Reptilians are going to take over the earth on August 21. Golden light of black holes

Why doesn't the Orthodox Church switch to the Gregorian calendar? Many are sincerely convinced that there are two Christmas - Catholic on December 25 and Orthodox on January 7. Wouldn't the transition to the Gregorian calendar save a person from having to make another choice between truth and deceit? My friend's mother is a sincere believer and all the years that I have known her, for her New Year - this is a contradiction between fasting and a general holiday. We live in a secular state with its own rules and regulations, which in last years took many steps towards the Church. Let these steps correct past mistakes, but if you go towards each other, you can meet much faster than waiting for a meeting and not moving yourself.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

The calendar problem is incomparably more serious than the question of which table we will sit at once a year on New Year's Eve: fast or fast. The calendar concerns the sacred times of the people, their holidays. The calendar determines the order and rhythm of religious life. Therefore, the issue of calendar changes seriously affects the spiritual foundations of society.

The world exists in time. God the Creator has established a certain periodicity in the movement of the luminaries so that man can measure and order time. And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to separate day from night, and for signs and seasons and days and years (Genesis 1:14). Systems for counting long periods of time, based on the apparent motions of celestial bodies, are usually called calendars (from calendae - the first day of each month among the Romans). The cyclical movement of such astronomical bodies as the Earth, the Sun and the Moon is of prime importance for the construction of calendars. The need to streamline time appears already at the dawn of human history. The social, economic and practical life of any people is unthinkable without this. However, it was not only these reasons that made the calendar necessary. The religious life of any nation is impossible without a calendar. In the worldview of ancient man, the calendar was a visible and impressive expression of the triumph of the Divine order over chaos. The majestic constancy in the movement of the heavenly bodies, the mysterious and irreversible movement of time suggested an intelligent structure of the world.

By the time the Christian statehood was born, mankind had already had a rather diverse calendar experience. There were calendars: Hebrew, Chaldean, Egyptian, Chinese, Hindu and others. However, according to Divine Providence, the calendar of the Christian era was the Julian calendar, developed in 46 and came from January 1, 45 BC. to replace the imperfect lunar Roman calendar. It was developed by the Alexandrian astronomer Sozigen on behalf of Julius Caesar, who then combined the power of the dictator and consul with the title pontifex maximus (high priest). Therefore, the calendar began to be called julian... The period of complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun was taken as the astronomical year, and the calendar year was determined to be 365 days long. There was a difference with the astronomical year, which was slightly more - 365.2425 days (5 hours 48 minutes 47 seconds). To eliminate this discrepancy, a leap year (annus bissextilis) was introduced: one day was added every four years in February. In the new calendar, there was also a place for its outstanding initiator: the Roman month of Quintiles was renamed July (on behalf of Julius).

The fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, held in Nicaea in 325, decided to celebrate Easter on the first Sunday after the full moon, which falls after the vernal equinox. At that time, according to the Julian calendar, the vernal equinox fell on March 21. The Holy Fathers of the Council, proceeding from the Gospel sequence of events associated with the Death on the Cross and the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, made sure that the New Testament Easter, while maintaining its historical connection with the Old Testament Easter (which is always celebrated on Nisan 14), would be independent of it and always celebrated later. If there is a coincidence, then the rules dictate to move to the next full moon. This was so significant for the fathers of the Council that they agreed to make this main Christian holiday mobile. At the same time, the solar calendar was combined with the lunar calendar: the motion of the moon with a change in its phases was introduced into the Julian calendar, which is strictly oriented to the sun. To calculate the phases of the moon, the so-called cycles of the moon were used, that is, the periods after which the phases of the moon returned approximately on the same days of the Julian year. There are several cycles. The Roman church used an 84-year cycle almost until the 6th century. Since the 3rd century, the Alexandrian Church has used the most accurate 19-year cycle discovered by the Athenian mathematician of the 5th century BC. Meton. In the 6th century, the Roman Church adopted the Alexandrian Passover. This was a fundamentally important event. All Christians began to celebrate Easter on the same day. This unity continued until the 16th century, when the unity of Western and Eastern Christians in celebrating Holy Easter and other holidays was broken. The calendar reform was undertaken by Pope Gregory XIII. Its preparation was entrusted to a commission headed by the Jesuit Chrysophus Claudius. The new calendar was developed by the teacher of the University of Perugia Luigi Lilio (1520-1576). Only astronomical considerations were taken into account, not religious ones. Since the day of the vernal equinox, which was March 21 during the Nicene Council, shifted by ten days (by the second half of the 16th century, according to the Julian calendar, the equinox was on March 11), the days of the month moved 10 days forward: immediately after the 4th the number was not supposed to be the 5th, as usual, but the 15th of October 1582. The duration of the Gregorian year became equal to 365.24250 days of the tropical year, i.e. more by 26 seconds (0.00030 days).

