Sunny wind. Solar stream and fiery streams

Earth's magnetic field and solar wind

sunny wind

The temperature of the corona, the outer layer, can reach values \u200b\u200bup to 1.1 million degrees Celsius. Therefore, having such a temperature, the particles move very quickly. The sun's gravity cannot hold them - and they leave the star.

The activity of the Sun changes over an 11-year cycle. In this case, the number of sunspots, radiation levels and the mass of material ejected into space change. And these changes affect the properties of the solar wind - its magnetic field, speed, temperature and density. Therefore, the solar wind can have different characteristics... They depend on where exactly its source was on the Sun. And they also depend on how fast the area rotated.

The speed of the solar wind is higher than the speed of movement of the coronal holes. And it reaches 800 kilometers per second. These holes appear at the poles of the Sun and at its low latitudes. They acquire their largest dimensions during those periods when activity on the Sun is minimal. The temperatures of matter carried by the solar wind can reach 800,000 C.

Study of the solar wind

Scientists have known about the existence of the solar wind since the 1950s. But despite its serious impact on the Earth and astronauts, scientists still do not know many of its characteristics. Several space missions in recent decades have tried to explain this mystery.

Launched into space on October 6, 1990, NASA's Ulysses mission studied the sun at different latitudes. She has measured various properties of the solar wind for more than ten years.

The Advanced Composition Explorer () mission had an orbit associated with one of the special points located between the Earth and the Sun. It is known as the Lagrange point. In this region gravitational forces from the Sun and the Earth have the same meaning. And this allows the satellite to have a stable orbit. Started in 1997, the ACE experiment studies the solar wind and provides real-time measurements of constant particle flux.

NASA's STEREO-A and STEREO-B spacecraft study the edges of the Sun from different angles to see how the solar wind is born. According to NASA, STEREO has presented "a unique and revolutionary view of the Earth-Sun system."

New missions

NASA plans to launch a new mission to study the sun. It gives scientists hope to learn more about the nature of the sun and solar wind. NASA Parker Solar Probe, scheduled for launch ( successfully launched 12.08.2018 - Navigator) in the summer of 2018, will work in such a way as to literally “touch the sun”. After several years of flight in an orbit close to our star, the probe will plunge into the Sun's corona for the first time in history. This will be done in order to get a combination of fantastic images and measurements. The experiment will advance our understanding of the nature of the solar corona, and improve our understanding of the origin and evolution of the solar wind.

On September 28, a strong magnetic storm (level 3 on a five-point scale) occurs on Earth due to the hit of our planet in a stream of fast solar wind. This is evidenced by data from the ACE spacecraft, located on the Sun-Earth line at the point of gravitational equilibrium L1, reports the Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, FIAN.

Sun, 28 September 2017. Image from SDO website

The solar wind, the intensified influence of which our planet is now experiencing, is a plasma flow that continuously flows out of the Sun's atmosphere in all directions and fills the entire solar system. The solar wind speed increases with distance from the Sun and at the level of the Earth's orbit averages about 400 km / sec. If the sun were a perfectly symmetrical object without any peculiarities, the solar wind speed would be constant. However, since there are centers of activity on the Sun, as well as areas of higher and lower temperatures, this is reflected in the speed of the outgoing plasma flows - it can both increase and decrease in relation to the average value. Paradoxical as it sounds, the fastest streams of the solar wind flow from the coldest parts of the solar corona, which look darker due to the lower temperature and for this reason are called coronal holes.
Since coronal holes often "live" for several revolutions of the Sun (that is, for several months), the fast wind flows they produce are also stable formations. Some of them hit the Earth several times during this time - with each rotation of the Sun towards the Earth with the corresponding side. Arising from such blows magnetic storms are repetitive - they are separated by a step of 27 days, which coincides with the period of the Sun's rotation. This makes it possible to predict such storms 27 days in advance, that is, it is the basis for a long-term forecast.

