The ship is Korean. Gunboat "Korean

At the beginning of 1904, the situation on the Yellow Sea became more and more alarming every day. The feeling of the approaching war has already possessed many Russian sailors who were serving in the Far Eastern waters. And only in distant Petersburg, under the spire of the Admiralty, the confidence continued to soar that Japan would not dare to attack the great empire ... On January 5, 1904 (according to the old style), the gunboat "Koreets" arrived as a station (that is, for permanent stay) at the port Chemulpo, replacing the gunboat "Gilyak" that left for Port Arthur with the dispatches of the Russian envoy in Seoul Pavlov. On the roadstead, the arriving ship was met by the cruiser Varyag, the future "comrade in arms" of the old gunboat. By that time, the "Korean" was already considered a veteran of the Siberian Flotilla. Soon after entering service in 1888, he went to the Far East and has not left the Pacific waters since then.

Gunboat "Koreets"

Gunboat "Koreets"

Gunboat "Koreets"

Gunboat "Koreets"

"Korean" -II (class "Gilyak")

Gunboat "Koreets"

Gunboat "Koreets"

Gunboat "Koreets"

The gunboat "Koreets" in the military conflict with China.

In 1900, the gunboat participated in a military conflict with China and distinguished itself in the bombardment of the forts of the Taku fortress on the Baihe River.

On May 15, 1900, the commander of the Kwantung Region troops, Admiral Alekseev, received an alarming telegram from the Russian envoy to China. Fearing a possible attack on the embassy of the insurgent Chinese - "boxers", the diplomat asked to urgently send 100 sailors to Beijing. The next day, the battleship Sisoy the Great, the cruiser Dmitry Donskoy, the gunboats Thundering and Koreets, and the mine cruisers Rider and Gaidamak left Port Arthur to the mouth of the Baihe River - leading to the capital Heavenly empire ". On May 18, a company of sailors and a platoon of Cossacks, with one gun, disembarked from the ships and plunged with French and Italian troops arriving in time at the mouth of the Baihe on a barge that was supposed to deliver them to the city of Tianjin, located halfway to Beijing. But when the barge, escorted by the Koreyets, moved up the river, shots rang out from the Dagu forts, which blocked the entrance to Baihe, and although the caravan safely reached its destination, from where the landing troops departed for Beijing by train, it became clear that Chinese government troops were ready to join. boxers "in their fight against foreign intervention.

This prompted the commander of the troops of the Kwantung region to send a two thousandth detachment of Colonel Anisimov to the capital, but the rebels blocked it in Tianjin. It was necessary to support the besieged detachments from the ships that were on the roadstead of Dagu ... There was no doubt that the communication of ships with Tianjin would be interrupted if urgent measures were not taken to capture the forts - four powerful fortifications stretching along the sea coast on both banks of Baihe for three kilometers. 240 heavy guns could conduct a circular attack from there and were capable of hitting targets both at the mouth and on the river itself. But the main defense of the bastions from the enemy was shallow water, which did not allow the formidable battleships to approach the coast closer than 20 km ...

At 5 pm on board the Russian gunboat "Beaver" a council of war of commanders gathered, whose ships could come close enough to the forts to engage in suicidal combat with their artillery. There were only nine of them in the international squadron, they were destroyers and gunboats. So the unarmored gunboats were given a fatal task for them - a duel with coastal fortifications. The night was dark. The black long line of forts, formidable and silent, was barely visible in the dim glow of the moon hiding behind the clouds. On all ships, pairs are bred, and guns are loaded ... Fire flashed on the new fort. A shot rang out, and a grenade, buzzing, swept over the Gilyak. The forts lit up. Shell after shell swept over the boats. A combat alarm was sounded on our ships. First "Beaver" gave a signal, then "Gilyak", "Korean" and "Algerin" began to respond with their fire ...

According to all the rules of warfare, the unarmored gunboats, standing in the form of forts, had to be destroyed by the fire of heavy guns. But it turned out differently. The Chinese guns aimed at the target during the day during high tide kept flying, since the gunners did not take into account the low tide that began at midnight. And, nevertheless, the battle was difficult.

At about 3 am, a Chinese grenade hit the Gilyak's bow cellar, causing 136 shells for 75mm guns to explode. The explosion tore off and puffed up the deck above the cellar and caused a severe fire, which, however, was liquidated after 15 minutes. In total, 3 shells hit "Gilyak", 8 people were killed and 48 wounded. Around the same time, a shell exploded on the Koreyets, a fire started in the wardroom above the bomb cellar. While the crew of the boat fought the fire, a new shell pierced the side, destroying all the officers' cabins and the watertight bulkhead in the engine room. When Lieutenant Burakov rushed down the ladder to extinguish the fire that had arisen, the explosion of a new grenade struck him and three sailors. As if in response to this, a pyroxylin shell fired from the Korean's right 203-mm gun blew up a powder magazine on one of the forts. Only 6 shells hit the Koreyets, 9 sailors were killed, 20 were wounded. By 6:30 in the morning, it was all over. All four forts were in Allied hands.

Gunboat "Koreets" in the Russo-Japanese War.

The glory of the cruiser "Varyag" was so loud that there was not so much of it left for the gunboat "Koreets", although it was this modest ship that was in the very center of the events that took place on the roadstead of the Korean port of Chemuppo on February 8, 1904.

On this day, the commander of the "Varyag" Captain 1st Rank V.F. Rudnev, alarmed by the sudden interruption of telegraph communication with Port Arthur, decided to use the Koreyets to send urgent dispatches to the governor. The gunboat weighed anchor at 15.45, but, within two miles, was met in the fairway by Japanese ships. They went in two columns: on the right - four cruisers, on the left - four destroyers. In the distance, beyond the island of Yodolmi, several more silhouettes of ships loomed. Having warned “Varyag” with a flag signal, “Koreets” entered a narrow corridor between the columns of Japanese ships. Suddenly, one of the cruisers blocked the path of the Russian gunboat, and the destroyers began to enter in pairs from both sides. The commander of the Koreyets, Captain II Rank G.P. Belyaev turned back to Chemulpo, and then the Japanese launched a torpedo attack ...

The gunboat managed to avoid the hit of the first torpedo due to the start of the turn, the second also passed by, the third, which inevitably approached to the starboard side, unexpectedly sank a few meters from the boat, the fourth attack was thwarted by Belyaev, rushing to the ram: evading it, the Japanese destroyer did not managed to release torpedoes. During these attacks, the "Korean" fired two shots from 37-mm guns - they were destined to become the first shots that began Russian- japanese war...

