How to cope with severe stress without consequences for the body? Do the usual things. How to deal with stress constructively

Stress has become so firmly entrenched in our lives that it is difficult to imagine how we used to live without this concept. Stress, according to psychologists, can be both beneficial and harmful. The danger is stress stress, which causes a negative reaction of the body to various factors. We will continue to talk about how to deal with such a state.

Stress can arise for various reasons: due to separation from a loved one, as a result of troubles at work, during training before exams. How to deal with it?

How to get out of stress after a breakup

How to deal with stress after a divorce or breakup with someone you loved and continue to love? Of course, this is a really difficult test, which is quite difficult to cope with. But there are still ways to get out of such stress.

Most of the stress after divorce lasts for about two months. Your task is to survive this period. The human psyche is arranged in such a way that he cannot constantly suffer and experience. The adage: "time heals" in this case is more relevant than ever. The mood, after a certain period, will change for the better. And you might even be able to communicate on a friendly note with your ex.

To cope with stress, do not be alone with your problems, do not withdraw into yourself.

Share your experiences with loved ones - it will become easier. Immerse yourself in work - it is a panacea for any problem. Sports, proper nutrition, meditation and a sober look into the future, of course, happy, will also help cope with stress. Many more good moments will happen in your life, and there will still appear that person who will appreciate and love you.

How to deal with stress at work

How to deal with stress at work? There are a few basic rules to help you cope with professional stress:

  1. It is necessary to adhere to the principles of time management and keep all affairs under control. To do this, you can start a weekly, and Sun.
  2. Never take on an overwhelming load. Do only those responsibilities that are within your power.
  3. Do not in any way conflict with the team. Do not raise your voice to the leadership, negativity is inappropriate here.
  4. Get enough sleep, eat right, exercise in your free time. Learn to disconnect from work and get good rest.
  5. Not sure how to deal with stress at work, try to look at the situation from a different angle. If you have problems in the workplace, push them to the background. Approach everything from an optimistic point of view, and then no stress will affect you.
  6. Have a new job and don't know how to deal with stress? Just wait and everything will work out. Usually, it is always difficult at a new workplace, but all this is temporary.

Let the work always bring you only satisfaction and the question of how to relieve stress in the workplace does not become on the agenda. Keep everything under control and you will always be on top.

How to deal with exam stress

How to cope with the stress of the exam, which a huge number of pupils and students are exposed to? Usually, this situation is aggravated by the fact that the person who is to test their knowledge is worried and anxious. This reduces his attentiveness and can negatively affect the results.

There are several easy ways to deal with exam stress. Among them:

  • Self-training, which allows a person to create a suitable mood. All statements during auto-training should be formulated in the affirmative form, without the particle "not". For example, instead of the phrase: "I am not afraid," it would be more correct to use: "I am calm and confident in myself."
  • Relaxation. There are two types of relaxation exercises - muscle and breathing. Muscle relaxation is performed as follows. Place your hands on your knees and close your eyes, focus on your hands, feel their warmth and softness. Relax your hands gradually until they become heavy. When doing breathing relaxation, you should count. To do this, you also need to close your eyes and inhale on the fourth count, and exhale on the eighth.
  • Visualization. This exercise is performed with your eyes closed. It is necessary to present an image that would symbolize a state of confidence. After that, you can draw it.

Be sure to follow the advice above. They will help you cope with any stressful situations in life and come out of them as a winner.


Thanks for the rubric :) I have a problem with stress, unpleasant emotions and fatigue. All the time I read books and surf the Internet, when it arises and I have no idea at all, but how else? But I want to present and do. Tell us, how do you cope with experiences?

What are your thoughts or pictures in your head about feeling unwell and feeling bad? How do you stay with yourself and with this feeling? What do you do when there is no strength from fatigue, and lying is unbearable? What do you do, what do you say to yourself when obsessive unpleasant thoughts?

Respectfully, N.

If I understood the question correctly, are you looking for a way to make the experience of stress, grief, fears and troubles stop being so unpleasant? There will be no answer to this. They are and will be very unpleasant for everyone. Because it is so designed.