The Earth entered a stream of fast wind yesterday at about 9:00 Moscow time, when the speed of the surrounding plasma increased from 300-350 km / s (the level at which it held last days) up to about 500 km / s. The first contact with the stream turned the Earth's magnetic field into a disturbed state, in which it was until the end of the day. At about midnight, the speed of the solar wind blowing over the Earth increased to 650-700 km / s, and is now at this level, which is almost 2 times higher than the average value. Apparently, at the moment our planet is passing through the fastest part of the stream and is experiencing the greatest impact. Oscillation level magnetic field The Earth, which receives the main impact, now corresponds to the level of Kp \u003d 7, which is classified as a strong magnetic storm.

Based on the angular size of the stream, the Earth will remain inside it for about a day. During all this time, the probability of disturbances in the magnetic field of our planet will be significantly increased. Nevertheless, the storm seems to be at its maximum now and more. high level can no longer achieve. The Earth's magnetic field should completely calm down by the middle of tomorrow, September 29.

Solar stream and Fiery streams.

The solar stream has a double effect on people. The element fire, of which the Sun is composed, is capable of destroying everything material. But on Earth it is controlled by the Fire Release Program, and therefore the rays of the Sun by themselves cannot set anything on fire. They go to Earth smoothly and safely.

The sun, like a star, can adversely affect a person. Unlike the Moon, it does not interact with a person's Consciousness, but the problem is that its energy has an increased penetration into the human body. The solar stream permeates the physical body of a person, like everything that is on the path of its movement along the earth. It penetrates into the body through the skin, is absorbed by the cells of the body, and exits the body. The danger is that the Sun cannot dose its energy, cannot stop its rays in time. A person will not be inflamed from this, but if he himself does not find a solution to the problem, does not hide from the direct solar stream, then he may die from an overdose of the heat that he carries. Man is the head of the situation.

The solar wind that hits the earth during solar flares negatively affects the entire planet. It interferes with the communication of people both in the technical sense and in purely human communication. In this case, just like the Moon, it affects the Consciousness of a person, suppresses it. With solar flares, a person can commit inappropriate actions. In addition, the solar wind affects the human heart and disturbs the rhythm of its work. His presence on Earth, as it were, "breaks" a person.

But this is a deviation from the rules of the relationship between the Sun and the Earth. They need each other to fulfill one common goal - to maintain and strengthen biological life on Earth.

The space mission of the Sun is to give everything on Earth its life energy. It plays the role of the masculine principle for Mother Earth. The program is the seed that the Solar stream brought into the planet, created the conditions for biological life on it. Now it supports this life with its warmth. All people understand that without him the planet would turn into a huge ice mass.

A person cannot live without the Sun, not only because he freezes. When changes occur on the Sun, life on Earth also changes, people change, their feelings and perception of life change. In turn, changes on Him take place according to the Cosmic laws. Everything is interconnected.

The Sun, like the Moon, has its own mystical aspect.

At different times of the day, a different flow, different energy emanates from it.

You can divide the day into four parts (the night is also included).

In the period from 00 to 06 o'clock in the morning local time, a solar stream goes to the Earth, exciting the forces of life. It is at this time that there is an intensive consumption of energy by people, plants, animals, and even minerals. Literally grabbing the energy of the sun. At this time, it gives special strength and contributes to the energetic vital replenishment of the human centers, especially 5-7. The closer to 6 o'clock, the more energy of this kind goes to a certain place on earth. Energy that contributes to the energetic development of a person, even if the Sun is not yet visible. It is best for a person who comes into contact with the Release of Fire to work at this particular time.

From 06 to 12 hours - the time of the increase in the influence of the energy of the Sun. Closer to 12 o'clock, this effect becomes powerful, but with a minus sign. The energy of the Sun does not so much give strength as it suppresses the strength that a person has. (Indoors, this effect is smoothed out to almost zero.)

From 12 to 18 o'clock - The energy of the Sun completely goes to the destruction of everything weak on Earth, incinerates. From it you need to go to places protected from direct rays. It takes the energy of people and all living things. The sun at this time is the consumer of the energy of the Earth and everything that is on it. There is an intensified exchange of energies not in favor of the Earth and man. Towards evening, this process weakens. A person exposed to the sun from 12 to 18 hours will feel completely de-energized.