The next day, the topmills were cut down on the Koreyets, the gaffs on the fore and main masts, the mizzen boom and other wooden and fire-hazardous structures - ladders, skylights, etc. were removed. The hatch of the engine room was closed with combat grates from grates and nets from inch steel cable. They sealed up all the waterproof doors, hatches and necks, made a plaster for sealing holes, deployed dressing points, and he, together with the Varyag, went out to his the last battle.

By the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war, the "Korean" had a close-knit, well-trained crew, headed by an experienced commander - 46-year-old captain of the 2nd rank G.P. Belyaev. An experienced military sailor, G.P. Belyaev harbored no illusions about the possible outcome of the battle with the enemy, who had more than ninefold superiority over the Russian ships in the bulk of the onboard salvo and in conditions when the Varyag and Koreets were completely deprived of room for wide maneuver. Therefore, in the presence of a commission of officers, all codes, secret orders and maps were burned. Only the logbook was left, which it was decided to keep as long as possible. Then we prepared for the explosion both of the cruise cameras.

The commander of the Japanese squadron, Uriu, was waiting for the Russian ships 10 miles from Chemulpo, apparently not doubting the surrender of the enemy, who was in a completely hopeless position. But "Varyag" did not respond to the signal of the Japanese with an offer to surrender, raised on the cruiser "Naniva". On the topmills and gaffes of the Russian ships, Andreev's flags fluttered. At 11.45 from a distance of 40 - 45 cables, the first salvoes from the Asama roared ...

Slow-moving and armed with obsolete guns, the veteran of the Siberian flotilla "Koreyets", it was even more difficult to fight the battle than the poorly protected, but modern "Varyag". All the more respect is the heroism of the gunboat's crew, who continuously fired at the enemy for an hour and at a critical moment in the battle caused fire on themselves, covering the withdrawal of the wounded cruiser ...

From the report of the commander of the “Koreyets” G.P. Belyaeva: “Responding to the Japanese, he opened fire from the right 8-inch running gun, directing it at“ Asama ”and“ Takashiho. ”He fired high-explosive bombs. then he temporarily ceased fire. But soon opened it from the right 8 in. and aft 6 in. guns. When an explosion was noticed near the aft turret of the cruiser "Asama" - the team greeted this first success with a loud "hurray". on the fourth, in order of building, Japanese cruiser.

The shells of the enemy, except for three undershoots, gave me flights. The enemy also fired high-explosive shells, apparently loaded with lidite; most of them were torn apart when dropped. One of the many debris that fell around the boat punctured the ram compartment 1 foot above the waterline. About 12 hours 15 minutes in the afternoon, when the Varyag, having a noticeable roll, turned into the roadstead, followed it, giving full speed - and covered it, first with the fire of the left 8 dm. and aft 6 dm. guns, and then only with stern fire. From 9 lb. three shots were fired in the battle, but due to undershoots, the firing of these guns was stopped. "The sea around the Koreyets was boiling from explosions, but not a single enemy shell never hit the ship ...

"According to the information from the Italian cruiser Elba and according to the testimony of persons who were on the boat (the cruiser Talbot) returning from the Japanese squadron during the battle, the enemy in the battle at Iodolmi lost a destroyer that sank near the Japanese cruisers. According to further news, the cruiser The Asama was badly damaged: her stern turret was knocked out and her armor was destroyed in many places, she was docked in Japan, while the cruiser Takashiho, sent to Japan after the battle to repair the damage, sank into the sea. These and other losses of the enemy caused a depressed mood in the Japanese population, and the festivities and celebrations that had been prepared in advance in Seoul, Chemulpo, Shanghai and in Japan itself were canceled.

Both in battle and in these difficult days, the entire personnel of the boat entrusted to me, starting with the senior officer and ending with the last sailor, displayed high fighting qualities and served with unshakable courage and courage. All have done their duty. In battle, made from 8 dm. guns - 22 shots, from 6 dm. - 27 and from a 9 pounder gun - 3 shots. There were no killed or wounded. "

At 12 hours 45 minutes the Russian ships returned to the Chemulpo raid. Even a cursory examination of the damage sustained by the Varyag in battle showed that the cruiser's combat capability had actually been lost: only two 152-mm guns remained in good working order; irreparable (up to 45% of the deck crew) were human losses. The military council stated that the continuation of the battle would lead to the useless death of people without causing any harm to the enemy, and therefore it was decided to blow up the ships, and by agreement with the commanders of foreign stationers, to place teams on their ships in order to avoid shameful captivity.

The last to leave the “Koreyets” was its commander G.P. Belyaev. At about 16 hours 5 minutes a powerful explosion swept over the raid - a hand flare in the Koreyets's cruise chamber went off. The hull of the boat was torn into several parts ... On "Varyag" the kingstones were opened and the cruiser was sunk, as the commanders of foreign ships asked V.F. Rudnev refrain from the explosion, fearing for the safety of their ships .... The feat of the Russian sailors was reported by the newspapers of literally all over the world, at home they were met with an enthusiastic reception. The personnel of both ships were awarded the St. George crosses and a special medal “For the battle of“ Varyag ”and“ Koreyets ”on January 27. 1904 ".


The Koreets is a Russian seagoing gunboat with heavy artillery designed to protect coastal waters. The lead ship of a large series of Russian seagoing gunboats. Laid down according to a Russian project in 1886 in Stockholm, launched on August 7, 1886, commissioned in 1888.

  • Displacement 1334 t,
  • power of the horizontal double expansion steam engine 1564 hp from.,
  • travel speed 13.5 knots.
  • Length overall 66.3 m,
  • width 10.7,
  • average deepening 3.5 m.
  • Reservations: deck 12.7 mm.
  • Armament: 2 - 203 mm guns, 1 - 152 mm guns, 4 - 9 pounders, 2 - 47 mm,
    4 37 mm and 1 assault cannon.
A total of 9 ships were built according to one project: "Koreets", "Manzhur" and "Khivinets" - in the Baltic; "Donets", "Zaporozhets", "Kubanets", "Terets", "Uralets" and "Chernomorets" - on the Black Sea. "Khivinets" was built later, entered service in 1906 and was distinguished by weapons:
2 120 mm guns 8 75 mm guns and 4 machine guns.

Gunboat "Koreets" - II in the Russian-German war.

On May 11, 1905 - two weeks before Tsushima - the first gunboat of a new type was laid down in the New Admiralty in St. Petersburg. She was named "Gilyak" in honor of her predecessor, who died in Port Arthur. In 1906, the rest of the ships of the series, named after the Port Arthur gunboats, were laid down at the St. Petersburg shipyards: "Bobr", "Koreets" and "Sivuch".

