What does the expression of bread pressing. Phraseology

No one forces visitors to buy an expensive product. There are no such ingredients that increase the cost. of bread. Take, for example, bread "Pumpkin" (sacred by seeds), "corn" (from corn flour) or "rice" (from rice flour ... customers range from 3 to 4 thousand people, the ruler of goods is represented by 40-60 options. And the scanty number of non-soldered of bread He takes the nearest nursing home. And we have? Bakeries can not afford to open their own trading point ...

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Blood. That is why over the course of many centuries to throw or burn bread It was considered a big sin. Even moldy pieces and those followed the feeding of birds. " Bread our ugly give us a day ... "- so believers daily turn to ... Lord in his main prayer, for there is no life without of bread. Holy piece Bread And the cross is like twin brothers. Many...

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Of bread And the spectacles, abundant food and free entertainment required the Roman crowd from their lords as a reward for the support she provided to them. ... people on earth. All this business is stiguously supported and encouraged by governments to distract a person from upholstered There was a smaller problem, he asked smaller, knew smaller. The main thing is to throw a suitable portion of bread And the spectacle, temporarily reassuring it in this way. Desire modern man developed to such an extent ...

https: //www.Syt/journal/133403.

Bread and Wine

Bread and wine - two essential entities -
So it was happening for a long time.
It's not about their material outdoor.
Bread is not wiring. Wine is not koror.
Bread and Wine…. They have the meaning of the divine.
It does not matter what their taste.
The main thing is that when ...

https: //www.Sype/poetry/15751

Bread from God

I b bread tasted your god, invite guests

And split your bread per million parts.

I love all people, oh God .... How should I be?

I want to love enemies with all my heart.

Your bread will pray for your whole soul,

Question. What "daily bread", about the daily legacy of which we are taught to pray?

Answer. When the worker, remembering the words of the Lord who says: "Do not take care for your soul what you have and what to drink" (Matthew.6, 25), and the words of the Apostle, who commands to do, "To make something to pay in need" (Ephesus.4.28), works not for his own needs, but for the sake of the Lord's commandment (because "Working Destinations of Impregnation" (Matthew 10, 10)): Then the urgent bread, that is, who contributes to the nature of our daily maintenance of life, he does not give himself myself, but she asks for God, and he discovering the need for the need, in this way he feels , on the test, apply for every day to execute said: "Everyone was given what someone had needed" (Acts.4, 35).

Rules briefly outlined in matters and answers.

SVT. John Zlatoust

our urgent bread give us to this day

What " daily bread"? Everyday. Since Christ said: "Yes, will be the will of yours and on Earth, as in the sky" (Matt. 6:10), and he talked with people, clothed flesh, which are subject to necessary laws of nature, and cannot have angels of ancientness, then, although it commands, we do the commandments, as the angels fulfill them, but it lies to the weakness Nature, and as it would say that: I demand an equivalent rigor of life from you, however, without requiring impassism, since it does not allow your nature that has the necessary need for food. Look, however, as in the body a lot of spiritual! The Savior commanded to pray not about wealth, not about the pleasures, not about the most empty clothes, not about something like something, but only about bread, and moreover about bread everyday, so that we do not care about tomorrow, why and enhanced: " daily bread", I.e. everyday. Even with this word was not satisfied, but the other was then added as follows: " give us to this day"So us not to crush yourself care about the coming day. In fact, if you do not know, will you see tomorrow, then why do you worry yourself about it? This Savior commanded and then then in his sermon: "Do not take care", He speaks, "About tomorrow" (Matt. 6:34). He wants us to always be pregnant and are painted by faith, and no more inferior to nature than how much requires the necessary need.

Conversations on the gospel of Matthew.

Since he mentioned the Earth, and the creatures originated from her and living on it and the clotted terrestrial body need, the corresponding food is needed, it is necessary for it to fit: "Our ugly bread give us this day". He commanded asking bread "Urgent"not for the yield, but for nutrition that replete the speared in the body and deflecting death from hunger - not luxurious tables, not diverse, works of cooks, inventions of bakeries, delicious wines and other things, the like that delays the language, but burdens the stomach, Dimbs the mind, helps the body to rebel to the soul and makes this foal of a naughty cat. I'm not asking for, I teach us the commandment, but "Bread of the urgent", i.e., contacting the body of the body and the able to support it. Moreover, and he is commanded to ask us not to the great number of years, but as much as we need for a real day.

"Do not take care, "Said the Lord, - about tomorrow " (Matt. 6:34). And why take care of tomorrow's day to someone who may be, and will not see tomorrow, who takes work, and does not reap the fetus? Nadya on God who "Gives food all the flesh" (Ps. 135: 25). The one who gave you the body breathed the soul, made you an animal reasonable and prepared all the benefits for you before, rather created you how to give you created if "Commands the sun to retest on evil and good and sends rain on the righteous and unjust" (Matt. 5:45)? So, hoping for him, ask for food only for a real day, and about tomorrow give the care to him, like Blessed David says: "Major your care for your concerns, and he will support you" (Ps. 54:23).

About the life of God and on words: "Testes of gates and narrow path ..." and imp. And the clarification of the prayer "Our Father".

SVT. Kirill Jerusalemsky

our urgent bread give us to this day

Our bread is not enough. The bread of this holy is the urgent: instead of saying, the soul is fitted onto the creature. This bread is not in "Cure enters", but "Afacron comes" (Matt. 15, 17), but in full your composition is divided into body and soul. A Word "DAY" It is said instead of "every day", like Paul said: "Dongezh, youngest, nominates" (Heb. 3, 13).

The teachings are allocated. Teaching 5.

SVT. Tikhon Zadonsky

our urgent bread give us to this day

1) The bread is urgent, according to the understanding of St. John of Zlatoust, means - everyday.

2) Not only bread is understood here, but also everything necessary for this temporary live, for example, drinking, robe, peace, house, and so on, as some interpret.

3) Do not ask wealth, but we ask the necessary to maintain this life. Not about money, not about luxury, nor about the Multi-Sitney Apparel, but only about a similar one, but only about bread, and about the bread everyday, so that I didn't care about the morning, "says Saint Zlatoust.

4) Hence, it follows that the Christian should not take care of wealth, a multi-seat robe, rich houses, rich food and other things, like. For the Christian should always be ready for the fact that the Lord will call him, and then all this he will be forced to leave. Calls the same Lord of anyone through death. She wants, "says Saint John Zlatoust," so that we always be finished and the time we pleased that our nature needed.