From 18 to 24 hours - the Sun and the Earth are balanced and rest from each other. A time of peace and tranquility. Then comes the first stage of the flow of energy from the Sun again, etc.

The fiery stream coming from the Sun always has a direct connection with the Fire Release.

The Fire Element is a multidimensional substance, in many respects different from the other Elements of the Earth. He can exist and act without the guidance of his Element, independently. (Unlike the Element of water, earth and air, which are always closely related to their Elements.) If the rays of the sun are concentrated (magnifying glass) and directed at one point on a highly flammable object, a fire will occur. And then the Fire Element can become uncontrollable, since at that moment it got out of the control of the Fire Release, came into contact with the material component of the planet. When interacting with matter, the energy of the Sun becomes material, visible. The fire element is transformed, becomes what a person is used to perceive it, and begins to live according to its own laws, absorbing everything for its life that can come into contact with it and burn. In this case, the Fire Element retreats, obeying its Program of interaction with the Fire Element, set by the Higher Powers. Otherwise, a person would never have been able to use fire to his advantage, he would never have even lit a fire.

The manifested fire is physically felt, dangerous and necessary. But a person does not suspect that in the Element fire there is another invisible, mystical property that is not inherent in other Elements of the earth, not known to people... It can be called the mind of Fire. The person does not feel it. Some devices on Earth can already record this energy, but no one perceives it as an important component of the Fire Element, especially as an intelligent component.

Reasonable energy of Fire is always aimed at creation, and not at destruction. The visible part of Fire, the Fire Element, can burn anything that burns, even people.

The mind that lives in Fire gives it the opportunity to come into contact with its Element with the help of a person. A person connected with the Release of Fire, with his Consciousness, can create an interaction of the Release of Fire with the Reasonable part of his manifested Element. In this case, she will be able to stop the fire, if she receives the appropriate permission, to influence the Fire Element from the main intelligent creature on Earth - man.

The Mind of Fire is manifested in the ability to analyze, no matter how strange it may seem to a person living on the planet now. It is definitely specific. Its essence is that the Fire Element, unlike other Earth Elements, can gradate information. With his rational part, he can cooperate with a person, help in solving problems related to spiritual work. Fire has the highest vibrations going to the Earth, an intelligent substance in it will perceive human thoughts (if a person lit a candle, a fire and turned to Fire), analyze and decide whether to pay attention to them. If a person's thoughts are full of violence, then their vibrations are underestimated and not perceived, they are rejected by Fire. If they are directed towards good, have high vibrations, then with the help of vibrations the energies of Fire quickly reach the Higher spheres, a person receives the fulfillment of his desires, according to his karma, of course. In other words, this substance itself can make decisions in certain situations related to a person. She can help a person if she sees fit.

Fire has courage and dedication. He deliberately allows his energy to be used. To accelerate the embodiment of what a person has planned in real life, he fills the usual energy of his thoughts with his energy of Fire, gives him his energy free of charge. If you come into contact with her, then she will fulfill or help fulfill the most daring decisions of a person. The desired quickly enters into the Fiery Program of the Future Man, and the ways of its realization in reality are quickly built.

But Fire will help a person only if he wants to do it himself. It is impossible to force the Reasonable energy of Fire to work for oneself, even if a person is ready to show violence and violate the Cosmic laws.

There is another component in the Stream of Fire that is not visible in the physical world. It is she who is the main one in the Release of Fire. This component of the highest vibrations is the Divine energy of Fire. It is she who gives life to all life on Earth.

Buildings made of any material retain on themselves the burning part of the energy of the Solar stream. But the Divine energy of Fire penetrates through any thickness of obstacles. It penetrates everywhere, even deep underground. Even worms use its power. Plants use it for their growth and photosynthesis. This type of energy has the right to be introduced into everything that is on earth without permission. If the Sun warms the earth, but its energy does not contain this component, biological life on the planet will cease.