After the 2nd Pacific Squadron left for the Far East, depriving the Baltic Fleet of practically all modern battleships and cruisers, the Russian command faced the problem of defending St. Petersburg itself with all its urgency. And it turned out that the only defense of the Gulf of Finland against a possible enemy invasion could be minefields. But in themselves they are passive, for with the help of minesweepers it is not so difficult to clear the way for the invasion vultures. However, it is possible to increase the stability of the mined area by placing ships behind it capable of interfering with the work of minesweepers with artillery fire. In 1905, it was decided that such ships should be gunboats of a new type, close in displacement to the previous coastal defense gunboats, and in armament - to "colonial" stations, since they were intended to fight against small unarmored minesweepers in their coastal zone.

On the day the “Gilyak” was laid in the New Admiralty, a “Khivinets”, of the same type as the first “Korean”, but armed with two 120-mm and eight 75-mm cannons, went down. These five ships, together with two more similar gunboats of an earlier construction, "Grozyashchiy" and "Brave" (37), made up a detachment designed to maintain mine defense, with which the Baltic Fleet entered the first world war... And when in August 1915 the German fleet attempted to break into the Gulf of Riga, Russian gunboats, along with other ships, met it ...

On August 8, at 3.50 am, German minesweepers began clearing mines from the channel in the Irbensky Strait. They were supported by an armada of several dozen battleships, cruisers and destroyers. To prevent them, the Russian gunboats "Groziashchiy" and "Brave" approached the minefield at 5:00, and the battleship "Slava" at 10:30. The cannonade lasted for several hours, the enemy slowly move forward, despite the fact that two minesweepers, a cruiser and a destroyer, were blown up by mines. Finally, at 11.45 the Germans stopped the operation. On August 16, “Threatening”, “Brave” and “Glory” again entered into confrontation with the enemy squadron. In this battle, the commander of "Slava" ordered to flood the compartments of one side - the ship tilted. As a result, the gun elevation angle increased, and at the same time, the firing range increased. And yet, thanks to their enormous superiority in forces, the Germans continued to move into the depths of the Irbensky Strait. And on August 19 at 9.30, the enemy squadron entered the Gulf of Riga ...

Fleeing that the gunboats Sivuch and Koreets, which supported the flag of the Russian troops near Ust-Dvinsk, would fall into the hands of the enemy, the command ordered both boats to hurry to Moonsund to join the main forces. At 19.30 in the evening darkness the Russian gunboats stumbled upon the German cruiser Augsburg and two destroyers and entered into a firefight with them. After 20 minutes, two German dreadnoughts and seven more destroyers approached the battlefield. Taking “Sivuch” for “Glory”, the Germans opened a hurricane of fire on it and launched torpedo attacks. As a result of an unequal half-hour battle “Sivuch” was sunk, and “Koreets” managed to hide in the dark under the coast.

The next morning, being among the coastal shoals at Cape Merris, the commander of the "Koreyets" received a false message from the shore about a German landing at Pernov. In response to the report of the "Koreyets", the commander of the mine division said that he would not be able to help the gunboat. Considering himself cut off from Moonsund and doomed to be captured by the Germans, the boat commander brought the crew ashore and blew up the ship ...


Laid down on May 11, 1905 in St. Petersburg in the New Admiralty, launched on October 27, 1906, entered service in 1907.

  • Displacement 960 t,
  • power of two steam engines of triple expansion 890 liters. from.,
  • speed of 12 knots.
  • Maximum length 66.5 m,
  • width 11,
  • average deepening 2.2 m.
  • The thickness of the conning tower armor is 20.3 mm.
  • Armament: two 120-mm rapid-fire guns, four 75-mm cannons, 3 machine guns.
A total of four units were built: "Gilyak", "Beaver", "Koreets" and "Sivuch". "Bobr" and "Sivuch" were built at the Nevsky shipyard, and "Koreets" was the last warship built at the Putilov shipyard.

Portals materials used: Site "Naval history" Archive of the "Modelist-Constructor" magazine

A gunboat (gunboat, gunboat) is a maneuverable battleship that is distinguished by powerful weapons. She is meant to lead fighting in coastal sea areas, lakes and rivers. Most often used to guard harbors.

The emergence of gunboats

There are a lot of lakes, long border rivers and shallow coastal waters in Russia. Therefore, the construction of gunboats can be considered traditional, because other warships could not conduct hostilities in such conditions. However, no replenishment was planned before the outbreak of the First World War. In 1917, there were only 11 gunboats, some of which were launched at the end of the 19th century.

For most of these gunboats Civil War was the last. Only 2 gunboats - "Brave" and "Khivinets" survived it. Therefore, the designers took them as the basis for the production of more modern artillery ships.

"Brave" is the oldest boat that was part of the royal heritage. She served in the Baltic for 63 years. Initially, it was equipped with three guns for use (two for 203 mm and one for 152 mm). However, in 1916 it was modernized. There were now five guns.

"Khivinets" was created as a hospital, therefore its firepower was based on only two 120 mm cannons. But on this boat there were more comfortable living conditions.

After 1917, both boats were no longer considered for the production of new ones due to their venerable age.


When the flotilla felt the power and endurance of the gunboats, it was decided to build them "for the needs of the Far East." Moreover, despite the fact that before the war, new copies were not ordered. The first prototypes were "Brave" and "Khivinets".

After the modernization of the drawings, boats of the Gilyak type began to be produced. However, they were much weaker, the designers tried to enhance parameters such as cruising range. But this was not done. Since there was no high-quality weapons, the gunboats did not continue to build, as well as to use.

Then "Ardahan" and "Kare" appear. Distinctive features these gunboats are based on the use of diesel power plants. At that time, petroleum products were the most affordable types of fuel, therefore, "Ardagan" and "Kare" were economically profitable.

Since 1910, the Naval Ministry has decided on a large-scale modernization. Moreover, this happens when most of the gunboats are already prepared for launching and conducting combat operations. The decision is made to strengthen the protection and all this affects the draft. Therefore, more than half of the cannon boats went for reconstruction. This type was named "Buryat".

Thus, the models of gunboats were constantly changing, supplemented with modern types of weapons and defensive structures. There is no such warship that would be their prototype since the time Russian Empire and up to the present.

Legendary "Korean"

The gunboat "Koreets" was used on Far East to suppress the "boxer uprising". She was part of an international squadron. During the battles, the gunboat received several serious injuries, there were wounded and killed.

