Meteor falling. New threat from space

Posted on 12/06/16 19:19

On December 6, 2016, a meteorite fell in Khakassia, the diameter of which was about 10-15 meters.

Meteorite in Khakassia, 12/06/2016: A small meteorite fell in Eastern Siberia

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A small meteorite burned down when falling over Eastern Siberia, Interfax reports with reference to the source in the rocket-space industry.

"The body of cosmic origin of minor sizes fell into the dense layers of the atmosphere and burned in them. The process reflected in a bright glow in the sky over a number of Siberian regions, including the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakasia," the source said, adding that the asteroid burned completely, not intCBEE Flying to the Earth.

Meteorite in Khakassia 2016 Most likely was stony

According to the leading researcher of the Space Dynamics Department and Mathematical Processing Institute Information space studies (Iki) RAS Nathan Eismont, its diameter was about 10-15 meters, and it was most likely stony or rocky-water, TASS reports.

"It is clear that it was not too big meteorite. Judging by the fact that he still burned down or exploded, in general, did not fly to the surface, it is clear that its diameter is hard to 10 or 15 meters, and that he, by -Whythmic, not iron. Most likely, rocky or rocky-water, "said the scientist.

Meteorite in Khakassia 2016. Video

Eismont also noted that a considerable number of meteorites regularly falls on Earth, and they represent the danger if they are made up of iron and have a diameter more than 15-20 meters or if they are "cool vertically in the air shell."

According to the press secretary of the head of Khakassia Olga Kolesnikova, the meteorite in Khakassia fell, allegedly, in the area of \u200b\u200bBabik Valley near Sayanogorsk. The heavenly body exploded in the atmosphere: three outbreaks were visible and the hum.

In the depths of the cosmos, millions of irreversible events occur every second, and to foresee these events have not yet been destined. One of the recent celestial events was a falling Chelyabinsk meteorite, which gave heat on the Internet, and the mass of folk excitement conversations.

New threat from space

Our scientists have discovered new meteorite which is a little more than Chelyabinsk meteorite, flying at a speed of about 38 km per hour, and when a collision from the earth can bring real damage, since the power of the impact will be almost 2 times more than in Chelyabinsk.

But we do not need shocks out, because the earth constantly and so experiences shocks from earthquakes, and for the last there were quite a lot, and punch from cosmos can provoke irreversible reactions In the underground layers of our planet.

When will the 2016 meteorite fall?

The public is very worried when in 2016 meteorite approached the Earthand whether there will be a collision with the earth or all the same meteorite Let's fly by.

There will be a blow with a meteor earth or not, while it is difficult to predict, but when it is the nearby distance of this meteorite with the earth is already known. This meteorite a little will not reach, and comes close up much earlier, March 5, 2016, will punch from cosmosThat may be remembered for a long time, or the heavenly body will fly at a huge speed by, and we fad to him for goodbye.

But for all probabilities, this meteorite Even with a direct tip on the planet, most likely burns in the dense layers of the atmosphere, as it was with the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Meteorite may not burn

But there is I. historical factsWhen meteorites did not combine completely in dense layers of the atmosphere and fell to the ground bringing significant destruction. For example, in 2000, not far from the city of Fukang was found huge meteorite Weight almost 420 kg. Distinctive feature Fukan meteorite extraordinary beauty, but also the preserved size is also impressive

Scientists calculated that this meteorite Looked on our planet 4.5 billion years, which makes this miracle of the pebbles in the same age of our planet. It is believed that this is a fragment of that meteor that destroyed dinosaurs on our planet.

But the other side of this surprise is also there, this meteorite stuffed with precious stones, and recognized as the most beautiful meteorite found on the planet. The approximate cost of this cobblestone is a little more than two million dollars.

But whether the precious meteorite will be a precious meteorite that falls about March 5, 2016, it remains only to guess, but even if the meteorite represents jewelry value, its threat is much more important and this is a real realization that must be feared.

And what if he gives an unpredictable blow strength, and the consequences will be much stronger, which will be able to damage the external atmospheric shell of our planet, then we will have to adapt to live in open space as. But it is impossible, the difference atmospheric pressure From the impact of the meteorite simply will destroy everything alive on the planet.

But we will think that everything will be fine, and the heavenly body will be used by our planet. And even if the meteorite is collided with Earth in 2016, bring the most significant consequences about which we do not even remember.

In Khakassia in the Bean district near the city of Sayanogorsk at 18:37 and local time (14:37 Moscow) fell a meteorite, reported on the site of with reference to urban operational headquarters civil Defense and emergency situations.

"The body of cosmic origin of minor sizes fell into dense layers of the atmosphere and burned in them. The process reflected in a bright glow in the sky over a number of Siberian regions, including the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakasia," said the source of Interfax in the rocket and space industry.