When the rays of the Sun penetrate the human body, it is this energy that accelerates the processes of energy exchange within a person and contributes to the correct metabolism. It is she who remains in the body in order for synthesis to occur, and the body, using her power, produced new substances necessary for its vital activity.

On her own, she does not enter into conscious contact with a person even when he is in the sun. But if he made contact with the Release of Fire on Earth, he will interact with him. It is this energy that enters his body during the work of a person with the Release of Fire. It enters through the skin and through its channels, which go into the extracellular space. The action takes place carefully, in proportion to the content of the Fire Element in the human body.

A person can control the Fire Element in his body with the help of the Fire Release. You can gradually build up the presence of this Element in your body, and then the Divine flow of Fire energy in large quantities will calmly enter the human body, pass through it and go out into Space. In this case, Fire will not be able to harm the body, the body will not ignite, since the energy will be adapted initially and the process of its entry into the body will be impulsive, not constant, as needed or at the invitation of a person.

In this case, a healing effect will appear, since all "swampy formations" in the human body, emotional and energetic pollution will be destroyed, and his intercellular space will be filled with vital energy.

The divine component of the energy of Fire carries in itself the Personal inner Program of fire, I, which connects it with the Release of Fire, the Program due to which there is Fire, visible and invisible.

This connection is permanent. Even when Fire becomes a material Element and the Fire Element does not have the right to direct it, the connection of the internal Fire Program with its Element is preserved.

Thanks to this Personal program, the energy of Fire is self-sufficient and Fire, Fiery streams can exist even when they are not associated with the Release of Fire. What is impossible for other Elements - without connection with their Elements, they will cease to exist.

The solar stream is a part of the powerful energy of Fire manifested on planet Earth, covering the entire Universal space.

Spatial Fiery streams are carriers of information from the Highest instances. Only he can contain intelligent messages emanating from the Sun of All That Is. It is not for nothing that the idea of \u200b\u200ba superpowerful Spiritual Mind is associated in man with Fiery vibrations. This is known to the Initiates. There is also a Fiery World, where the Souls of people live in blissful, Divine energies until the next incarnation.

The fiery stream coming from the Center of our Spiritual Galaxy has a particularly powerful effect on people during solar eclipses.

IN Solar eclipse On February 26, 1998, Fire brought to Earth a seed of awakening that touched the Consciousness of every person, and those who were ready to perceive it began to change their Consciousness, perception of life and their ideals. For all mankind, it marked the beginning of the Transitional Period, for the preparation of mankind's exit to new level material life.

At this time, the planet itself was already in the streams of energies of the Fourth Dimension. All living things on it were rebuilt under new vibrations with the help of all the Elements that worked with their Elements in the Nature of the Earth. People who had no connection with the Elements could not adapt to the unusual currents into which the Earth entered, according to the Cosmic laws of the planet's development and biological life on it. It was necessary to draw the attention of mankind to this moment and awaken the desire to change something in your life.

The disappearance of the Sun in the sky, even for a short time, in broad daylight, always causes internal tension in people, even in those who did not see this strange phenomenon, but heard about it through the media. Any reasonable person would think about what that would mean. Since eclipses of the Sun are always accompanied by some negative events on Earth.

But it is not the eclipse that affects the Consciousness of man and Nature, but the Fiery streams that powerfully enter the Earth's atmosphere at those moments when it is closed from the rays of the Sun by the Moon. In those countries where this phenomenon can be observed, instead of the solar streams, the Spatial Fire breaks through and then spreads throughout the planet.

The Fiery stream itself does not and cannot bear any negative energy, but it excites in people and brings to the surface that which is deeply hidden in ordinary times, both good and bad.

It is not by chance that He appears. It is the very moment when the planets occupy a certain place, He can fulfill his mission, delivering information from the Higher powers to the Earth in order to open another door to the Future of humanity.

Eclipses are sometimes intermediate, preparatory. This was the Solar Eclipse on August 19, 1999. The fiery stream from Space intensified the action of the previous one and transferred people's lives to a new, faster rhythm of life.

