Is the solar system artificial? The solar system is created artificially Our solar system is created artificially.

A few years ago, to the question of how the solar system was formed, any average person would answer if he woke him up even in the middle of the night.

A similar question posed to an astrophysicist would have spawned a lecture listing several versions of the origin of the solar system.

But no one would ever, even in the most terrible delirium, dare to assert that our solar system was artificially created by some Higher Forces. Meanwhile, today a number of scientists are seriously considering this particular version.


Traditional ideas about the structure of the solar system suddenly swayed and almost collapsed in early 2010. The reason for this was the discovery of a planetary system, called Kepler-33, which was discovered in the constellation Cygnus by workers at the NASA astronomical observatory. It would seem, where are we - and where are they, what is the relationship? It turned out to be the most direct one.

The fact is that the celestial bodies of Kepler-33 turned out to be similar in many respects to the planets of the solar system. There was only one serious difference: all the Kepler-33 planets lined up around their star, as if in order! First there was the largest planet, then the smaller one, and so on. Marveling at such a literal stencil arrangement of celestial bodies, scientists recorded the Kepler-33 planetary system as an anomaly, because the planets are located chaotically in their native solar system.

Closest to the Sun are small planets - Mercury, Venus and Earth, and the largest - Jupiter and Saturn - are located strictly in the middle. However, scientists later changed their mind - after carefully studying another 146 star systems similar to our solar. It turned out that in each of them the planets revolved around the star, as in Kepler-33, located exactly in the order of decreasing the size of the planets from the largest to the decreasing.

Only our own solar system, with its random arrangement of planets, was out of the picture. As a result, a number of scientists immediately suggested that the Sun and the planets around it are arranged in such an anomalous, as it turned out, order in an artificial way. And this was done with a very caring hand.


Continuing the study of the solar system, scientists have come to another strange conclusion. Despite the fact that the planets of the solar system really revolve around the sun, they all turned out to be in a peculiar way attuned to the Earth. For example, Mercury surprisingly synchronously moves with the Earth, and once every 116 days it even stands on the same straight line with the Earth and the Sun, but it always turns out to be turned to the Earth by the same side.

Venus behaves in a similarly incomprehensible way. She, like Mercury, also once every 584 days approaches the Earth as close as possible, but turns to us again always in the same side. Venus generally behaves extremely "indecent": while all the planets of the solar system rotate clockwise, it rotates in the opposite direction. The question "why?" still remains unanswered.

JUPITER'S Evil Secret

However, of all the planets of the solar system, Jupiter seems to be the most amazing astrophysicist, which, according to the logic of things, simply could not form where it is now. It was he who, as it turned out, introduces disharmony into the arrangement of the planets of the solar system. The question of who or what located it in this place in outer space also remains open to this day.

Of course, the official science will immediately lead to several quite official, satisfying learned world versions of the origin of such an anomalous arrangement of the planets of the solar system ... But what's the point? After all, almost one and a half hundred planetary systems educated in a completely different way!

So maybe some forces really chose the Earth for their own experiment? This fantastic, at first glance, version is adhered to by quite serious scientists, including the head of the laboratory of the Department of Planetary Physics of the Institute, who has repeatedly expressed his opinion in the press about the anomalous arrangement of the planets of the solar system space exploration RAS Doctor Phys.-Math. Sci. Leonid Ksanfomality.


Astrophysics consider the absence of a second star in the solar system an equally serious anomaly. Yes, exactly the second! It turned out that the overwhelming majority of planetary systems like the Solar have two stars, and only we have only one. True, some scientists are inclined to believe that there was a second star, but then, due to fission, it was transformed into a planetary system.

And today, this former star is named ... Jupiter. And a number of American astronomers are sure that the second star still exists - supposedly it is the legendary Nemesis, orbiting the Sun for 12 thousand years. So, it is to this version that American astrophysicists Walter Krattenden, Richard Mueller, and Daniel Whitmir are inclined towards this version in the pages of Physorg.

