How to immerse yourself in the world of imagination. What is fantasy and why is escapism dangerous? Learn from successful entrepreneurs

And the creation of images, pictures and representations there. If he creates for us images of objects and phenomena that are directly visible in outside world, then the imagination builds images of absent objects and phenomena on the basis of already existing pictures and ideas. With the help of imagination, a person can fly to other worlds, return to his past or be transported into his future.

Imagination plays a key role in mental processes such as play.

The possibilities of imagination are very great. Read how Nikola Tesla, the inventor of electricity and radio, the lord of lightning, used his imagination: “By the age of 17 I learned to see with my inner vision, and since then I did not need models, drawings or experiments, I can just as realistically imagine all this in thoughts. When I have an idea, I immediately start developing it in my imagination. I change the design, make improvements and mentally set the mechanism in motion. It doesn't matter to me at all whether I control my turbine in my head or test it in the workshop. I even notice that her balance is out of balance. The type of mechanism does not matter, the result will be the same. This way I can quickly develop and improve the concept without touching anything. When all possible and conceivable improvements to the invention have been taken into account and no weak points are visible, I give this final product of my mental activity a concrete form. The device I have invented invariably works the way I think it should work, and the experience goes exactly as I planned. For twenty years there has not been a single exception. " - Such possibilities of imagination are the basis thought experiments... See →

Imagination as a state or process in nervous system a person can have a profound effect on the body - to make a person sick ("imaginary" sick) or, conversely, healthy.

Types of imagination

Imagination is involuntary, arbitrary, etc.

Involuntary imagination manifests itself in dreams, altered states of consciousness, etc. These or those pictures sometimes, according to the most bizarre logic, come to us, replace each other, and amazing, magical and sometimes scary stories can be watched, like in a movie theater. Having set a special task, you can learn to control this process in many ways, and you will observe already controlled dreams.

Arbitrary imagination draws in your mind's eye or recalls the pictures you need. In the latter case, the imagination is more like or. A picture of an attractive future, to which one wants to return and which one wants to realize, becomes a dream for an active person, and for a loafer - empty dreams.

Enter the depths of the subconscious! This will give you the opportunity to remove internal blocks and restrictions, fulfill any desires and travel to parallel worlds!

The practice of entering the depths of the subconscious

If at any stage of the practice described below you fall asleep, do not worry about this.

When you wake up and realize that you have fallen asleep, you can continue your journey into your inner Universe from where you left off ...

Your task at this level of practice is to go through all the stages of the inner journey in full awareness and not lose the chain of conscious events.

It may seem daunting at first, but as you practice it will get better and better.

So, we begin to master the internal trance and enter the depths of the subconscious

This method allows you to enter the deepest states of internal trance. At each stage, various phenomena can manifest themselves in the form of clairvoyant visions, revelations, auditory effects, astral output and levitation2.

This state must be mastered, since on its basis many exercises can be built to realize superpowers, fulfill desires, and simply to gain extraordinary experience.

Stage one - preparatory

Work is carried out in a ventilated room in complete darkness or twilight, you can light a candle and sandalwood incense (optional).

1. Remove any distractions, turn off your cell phone, and ask family members not to disturb you during this time.

If the house is noisy, get earplugs from the pharmacy. If the room is light, you can use a dark fabric rest mask (available from pharmacies) that tightly blocks the light from your eyes.

2. Lie on a flat, hard surface - best of all, lay a blanket or rug on the floor, the spine is straight, there is no pillow. If you feel cold, cover yourself with a blanket or blanket.

3. Take the position of "corpse pose": lying on your back, hands along the body, palms pressed against the floor.

4. Eyes open and look straight ahead with a motionless and indifferent gaze - 5 sec.

5. Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, hold your breath for a short time.