The eclipse on August 1, 2008 is very important in changing the Consciousness of all people inhabiting planet Earth. It has already been prepared by the previous Fiery streams that have entered the planet over the past decade. This eclipse is the most important in the Transitional period, as it contains the Program of the competent behavior of people for the remaining period of time before the impending powerful changes that await them.

He gave the planet a power that was not there before. Now the Earth will be able to direct the processes taking place on it in order to stop in time those people who, due to the weakness and pollution of their Consciousness, want to destroy those who interfere with them and the entire planet at the same time. The Earth has acquired the power with which it is ready, together with advanced humanity, to render harmless the enemies of humanity. Separate conflicts of a regional scale, at this point in time, are natural and will occur, but without global consequences.

During the last eclipse, with the help of the energy that the Fiery stream brought to the Earth, the Program was turned on further development of humanity, recorded in the Fiery World. This situation could happen because the Astral world closest to the Earth and people has changed. It has become cleaner. In addition, the thinking of many people has changed in a positive direction, which has changed the field of Consciousness of the planet, made it purer and stronger. Individual Personalities, now known to all Spiritual Societies, work at the limit of physical and energetic forces in order for this situation to develop in a positive direction.

But besides this, the Fiery stream performed the same task as the two previous ones - to wake up everyone who was still asleep, so that a person could hear his Soul - his intuition and join in the general transformation of Spirit and Consciousness. For the largest possible number of people to solve their most global problem on Earth for their Soul.

This is the eclipse of the Sun as a powerful call for Transformation and for everyone on Earth to take the side of life, goodness and an uncompromising struggle with their sinful character traits. All this can happen when a person realizes the need for such actions.

During a solar eclipse, magical actions are the same as during Lunar eclipsebut with the opposite result. During a Solar Eclipse, there are fiery streams that carry information to the Earth and affect each person, revealing in him what lies deep inside his Personality. They bring it to the surface and give it the opportunity to realize, and if there is a need to remove everything that interferes with it. It can be fear, jealousy, a desire to be sick in order to attract attention. Other vices, which he himself did not notice, suddenly become visible, and he can realize them. If this happens, then these deep vibrations disappear. If not, then they go back to their place.

Spatial Fiery currents, going at the moment when the Sun has lost its power of impact on the Earth, excite the Consciousness of people and the Consciousness of the planet. Cleanse it. But at the same time, the very moment of purification can pass through earthly cataclysms and suffering of people, not random people. The Spatial Fire is very powerful, and not all karmically polluted people can come into contact with it without consequences, sometimes catastrophic for themselves. At these moments, the Astral bodies of all people on Earth are spontaneously cleared of a part of karma, since the Fiery stream touches them exactly. A person can feel this through malaise or a painful condition. This is a difficult, but benign moment for his Soul. It will pass within a day, and good consequences will affect the whole life.

Most people calmly endure this fiery meeting.

The Spatial Fire does not pass through the body of a person without an invitation, but if a person has enough knowledge to get in touch with it, then at the moments of Solar eclipses, without even seeing them, he can consciously cleanse himself of karma with the help of this Fire - instantly. With its help, remove the karmic pollution of your children, working with Repentance and Forgiveness in those minutes when it occurs anywhere in the world. For a total solar eclipse, these properties are especially characteristic.

In addition, at the moments of a total solar eclipse, the karmic pollution of the planet is purified, its Astral body and, accordingly, the Astral world is also purified. This action is especially noticeable over the last decade, when there were three powerful solar eclipses.

Fiery energy from Space always has a revitalizing effect on the Earth and its inhabitants, but it manifests itself quite harshly. The fire coming from Space during solar eclipses is like a scalpel of a surgeon who saves the whole body by extracting what was carrying death. Giver of life, but through suffering inevitable in this case.

The number of accidents and deaths, wars and terrorist acts is increasing. All these phenomena are connected not with what the stream carries, but with the Consciousness of people for a running period of time. When the planetary Consciousness is purified and people lead a more humane way of life, Solar eclipses will have a different character of impact on people and Nature - only positive.

