The Sabbath Commandment as Psychotherapy. Warning Signs: When to Take Antidepressants Depression on the Weekend

In the West, as you know, antidepressants are widely used. After the release of the film of the same name, even such a definition appeared - "the generation of Prozac" (this is the name of one of the popular antidepressants - Sputnik).

Belarusians are wary of these drugs. Sputnik correspondent Valeria Berekchiyan talked with specialists of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health and found out whether to be afraid of antidepressants, who should take them and when, and how not to blink and not think of depression.

Last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that depression is the main cause of disability in the world: according to their estimates, more than 300 million people suffer from it.

Symptoms of depression and why Belarusians (not) find it at home

Depression is defined as a state of persistently bad mood (at least two weeks), which may be accompanied by apathy, low activity, inability to enjoy or be interested in something. Often, people who encounter it find it difficult to concentrate and start a new business, their sleep and appetite are impaired, their sex drive and self-esteem are reduced, and there is a sense of guilt.

Self-diagnosis of depression is not uncommon. According to Irina Khvostova, deputy director for the medical department of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health, there are several reasons.

First, it is really common: the risk of suffering depression in a lifetime reaches 12% in men and up to 30% in women. Secondly, modern people information on this topic is available, including professional information.

It also happens the other way around: often patients do not notice their illness; then a visit to a doctor should be initiated by people close to them. With depression of mild and moderate severity, they often turn to a psychotherapist, but this practice is not very popular among Belarusians, experts say.

"Sometimes they do not go to the doctor because of the" masked "course of depression. Typical symptoms may appear insignificantly or absent altogether, sometimes the symptoms of a bodily ailment come to the fore - pain in the heart, feeling short of breath, uncomfortable / painful sensations from the digestive tract or functional disorders of the intestine. People turn to different specialists, undergo numerous examinations. And only when the treatment does not give the desired result, they are sent to a specialist in the field of mental health, "said Lyubov Karnitskaya, deputy director for medical department of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health.

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In some cases, inpatient treatment is required. In the aforementioned RSPC, specialized departments have been created for such patients: here various specialists, experienced in the field of neurotic disorders, work with them, and research is carried out to solve the problem in a comprehensive manner.

"There is no need to be afraid of antidepressants, but there is no need to drink for no reason either."

Antidepressants are drunk so that the symptoms of depression subside or disappear altogether, and the affected patient regains a sense of well-being. In other words, their task is to return a person to normal life. According to Irina Khvostova, one should definitely not be afraid of antidepressants.

"Modern antidepressants are safe enough; they do not cause addiction. But it must be remembered that antidepressants are not candy, and they have contraindications and side effects. Only a doctor can correctly correlate the intended benefits of prescribing a drug and the possible negative consequences his reception, "- said the specialist.

But you do not need to take them for an insignificant reason: according to Lyubov Karnitskaya, sometimes people get by with psychological help even in cases of strong oppression.

"One of our patients - a young woman - suffered the death of a loved one, and soon - an operation due to suspicion of a malignant tumor; after being discharged due to long rehabilitation, she received a disability certificate. Mood and physical activity decreased, thoughts of imminent death, pessimism appeared in relation to life and people, an oppressed state, the desire to hide and not communicate with anyone, "Karnitskaya recalled.

While waiting for the results of the biopsy, the woman twisted herself, tuned in for the worst outcome, felt more and more depressed, and then closed herself off. In the end, the sister insisted: we must go to a psychotherapist.

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"A psychocorrectional conversation was held, and when the woman received results on the benign quality of education and a favorable prognosis, her mental state improved rather quickly and the appointment of an antidepressant was not required," the doctor said.

Side effects of antidepressants, according to Irina Khvostova, are rare. However, it is worth knowing that among them - restlessness, increased anxiety, or, conversely, excessive calmness, sleep disturbances, nausea; and in some cases, weight gain and sexual dysfunction. The notion that antidepressants reduce performance is a myth, she said.

