Lyceum bsu courses. Lyceum bsu announced the next recruitment

Many people dream, and every year one and a half percent of 9th grade graduates storm admissions committee the best secondary educational institution in the country. Fortune smiles only on 264 applicants - that is how many children will study in 12 classes of the Lyceum. For example, last year the general competition for the lyceum was 7 people per place, and for the philological direction it was 11 people per place.

Students, teachers, advanced technology

The aspirations of the entrants are completely natural. After all, the Lyceum of the Belarusian State University has been leading in all possible ratings for many years - according to the results of the CT, on admission to universities, according to the results of the Olympiads.

There are several secrets of success. Firstly, not only the best students enter the Lyceum, but those for whom study is a pleasure and incredible interest. Lyceum is a platform where talents are revealed.

Secondly, the teachers are strong, not indifferent, with burning eyes, many at one time studied at the Lyceum, so they know what inquisitive students expect from them.

Thirdly, the lyceum strives to always be at the forefront educational process and uses the most modern technologies.

Now we are actively using mobile learning, - says deputy Director for Academic Affairs Igor Varaksa.

All lyceum students have access to, which stores everything that may be needed in their studies: books that can be downloaded to a tablet or mobile phone, materials for lessons, tests, assignments similar to those that are handed over to the DH. Lyceum teachers themselves compose electronic manuals in a format adapted for viewing on mobile devices, and is used in the classroom along with traditional textbooks. Video lectures on physics have already been posted here - in two years the teachers of the physics department filmed the entire two-year course on the subject. Starting next year, they will be used in the format of the so-called "inverted lesson", when a student watches a lecture on new material on a video at home, and in a class with a teacher only examines what is not clear, difficult or requires further work.

Mobile phone? To the class!

The smartphone is becoming a full-fledged educational tool, according to the Lyceum. Therefore, mobile phones in the classroom are not only not prohibited, but they are used to the maximum. So far, however, only in optional classes. In ordinary lessons, they are replaced by so-called clickers, similar to ordinary remotes.

The teacher starts the lesson on the computer, distributes assignments, and the guys begin to complete them, and answer with the help of clickers, - says Igor Varaksa. - For example, there are 30 tasks in the test. Someone is able to solve everything on their own in an hour and a half, someone works more slowly. The teacher immediately sees who decides how, on which problem, who stalled or made a mistake. In such a lesson, strong students are not bored, they are busy all the time. And the teacher works more with those who need his help. This is the perfect lesson. At the elective, instead of clickers, smartphones work, in which a special application is installed.


The task of the applicant is to choose from eight profiles

This year, even more profiles will appear at the Lyceum. The applicant can choose from 9 options for entrance tests. In general, each profile requires two written exams.

By the way, this year for the first time the Lyceum is recruiting a class in the field of “applied mathematics”.

We predict that the competition here will be rather big, because the IT industry is very popular, and the class with specialized subjects in mathematics and computer science will be the only one in the whole of Belarus, - Igor Nikolayevich admits. - It is these students who will be the first to feel all new educational technology, after all, they will have to pass not computer science, but physics at the CT. This means that they should also have strong training in this subject.



Select a profile, because it depends on what entrance exams hand over.

By the way, mathematics for a mathematical profile is different from what children take for admission to a physical profile. The same is with physics - it will be different on the exams for these profiles.

In philological and social studies, applicants have the opportunity to choose a second exam.


An application, a certificate from the school with a photo and a passport are all you need to open personal account entrant. This is where all the information will be about what, when and where he will take, here his results will appear immediately after the first exam, statistics on the minimum, maximum and current passing score.

This is the Belarusian Lyceum State University... It is located not far from the railway station st. Ulyanovskaya, 8, behind the Dynamo stadium. The Lyceum prepares children for admission to higher educational institutions. They prepare for the Olympiad, and we have the opportunity for the winners of the Olympiads to enter higher institutions without test exams (centralized testing). Areas of study: - mathematics, physics; - mathematics, chemistry; - chemistry, biology;
- philological - Russian language and literature, English;
- philological - Russian language and literature, belarusian language and literature, English, (but entrance exams are taken in any two chosen subjects);
- social science - history of Belarus, world history or social science (optional).
Schoolchildren enter there after 9 grades (in Belarus, schooling is 11 years old)
Entrance exams take place in the month of May, and applications have been submitted since the end of March.
The winners of the Republican Olympiad (diplomas of I, II, III degrees) in one of the listed subjects allow admission without test exams.

The best go there. Entrance tests are openly held in the form of testing. After receiving the result, you can go up and see your work.

Students from other cities are provided with a hostel for the duration of their studies.
Before entering, it is better to go to the lyceum training courses, but they are paid, the price is tolerable and they are worth it. All information can be found on the lyceum website. After all, they also have Internet courses, which helps children from other cities to prepare for admission to their lyceum.
You can also take part in the Internet Olympiads held by the Lyceum and test your knowledge. This information should be tracked on the lyceum website.

When the son entered, before entering the entire 8th grade he went to this lyceum for preparatory courses. The program is very rich, interesting, the teachers are strong and in a year my child has grown very much in his knowledge, as a result, in his subjects, he received at school - 10 points in the certificate for the 9th grade.
This does not guarantee admission to the lyceum, because a lot of people go there and the competition is big, in our year there were 7 people per place in our subjects, but if the child taught, tried, then he will definitely enter. But if you do not, then you should not be upset, there is an opportunity to enter other lyceums in Minsk or another city. After these courses, the child will definitely enter another lyceum. The BSU Lyceum provided for this opportunity; they take entrance exams in May, and in other lyceums in June, after receiving a certificate for the 9th grade.

