was no confirmation of this version. I'll start with the confessions of Tukhachevsky himself.The marshal's first written statement after his arrest was dated May 26, 1937. He wrote to the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs Yezhov: “Being arrested on May 22, arriving in Moscow on the 24th, I was first interrogated on the 25th, and today, on May 26, I declare that I recognize the existence of an anti-Soviet military Trotskyist conspiracy and that I was at the head of it. I undertake to independently state to the investigation everything concerning the conspiracy, without hiding any of its participants, not a single fact and document. The founding of the conspiracy dates back to 1932. It was attended by: Feldman, Alafuzov, Primakov, Putna and others, which I will show in detail in addition. " During interrogation by the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, Tukhachevsky said: “Back in 1928, I was dragged into the right-wing organization by Yenukidze. In 1934 I personally contacted Bukharin; I established an espionage connection with the Germans since 1925, when I went to Germany for exercises and maneuvers ... When I went to London in 1936, Putna arranged a meeting for me with Sedov (the son of L.D. Trotsky. - ST) .. . "

There are also materials in the criminal case previously collected on Tukhachevsky, which at one time were not given a course. For instance,testimony from 1922 of two officers who served in the past in the tsarist army. They named ... Tukhachevsky the inspirer of their anti-Soviet activity. Copies of the interrogation protocols were reported to Stalin, who sent them to Ordzhonikidze with such a meaningful note: "Please read. Since this is not excluded, it is possible." Ordzhonikidze's reaction is unknown - he apparently did not believe the slander. There was another case: the People's Commissariat for the military and maritime affairs the secretary of the party committee of the Western Military District complained about Tukhachevsky (wrong attitude towards the communists, immoral behavior). But the People's Commissar M. Frunze imposed a resolution on the information: "The party believed Comrade Tukhachevsky, believes and will believe." An interesting extract from the testimony of the arrested brigade commander Medvedev that in 1931 he became "aware" of the existence of central offices Red Army counter-revolutionary Trotskyist organization. On May 13, 1937, Yezhov arrested Dzerzhinsky's former comrade-in-arms A. Artuzov, and he testified that information received in 1931 from Germany reported a conspiracy in the Red Army under the leadership of a certain General Turguev (pseudonym Tukhachevsky), who was in Germany. Yezhov's predecessor Yagoda said at the same time: "This is not serious material, turn it over to the archive."

After the end of the Great Patriotic War Fascist documents with assessments of the "Tukhachevsky case" became known. Here are some of them.

An interesting diary entry by Goebbels of May 8, 1943: "There was a conference of Reichsleiters and Gauleiters ... The Fuehrer recalled the incident with Tukhachevsky and expressed the opinion that we were completely wrong when we believed that Stalin would destroy the Red Army in this way. The opposite was true: Stalin got rid of the opposition in the Red Army and thus put an end to defeatism. "

In his speech before subordinatesin October 1943, SS Reichsfuehrer Himmler said: “When large demonstration trials were going on in Moscow and the former tsarist cadet, and subsequently the Bolshevik general Tukhachevsky and other generals, all of us in Europe, including us, party members and SS, adhered to the opinion that the Bolshevik system and Stalin made one of their biggest mistakes here. By assessing the situation in this way, we have greatly deceived ourselves. We can truthfully and confidently state this. I believe that Russia would not have survived all these two years of war - and now it is already in its third - if it had kept the former tsarist generals. "

On September 16, 1944, a conversation took place between Himmler and the traitor general A.A. Vlasov, during which Himmler asked Vlasov about the Tukhachevsky case. Why did he fail. Vlasov replied: "Tukhachevsky made the same mistake as your people on July 20 (an attempt on Hitler's life). He did not know the law of the masses." Those. and one and the second conspiracy is not denied.