Exactly forty years ago, the Soviet scientist Kirill Butusov published his work "Symmetry Properties of the Solar System." In it, he scientifically substantiated the presence of absolute symmetry in the solar system. For example: Jupiter - Saturn, Neptune - Uranus, Earth - Venus, Mars - Mercury. The scientist also assumed the presence of a second star in the solar system.

However, what modern scientists are now trying to calculate and then discover in practice has long been known to the ancient civilizations of the Earth, apparently even observing the second star in the firmament. This fact is evidenced by many ancient rock paintings and petroglyphs around the world, depicting a second star next to the Sun.

In world mythology, she received the name Typhon, and in description it looks like a classic neutron star. Her image can be found near the ancient astronomical observatory near Mount Sevsar in Armenia. The pictogram clearly shows the trajectory of the motion of an unusual stellar body, similar to a star, near the Sun. There are similar drawings in San Emidio.

Moreover, in all the figures scattered around the world, a neutron star, flying past the Sun, throws a "lump" of matter in its direction - a prominence. Since the tongue of the prominence is somewhat similar to a snake, ancient artists liked to depict it in the form of a dragon fighting with the hero-god, personifying the Sun. There are similar drawings in Scotland, on Egyptian frescoes, in Australia, Mexico - in a word, all over the Earth, where ancient civilizations once lived.


It is impossible today to answer unequivocally the question whether the solar system was artificially created or not. However, it can be assumed that there is a certain force in the world that can arrange the planets at its discretion. And in favor of this version - the very hypothetical prominence released towards the Sun by a passing star, so often found on rock paintings.

If we assume that it was not a star, but some kind of artificial object, everything falls into place. Indeed, back in 1948, Fred Zwicky argued that it is possible to move entire star systems in space, dropping the most powerful thermonuclear bombs on them. The large mass of the star in this case will keep its planets near the star, but will allow them to move in space with all the inhabitants. Who knows, perhaps someday humanity will have to use a similar way of moving in the Universe.

Today, when enthusiastic researchers are treading on the heels of professionals, and the exchange and dissemination of information thanks to the Internet has ceased to be a problem, one can hope that in the very near future humanity will still receive an answer to the question of how the solar system was created.


Recently, it turned out that our solar system is an anomaly in the universe, this has become the reason for the emergence of a hypothesis about its artificial origin. It may seem incredible, but there are strong reasons for this assumption.

In early 2010, NASA astronomical observatory staff in the constellation Cygnus discovered a planetary system called Kepler-33. Unexpectedly, this discovery challenged the traditional views of scientists about the structure of our solar system. It turned out that the planets of the Kepler-33 system in many respects were similar to Mercury, Venus, Earth and other planets of the solar system. However, there was one major difference, which surprised scientists to a large extent.

The planets of the Kepler-33 system, in contrast to the planets of our solar system, are very clearly distributed in size. Closer to the luminary is the largest planet, then a smaller one follows, then even less, etc. At the periphery of the system is the smallest planet. American scientists considered this arrangement of the planets anomalous, because in our solar system the smallest planets (Mercury, Venus and Earth) are closest to the star, and the largest (Jupiter and Saturn) are exactly in the middle.

As it turned out, scientists rushed to classify the open planetary system as anomalous; the study of 146 more star systems showed that in them, as in the Kepler-33 system, the planets were located from the largest at the star to the smallest at the periphery. It turned out that our solar system was anomalous! The hypothesis immediately arose that the planets in the solar system are arranged in such a strange anomalous order in an artificial way. Who could have done this and why?

Jupiter is a shield for planet Earth

The fifth planet from the Sun - the gas giant Jupiter - is in many ways a great mystery for scientists. It is in a completely atypical orbit for such a planet. As if someone specially arranged this planet so that it served as a cosmic shield for the Earth. Jupiter plays the role of a kind of "trap", intercepting objects that otherwise would have fallen into our planet.