5) When praying: "Bread Lady us", I confess that we are poor, poor and poor, and therefore God should ask, and that we have, they have to attribute good to him, as the psalmman sings: "The eyes of everyone will be mentioned at you, and you give them food in their time; You open your hand and satisfy everything living on favor. " (Ps.144,15-16).

6) When we say: "Bread our gaze", we show that not only about your feed, but also about others, from the love of Christian. For love Christian requires that we are not only about ourselves, but our neighbors cared.

7) It is known that God, since generous, not only Christians, but also not knowing the temporary benefits. But Christians must ask him to ask him as the sons of his father, and the topics to show that everything that needs to be needed for life is good, and so, taking advantage, thank benefactor.

About true Christianity. Book II.

SVT. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)

our urgent bread give us to this day

Not about food dying says here! "It's not a fear, verbulabby that pits or that I drink, or something we clothe" (Matt. 6:31); It is said about the food that feeds the eternal life and eternally staying, about the food of the new one, which was given to the person who was given to the Son of God, about the bread of life, which will be sissed from the sky, about the bread of God, able to saturate and teach the eternal life to the whole world (John 6:27 ,. Word "Upper" This means that this bread is in quality to its above all existing. His greatness and holiness are infinite, incomprehensible; Consecration, the dignity delivered to consecut it is immense, inexplicable. Bread served by the Son of God, there is a high flesh, which he gave for "The stomach of the world" (John 6:51). "Our urgent bread give us every day". Lastly combined the protesting, entrusted to Christians the duty, so much now lost, daily attachment to the holy secrets. "TAKE "For every day"The Lord expressed this that without this bread, we are unable to spend a single day in spiritual life. Showing "DAY", I expressed it that it should fall daily that his teaching in the proof day is not enough if it will not be taught for us again. The daily need demands that we have studied this petition and brought it at any time: no day, in which it would not be necessary for us use and the communion to approve the heart of our inner man" Such an explanation of the bread of urgent does not make a strange reading of the prayer of the Lord in front of the meal, in the monastic charter: the bread material serves as bread, shedshago with heaven.

Ascetic sermon.

Schishmch. Cyprian Carthaginsky

our urgent bread give us to this day

This can be understood both in spiritual and in a simple sense, because both understanding, according to Divine Giving, [Equal) favors salvation. Christ is bread of Life, and this one bread not all but only our. As we say: Our Father (see Matt. 6: 9), because [God] there is a father of knowing him and believers, and Christ call our bread, because he is bread those who touch his body. And we are asking every day that we are given this bread, and we, staying in Christ and every day taking it to the Eucharist in the food of salvation, being, on any grave sin, excommunicated from admission and deprived of heavenly bread, did not separate from the Body of Christ, Since the Lord himself preaches and says: I am a loy bread that came out of heaven; This puling bread will live forever; Bread, which I will give, is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world (John 6:51).

About the prayer of the Lord.

PS Isidore Pelusiot

our urgent bread give us to this day

The prayer, which the Lord taught his students, concludes not anything earthly in itself, but all heavenly and the benefits of the soul. For she teaches to ask neither the bosses, no wealth, no beauty, no strength, either soon fading, from what, when it is, it is overwhelming for us to refrain and about enjoying how to ask when this is not, is an excessive thing.

Even the fact that it seems unavailable and sensual, according to her husbands wise, has been said about God's Word, which nourishes an affordable soul and in some way enters her essence and connects with her. Because called bread pressingSince the name "Essence" will be more soul than the body. If this is also said about the bread daily, commensurate body needs, then he, with this use, is done by spiritual, because it is not necessary to demand anything except bread, will be a sign of spiritual, light and lobster understanding. So, we will ask why they are taught, and not what easily disappears. For it would be a good and mean a great nerazuma asking what, if we have, commanded to throw us.

Letters. Book II.

PS Maxim confessor

our urgent bread give us to this day

Word " dnees"As I think, this age is meaning. Or to relent clearing this place of prayer, you can say: our bread, which you prepared at the beginning for the immortality of the nature [Human], give us dneesIn real deadlife, so that the bumping of life and knowledge will defeat sinful death, - that bread, whose communion deprived the crime of the Divine Commanded by the first person. After all, if he was saturated with this divine food, he would not be captured by the death of sin.

However, the prayer for obtaining this pressing bread does not receive it all entirely, what it is, but it gets just as much as he gets [perceive it]. For the bread of life, as a humus man, although it gives herself to all asking, but not everyone equally: the great acts give more, and the smaller gives the [act] smaller gives less, that is, gives everyone how much his spiritual dignity can take.

To such an understanding of the present saying [prayer] led me [myself] Savior, who commands to students [his] does not care for sensual food, speaking to them: Do not take care of your soul what you have and what to drink, nor for your body, what to dress (Matt. 6:25), because all this is looking for people of this world (LK. 12:30), [and you] i am also looking for the kingdom of God and the truth of him, and it will be all applied to you. (Matt. 6:33). How does [the Lord] teaches in prayer not to seek that he [himself] previously commanded? - It is clear that in prayer he did not told to ask what and in the commandments [did not have commanded], for in prayer we must ask for what and the commandments should look. And what [the Lord] does not search for us, about Tom and pray illegally. If the Savior has commanded the search for one kingdom of God and truth, he encouraged the seeking divine gifts and in prayer to ask about the same thing that, through this prayer, approves the grace of the sought in nature [BEGN], to combine and identify through the relative unity of the will asking for grace .

If the prayer commands us asking us to ask that everyday bread, which naturally supports our real life, it is so that we do not cross the borders of the prayer, covering the thought of whole periods of years, and did not forget that we are mortal and have [the local] life, Similar transient shadow, but in order not to be burdened with excessive care, asked in prayer and bread for the day. And we show that we are lovely, in Christ, turn the [Earth] life [our] in thought about death, according to your will proceeding the nature and before the occurrence of death, cutting out the care of the corporal about the body, so that she did not plunge into the tweak and did not pervert ] To the matter of natural use of [its] aspiration [to God], to be enjoying to love, depriving the richness of divine goods.