6. Give yourself a mental attitude:

“Now, in a completely conscious state, I will go into a deep trance to the depths of my subconscious. I will do all the work I need in this deep state. When all the subconscious work is completed, I will come out of this state and will feel completely rested, joyful and energetic, and all my intentions will be fulfilled. "

Stage two - trance breathing

1. Start breathing slowly and with awareness, making sure that there are no gaps between inhalation and exhalation.

2. Inhalation smoothly turns into exhalation, and exhalation into inhalation, there is not a second of delay between them, as in a circular motion.

3. While inhaling, mentally pronounce a drawn-out O-O-O-M-M-M ..., while exhaling a drawn-out M-M-M-O-O-O….

4. Be extremely careful and make sure that there is not the slightest gap between inhalation and exhalation.

5. Continue breathing continuously for 10-15 minutes, until you feel numbness in the limbs of the body and a state of extreme lightness.

6. When the feeling of complete immobility, peace, lightness and numbness has come, you can proceed to the next step.

Stage three - relaxation

1. Concentrate all your attention on the muscles and organs of your body.

2. Feel all your muscles and internal organs.

3. Now mentally, starting with the head and muscles of the face and ending with the feet, say:

“My crown completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my neck completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes. My forehead completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my eyelids completely relax, completely relax, relax ... "

“My pupils completely relax, completely relax, relax, my cheeks completely relax, completely relax, relax. My nose completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes. My chin is totally relaxing, totally relaxing, relaxing. My tongue completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my jaw completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes ... "

"My face is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my head is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed ..."

“My brain is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my neck is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My shoulders completely relax, completely relax, relax, my chest completely relax, completely relax, relax ... "

“My heart is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My lungs completely relax, completely relax, relax. My stomach completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my liver completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes ... "

“My pancreas completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my stomach completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes. My bowels completely relax, completely relax, relax, my kidneys completely relax, completely relax, relax. My spleen completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes ... "

“My hands are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My palms completely relax, completely relax, relax. My fingers completely relax, completely relax, relax. My pelvis completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my hips completely relax, completely relax, relax ... "

“My genitals completely relax, completely relax, relax, my crotch completely relax, completely relax, relax. My anus completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my buttocks completely relax, completely relax, relax ... "

“My legs completely relax, completely relax, relax, my knees completely relax, completely relax, relax. My calf is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My feet are completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My toes completely relax, completely relax, relax ... "

"My whole body from head to toe completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes ..."

"My body completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes, my organs completely relax, completely relax, relax."

"My etheric body is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my astral body is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed ..."

“My mental body is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed, my causal body is completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed. My mind completely relaxes, completely relaxes, relaxes. I am completely relaxed, completely relaxed, relaxed ... "

4. Repeat these formulas until you lose the sensation of your physical body.

5. At this stage, you need to stop swallowing saliva for a further deeper immersion in trance.

Stage four - immersion

At this stage of internal trance, you will plunge into the depths of the subconscious, so that then, being in this state, you will carry out paranormal work.

1. Now imagine that you are in complete darkness, and a ray of light falls from above, illuminating the steps that go into the very depths of your inner darkness.

2. Start going down these steps, with each step mentally pronouncing OM-1, OM-2, OM-3, OM-4 ...

3. Descend deeper and deeper on the steps leading into your being. Count every rung. You should have 108 rungs. The main thing here is to maintain attention and awareness, going through each of the 108 steps.

4. Descend into the thickest darkness, walk boldly, this area of \u200b\u200byour being is completely safe and comfortable.

5. Feel this coziness, warmth and comfort. There is only you and your inner world.

6. When you feel that external stimuli and sounds have gone very far from you, and you are in some semi-delirious state, you can move on to the next stage of trance. The main thing is to maintain the chain of awareness and maintain complete control over your consciousness.


In the process of immersion in your inner world, going down the steps of an imaginary staircase, you can get various extraordinary experiences or disconnect. These are obstacles or hints.

Your task is to overcome all obstacles and go through all 108 steps of your inner ladder in full awareness, only then can you enter the colorful world of your subconscious.

