Original text. Messed up letters Changing letters in a word is still readable

Reading Solv with Jumping Letters February 16th, 2011

According to the rezulattas, there is an example of one of the English Universities, which does not mean anything, in the case, the texts in Solva are right. Galvone, chotby preav and ploendya bkvuy blyi on the site. Osatlyne bkuva mgout seldovt in a plonm bseporyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitseya without straps. Pichrin egoto is the fact that we do not read every single letter in otdoyenotsi, but everything is solvo tslikeom.

And now about the analysis of all this ..

Brief report

Raeding Wrods With Jubmled Letters

Keith Rayner, Sarah J.White, Rebecca L. Johnson, Simon P. Liversedge

Translation: Nikonov Vladimir

The results of a study purportedly carried out at the University of Cambridge have been widely circulated on the Internet, proving that a sentence in which the letters are jumbled, like the one you are reading now, can be read without difficulty, and that position does not matter for successful reading. letters in words.

In fact, the claim was false in the sense that no such research had been done at that university (see http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/personal/matt.davis/Cmabridge/). In this article, we present the results of research showing that although some variants of sentences with transposed letters are quite easy to read and understand, this is not the case for other variants, and that in general it is always necessary to make some effort to read text containing words with transposed words. letters.

We asked 30 students to read 80 sentences with the letters rearranged. In each sentence, the letters were rearranged at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word (see table 1).

About 40% of words (all words consisted of more than 4 letters) had rearranged letters. Then the students read the sentences without changing the letters.

Eye movements were recorded using a special device (Fourward Technology Dual Purkinje technology).

Students were asked questions to test perception after reading 30% of the text. The answers were high degree accuracy, but 50% of the participants in the experiment admitted that the meaning of some words remained incomprehensible to them.

The standard reading speed for normal sentences is 255 words per minute (wpm). All variants of permutation of letters in words influenced the process of reading.

  • When the letters are rearranged in the middle of a word, the reading speed is reduced by 11% (227 wpm).

  • However, rearranging the last letters of the word resulted in a 26% slowdown (189 slpm).

  • Rearranging the letters at the beginning of words resulted in a 36% decrease in speed (163 sl/min).

On the words with the most complex permutations, the participants fixed their eyes on more long time(see table 1).

Statements from the Internet are correct in that part of it is that some words with rearranged letters are actually quite simple to understand. But our research has shown that permutations of letters in words entail a change in the meaning of the word.

Moreover, the level of change in meaning depends on the localization of permutations of letters in a word: a permutation of letters in the middle of a word affects the meaning of a word much less than a permutation at the end and, moreover, at the beginning of a word.

These studies demonstrate the importance of the initial part of the word for the perception of meaning. In other words, we have established that a permutation of letters that affects morphemic connections (even in the middle of a word) is associated with a different meaning of the word.

Finally, research has shown that when letters are replaced by others, rather than simply being swapped, the reader takes longer to comprehend. In the case of replacing letters with other, visually similar letters, the replacement in the middle letters (for example, pgsblema instead of problem) doubles the perceptual time, as does the substitution in final letters ( problels); replacement in initial letters ( lgoblem) slowed down perception by 2.5 times.

Substitutions with letters that are not visually similar to those being replaced, and at all increased the time for reading comprehension. In all the cases described (the only exception is replacements with visually similar letters in the middle of a word), the quality of reading comprehension also decreases.

2 types of permutations of letters were used: the beginning/middle of a word - the end/middle of a word. No difference was observed between the results of these two types of permutations. Please note that this example was used only for the demonstration in this article, it was not used in the actual experiment.

The fact that text with letter swaps is much easier to read than text with letter swaps proves that special letters in a word are critical to understanding the meaning of the word as a whole, and that readers cannot rely solely on context to correctly understand the meaning of a text.

Compared to replacing letters, permutation of letters is much easier to understand the real meaning of the word.

But the main conclusion from our research is that, although the transposition of letters makes it quite easy to read and comprehend what is read, reading such text always requires more effort than reading normal text.

jumbled words

A fun and easy-to-play brain game that players will surely enjoy. The facilitator pre-compiles a list of words or proverbs in which the order of the letters is confused (for example, “nulzhar” instead of “magazine”, “tsemarint” instead of “centimeter”) and prints out the same cards with tasks according to the number of intended players. The participants of the game are given the same tasks and pens. The task of the players is to compose the correct words (proverbs) as quickly as possible and write them in their cards opposite the confused ones. The winner is the one who correctly composes words or proverbs the fastest, he is awarded a prize.