Stress, fear, pain, fatigue - these are all - the most important parts of our "internal signaling", which protects us from all sorts of misfortunes. You need to learn to handle them.

People who were overprotected from stress in childhood (when most things can still be saved, and most desires can be fulfilled immediately), do not know how to endure it at all. And because of this, they subsequently grab any means by which you can relieve stress now and immediately. They don't care about the consequences, they just really want to let this unpleasant feeling go, right now. Because of this, they quickly become addicted to drugs, alcohol, and other unhealthy things that simply "calm them down quickly."

But on the other hand, to endure clenched teeth, always, as long as possible and to the extreme is also a bad tactic. People who are accustomed to ignoring all the cries of soul and body sooner or later break down on both. And then it is very difficult and time-consuming to fix.

Ideally, it would be good to distinguish between tolerable stress, fears and troubles, to learn how to handle them. In most cases, this means - endure, wait for it to pass (remember that it will pass, because everything passes), try not to spray too much energy on emotions and tantrums. Try to think with the remnants of a cold-blooded mind: maybe something can be corrected, how to reduce suffering, are there any normal, acceptable ways to improve the situation to make it easier? (This refers to the decision, not to prick and forget, for example.)

But, one must also distinguish the moment when "complete everything" has come. When you don't have to endure anymore. You need to call an ambulance, or call work and take sick leave. Or get out of a situation in which you are being bullied, or which is unbearable for you, even if someone strongly disagrees with this. Stop enduring something, because you think that someone will be lost without you. If the pain reaches a certain point, you need to think only of yourself and save yourself. Because the pain is so strong - a signal that something in you has suffered a lot, you need to save it.

And one more thing: all unpleasant sensations have one more important function. without them we wouldn't taste good. We are terribly happy when we wake up refreshed, because we still remember how yesterday we trudged to bed, barely alive from fatigue. When we are doing well, we can rejoice in it, because we know how it feels - when everything is different. After we have had pain, simply relieving the pain is euphoric. We are happy with gifts because we do not receive them every day. If we were constantly bombarded with them, they would hardly touch us. Maybe even bored. Therefore, we definitely need resentments, failures, tears, fears, etc.

I recently wrote that I heard something interesting in a lecture by a neurologist. He said that people definitely need to regularly experience certain doses of stress, because it mobilizes certain resources in us. Frightened, we revive (something in us is prepared for the struggle) and feel the rise. So - if someone in ordinary life lacks stress, he invents it himself. Precisely to cheer up at the expense of it. It is for this that some are engaged in extreme sports. And that's why people love watching horror movies! They want to be afraid, shudder, squeal in the dark in the movies or at the TV - after that they feel better! So fears are also needed for some reason, and everything else. Nature did not put anything in us "just like that".

So I wish you to meet all these states, as important and necessary parts of yourself, to learn to interact with them. listen to yourself, try to get out of them with the least loss. And keep as stable as possible during these storms. But at the same time, it is fair to experience everything - both good and bad.

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Are you sure you're stressed?

Specific actions

And if in a friend during the day thoughts again decide to visit you, just repeat everything from the beginning.

Specific actions


Did you know that according to statistics, the life expectancy of women is higher than that of men? And all because. That women regularly throw out emotions through tears. The rules of modern society prohibit men from such manifestations of feelings, and in vain.

Each of us sooner or later gets into stressful situations, but not everyone knows how to cope with stress.

Any problematic situation can become the cause of stress - dismissal, failure in personal life, injury. And as the people say, "Trouble does not come alone." And life is not limited to one problem. How to properly survive a series of such events?

If you do not take action, then stress can develop into depression and then, in especially severe cases, you cannot do without professionals and medicines.

You need to collect all the will into a fist and adequately survive stress until it turns into a real swamp of hopelessness.

Are you sure you're stressed?

Before you deal with stress, you need to make sure that you have it. Let's move on to its symptoms.

The former will be more likely to cause stress - prolonged exposure to an irritant.

Shock reaction to what happened. It manifests itself in increased heart rate, sudden sweating, and brain shutdown.

It may well be that the awareness of the situation came to you long after what happened. This is quite normal - in severe stressful situations, the body turns off the brain so as not to incur large losses.