Think of this journey as a multi-level computer game of your virtual inner peace, make it your goal to complete all levels in full awareness.

Stage five - the gate of the subconscious

1. In the fifth stage of inner trance, you need to imagine that you have already descended very very deeply. The light almost completely disappeared and it became dark. Look ahead ...

2. There is a large door in front of you, and this door is closed.

This is a door from your subconscious and your personal inner Universe (each person may have their own image of the door).

3. Look to the right - the key from the door is hanging on the wall, take it and open the door. To open this door, insert the key and turn it counterclockwise. Now open the door slightly.

4. When the door is open, do not rush to enter it.

Feel the warm breeze and dim light streaming through the door slit.

5. Now slowly open the door and enter it.

The door behind you must be closed with a key. To close the door, insert the key into the keyhole and turn it clockwise. Take the key with you by hanging it around your neck.

6. You are in a very long and narrow greenish tunnel, at the end of which you see a blinding greenish light.

You can already fly in this tunnel ...

7. Fly slowly towards the end of this tunnel, being aware of how the oncoming warm breeze caresses your face.

Stage six - mystical mirror

1. You continue to enjoy the easy flight through the tunnel and are already approaching its end.

2. You see a dazzling greenish light that softens as you fly over the edge of the tunnel.

3. Now you find yourself in the area of \u200b\u200byour inner space.

4. You see a mysterious forest in the form of a giant room.

The forest is immersed in a pleasant fog, in the center of the forest - right in the air - there is a beautiful mirror, and on the sides there are white candles.

5. Light these candles with the power of thought, just by looking at them: Concentrate on each of the 10 candles in turn. Look intently at the candle wick and send the energy of heat and fire to ignite the candle wick. Do this with each candle.

6. Now go to the mirror and take a close look at the sun that you see in the mirror.

This sun is your guide and guardian of the mystical mirror of your being, you can communicate with him.

7. Look closely at the sun for 2-3 minutes.

Talk to the sun in your mind and ask him to activate the mystical mirror for your inner work.

9. After the mirror is activated, the sun will disappear and you will clearly see your reflection. Now take a close look at yourself in the mirror.

You are standing naked and completely relaxed.

10. This is your mystical mirror, and it can fulfill any of your desires, which you will visualize in it.

Take a look in the mirror. You see yourself as you dream of seeing yourself in real life.

11. Visualize your new appearance, character, facial features, eye color, tan, facial expressions, figure, body complexion….

Mentally surprised say: "Oh, I am already like that ...".

12. Now look at yourself surrounded by those things, money, people, any benefits and superpowers that you want to have.

Mentally surprised say: "Oh, I already have all this ...".

13. Look and visualize in the mirror yourself or any situations that you want to make real in external reality. This will gradually come true.


You can do similar mirror experiences from time to time before.

Stage seven - inner room

1. Now imagine with confidence that in this mirror you see a wonderful, warm and very cozy room, bathed in lilac glow.

2. Pass mystically through the mirror and enter this room.

3. In a completely empty lilac room, you see many mirrors, which are reflected in one another, creating many tunnels.

Meet - this is your personal place for all subsequent mystical practices.

There is no one in this room except you. Here you can do whatever you want. You are free here.

4. Through this room you can get to any a parallel world, any dimension and any time.

Just mentally say what you want to develop in yourself, and what you want to get rid of.

After going through all the steps in a conscious state, you will learn to control yourself and attract the desired events into your life.