The meteorite burned down completely, not affiliated to the ground. "No damage to land objects has not caused. Local residents Also, the impact did not feel, "the source added.

More than 420 calls with messages about the unusual phenomenon arrived in emergency services of the region. According to eyewitnesses, the lighting after the outbreak approached the daytime. The fall of the heavenly body was accompanied by a rumble, from which the walls began to catch.

Residents of Sayanogorsk claim that the meteorite himself glowing yellow, followed by a blue "tail". Many cars have worked alarm after the explosion. Fragments of the celestial body fell in the Babik Valley area, near Sayanogorsk, RIA Novosti reports. The flash from the fall of the meteorite was such a force that she saw the inhabitants of the capital of the Abakan region, which is 80 kilometers from Sayanogorsk.

"They saw a flash, about two minutes in the houses passed vibration and the rumble was heard, from which the alarm of the machines was worked," the message of the TWC television company quotes the message.

"Lit everything like during the day! I don't understand why it doesn't shine so much! After there was an explosion, somewhere far, but the hum standing. I saw the stars, but this ... I do not know how to transfer: From a small point over my head, it turned into a ball more than the car! " - Says another eyewitness.

"Walked with a friend. Stand up at the store and girlfriend screamed, seeing a huge flash. And without silent screamed about it. I did not believe, because I had a back to the outbreak, and it seemed to me that I didn't have a light bulb. I did not believe and said that she It was crazy. And suddenly a huge explosion! All cars were drowned at once. It was very scary. Dad said that the windows were shaking greatly. We assume that it was a meteorite. Emotions full pants! " - told a local resident.

Finding the debris will be difficult due to the lack of a barrier system.

Member of the Committee on Meteorites of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Ural federal University (URFU) Viktor Stekhovsky said TASS that "a good meteorite exploded over Khakasia" in the sky. "

According to him, fragments of the heavenly body can be found if you install an accurate trajectory of its flight. It is assumed that he fell in the area of \u200b\u200bSayano-Shushinskaya HPP, but there is "such a taiga that finding fragments will not be easy."

"There were three outbreaks, the meteorite was fragmented, the fallout of his debris is possible in several districts, but no data no data," Viktor Stekhovsky added. "The Gul was heard in the Abakan area, now need to collect data."

Head of the Department of Physics and the Evolution of Stars of the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dmitry Vibe also believes that the searches will be difficult. "If something fell, it will be not easy to find, because on the trajectory you can only restore the area of \u200b\u200bfalling the fragments, and then, if it is Siberia, the search will be quite difficult," he said the Life site.

The scientist announced the need to "have his own system that would notice in advance about the approach of dangerous bodies, and on the other hand, fixed the place of their fall." "These are two tasks and two systems," he said.

In the absence of a barn system, Life and Grokhovsky complained. The video from social networks, according to him, will help little in determining the trajectory: "You need at least ten from different sides. After Chelyabinsk, we remove only for DVRs, we have a powerful car system in Russia, that's what you have trouble."

At the Institute of Space Research, the diameter and composition of the meteorite were suggested

The leading researcher of the Space Dynamics Department and Mathematical Processing Institute of Space Research (ICI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nathan Eismont told TASS that the diameter of the heavenly body was probably not exceeded 15 meters, and it consisted of stony or rock-water components.

"It is clear that it was not too big meteorite. Judging by the fact that he still burned out or exploded, in general, did not fly to the surface, it is clear that its diameter is hardly 10 or 15 meters and that he, Apparently, not iron. Most likely, (meteorite) is rocky or rocky-water, "said Eismont.

Meteorites similar to those that fell in Khakassia do not pose a threat to humanity, he added. They become dangerous if they consist of iron and their sizes exceed 15-20 meters or if they are "cool vertically included in the air shell of the Earth." However, the meteorite, which filmed eyewitnesses in Khakassia, according to the scientist, does not fall under the characteristics listed above.

At the same time, the meteorite "is fundamentally very difficult" approaching the Earth, Eismont emphasizes in advance. If the car comes to the planet from the sunny side, then it is almost impossible to see it, but even if he moves from the night side, all the same, scientists are very hard to see it in the night sky and have time to calculate the flight path.

The last time a large meteorite exploded over Russia on February 15, 2013 in the territory Chelyabinsk region. The shock wave damaged the building and knocked out a lot of glasses. The meteorite was listed in the new edition of the Guinness Book of Records due to the fact that the largest number of people suffered from him in the entire history of the falls of the celestial bodies to Earth.

The Guinness Book of Records It is indicated that about 1,200 people were injured from the meteorite. Meanwhile, the Chelyabinsk authorities reported that the victims were 1613, most of them were injured from the bell sound wave of glasses. Were hospitalized, according to various sources, from 40 to 112 people.