The Spatial Fire, which came to Earth from the Sun of All That Is, on August 2, 2008, brought to people living in those places where the Solar Eclipse was seen the power of thought, capable of changing their lives, prosperity and Spiritual revival of the region. (The capital, which entered the zone of his action, personified the entire Republic). Open-hearted people are embraced by this process in all countries and continents.

Now Time on Earth will go even faster. Time, as you know, is measured by events, and there will be a lot of events, and significant, especially in the regions consecrated by the eclipse.

There are also other Spatial streams coming from the Center of the Spiritual Galaxy. Known to mankind is the Divine Spatial Fire, the Blessed Fire, which comes to Earth once a year. This takes place on Holy Saturday before Christian Easter. He is of a different quality - soft and does not bear indignation inside a person, on the contrary, he tries it on with himself and directs him to faith in the Higher powers, which are always ready to help and support him in difficult times. It is Fire that carries within itself the Program of help and knowledge, carrying harmonious soft cleansing, according to the Consciousness of a person. Fire, at the request of people, lights candles, but does not burn a person, does not burn anything around him.

Through this Fire, the Lord gives a person the news that Reason can exist without a material shell.

The Blessed Fire carries a message that all believers understand - a person's life on Earth will continue.

Solar streams and the human body.

As can be seen from the article, solar energy of many types can enter through its channels into the human body, partially remain in it, occupying its own niche - the intercellular space. The element of fire is closely related to the element of air, so closely that it even enters the human body through its channels. With each breath, a person inhales not only air, but also the Fire Element and the energy of fire (even if it happens at night or in the north), then, together with the air, it follows throughout his body in the intercellular space. But, unfortunately, not all the energy of fire can be perceived by a person and most of it, almost immediately, leaves the body on exhalation.

Modern people have lost touch with the Fire Release, which regulated the presence of fire energy in the human body. If a person consciously learns to "tie" fire to his cells, then his body will be able to receive a full portion of the sun's energy with each breath and use it for its own purposes, primarily in metabolism.

Fire can enter the community and become the sun only for a pure cell of the body, filling the space around it. The space near the dirty information cells is also polluted and the solar flow will spend its energy, first of all, on cleaning this space. When the goal is achieved, the sun calmly and evenly nourishes the cell with its energy, replenishing the spent, with each breath of a person. It gives energy to the distributor cage, and it gives to its sponsored cells. Fire comes into contact only with the cell membrane. The sun's energy is complementary. It helps cells to do their job, promotes cell multiplication. It does not regulate cell functions, but it can be used for healing.

A healer (any person) can use the energy of the sun to their advantage. Knowing that the Fire Element is always present in the human body, he can turn to the Fire Element with a request to cleanse and fill the body with the Fire Element so that each cell has its own sun. The presence of the Fire Element in the body modern man unjustifiably underestimated, which leads to "swampy accumulations", decreased efficiency and increased susceptibility to colds. It is advisable to restore the content of the Fire Element in the human body, since its very presence in the body is already a powerful defense against these problems.

With the help of the Release of Fire, all extracellular formations are cleared - tumors, cysts, which are based on a liquid substance.

Most of the Fire Element is found in the Respiratory system and the gastrointestinal tract. In the Bone and Cardiovascular system.

If a person is harmonious and protected by his biofield, then negative impact planets and stars is neutralized, and he practically does not feel either the influence of the moon or the influence of the sun (meaning the energy effect). In order to almost completely exclude the influence of solar flares and the powerful field of the Moon, you must have a strong physical body.

The sun is necessary for the human body to carry out the life processes that take place in it. The more a person can be in the streams of the sun, the more the energy of the sun penetrates into him, increasing vitality and physical strength. Improving metabolic processes inside the body. Without the sun, the body will ache and wither. But it is necessary to be able to use the flow coming from the Sun correctly, since an overdose of this energy can kill a person. It is necessary to know the hours when the Sun is useful and when it is harmful to a person. This is sacred knowledge, but at the level of intuition, a person has always understood them.