Although the calendar year as a result of the reform has become closer to the tropical year, the Gregorian calendar has a number of significant shortcomings. Keeping track of large periods is more difficult in the Gregorian calendar than in the Julian calendar. The length of calendar months is different and ranges from 28 to 31 days. Months of different lengths alternate randomly. The length of the quarters is different (from 90 to 92 days). The first half of the year is always shorter than the second (three days in a simple year and two days in a leap year). The days of the week do not coincide with any fixed dates. Therefore, not only the years, but also the months begin on different days of the week. Most months have "split weeks". All this creates considerable difficulties for the work of planning and financial bodies (they complicate the calculation of wages, make it difficult to compare the results of work for different months, etc.). Could not keep the Gregorian calendar for March 21 and the vernal equinox. The displacement of the equinox, discovered in the II century. BC Greek scientist Hipparchus, in astronomy is called precession... It is caused by the fact that the Earth does not have the shape of a ball, but a spheroid, flattened at the poles. The forces of attraction from the Sun and the Moon act in different ways on different parts of the spheroidal Earth. As a result, with the simultaneous rotation of the Earth and its movement around the Sun, the Earth's axis of rotation describes a cone about a perpendicular to the orbital plane. Because of the precession, the vernal equinox moves along the ecliptic to the west, that is, towards the apparent motion of the Sun.

The imperfections of the Gregorian calendar caused discontent as early as the 19th century. Even then, proposals began to be put forward to carry out a new calendar reform. Professor of Dorpat (now Tartu) University I.G. Medler (1794-1874) proposed in 1864 instead of the Gregorian style to use a more accurate counting, with thirty-one leap years every 128 years. The American astronomer, founder and first president of the American Astronomical Society, Simon Newcomb (1835-1909), advocated a return to the Julian calendar. Thanks to the proposal of the Russian Astronomical Society in 1899, a special Commission was formed under it on the issue of calendar reform in Russia. This Commission met from May 3, 1899 to February 21, 1900. An outstanding church researcher, Professor VV Bolotov, took part in the work. He decisively advocated the preservation of the Julian calendar: “If it is believed that Russia should also abandon the Julian style, then the reform of the calendar, without sinning against logic, should be expressed in the following:

a) uneven months should be replaced with uniform ones;

b) by the measure of a solar tropical year, it should shorten all years of the conventional accepted chronology;

c) Medler's amendment should be preferred to the Gregorian one as more accurate.

But I myself find that the abolition of the Julian style in Russia is by no means desirable. I remain a determined admirer of the Julian calendar. Its extreme simplicity is its scientific advantage over any revised calendars. I think that the cultural mission of Russia on this issue is to keep the Julian calendar in life for a few more centuries and thereby make it easier for Western peoples to return from unnecessary Gregorian reform to the unspoiled old style. " In 1923 the Church of Constantinople introduced new Julian the calendar. The calendar was developed by the Yugoslav astronomer, professor of mathematics and celestial mechanics at the University of Belgrade Milutin Milankovic (1879 - 1956). This calendar, which is based on a 900 year cycle, will coincide completely with the Gregorian for the next 800 years (until 2800). 11 Local Orthodox Churches, which switched to the New Julian calendar, preserved the Alexandrian Passover, based on the Julian calendar, and the non-passing holidays began to be celebrated according to Gregorian dates.

First of all, the transition to the Gregorian calendar (this is what the letter refers to) means the destruction of that Passover, which is the great achievement of the holy fathers of the 4th century. Our domestic scientist-astronomer Professor EA Predtechensky wrote: “This collective work, in all likelihood of many unknown authors, is done in such a way that it still remains unsurpassed. The later Roman Paschal, now adopted by the Western Church, is, in comparison with the Alexandrian, so heavy and awkward that it resembles a popular print next to an artistic depiction of the same object. For all that, this terribly complex and clumsy machine still does not achieve its intended goal. " (Predtechensky E. "Church time: reckoning and a critical review of the existing rules for determining Easter." St. Petersburg, 1892, pp. 3-4).