A stressed person is disturbed by anxiety. It can be both unreasonable and arise from the slightest problems. You didn’t answer politely at the cashier in the supermarket and made a whole scandal out of it? Think about your state of mind.

Stress is evidenced not only by the decline in vital activity, but also by its rise. In conditions that threaten vital capacity, the body mobilizes resources, which is aimed at preserving life by any means. Pay attention to your condition. If you are more energized than ever, able to work without fatigue for hours on end.

Expect a breakdown during the rise. It will come abruptly, without warning. Remember that stress in a decline will be much more difficult than in a recovery.

These conditions have similar symptoms and causes, but it is quite easy to distinguish between them.

Depression is a chronic illness accompanied by clinical symptoms in the flesh prior to chemical changes in the brain. The state of despair becomes normal and does not leave the patient for a single second.

Stress, unlike depression, is temporary. It can even last for several days. Its appearance is accompanied by such health problems as increased blood pressure, headaches. Stress can turn into depression. Stress or depression

Modern classification distinguishes two forms of stress - positive stress and negative. In the first form, a large release of serotonin is produced, which causes increased vigor and energy. The second has opposite symptoms and has a negative effect on human immunity.

Another significant difference is that stress can go away without outside help, but depression, especially in its extreme manifestations, can reach extremes without intervention.

Resilience to stress is essential. If it is at the proper level, then you have nothing to fear. With an unstable nervous system and low stress tolerance, any symptoms of stress should be addressed immediately so as not to push things to the extreme. Find out: how to get rid of self-doubt.

The following comparisons will help you better distinguish between stress and depression:

Stress is nothing more than a reaction of the body, depression is a mental illness;

Depression weakens a person, reduces his vitality. Stress in moderation is beneficial.

Anything that lasts more than a week can be safely called depression.

Stress is easy to get rid of, but depression often requires professional and even medication;

In most cases, stress is accompanied by an increase in energy, and depression is accompanied by a breakdown.

Specific actions

Accept the situation and it will calm you down. Agree that nothing can be returned back. What happened, unfortunately or fortunately, is unchanged. All further actions must proceed from the present and the future.

Surely you have had situations when, under the influence of emotions from the shock you just experienced, you took actions that you later regretted. Why repeat the same mistakes? You can correct the situation only by real actions, the choice of which will be successful only in a person with a calm heart and sound mind.

Abstract yourself. Use a little imagination - it happened not to you, but to someone else. You are nothing more than an observer. This means that your emotional experiences should be at a minimum. Keep working, but act like a robot - complete your tasks with absolutely nothing to worry about.

Learn to switch yourself. Usually stress in the morning prepares a series of thoughts for us that create an atmosphere for the whole day. Come up with a ritual that is mandatory and drives all negativity out of you. For example, you can clap your hands and say, "Bad thoughts don't belong here, but I'll get down to business." And be sure to smile at the end of this event.

And if in a friend during the day thoughts again decide to visit you, just repeat everything from the beginning.

Complain less. This position has two sides. On the one hand, when you talk about a problem, speak out, it becomes easier. But on the other hand, the more you talk about the problem, the more often you return to it, relive it again.

Decide for yourself that you are doing well. Answer any questions about your life only positively. The main thing is to believe that everything is really good.

Learn to find positive moments in everything, the only way you can survive stress. This is especially true of the stress caused by the breakup.

In love dramas, people make two main mistakes: the first is trying to get the soul mate back. Before taking action, consider whether you need to resurrect something that has already "died." Will the effort be worth it? It is best to let everything take its course, and then life will put everything in its place.

The second - "My life is over without this person." But in fact, you know that life went on as usual, and will continue to do so. Please note that the singing of birds outside the window does not stop depending on whether this person is in your life or not.

Specific actions

See breakup as a self-development opportunity. Just imagine how much free time you now have and how much you can realize. Direct yourself and all your energy to work, study, new hobbies. Do you have a dream for which there was no time? Here's a great opportunity to make it happen!

Consider the past relationship as an experience, based on which you will build further communication with the opposite sex.