So, we will avoid, as far as possible, love for matter and we will be mad, like dust, with mental eyes [our] Self with her; We will be satisfied with one thing that supports our life, and not what deliberates it. We will pray to God, as learned, that our soul does not fall into slavery and do not fall, for the sake of the body, under the yoke of visible [things]. Then it will be clear that we eat in order to live, and do not live in order to eat, because the first one is intelligent, and the second is unreasonable. We will be strict accommodation in this prayer, the affairs themselves [their] showing that we firmly adhere to a single life - life in the spirit, and we use it for the compassion [all] real life. We prove in fact that for the sake of the life of the spiritual, we only tolerate this [mortar life], reinforcing it with one bread and keeping as far as possible, in a healthy state only so that we are not [just] to live, but live for God, making the body, Heavyweight with virtues, soul messenger, and a soul, distinguished by constancy in good, having a preacher of God. And this bread naturally limit [the needs] of one day, without daring to spread the petitions about it on another day from [obedience] to this prayer. It became, actively configuring himself in accordance with the meaning of prayer, proceed to clean and to the rest of the rest.

Interpretation on the prayer of the Lord.

Right. John Kronstadsky

This petition means that we should not take care of the addiction about the means to life, and if God gave these funds for this day, then it is to thank him to continue to hope for him, on his fisher; Do not slip, do not shake, as they say, above all, especially when guests come or beggars and strange, but with the mental arrangement and in the simplicity of the heart, take them, treat them or serve them alms. The basis for this: God did not leave me at all previous time with funds to life, but with an excess I filed them; It will not leave, therefore, for the future.

A diary. Volume III. 1859-1860.

Our urgent bread give us a day - Only fit (today). I need a little sense to understand it. Everyone sees how little a person needs to maintain his bodily life. And the fire, close, extremely torment and some disappearance from the desire of Srebra and from the misfortunes do not speak too clearly, that in Alkania Srebra death, and not life ... these words mean, by the way: only the necessary book, Bible and the Gospel, Like bread for the soul, give us, and we do not seek many books and do not require. This book of books give us to read more often and understand it properly and put to the heart of her holy word, like bread, strengthening our hearts.

A diary. Volume V.

BLI. Jerome Stridonsky

Art. 11-13 Give us daily bread our necessary for existence. And let us go our debts, as we let go of our debtors. And do not enter us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil

What we expressed the word required for existence (SuperSubstantialem), in Greek is expressed in the word έπιούσιον, - the word that seventy quite often translate with the word περιούσιον, that is, the abundant, excellent. Therefore, we turned to the Jewish language, and where they translated περιούσιον, we found Sgolla (גןגןלה), which Simma translated in the word έξαίρετον, that is, "special" or: "Excellent", although in one place he translated and the word " Special, own. " So, when we ask God to give us bread special, particularly, we ask the one who says: (John 6:51). In the gospel, which is called "from the Jews", instead of the bread, the word Mahar (םהד) is found for existence, which means "tomorrow"; So it turns out this sense: "Give us today our tomorrow's bread", i.e. "future". Under the word SuperSubstantialem we can understand something else - it is the bread, standing above all entities and superior all the creatures. Other - on the basis of the words of the Apostle: Having food and clothing, we will be satisfied with (1 Tim. 6: 8) - It is just that the saints should take care only about pressing bread. Therefore, in the future words [Savior] is commanded: Do not take care of tomorrow (Matt. 6:34).


It is like printing in confirmation of the Prayer of the Lord; Akila has been translated: "Undoubtedly true" (Fideliter); We can translate: "True" (VERE).

BLI. Feofilakt Bulgarian

our urgent bread give us to this day

Under " upgrade"The Lord will understand that bread that is sufficient for our nature and state, but it eliminates the care of tomorrow. And the body of Christ is upper bread, About the false communion of which we must pray.

Interpretation on the Gospel of Matthew.

Eviefimy Zigaben

our urgent bread give us a day

Knowing that the Angelic nature does not need food, and human needs it, commanded to ask for what is the need for nature. Said our bread, i.e. existing for us; but upgrade called him as necessary for the creature, being and maintaining the body. Or by the chosenist: ugly. daily. Added also dnees, distracting us from concern for further time, because it wishes that believers in their prayers asking for one bread, and only today, and did not care about the upcoming day, since we still do not even know if we will even live on that day. Therefore, it is unnecessary to take care of the bottom, relative to which we do not know whether we go through the distance to it. It subsequently he commands externally, saying: not a fence in the morning (Matt. 6.34). Thus, we will always be ready, a little inferior to the natural necessity, and everything else is becoming a spiritual doing. Fairly to ask for bread and for the soul, because it needs urgent bread, i.e. In enlightenment over and deliver divine knowledge.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.


our urgent bread give us to this day

Following the teacher himself who teaches bread, we will present this issue in more detail. He speaks in the Gospel of John to the Capernaum to look for him: True, truly telling you, you are looking for me not because you have seen wonders, but because they ate bread and sat down (John 6:12). For blessed by Jesus blessed from breads, and fulfilled with them hardly looking more accurately comprehend the Son of God and hurries to him. Therefore, he gives excellent command, saying: Try not about the food of the half, but about food, abiding the eternal, which will give you the Son of Human (John 6:27). When you heard these words asked: What do we do to do the works of God (Jesus 6:28), Jesus answered, saying to them: Here is God's case to believe in the one he sent (Ying 6:29). God, as written in Psalms, sent his word his own and healed them (Ps. 106: 20), that is, sore. This word believers are creating god's affairs, that are food, abiding the eternal. And he says: My father gives you true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is the one that comes from heaven and gives life to the world (In. 6: 32-33). True bread there is the one that feeds the created in the image of God. (Gen. 1:27) of a true man who, being written to them becomes [Created] and by similarity (Gen. 1:26) created.

About prayer.

Stephen Fivaida

our urgent bread give us a day

And it is still written: I have a live bread that came down from heaven (John 6, 51). And further: bread, which I give you, is my flesh, which [I give] for the life of the world (John 6, 51). [Therefore, saying] our urgent bread give us a day It implies [giving us] the body of him, the words of him and the commandment of him.

Ascetic word.

EP. Mikhail (Luzin)

our urgent bread give us to this day

Ugly. Daily (Wed: Iac. 2:15), or necessary to maintain our creature (Proverb. 30: 8). The creature is our dual - bodily and spiritual, and the food is bombing - bodily and spiritual; Spiritual food is the word of God (John 5:24), the holy sacraments of the church and especially the Holy Sacrament of the body and the blood of Christ (John 6:35).

To this day. It should ask God only for a real day, without further concern for the future, since excessive caring is eager to hope for God (Wed: below Art. 34).