Task options

Simple words:

  • apaloth - shovel
  • bucket - vershok
  • agesatir - cigarette
  • ruknos - drawing
  • otatkel - cutlet
  • upechah - nonsense
  • nekosir - kerosene
  • kihenat - technique, etc.

Names of cities (capitals):

  • ndloo — London
  • gionanwtsh — Washington
  • Waxing - Moscow
  • Nibbler — Berlin
  • Avasrav – Warsaw


  • corsiba - apricot
  • okoblya - apple
  • chayla - cherry plum
  • Lenapis - orange
  • rodingave - grapes

Female and male names:

  • Anigla - Galina
  • Denkalsar - Alexander
  • Ramian - Marina
  • onirdo - Rodion
  • vanselat - Svetlana

And here are the variants of the mixed up proverbs:

  • Udle mevyar, but hetepo sach (Time for work, but hour for fun)
  • Yong goib rogshik tubijoga (Gods do not burn pots)
  • Tubed and Anneisha Zeuli Drapzink (There will be a holiday on our street)
  • Indo az hevs, weight az ogdono (One for all, all for one)
  • Sholbumo barluko - shoelobi evanalip ( big ship- great swimming

Another interesting task: from the proposed "surnames" to make the names of professions:

  • Tapiels (writer)
  • Rateverin (veterinarian)
  • Rezhenin (engineer)
  • Ptseev (singer)
  • Alerbina (ballerina)
  • Tarikhterko (architect)
  • Kozhukhdin (artist)
  • Tsepradov (seller)

As you can see, there are a lot of options, and you can make tasks on any topic.

draw the words

A game of imaginative thinking and good memory; takes place in 2 stages. Players are given sheets of paper lined with 20 cells and pens. Stage 1. The facilitator reads 20 words, making a 3-second pause after each named word. The task of the participants is to try very quickly to depict this word with some icon or pattern in one of the cells (any, it does not matter). Artistic abilities do not matter here, the main thing is that the player can later remember what his drawing or mark means. Writing letters, and even more words, is prohibited! This will be checked by the host at the end of the game - he will collect all the cards with tasks. Stage 2. When all the words are read, the players need to try, using their drawings and icons, to restore all the words and write them down. Whoever completes the task first says "stop" and the game ends. The facilitator checks the results. The winner in this competition may not necessarily be the fastest player, but the most attentive - the one who managed to write down the largest number of correct answers.

Word options: TV, school, window, slippers, kangaroo, rainbow, plane, sun, Christmas tree, toy, etc. Depending on the age of the players, you can come up with word combinations of varying complexity.

Make up a word

Game for a small company. In advance, you need to prepare cards with the letters of the alphabet. Participants take turns pulling out one card with a letter and name any noun in its original form, wherever this letter occurs (for example: “s” - “light”; “d” - “tree”). After that, the players pull out one more letter and name the word where both drawn letters are already found (“s” and “l” - “sun”; “d” and “g” - “road”) and so on. Those who did not cope with the task and could not make a word from the letters they got left the game. The most erudite and lucky person (who got the light letters) wins.

There is a contact!

An exciting game for quick wits and quick thinking.

The driver thinks of a word - any common noun in its original form, writes it down on a piece of paper (so that there is no desire and opportunity to cheat) and calls out loud the first letter of this word.

Next, the players come up with any words that begin with this letter, and ask the driver their questions-assumptions: “Maybe this is ...” - then such a description of the invented word follows so that at least one of the players guessed and the driver did not guess. The task of the driver is to quickly pick up any logically correct answer to the question asked and say: "No, this is not ...". If the driver thinks and cannot find a suitable answer, and one of the players understands what his colleague is asking, then he shouts “There is contact!”, And then they count up to five in unison and pronounce this word at the same time. If they said the same thing, then the host calls another letter. But if one player, for example, by a musical instrument meant a violin, and the other a saxophone, then the leader does not name the next letter of his word, and the game continues with the same number of open letters. After the phrase “There is contact!” is uttered, the driver cannot say his guesses, he can only hope that the players will call at the same time different words. The game continues until the intended word is guessed.

An example of this game:

Driver (guesses the word "airplane"): I guessed the word with the letter "s".

First player: Maybe it's a big animal?

Driver: No, it's not an elephant.

First player: Maybe it's the type of shoes?

Driver: No, these are not sandals (boots).

Second player: Maybe it's a musical instrument?

The driver thinks. The first player guesses what is being said.

