Messed up letters. Source text Reading words with jumbled letters

August 1, 2012 at 06:54 pm

About how we vorpsimaniem text

  • Artificial intelligence

Remember, on the Internet, in the year 2003, there was a picture in which it was reported that it does not matter in what order the letters in the word go, as long as the first and last are in place, and the rest of the brain itself will compose and isolate the meaning. Here is the original text:

According to the rezulattas, there is an example of one English unviertiset, not ieemt zachneiya, in the cookery, the bkuvy in the salt are right. Galvone, chotby preav and ploendya bkvuy blyi on the site. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a plonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitseya without straps. Pichriony this is the fact that we do not read the same letter in a single note, but the whole solvo clique.

IN English version it sounded like this:

Arocdnicg to rsceearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm. Tihs is buseace the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Trying to experiment with different texts showed that everything is not as cloudless with the Russian language as with English, and the algorithm for efficient and readable mixing is still a little different.

I was not too lazy and wrote a simple program that processes texts. Where did I find out that not quite as it was stated, but the truth is somewhere nearby.

So, if you change the middle of the words completely arbitrarily, you get the following:

At the Oklismpiiih Games, ssiaoisltojskiene konyandme srnnovaoveiya according to soipvrtny gmksinatie Zutoloyu medl of the Games zolvaveaa, the United States jointly oaltsifnyy syat Oalpimidy Vtoore mteso zyalni pteurtliadiscnvey luxuriant kdaomny kotraoya vriygala for nnayotsonlai sbnroe srbeo srerebo sonobry Riossi pnslriea theaktlotzhleyaa Svltnaea Tsavakreua Brvoounzu naradgu piucholli rinskymue gxaminti.

In principle, it is understandable, but it is worth taking the words more authentically, as the text becomes poorly recognizable:

Vlrtachesi pisunrak in Kalokagnsidrim sea market I will spend a short time these days ochmatel 65 years. In honor of the pkardnis, port pderepnos padorok kalidingnatsram and rirshazel snobyvdoy phorod on torriteria. All residents were able to visit Kzerushnretn. Such a voztonzhosm vadepayt not chatso. Like a good day, on board the Kzreunshrten the pinusrak mugot were the guests of the greedy mirksoh pratziks in the inanthrostic sweats and the zheliti of Kalaninrgid.

But if we make it a rule to keep the positions of consonants and vowels, freely changing between vowels and consonants separately, then the result is slightly more readable and understandable with the same chaos:

At the Oxidation Games, syassootil zhiknsee kydonnmae co-winrone in sniper gymnastics Golden medal of the Games, the team of the United States of America announced the olympiida olympic site The second place was taken by pcid vlareteinsites of riskossoy kadomna, which wailryga for nayoninltsai sronboy second sererbo seberro snorboi of Russia psinelra totelaeklyatzha of Stevlan Tsavuraek Bvonzora nadraga was sensed by the Runim gisnatms.

And for the second text

Vlrchaseti pysanruk in Kigidonrnasklam moksrom fishing port, which these days has completed 65 years. In honor of pkinzrad, the port of Ppedornes, the parodok kagidannlarcim, widened the passage to the torriritea with a sdyvonboy. All pitying with the pisetot "Kzerushnretn". Such a vaping experience is not often. Like a pvilaro five days aboard the pikarsun, the mugot gotsi myrdojanundekh of the worldly pzardiks in the inantron partochs, and the residents of Kanilargdin see the masts of the “Kzerushnrent” only through the ogdar of the potra.

Now we will make another small change - we will add a maximum distance between the rearranged characters of 3 characters so that the consonant from the beginning of the word does not fly to its end. We also add an account for the fact that characters cannot be transferred more than once. As a result, the text comes out, from which almost everything is clear:

There was a pasurnik in the Kalinirgnaks sea fishing port kotyra these days celebrated the 65th anniversary. On the occasion of the pzardnik, the prot presented a gift to the people of Kinalignrad and rarzed a free phorod to the territory. All those wishing to visit Krunezshtern. Such a possibility will not happen very often. As a pviralo boarding a sailboat, guests of inter-ronand marine pzards in foreign clothes can board, and residents of Kinalignrdaa see Kzerutshnern's masts only through the harbor port.