An intelligent gospel.

Lopukhin A.P.

our urgent bread give us to this day

Literally our urgent bread give us today (Slav. HODIE; WULRG. HODIE). The word "bread" is completely similar to that which is used in our Russian expressions: "Learning to earn bread," "work because of a piece of bread" and so on., I.e. Under the bread here should be understood in general condition for life, food, well-known welfare, etc. In the Holy Scripture "Bread" is often used in his own sense (CIBUS, and Farina Cum Aqua Permixta Compactus Atque Cotus - Grimm), but also means any food that is necessary for the existence of a person, and not only bodily, but also spiritual (cf. In. 6 ch. - About the cheek bread). Commentators do not pay attention to the word " our". It is, we put a trifle, but the Gospels are important and trivia. From the first time it seems not entirely clear, why do we need to ask for a bread from God when this bread " our, "I.e. already belongs to us. The word "our" seems to seems to be superfluous; It would be possible to simply say, "Bread Given Give us today." The explanation will be given below. "Ugly" (επιούσιος) is explained differently and belongs to the number of the most difficult. The word is found only here and still at the LC. 11: 3. In the Old Testament and Classical Greek literature it has not yet been found anywhere. An explanation of him "was torture for theologina and grammar" (Carnificina Theological Et GramMaticorum). One writer says that "desire to achieve something accurate here is the same as the sponge of a nail is in" (σπογγ πάτταλον κρούειν). Tried to avoid difficulties with an indication that here is a correspondence error that in the original was originally τον άρτον επί ούσίαν, i.e. Bread for our existence. The correspondence doubled by mistake τον in the word άρτον and in accordance with this changed επιουσιαν in επιουσιον. So the evangelical expression was formed: τοναρτοντονεπιουσιον. For this, without entering the details, let's say that the word ημών (τον άρτον ημών τον επιουσιον) prevents completely so interpretation; In addition, LC. 11: 3 It costs undoubtedly επιουσιον - like Matthew. Therefore, the interpretation under consideration is now completely left. Of the existing and adopted by the latest scientists, interpretations can be noted three.

1. Produce the word "urgent" from Greek. The pretext of επί (π) and ουσία (so in the original) from είναι, be. Such an interpretation has the authority of the ancient church writers, and it is those who wrote in Greek, between them of Zlatoust, Grigory, Nissky, Vasily of the Great, Feofilact, Eviefimia Zigaben, and others. If the word is understood so, then it will mean: "Bread, We need for our existence necessary for us, give us today. " Such an interpretation is obviously accepted in our Slavic and Russian Bible. They object to him that if anywhere, in addition to the prayer of the Lord, the words επιούσιος are not found, however, επεστι, etc., the word, folded from the same pretext and verb, but with omitting ι. Therefore, if in the gospel, it was about the bread "urgent", it would not be said επούσιος, and έπούσιος. Further, ουσία in the folk formulation meant the property, the state, and if Christ used ουσία in this sense, it would not only be "intelligent" (Wiener Smet), but would not make sense; If he used him in the sense of being (bread, necessary for our existence, existence) or a creature, essence, reality, then all this would be a philosophical character, since ουσία in this sense is used exclusively in philosophers, and the words of Christ would not be Clear to the common people.

2. Produce the word επιούσιος from επί and ίέναι - coming, step. Word it has different meanings; For us, it is important only that in the expression έπιούσα ήμερα it means tomorrow, or the coming day. The word is drawn up by the evangelists themselves and is attached to άρτος in the meaning of future bread, the bread of the coming day. Reinforcement for such interpretation is found in the words of Jerome, who, among him, rather short interpretations, meets the following note. "In the gospel, which is called the Gospel of Jews, I found instead of the urgent bread mahar.which means tomorrow (crastinum); So the meaning should be: the bread is our tomorrow, i.e. Future give us today. " On this basis, many of the newest critics, including here and the best, for example, the German compilers of the Grammar to the New Testament Wiener Schmitel, Blass and Ekseget Tsana, suggested that the word means tomorrow (from ή έπιούσα, i.e. ήερα). This explanation gives, by the way, and Renan. It is quite clear what difference in the sense is obtained from whether we will take this interpretation, or agree with the previous one. However, if we adopt the interpretation of Jerome, it would be necessary to recognize, not to mention different philological difficulties that it contradicts the words of the Savior at 6:34 - "Do not take care of tomorrow"; It would be incomprehensible to also, why do we ask: "Let's give us tomorrow's bread today." Pointing on mahar., Ieronim himself translates επιούσιος with the word Super-Substantialis. From ίέναι and complex with him, according to the Kremer, it is impossible to prove not a single production with the end of ιουσιος; On the contrary, there are many such words from ουσία. In words folded with επί, in which the root begins with the vowel, the merger is avoided through omnation ι, as in the word έπεϊναι; But it does not always happen always and ι holds, for example, in such words, as έπιέτης (in other cases επέτειος), έπιορκειν (in church. Greek. έπιορκίεενν), επιεικής, έπίουρος (at Homer \u003d έφορος). Thus, it should be assumed that επιούσιος was formed from ουσία, like similar formations from the words ending on ία - όςόςόςύύιιςίία - έπιθύα - επικαρπίος, περιουσία - περιούσιος and so on.). The value of ουσία in this place will not be philosophical, but simply - the creature, nature, and άρτος επιούσιος means "bread necessary for our existence or for our nature." The concept is well expressed in the Russian word "urgent." Such an explanation is strongly confirmed by the use of the word, ουσία in the classics (eg, among Aristotle) \u200b\u200bin the sense of even life, existence. "Bread urgent", that is, the necessary for the existence, for life, there is, according to the Kremer, a brief designation of participating in the parable. 30: 8 Jewish lokhem Hawk, the grateful bread, which in LXX is translated by words: the desired (necessary) and sufficient (Russk. urgent). According to Kremer, it should be translated: "OUR, necessary for our life, the bread give us today." The circumstance is that the interpretation of "tomorrow" is found only from Latin writers, but not Greek, has a crucial importance. The Zlatoust, of course, knew Greek well, and if he did not doubt that επιούσιος was used in the sense of "urgent", then this interpretation should be preferred to interpret Latin writers who sometimes knew Greek, but not so much as natural Greeks.