First: There is contact!

Both: One two three four five! Violin!!!

Driver: The second letter is "a".

First player: Maybe it's an aircraft?

Driver: Yes, it's an airplane.

The one who asked the last question becomes the leader.

The essence of the training for mastering the skill of speed reading

The program demonstrates the reading mechanism. Try to make sure you don't spell the words, but recognize them in their entirety. When reading by an adult, it is not reading (in the usual sense of the word), but guessing words - "hieroglyphs" - words. Guessing the meaning of the text can be at different levels. Guessing can be at the level of words of sentences, paragraphs and pages.

An anagram is a method of rearranging letters or syllables in a word to create a different concept or word. Often a finished anagram is not a new word, but a set of letters and the task of the reader is to return the word to its original form. The meaning of training on the simulator is to recreate a word from mixed letters. With regular practice, a person develops the ability to quickly recognize any text he reads. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the speed of reading and perception of the text.

People who read a lot are able to anticipate the content of the text. Therefore, if you want to read quickly, then you should read a lot.

Psychological brakes

The speed of reading is restrained psychologically. It is worth convincing yourself to cover more words in one "look" and the speed of reading will increase.

Text with jumbled letters can only be read at high speed. If you read the prepared text letter by letter, then, most likely, the content of the words and the text will remain incomprehensible. If you slide your eyes over the text, then the understanding of the text will be at a high level.

Important note

Do not underestimate the role of letter-by-letter reading. There is a technique for teaching children speed reading when children are taught to grasp a word completely as a hieroglyph. A quick jump in speed is compensated by the fact that the child then has problems in reading those words that he does not know. Such children will also have problems when writing words.

Secrets of Rapid Information Absorption

There are many ways to quickly find the information you need in a book. Here are some of the tricks:

  • Use the title of the book. It may be possible to immediately find the desired chapter.
  • Look at the end of the book. Maybe there is a dictionary and incomprehensible words are explained.
  • Skim through the first chapter or introduction. Maybe this book is about the wrong topic?
  • Read only the titles.
  • Read the first and last paragraph on the page.
  • Read the first and last sentence in the paragraph.
  • Retell what is said in what you just read

The human brain is constantly engaged in the systematization of the surrounding picture of the world.

You must have come across magical pictures", like this one. In order to see the encrypted picture, a person had to look through the image, as it were.

In some unimaginable way, the brain structures the information and finds a logically reasonable image. In this picture, the image of a rabbit is encrypted.

And what is this, in your opinion? Strokes or cuneiform writing? It is impossible to answer this question without obtaining a cipher.

Is this art or daub?

Without knowing the key and the fact that Kandinsky painted it, you would probably take this picture for a drawing of a three-year-old girl.

After the keys and decoding of the picture are at your disposal, the perception of it changes.

Coffee grounds? No, this is an object of predicting the future! Or is it just coffee grounds?

Is it pornography or art?

So, much in our perception depends on the opinions of other people and on the keys that have come into our possession.

Charlatans take advantage of understatement and the impossibility of fully reflecting the world. The internet is flooded different methods and useful goods to satisfy all human needs, up to magic balls, instructions for a love spell for men, instructions for earning a million for taxi drivers.

By default, a mental image cannot be trusted. Remember the top magic picture". Surely the first thought you had was “what kind of nonsense”, but when you read the signature and tried it, it became clear that there was something in it.

How to find the key to understanding the world? - Apparently, you need to look for those who have the keys (real keys that open real doors, and not those who say that they have the keys).

How to understand this diversity? And to separate the real teachers from the charlatans.

Criteria for good instruction

  1. The instruction must be in your area of ​​proximal development (in your area of ​​immediate interest). After applying the instructions, you should get the result.
  2. The person presenting the instruction must be available for questions.
  3. The methodologist should have a logically justified image. In other words, if a person talks about how to make a million dollars, but lives in rented housing, or if he goes to restaurants, but takes out the last thousand rubles from his wallet, then this methodologist is not suitable for you.

    Think about what's more important, a cool Methodist jacket or having a million dollar account.


  • If the guru talks about family happiness, but at the same time he is divorced twice ... then do not believe your ears.
  • If a giraffe is written on the cage, and an elephant is in the cage, then believe your eyes.
  • If they talk about an honest election campaign, and 80% of the airtime shows one candidate ... then there can be no question of any honesty.

The reader should keep in mind the following things

Each text requires its own reading speed. It is important to remember that the speed of thinking determines the pace of information processing.