The mysterious teleportation and death of the patient amazed the doctors. Teleportation or Incredible Disappearances Incredible Adventure or Operation Teleportation

Photos from open sources

The staff of the Stellenbosch Hospital in the South African city of Cape Town was struck by a mysterious event that happened here not so long ago. At the beginning of the month, the 61-year-old patient was temporarily transferred from here to Parl Hospital for emergency abdominal surgery. After the operation, the patient returned to Stellenbosch to recover. On October 5, one of the nurses checked if everything was okay with the man and went to get clean linen. (website)

It was then that events took an unexpected turn. When the nurse returned to the ward, the patient was no longer there. He seemed to disappear into thin air. The leadership of the medical institution called the police, and law enforcement officers searched the building for a long time, as well as the surrounding area. However, not even a trace of the missing person was found. And after 13 days, something even more strange and ominous happened: the body of a man was suddenly discovered in the attic of the hospital.

The hospital staff have no idea how this happened, since the room was securely closed, and the patient could not have climbed here on his own immediately after a major operation. Had he just teleported to the attic? The circumstances under which the man discreetly gained access to a securely locked room and died there without medical assistance are currently being investigated by both the police and the hospital administration.

Photos from open sources

Local supernatural researcher Samuel Nkemdilim shared his thoughts on the matter with reporters:

All this looks suspicious enough, I tell you. Many of these incidents that I study get into the news and are heavily circulated in the blogosphere, but it is in these small and little-known stories that the most oddities can be found. Could this person somehow teleport from his ward to the attic, or did he run there with lightning speed in the state of a seriously ill person, practically "tied" to the bed with his infirmity after the operation? In world history, you can find several officially documented cases of spontaneous teleportation of people and objects, but, unfortunately, there is no direct evidence of this.

We will only add that if we believe in the materialistic theory, then the pensioner half-dead after the operation not only climbed into the attic with lightning speed, he somehow also managed to open the locked door and close it again (by the way, they did not find the key with him). Just unbelieveble! But the motive of such an act seems even more fantastic: for what, one wonders? To die there in agony without medical help? ..

The interest in this issue is also intensified by world problems concerning morality and ethics. So, someone might think: if you go back in time and kill Hitler, will the world change for the better? Is it possible to move into the future for selfish purposes and win on the stock exchange?

Very often, photos and videos of witnesses who allegedly encountered "aliens" from parallel worlds are published on social networks. In addition, one can often hear the stories of eyewitnesses who have visited the past or the future. All this information can be considered as irrefutable proof of the existence of other worlds.

Time travel doesn't count like this anymore mysterious phenomenon... If we take purely theory, then you need to accelerate to superluminal speed and ... you are in the future. However, no one knows how to accelerate to such an extent, and getting back is a big problem. Return breaks all causation. According to the famous English mathematician and theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, "time travel is possible, but useless."

Teleportation is the instantaneous movement of a material object from one point in space to another, without its existence at intermediate points in space

Recently, scientists have begun to closely study this phenomenon, which may help to understand the process of time travel. The first person to introduce the word teleportation was an American explorer of the "unknown" parapsychologist Charles Fort. He was able to describe many cases when people mysteriously disappeared from one place and suddenly appeared in another: it could be a city or even a country. And this is without any visible manifestation of physical strength or any equipment. For more than a hundred years, information has been collected about the teleportation of people. The archival documents record official cases of people disappearing and their appearance in other places. Modern science has no grounds to deny these facts. Scientists believe that it is necessary to thoroughly begin the study of this paranormal phenomenon.

Teleportation examples

The first officially recorded teleportation case was published at the end of 1593 by researcher M. Jessup. He described how a Filipino soldier, on guard duty at the governor's palace in Manila, suddenly appeared in the city of Mexico City. How he got there, no one could understand. Local authorities took military weapons from the frightened and imprisoned. Only 5 months later, eyewitnesses of the sudden disappearance, who arrived from the Philippines to Mexico City, were able to confirm the mystical story of the soldier.