Be in society. Give yourself the best look and head to crowded places - parks, shopping centers. Observe people, find positive moments in the crowd and concentrate on them. Whether it's a laughing child, a kissing couple, or a funny young man. The main thing is to get a charge of good emotions.

Don't forget to smile! It is in creating a smile that muscles take part. Which are responsible for a good mood and a favorable vitality.

Salvation is a routine. Oddly enough, but everyday homework can be an excellent helper. Write yourself a plan for the day, increasing the load every day.

General cleaning is a good therapy. Imagine that with all the trash and garbage that you take out of the house, you throw out all the negativity from yourself. Also, it is very important to remove as far as possible all things that in one way or another remind of the events that happened.

Praise yourself when finished. “I'm a big / big fellow. Now my house is clean and tidy, everything has its place. " As in the house. In the same way, in the mind, everything should be arranged on the shelves.

Cry. Did you know that according to statistics, the life expectancy of women is higher than that of men? And all because. That women regularly throw out emotions through tears. The rules of modern society prohibit men from such manifestations of feelings, and in vain.

Pets. Animals can easily help cope with stress. Pets, such as cats and dogs, sense that something is happening to the owner and show their support by whining, meowing, or even pawing at you.

If you still do not have a pet and you have decided to take such a crucial step, then do not hesitate to head to the nursery for homeless animals. When you save a little life from death, it will be grateful and devoted to you until the very end.

Think after the incident all the way associated with the event. Where exactly did you make a mistake? Think about what happened before and during the misstep. Maybe it was worth paying attention to them? Analyze everything that happens from start to finish. This will help you avoid this in the future. Find out: how to get yourself out of depression.

Exercise to help you cope with stress

Charge up with emotions from strangers. Set yourself the task of greeting 10 random passers-by with a smile or in ordinary words. As soon as you get an answer, you will immediately understand why to do this.

Your favorite hobbies will help you survive the bad. Do what you enjoy doing. Charge yourself with positive emotions that will push out negativity. Set aside time in your daily routine that you will only spend on what you want to do.

Learn to breathe properly. Breathing is the foundation of life. Enriching your brain with oxygen will help you survive any event.

Get some rest. Relax your muscles, especially your facial ones.

Allow yourself to think in any direction, develop any thoughts. No matter how ridiculous they may seem at first glance. And the most interesting, from what is born in the head, you can write down.

Free yourself. This can be done by getting rid of the clothes. The feeling of nakedness gives freedom. You can, for example, do this before bed. Take off your clothes, take a deep breath, feel how easy and good you are. With such sensations and sleep will be stronger.

Imagination can also help you overcome stress. Imagine that everything that happens is just a dream. A little more and it will end. It is useful to periodically break away from reality, but do not flirt and do not lose touch with reality.

Make gifts. Get a couple of dozen knickknacks and present them to people you like. This procedure will only charge you with the positive.

Watch your mood - channel it in a positive direction every moment of life.

Remember that everything depends only on you and your desire.

Each of us sooner or later gets into stressful situations, but not everyone knows how to deal with stress.

Cause of stress any problematic situation can become - dismissal, failure in personal life, injury. And as the people say, "Trouble does not come alone." And life is not limited to one problem. How to properly survive a series of such events?

If you do not take action, then stress can develop into depression and then, in especially severe cases, you cannot do without professionals and medicines.

It is necessary to collect all the will into a fist and adequately survive stress until it turns into a real swamp of hopelessness.

Are you sure you're stressed?

Before you deal with stress, you need to make sure that you have it. Let's move on to its symptoms.

  1. The former will be more likely to cause stress - prolonged exposure to an irritant.
  2. Shock reaction to what happened. It manifests itself in increased heart rate, sudden sweating, and brain shutdown.
  3. It may well be that the awareness of the situation came to you long after what happened. This is quite normal - in severe stressful situations, the body turns off the brain so as not to incur large losses.
  4. A stressed person is disturbed by anxiety. It can be both unreasonable and arise from the slightest problems. You didn’t answer politely at the cashier in the supermarket and made a whole scandal out of it? Think about your state of mind.
  5. Stress is evidenced not only by the decline in vital activity, but also by its rise. In conditions that threaten vital capacity, the body mobilizes resources, which is aimed at preserving life by any means. Pay attention to your condition. If you are more energized than ever, able to work without fatigue for hours on end.
  6. Expect a breakdown during the rise. It will come abruptly, without warning. Remember that stress in a decline will be much more difficult than in a recovery.