The transition to the Gregorian calendar will lead to serious canonical violations, because Apostolic Rules are not allowed to celebrate Holy Passover before the Jewish Passover and on the same day with the Jews: If anyone, a bishop, or a presbyter, or a deacon, will celebrate the holy day of Easter before the vernal equinox with the Jews: let him be cast out from the holy order (rule 7). The Gregorian calendar leads Catholics to break this rule. They celebrated Easter before the Jews in 1864, 1872, 1883, 1891, together with the Jews in 1805, 1825, 1903, 1927 and 1981. Since the transition to the Gregorian calendar would add 13 days, the Peter's fast would be reduced by the same number of days, since it ends annually on the same day - June 29 / July 12. In some years the Peter's post would simply disappear. We are talking about those years when there is late Easter. It is also necessary to think about the fact that the Lord God performs His Sign at the Holy Sepulcher (the descent of the Holy Fire) on Holy Saturday according to the Julian calendar.

It is finished, gentlemen earthlings! Incredible, Sensational News for You! -

Long awaited by earthlings, the process cosmic reality, namely, the beginning of a grandiose UFO war -

  1. on the one hand, for the prison-planet and the Church-planet the aetheroid god Yahweh-Adonai from the Andromeda Nebula galaxy, Earth-Gaia,
  2. and on the other hand, for the ancient resort planet of the alien gods, high Grays, the Orion Empire, Teegeik, and at the same time, as for the planet Terra (Earth) of the Orion Empire's ally, the Draco Federation represented by the reptoid aliens (draconians) of our galaxy, !

From the depths of space, as stated by the president of NASA (see below), they are rapidly approaching to Earth-Gae-Tidzheik-Terra armada of unknown alien ships Empires of Orion, Lords of the Galaxy " Milky Way", Which should enter, on the day large-scale solar eclipse, August 21, 2017, in the decisive space UFO skirmish with the etheric UFO forces of the Invaders of Earth-Gaea-Tegeik-Terra from Andromeda and with the UFO-forces of their physical servants and puppets from the Galacon, the Galactic Federation-Coalition of Light-Evil, or with the so-called "gods" and "angels" (in quotes ) the cosmos-Universe of all earthly, the Yahweh-Christo-zombified, prison-church population, the “arrival-flocks” of ram-bleating prayer-meditators of the planet, so that

  1. first, return, FINALLY, planet Teegeic Terru under the control of the Orion Empire,
  2. to open to the People of Earth, their new synthesis race homo-sapiens, the race of progressors and warriors of the future space (the race of "demon-people" and "dehumanized" in the words of the degenerate gods of the Earth, the lord of El Morya, in particular), its new 6th, homo-civilization of the planet Earth-Tidzheik-Terra - UFO doors to endless space, secondly,
  3. and thirdly, launch a new evolutionary expansion process, terra-formation and settlement of new PEOPLE of the Earth - the entire Universe,
  4. which, fourthly, as a super-race and a new kind of "galactic humanity", were the fruit and a million-year-old goal of the entire progressor, secret, Illuminati and human-reptoid, synthesized activity of the Absolute! .. (Higher Mind, God, Creator , Creations, Universe etc ...

Ave Rome! Ave Caesar, Vitaturi te Salutant!
Ave Civilization of Terra-Orion!

So Sensational News the author of the site "Pangalaktika" is not at all a personal fantasy or fiction, although he has been waiting for this for many years, as well as philosophically and analytically as a scientist of the Earth-Tidzheik-Tterra, understood the whole PRISON-CHURCH (negligible prayer, Yahweh-degenerate, meditative) The situation Earth, which is why in the mass of its predictive Messages and Analytics, and for 5 years already - and told all its readers - about DEEP spiritual and secret (conspiracy) Preparation to this grandiose pan- space Event, philosophically panoramic and ufo-logically revealing to the people of the planet-Church of Yahweh-Adonai - all the spiritual and existential Truth about the Earth, as about the prison of the peoples of the galaxy (and even space)! .. See below -

11 January 2016

A giant UFO over planet Earth: lifting the Veil or breaking the Blockade?

21 May 2016

Invader Souls as the Higher Self or the Conquest of the Planet in Yahvestrian Style


Therefore, firstly, the author will report (quote) a Sensational text from the Source of such sensational News with photos and links to the original, and secondly, given the psychological shock of perception, he will immediately inform his readers that What they will read about below is not inevitability our Reality, our Space-Time Continuum, but - quite a Terrible Warning About Possible Scenarios and for all of us! - For somewhere, in one or in many variants-continuums of Reality - everything quoted below in an interview with an American filmmaker HAPPENED, gentlemen earthlings! Why is Neil Blompkamp, \u200b\u200bthe famous US film director, his soul and mind, resonating to the Information of his double-take from the Future, and so confident in the One Coming upon us!