Suffice it to recall the events of July 1994, when fragments of the Shoemaker-Aevi comet crashed into Jupiter with great speed, the area of \u200b\u200bthe explosions was then comparable to the diameter of our planet. And here are more recent cases. In 2009, Australian amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley observed an asteroid falling onto Jupiter. Wesley's data was confirmed by professional astronomers. On September 10, 2012, again, an amateur astronomer from the United States, George Hall, recorded the collision of Jupiter with a huge asteroid. If he fell to Earth, our civilization would cease to exist.

Although Jupiter is the main shield of the Earth, Saturn also helps him. According to the calculations of scientists, if these planets were absent in our solar system or they were in another place, there would be no intelligent life on Earth. Our planet would be "bombarded" a thousand times more often by asteroids and large meteorites, and every 10 thousand years a catastrophic collision would take place, putting life on the brink of destruction.

So, Jupiter is located in such a way that it actively protects our planet and life on it from comets and asteroids - killers. Is this accidental? Judging by other planetary systems, it is no coincidence. Relatively recently, scientists, based on the existence of a large number of planetary systems with two luminaries, proposed a hypothesis that the second unrealized star in our solar system is Jupiter. It, like the Sun, consists of hydrogen and helium and already now gives off more energy into space than it receives from the Sun.

True, there is a hypothesis that Jupiter was already the sun, they claim that in very ancient texts there are descriptions of two suns. Supporters of the hypothesis believe that Jupiter "turned off" the supercivilization that created our solar system. The question arises: why did she do it? It is believed to save the Earth. The two luminaries could approach each other, the subsequent explosion would destroy our entire planetary system. In addition, Jupiter is like a reserve sun, when the active sun will use up all its "ammunition", our space curators can "turn on" it to provide all the planets with heat and light.

Are UFOs Repairing the Sun?

It never surprised you that during solar eclipses the disc of the moon perfectly overlaps the disc of the sun? And this happens with a huge difference in diameters: the Moon is 3500 km, and the Sun is 1400000 km. Although the luminary was 400 times larger than the Earth's satellite, it is also 400 times farther from our planet. Many see this as only a unique coincidence, but there are also those who speak about the special intention of the Creators of the Solar System, all the more there is a hypothesis about the artificial origin of the Moon. there is historical informationthat once it was not in the sky, it means that it was "adjusted" exactly to the point that ensures such a coincidence of the disks of the Sun and the Moon.

Remembering the Sun, it is worth dwelling on the facts that directly indicate that amazing and mysterious events are taking place in our planetary. In 2005, an expert from the European Space Agency, Dutch astrophysicist Pierce van der Meer, said that there are signs of an impending disaster - the explosion of the Sun and the death of mankind. The scientist pointed out that the usual internal temperature of the Sun was 15 million degrees Celsius, and in 2005 it reached 27 million! The astrophysicist associated the process of global warming with the warming up of the Sun.

The scientist calculated that the explosion of the Sun will occur in 2011-2012. Fortunately, the disaster has passed us. Was Pierce van der Meer mistaken, or did some external forces interfere with the processes occurring on the Sun? In 2010-2012, near the Sun were observed more than once giant ufo, the frames with them were made with the help of the SOHO and STEREO space observatories, observing the processes on our luminary. It was recorded how some UFOs "dived" into the Sun, while others flew out of it.

It is curious that after the "hype" on the Internet about these UFOs near the Sun from the frames of the official NASA STEREO website, these objects suddenly disappeared, and the first to disappear were UFOs, clearly having a man-made shape. What did UFOs do on the Sun, maybe they were repairing it? But what if Pierce van der Meer was right and our cosmic benefactors saved us from inevitable death? By the way, after the most powerful flash on the Sun on February 25, 2014, a whole fleet of huge UFOs was again seen near our star ...