But this is just the beginning!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Trance is a series of altered states of consciousness, as well as a functional state of the psyche that connects and mediates the conscious and unconscious mental functioning of a person (Wikipedia). All about

² Levitation - a mental or physical phenomenon in which an object without visible support hovers in space, without touching a solid or liquid surface (

Practical Psychology Lessons

Guided imagination

Part 1

You have heard more than once that images are the language of the unconscious. Therefore, having mastered this language, we gain access to the deepest part of our psyche, in which, as you know, all our problems and unrealized opportunities are hidden.
And, in fact, we all, to one degree or another, already use this language of images. For example, imagine you are cutting a large lemon into wedges. How is it? Do you feel it? Here is the simplest illustration of the fact that imagination can very significantly influence your reality.
There are several very similar techniques, in which purposeful work is used, which for convenience, we combine in the term "guided imagination".
Techniques of guided imagination differ in that they use certain symbolic motives, in advance preset themes for the imagination (meadow, river, sword, vase, climbing a mountain, diving into the sea, etc.).
And before proceeding directly to the techniques, a few words about "how it works." To use these techniques in practice, you need to understand a couple of simple ideas: Any disharmony in a person is projected, reflected in his fantasies, in his imagination. For example, if to different people to offer the same task - to imagine a meadow or the edge of a forest, then each person will have their own image. And for some, it will be more harmonious, while for others it will not (scorched earth, desert, etc.)
That is, the images that arise in a person when he tries to imagine some kind of imaginary plot reflect his current state and the presence - the absence of certain vital resources. And the second, most important idea is that by transforming, harmonizing these imaginary images, we change, harmonize our reality, our life. So, let's get down to practice.
The first topic is Meadow.
So, imagine a meadow. It's pretty easy. Simply, any meadow ... Calmly and slowly wait until a lawn or something like that is in front of your inner gaze. Take a good look around. What time of year, what kind of weather, what time of day ... Just let this image unfold. Let the sounds come ... Smells ...
Look around to see more fully the entire meadow, its borders and everything around. How does what you see makes you feel? If it's a harmonious, peaceful place, then just allow yourself to enjoy it. Take a walk, smell the flowers, lie in the grass and enjoy the high blue sky... But it may happen that in this image you do not like something. Then you can try to change it somehow.
For example, your meadow may require some kind of maintenance: uprooting thorns, watering the grass, etc. Then get down to business. You may need some resources for this. Look for them around, turn on your imagination.
For example, you may need water. You can look for a stream or a key or dig a well or dig up a source. Here, the first principle is clarification. Try to find out what is behind the inharmonious way, what are the reasons.
For example, if you see that there is an unsightly fence around your meadow, go through a door in it and see what is behind it. Perhaps you can correct something there, improve it, and then return to the meadow again and see if it has become more harmonious. You don't have to make drastic changes right away. Make at least minimal improvements and see what happens next time. Perhaps the next time the image will be much more harmonious than you left it in the previous session. After all, your subconscious mind has already begun work and continued it on its own.
In conclusion, several general principles work with symbolic images.
The appearance of any negative image is, in general, good. This allows us to work through some kind of internal conflict or problem. Don't run away, don't ignore unpleasant or frightening images - investigate them.
Take your time using whichever strategy comes to your mind first. This principle is also called countering "garbage programs". The monster pushes to the simplest reaction "battle-flight", the dark forest causes alarm, you want to crush the terrible spider. The first reaction is the usual way of solving problems. Both in real life and in the world of imagination. And often it is these habitual reactions that create our problems.
In general, try to use the wrong strategy that comes to mind first.
If you want to run away, then you need to fight or feed, negotiate, etc.
By the way, regarding the meeting with unpleasant or frightening creatures. There is such a strategy: Fight - conquer (not kill) - feed - become a good master - get a resource. By the way, most often it is enough just to feed.
For frightening images, there might be another interesting option. Use your magic wand to try to "disenchant" him. Maybe he will turn into a beautiful boy or girl (yes, yes, there must certainly be a magic wand in your arsenal, where can you go without it).

Name... Technique "Active Imagination"


The technique is designed to find internal conflicts.

Qualities... The integrity of the value sphere

You have to plunge into a state similar to a dream, with the only difference that, while experiencing this sensation, you are not sleeping and are fully aware of what is happening. Instead of falling asleep, you fall awake in imagination.

In a state of active imagination, you allow still unconscious images to rise to the level of your imagination, as they do in the dreams that visit you during sleep. In a state of active imagination, you will be able to speak to and interact with your images.