Third, the author would like declare, and the following, not unimportant, is his analytical, ufological and personal opinion that the Source, Neil Blompkamp, \u200b\u200band his secret informants (insiders) are absolutely WRONG submit Information about this Eventcalling the UFO armada flying towards the Earth, the forces Orion empires « aggressors " and "reptoids", reptilians in the original (! ??), since those false friends of Earth-earthlingsWho gave Neil this Information, clearly, from the MILL of Enemies of the Earth-earthlings! .. And they try to distort the picture of Events at the start - on the contrary false and PROFITABLE for them!

Therefore, before quoting to you, earthlings, the Sensation-UFO-News of "Pangalaxy", the author and PRESENTED at the very beginning of his given Message true, not false cosmic Situation - and about the STATUS of Terra-Terra as a colony and a prison-church occupiers from Andromeda, firstly, and that these are not some kind of monsters of space and "reptilians", but the Liberation Forces of the Orion Empire, which regains the Real Estate of Tegeik (Terra-Earth), which was said and warned by aliens, KON, back in 1996 in 4th Aliens to Humanity under the nickname "Good and bad guys in space"! .. That is, Information-Sensation by American director Neil Blumkamp below, everyone it is necessary to read and BETWEEN its lines!

Please, gentlemen earthlings!

Director Neil Blomkamp: "On August 21, 2017, during the Great Solar Eclipse, the Reptilians will openly take over America and then the whole Earth ..."

American serious magazine journalist Serious New UFO-logy Magazine, Harry Smotters, 26 July 2017, interviewed iconic US filmmaker Neill Blomkamp, \u200b\u200bwho has directed such well-known science fiction films as Chappy the Robot, Elysium - Heaven Not on Earth and The Neighborhood No. 9 "

Here summary this interview:

Harry: “Neil, at the end of May, you were interviewed for The Telegraph and warned humanity that we are all in mortal danger. I will quote your words from that interview:

“This is not just a teaser for the movie. This is a warning to all earthlings. I'm in a hurry to release this film as a flare. People who have not forgotten how to think and see above their plate and computer screen, understand everything.

I'm not talking about the herd, into which 80% of the earthlings were driven. They drove away with invented dogmas, religions, and fairy tales for the uninitiated. But I want to convey to all of them: “You are in danger. Soon!"

“We all know, but we are afraid to admit to ourselves the real truth that is happening on our planet. We are afraid of this truth being revealed. We've been intimidated for millennia.

Over the past 30 years, people like me have tried to make all science fiction films as a hint, how to open the veil a little. Among those who know something, there are a lot of those who want to convey the truth to “ ordinary people”. After all, this applies to all of US. Simple Earthlings. "

“Have you ever wondered why so many science fiction films are being produced now. Films are not easy with effects and plot. But they have a hidden meaning - to hide a tree in the forest, to lead people in the opposite direction; and at least to confuse "ordinary earthlings" so that they generally get everything confused in their heads! And to provide everything, either as a TALE, or as a FANTASY. Those. showing them the truth in the form of a fantasy, people are brought to the point that the real truth seems to them already a fantasy! And they will bury themselves on televisions again. "

Harry: Your studio even made a warning and iconic film on this subject! Why was this interview not published in the media? "

Neil: ”Harry, do you think that those, whom Reptilians created over 6,000 years ago, as a separate species of humanity from their cages, to watch over us, not so that they “feed” us?

So, this species has achieved an incredible advantage over humanity today, and now they have unlimited power over the Earth and the media, and will they allow me to tell the truth? Who owns our media? - Them! I still don’t understand how I haven’t been killed, like many others. But even if they kill me, my film will reach people and make them think! ”

Harry: Neil, how do you know all this? Who are you connected with? Are there alien resistance groups on Earth?

Neil: As I said in the last interview, I will repeat myself. All information I receive from the circle of peoplewho fights with them... And whose ancestors also fought with them. This struggle has been going on for millennia.

Based on the information I had at that time, I made a film about 2020, but now with new information, I can responsibly declare that this will begin exactly from 21 August 2017 of the year.