These conditions have similar symptoms and causes, but it is quite easy to distinguish between them.

Depression is a chronic illness accompanied by clinical symptoms in the flesh prior to chemical changes in the brain. The state of despair becomes normal and does not leave the patient for a single second.

Stress, unlike depression, is temporary. It can even last for several days. Its appearance is accompanied by such health problems as increased blood pressure, headaches. Stress can turn into depression.

Modern classification distinguishes two forms of stress - positive stress and negative. In the first form, a large release of serotonin is produced, which causes increased vigor and energy. The second has opposite symptoms and has a negative effect on human immunity.

Another significant difference is that stress can go away without outside help, but depression, especially in its extreme manifestations, can reach extremes without intervention.

The following comparisons will help you better distinguish between stress and depression:

  • Stress is nothing more than a reaction of the body, depression is a mental illness;
  • Depression weakens a person, reduces his vitality. Stress in moderation is beneficial.
  • Anything that lasts more than a week can be safely called depression.
  • Stress is easy to get rid of, but depression often requires professional and even medication;
  • In most cases, stress is accompanied by an increase in energy, and depression is accompanied by a breakdown.

Specific actions

  1. Accept the situation and it will calm you down.... Agree that nothing can be returned back. What happened, unfortunately or fortunately, is unchanged. All further actions must proceed from

The life of a developing person is arranged in such a way that new peaks and horizons are often revealed precisely through stress and crisis. Development is always a sinusoid: now you are at its peak, and everything is going in the best way, then you are thrown to the bottom, and it seems to you that you cannot survive this.

The idea that development is such a smooth upward path is very pleasant, but utopian.

A crisis is a necessary process of growth and expansion of a person's mental capacity.

Unfortunately, development is impossible without it.

Look at your life: for sure from time to time it seemed that you would never endure some moments, but looking back from the present, you understand that everything is not so scary. This means that your psychic capacity has increased, and you can now bear and experience even more.

This article will not talk about how crises are necessary and useful, but about that very low point of the sinusoid, when it seems that the fuck you don't need such development, that everything is pointless, pain covers your eyes with tears, stress makes it hard to breathe, and fear paralyzes the body so much that one wants to curl up in a ball and not get up, not talk, not move, and sometimes just die.

We all visit this point periodically - this is an exam and a transition to a new level.

This state comes through various triggers: fired from work, parted with a loved one, disappointed in myself, lost hope, humiliated, hooked on an injury, or just deadly tired of fighting for my happiness and I want to spit and send everything to the devil.

This is such a test from life: how ready we are to go further, how determined we are in achieving our dreams, how much we really want to be whole and mature, happy and conscious.

And if at the point of the crisis we decide to leave everything and fall, then we will roll back not even to the previous level, but much lower. No wonder they say: "The higher you take off, the more painful it is to fall."

But sometimes, from the unbearable inner pain, we no longer care what will happen next ... And here we make many mistakes, fatal ones, which are very difficult to correct later.

Let us figure out how to survive the point of crisis, with the intention, instead of collapsing below, on the contrary, to believe in ourselves and rise from the ashes.

I will describe some psychological and energetic tips to help you overcome the crisis and develop healthy habits to respond to such situations.

Give yourself time to feel

Don't run away from your feelings, acknowledge them and live.

When we find ourselves in a painful situation, by any means we want to get out of there as soon as possible. At such moments, people are more likely to run to psychologists, dive headlong into work, switch to the lives of children and girlfriends ... You can still surrender to religion and read prayers or, in the worst case, drown the pain in wine. All this switches, helps to distract, but drives the pain even deeper into the subconscious, forming a fear of overcoming and development.

It is important to understand: pain comes in order to make us stronger and energetically wider - in the future, this width and depth will allow us to let in new opportunities.