Vitaly Golubev

New version of the appearance of the solar system

Planet order

Not so long ago, such a statement would have caused a storm of indignation among any self-respecting astrophysicist, and most likely, it all ended with the usual listing of several options for the origin of our solar system. However, today a number of researchers not only do not reject this version, but already consider it the main one. What is the reason? Let's try to figure it out.

It all started with observations from NASA's Kepler space observatory. The satellite was launched in 2009, and in 2013 it was out of order due to loss of orientation in space. The observatory was equipped with an incredibly sensitive photometer and was specifically designed to search for exoplanets, that is, planets outside our solar system, like Earth. The device's ability to observe more than 100,000 stars at the same time very quickly enabled scientists to obtain incredible data on other solar systems.

In early 2010, the Kepler-33 planetary system was discovered by the observatory. The star Kepler-33 itself, located in the constellation Cygnus, was larger than our Sun, and the planets orbiting it were very close to the parent star. But the main questions from scientists were not even caused by these factors, but by the fact that almost all 5 planets were located according to a strict ranking, that is, the sizes of the planets decreased with distance from the star. Researchers initially attributed this observation to an exception to the rule, since the planets are located chaotically in our home solar system and this was considered the norm, but the further work of the observatory has categorically changed the opinion of many of them.

The fact is that as we studied another 146 stellar systems, information about which Kepler provided, it turned out that in each of them the planets revolve around the star in the same order as in the Kepler-33 system. That is, according to these observations, the solar system with the planet Earth is rather an exception to the rule, and not a standard. Indeed, in our solar system, small planets such as Mercury, Venus and Earth are closer to the Sun, and the largest Jupiter and Saturn are located in the middle. Such facts by themselves prompted many scientists to think about the artificial origin of the solar system.

Planets and the Moon are oriented towards the Earth

As they studied the solar system, researchers made a number of rather strange conclusions. Despite the fact that all the planets rotate around the Sun, it turned out that they are all in a special way attuned to the Earth. So Mercury moves very synchronously with the Earth and every 116 times it rises on the same straight line with the Earth and the Sun, and at the same time, interestingly, it always turns to the Earth by the same side.

Venus behaves in a similar way - once every 584 days it approaches the Earth as close as possible, but again, it is always located on the same side to our planet. Not to mention that this planet rotates counterclockwise, unlike others - an explanation for this phenomenon has not yet been found.

The planets of our solar system are capable of rotating in different planes, unlike other planetary systems that Kepler discovered, where exoplanets fly in almost the same plane and the angle of inclination of their orbits to this plane does not exceed one degree. After all, if we assume that some alien Kepler will observe our Sun and track our planets along their transits, he will miss many - first of all, Mercury and Venus.

It is worth mentioning about the only natural satellite of the Earth, whose name is the Moon. The satellite of the Earth is strikingly different from the satellites of other planets of the solar system. The vast majority of satellites are very small compared to the parent planet. The moon is only 6 times smaller in diameter than the Earth. It was also found that from the surface of the Earth the apparent diameter of the Moon coincides with the apparent diameter of the Sun. And the laws of mechanics governing the interactions between the Earth and the Moon are so finely tuned that, despite the fact that the Moon rotates around its axis, it always faces the Earth with the same side, that is, the rotation of the Moon around the Earth and around its own axis is synchronized. Is it possible that synchronization of this level was formed as a result of natural processes?

Jupiter and Saturn - Earth Protectors

When in July 2009, Australian astronomer Anthony Wesley, who dedicated his life to studying Jupiter, discovered that an Earth-sized object had crashed into the planet, it caused an incredible stir among scientists. Astronomers watched in dread as a strange black patch spread across Jupiter's south pole. Then it was assumed that this is a huge comet or asteroid. If something like this happened on Earth, hundreds of millions of people would die.