Images understand the language of images best. Therefore, you have to learn how to ask questions using a special language, the language of images. Already during the first lesson, you can learn to ask questions that torment you using the language of images. In the future, you will get better at it.

You may be surprised to learn that the images express points of view that are exactly the opposite of those in your present consciousness. Therefore, be prepared for all sorts of discoveries, pleasant and not so, blissful and terrible. It all depends on how strongly your internal conflict is developed, on the nature of this conflict.

Every day, like a sponge, you absorb a lot of information, most of which cannot be completely digested. The state of active imagination allows you not only to draw deeply hidden images into consciousness, but also to digest important information, draw some conclusions, generalizations, get images about things that you have not yet realized the existence of, communicating thoughts to you that are still unknown to you. conscious mind.

1. Retire, take a more or less comfortable position.

2. Close your eyes, wait a few minutes. Let your thoughts and images flow as they please.

3. "Get away" from the visual images that surround you: from the room or other place where you are, from what you are wearing, how you look, etc. To do this, imagine that you get up from the place where you sit or lie, get to some place that is significant for you in one way or another (on foot, by car, by plane ...) Anything can be a significant place: the place where you are spent their childhood, resting place, meeting place, etc. It can be a place that you saw on a TV show, in a movie, a place that you read about. This place doesn't have to be real, it can be fictional.

4. When you get to this place, then look around. You may want to go elsewhere. Then go away. Sooner or later you will reach a place that interests you with something, which, as it seemed to you, contains some secrets.

5. Take a good look around. You can see items that you can do something with. You can see something in your hands, with the help of which you can influence the surrounding things. You may see some kind of secret hole, path or something like that that you want to walk. All these are expressive means of the language of images. Try it out.

6. You may sooner or later meet certain creatures: people, animals, dolls, fantastic creatures, things that can talk, etc. Try to communicate with them in the language of images. They may not understand what you are asking them. Try asking differently. Try using sign language, finally try asking in words.

7. When you feel that you have learned something essential, then return to the place from where you started your journey. When you return, open your eyes and analyze what you saw.

Try not to get too carried away with such dives. Everything is good in moderation.

1. Technique "Active imagination" [ Electronic resource] // A. Ya .. 10.04.2011..html (10.04.2011).

We also read it and chose 6 ways that will help you think creatively, find unusual solutions, be multitasking and develop other superpowers.

Hemisphere myth

You probably know the theory about the right and left hemispheres: it is responsible for intuition, the second - for logic and analytics. Many people believe that creativity is inherent in people with a right-brain type of thinking, and bypasses the rest.

Creativity is the joint work of two hemispheres. -

However, recent research by neuroscientist Melissa Ellamil has shown that creative process - joint work of the two hemispheres. Book illustrators took part in the experiment: while they came up with ideas, scientists analyzed their brains. And they found that the medial temporal lobe of both hemispheres, which is responsible for storing facts and memories, played a leading role in generating fictions. When the brain analyzed ideas, all parts of the network worked.

On the contrary, it is logic that makes sure everything goes smoothly: it selects associations, analyzes data, looks for relationships. No favorites creative personalities with right-brain thinking, everyone can become creative inventors. You just need to train your creative muscles. Here are 6 ways to do it.

Catch inspiration

What does inspiration look like? On a gust of wind that brings brilliant ideas. Or a flash of light that illuminates a dark room. In fact, inspiration is like a building. It has a specific structure and parts that can be disassembled and used.

Inspiration doesn't just happen: you need to wake it up. -

Exercise. First, to awaken inspiration, you need to engage one of the five senses. It all starts with an aesthetic experience: enjoy the sunset, walk along the beach, breathe in the scent salt sea, feel the sand under your feet. After - let your thoughts wander in the "passive embodiment" phase. Allow yourself to experience and feel how emotions multiply and burst. Finally, find the motivation to create. Chat with like-minded people, think about how your idea (text, picture, thing) can change the lives of other people. Surrender to inspiration and get started!