Before the Russo-Japanese War, the gunboat "Koreets" was transferred to the Korean port of Chemulpo. The cruiser of the first rank "Varyag" set off with her. On February 8, the crew of the boat was ordered to go to Port Arthur with a diplomatic report. However, the port was blocked, as a result of which the route to the Koreans was blocked. The ship's captain decided to turn back, after which the enemy destroyers attacked with torpedoes. Although today the option is being considered that the Japanese squadron only imitated this.

As a result of the torpedo attack, the Koreets fires two shots. They are the first in the Russo-Japanese War.

Many gunboats, which are used in modern times, were built according to the Koreets project.

"Varyag" and "Korean": combat path

In 1904, at noon, the armored cruiser "Varyag" and the gunboat "Koreets" engaged the Japanese squadron, which lasted about an hour. An entire Japanese squadron opposed the two warships. The gunboat took part in the final phase of the battle, repelling torpedo attacks. An hour after the start of the battle, the cruiser began to retreat, and the gunboat Koreets covered its retreat.

During the battle, 52 shells were fired at the enemy. But at the same time, there was absolutely no damage or loss from the gunboat. Since the Korean was a battleship with powerful artillery weapons, it could not be allowed to be captured. Therefore, it was decided to blow it up on the Chemulpo raid. The crew of the boat moved aboard the French cruiser Pascal. He soon brought the sailors to Russia.

The crews who fought the battle were awarded orders and insignia. A special medal was also established in honor of them. So the cruiser and gunboat went down in history.

Young gunboat "Khivinets"

The gunboat "Khivinets" was the youngest representative of artillery ships in tsarist times. It was intended to be part of Baltic Fleet... The boat is seaworthy, but it was also used in river conditions. And she steadfastly withstood the test of adverse conditions.

The gunboat "Khivinets" was ordered in 1904-1914, when the strengthening of the Russian fleet began. However, the model itself was focused on 1898. Unfortunately, after the release of the model, there was no modernization, which became the reason for the narrow functionality.

It is impossible not to note the stamina and endurance of the gunboat. The fact is that she withstood such battles where other, younger artillery warships died. This is probably why it was used for a long time as a prototype in the construction of ships.

Heroic "Sea lion"

The gunboat "Sivuch" heroically died in a battle with German battleships. That is why every year on September 9 the waves take on a multitude of flowers and wreaths from the citizens of Riga and the Russians.

On August 19, 1915, the imperial fleet entered the battle with the German battleships. It is not known until the end what exactly happened in those distant and long days for the crew. But the battle near Kihnu Island forced the German squadron to abandon further attacks in the Gulf of Riga, as well as bombardment of coastal fortifications. This was the main purpose of the raid of the German fleet.

The gunboat Sivuch then saved Riga from casualties and destruction. The cost of such a feat was the death of the ship, as well as of the entire crew. At that time the gunboat was even called the Baltic "Varyag", so high was the heroism of the sailors.

Gunboat "Beaver"

The gunboat "Beaver" belongs to the Gilyak type. Such ships were intended to protect the Amur River up to Khabarovsk. In its lower reaches there was a small number of garrisons, and they should have been provided with artillery support. Since there was a small number of objects, the design of ships was based on a long cruising range, as well as autonomy. However, the seaworthiness during practice was extremely low.

The value of this type of gunboats was minimal, since little attention was paid to weapons during the design. During the First World War, they were used as a swimming base. Naturally, they did not become designs and prototypes. Future ships took over only combat missions from these boats.

The Beaver was laid down in 1906, and a year later it was launched. In 1908, the gunboat entered the Russian fleet. Throughout the history of its existence, it has also visited the Germans. She was captured in 1918 and converted into a swimming workshop. In the same year, the boat was transferred to Estonia. Although she was out of whack, she was listed in the squadron of this country.

The gunboat served 21 years, in 1927 it was scrapped.

River (lake) and sea gunboats

Despite their great functionality, virtually all gunboats were used to strike at coastal targets. The purpose of such attacks was to suppress the enemy's firepower, as well as to reduce manpower. If the boat remained in close proximity to its coast, then its tasks were to protect coastal facilities, to protect against enemy warships.

There are sea and river gunboats. Their main difference is weight. The former reach a mass of 3 thousand tons, the latter - 1500. Of course, based on the name, it is logical to assume in what places the gunboats will be used.

Functionality and use of gunboats

Gunboats are a variant of the most functional artillery ships. The design made it possible to use them in military operations in the coastal zone, on rivers and near archipelagos with small rocky islands.

Gunboats could perform the following functions:

  1. Defense of coasts, ports, estuaries
  2. Landing
  3. Support for troops on the shores
  4. Landing your own and fighting the enemy landing
  5. Ancillary tasks such as cargo delivery

Depending on where exactly the artillery ship will be used, its design could change, special buildings were erected. There are unarmored, armored and armored boats. The second option was most often used, since it offered relatively good protection, but at the same time had a low weight, which had a positive effect on maneuverability.

Main characteristics of gunboats

Based on the characteristics, it was determined where the gunboat would be used. There are three main parameters:

  1. Displacement... Ships could be launched to protect and conduct military operations in the seas or on rivers and lakes.
  2. Speed... It is 3-15 knots. The speed depends on what kind of design the gunboat is endowed with. It can be unarmored, armored only in vulnerable spots, and also completely. Naturally, its weight increases, which negatively affects the swimming speed.
  3. Armament.

Since the gunboats were fighting, much attention was paid. They could be equipped with 1-4 copies of main caliber cannons (203-356 mm). This design approach was focused on sea gunboats. River boats were most often equipped with medium-caliber guns (76-170).

Also, depending on the purpose on the deck, automatic cannons "Zenith" and machine guns could be installed. The latter were designed extremely rarely due to their short range.


Thus, it is impossible to meet two identical gunboats. Each copy is good in its own way, endowed with its own unique functionality. As history shows, many Russian gunboats could single-handedly oppose entire squadrons. This is the merit of not only the warships themselves and their designers, but also the crew. Often, only his courage tilted the outcome of the battle in his favor.

Gunboat "Korean"

  • Years of operation: 1885 - 1904
  • Laid down at the Stockholm farm, Sweden, December 1885.
  • Launched in August 1886.
  • Commissioned in 1887.