As a result, it turns out that for the Russian language, not everything is as cloudless as for English, with its short words. But if you change the algorithm a little, the general idea still works.

I wonder if it is possible to add more noise to the middle of the word while maintaining readability and understandability?


It seems to me that it is more correct to try to do something like your last algorithm, only to develop the idea a little:

1. Fix the first and last characters of the word.
2. From the remaining ones, we take the first three characters, randomly mix them.
3. From received new troika fix the first two.
4. Repeat step 2 until the unfixed characters run out.

I practically did just that, but it’s worth fixing in paragraph 3 not the first two, but the first three. Otherwise, one letter may travel to the end of the word. Here's what happened:

A sailcloth was built in the Kliningradsk fishery, which these days has marked its 65th anniversary. On Thursday, the port brought the paodrok kialninrgatsdam and allowed a free passage to trretoiiryu. Everyone who wants to eat Kzrushenetrn. Tkaaya vpyaaedt vpyaaedt not chatso. As a parvilo near the brot of the Prouainsk, it is possible for the inter-drone mosriks to celebrate in the inside prots, and the zhtieli of the Kalinnagrda hoist the masts of the Kurzneshtern only through the fence of the prtoa.

It turns out nothing like that.

UPDATE2. I decided to check what would happen if almost all vowels were removed - do not touch the beginnings and ends of words. Indeed, in the same Arabic or Hebrew there are practically none - they manage with consonants. Here is what comes out of an arbitrary text from Turgenev's "Noble Nest":

Mrya Dmtrievna, in her youth, had the pleasure of a million blondes; and in fifty years her features were not far from pleasant, although they flickered and blurred a little. She is more blissfully sensitive, better than good, and up to zrlh lt she kept the insttt zmshki; she got away with it, easily got angry and cried when she wanted to; This is how she is very blessed and blissful, when all her wishes were fulfilled and no one was happy for her. Dm she was supposed to be the most pleasant in the city. her condition was very poor, not so much as an accident, as much as an acquired thing. both daughters lived with her; the dream popped up in one of the best kznx buildings in the ptrbrg.

Surprisingly, absolutely everything is clear without vowels. Moreover, the text shrank by 34 percent.

How can a person recognize a solva, can you chat tkest with mixed letters

Chilso casts off coilism

(G. Bayston)

Try to make sure that you do not read the words by letter, but recognize them in their entirety. When reading, a person grew up not reading (in the usual panimony of this word), but guessing solv - ": hieroglyphs": - words. Oigadyvante smylsa tsket interot btyb at rnzayh levels. Otgidivae mezhot to be at the urvne solv predloienzhy, abtsazev and stnarits.

An anagram is a method of rearranging bkuv or syllables in a word to create another concept or solva. What a ready-made anagarma foreshadows the failure of not a new solvo, but a set of letters and reading her windy solva his original fmrou. The meaning of training on the simulator is the creation of words from the crossed bkuv. With regular practice, a person develops the ability to recognize any text he reads. This in turn leads to an increase in the speed of reading and vorpsiya tsket.

Many reverent people would be able to outdo the content of the text. Therefore, if you want to know something, then you should read it.

Psychiatric thrombosis

Forty readings restrain the psychologist. Stiot should be able to cover a greater number of solv for one ":look": and the term of the reading will be increased.

Tkest with mixed letters can only be read at high speed. If you read the dissected text by bvkuam, then, in short, the contents of the solv and the test will remain incomprehensible. If you skim a glance over the text, then the understanding of ttksea will be at a high level.