IN his memoirs, a major Soviet intelligence officerlieutenant General Pavel Sudoplatov asserts: “The myth of the involvement of German intelligence in Stalin's reprisal over Tukhachevsky was launched for the first time in 1939 by the defector V. Krivitsky, former officer Intelligence Agency of the Red Army, in the book "I was an agent of Stalin." In doing so, he referred to white general Skoblin, a prominent agent of the INO NKVD among the White emigration. Skoblin, according to Krivitsky, was a double working for German intelligence. In reality, Skoblin was not a double. His undercover case completely refutes this version. The invention of Krivitsky, who became a mentally unstable person in emigration, was later used by Schellenberg in his memoirs, attributing to himself the merit in falsifying the Tukhachevsky case.

Even if Tukhachevsky turned out to be clean before the Soviet government, in his criminal case I found such documents, after reading which his execution seems well deserved. Here are some of them.

In March 1921, Tukhachevsky was appointed commander of the 7th Army, aimed at suppressing the uprising of the Kronstadt garrison. TO it is known to have been drowned in blood.

In 1921 Soviet Russiawas covered anti-Soviet uprisings, the largest of which in European Russia was the peasant uprising in the Tambov province. Regarding the Tambov uprising as a serious danger, the Politburo of the Central Committee at the beginning of May 1921 appointed Tukhachevsky as the commander of the Tambov district with the task of completely suppressing it as soon as possible. According to the plan developed by Tukhachevsky, the uprising was largely suppressed by the end of July 1921.

Venus's atmosphere explored

11 June 1985 automatic interplanetary station "Vega-1" reached the vicinity of the planet Venus and completed the complex scientific research under the international project "Venus - Halley's comet". On June 4, 1960, the USSR government issued a decree "On plans for the exploration of outer space", which ordered the creation of a launch vehicle for a flight to Mars and Venus.

Venus's atmosphere explored

On June 11, 1985, the automatic interplanetary station "Vega-1" reached the vicinity of the planet Venus and carried out a complex of scientific research under the international project "Venus - Halley's comet". On June 4, 1960, the USSR government issued a decree "On plans for the exploration of outer space", which ordered the creation of a launch vehicle for a flight to Mars and Venus.

From February 1961 to June 1985, 16 Venera spacecraft were launched in the USSR. In December 1984, the Soviet spacecraft "Vega-1" and "Vega-2", designed to explore Venus and Halley's comet. On June 11 and 15, 1985, these AMS reached Venus and dropped landing modules into its atmosphere.
As a result of the experiments carried out by the devices, the atmosphere of the planet, which is the densest among the planets, was studied in detail. terrestrial groupbecause it contains up to 96 percent carbon dioxide, up to 4 percent nitrogen and a little water vapor. A thin layer of dust was found on the surface of Venus. Most of it is occupied by hilly plains, the highest mountains rise 11 kilometers above average surface level.

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Awards and prizes

test pilot

Roman Petrovich Taskaev (genus. October 14 , Khilok , Chita region ) - Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation (1998), Hero of the Russian Federation (1992).


In 1967-1971. was engaged in gliding and parachuting in Chita flying club.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 891 of August 16, 1992, test pilot Roman Petrovich Taskaev was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the presentation of the Gold Star medal for courage and heroism shown during the testing of new aviation technology.

Since 1998 - Deputy General Director Design Bureau named after A.S. Yakovlev on flight tests. Tested a jet trainer aircraft Yak-130.

Member of the International Association of Test Pilots.


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An excerpt characterizing Taskaev, Roman Petrovich

