Oge standard exam options for geography.

OGE 2016. Geography. Typical exam options: 10 options. Ed. Ambartsumova E.M.

M .: 2016 .-- 128 p.

Series "OGE. FIPI - school "prepared by the developers of control measuring materials (Kim) main state examination... The collection contains:
10 standard examination options, drawn up in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM OGE in geography in 2016;
instructions for performing examination work;
answers to all tasks;
evaluation criteria.

Completing the tasks of standard examination options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in grade 9 in the form of OGE, and also objectively assess the level of their preparation for the exam. Teachers can use sample exam options to organize control of the results of the development of students educational programs basic general education and intensive preparation of students for the OGE.

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The proposed manual contains 10 typical examination options corresponding to demo version the main state exam for the basic school course (OGE) in geography in 2016.
The manual provides answers to the tasks of all options, as well as a map individual achievements student, which can be used to track the dynamics of the performance of tasks in typical examination options. For tasks requiring a detailed answer, the elements of the correct answer are presented and the assessment criteria are given.
By solving a large number of options, the student gets the opportunity to independently prepare for the exam. Completing the assignments not only allows him to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat geographical knowledge is tested in the exam, but also forms and consolidates all the necessary practical skills.
For teachers, the book will be useful for organizing training sessions for the OGE, as well as for monitoring knowledge in geography lessons. It is recommended to use it as a guideline when planning the study of a particular material, when determining the types of activities of teachers and students, aimed at achieving the required level of mastery of geographical knowledge and skills.

Publisher: National Education

Year of issue: 2011

Format: PDF

Number of pages: 288

Educational geography textbook "Unified State Exam 2012.. Typical exam options: 31 options "contains 21 thematic training option and 10 standard exam options corresponding to the demo version of the 2012 Unified State Exam in Geography. Each option consists of three parts and includes 24 multiple choice items, 15 short answer items, and 6 long answer items. Each part of the work contains tasks related to all courses school geographystudied at school.

In the tasks of part 1, various knowledge and skills are tested:

Ability to use geographic maps to determine geographic coordinates and distances;

Knowledge about the features of the Earth as a planet of the Solar System;

Knowledge of the most important properties of geospheres and the laws of their zonal differentiation;

Knowledge (at the level of general ideas) about the location of the main geographic sites (countries, mountains, plains, etc.), the ability to show them on the map;

Ability to classify the main types of natural resources;

Ability to compare the countries of the world by the level of socio-economic development, the level of urbanization, features of the structure of the economy

Knowledge and understanding of basic geographic concepts;

Ability to identify geographic objects and phenomena by their essential features;

Knowledge of the countries with which Russia borders;

Knowledge of the characteristics of the components of nature;

Knowledge of the features of the demographic situation in various regions of Russia, the population of the country and the peculiarities of its location.

In the tasks of part 2, the ability to solve problems to determine the differences in zone time of territories, the ability to measure azimuths on a topographic map, determine from statistical materials and compare the resource availability of individual countries with various types of natural resources is tested.

Some tasks (B6 and B9) test the ability to read and analyze geographic information presented in the form of graphs and tables, the content of which in the tasks of different options may refer to different sections of school geography courses.

In task C1, the ability to build a profile of the terrain on a topographic map is tested. The answer to this task should be a drawing.

SZ and S4 tasks are based on the content of different courses. So, in the task SZ, you need to be able to explain the demographic situation of individual countries and regions of the world. The completion of task C4 involves an explanation of the essential features of geographic objects and phenomena.

Size: 33.5 Mb

Series "OGE. FIPI - school ”prepared by the developers of control measuring materials (CMM) of the main state exam. The collection contains:
- 10 standard examination options, drawn up in accordance with the project of the demo version of the KIM OGE in geography in 2015;
- instructions for performing examination work;
- answers to all tasks;
- evaluation criteria.
Completing the tasks of typical examination options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in grade 9 in the form of the OGE, as well as objectively assess the level of their preparation for the exam.
Teachers can use standard examination options to organize control of the results of the mastery of the educational programs of the main general education and intensive preparation of students for the OGE.

Examples of tasks:

On which of the following continents is the deepest lake in the world?
1) Eurasia 3) Africa
2) North America 4) South America

With which of the listed states does Russia have a land border?
1) Iran 3) Afghanistan
2) Mongolia 4) Bulgaria

In which of the following regions of Russia are the soils the most fertile?
1) Lipetsk region 3) Republic of Kalmykia
2) Magadan Region 4) Komi Republic

During construction in earthquake-prone areas, a special technology is used. Seismic resistance of stone buildings is provided by many design techniques, for example, the installation of reinforced concrete frames in window and door openings, etc. In which of the listed regions should these technologies be applied?
1) Vologda region
2) Smolensk region
3) Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra
4) Altai Republic

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  • OGE 2015, Geography, Rehearsal options, 12 options, Ambartsumova E.M.
  • Rehearsal options, main state exam 2015, geography, 12 options, study guide, Ambartsumova E.M., 2015
  • Specification of control measuring materials for the 2020 main state exam in GEOGRAPHY
  • OGE 2019, Geography, grade 9, Methodological recommendations, Ambartsumova E.M.

The following tutorials and books:

  • Geography, Elementary course, grade 5, Workbook, Sonin N.I., Kurchina S.V., 2015
  • Geography, Answers to exam tickets, grade 9, 24 hours before the exam and the GIA, Fromberg A.E., 2013
  • Didactic cards-assignments in geography, grade 7, to the textbook by V.A. “Geography of continents and oceans. Grade 7 ", Perlov L.E., 2011