This is far from the only case where Jupiter gets in the way of comets. A similar phenomenon was observed in 1994, when fragments of the Shoemaker-Levy comet crashed into the giant's atmosphere at a speed of 64 km / s, causing incredibly powerful disturbances in the cloud cover. Nathan Kaib, an astronomer from the University of Washington said on this occasion that the Earth from collisions with comets and asteroids is protected by the gravitational fields of the gas giant planets Saturn and Jupiter, and for hundreds of millions of years they act as powerful shields, preventing dangerous ones from reaching our planet space objects.

According to the data provided by the scientists to the Daily Telegraph newspaper, powerful gravitational fields are just in the path of most of the majority of large comets that appear from the so-called Oort Cloud. It turns out that without the protection of these two giants, the Earth would become an object of constant bombing, but at the moment the earthlings are under protection. Is it possible that such a defense is just a factor of coincidence.

Question or statement

So, the solar system is artificial - is this a question or a statement? Of course, at this stage, and most likely for thousands of years, this topic will remain a question. Because human knowledge is always based on the already proposed stock of scientific discoveries and, often, scientists who, in their opinion, possess an unshakable and indestructible basis, in fact, turn out to be the most real conservatives of science.

But let's look at the question from the other side. Throughout the history of the existence of mankind, millions of people have existed and still exist on Earth for whom the artificial origin of our solar system is not a question. These are believers. Since ancient times, man believed that he and the world in which he lives and is - created. The image of God often looks different, depending on the religious orientation of the population of one or another part of our planet, but it is everywhere. The very existence of this image already suggests that in human consciousness and understanding from the day of its inception, a certain unshakable truth has been laid, which underlies behavior and morality, that is, on which all intellectual and scientific activity person.

More recently, our solar system appeared before astronomers in a single, so to speak, instance. Now the number is out solar planets reaches almost two hundred! This hardly means that as many "solar" planetary systems have been discovered. However, who knows? For the abundance of extrasolar planets (exoplanets), we somehow forgot about our own planets. And they, too, are fraught with many mysteries.


Planets closest to us (planets terrestrial group) - Mercury, Venus and Mars - can be called sisters of the Earth. Then there are the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn with a whole suite of satellites and smaller planets - Uranus, Neptune and the last of the planets known to us, by a mass five times less than Earth, Pluto with the satellite Charon. True, Pluto was recently officially deprived of the title of planet due to its smallness. Are there planets beyond Pluto? Candidates have already been found, but their existence requires confirmation.

Curious patterns

If you survey the solar system, so to speak, as a whole and take a look at it in your mind's eye, you can find curious patterns. One of them was identified back in the 18th century by I.D. Titius and I.E. Bode. Its essence boils down to the fact that the distances of the planets from the Sun, measured in segments equal to the distance from the Earth to it, represent a geometric progression. If Mercury, Venus, Mars, the hypothetical Phaeton (possibly located in the current asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are assigned the numbers minus one, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight, then their distances from the Sun in units equal to the distance from the Earth to the Sun will obey a strange formula (Titius-Bode rule): 0.4 plus 0.3 multiplied by two to the power of n, where n is the above-mentioned ordinal number of the planet! The figures calculated using the above formula are strikingly consistent with direct measurements of distances to planets (in parentheses - actual data): Mercury - 0.5 (0.4), Venus - 0.7 (0.7), Earth - 1.0 (1.0), Mars - 1.6 (1.5), Phaethon - 2.8 (2.8), Jupiter - 5.2 (5.2), Saturn - 10.0 (9.5), Uranus - 19.6 (19.2), Neptune - 38.8 (30.1), Pluto - 77.2 (39.5). As you can see, only Neptune and Pluto fall out of the established rule!