- We must stop here: the emperor is about to pass; he will be pleased to see these captive masters.
“Today there are so many prisoners, almost the entire Russian army, that he is probably bored with it,” said another officer.
- Well, however! This, they say, is the commander of all the guards of Emperor Alexander, ”said the first, pointing to a wounded Russian officer in a white cavalry guard uniform.
Bolkonsky recognized Prince Repnin, whom he had met in the Petersburg world. Next to him stood another 19-year-old boy, also a wounded cavalry officer.
Bonaparte, rode up at a gallop, stopped the horse.
- Who is the senior? - he said, seeing the prisoners.
Colonel, Prince Repnin was named.
- Are you the commander of the cavalry regiment of Emperor Alexander? Napoleon asked.
“I commanded a squadron,” Repnin answered.
“Your regiment has done its duty honestly,” Napoleon said.
“The praise of a great commander is the best reward for a soldier,” said Repnin.
“I will give it to you with pleasure,” Napoleon said. - Who is this young man beside you?
Prince Repnin named Lieutenant Sukhtelen.
Looking at him, Napoleon said, smiling:
- II est venu bien jeune se frotter a nous. [He appeared young to compete with us.]
“Youth doesn’t prevent you from being brave,” said Sukhtelen in a broken voice.
“An excellent answer,” Napoleon said. - Young man, you will go far!
Prince Andrew, for the sake of completeness of the trophy of the captives, also put forward, in front of the emperor's eyes, could not fail to attract his attention. Napoleon, apparently, remembered that he had seen him on the field and, addressing him, used the very name of a young man - jeune homme, under which Bolkonsky was first reflected in his memory.
- Et vous, jeune homme? Well, and you, young man? - he turned to him, - how do you feel, mon brave?
Despite the fact that five minutes before that Prince Andrey could say a few words to the soldiers who were carrying him, he now, directly fixing his eyes on Napoleon, was silent ... He seemed so insignificant at that moment all the interests that occupied Napoleon, he seemed so petty his hero himself, with this petty vanity and joy of victory, in comparison with that high, fair and kind heaven that he saw and understood - that he could not answer him.
Yes, and everything seemed so useless and insignificant in comparison with that strict and majestic structure of thought, which caused in him the weakening of strength from the expired blood, suffering and the close expectation of death. Looking into Napoleon's eyes, Prince Andrew thought about the insignificance of greatness, about the insignificance of life, which no one could understand the meaning, and about the even greater insignificance of death, the meaning of which no one could understand and explain from the living.
The emperor, without waiting for an answer, turned away and, driving away, turned to one of the chiefs:
“Let these gentlemen take care of them and take them to my bivouac; have my Dr. Larrey examine their wounds. Good-bye, Prince Repnin, - and he, touching the horse, rode on at a gallop.
There was a radiance of self-satisfaction and happiness on his face.
The soldiers who brought Prince Andrew and removed from him a golden icon that had come across to them, hung on their brother by Princess Marya, seeing the kindness with which the emperor treated the prisoners, hastened to return the icon.
Prince Andrew did not see who and how put it on again, but on his chest over his uniform suddenly found himself an icon on a small gold chain.
“It would be nice,” thought Prince Andrew, looking at this little icon, which his sister hung on it with such feeling and reverence, “it would be nice if everything was as clear and simple as it seems to Princess Marya. How nice it would be to know where to look for help in this life and what to expect after it, there, behind the grave! How happy and calm I would be if I could say now: Lord, have mercy on me! ... But to whom will I say this! Or a force - indefinite, incomprehensible, to which I not only cannot address, but which I cannot express in words - great everything or nothing, - he said to himself, - or is this the God that is sewn up here, in this palm, Princess Marya? Nothing, nothing is true, except for the insignificance of everything that I understand, and the greatness of something incomprehensible, but the most important! "
Roman Petrovich Taskaev
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Period of life

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Battles / wars

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Awards and prizes

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test pilot


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Roman Petrovich Taskaev (born October 14, Khilok, Chita Region) - Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation (1998), Hero of the Russian Federation (1992).


In 1967-1971. went in for gliding and parachuting at the Chita flying club.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 891 of August 16, 1992, test pilot Roman Petrovich Taskaev was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the presentation of the Gold Star medal for courage and heroism shown during the testing of new aviation technology.

Since 1998 - Deputy General Director of the A.S. Yakovlev Design Bureau for flight tests. He tested the Yak-130 jet trainer.

Member of the International Association of Test Pilots.


  • Medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the Russian Federation (No. 5; 08.16.1992)
  • medals

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  • 15px ... Heroes of the Country website.
  • // Big biographical encyclopedia. - 2009.
  • . "WALK WITH TIME" 1947-1997... Test pilots Test pilots. Retrieved July 6, 2012.
  • // Balakov I.B., Simonov A.A. MiG testers.

An excerpt characterizing Taskaev, Roman Petrovich

We came closer - none of the people showed signs of life ...
- They are completely "pumped out"! - Stella was horrified. - They have not even a drop of vitality left! .. That's it, let's get away !!!
We rushed, as much as we could, somewhere to the side, absolutely not knowing where we were running, just further away from all this blood-freezing horror ... Without even thinking that we could plunge into the same again, or even worse, horror ...
Suddenly it darkened sharply. Blue-black clouds rushed across the sky, as if driven by a strong wind, although there was no wind yet. In the depths of the black clouds blinding lightning blazed, the tops of the mountains blazed with a red glow ... Sometimes the swollen clouds ripped open against the evil peaks and from them dark-brown water poured like a waterfall. This whole scary picture reminded, the most creepy of the creepy, nightmares ...
- Daddy, dear, I'm so scared! - the little boy screeched thinly, forgetting his former belligerence.
Suddenly, one of the clouds "broke", and a blindingly bright light blazed out of it. And in this light, in a sparkling cocoon, the figure of a very thin young man, with a face sharp as a knife blade, approached. Everything around him shone and shone, from this light black clouds "melted", turning into dirty, black scraps.
- Wow! - Stella shouted joyfully. - How does he do it ?!
- Do you know him? - I was incredibly surprised, but Stella shook her head.
The young man sank down next to us on the ground and asked with an affectionate smile:
- Why are you here? This is not your place.
- We know we were just trying to get to the top! - already in full twitter the joyful Stella. - Will you help us get back upstairs? .. We definitely need to get home quickly! And then the grandmothers are waiting for us there, and now they are also waiting, but different.
The young man, meanwhile, for some reason very carefully and seriously examined me. He had a strange, piercing look, which somehow made me uneasy.
- What are you doing here, girl? He asked softly. - How did you manage to get here?
- We were just walking. - I answered honestly. - And so they were looking for. - Smiling at the "foundlings", she pointed at them with her hand.
- But you're alive, aren't you? - the savior could not calm down.
- Yes, but I've been here more than once. - I answered calmly.
- Oh, just not here, but "above"! - laughing, my girlfriend corrected me. “We certainly wouldn't return here, would we?
- Yeah, I think this will be enough for a long time ... In any case - for me ... - I was already cringing from recent memories.
- You have to get out of here. - Again, gently, but more insistently said the young man. - Now.
A sparkling "path" stretched from him and ran straight into the glowing tunnel. We were literally drawn in, without even having time to make a single step, and after a moment we found ourselves in the same transparent world in which we found our round Leah and her mother.
- Mom, Mom, Dad is back! And Great too! .. - little Leah rolled head over heels towards us, tightly clutching the red dragon to her chest .. Her round face shone with the sun, and she herself, unable to keep her stormy happiness, rushed to dad and, hanging on him neck, squeaked with delight.
I was happy for this family that had found each other, and a little sad for all my dead “guests” who came to earth for help, who could no longer embrace each other as joyfully, since they did not belong to the same worlds .. ...
- Oh, daddy, here you are! I thought you were gone! And you took it and found it! That's good how! - the shining little girl squeaked with happiness.


The next pilot I would like to tell you about is Roman Taskaev. We needed a pilot for the firm, and Fedotov sent me to the Test Pilot School, ordering me to find a "good guy." I performed such tasks many times, and Fedotov checked me every time, saw how I approached this issue.