Now I am doing choreography with a teacher in order to get a third education, and in the classroom this principle is very clearly visible: the choreographer stretches me to the extreme point of patience, when I am already in unbearable pain, and fixes me in this position. I breathe, scream, cry, swear, but after a couple of minutes I find that my muscles have got used to it, and it doesn't hurt so much. And then he stretches a few centimeters more, I again yell, squeal, cry and again get used to it. And in the next lesson, this stretching is already possible for me on my own almost without pain, and we again take a new height.

This is the principle of development not only of the body, but also of the psyche, so if we immediately run away from pain, then we deprive ourselves of its useful revealing component, which means that this lesson will have to be repeated so that you can no longer escape.

Therefore, the very first thing we have to do, and it will be very difficult, is to let this pain and these feelings pass through us.

Do not run to psychological practices, to girlfriends, to psychologists, but just stop and give yourself time to feel this pain. It might take a day or two, that's okay.

To worry does not mean deliberately cheating yourself up, dramatizing, hypertrophing emotions, going into hysterics with shouts: “ I will never ...", - not at all. To worry is simply to let the emotions be.

During these periods, feelings need to be allowed to manifest themselves consciously, therefore it is very important to cry, howl, whine, wallow, shake with horror and show everything that is asked from within. It is this living that is the condition for the expansion of energy capacity.

The worst thing we can do is suppress ourselves with sedatives or willpower. It is at the moments of self-suppression that injuries and blocks are formed, which are then so difficult to get rid of. If there are children at home, and it seems to you that this is harmful to them, then this is a deep delusion: by suppressing ourselves and pretending, we teach children the same. Therefore, in this case, it is reasonable to voice the child: “ Mom is now very bad and sad. This is not because of you, baby, but I really need to cry, so that it becomes easier for me, so that my mother smiles and rejoices again!»

Moaning promotes relaxation by engaging your entire body in an even, rhythmic movement. First of all, since moaning requires deep, stable diaphragmatic breathing, maximum oxygen is delivered to all corners of your body. Moaning also produces powerful vibrations in your body that act like a massage from the inside out. As you continue to moan deeply, and as you become more and more relaxed, you can feel how your moans generate vibration not only in the throat, but also in the stomach, chest and sometimes even in the sinuses. Generally, physical relaxation is the state of the body in which it best begins to heal itself. Moans are a very valuable tool for relieving pressure from work and human relationships when people have no other options or no choice.
(PhD Luis Savary)

It is also very important to express feelings as much as possible physically, crying and moaning are especially good helpers.

Crying relieves nervous tension. It turned out that “the so-called tears of pain remove catecholamines from the body - substances that increase the level of stress in the body. And crying itself helps to calm. After a short, energetic inhalation, a long exhalation follows - a similar type of breathing can be found in many Eastern practices. It helps lower blood pressure, slows heart rate, and promotes relaxation. That is why, after long sobs, a state of relief and euphoria comes. "

The habit of holding back tears leads to internal tension and unmotivated outbursts of aggression.

Screaming and moaning during pain can help reduce discomfort by interfering with the transmission of pain impulses from various organs of the body to the brain. Thus, as a result of crying, the level of pain is reduced.

Connect the body

If the body is also connected to the experience of pain, it will be a great help in coping with stress.

Why is it important to connect the body? The field structures of our body and consciousness directly interact with the energy inside the body, and if we physically block our body, then at the energy level we break our field structures, and they can no longer function normally to attract well-being and our desires: they only strengthen and increase the energy of the inherent block, attracting negative.

Therefore, it miraculously helps in living intuitive movement: do what the body feels by strengthening it.

For example, you want to curl up and not move - you lie down and contract as much as physically possible, until your muscles hurt. After such an effort, an abrupt relaxation phase follows: the body cannot be at its peak for too long. The body relaxes and energy passes through it without forming distortions at the field level.

Or, for example, you want to sit down, grab your knees and swing (a typical stress response: body swing is an indicator of energy movement) - you sit down and swing, first in your own rhythm, then shrink and swing with a greater amplitude, until you feel saturated with this condition.

Someone can be in a stress position at peak tension for an hour, and someone - only five minutes, everything is individual here. The main thing is to listen to your body and follow it. If you want to walk - walk, do not force yourself to sit down and calm down.