Similar cases have been seen with animals. So, in 1579, white mice were falling from the sky in one American city. Once in the lake, they tried in panic to get ashore, drowning each other.

In mid-January 1877, people in Memphis were shocked by the event. No one could leave their houses, as half-meter snakes fell from the sky for three hours.

But there are more incredible cases of teleportation. In 1912, an American family bought the house and came to see it. The girl ran to the threshold of the house and disappeared instantly, which left her mother in disarray. However, after a couple of seconds, she was standing on the balcony of the second floor.

In January 1976, a young guy from Argentina, Carlos Diaz, went home after a working day. On the way, he felt bad. The man sat down on the lawn not far from the house, and woke up almost 800 kilometers from the place where he stopped - on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. Local passers-by helped the guy and took him to the nearest hospital.

The discoverer of teleportation, Charles Fort, listed the so-called "side effects" of the phenomenon. All people, when moving, felt bad: dizziness, nausea, loss of energy and even fainting.

In 1969, American ufologist John Keel described interesting casethat happened to a married couple and their car. They left the Argentinean town of Chasmokus. Their friends' car was driving in front of them. Everyone had to get to the village of Maizu (about 150 miles from Chasmokus). When the first car arrived at its destination, it turned out that the second car was not there. Friends of the spouses waited a day for the couple, but did not wait - they simply disappeared. Two days later, the Vidal spouses called their friends from the consulate in Mexico, which is more than 4 thousand kilometers from their home. Later, the couple said that their car stalled on the way and they stopped. Suddenly everything was enveloped in a thick gray fog, and they felt sick. When the fog cleared, the couple regained consciousness. Coming out of the car, they saw that they were in a completely different territory, and locals explained to them that it was Mexico.

At the Belarusian Air Force base in 1982, a military aircraft disappeared from the dispatcher's radar screens during flights. After some time, according to the calculations of specialists, the fuel in the tanks of the fighter had already run out. Started search work missing military pilot, but no results. The next day, everyone was in shock when a missing fighter landed on the runway, and the pilot said that the flight for him lasted for the planned time - 12 minutes.

Many parapsychologists and ufologists give descriptions of cases of human teleportation by aliens with spaceships... The abducted are on the ships of humanoids, and then they are returned to their place. Cases are sometimes described when aliens returned a person thousands of kilometers from the place of initial teleportation. According to some scientists, UFOs definitely have something to do with travel through time.

Parallel worlds in the universe

Today, the incidence of time travel has not decreased. The press describes cases that are documented by researchers. For example, Bermuda Triangle... All victims of the disappearance are in a state of trance or shock, sometimes there is temporary amnesia.

Perhaps these people really ended up in another dimension. The famous German mathematician Hermann Minkowski put forward the theory that time and space make up a huge number of other worlds, where a single moment in time is a separate reality that does not disappear anywhere. Russian researcher of anomalous phenomena Igor Grigorievich Voropaev believes that our Universe is like a large box, in which there are many compartments connected by jumpers. Each compartment has its own components and items, but they are similar. The world we live in is next to other worlds similar to ours. And when the worlds are in close contact with each other, there is a movement or teleportation. Objects from one small box are poured into another by shaking or vibration of a large box - the Universe.

Travel perspective

Is teleportation to the past or the future possible, for example, from the 21st century to the era of Jesus Christ? Or in the year 2120 to meet your descendants?

Experts say that for this you need to study the event horizon: "cause - effect", where time becomes three-dimensional. Then time travel in different directions is quite possible. By studying "cause - effect", scientists will be able to discover the possibility of time travel.

However, if you change the past, you can shift space and create an alternative history, where the traveler himself will no longer be. Intervention in the past can drastically change the present, and it is not known which would be better.