3. Interpretation of allegorical, partly caused, apparently, the difficulties of other interpretations. The spiritual sense was explained by this word Terertullian, Cyprian, Athanasius, Isidore Pill, Jerome, Amvrosiy, Augustine and MN. Dr. Of course, in the appendix of the expression to "spiritual bread" there is no, actually nothing to be objened. However, in understanding this "spiritual bread" among the interpreters there is such a difference that it deprives them of an interpretation of almost any meaning. Some said that the bread of the mysteriousness of communion was measured here, others indicated the spiritual bread - Christ himself, picking here and the Eucharist, the third - only for the teachings of Christ. Such interpretations most apparently contradict the word "today", as well as the fact that at the time when Christ pronounced his words, according to the evangelist, the sacrament of communion has not yet been established.

Translations "Daily" bread, "Supernatural" should be recognized completely inaccurate.

The reader sees that from the above interpretations the best appears the first. With it, it receives some special meaning and the word "our", which, they say, although "is not excess", but it could be omitted. In our opinion, on the contrary, it makes sense, and rather important. What bread and what right can we consider "our"? Of course, the one that is purchased by our works. But since the concept of earned bread is very stretching, - one works a lot and acquires little, the other works little and acquires a lot, that is the concept of "our", that is, earned, bread is limited to the word "urgent", that is,. necessary for life, and then the word "today". It was well said that here it simply indicates the golden middleness between poverty and wealth. Solomon prayed: "Povements and wealth do not let me, - Paint me with a pressing bread" (Proverb. 30: 8).

Trinity leaves

our urgent bread give us to this day

After passing about heaven, that is, about the glory of God, about the kingdom of heaven, about the will of God, the divine wisdom gives the place of disorders and about the earth's threes: our urgent bread give us to this day. The word bread can be understood and spiritually and simple. "Our bread," explains Saint Cyprian, "we call Christ, because we eat his body, as he himself says: I am a Live Bread, who came down from heaven; This pile bread will live forever (John 6:51) and threatens, saying: if you do not have a flesh of the Son of Human and drinking his blood, then you will not have a living (John 6:53). At the same time, we ask and bodily food, day feeding. " "Savior," says Saint Zlatoust, "did not pray not about wealth, not about pleasures, not about multi-precision clothes, but only about bread, and with a daily bread," so that we cannot take care of tomorrow. " For this, I entered: ugly. day. Even with this word was not satisfied, but I added after him: give us to this dayIn order to us not to crush themselves about the coming day. And why take care of tomorrow's day, who maybe, and will not see tomorrow? The one who gave you the body breathed the soul, made you an animal reasonable and prepared all the benefits for you before, rather created you - will you forget your creation? Hoping for him, ask for food only for a real day, and tomorrow will give care to him, like Blessed David says: Mind on the Lord your concerns, and he will support you (Ps. 54:23). " "In the word Bread," the saint of Grigory Nissky interprets, "as if the Lord says to your attention: stop, people, torturing themselves by the desires of Jewish. Stop on the mountain yourself to multiply the reasons for the works. Not much need your nature; I must deliver the flesh of your food: it's a small and easy, if you mean only the need. Why do you impose a need for myself to carry so many debts? Ask for yourself only one bread; In this nature made you a debtor body. If, with you, Wower Advisor (Dvil) will come into a conversation that it is perfect for the gaze and nice to taste, they will certainly omit the networks of love. From the food you need will then go to the lackless eats, from them - to luxury and any needs. Therefore, limit your prayer to your scratching only bread. " "When we pray," said Blessed Augustine, "about the urgent bread, asking and everything that is required by our flesh on Earth. And we need food and beings, robe and dwelling. And the Word of God, which is published daily, there is a urgent bread. And his minds are the lard, as a real bread of Altacter Vsevo. So we ask him in the prayer of the Lord. Thus, under the bread, there is everything, for the soul and the body necessary in this life. " "When we say: our bread gives us us," the saint Tikhon Zadonsky notes, "we show that we ask the same for others." Christian love requires that we are not only for ourselves, but we tried our neighbors. " God, for the goodness of his good, gives everything the need and those who do not know Him; But Christians should ask him to ask him these goods as children from his father in order to show that they are all the demand for life to be worshiped by God's gift and accept this gift from the hands of God with Thanksgiving. So, the meaning of this petition can be expressed by such words: Heavenly Father! You know our best for us; the eyes of all relieves you, and you give them food them at one time; open your hand and satisfy everything living on favor (Ps. 144: 15). We do not ask you nor luxury, no wealth, nor the challenges of the devastations; do not ask sweet snacks for sizing; Do not feel the most necessary: our urgent bread give us to this day. Bread for food, water for drinking, breathing air, clothes for covering the sinful body, the dwelling, where we would cover the chapter - that's where we can't do it while we live on Earth. Your Holy Word, the grace of yours in the sacraments of your church Dreasonable, the very same bread is the crowd, the bread is the celestial body and the blood of your son - that's the one daily breadwithout which our spirits are dying! Give us, our father, all this, give strength, although in the sweat of the person, but to extract yourself with a lot of righteous bread! Dahming to us this day - not in the residents on the summer of many, but for the current only day, for we ourselves do not know whether we will live before tomorrow and that tomorrow tomorrow, maybe tomorrow we will not be on Earth. And when it comes to us tomorrow, then we believe that if you give a day, you give and eat ...

Trinity sheets. №801-1050.

Mer. Hilarion (Alfeyev)

our urgent bread give us to this day

Expression "daily bread" It is firmly included in the lexicon of a modern person in the sense of everyday food necessary for life. In Russian word "Upper", meaning "vital", "important," appeared solely due to the prayer of "Our Father" in its Slavic version. In many languages \u200b\u200bthere is no such word at all, and the Greek επιουσιος in the phrase "daily bread" Transmitted with the words "Casual", "Day" (lat. Panis Quotidianus, Fr. Pain Quotidien, English Daily Bread).

Meanwhile, the exact meaning of this word is the subject of disputes over the course of many centuries. In the classic Greek language there is no such word at all. The Aramaic word, which translated during his help is unknown, and all attempts to reconstruct it is hypothetical. The combination of the prefixes of επι- (napa-) with nouns ουσια (essence, existence, content, property) can be understood in several senses. If you understand ουσια as "content" or "property" - in this sense, this word is used, for example, in a story about a woman, kept all the estate on doctors (Lux. 8:43) - then επιουσιος can be understood as "necessary for existence". If, under the term ουσια, to understand the "essence", as is characteristic of the Greek patrist, then literal translation Would be "awesome" or "sufficient".