The more body you connect, the more worries will go out of your head, the faster you will pass the peak of stress.

You know, there are two main types of stress people. Some have hysterics, they yell, scream, run around the house, cry, fight in seizures, and two days later they get up and go on living. The second type of people calmly meets stress without showing any emotions, they courageously go through it, solve basic problems, calm the rest of the participants in stress, look reasonable and adequate, but as soon as the situation is resolved, after a couple of days or weeks they have a microstroke, or turn gray hair, or the hormonal system goes to hell.

These are yin and yang reactions. Usually the first type is women: "Oh Lord, we are all going to die!" And the second type is most often found among men who silently solve problems. As you know, according to statistics, on average, men die ten years earlier than women.

In the modern world, women also react like yang, restraining themselves, solving problems, but this only harms us.

Stress Passing Rule # 1: Give yourself time and the right to experience pain.


The human body is predominantly composed of water, which, in turn, is 33.3% air. While we breathe deeply, energy circulates in the body, filling us with strength and life. A typical stress syndrome is short shallow breathing, which supplies oxygen only to the brain and heart in case of a threat to life.

As a psychologist, I often see that people who have gone through severe stress, but have not been able to get out of it and formed trauma for themselves, very often barely breathe. Their breathing is almost imperceptible, quiet, barely alive. It robs us of strength and supports our blocks.

Start breathing deeply. Your first attempts at deep breathing can break down into crying, screaming, return to pain, and this is normal, because the block goes away. Dizziness is also a normal initial reaction if you breathe shallowly all your life.

Monitor your breathing at least a couple of times a day and start breathing deeply. Deep breathing regulates the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, causing relaxation: the heart slows down its rhythm, and the inner world is filled with peace.

Deep breathing also relieves muscle tension by supplying oxygen evenly, and the production of cortisol and adrenaline is stopped. At the level of the body and emotions, the state is replaced by a balanced one.

Do the usual things

Sometimes, in moments of stress, it seems to us that our life is destroyed to the ground and that we will never live as before. The severity of experiencing a crisis is that we can no longer live as before, but we do not yet know how to live differently. Being in this buffer zone, it seems to us that our life has completely turned upside down.

There is the magic of simple deeds that bring us back to the feeling: life goes on. Simple daily activities will remind you: life moves on.

Therefore, it is very important to return to your daily rituals - this will give your mind peace: brush your teeth, wash your hair, do makeup, make your favorite tea, return to the gym, clean the house, follow your child to kindergarten or school.

Even if at first you will do it mechanically, your mind will feel calmer because it understands at least some of the events that will occur: “ Yes, tomorrow I will wash my hair, brush my teeth, put on a dress ... Of course, I will not go to this job / I will wake up without this man ... But my life goes on!»

If there are no events on the horizon of the mind, it thinks that this is the end and we die. And this is the path to depression.

Get rid of the trash

Quite a strange recommendation from the point of view of psychology, but very clear from the point of view of energy. The more unnecessary things, people, events are in your field, the more energy they pull on themselves, because we spend energy on communication with each thing and with each event. Throwing out the excess means cutting off unnecessary energy connections and regaining your energy, which will help you get through stress.

Remember the state when the house is clean and there is nothing superfluous? Immediately it is easier to breathe, strength, energy, motivation, a feeling of renewal comes.

The less garbage, the more energy you have for your dreams, desires and overcomes. This also applies to unnecessary friends who can feel sorry for you, gossip, collect heavy energy.


Don't let yourself freeze for a long time, keep moving in the literal sense of the word. Leave your car at home and go on foot. Walking enables the body's adaptive functions and helps to reorganize in accordance with life changes.

Walking, running, stretching, dancing, or just intuitively stretching will help you get back into your body.

Most of our problems are in the head, and when we return to the body, we begin to realize the surmountability and temporality of what is happening.

Drink water

Stress causes dehydration and worsens your body and emotions. Be sure to drink water, because during times of stress, the body works in a special metabolic mode, and it needs support in the form of drinking.

There are many stress hormones in the blood, and water helps to flush them out.

Make no effort to harm

« We must force ourselves to eat!»

« You have to force yourself to go on a date with someone else!»

« We must force ourselves to smile!»