"Apathy and decreased activity are symptoms of depression; a person taking an antidepressant may at some point come to the erroneous conclusion that a decrease in his performance is a consequence of taking an antidepressant," the doctor said.

Sometimes to return to normal life, the patient only needs to find and eradicate the "source of troubles" - that which provokes negative thoughts and bad mood.

“A young woman complained of a low mood for several months, anxiety, uncertainty about the future, lack of pleasure from her favorite job. Love Karnitskaya.

The patient had to part with the man. And after a course of psychotherapy, her condition improved even without prescribing antidepressants.

Who needs to take antidepressants and can I start it myself?

Khvostova categorically does not recommend starting the appointment on your own.

"This is not the case when a positive feedback from a neighbor or a friend from social networks can serve as a reason for taking a medicine. To choose the right antidepressant requires professional knowledge and experience," she shared.

In addition, these pills do not work instantly: their effect is noticeable only in the third or fourth week of routine administration in the correct dosage, which can also be selected only by a doctor.

It is advised to save yourself with antidepressants in several cases. When psychotherapy does not help, and the symptoms of depression (for example, impaired appetite and sleep) are so pronounced that they simply do not allow a person to conduct normal life activities.

"They are also prescribed if a person has already struggled with such a problem with the help of antidepressants and in cases where the risk of suicide is high," Khvostova explained.

Another case from practice - a 55-year-old woman survived her husband's betrayal. The mood dropped, the patient stopped taking care of herself, lay in bed and was not at all interested in others, her appetite disappeared. She has lost a lot of weight.

“I began to express thoughts of unwillingness to live. I categorically refused to consult a doctor (formally agreed to meet with him after long persuasion of children). The severity of symptoms of depression and the presence of suicidal thoughts required the appointment of an antidepressant,” Karnitskaya said.

Why is the use of antidepressants so widespread in the West? It was often heard that their reception became almost the norm, even when overworked.

"Most likely, this is a mistaken impression: after all, people can simply mention that they are taking these drugs, without going into the true reasons for the treatment (only the doctor knows the depth of the problem). Do not forget that in western culture it is customary not to "cry into a waistcoat," but to look successful and prosperous, even experiencing depression. Nevertheless, antidepressants all over the world are prescribed only if there is a medical indication for this, "the specialist said.

Antidepressants are sold in Belarus exclusively by prescription. With proper use, their effectiveness is undeniable, but their reception can have side effects, and sometimes quite pronounced. Therefore, their use is possible in our country only under the supervision of a doctor. But getting to him is not so difficult - it is enough to make an appointment with a psychotherapist at the place of residence or contact the psychological help service.

We often use the expression "Monday is a tough day." In psychology, there is even such a thing as "Monday syndrome".

Unfortunately, for many, Monday comes even earlier - such people already on Sunday evening begin to experience severe anxiety or depression.

Most often, those who are unhappy with their work or too busy schedule are acutely worried about the end of the weekend. Such people begin to experience strong anxiety already on Sunday afternoon, they cannot relax and enjoy Sunday evening. In such cases, jobs usually have to be changed.

However, those who love their jobs can also feel anxious Sunday nights. According to psychologists, this may be due to various reasons, in particular, the fact that people get used to living "ahead of the curve."
The best advice in this case is to learn to enjoy the fullness of life every moment in a Buddhist way, but unfortunately this is not easy at all.

The solution may be to create a certain Sunday evening ritual: stock up on a good book or film in advance, think over a special menu for a light dinner, create a comfortable atmosphere in the apartment.

Depression can manifest itself in different ways, for example, many, trying to extend the weekend, go to bed very late.

For such people, a certain Sunday television show can become part of the ritual. Just as a child who knows that "Goodnight, Toddlers" means the end of the day, adults can choose a program to end the weekend.

Another reason for anxiety can be too abrupt change of rhythm: a tough routine of weekdays, on the one hand, relaxation and spontaneity of weekends, on the other. In this case, the solution may be to prepare to start working week: You can make a to-do list for Monday or check your email.