Important note

Don't be fooled by the rloi of back-to-back reading. There is a method for teaching children how to read, when children are taught to grasp the solvo completely as a hieroglyph. A quick jump in speed is compensated by the fact that the child then experiences problems in reading those words that are not known. Also, the problems will be vkznioat at the ticks of the children when writing the solv.


There are many ptuey brstyo natyi nuunzhyu incormafia in the book. Here are some of the pyremes:

  • Use the General Books. Mzhoet btyi usastdya sarza nyati nunzhuyu galva.
  • Zalgyan in knoets kingi. Mezhot bty there is a dictionary and rtzyasnyayayuasya incomprehensible words.
  • Take a look at the tear gvala or introduction. Maybe this kina is dedicated to the wrong preblomatics?
  • Chiaty just chants.

And maybe it’s not necessary to read the whole gwala?

  • Piochrtai peyvry and the last paraargf on the sartnitsa.
  • Chatiy porvee and undergrowth prepositions in the paragraph.
  • Peer tell me what you are talking about in what is just what was said

Formra and Conservation - how to learn to read rails and learn to read faster

The human brain is constantly systematizing the sensing regions of the world.

Verayaka you fell for ' machige knrtiaks, tpia here ooty. In order to understand the encoded cipher, the person would have to see through the image, as it were.

Kamik with an unimaginable sbosop, mzog stuukturirret informs and nadhit a well-founded isobiagenre. In this cantira, the alienation of krklioa is ciphered.

And what is this, on your vyaglzd? Nobar shtrokhiv or zspia tsket klpnoiisyu? Replying to this vrpoos is impossible without healing the shirf.

Is it art or is it mzanya?

If you didn’t take the kchula and the fact that Kandinsky grazed it, you would probably take this country for a drawing of a three-year-old girl.

Half the time, as in your order, you paste the keys and deciphering the card, perceive it changes.

Coffee shop? No, this is an object of prediction of the future! Or is it still porsto kyfeonaya thick?

Is this arrogance or art?

And so, for a moment in our minds, we are dependent on the miennia of other people and on those who are in our position in our minds.

Unpretentiousness and impossibility to completely see the world creeping shnrlataa. The Internet is flooded with ryzny mdtoeikami and polynzmi trvaoami to satisfy all the needs of a person, right up to magical shorav, instructions for men's care, instructions for earning a million for a water company.

According to the opinion, it is impossible for an orbaz to think until the last five. Remember the top micro image". Forever break your mind with your mind - “what the hell”, but when you read the signature and try it, it becomes clear that there is something in it.

How natyi kulch to pinomania mria? - Vdiimo, nunzho should be the number of those who albdaet klyuchal (real kayuchlmi, which open rnalye trees, and not those who say that they have kayuchlm).

How to understand this mrgoboasia? And to separate the real accountants from the shaalatrns.

Kirteria deoinly instructions

  1. Insertion must located in the region of your nearest development (in the region of the nearest foreign territories). After applying the instructions, you must read the result.
  2. The person presenting the instruction is jloen to be dtsoupen for questioning.
  3. The metsdiot has a well-grounded image. Iynmi slmvaoi, if a person tells about how to get millions of dollars, and lives in an unknown place, or, if he works on rosterans, but gives a lot of rubles from a bimazhnuk, then this metidost will not kill you.

    Think, what’s the matter, curt pzhdiak of a Methodist, or the presence of a million-dollar account.


  • Elsi Gruu talks about his happiness, but at the same time, the dvjay is divorced ... until it’s time for us to live.
  • If there is a napsiano griaf on a kelt, and there is no sun in the calf, then harm your eyes.
  • If there is a talk about a random pre-election fight, and 80% of the ethereal wind is howling one ctndidaaa ..., then there’s no intermittent rchei.

The philosophy of this topic is related to the categories "Form and Content". I advise you to read the chapter on this category in the educational philosophy for the WHO.