All this will subsequently cause you only disgust and rejection.

If you just can't get involved in something, and the body rejects it with all its might, then you don't need to force it and mock yourself. Let your body starve and your soul purify itself by loneliness before a future relationship. Otherwise, you will have to then be treated for additional blocks, the most popular of which is pierrot's smile... This is when a person, falling into a difficult emotional experience, laughs or talks about it with a smile, although it is clear that everything inside is bursting with pain.

I have a huge number of clients who talk about monstrous things from their lives and at the same time smile. When they have tears in their eyes, they smile. When they are in pain, they smile.

Someone may think that this is a quality of a strong personality, but in fact, this incongruence is simply scary for adequate people. Imagine: a person with a smile will tell you about the death of a loved one or about his shock in life ... This is also a trauma of repression, and it is formed precisely by the attitude: “ I will not show anyone that I feel bad. I will smile!»

Any ambiguity only complicates life, and the clown mask takes up a huge amount of energy.

Be mindful

In stress, we really want to hide in the position of the victim, distort reality, lie to ourselves, convince ourselves of something to make it easier to survive.

For example, you can blame someone, look for someone to blame, say that life is unfair to you, justify yourself by your ignorance and weakness. Of course, this self-deception will save you for a while and will not be so offensive. But the lie will alienate you from itself, will form destructive scenarios within you and destroy later. Therefore, from the very beginning, it is very important to remain mindful and simply live through your crisis.

What does it mean to remain mindful?

This means operating with facts, not speculation.

Yes, they fired, yes, my husband left, yes, someone close to him left the body ... Yes, it hurts, yes, my heart breaks, yes, it’s impossible to find a place for myself. But you don't need to say: “ She's prettier, that's why he left» / « I'm not that young, how is she!» / « It's just that nobody needs me ...» / « He never gave me anything!" etc.

This, as you yourself understand, is complete delirium of mental self-pity.

Mindfulness is when we interact with reality and not with rollers from our mind.

Being aware means being able to accept the past and relate to the present.

« Yes, in the past this person was very valuable to me and brought a lot of happiness into my life, but now our relationship has become different, and they destroy my integrity, so I choose to leave!"Is sober thinking without devaluation.

Unfortunately, people usually devalue everything: “ Now I understand what kind of person you are, and II thought... but in fact, that's what you turned out to be!“This is how we cross out the experience of our past, its significance, which means that we will have to learn it again and go through it again. Therefore, try to interact with real things during stress, and not with your phantoms and ghosts from your head.

One lost battle does not mean a lost war! "

If you have a stubborn character, then this is especially wonderful in this case - a powerful energy release occurs during a crisis, and if you say to yourself with stubborn persistence: “ Yes, this happened, but I will still be happy, create a family, enjoy and enjoy!"- it will definitely come true.

If you have a long list of dreams, then it will be very supportive and motivating. If these are real dreams and desires, they will not let you fall - on the contrary, they will fill you with energy to overcome difficulties.

Give thanks and wish well

The most powerful thing you can do to take it to the next level after a crisis is to those who hurt you! Imagine these people smiling and happy, full of life and material prosperity, with a smile on their face and all the blessings in earthly life.

With this practice, we write off on the subtle plane the root causes of the formation of new negative karma, we form field structures aimed at prosperity and abundance.

The energetic principle of this practice is that what we radiate increases.

If we radiate this to low-frequency people, and they cannot accept this, then the energy forms for them the opportunity to expand to the required capacity through overcoming, and this energy of happiness and prosperity returns to you as a ricochet.

If your stress is not related to certain people, then find negative low frequency people anyway and wish them happiness.

Besides that, it is very important to give thanks. Life does not give anything other than experience and wisdom, so any situation with the right review is always a plus. Learn to see the good even in the most difficult situation, thank God for believing in you so much that he gives such tests. Experiencing - it means that a great miracle is preparing ahead!

Believe it and make it your basic life intention: “ Everything that happens to me makes me happier, more beautiful, sexier and richer!"- or whatever you like.

Remember, this won't always be the case.

Day will change to night, summer will come after spring, life will go on in any case.

And your task is to find your place in it and have fun!