The planet closest to the Sun is Mercury. True, it was once believed that there is a small planet even closer to the Sun. But this fact was not confirmed. Mercury is the speed record holder among the planets. Running around the Sun in 88 Earth days, it develops a speed of up to 54 kilometers per second! The earth flies at speeds up to 30 kilometers per second.
Until 1965, it was believed that Mercury is always facing the Sun with one side. But, as shown by radar studies, Mercury turns to the Sun in turn with one side or the other. But when approaching the Earth, he always turns to her with one side.

morning Star

Our closest neighbor, Venus, can rightfully be called the true twin of the Earth. Like Mercury, it has no satellite. Venus is similar to Earth in size and density of matter. Its dense atmosphere has caused a lot of trouble for astronomers, since it tightly closes the planet's surface from outside sight. Many of the most important information about this planet was received by 16 Soviet interplanetary stations type "Venus". Its surface temperature turned out to be equal to almost 500 degrees, and the pressure reaches one hundred atmospheres (as in the earth's ocean at a kilometer depth!). Venus makes one revolution around its axis in as many as 243 Earth days! Moreover, in the opposite rotation relative to all other planets. But here's a mystery: the Venusian clouds are accelerated by winds up to 130 kilometers per hour and run around their planet in just four Earth days! What forces are driving the clouds is unknown!

Red Planet

The famous Martian canals still live in the minds of curious people. Indeed, what was it?
But under the impression of the opening of the canals by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli, Herbert Wells wrote the novel "War of the Worlds"! But here's what is curious: on the surface of Mars, not only channels were observed, but also geometric figures! We refer to the authority of the American scientific journal Scientific American No. 1, January 1926, containing a letter from the then famous astronomer William Henry Pickering. The letter said: "When Mars approaches the Earth at a minimum distance, geometric shapes regularly appear on its surface! According to Schiaparelli, he observed the famous cross in 1879. In the following years, the cross disappeared.
In the approach to Mars in 1892, in the Arequipa region, regular pentagon about two thousand kilometers in size! In opposition (the closest approach to the Earth) in 1924, an absolutely regular five-pointed star appeared on the surface of the planet! Dr. Trumpler of Lick Observatory even sketched this figure and showed the channels from which it was "constructed" ... I would like to wish the Martians to do these drawings more often than once every fifteen years. "
The famous astrophysicist Joseph Shklovsky in his book "Universe, Life, Mind" writes: "Systematic and rather large changes are observed on Mars. For example, the Lake of the Sun has almost completely disappeared from the surface of this planet, and Schiaparelli saw this formation as a sharp spot of almost round shape" ...

In the "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society" for December 1901, a strange message appeared by the well-known American astronomer Perciwap Lovell. According to him, during the confrontation in 1894, about four hundred (!) Outbreaks of unknown nature were recorded on Mars for nine months! Since there has since been strong evidence of the movement of these points of light, it remains "the only suspicion of something floating in the Martian atmosphere and reflecting light."
In modern times, only Japanese astronomers have reported on outbreaks on Mars. According to the testimony of the astronomer Tsuneo Saeki, he saw "a bright luminous point near Lake Titonus, shining with a flickering light for five minutes." In 1954, the Japanese observed two similar flares on Mars and in 1958, four. From this fact, supporters of the habitability of Mars have drawn a conclusion about the connection of these "signals" with atomic explosions on Earth. In their opinion, the prohibition and, therefore, the cessation of nuclear tests on Earth prompted the Martians to stop “signaling”.


The asteroid Hector puzzled XX century astronomers with its cylindrical shape 110 kilometers long and 20 kilometers in diameter (according to the latest data, its dimensions are three times larger!). It is unclear how he did not collapse from centrifugal forces when rotating? Astrophysicist L.V. Ksanfomality even suggested: "Is the asteroid Hector made of stainless steel?" Asteroid Vesta presented astronomers with a big surprise: it turned out that it was "composed" of materials formed at very high temperatures and pressures, which can manifest themselves only in the bowels of planets the size of the Earth!
At one time K.E. Tsiolkovsky wrote that people will control asteroids like "we control horses." Some steps in this direction have already been taken.