Travel in time and space, as well as teleportation, are different phenomena of the same nature. But neither one nor the other has been studied in the scientific world and causes many disputes and questions. It is believed that the movement occurs with superluminal speed, that is, lightning fast. Therefore, during teleportation, it is possible to combine one matter with another at the destination, and then the process becomes irreversible. Remember the Philadelphia Project, when the returning sailors found themselves ingrown into the deck and turned into metal. In addition, traveling at superluminal speeds requires an enormous expenditure of energy. How to do all this, and where to get so much energy? The answers to these questions have not been found, and so far it is not even possible to say something about future time travel.

According to official statistics, more than 1000 people disappear from the world every year. Many do not become victims of violence at all, but disappear without a trace. According to some experts, people simply move into the temporary labyrinths between parallel worlds... Some victims can get out of the web of time and space, while others remain in the unknown, unable to return home.

People disappear unexpectedly, inexplicably leaving no trace. Cases of unexplained disappearances occur all over the world, and there is no explanation for them. The paralyzed old man disappeared; his relatives took him out in an armchair and left him alone for a couple of minutes at the door of their house. All that remained of the old man in the empty chair was the blanket with which he was covered. 1966 - just before our very eyes, a young man disappeared on the outskirts of Glasgow in the early New Year's morning. Three brothers walked along the road, heading to congratulate their relatives on the holiday, as is customary on this day according to Scottish custom. They were talking about something, and then literally in mid-sentence they discovered that the youngest, Alex, was not with them. He disappeared and was never seen again.
In the literature on unexplained and strange phenomena, there is the term "". They indicate the movement of a person or object at a certain distance. More precisely, it can be called a movement in the usual sense rather conditionally: an object simply disappears in one place, in order to immediately appear, materialize in another. As in spontaneous levitation, such movements can occur completely arbitrarily. And just as for clairvoyance, distances do not play the slightest role for such a phenomenon. Instant, it is not clear what caused the transfer of a person can occur both within a few tens of meters and over thousands of kilometers.
Once in Moscow at the Polytechnic Museum, where there is a department of rare watches, a master watchmaker worked. Here is his story.
“You are scientists, you get money in vain,” he began. - Because no one can explain what happened to me once in my life. And the matter was very simple. At that time he lived in Kazakhstan, and there was a prisoner camp in that area. Barbed wire, towers, dogs. Camp is like a camp. But that's not what I mean. He was young then, well, he could drink hard. In general, I went on a spree there in the same company. I return home, it's already late, dark, lost. I walked, walked, looked: barbed wire. So, I thought, I went to the camp. I went back - again the wire. I wandered around like this, each time pushing myself against a barbed wire fence. What to do?
I decided to go to bed somewhere until morning. I lay down under some wall and fell asleep. Summer was warm. Again, young. In the morning, it was just getting light, there was no sun yet, I woke up. I look: where am I? I can't understand anything. Looked around: around the wire in three rows. As it turned out, I found myself in the zone, in the camp. I saw where the checkpoint was, and there. There is an officer on duty, two soldiers. Their eyes went to their foreheads: “Who is this? How did you get there? "
I explain: they say, drunk. I say: I don't remember how I wandered. I looked: this officer was frightened, turned pale all over. He took me to another room.
Made me write about everything. I read it silently. Then I tore what I had written, and even crumpled up the scraps and put them in my pocket. He says to me: “Did you see three rows of wire? The current is running there. You couldn't go there. I could only go through the checkpoint. And the doors are locked from the inside, the keys are in the safe. We did not let anyone into the territory. If launched or released without a pass, we would have a tribunal. And since it is not clear how you got here, it turns out that we let you into the zone. And a place for all of us - both me and the soldiers who are on duty - in the same camp. And to you, since you have appeared here and do not say how you got there and why, you have the longest term. Do you understand?