Sunday night depression can be overcome with these simple techniques, and from time to time you need to remind yourself that God has commanded to rest only one day a week. Article added
27.09.2010 03:41

If you wake up groaning on Mondays, and immersion in the work day is worth a tremendous effort, rest assured that you are prone to Monday depression.

It's no surprise that we hate Mondays. They always seem to sneak up on us as soon as we really relax and start enjoying the weekend. This is the least productive day during the work week. Carla Wood, business coach and founder of All Strategy, believes this should not be the case.

Follow these tips to reduce depression and feel better these days of the week.

1. Start Monday Sunday Night

Wood believes that the reason Mondays are so hard is that it is difficult to switch from the personal rhythm, attitude and lifestyle that we lead on weekends.

« We live in a personal rhythm. The need to accelerate causes a feeling of depression, the same when we see in front of us an insurmountable mountain, which we have to climb at the beginning of the week”She says. While you are enjoying every second of freedom on Sunday night, just a couple of minutes of mental preparation for the week ahead will help you overcome your Monday depression.

2. Start with priorities

Make a list of tasks for the next day and add them to your calendar. Instead of starting the week with a clean slate, remind yourself of the priorities of the day. This will help you avoid the stupor from the tide of tasks that tend to hit on Monday morning. A scheduled department meeting or project team, which defines the priorities of the week, will help everyone to immerse themselves in work without difficulty.

3. Start your day with something that gives you energy.

Go for a run or gym. This beginning of the day will make the body move and give a boost of creative energy until the evening. Being depressed on Monday doesn't mean that you hate your job or that you are depressed.

« Chances are, you just got stuck and didn't catch the momentum of the coming week.Wood explains. Any activity that helps increase energy will put you back on track to be productive.

4. Connect with colleagues

When you arrive at the office, consider chatting with colleagues first. The simple exchange of phrases at the water cooler can sometimes be a powerful incentive to get started. " Therefore, I look forward to Monday and communication with colleagues, instead of sitting at the table and collecting my thoughts for half a day."Says Wood.

5. Find a mentor

If your Monday depression comes too often, it could be a symptom of a deeper problem. Wood recommends that entrepreneurs, especially those who work alone, find a mentor and discuss with them goals and how to achieve them: “ This will allow you to see a different perspective and look at your work more responsibly.».

Severe depression on Mondays can be the result of overwhelm. A mentor will help you establish the true cause.

6. Get enough sleep

Gretchen Rubin, the author of the project "Happiness" is of the opinion that severe stress on Monday caused by lack of sleep.

40% of Americans, according to a sociological survey, sleep much less than the recommended seven hours. The fact is that American workers use weekends to finish routine tasks for which there is not enough time during the week. But such catch-up attempts are not always successful.

7. Don't forget to turn off the TV

Her second piece of advice concerns television viewing. If you have a favorite movie, watch it. But when finished, turn off the TV.If you fall asleep on the couch flipping through channels, it's no wonder you feel overwhelmed.

People often claim that they watch TV because they are too tired to do anything else. But then they lie in front of the TV until midnight, instead of falling asleep. “You should just go to bed,” says Rubin.

8. The same should be done with the news - turn off

There is a type of people addicted to news. They are consumed by the process of keeping track of new details, especially when something dramatic happens. At the same time, the psychosomatic state also deteriorates sharply. The author advises to spend no more than 20 minutes studying the news in order to keep abreast of events, and then disconnect in the literal and figurative sense.

This finding is supported by recent research. People who followed the 2013 Boston Marathon, during which the explosion occurred, experienced more than severe stressthan those who were at the scene at the time.

9. Don't put off fun for the weekend

Often we are so bogged down in our responsibilities that we cannot and do not want to find time for entertainment on weekdays, hoping then to "come off" on weekends. These postponed positives include meeting friends. But on weekends, their worries come, and it is not easy to fit everything that has been put off in two days.

You need to be open to meetings, Rubin said. It is useful to chat with friends in the middle of the week, go to workouts and morning walks. Then neither weekdays nor holidays will leave the feeling of being wasted.

Irina Silacheva , especially for