Education at the Lyceum is exciting. Children feel confident. Teachers communicate with them very respectfully, one can feel intelligence. Learning is a pleasure. Various circles work. There are additional classes in the necessary subjects and of course, twice as many hours are given for profile subjectsthan at school.

You should not worry if a child's academic performance drops a little for the first time, this is adaptation and the requirements there are higher than at school. But then it gives its results. All children go where they wanted. We did not need additional training with a tutor and the son entered budget education in his chosen profession.

Many thanks to the director of the lyceum Matulis Vadimir Edwardovich, he was the director during the training of my son and everything teaching staff they are real teachers, as they say from God.

Why am I 25? Now, with all my desire, I will not enter the Lyceum of BSU.

But I can, using my official position, enter the building, sit in class and find out how everything works here.

When the lyceum was opened, they wanted to create an unusual school, which had no analogues yet. The teachers were university professors and researchers who had never taught lessons at school before. They didn’t know how to “properly” treat students, so they treated them like students and colleagues.

“Lyceum students are just more like students, only the best ones,” says director Vadim Matulis, who, by the way, graduated from the BSU Lyceum himself.

Classes are held here in pairs, like at a university. “This allows you to better focus and immerse yourself in the subject,” says Vadim Edvardovich. "Plus, the student needs to do homework in three subjects instead of six."

There is no trace of a school uniform here. “We want to create conditions in the lyceum for the manifestation of creative individuality, in this sense, the form as an element of equalization, perhaps, is not entirely appropriate,” the director is sure. - Someone thinks that she helps discipline. But discipline can only be maintained if students understand why this or that rule is being introduced and see a logical meaning in it. "

Reconnaissance in force

I go to a chemistry lesson and am amazed at how free the tenth graders feel. They are joking, and at the same time you can see how much they are involved in the process. While the teacher talks about phenol, children do not hesitate to ask philosophical questions: "If gouache contains phenol, then why do they say that phenol smells like gouache and not phenol gouache?"

When it comes time to call someone to the blackboard, which is the most interactive, the teacher turns on the "random responder generator". It is curious that the program was written by a student from another class.

Next we have a physics in the 11th grade. Deputy director and teacher Igor Varaksa speaks Belarusian at home. I wonder what language the classes are in? It turns out that children can be asked to teach lessons in Belarusian. “Myane has such a class of palov. We will be infected with zaimatsts ў hell with іkh ”, - the teacher made me happy.

The children have already successfully passed the program of the eleventh grade, so I get to prepare for the CT. Boys and girls, armed with remote controls, register in the system. Now it will be possible to see who has already answered and who is still thinking, to see the statistics of correct answers, etc. The "plus sign" is supposed to be the fastest.

Sennya dzatsei mensh, who is extraordinary, is not at once on the races of the padrykhtotsy and the republican alimpiads. Ale pysutnyya pile 100 balaў take.

I readily believe. In 2013, RIKZ determined that according to the results of centralized testing in all subjects, the Lyceum of BSU became the best educational institution... It is not for nothing that 1.5 thousand applicants storm it every year, that is, 6-7 people apply for one place. After a serious competition, more than 270 of the smartest guys from all over the country will get here. For those who are not from Minsk, there is a place in the hostel.
Finally, I was pleased with the lesson of physical education and health. No ridiculous exercise for you. Basketball, football, table tennis ... - game sports are in the first place here. And not just "here's the ball - go play." Here they are seriously practicing passes, passes, etc., so that you can play volleyball on the beach, and destroy everyone in ping-pong in some design bureau.
Twice a year, the winners of the Lyceum football championship play with the team of teachers. And this is not a joke to you! “As a rule, we win easily in tenth grades, but with eleventh grades it is harder,” smiles midfielder Vadim Matulis.

Would you like to go to Cambridge?

“There is an opinion that if you enter the Lyceum, you will have a bad certificate, because the requirements here are very high,” Vadim Edvardovich notes with a smile. - Requirements, of course, are high, but they correspond to the level of preparation of lyceum students. Tenth parallel, the average across all subjects last year was 8.6. In the 11th grade, academic performance is higher - 9.0 ”.

The strongest enter the Lyceum of BSU. Now it is clear why he has the right to prepare his team to participate immediately in final stage Republican Olympiad, even bypassing regional and city competitions.

To retain this right, it is necessary that at least half of the lyceum students participating in the republican Olympiad receive diplomas, - the director explains the principle. - Last year 22 people took part in mathematics. This means that there should have been at least 11 diplomas. Our guys took 21.

In total, in 2013, students won 82 diplomas at the Republican Olympiad. All winners could enter any university without exams. Most often, lyceum students choose BSU, BSMU, as well as presenters russian universities... Almost every year, one of the graduates obeys Cambridge.

Doing the right thing

For those who want to study at the Lyceum of the Belarusian State University, March 26 will be a day open doorswhere you can find out everything about the introductory campaign. For example, that applicants who go to the philological direction will be given the opportunity to choose the exams they need to take. Russian language and literature, Belarusian language and literature, English - we take any two and we are successful! Something similar will happen in the social science direction.

In addition, in addition to the usual four areas that exist in our country - physical and mathematical
chemical, biological, social and philological - the Lyceum of BSU also opened chemical and mathematical. To enroll in any of them and become part of the lyceum brotherhood, you need to successfully pass the exams in May or be the winner of the Republican Olympiad with a diploma of I, II or III degree.

For applicants, there are preparatory full-time and distance courses, as well as an Internet Olympiad. To better prepare, you can take a rehearsal exam specially designed for high school applicants. This can be done for free on the site

Elena RYS ', photo by Dmitry ELISEEV, "ZN"

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