At least after yesterday's drunkenness I have a head like cast iron, but I understood right away. Everything, I think, is the end. Do not roll back. We sit opposite each other, we don't know what to do. His term and me. Well, to the two soldiers with him, that's for sure. We lit a cigarette in silence. Then he tells me: “Okay. I thought it up. Wait here. " And he went to the soldiers. I am sitting neither alive nor dead. What was he up to? They will kill, maybe. He came quickly. “Faster,” he says. He led me through a dark vestibule like this. I opened several locks with the keys in the iron door. Then another door, locks. “Go,” he says. - Not a word to anyone. If you tremble - all the time! Blow! " I don't remember how I got to the village. But he did not tell anyone about this day.
Such a story. Now I can already say how it was. And why it happened, no one can explain. I flew over the wire not through the air? Three rows though. And the current was started ...

About how the situation of such teleportation can open up to a person. What he can feel at the same time, one can imagine from the words of L. A. Korabelnikova, who twice experienced something close to such a state.
“Several years ago,” she says, “I discovered that at times I kind of disappear. The first case was at work, in the red corner. There are no windows in that room, fluorescent lamps are burning from above. I was there alone and suddenly I saw that the room was brightly lit, as if by sunlight. I looked up and saw that a bright light was coming from one corner of the room. The corner of the room seemed to disappear, and there appeared not even a landscape, but a piece of forest. An ordinary forest of central Russia. The corner and part of the wall disappeared, and a forest began in their place. And I began to pull strongly there. There was a desire to go to this forest, and I knew then that I could do it. I can leave and be there. All this lasted a minute, maybe one and a half.
The second incident happened some time later. I visited friends, I stayed with them to spend the night. I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth before going to bed, the bathroom was combined. And here I am standing in front of the mirror and here instead of my face I see a sandy road going off somewhere. And palm trees. A kind of musical sound or chord is heard, and I go there. Absolutely not surprised, I thoughtlessly head there and walk this road. On the sand. At that moment, someone wanted to go to the toilet.
The door was not locked, it comes in, but I'm not there. The apartment is one-room. I can't disappear anywhere. Nevertheless, I am not. Trouble and bewilderment. In about 8-9 minutes I am returning. I do not appear in the bathroom where I left, but right in the room. I was barefoot, and my feet were still hot from the sand ...

A case that ended well. She returned. Obviously, however, she might not have returned. What would you talk about then? Sudden teleportation? Or disappearing?
Are some cases of strange disappearances associated with such spontaneous teleportation?
When, in 1947, an American 2-engine plane crashed and suddenly lost control, there were 32 people on board. But the rescuers who arrived shortly at the scene of the accident did not find a single one there - neither dead nor alive. There was no blood, not the slightest trace that would indicate that at the time of the impact there was at least one person on board. The departments concerned have appointed a reward for the discovery of at least some traces of those who were on the plane. But the efforts of rescuers and other groups that ransacked the entire neighborhood were in vain. All 32 people disappeared without a trace.

In the same way, all the inhabitants of one Eskimo village in northern Canada disappeared without a trace in the early winter of 1930. In empty dwellings there were abandoned clothes and rifles, which were of the greatest value to the Eskimo hunters. Not a single Eskimo will go outside the village without a rifle to bring him food. The experts who were invited to investigate this mysterious case could only state the suddenness of what happened: food left there on long-cooled hearths, and in one of the dwellings a children's jacket with a needle and thread in it and an unfinished stitch lay on the floor. But two weeks of the most thorough investigation did not give an opportunity to answer the main question: why and where did the people disappear?
Putting together the facts of such sudden and inexplicable disappearances and cases of spontaneous displacement, we make, of course, a certain assumption. This assumption suggests that with spontaneous, uncontrolled teleportation, a person who disappeared in one place can appear, appear anywhere: in arctic ice, deep in the ocean, or dimensions. In this case, it remains to state only the first act of the drama - the very disappearance of people. The list of such disappearances taking place all over the world is long and growing constantly.