Apply symbols

To nudge the brain to develop flexibility with "symbolization". Symbols translate the designation of things into an abstract form and simplify work. Children's games are full of symbols: a superhero's cloak is made of a towel, food is made of sand, a sword is made of a stick. Emotional reactions can be symbolic: when you place a photograph of a person in a locket and wear it on your chest, or throw away an item to forget about someone. Symbols can be used to write a script, plan an event, or design a poster.

Symbols translate everything into an abstract form and simplify work. -

Exercise. Come up with metaphors. Take a list of words and match each with metaphorical equivalents: call obstacles in the way "wall", "uphill climb", "colliding cars" or even "ski downhill on an icy slope." Experimentally find unique combinations - so you become more inventive.

Dream planned

Many represent creative people like dreamers soaring in the clouds. Scattered, not of this world, personalities seem to us poets, artists or musicians. This makes sense, since absent-mindedness helps to drift in the mind and find unexpected solutions. Only here it must be intentional: wandering thoughts are effective if we control them.

Plan your dreams consciously. -

Exercise. Take a conscious break from work - plan your dreams. Take 10-15 minutes to dream or imagine a situation. If you need to think over a presentation, set a timer and five minutes and imagine, a large hall, your speech and audience applause. You can plan your dreams during any activity - knitting, planting flowers, embroidery, or washing dishes. This business should not require complete dedication, otherwise you will become too focused.

Use the chaos

The creative mind is the borderline between chaos and control. When you are a little disinhibited, but not so much that you dive into the abyss of fantasy. In fact, it is a harbinger of something new. A source of ideas and ingenious solutions for creativity: thanks to it, the brain is in good shape, looking for fresh associations, building unusual connections and analogies.

Chaos is a source of new associations and unusual solutions. -

Exercise. Think of chaos as a tailwind that helps the pilot accelerate. Try doing something called "deferral". Imagine making a to-do list for the day, but something unexpected happened. The plans were disrupted. Include a "deferral" and think, is it possible to postpone several items to another day, add a couple of new ones, replace one with another? If successful, the feeling of productivity and control will continue. And the creative muscle will be able to use the commotion for their own purposes.

Be a cheerleader

An amateur interest in various subjects and spheres gives a lot of ideas. For example, Picasso was fond of photography and radiography. Einstein - the aesthetic theory and works of Sigmund Freud. You don't have to be an expert in a new field. It is important to be inquisitive, reflect on your feelings and impressions.

Choose a hobby you like and become a happy cheerleader. -

Exercise. Think about interests that are close to you. Do you like music? Gymnastics? Run? Create a hobby that will captivate you and take you out of your comfort zone. Run a marathon. Sign up for a dance. Learn to play a musical instrument. Open up a couple of new horizons - and the creative fire will flare up more.

Listen to your intuition

i helps to develop recurrent insights and enable creativity. And even it can be developed. The simplest thing is to constantly think about your feelings. Why is the heart joyful and beating often? What caused the worry? Try to come up with several hypotheses. Over time, the brain itself will turn on the detective and look for the missing evidence: find connections, justifications, collect a whole picture from them.

Intuition helps to awaken creativity. -

Exercise. You can control your intuition on the other hand - make predictive conclusions. Go to the output first and then test it. Let's take a simple example: you can't think of a script for a birthday party. Imagine two or three places where the birthday boy will definitely like to spend the evening. And think from the points of destination: a restaurant - order a huge cake with his name, a concert - encrypt the place and the artist in his favorite song. You draw a conclusion and test it. Then change the wording slightly and check again. So come to the most creative solution and develop intuition - the brain picks out the most important thing.

Creativity starts with loosening control. We move away from the world and plunge into ourselves.

Dream, find a hobby, listen, come up with metaphors, replenish your supply of inspiration and do not be afraid of chaos - open your mind the door to an incredible creative world.