Imagine hearing the announcer's words in the weather forecast: “Tomorrow the wind will increase dramatically. In this regard, interruptions in the operation of radio, mobile communications and the Internet are possible. Shipping Delayed To USA space mission... Intense auroras are expected in the north of Russia ... ”.

You will be surprised: what nonsense, what does the wind have to do with it? And the fact is that you missed the beginning of the forecast: “Last night there was a solar flare. A powerful stream of the solar wind moves to the Earth ... ".

Ordinary wind is the movement of air particles (molecules of oxygen, nitrogen and other gases). A stream of particles rushes from the Sun too. It is called the solar wind. If you do not delve into hundreds of cumbersome formulas, calculations and heated scientific disputes, then, in general, the picture looks like this.

Inside our luminary, thermonuclear reactions are taking place, heating up this huge ball of gases. The temperature of the outer layer - the solar corona - reaches a million degrees. This makes the atoms move at such a speed that, when they collide, they smash each other to smithereens. It is known that the heated gas tends to expand, to occupy a larger volume. Something similar is happening here. Particles of hydrogen, helium, silicon, sulfur, iron and other substances scatter in all directions.

They are gaining ever greater speed and in about six days they reach the near-earth boundaries. Even if the sun was calm, the speed of the solar wind here reaches 450 kilometers per second. Well, when the solar flare erupts a huge fiery bubble of particles, their speed can reach 1200 kilometers per second! And you can't call it a refreshing "breeze" - about 200 thousand degrees.

Does a person feel the solar wind?

Indeed, since the stream of hot particles rushes constantly, why don't we feel how it "blows" over us? Let's say the particles are so small that the skin does not feel their touch. But they are not noticed by earthly instruments either. Why?

Because the Earth is protected from solar vortices by its magnetic field. The stream of particles, as it were, flows around it and rushes on. Only on days when solar emissions are especially powerful does our magnetic shield have a hard time. A solar hurricane blows through it and bursts into the upper atmosphere. Alien particles summon. The magnetic field is sharply deformed, forecasters talk about "magnetic storms".

Because of them, space satellites go out of control. Airplanes disappear from the radar screens. Radio waves are interfered with and communication is disrupted. On such days, satellite dishes are turned off, flights are canceled, "communication" with spacecraft is interrupted. In power grids, railroad rails, pipelines suddenly born electricity... From this, traffic light signals switch by themselves, gas pipelines rust, disconnected electrical appliances burn out. Plus, thousands of people feel discomfort and ailments.

The cosmic effects of the solar wind can be detected not only during solar flares: it, albeit weaker, but blows constantly.

It has long been noted that the comet's tail grows as it approaches the Sun. It causes the frozen gases that form the cometary nucleus to evaporate. And the solar wind carries away these gases in the form of a plume, always directed in the direction opposite to the Sun. So the earthly wind unfolds the smoke from the chimney and gives it one form or another.

In years increased activity the irradiation of the Earth by galactic cosmic rays... The solar wind is gaining such strength that it simply sweeps them to the outskirts. planetary system.

There are planets that have very weak magnetic fields, or even none at all (for example, on Mars). Here, nothing prevents the solar wind from walking. Scientists believe that it was he who almost "blew" its atmosphere from Mars for hundreds of millions of years. Because of this, the orange planet lost sweat and water and, possibly, living organisms.

Where does the solar wind subside?

Nobody knows the exact answer yet. Particles fly to the vicinity of the Earth, gaining speed. Then it gradually falls, but it seems that the wind reaches the farthest corners Solar system... Somewhere there, it weakens and is inhibited by the rarefied interstellar matter.

So far, astronomers cannot say exactly how far this is going. To answer, you need to catch particles, flying farther and farther from the Sun, until they cease to come across. By the way, the limit where this happens can be considered the boundary of the solar system.

Solar wind traps are equipped spacecraftthat are periodically launched from our planet. In 2016, the streams of the solar wind were captured on video. Who knows if he will not become the same familiar "character" of weather reports as our old friend - the earthly wind?