I visited the School, met with its leadership, and spoke separately with Sasha Firsov, the deputy head of the SHLI. (He was a test pilot at a Tupolev firm, and then went to LII. He was, as we joked, from the breed of truth-seekers, but I had sympathy for him and respected him for his direct and honest disposition.) After that, I reported to Fedotov that there are a few capable guys who stand out from the crowd. Among them, I named Taskaev and Tresvyatsky, but added that in terms of flight and human qualities, I would give preference to Roman. Fedotov advised me to take a closer look at this candidate. I began to look closely at Roman, collecting feedback from the instructors about him. And although I did not fly with him, I got a fairly clear idea of \u200b\u200bhis flying qualities. And he reported to Fedotov that Taskaev's candidacy was the most suitable. Fedotov took him to the firm, everyone liked Roman - he was a courteous, good guy.

In the first days at the firm, a serious test awaited him. He flew with Fedotov on a MiG-23, and they had a partial steering failure. They went to a high indicated speed, and at a speed of about 1100 km / h they were forced to eject. They ejected successfully, there were no injuries. Probably, Roman did not understand a lot on that flight, but this incident was a good school for him: he felt the need to be always ready to make instant decisions and take the necessary actions in an extreme situation.

I kept Roman in mind all the time, I often told Fedotov that he had great inclinations in terms of piloting technique - he took everything very quickly. Roman worked at the firm for less than a year when Alexander Vasilyevich died. After that, I took him under close tutelage and tried to load him in full. I quickly introduced it into many programs and forced the training of my ward. The novel eagerly absorbed everything new. I tried to make him lean on theory and knowledge of the material part, not formally, but consciously. All this gave positive results. And when we began to seriously prepare for entering the international arena, for this purpose I chose two pilots - Roman Taskaev and Anatoly K.

The novel showed himself well at the exhibition-salon in Farnborough, his subsequent participation in various shows confirmed Taskaev's flight acumen, his ability to improvise. His aerobatic complex has always been admired by the audience. Once, at a showroom in China, general designer OKB them. Sukhoi Mikhail Petrovich Simonov, for which he was stingy with praise, and then admitted that Roman showed the best aerobatics. It was good to hear, and I knew that Roman was worthy of greater praise.

Then I attracted him to the nautical theme, we flew a lot together, worked, I saw that there he quickly mastered the most difficult elements, and this made him compare favorably with many pilots. It was enough for him to show the new regime once or twice for him to start performing it correctly. This quality greatly helped him in the flying profession.

The time has come when it was necessary to make a decision who will remain the chief pilot after me, I left for administrative work. And I did not hesitate to leave Roman Taskaev in this position. The management had certain doubts whether he would cope with this work. Belyakov, Waldenberg, and Belosvet expressed them to me. However, such doubts always arise when changing the chief pilot in a company. At first, it seems that it is impossible to replace a proven chief pilot. But, as you know, a holy place is never empty, and personally I was absolutely sure that Roman would cope with this work with honor. I was not wrong. For Roman, things went well, although his entry into a new position (this was in 1993) coincided, to put it mildly, with an unfavorable period in the life of the country - its collapse and the collapse of its economy. Therefore, he had a hard time.

But even in these conditions, he carried out the rise of a new machine - the MiG-AT. This is a completely new car, it is not an upgrade or modification of previous models. During one flight, an emergency occurred - a piece of the stabilizer fell off, the plane got into poorly controlled traffic, but Roman got out of this situation with honor: he not only remained alive, but also managed to land this plane safely.

Roman Taskaev made an invaluable contribution not only to the development of our branded aircraft, but also to the entire domestic aviation. For his work, he received the title of Hero of Russia, became an honored test pilot of Russia. Although, I emphasize once again, his work as a chief pilot coincided with a difficult period in our history and he was unable to realize his full potential in this leadership work. Perhaps his personal qualities also played a role. But be that as it may, he left the company in the Yakovlev Design Bureau, which is a pity. Sometimes, in the name of business interests, one must be able to rise above personal grievances. However, time is the best judge and will put everything in its place.