Tonight in the Republic of Khakassia, a drop in a large space object was recorded. The bright outbreak of Exactly 18-35 noticed the correspondent An "Hakasiya Inform", returning from work on the car by the federal highway M-54 "Yenisei", driving up at this time to the village of a subsider of the Altai District of the Republic. Zarevo in the area of \u200b\u200bSayanogorsk was visible on all the sky (he was also observed in Abakan and Minusinsk, in Bee and Novokursk, in Borodino and Cheryomushki, as well as in Shira and Shushensky, that is, almost all of Khakassia and the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory), however This happens with strong explosions or other seismic mines, no screens, nor the feeling of the arrival of the shock wave, was not observed. Some buzz also did not hear. However, the most and best felt that something was happening in Khakassia, the inhabitants of Sayanogorsk - already five minutes after what happened in the local city forum appeared a message with a brief name "Explosion?". At the moment, the following is known ...

Khakassia, December 6: No technological explosions in Khakassia did not exist any coal incision of the republic.

Nothing is also known about the launch of space missiles in Russian Federation (Becoming about the recent fall in the Tuva wreckage of the Progress Space Cartridge).

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Khakassia is already understanding what happened (on the official website of republican rescuers there is no information for this hour).

A team of specialists left the position of the alleged fall of the cosmic body.

No technologically dangerous production and Sayanogorsk, and Khakassia as a whole suffered. All industrial facilities of the republic, including Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, work in normal mode. The authorities of the republic are certainly already notified of what happened and waiting for explanations from specialists. In Khakassia, there is a connection, there is an Internet, electricity to all regions of the region is served properly.

If it was a meteorite, then it is likely that he simply burned down in the atmosphere over Khakasia.

An "Khakassia Inform" will continue to monitor the development of events around this emergency and calls for the population not to panic.

"In the 9th and 5th it was heard" (we are talking about the microdistricts of Sayanogorsk - An "Khakassia Inform")

"Now the outbreak was and after a minute 2, a strong explosion is long and from Toron forests aside aside smoothly, the ridiculous sinking hum stood"

"Bright flash, like a day. Seconds 40-60 rumble strong "

"Some meteorite ... Peblesh says: per minute, something bright ..."

"The eighth heard was good, the alarm was worked on the machines"

"It was cracked about a minute and then I didn't hear"

"We also saw. The sky illuminated, then flashed through the clouds and minutes after three bubble "

"In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Main Power Plant, they say something bright" says. "

"I thought someone had a door in the entrance loudly slammed, the dogs were blocked"

In 5 md. Some white garbage flying flew. It became so light, as the day, and after 5 minutes an explosion occurred

"In the window suddenly it was so brightened, my husband did not believe until the roar did not appear"

"A wave was felt through the plastic window. Thought, the boiler house ribbon "

"The Ministry of Emergency Situations said:" HPP stands, plant-on-site. Do not worry, everything is fine! " Well done boys"

"I am from the priest and we also had a bright glow, and then the roar, even the alarms on the machines worked. She went to the balcony, the streets stood on the street. They said that they saw in the sky a big bright ball. "

"South, the outbreak did not see, the buzz is strong as if with an earthquake, but not with so echo. Like the chill in his soul passed. Cats were absolutely calm, just lying in an embrace with one, even did not lend ear. "

"Already speak closer to Bee Epicenter was"

"The meteorite fell on the left bank not far from the SSHGES. All right at the station "

"In Chiriki, it lit up well, the head raised, and there the meteorite flies, so quickly and low! Disappeared behind the mountain in the area of \u200b\u200bBorus. And then fucked in a minute "

"The outbreak was visible in Tashtype and in Abakan"

"Mom in Sabin also saw the ball, I thought that the gas had a bubble neighbors"

"Laughing with laughter, if it was a meteorite, then somehow Palevo that he became an unclear for our defense. So the pendosy can take advantage of our abutation. "

"Physics There is physics The trajectory of a meteorite can be even tangent to the specific point of the Earth. Cold body you will not see in any telescope. And the rate of passage of the Earth's atmosphere when the body is heated, ranges from 10 to 70 km / s. The height of the atmosphere 120km »

"The Ministry of Emergency Situations argue that this meteorite"

"In Saturotino, people saw a white tail bowl"

"I went to endure trash. A bright flash, then the heavenly body in the direction of the Ermakovsky district proceeded, very bright. quickly disappeared. Seconds after 40-50 there was an explosion "

"06.12.2016, at 14.32 MSC, a large meteor, which entered the atmosphere of the Earth, passed along the trajectory of the south-west direction and burned down in its upper layers, and without reaching the surface without forming a meteorite. The sounds of the drum wave of the car were heard on most of the territory of Khakassia and the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory ....At the Baikonur of the scheduled launches, this date is not recorded. "

20.00 : The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation on Khakashi: at 18:50 in the southern regions of the Republic of Khakassia, a flying luminous object in the sky was observed. The luminous object (presumably meteorite) burned down in the dense layers of the atmosphere, which was accompanied by a bright outbreak and characteristic sound. The workers of the MO organized verification of the Objects of the RH economy. All objects operate in normal mode. SHGES works in normal mode. Organized interaction with the duty officer of the information point of the state corporation Roscosmos. The launch of space vessels was not carried out, there are no falls of spacecraft.