Original text

How a person recognizes words, is it possible to read text with mixed letters

The number is different from the quantity

(G. Bateson)

Try to make sure you don't spell the words, but recognize them in their entirety. When reading by an adult, it is not reading (in the usual sense of the word), but guessing words - "hieroglyphs" - words. Guessing the meaning of the text can be at different levels. Guessing can be at the level of words of sentences, paragraphs and pages.

An anagram is a method of rearranging letters or syllables in a word to create a different concept or word. Often a finished anagram is not a new word, but a set of letters and the task of the reader is to return the word to its original form. The meaning of training on the simulator is to recreate a word from mixed letters. With regular practice, a person develops the ability to quickly recognize any text he reads. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the speed of reading and perception of the text.

People who read a lot are able to anticipate the content of the text. Therefore, if you want to read quickly, then you should read a lot.

Psychological brakes

The speed of reading is restrained psychologically. It is worth convincing yourself to cover more words in one "look" and the speed of reading will increase.

Text with jumbled letters can only be read at high speed. If you read the prepared text letter by letter, then, most likely, the content of the words and the text will remain incomprehensible. If you slide your eyes over the text, then the understanding of the text will be at a high level.

Important note

Do not underestimate the role of letter-by-letter reading. There is a technique for teaching children speed reading when children are taught to grasp a word completely as a hieroglyph. A quick jump in speed is compensated by the fact that the child then has problems in reading those words that he does not know. Such children will also have problems when writing words.

Secrets of Rapid Information Absorption

There are many ways to quickly find the information you need in a book. Here are some of the tricks:

  • Use the title of the book. It may be possible to immediately find the desired chapter.
  • Look at the end of the book. Maybe there is a dictionary and incomprehensible words are explained.
  • Skim through the first chapter or introduction. Maybe this book is about the wrong topic?
  • Read only the titles.
  • Read the first and last paragraph on the page.
  • Read the first and last sentence in the paragraph.
  • Retell what is said in what you just read

Form and content - how to learn to distinguish and learn to read faster

The human brain is constantly engaged in the systematization of the surrounding picture of the world.

You must have come across magic pictures", like this one. In order to see the encrypted picture, a person had to look through the image, as it were.

In some unimaginable way, the brain structures the information and finds a logically reasonable image. In this picture, the image of a rabbit is encrypted.

And what is this, in your opinion? Strokes or cuneiform writing? It is impossible to answer this question without obtaining a cipher.

Is this art or daub?

Without knowing the key and the fact that Kandinsky painted it, you would probably take this picture for a drawing of a three-year-old girl.

After the keys and decoding of the picture are at your disposal, the perception of it changes.

Coffee grounds? No, this is an object of predicting the future! Or is it just coffee grounds?

Is it pornography or art?

So, much in our perception depends on the opinions of other people and on the keys that have come into our possession.

Charlatans take advantage of understatement and the impossibility of fully reflecting the world. The internet is flooded different methods and useful goods to satisfy all human needs, up to magic balls, instructions for a love spell for men, instructions for earning a million for taxi drivers.

By default, a mental image cannot be trusted. Remember the top magic picture". Surely the first thought you had was “what kind of nonsense”, but when you read the signature and tried it, it became clear that there was something in it.

How to find the key to understanding the world? - Apparently, you need to look for those who have the keys (real keys that open real doors, and not those who say that they have the keys).

How to understand this diversity? And to separate the real teachers from the charlatans.

Criteria for good instruction

  1. The instruction must be in your area of ​​proximal development (in your area of ​​immediate interest). After applying the instructions, you should get the result.
  2. The person presenting the instruction must be available for questions.
  3. The methodologist should have a logically justified image. In other words, if a person talks about how to earn a million dollars, but lives in rented housing, or if he goes to restaurants, but takes out the last thousand rubles from his wallet, then this methodologist is not suitable for you.

    Think about what's more important, a cool Methodist jacket or having a million dollar account.