Gunboat Korean

"The feat of the cruiser Varyag" became a symbol of the inflexibility of the Russian navy. Lesser known participant in a heroic feat, gunboat "Koreets" together with the Japanese squadron gave battle, albeit short and hopeless. She was the same full participant in the battle. And she deserved the same honors as the Varyag. It was on the gunboat, and not on the cruiser, that the most powerful 208 mm or eight-inch guns were. The Varyag had on board a gun with a maximum caliber of 152 mm.
On January 27, 1904, after a battle with the Japanese squadron in Chemulpo, unlike the submerged "" was blown up by the crew.
The next year, it was raised by the Japanese and handed over to the metal.

february 1904, Chemulpo, Korean gunboat blown up

  • Displacement "Korean"-1224 t. Length 66.7, width 12.2, height 3.8 meters.
  • Armament: 2 8-inch guns - 203mm, 1 gun - 152 mm, 4 guns - 107 mm, 2 - 47 mm, 4 - 37 mm, 1 NTA (torpedo tube) 381 mm
  • Boat booking - armor deck 10 mm
  • Mechanisms 2 horizontal machines of double expansion 1724 hp, 6 fire tube boilers, 2 screws.
  • The maximum speed is 13.5 knots.
  • Cruising range 2850 miles.
  • Crew gunboat "Koreets" : 12 officers and 162 sailors.

All sailors - participants in the battle, received ZOVO ( Insignia of the Military Order). It is this abbreviation that is found in the literature, for the simple "St. George's Cross"... Awarded with "George" was paid a lifetime monetary reward, amounting to 2 rubles 70 kopecks (!) Per year.
After the October Revolution of 17, cash payments were stopped.

50 years later, the Soviet government remembered the heroes. In 1954, 45 veterans who participated in the naval battle in Chemulpo were awarded the medal "For Courage" by a government decree.

All officers of both ships were awarded the Order of St. George, IV degree. Also, all participants in the battle were awarded a special medal for the battle of the cruiser "Varyag" and "Koreyets".

Established medal for the battle between the cruiser Varyag and the gunboat Koreets

Below is the surname composition gunboat "Koreets" , from interesting facts from the life of the participants in the battle. For example, one of the sailors, after being awarded, after a short time lost the award medal.

If someone knows anything about the fate of the participants in the battle, please write it down in the comments.