"When the meteor comes into the atmosphere, its contact with air mixture molecules and further heating its surface under the influence of friction. Friction generates sound waves. And the higher the speed of the object, the stronger the effect of the shock wave, so you heard the characteristic sound. Why did the window windows risen? Yes, because the meteor was too small in comparison, for example, with Chelyabinsk. Yes, the sound and length of the tail from the angle of entering the atmosphere and its composition, and not only from the size ... ".

21.27 : Employees of the Khakassian Emergencies Ministry checks the objects of the economy in the region after the information that appeared on the burnt in the dense layers of the atmosphere, the Republican Governor of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports.

According to rescuers, the audit of the economy in the territory of Khakassia has already been organized. "All objects operate in normal mode. Interaction with the duty officer of the information point of the State Corporation" Roskosmos "is organized. The launch of space vessels was not carried out, there are no ouses of spacecraft", - the message is noted.

21.38 : The Ministry of Emergency Situations find out the exact place of the meteorite fall in Khakassia. Experts left the estimated fall area.

December 7, 8:57: According to experts, the diameter of the heavenly body, which, most likely, was a stony or rocky-water, was 10-15 m. According to the leading scientific officer of the department of space dynamics and mathematical processing of information of the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nathan Eismont, similar meteorites are not uncommon for Earth - daily on the surface of our planet, primarily in the oceans, the "noticeable number" of such celestial bodies falls. According to the scientist, meteorites are similar to Khakass, do not pose a threat to humanity. Other situation, if the heavenly body of iron, or its diameter exceeds 15-20 m, reports TASS.

Photos from open sources


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Not in vain a rocket and anti-aircraft regiment in Khakassia formed)))

And what about the rackets who unfold from us? Why not disbelled the threat?

also heard enough powerful, the blast did not respond in any way

Unfortunately, this video is the combustion of the block of recently fallen progress ...

I am with my parents and saw the whole city in 89 in the south of Yamal. Maybe a meteorite, and maybe space trash .. who knows it ...

To her God, remove the video! He was shown on our news 1 day when the ship fell flying to the ISS

Unfortunately, we cannot remove this video, since it is called exactly how the meteorite fall today. If subsequently it turns out that this is a "progress" video, it will be removed. Sincerely.

In the White Yar was visible a flash of light. After about five minutes, the roar of the explosion is clearly heard.

We have a cat at night and all day behaved restlessly. Shouted and sat at the entrance door. In the evening hid in the bath. Now there are already calm.

On the first video moment of the last fall "Process" Fake News

"Information about the burnt in dense layers of the atmosphere Meteorite"

Boy !!!
Open the same, you would choose you there all school textbook Astronomy and read what "Meteor" is, and what is a "meteorite".

If the object managed to fly to the surface of the planet and hit the soil - it means it is called the term "meteorite". Well, if he burned down in the atmosphere, not flying to the Earth - no meteorite to hell, but just a meteor.

and the junction is clear that the HPP fell not a meteorite, but an intercontinental rocket. We are already bombarded, however, this HPP does not give peace for a long time. Apparently a very important part of Russia's infrastructure.

How did you hear? It seemed to me that the gas was near the Father near the time. We are in the lane we are

truly I say to you. Nas bombat. Lower media issues all this meteorite. And this is to bomb us and we did not exit.

The object passed from Sayanogorsk because of the Yenisei (there was no "explosions" in the air). There were in the taable massif of the "Shaggy Maine" of Sayan Shushensky district. Blue-green ball with a long pale raspberry tail. The speed was decent, the spot of light, bright, as the daytime moved along the ground. Flying quite closely can be wrong, but still from the North-West to the south-east. Over Khakassia did not explode and did not fall! Judging by geography hit the land somewhere in the deaf taiga of the Sayano-Shushensky reserve, it is more likely that flew to the taable arrays of thousands. She went at an angle to the ground, but small, flew over a second 3-4 past us, the outbreak of light lasted so much from the bright green, White Iscin, to yellow. After 20 seconds, the sound wave came on the growing up to loud and decrease, it rummed long and at the end a short loud rumble (apparently from the fall). In the first moment, counted that helicopter flies and shines the spotlight to the ground at a low height. Really expected the arrival of the shock wave, but no more "miracles" was not.

On one of the video, where two objects move, not a meteorite, but the progress, which last week fell in Tyva.