Based on the semantic proximity of the term under consideration to the expression η επιουσα, meaning "tomorrow", one could translate the petition of the prayer of the Lord so: "Bread our tomorrow will give us today." The term is also close to the concept of επι την ουσαν ημεραν, meaning "today." Finally, the interpretation of the term may be associated with the concept of το επιον, meaning "future": in this case "Our urgent bread" It would turn into the "bread our future."

To understand the initial meaning of the words of Jesus, you need, as it seems to us, focus not so much on the meaning of the multivalued and ambivalent term "Urgent", how much is the meaning of the very concept "bread".

For the first time on the pages of the Bible term "bread" Used in the appeal of God to Adam after his fall: in the sweat of your face you will eat bread (Gen. 3:19). Further, the bread is mentioned in the story about how Melchizedek, the king Salimsky, made bread and wine into the blessing to Abraham (Gen. 14:18). Bread Abraham treats three travelers who came to him (Gen. 18: 5). The bread plays an important role in the history of Joseph and his brothers: when Joseph, which accumulated a lot of bread, becomes the second face with Pharaoh, and in all the surrounding lands, hunger comes, they come to him for bread (Gen. 42: 1-5).

Bible Bible is a universal meal symbol. The quality of bread and the mood with which man eats bread symbolizes the quality of human life. In the mourn tears become its bread (Ps. 41: 4; 79: 6), and when God favors to his affairs, he eats bread with merry (Eccl. 4:17).

With the interpretation of the prayer "Father Our", it is necessary to take into account the Eucharist context in which the early church perceived this prayer. From the very beginning, it became part of the Eucharist, in the context of which words "Our ugly bread give us this day" Only one thing could mean: the request for the acquisition of bread, which went down from heaven, that "supreme" bread, which is the body of Christ refractive on the Eucharist. This meaning is filled with the words of the prayer of the Lord whenever they sound on the liturgy.

If the prayer of the Lord is read outside the liturgical context, for example, before meal, then the usual earthly food is understood under the bread, in which every person needs, every family. In the expansion sense, under the bread, you can understand everything that is necessary for a person for life.

Jesus Christ. Life and teaching. Book II.

... Our urgent bread give us to this day (i.e. today) ...

…τον άρτον ημων τον επιούσιον δος ημιν σήμερον·

(Matthew 6:11)

Question wording

Pronunciation of the prayer "Our Father", for sure many of us thought, and what about such special bread we ask the Lord? What does this mean - "urgent"?

Those who seriously study the Bible know that the Greek adjective ἐπιούσιος (urgent) is the so-called Gapax (Hapax Legomena, Greek. Ἅπαξ λεγόμενον "only called"). This term means the word encountered in a certain text case only once. Often, such words, because of their insolation, cause difficulties in determining their etymology and meanings.

So in all works by A. S. Pushkin, only once the word "Bolivar" meets. In the famous lines "Eugene Onegin":

Morning in the morning

Noodles wide bolivar

Onegin rides boulevard

And there walks on the square,

As long as the undeading Bregar

He will not ring lunch.

Pushkin himself complained this word as "Hat à la bolivar", i.e. Hat, like Simon Bolivar (and Simon Bolivar himself did not wear similar hats). It seems that Alexander Sergeevich came up with this word as rhyme for the word "Boulevard". Thus, Bolivar is a classic gapax.

In the "Word about the regiment of Igor", there is a strange word "diva", whose value is not known to anyone. More in any text of the Old Russian literature is not found. His etymology of foggy, and in the context, it is not always clear what kind of creature was meant. At first, I thought that this was Filin, then it was the opinion that it was a led, and new studies gave the version - Udod.

So that's the meaning of the Greek word ἐπιούσιος from Matt. 6:11 Not quite clear. The word is not only not found in the Bible anywhere else (well, in addition to parallel text in LUK.11: 3), but also absent in all ancient Greek texts.

The etymology of this word is also unclear. In this regard, there are several transfers (interpretation) options.

Possible interpretation options

1. Bread required for our existence necessary for us, give us today.

This interpretation comes from etymology ἐπί + οὐσία. Where the pretext of ἐπί, equivalent to the Russian pretext "on", is connected to the nouns of οὐσία - in the meaning of "being, existence".

This interpretation adhered to, apparently, translators of the synodal text. This is a very common interpretation.

The weakness of this version lies in the fact that the word οὐσία during the New Testament in a simple conversational language did not indicate the "being" nor "existence". These values \u200b\u200bentrenched in the word οὐσία in the philosophical writings of Plato and Aristotle. Later this word was used by Christian theologians to describe the essence of the Holy Trinity - one essence, three personalities, i.e. One οὐσία (ssy), three ὑπόστασις (hypostasis).

But during the times of Jesus Christ, in the Greek Koine (the form of the Greek language, which arose in the postclassical antique era, the New Testament was written in Koin) the word οὐσία was indicated by the property, estate.

The noun οὐσία in the New Testament is only twice, in the 15th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, in the parable of prodigal Son.: "... Father! Give me the following part of the estate (οὐσία) ... And there was spread there (οὐσία), living the absence ... "(Bow. 15: 12-13).

Since Jesus's students were "necken and simple" people (Acts.4: 13), it is hardly possible to assume that Jesus used the word form with the root of οὐσία in the opposite-philosophical value. Pupils could most likely understand this word as "bread, for our property" - that, you agree, it is meaningless, since bread (ἄρτος - baked bread) is not a property, but a perishable product that cannot be fastened.

2. Superkhleb, Extrachleb, the highest of all breads give us today.

This point of view also proceeds from the etymology ἐπί + οὐσία. Where ἐπί is no longer an excuse, but the adverb "top", connects with the nouns of οὐσία - in the meaning of "being, existence".

This interpretation implies allusion to the expression "Bread coming from heaven" from in. 6 ch.

Thus, the supporters of this interpretation see the allegory here. This is what is said about this in the explanatory Bible of Lopukhin:

Interpretation of allegorical, partly caused, apparently, the difficulties of other interpretations. The spiritual sense was explained by this word Terertullian, Cyprian, Cyril Ier., Athanasius, Isidore Pill, Jerome, Ambrose, Augustine and MN. Dr. Of course, in the appendix of the expression to the "spiritual bread" there is no, actually nothing to be objened. However, in the understanding of this "spiritual bread" among interpreters there is such a difference that it deprives them of an interpretation of almost any meaning. Some said that the bread of the mysteriousness of communion was measured here, others indicated the spiritual bread - Christ himself, picking here and the Eucharist, the third - only for the teachings of Christ. Such interpretations, most apparently, contradicts the word "today", as well as the fact that at the time when Christ pronounced his words, according to the evangelist, the sacrament of communion has not yet been established.