  • If the guru talks about family happiness, but at the same time he is divorced twice ... then do not believe your ears.
  • If a giraffe is written on the cage, and an elephant is in the cage, then believe your eyes.
  • If they talk about an honest election campaign, and 80% of the airtime shows one candidate ... then there can be no question of any honesty.

An exercise in mastering the skill of dynamic reading.

This page is made on Flash technologies.
The new version of the speed reading trainings is here:

Online flash training for mastering the skill of speed reading

In this exercise on mastering the skill of speed reading, you will learn that a person perceives a certain amount of information without being translated into sound images.

There is a big difference between how a person reads a familiar text and an unfamiliar one. A familiar text is perceived in a single way, because the reader has already associated the text with previously received images.

A familiar text is grasped immediately, but an unfamiliar text must be read carefully, listening to what is read. Make sure that you can grasp the meaning of seemingly rubbish with the help of this training. During the decoding of such texts, imagination and associative memory work!

(a simple exercise to master the skill of speed reading - rearranged letters)

While reading, you should constantly change the speed of reading. In general, read familiar information quickly. A, important information read over slowly.

Read this text. Do you understand it?

According to the rezulattas, there is an example of one of the English unviertiset, not ieemt zachneiya, in the cookery, the bkuvy in the solva are right. Galvone, chotby preav and ploendya bkvuy blyi on the site. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a plonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitseya without straps. Pichryony egoto is the fact that we don’t read a lot of letters from a distance, but everything is a good luck charm


When I read the text, with the letters rearranged in words for the first time, I understood the catch lurking in the text of the letter only when I stumbled on an incomprehensible word.

Does this example show the hidden possibilities of the brain, to systematize knowledge in seemingly perfect rubbish? A common person does not read by letter - the brain looks at the word and tries to understand it immediately by linking it with the previous context!

A little advice

If, when reading, you accustom yourself to look at every third word in the text, then the reading speed will increase by 2-3 times because the brain will most likely invent the plot. Don't underestimate the power of your brain. He is used to working fast.

Training with exercises to master the skill of speed reading allows you to quickly achieve the desired result.

Lyrical digression on the topic of speed reading

Reduced self-esteem slows down the speed of perception of information, the speed of reading.

Let me give you an example of a deliberate underestimation of self-esteem. The guy receives a technical school education in the field of programming. I decided to inquire where he was going to take his way after graduation. educational institution and what is his opinion about the level of teaching. The guy replied that he had not been taught anything, and therefore he was not going to continue the path of a programmer.

It turned out that he considers the prospects of becoming a programmer to be zero, because he studied for two years, and he has not really been taught yet. so he decided that he needed to devote half his life to learning to program, which is clearly not included in his plans. That is, the guy was convinced that training is a long, painstaking and tedious work.


A lot depends on motivation and self-esteem. If self-esteem is high, then everything goes like clockwork, and if self-esteem is low, then ghosts appear in every corner that interfere with business.

If the brain nzhaagrut, then he will succeed with the task. Titesrud!

How many colors do you see?

Think about how many colors you distinguish? After reading this phrase, close your eyes and think about how many blue things are in front of your eyes. Open your eyes and try to find all the objects that are colored blue.

Reading Solv with Jumping Letters February 16th, 2011

According to the rezulattas, there is an example of one of the English Universities, which does not mean anything, in the case, the texts in Solva are right. Galvone, chotby preav and ploendya bkvuy blyi on the site. Osatlyne bkuva mgout seldovt in a plonm bseporyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitseya without straps. Pichrin egoto is the fact that we don’t read a lot of letters in otdoyenotsi, but everything is a solvo clique.

And now about the analysis of all this ..

Brief report

Raeding Wrods With Jubmled Letters

Keith Rayner, Sarah J.White, Rebecca L. Johnson, Simon P. Liversedge

Translation: Nikonov Vladimir

The results of a study purportedly carried out at the University of Cambridge have been widely circulated on the Internet, proving that a sentence in which the letters are jumbled, like the one you are reading now, can be read without difficulty, and that position does not matter for successful reading. letters in words.