  1. Adrianov Nikolay Hornist
  2. Adrianov Petr gunner
  3. Akrosimov Alexander podshipper
  4. Akrutskiy Fedosiy komendor
  5. Anisimov Inokenty sailor
  6. Ariskin Vasily Quartermaster
  7. Artenshin Polycarp Quartermaster
  8. Bazaikin Semyon machinist
  9. Balaev Arseny Komendor
  10. Drummers Vasily sailor
  11. Bashmakov Mikhail Komendor
  12. Alexey Belousov Mars
  13. Dmitry Belykh Komendor
  14. Belyaev Grigory Pavlovich 2nd rank captain, commander of the gunboat "Koreets", awarded for the battle with the Order of St. George, 4th degree. In 1905, the commander of the battleship "Sinop", a member of the court of the rebels and sailors.
  15. Belyaev Fedor sailor
  16. Bersenyev Vasily sailboat
  17. Bershatsky Hilarion sailor
  18. Besedin Konstantin Kok
  19. Bliznyuk Vladimir sailor
  20. Bliznyuk Pavel sailor
  21. Birilev Pavel Andreevich, born 1881, midshipman. Was one of the organizers of the explosion of the gunboat "Koreets" on 9.02. 1904; awarded for the battle with the Order of St. Stanislav 3 tbsp. with swords and bow and St. George 4 tbsp.
  22. Bogdanov Vasily miner
  23. Bogomolov Yakov sailor
  24. Bozhenov Semyon the fireman
  25. Boisman Vladimir Vasilievich midshipman, St. Anna with the inscription "for bravery." The son of V.A. Boisman (the commander of "Peresvet") joined the army. He died in exile in the city of Terijoki (Finland) with the rank of major general.
  26. Bolshapov Stepan sailor
  27. Bordelyuk Methodius the fireman
  28. Bordukhovsky Ivan helmsman
  29. Boreiko Alexander sailor
  30. Borinov Alexander machinist
  31. Borisov Vasily Borisovich sailor, born in the village of Yuryevo, Starorussky district Novgorod region, was awarded the 4th century, the St. George medal, and a personal watch with the inscription "To the Hero of Chemulpo" was also presented. The school museum kept his medal of a participant in the Russian - Japanese war, on one side of the medal: "1904 -1905", on the other - "May the Lord exalt us in due time."
  32. Boskov Tikhon master of compartments
  33. Butlerov Alexander Mikhailovich midshipman, chief of watch, participated in the explosion of the boat, the Order of St. Anna with the inscription “for bravery”; On September 30, 1913, he was killed in a duel with Lieutenant Durnovo in Sevastopol.
  34. Bocharov Leonty sailor
  35. Buravlev Peter sailor
  36. Burkov Seraphim sailor
  37. Vaganov Nikolay, artillery quartermaster of 1 article, was appointed from among the volunteers to blow up the boat "Koreets".
  38. Vandokurov Zakhar signal quartermaster.
  39. Vasiliev Alexey sailor.
  40. Vedernikov Alexander diver
  41. Stepan Velikanov machinist
  42. Vertokhovsky Stanislav Machine Quartermaster. He took part in the hostilities of 1901 near Taku and for this he had Insignia of the Military Order 4 tbsp., 3 tbsp. received for Chemulpo.
  43. Volkone (Vologonya) Adam is a sailor, stripped of awards and sentenced to 1 year and 6 months for squandering state money and attempted robbery with the use of violence.
  44. Voloshin (Voloshen) Miron Porfilovich Quartermaster, 1954 Medal "For Courage"
  45. Voronin Prokopy painter
  46. Voronovsky Ivan carpenter
  47. Second Zakhar miner
  48. Vychugzhanin Mikhail Komendor
  49. Glazunov Pavel Dmitrievich, a clerk, was among the volunteers to blow up the "Koreets" spacecraft, was refused.
  50. Golyshev Egor sailor
  51. Goncharov Porfiry diver
  52. Gribov Dmitry sailor
  53. Gryshin Mikhail sailor
  54. Grin Daniel sailor
  55. Gurov Timofey helmsman
  56. Wild Plato Art. commander. Even before the battle in Chemulpo, he took part in the fighting in 1901. under Taku, for which he was awarded Insignia of the Military Order 4 tbsp., Under Chemulpo was awarded the ZOVO 3 tbsp.
  57. Dolganov Mikhail Quartermaster
  58. Dorofeev Ivan sailor
  59. Drizhd Anisim sailor
  60. Drobenko Anisim sailor.
  61. Dronikh Yakov machinist
  62. Dyachkov Ivan sailor 1st class, was appointed from the volunteers to blow up the "Korean", ordered to get into a whaleboat.
  63. Durnov Sergey Nikolaevich Warrant Officer
  64. Yemelyanov Parfiry mine quartermaster, participant in the preparation of the boat for the explosion.
  65. Eremenko Korney sailor
  66. Ermolaev Terenty Mars
  67. Efimov Pavel sailor
  68. Zheleznov Pavel Vasilievich
  69. Zhernakov Grigory is a native of the Cheremkhovsky district, Irkutsk region.
  70. Afanasy Zhukov is a diver.
  71. Zavodovsky Egor Quartermaster
  72. Zasukhin Anatoly Nikolaevich born in 1861, captain of the 2nd rank; Art. officer of the Siberian naval crew: Order of St. Vladimir 4 st. with swords and bow and St. George 4 tbsp.
  73. Zakharov Andrey Quartermaster
  74. Zinovich Roman fireman
  75. Zyryanov Denis Kirillovich fireman; 1954 Medal For Courage.
  76. Hare Matvey sailor
  77. Zolotukhin Ivan gunner
  78. Ivanov Feoktist Mars
  79. Kadannikov Petr orderly
  80. Kazachishin Anton sailor
  81. Alexey Katunin sailor
  82. Knyukov Dmitry Mars
  83. Kozlov Ilya Quartermaster
  84. Kolesnikov Ivan machinist
  85. Komashev Ustim sailor
  86. Komoshev Yakov sailor
  87. Alexey Konstantinov master of compartments
  88. Kopylov Joseph the fireman
  89. Alexey Kotkov Battalier
  90. Koshcheev Ivan fireman
  91. Kruglenko Pavel orderly
  92. Krishtofenko Akim (kok), who refused to go ashore before the battle, Akim was a civilian. I asked the commanders to give him a rifle; during the battle was at the stern feed.
  93. Kuznetsov Konstantin signalman
  94. Kulagin Nikita spoonful
  95. Kulagin Terenty Miner
  96. Kulinichev Porfiry sailor
  97. Kutsubinsky Efim sailor
  98. Levitsky Alexander Ivanov Lieutenant, born in 1886. A mine officer was selected from among the volunteers for the explosion, the Order of St. Stanislaus, Art. with swords and St. George 4 tbsp.
  99. Lokhtin (Loktev) Ivan Kapitonovich helmsman, 1954 medal "For Courage".
  100. Furious Kuzma sailor
  101. Lukin Stepan the fireman
  102. Mazunov Pavel clerk
  103. Makarov Terenty sailor
  104. Maximov Nikolay machinist
  105. Malinnikov Petr machinist
  106. Marinichev Nikolay sailor
  107. Menshikov Daniil boatswain's mate.
  108. Merkushev Valery Apollonovich b.1876, junior doctor, physician of the Siberian naval crew, awarded for the battle the Order of St. Stanislav, 3rd degree. with swords (April 16, 1904). St. George 4 Art.
  109. Mikhailov Prokofiy Kuzmich, 1954 medal "For Courage".
  110. Moydaos Peter machinist
  111. Mokrushin Fedor machinist
  112. Morozov Gerasim the fireman
  113. Nazarenko Grigory sailor
  114. Nikiforov sailor 2 tbsp.
  115. Nikolsky Vasily paramedic
  116. Ogorodnikov Nikolay sailor.
  117. Ostashev Kuzma Kok
  118. Okhlopkov Alexey a signalman, buried 50 kilometers from Irkutsk, the village of Biliktuy (in the village of Beliktuy there is a museum "Koreyets"), in 1954 he was awarded the medal "For Courage".
  119. Plesovsky Grigory Mars
  120. Pahorukov Timofey sailor
  121. Poderugin Egor the fireman
  122. Podymahin Mikhail machinist
  123. Leaving Vasily sailor
  124. Potemkin Vasily sailor
  125. Prakhov Ivan Alexandrovich, 1954 Medal "For Courage".
  126. Pushkar Alexey sailor
  127. Rerlev Vasily sailor
  128. Rodin Kuzma is a fireman
  129. Romashkin Walpurgis Porfirier (nicknamed Valik) sailor. At the time of the battle, 18 years. Got a head concussion. After disembarking (Giblartar area) from the evacuating Pascal, waiting for the ship Malaya, which was delayed by a week (it was supposed to pick up the wounded). I asked the commander on leave "due to injury" to Seville. In his dismissal, he falls in love with Carmencita, his future wife (the wedding took place in April).
  130. Rudakov Fyodor Quartermaster
  131. Rudykh Dmitry fireman
  132. Rumyantsev Fyodor Quartermaster
  133. Runsev (Runuev) Andrey machinist 2 st. In 1904 he was 21 years old, a daredevil and joker, during a battle he was wounded in the leg. On the cruiser "Talbot" it was delivered to England. After returning and receiving awards, he moved with his family to Baku. As a machinist he walked across the Caspian Sea. For unproven complicity in the murder of an officer, he was sentenced to death. Taking into account the awarding "George", the execution was replaced by exile. He was a train driver, died tragically in 52.
  134. Ryshkov Ivan sailor
  135. Sanderman Elias stoker
  136. Safonov Alexey machinist
  137. Sadovnikov Alexander sailor.
  138. Sergeev Gavrila sailor
  139. Simbirtsev Sergei (Prokofy) was buried in the village of Biliktuy. quartermaster; 1954 Medal "For Courage".
  140. Sinitsyn Innokenty the fireman
  141. Skibin Feoktist master of the compartments
  142. Dmitry Sokolov sailor
  143. Solotkov Mikhail the fireman
  144. Soplenko Mitrofan signalman
  145. Sofronov Yegor helmsman quartermaster.
  146. Sofronov Yakov boatswain, participant in the preparation for the explosion of the "Korean".
  147. Spiryakov Lavrenty Evdokimovich Miner
  148. Subbotin Mikhail (Maxim) machinist
  149. Stepanov Pavel Gavrilovich, born in 1863, artillery officer, lieutenant, awarded the order St. Stanislaus 2nd degree. with swords and St. George 4 degrees.
  150. Syrelshchikov Ilya owner
  151. Timokhin Vasily the fireman
  152. Tirsky Dmitry machinist
  153. Tikhonov Yakov Commander
  154. Toropin Andrey fireman 2 tbsp. Was dispossessed, owned a farm and a 2-storey log house. He died in 1946, having received a second funeral for his youngest son Frol, his grandson is the architect A.N. Shepelev.
  155. Toropov Yakov sailor
  156. Trunin Peter sailor
  157. Trufanov Nikita sailor
  158. Tuev Ivan Ekimovich, lived from 1877 to 1949. Feldwebel, participant in the battles of 1901, medal "For Courage" 1954. Some of the personal belongings are in the city museum of Sovetsk.
  159. Tyushnyakov Stepan Commander.
  160. Utrobin Vyacheslav miner, managed to lose "George", after the award ceremony Moscow April 14, 1904.
  161. Fedorov Ivan machinist
  162. Frank Valery Al. (Ivan Leontievich) was born in 1880. corps of mechanical engineers of the fleet, assigned to blow up the "Korean", awarded the Order of St. Stanislaus 3 Art. with swords and bow.
  163. Khokhlov Efim the fireman
  164. F. Khutorkov sailor, later took part in the uprising on the battleship "Potemkin"
  165. Tsyganov Nikolay Komendor
  166. Cherdyntsev Semyon the fireman
  167. Churkin Sergei fireman
  168. Shazukov Emelyan sailor
  169. Shamanaev Fedor fireman
  170. Shirokikh Ivan sailor
  171. Yaroshenko Semyon sailor
  172. Yachmenev Georgy Ivanovich owner; in 1954 he was awarded the medal "For Courage".