Why? Yes, just because, as I was told, their space fleet has already entered our solar system, and by August 20 it will already reach the Moon and cluster on its dark side.

And they'll start B rush to Americawhen she plunges into complete darkness, for August 21 will be complete solar eclipse over the USA.

And the very next day open capture of all countries of the Earth will begin... The whole planet ...

And I think that their clone-predictor on Earth, too, can do something Global by this time. Some huge catastrophe, or even start a new World War, for a red herring.

21st August 2017 open seizure of the Earth will begin! And up to this date, the Reptilian Predictor clone, created by them more than 6000 years ago, and occupying key positions in many countries by his fellow tribesmen, will begin to act…”


Full interview with Neil Blomkamp in the new issue of the magazine Serious New Ufology Magazine

But the most interesting, and in support of Neil Blomkamp's words, this is what says andfamous astrophysicist, Claudia megan “Meg” Urry, President of the American Astronomical Society (NASA), in her public talk last week:

Hundreds of strange objects have entered our solar system, they are moving towards the Earth very fast... At this rate they will reach Earth by August 20... We need to do something! .. "


As you can see, dear readers and fans of the author's Pangalaktika, in this is pretty SERIOUS! - And it means -

  1. That's why the USA for more than 3 years, from the moment Maidan in Kiev, ATTENTION! - i.e. since the physical and UFO intervention of the enemies of the Earth, the Nordics of Galakon-Andromeda, into the policy (councils) of Russia and the massive airborne assault of their UFOs in Rostov and the region, which the author also reported, namely, this country "Foolish" is they say "the foot of the god Yahweh"! - America and threw thousands and thousands of its objects military equipment and WEAPONS to Europe! And now even our soldiers to Poland, the Baltic states and directly to Ukraine!
  2. And Putler, the servant-slave of Yahweh and the serpents of the Markaba-Zionists of the Earth, the separatists of the Orion Empire, today, and in response to the Americans - prepares his own orcs - over several thousand wagons with military equipment, are being transferred to the Western borders of Russia and Belarus, as preparation for the peaceful military exercises "West-2017" ...


And does it not BECOME very clear MUCH, gentlemen, in connection with this? And in particular, such an agreed and friendly meeting of the G20 leaders without Putler? A plus, surprisingly consistentInitiatives EU and NATO & USA-Army throughout Europe, the Baltic States and even Georgia and Ukraine?

Ave Rome! Ave Caesar!
Ave Empire Orion!

Two days ago, Gary Smotters, a journalist for the American serious magazine Serious New Ufology Magazine, interviewed iconic director Neill Blomkamp, \u200b\u200bwho directed such famous science fiction films as: "Robot Called Chappy""Elysium is not a paradise on Earth","District number 9".

Here is a summary of this interview:

Gary: “Neil, at the end of May, you were interviewed for The Telegraph and warned humanity that we are all in mortal danger. I will quote your words from that interview:

“This is not just a teaser for the movie. This is a warning to all earthlings. I'm in a hurry to release this film as a flare. People who have not forgotten how to think and see above their plate and computer screen, understand everything. I'm not talking about the herd into which 80% of the earthlings were herded. They were driven by invented dogmas, religions, and fairy tales for the uninitiated. But I want to convey to all of them: “You are in danger. Soon!"

“We all know, but we are afraid to admit to ourselves the real truth that is happening on our planet. We are afraid of this truth being revealed. We've been intimidated for millennia. Over the past 30 years, people like me have tried to make all science fiction films as a hint, how to open the veil a little. Among those who know something, there are a lot of those who want to convey the truth to “ordinary people”. After all, this applies to all of US. Simple Earthlings. "

“Have you ever wondered why so many science fiction films are being produced now. Films are not easy with effects and plot. But they have a hidden meaning - to hide the tree in the forest, to take it to the opposite side; and at least to confuse "ordinary earthlings" so that they generally get everything confused in their heads! All to provide, or as a FAIRY TALE, or as a FANTASY. Show them the truth in the form of fantasy! And then the truth will seem to them a fantasy! "

Your studio even made a warning and iconic film on the subject! Why was this interview not published in the media? "

Neil: "Gary, do you think that those who were created by the Reptilians over 6,000 years ago as a separate species of humanity from their cells, to watch over us, so that they" feed "us, and this species has achieved an incredible advantage over humanity and now have unlimited power, will they let me tell the truth? Look who owns our media? Them! I still don’t understand how I haven’t been killed yet, like many others. But even if they kill me, my film will reach people and make them think! ”

Gary: Neil, where do you know all this from? Who are you connected with? Are there alien resistance groups on Earth?