3. Daily, casual bread or bread related to the day, give us.

This interpretation is based on etymology ἐπί + εἶναι in the form of communion female. With this understanding, the word ἐπιούσιος should be translated as "related to (day)", "daily".

This interpretation leads to some speech redundancy as in the text of the gospel of Matthew (bread belonging to this day, give us today) and in the gospel of Luke. After all, Luke leads another version of the prayer of the Lord:

τον άρτον ημων τον επιούσιον Δίδου ημιν το καθ 'ημέραν · (our daily daily bread gives us every day).

In addition, Ulrich Lutz rightly notes:

Another interpretation comes from the concept of ἐπί τήν οὖσαν (ἡμέραν) and understands ἐπιούσιος as "today." This interpretation is probably doubly: it says that ἡ ὖὖσα without ἡἡέρα not witness anywhere as an expression that means today, and the fact that the correct word would sound: ἐπούσιος. Although this interpretation would be very well combined by the legend about Manna in the Execution of 16 Israeli people were prohibited (with the exception of Friday) to collect bread for tomorrow. But interpretation, supporting on Ex-16, does not support anything.

4. Tomorrow Bread Give us today.

This understanding is based on the assumption that the word ἐπιούσιος comes from the word ἐπιοῦσα (tomorrow, the next, coming). This word is used in the "next day" expressions - ἐπιοῦσα ἡμέρα - (for example, in Act. 7:26) or simply without a clarifying "day" in the meaning of "tomorrow", "Tomorrow" (see, for example, Dean. 16:11; 20: 15; 21:18).

Critics of this point of view celebrate some of its inconsistency by the command of Jesus: "So do not take care of tomorrow, because tomorrow will take care of his: pretty for every day of his care." (Mat.6: 34). This remark is presented to us insignificant, since prayer and care is the phenomena of various orders. Caring is an experience, stress. And the prayer is the expression of faith, the hope of the entrusted to the Lord.

The chosen solution to the issue

Recognizing the question of determining the etymology of the word επιούσιον is very difficult, respecting all the interpretations presented above, we, however, we consider it possible to agree with the fourth interpretation that translates the word επιούσιον as "tomorrow".

The principle of historical continuity

This interpretation is quite ancient. Origen speaks about her already (the truth does not agree with it, but still speaks respectful about it) in the composition "On Prayer". This understanding is reflected in the Coptic translation.

This interpretation adheres to Jerome Stridonsky, referring to the apocryphic gospel of the Jews, which came to us in the form of scattered passages, but is an important evidence of the early interpretation of the text of the Gospel from Matthew.

That's what Ironist writes:

In the gospel, which is called "from the Jews", instead of the scratch's bread I found [the word] "Mahar (םהד)", which means "tomorrow", so it comes out this sense: our tomorrow is our tomorrow, that is, the future, give us today. We can and in a different understanding [expression] the bread is urgent, like the one that exceeds all entities and surpasses all creations.

According to the testimony of the explanation of the Bible of Lopukhin, the same understanding adheres to: "Many of the newest critics, including here and the best, for example, German compilers of grammar to the New Testament Wiener Schmitel, Blass and Eczeget Tsana ..."

The same understanding is inclined and EP. Cassian (disorders). He's writing:

But there is another translation: ἐπιούσιος, it means: "tomorrow", from ἡ ἐπιοῦσα (sieve: ἡμέρα, tomorrow). This understanding can be justified by reference to the parallel place of the Gospel of the Jews, where, according to the fermented to us, it stood: "Tomorrow" ... It is very likely that the Gospel of Jews reflects the correct understanding of the image used by Jesus, and the etymology of the etymology solves difficulty. The Lord held his ministry among the Galilean peasants. Tomorrow bread, as noted by one of the modern German scientists, the hostess climbs from the evening. If she does not break today, she will not have tomorrow. About this - Prayer: Only the very necessary. Necessary for tomorrow you need to have today. This is the meaning of σήμερον, and the contradiction does not arise from 6:34.

Abbott-Smith in his lexicon puts this value to the first place as the most preferred.

The principle of grammar, lexical analysis, literary context and copyright.

We have already given assumptions about the etymology of the word ἐπιούσιος. Its origin, most likely to lead from the word ἐπιοῦσα (tomorrow, the next, coming).

All other assumptions are quite successfully criticized by modern philological studies.

So Ulrich Lutz writes:

Fruitful philological discussions show that all compounds of the word ἐπί with the root derivatives εἶναι should lead to the elusion (lowering) letters ι; That is, such a word is correctly sounded ἐπούσιος. If the main root begins with a vowel, then the iota is preserved only when it is necessary to assume a silence or dropping digam before the initial vowel.

Ulrich Lutz. Nagorny sermon (MF 5-7). Theological Exegetical Comment

This interpretation also avoids the pleonism in the text (today's bread (or everyday) give us today (or for every day).

It is best combined with the word σήμερον, for it builds an understanding of the phrase to the poetic-sublime opposition: "Give us today our bread for tomorrow."

In addition, this interpretation best explains the presence of the definition of "our" to the word bread. Our - in the sense, earned, and not filled with heaven. But Jesus, and Matthew, and Luke know that today you can spend just tomorrow. Today you worked a whole day, got money and bought flour. Your wife knew bread in the evening, which your family will eat tomorrow. This principle is expressed in the prayer past.

Principle of study of the historical context

Ulrich Lutz testifies:

The fourth petition "Our Father" fits into the situation of social harassment, in which the presence of food the next day was not granted ... Here the situation of the hired worker, who does not know whether it will find the work on the next day, thanks to which He could feed his family. "Bread for tomorrow" at the same time contains a limit: we are talking about physical you, and not about wealth. In this regard, such an interpretation in content is close to the second, speaking about the subsistence minimum, but rejected above. "Today" is not an unnecessary word, it gives to feel the urgency of petition. There is a characteristic difference from the ninth marriage of the prayer of the Khmon, where the agricultural perspective is asked about the "fruit of the year."

Ulrich Lutz. Nagorny sermon (MF 5-7). Theological Exegetic comment.