The seaworthy gunboat "Koreets" was built by a Russian order at one of the Swedish shipyards and entered service in 1887. The ship had a displacement of 1334 tons and could reach speeds of up to 13.4 knots (about 25 km / h). The armament consisted of two 203 mm guns on sponsons in the bow of the ship, one 152 mm retraction gun, four 107 mm guns, four 37 mm rapid-fire guns and one torpedo tube. A significant part of the Koreets' service took place in the Far East, where the boat performed stationary functions in a number of Japanese and Korean ports. The military debut of the "Korean" in June 1900 was an artillery duel with the forts of the Chinese fortress Taku. In the midst of the battle, a 203 mm projectile from the Koreyets caused an explosion of ammunition at one of the Taku forts, which predetermined the outcome of the artillery confrontation. For this fight, the "Korean" would have been awarded the St. George's silver horn. The gunboat itself was significantly affected, receiving from six to eight direct hits. Nine crew members were killed and twenty were injured. While extinguishing the fire on the Koreyets, an artillery officer of the boat, Lieutenant Burakov, was killed by a fragment of an exploding shell. Subsequently, the name of this hero was borne by the fastest ship of the Russian-Japanese war - the destroyer Lieutenant Burakov.

The Russo-Japanese War found the "Korean" together with the cruiser "Varyag" in the Korean port of Chemulpo (present-day Incheon). January 26, 1904 less than a day before the attack japanese fleet the first episode of a military clash of an undeclared war took place on the Russian squadron in Port Arthur. To restore the broken communication with the squadron, by order of the commander of the "Varyag" VF Rudnev, the "Korean" under the command of Captain 2nd Rank G. P. Belyaev was sent to Port Arthur. While the gunboat was moving through the narrow strait, the Japanese squadron began a dangerous provocative maneuvering around the Russian gunboat, as a result of which the destroyer Tsubame ran aground and received a hole. The second phase of the incident involved the use of weapons by both sides. The Japanese destroyers fired three Whitehead mines (torpedoes) almost point-blank at the Koreets, two of which passed by, and the third sank a few meters from the Russian gunboat. In response, the Koreyets fired several shots from a 37 mm revolving cannon. The sides had no losses or damages (with the exception of the Tsubame that ran aground). After the incident, the "Korean" was forced to return to the Chemulpo raid.

On January 27, 1904, the Japanese ultimatum ordered the Russian ships to leave the port of Chemulpo, otherwise the enemy threatened to attack the Russian ships at the anchorage site. Until now, in the literature, the composition of the Japanese forces in the battle of Chemulpo on January 27, 1904 is assessed in different ways. cruisers and 8 destroyers. Outwardly, a huge numerical and qualitative superiority of the Japanese, which the enemy never took advantage of during the battle. It should be noted that on the eve of the battle, Chemulpo's squadron of Uriu consisted not even of 14, but 15 pennants - the armored cruiser Asama, armored cruisers Naniwa, Takachiho, Niitaka, Chiyoda, Akashi and eight destroyers and advice note "Chihaya". True, on the eve, as mentioned above, the Japanese suffered non-combat losses, and one unit in the Uriu squadron temporarily decreased. The messenger ship "Chihaya" did not participate in the battle either, which, nevertheless, was in the immediate vicinity of the battlefield. In reality, due to the narrowness of the strait, a group of four Japanese cruisers fought, two more cruisers participated only sporadically, and the presence of destroyers among the Japanese remained a factor of presence.

Before the battle on the Koreyets, the topmills (the upper part of the masts) were cut down in order to make a deliberate mistake in the shooting of the Japanese gunners. The Japanese calculated the distance to the target using the Lujol prisms, focusing on the tabular rather than the actual target mast height. Therefore, during the shooting at the Korean, the Japanese shells landed with flights inexplicable to the enemy. As a result of the battle on January 27, the Russian gunboat had no losses or damage (only one fragment pierced the side 30 cm above the waterline). The boat returned fire from two 203 mm and one 152 mm guns. When approaching the enemy, three shots were fired from 107 mm. guns, but the fire from them was immediately stopped when it became clear that the enemy was out of reach. In literature and art created artistic image as if "Varyag" and "Korean" were under a hail of Japanese shells. However, the figures given in the reports of the commanders of the Russian and Japanese ships give a slightly different picture. In just 50 minutes of the battle at Chemulpo, six Japanese cruisers consumed 419 shells. In response, twenty-two 203-mm projectiles, twenty-seven 152 mm, three - 107 mm were fired from the Koreyets. "Varyag" during the battle, according to the report of VF Rudnev, used up 1105 shells.

It turns out that in the battle at Chemulpo, two Russian ships fired almost three times more shells than the entire Japanese squadron. The question of how the spent shells were recorded on the Russian ships, or the figure was indicated approximately based on the results of a survey of crews, remains debatable. The disputes about the effectiveness of the fire of "Varyag" and "Koreyets" also do not subside. Russian sources point to very large losses of the enemy: a sunken destroyer, 30 killed and 200 wounded. They are based mainly on the opinion of representatives of foreign powers who watched the battle. Over time, two destroyers and the cruiser Takachiho were already in the "sunk" (by the way, these data were included in the feature film "Cruiser Varyag"). And if the fate of some Japanese destroyers really raises questions, then the cruiser Takachiho, albeit not very well, survived the Russo-Japanese war and died 10 years later with her entire crew during the siege of Qingdao. Reports from all Japanese cruiser commanders indicate that there were no losses or damage to their ships. Another question: where, after the battle in Chemulpo, the main enemy of the Varyag, the armored cruiser Asama, "disappeared" for two months. Neither Port Arthur, nor in the composition of the squadron of Admiral Kammimura operating against the Vladivostok detachment of cruisers. And this was at the very beginning of the war, when the outcome of the confrontation was far from being decided. It is likely that the ship, which became the main target of the Varyag and Koreyets guns, received serious damage, but at the beginning of the war, for propaganda purposes, the Japanese side did not want to talk about this.