Nile: As I said in the last interview, I will repeat myself. All information I receive from the circle of people who are fighting with them. And whose ancestors fought them. This struggle has been going on for millennia. Based on the information I have at that time, I made a film about 2020, but now with new information, I can responsibly declare that this will begin on August 21, 2017.
Why? Their space fleet has already entered our solar system and by August 20 it will have reached the Moon and will be grouped on its dark side. They will launch an invasion of America when it plunges into total darkness. August 21, when will full eclipse... And the next day, the open seizure of all countries will begin. The whole planet. I think that their clone on Earth can do something global by this time. Some huge disaster or even to begin world war , for a red herring.

On August 21, the open seizure of the Earth will begin. And before that date, the reptilian clone, created over 6000 years ago and occupying key positions in many countries, will begin to operate. "

Read the full interview with Neil Blomkamp in the new Serious New Ufology Magazine.

But, what is most interesting in confirmation of the words of Neil Blomkamp ...

Famed astrophysicist Claudia Megan “Meg” Urry, President of the American Astronomical Society, in a public report to NASA, said last week:

“Hundreds of strange objects have entered our solar system, they are moving towards the Earth very quickly. At this rate, they will reach Earth by August 20. We have to do something!

Source -

Two days ago, the journalist of the American serious magazine Serious New Ufology Magazine, Gary Smotters, interviewed iconic director Neill Blomkamp, \u200b\u200bwho shot such famous science fiction films as: "Robot Called Chappy", "Elysium - Heaven is Not on Earth" , "District No. 9".

Here is a summary of this interview:

Gary: “Neil, at the end of May, you were interviewed for The Telegraph and warned humanity that we are all in mortal danger. I will quote your words from that interview:

“This is not just a teaser for the movie. This is a warning to all earthlings. I'm in a hurry to release this film as a flare. People who have not forgotten how to think and see above their plate and computer screen, understand everything. I'm not talking about the herd into which 80% of the earthlings were herded. They were driven by invented dogmas, religions, and fairy tales for the uninitiated. But I want to convey to all of them: “You are in danger. Soon!"

“We all know, but we are afraid to admit to ourselves the real truth that is happening on our planet. We are afraid of this truth being revealed. We've been intimidated for millennia. Over the past 30 years, people like me have tried to make all science fiction films as a hint, how to open the veil a little. Among those who know something, there are a lot of those who want to convey the truth to “ordinary people”. After all, this applies to all of US. Simple Earthlings. "

“Have you ever wondered why so many science fiction films are being produced now. Films are not easy with effects and plot. But they have a hidden meaning - to hide the tree in the forest, to take it in the opposite direction; and at least to confuse "ordinary earthlings" so that they generally get everything confused in their heads! All to provide, or as a FAIRY TALE, or as a FANTASY. Show them the truth in the form of fantasy! And then the truth will seem to them a fantasy! "

Your studio even made a warning and iconic film on the subject! Why was this interview not published in the media? "

Neil: "Gary, do you think that those who were created by the Reptilians over 6,000 years ago as a separate species of humanity from their cells, to watch over us, so that they" feed "us, and this species has achieved an incredible advantage over humanity and now have unlimited power, will they let me tell the truth? Look who owns our media? Them! I still do not understand how I have not yet been killed, like many others. But even if they kill me, my film will reach people and make them think! ”

Gary: Neil, where do you know all this from? Who are you connected with? Are there alien resistance groups on Earth?
Neil: As I said in the last interview, I'll repeat myself. All information I receive from the circle of people who are fighting with them. And whose ancestors fought them. This struggle has been going on for millennia. Based on the information I have at that time, I made a film about 2020, but now with new information, I can responsibly declare that this will start on August 21, 2017.

Why? Their space fleet has already entered our solar system and by August 20 it will have reached the Moon and will be grouped on its dark side. They will launch an invasion of America when it plunges into total darkness. August 21, when there will be a total eclipse. And the next day, the open seizure of all countries will begin. The whole planet. I think that their clone on Earth can do something global by this time. Some huge catastrophe or even start a world war, for a red herring.

On August 21, the open seizure of the Earth will begin. And before that date, the reptilian clone, created over 6,000 years ago and occupying key positions in many countries, will begin to operate. "

Read the full interview with Neil Blomkamp in the new Serious New Ufology Magazine.

But, what is most interesting in confirmation of the words of Neil Blomkamp ...