In fact, the claim was false in the sense that no such research had been done at that university (see In this article, we present the results of research showing that although some variants of sentences with transposed letters are quite easy to read and understand, this is not the case for other variants, and that in general it is always necessary to make some effort to read text containing words with transposed words. letters.

We asked 30 students to read 80 sentences with the letters rearranged. In each sentence, the letters were rearranged at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word (see table 1).

About 40% of words (all words consisted of more than 4 letters) had rearranged letters. Then the students read the sentences without changing the letters.

Eye movements were recorded using a special device (Fourward Technology Dual Purkinje technology).

Students were asked questions to test perception after reading 30% of the text. The answers were high degree accuracy, but 50% of the participants in the experiment admitted that the meaning of some words remained incomprehensible to them.

The standard reading speed for normal sentences is 255 words per minute (wpm). All variants of permutation of letters in words influenced the process of reading.

  • When the letters are rearranged in the middle of a word, the reading speed is reduced by 11% (227 wpm).

  • However, rearranging the last letters of the word resulted in a 26% slowdown (189 slpm).

  • Rearranging the letters at the beginning of words resulted in a 36% decrease in speed (163 sl/min).

On the words with the most complex permutations, the participants fixed their eyes on more long time(see table 1).

Statements from the Internet are correct in that part of it is that some words with rearranged letters are actually quite simple to understand. But our research has shown that permutations of letters in words entail a change in the meaning of the word.

Moreover, the level of change in meaning depends on the localization of permutations of letters in a word: a permutation of letters in the middle of a word affects the meaning of a word much less than a permutation at the end and, moreover, at the beginning of a word.

These studies demonstrate the importance of the initial part of the word for the perception of meaning. In other words, we have established that a permutation of letters that affects morphemic connections (even in the middle of a word) is associated with a different meaning of the word.

Finally, research has shown that when letters are replaced by others, rather than simply being swapped, the reader takes longer to comprehend. In the case of replacing letters with other, visually similar letters, the replacement in the middle letters (for example, pgsblema instead of problem) doubles the perceptual time, as does the substitution in final letters ( problels); replacement in initial letters ( lgoblem) slowed down perception by 2.5 times.

Substitutions with letters that are not visually similar to those being replaced, and at all increased the time for reading comprehension. In all the cases described (the only exception is replacements with visually similar letters in the middle of a word), the quality of reading comprehension also decreases.

2 types of permutations of letters were used: the beginning/middle of a word - the end/middle of a word. No difference was observed between the results of these two types of permutations. Please note that this example was used only for the demonstration in this article, it was not used in the actual experiment.

The fact that text with letter swaps is much easier to read than text with letter swaps proves that special letters in a word are critical to understanding the meaning of the word as a whole, and that readers cannot rely solely on context to correctly understand the meaning of a text.

Compared to replacing letters, permutation of letters is much easier to understand the real meaning of the word.

But the main conclusion from our research is that, although the transposition of letters makes it quite easy to read and comprehend what is read, reading such text always requires more effort than reading normal text.

Games that are very useful for the development of the child! 185 simple games that every smart child should play Shulman Tatyana

Messed up letters

Messed up letters

This game is best played with two people.

Guess one word at a time. It should be a noun, preferably not very short - for example, eight letters. Rearrange the letters in it haphazardly and write it down on a piece of paper. Then exchange sheets and try to understand what word your partner thought of. Out of habit, it can be difficult to guess, for example, that the “foreign” word “selnipa” is “orange”.

How more letters in a hidden word, the more difficult it is to restore it, but what scope for imagination! Do you want to work out? Guess what the words mean: sharkanda, shakish, sokbira, turarot, repyumokot.

From the book 150 educational games for children from three to six years old by Warner Penny

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