After the return of "Varyag" and "Koreyets" to the Chemulpo raid, it was decided to destroy the ships. The commander of the Koreyets, Belyaev, described the death of the gunboat in his report: “At 4 hours 5 minutes two explosions followed with an interval of 2-3 seconds. The boat sank to the bottom, with the bow detached and overturned, and the stern part tore apart. This explosion destroyed guns of all calibers. Code, secret orders, papers, maps, plates of identification marks have been burned. On the boats were taken two ship images, the Tsar's letter, a silver St. George's horn, money from the chest, a logbook and financial statements. The rifles taken on the boats were ordered to be thrown when approaching the French cruiser Paskal. Officers. As well as the team moved out without things. " The Koreyets' crew was stationed on the French Pascal, where the attitude towards the Russian sailors was the most favorable. Formally, the crew of the "Koreyets" destroyed their own serviceable ship and could not be among those in distress, unlike the sailors of the "Varyag" of the cruiser, which received heavy damage.

The crews of the Varyag and Koreets were interned and returned to their homeland through Saigon and Odessa. All participants in the battle were awarded awards - the Order of St. George, 4th degree, all officers and the lower ranks of the Military Order. In addition, a special silver medal "For the battle of" Varyag "and" Koreyets "at Chemulpo on January 27, 1904" was established, which was awarded on a ribbon in the colors of the Andreevsky flag that was not typical for the national award system. The name of the heroic boat was inherited by a gunboat of the Baltic Fleet, who also died in unequal battle in 1915.

The glory of the cruiser "Varyag" was so loud that there was not so much left for the gunboat "Koreets", although this modest ship was in the very center of the events that took place on the roadstead of the Korean port of Chemuppo on February 8, 1904.

By the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war, the "Korean" had a close-knit, well-trained crew, headed by an experienced commander - 46-year-old captain of the 2nd rank G.P. Belyaev. An experienced military sailor, G.P. Belyaev harbored no illusions about the possible outcome of the battle with the enemy, who had more than ninefold superiority over the Russian ships in the bulk of the onboard salvo and in conditions when the Varyag and Koreets were completely deprived of room for wide maneuver.
On the Koreyets, the topmills were cut down, the gaffs on the fore and main masts, the mizzen boom and other wooden and fire-hazardous structures - ladders, skylights, etc. were removed. ... They sealed up all the waterproof doors, hatches and necks, made a plaster to seal the holes, deployed dressing points, and together with "Varyag" he went into his last battle. In the presence of a commission of officers, all codes, secret orders and maps were burned. Only the logbook was left, which it was decided to keep as long as possible. Then we prepared for the explosion both of the cruise cameras.

From the report of the commander of the “Koreyets” G.P. Belyaeva: "Answering the Japanese, I opened fire from the right 8-inch running gun, directing it at" Asama "and" Takashiho ". I fired high-explosive bombs. ; in view of which he temporarily ceased fire. But soon opened it from the right 8 in. and aft 6 in. guns. When an explosion was noticed near the aft turret of the cruiser "Asama", - the team greeted this first success with a loud "hurray". explosion and on the fourth, in order of formation, the Japanese cruiser.

The shells of the enemy, except for three undershoots, gave me flights. The enemy also fired high-explosive shells, apparently loaded with lidite; most of them were torn apart when dropped. One of the many debris that fell around the boat punctured the ram compartment 1 foot above the waterline. About 12 hours 15 minutes in the afternoon, when the Varyag, having a noticeable roll, turned into the roadstead, followed it, giving full speed - and covered it, first with the fire of the left 8 dm. and aft 6 dm. guns, and then only with stern fire. From 9 lb. three shots were fired in the battle, but due to undershoots, the firing of these guns was stopped. "The sea around the Koreyets was boiling from explosions, but not a single enemy shell never hit the ship ...

"According to further news, the cruiser" Asama "was badly damaged: her stern tower was knocked out and armor was destroyed in many places; she was docked in Japan. The cruiser" Takashiho ", after the battle was sent to Japan to repair the damage, sank into the sea ...

Both in battle and in these difficult days, the entire personnel of the boat entrusted to me, starting with the senior officer and ending with the last sailor, displayed high fighting qualities and served with unshakable courage and courage. All have done their duty. In battle, made from 8 dm. guns - 22 shots, from 6 dm. - 27 and from a 9 pounder gun - 3 shots. There were no killed or wounded. "

Realizing that the continuation of the battle would lead to the useless death of people without causing any harm to the enemy, it was decided to blow up the ships, and by agreement with the commanders of foreign stationaries, to place teams on their ships in order to avoid shameful captivity. The Koreets began to prepare for the explosion. Soon boats began to roll off the boards of the Russian ships, carrying the wounded on board the French cruiser Pascal, and then the rest of the crew. The last to leave the Koreyets was its commander G. P. Belyaev.
At about 16 hours 5 minutes a powerful explosion swept over the raid - a hand flare in the Koreyets's cruise chamber went off. The hull of the boat was torn into several parts ...

On the "Varyag" the kingstones were opened and the cruiser was sunk, as the commanders of foreign ships asked V.F. Rudnev refrain from the explosion, fearing for the safety of their ships ... The feat of the Russian sailors was reported by the newspapers of literally all over the world, at home they were met with an enthusiastic reception.
The personnel of both ships were awarded St. George's Crosses and a special medal "For the battle of" Varyag "and" Koreyets "on January 27. 1904 g
In 1905, the gunboat "Koreets" was raised by the Japanese and scrapped.


The Koreets is a Russian seagoing gunboat with heavy artillery designed to protect coastal waters. The lead ship of a large series of Russian seagoing gunboats. Laid down according to a Russian project in 1886 in Stockholm, launched on August 7, 1886, commissioned in 1888.

Displacement 1334 t,
capacity of the horizontal double expansion steam engine 1564 hp from.,
travel speed 13.5 knots.
Length overall 66.3 m,
width 10.7,
average deepening 3.5 m.
Reservations: deck 12.7 mm.
Armament: 2 - 203 mm guns, 1 - 152 mm guns, 4 - 9-pounders, 2 - 47-mm,
4 - 37 mm and 1 assault cannon.