What if your supervisor, all of himself a wonderful and exemplary scientist with a good laboratory and interesting projects, constantly glances at your chest?

In early summer, this question was anonymously asked in the career advice column on the magazine's website. Science... In response, they politely and even with understanding were advised to literally "be patient" - and it is easier to treat the boss's behavior until it goes beyond more serious boundaries. The column ended like this: “His attention to your chest may not be desirable, but you need his attention to your scientific work and help. "

So that you understand: Marcy and his scientific teams hold the record for the most open planets outside Solar system... He began his research in the 1980s, when not everyone agreed that there were planets somewhere else in our Galaxy, and discovered 70 of the first 100 exoplanets. His surname is easy to find in the list of authors of the triumphant July article about the discovery of the "second Earth", an exoplanet Kepler-452b... That summer, he, along with Frank Drake, Stephen Hawking and other colleagues, presented the 100 millionth grant for the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, which was allocated to the university by Yuri Milner.

Based on the results of a six-month university investigation cited by Buzzfeed, "Repeatedly" covers the period from 2001 to 2010: four persons involved in the proceedings claim that among Marcy's harassment were, for example, kisses, back massages, which no one asked him to do, and what in Russian probably translates as "paw " (groping).

For Marcy, the university proceedings did not end as harshly as, for example, Walter Lewin in MIT : The university, in fact, just warned the astronomer that if he did not stop breaking the rules, he could face some kind of sanctions, including suspension or dismissal. Astronomer and popular blogger Katie Mack summed up the decision as follows: “Have you been harassing women for ten years? Try not to do this anymore, otherwise we will consider ... well, some measures. "

Marcy himself, when this story began to surface, made an apology addressed to the professional community. The scientist writes that it is “hard for him to express how painful it is [for him] to realize that [he] has become a source of suffering for his female colleagues, no matter how unintentional it may be,” now, 13 years after the beginning of the period covered by the proceedings.

Marcy does not agree with all the complaints about him (the most serious - that he crawled a woman under her skirt - completely denies), but still wondering what exactly in those ten years - kissing, massage or frivolous touching of strangers - seems to him unintentional. In fact, strictly speaking, these complaints by their nature - physical interaction with someone who did not give their consent to this - completely pull themselves not to harassment, but to assault, violence.

He began his research in the 1980s, when not everyone agreed that there were planets somewhere else in our Galaxy, and discovered 70 of the first 100 exoplanets.

The word "harassment" makes other Russian-speaking readers rush to retell horror stories about the fact that an American man should give an American woman a coat or open a door - so a woman in the same coat immediately runs through the same door to sue for harassment. Unhappy men, whose purely good intentions are always misunderstood, suffer from the tyranny of feminism.

An alternative version of the horror story says that an insidious woman can falsely accuse a man of harassment - out of resentment or jealousy, for revenge, extortion, or, presumably, simply because of a bad mood. And so, at the click of women's fingers, the careers and lives of unfortunate men who fell under the distribution of the same feminism collapse.

Such horror stories suggest that for a woman to publicly declare that she has been molested is like going to the store. That the need to retell humiliating details of what you want to forget over and over again, close attention to your virtue, which will be studied under a microscope, and life under the slogan "yourself, you fool, is to blame" is fun and interesting. That the risk of permanently destroying your professional reputation and losing your favorite business are the candles that such a game is worth.

It is also assumed that after such a statement, everyone always automatically takes the side of the woman, believing her unconditionally, and, frankly, it is somehow strange to seriously refute this ridiculous thesis. Even Buzzfeed, who dug up this topic, after the publication, suddenly decided to change the title from "investigation showed that there was harassment" to "these women say that there was harassment" - not thinking that such a turn distorts the essence of the story (and the readers still thought, and in the end Buzzfeed I returned everything as it was).

At best, women simply remain invisible, especially if the person they accuse of harassment is very famous. The acting head of the department, where Marcy works, sent a letter to the department in which he never even mentioned the victims - but wrote that "Jeff is the hardest now."

And even horror stories suggest that a woman goes through life, intently examining every word and action of men around - whether it is harassment, and at the slightest hint of an affirmative answer calls a lawyer. In fact, as women themselves well know, most often the behavior that falls under the harassment, especially all these "friendly" touches and "innocent" remarks, really cause annoying thoughts, but somewhat different. Well, how is it, we are colleagues at work, he obviously did not mean it, it was me, a fool, I misunderstood him. He's a decent adult, it can't be that he really harassed me, well stroked my lower back, nonsense, did not rape, you think, why does he shake me?