Do not take care of tomorrow, do not worry about it. But it is praying for God to make you earn money on bread today, and tomorrow your family had something - this is the responsibility of every Christian. "If someone who about their own and especially the home does not eat (Greek. Προνοέω is to think about it), he renounced faith and worse than the wrong one." (1Tim.5: 8). It is also possible (and even probably) that the Lord commands us to pray about the upcoming kingdom of heaven, where the heavenly feast includes bumping (Bow. 14:15). In this case, we ask that heavenly blessings today fill our lives today.

Not bread alone
From the Bible ( Old Testament, Deuteronomy, ch. 8, Art. 3). Moses, soothing his people, tired of a long return from the Egyptian captivity, said that God was not in vain to subjected the people of Israel to such trials: "He smoked you, tomil you hunger and dodged you Manna, who did not know you and didn't know your fathers in order to show You are that a person lives with one bread, but every word emanating from the mouth of the Lord. Lives man. "
In the New Testament, in the Gospel of Matthew (Ch. 4), this expression is also found. When Jesus was in the desert and held a long post (Art. 3-4), "the tempter began to go to him and said: if you are the Son of God, say that the stones of the Sia are bread. He told him in response: Pa Pisano: "A person will live with bread, but every word emanating from the mouth of God."
AT modern Russia The expression has acquired additional popularity after entering light (1956) of the novel "not by bread unified" Vladimir Dudintseva (1918-1998).
The meaning of the expression: For complete happiness, a man has little material well-being, he needs spiritual food, moral satisfaction.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

Watch what is "not the bread one is alive" in other dictionaries:

    Not bread alone - A saying that a person should not only be interested in material benefits, but also live a spiritual life. He is a busy person, he, as they say, not to the stars. But ... not bread is alone. It happens in life and so that one ... ... Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    not a single bread, or not about the bread is alone. - This turn goes back to the Bible: "There will be no one to live about bread, but every word emanating from the mouth of God" ... Directory of phraseology

    Cf. I know that I should work to calm my mother, repay you and children do not leave such beggars as I was. Countess Marya wanted to tell him that the person would not be fed about a single bread that he was too much attributing the importance of this ... ... Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary

    mAN SHALL NOT LIVE by Bread Alone - not bread alone man ... IDIOMS AND EXAMPLES

    BREAD - food product baked from flour (only the only number of bread); Food product from flour in the form of a baked product of any form (multiple number of breads); The grain from which flour is made (only the only number of bread); Grain ... ... Linguistant dictionary

    single - Aya, OE; Sail / N, and about. 1) holistic, inseparable; cohesive. E OE state. SOUL / I have a technological process. They constitute a whole. Performed a single front. 2) The general one is the same. E is an opinion. E Aya position ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Bread, a, mn. Breads, s and bread, oh, husband. 1. Ed. Food product baked from flour (in 2 meanings). Baked x. Rye or black x. Wheat or white x. Bread slot. A piece of bread (also to transfer: about feeding, food at all). 2. (MN. Breads). Such ... ... Dictionary Ozhegova

    Aya, oh; One, and about. 1. Holistic, inseparable; cohesive. E OE state. E. Technological process. They constitute a whole. Performed a single front. 2. Common, the same. E is an opinion. E Aya position. Stood in a single impulse. 3. (Usually with ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich - (1821 1881) The great Russian writer, the thinker did not hide the deep contradictory of his personal religious experience and repeatedly admitted that throughout his life was tormented by the question of the existence of God and that the more his mind ... ... ... Aesthetics. encyclopedic Dictionary

    National religion of Jews; The first in the history of world culture precedent of theisms and monotheistic faith. Genetically connected with the West Semitic, as well as the Egyptian and Sumero Akkadian mythology, Zoroastrianism and later Gnosticism. In the history of I. ... ... The newest Philosophical Dictionary


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Daily bread

The phraseological liberal bread came to the Russian language from the church book - prayers in the gospel - the bread of our urgent gone to us you have fun "bread needed for existence, give us this day."

As in other cases, the content of phraseologism is not determined by the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the words included in it.

Phraseologism daily bread It has two values \u200b\u200bin Russian speech:

1. Required means for life, for existence.

My sciences and urgent bread were tired of me, which in the last month I had to earn in a doubled against the contents of the portion (A. Chekhov. Letter N. A. Leukin).

A few words about Leukin. I think this material will be able to use teachers of Russian literature. Nikolay Alexandrovich Leukin (1841-1906), Proseca and Publisher. He is the author of 36 novels and leads, 11 plays and several thousand essays, stories, scenes and fechens. Researchers note the beneficial effect of N. A. Leukin on the young Anton Chekhov.

Later the path of Chekhov and Leukin diverged that they were explained mainly by the departure of Chekhov in the region of serious literature. The question of the influence of Leukin on the young Chekhov studied is not enough. I hope philologists will work on this scientific problem.

2. The most important, essential, vital need.

The new reader is harvested, the literature for him is not fun of the filmed people, and the bread is the urgent (S. Skitalets. Maxim Gorky).

Stepan Gavrilovich Skitalets (1869-1941), poet, prose. Real surname Petrov.

As part of the phraseologist, the bread is urgent, as in other cases, there is a rethinking of words components.

1) Food Product (White Bread; Bread Slice);

2) product in the form of a product of a certain form (round bread); in MN. h. - breads (remove breads from the furnace);

3) Grain - only in units. h (sow bread);

4) The plant, from the grains of which make flour and cereals, grain - in MN. h. Bread (bread urbin).

It should be noted two portable meaning of the wordbread :

1) Food, food, dependency, content, mn. h. Bread (to be at someone on bread);

2) earnings, livelihoods - in units. h.

Secondly figurative meaning of the word bread in phraseologydaily bread . It should be noted that the word bread in the figurative value includes other phraseologists: lightweight bread; loyal bread; Bread Yes Salt, etc.

An adequate pressing came to Russian speech from the Old Slavic language, in which these ethology noted, an a result of the calculation of the Greek word EpiousIOS. Greszism dates back to a combination with the meaning "for a passing day." Morphem structure of adjective: pressing-nth, brief form Understanding, pressing-n-a.

In the Ukrainian language, this phraseological physoism has the same components: CLIB of urgency. The phraseological bread is a book-up-style book.

There is a second birth of this phraseologist. Sociologists, political scientists and journalists use phraseologism in headlines and texts, characterizing the life of the people in our difficult time, the struggle of people for the bread is urgent.

O. E. Olshansky