IN english language there is such an expression: power dynamic - the alignment of forces in the relationship of some subjects. Teacher and student, teacher and student, scientific advisor and a graduate student, a boss and a subordinate, this very alignment of forces is well understood: the status and position of one of the parties is much higher, and this side directly depends highly much in the fate of the other side - from the grade for the course to hiring, promotion or bonuses.

In such a situation, the vulnerable party cannot always defend their interests - for example, require a brilliant scientist, probably the most famous in her common field, to stop doing what he is doing. And the apparent inequality of the parties opens up a wide scope for manipulation, abuse, conflicts of interest and coercion. Therefore, there will always be a very difficult attitude towards any connections that go beyond professional ones - too unequal participants.

The word "harassment" makes other Russian-speaking readers rush to retell horror stories about the fact that an American man should give an American woman a coat or open a door - so a woman in the same coat immediately runs through the same door to sue for harassment.

Women in science have additional aggravating circumstances: they are still in the minority, and the times when girls were told that they could not do science “because their brains could not master it,” not that they were in the distant past. Unsurprisingly, women scientists are much more likely to suffer from Impostor Syndrome than their male counterparts: the destructive and unfounded belief that in fact you got everything undeservedly, "for beautiful eyes", successfully pretending to be smart and talented, and literally around the corner you will find a mistake, from which everything will be revealed.

President of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) Meg Urry in a note Science says that one of the saddest moments she has ever seen is when a young woman realizes that the attention given to her by her senior astronomer colleague has nothing to do with her scientific results. This, of course, also does not help from the impostor syndrome and is often felt as a big and bitter betrayal: the person who should help you become better and achieve success in science, this refuge of idealists, is in fact guided by clearly unscientific motives.

In the story with Jeff Marcy, there are three conclusions: good, bad, ugly. The “good”, which is also the shortest, is that the reaction of the professional community, to which Marcy addressed his apologies, is so far unambiguous. His colleagues, 22 astronomy teachers at the same university, in open letter directly wrote: we believe that Marcy can no longer fulfill the duties of a teacher. The scientist left the organizing committee of a large industry conference and will not participate in it. And 260 astronomers and physicists from all over the world wrote a rather harsh answer. New York Times where an article openly sympathetic to Marcy was published, the editorial staff reminded that this is not about the "hysterical" public persecution of the great scientist, but about the results of the official trial, which, in fact, could have remained unknown to anyone if not for the journalists. Many students, graduate students and employees of the department did not know anything about him: they admit that together with everyone they read about what was happening nearby, on the Internet.

In August 1977 New York Times wrote about the first-of-its-kind class-action lawsuit against a university related to sexual harassment: five Yale students and one professor (a man who supported the claims of young women) said that the behavior of a number of teachers was abusive and the university did not take any action.

One of the plaintiffs told a journalist NYTthat her music teacher, at first just an affable and pleasant person, gradually became too friendly - the student firmly repulsed him, but was afraid to go to open confrontation, because her academic and professional future depended on his grades. As a result, the teacher, according to the girl, raped her.

Why they decided to sue Yale, you can also guess from the material. The article cites an anonymous source in the university administration who literally says: "There is a compelling argument here: if female students are not smart enough to outwit some nasty and annoying professor, they shouldn't be here at all." An elegant, of course, way of saying “you yourself, you fools, are to blame,” this cannot be taken away from the anonymous author.

The students did not win the trial, but they got it. Yale has established a complaint mechanism for misconduct, and the court - and this is most important of all, because it is a precedent - recognized that sexual harassment is essentially a form of discrimination based on gender, and therefore is illegal: it violates the accepted five years before this law, now commonly known as Title IX.

The bad conclusion is that in 38 years this cart, apparently, has not advanced very far.

And the evil conclusion is that, it turns out, the behavior of Jeff Marcy came as a complete surprise mainly to those who read enthusiastic articles about him in the newspapers, but had never studied at Berkeley or attended astronomical conferences. From the comments - non-anonymous - of other astronomers, who are now enough in articles and blogs, I want to escape to some exoplanet: "everyone who is engaged in research in this area knows that Jeff behaves this way", "it has finally been revealed" , "Graduate students warn newcomers not to go to work for him."

You can somehow imagine these ten years more vividly. And in a different way you read the review about Marcy on the site, where students give marks to teachers: "she loves girls more than boys."