Irregular verbs of English 4. Regular and irregular verbs of English

English requires a detailed and systematic approach. Of course, if the priority is to acquire knowledge that will help in practice. A special place within the framework of this goal takes, for which there are quite rational explanations.

Verb / Verb

be was, were been To be
beat beat beaten ["bi: tn] Beat
become became become Become
begin began begun Start off
bleed bled bled Bleed
blow blew blown Blow
break broke broken ["brouk (e) n] Break
bring brought brought Bring
build built built Build
burn burnt burnt To burn
burst burst burst Break out
buy bought bought Buy
catch caught caught Catch, grab, catch
choose chose [ʃəuz] chosen To choose
come came come To come
cost cost cost Cost
creep crept crept Crawl
cut cut cut Cut
do did done Do
draw drew drawn Draw, drag
dream dreamt dreamt Dream, doze
drink drank drunk Drink
drive drove driven ["drivn] To drive
eat ate eaten ["i: tn] there is
fall fell fallen ["fɔ: lən] Fall
feed fed fed Feed
feel felt felt Feel
fight fought fought Fight
find found found Find
fit fit fit Fit to size
fly flew flown To fly
forget forgot forgotten Forget
forgive forgave forgiven Forgive
freeze froze frozen ["frouzn] Freeze
get [get] got got get
give gave given To give
go went gone Go
grow grew grown Grow
hang hung hung Hang
have had had Have
hear heard heard Hear
hide hid hidden ["hidn] Hide
hit hit hit Hit the target
hold held held Keep
hurt hurt hurt Hurt
keep kept kept Contain
kneel knelt knelt Kneel
know knew known Know
lay laid laid Put
lead led led To lead
lean leant leant Tilt
learn learnt learnt Teach
leave left left Leave
lend lent lent To borrow
let let let Let
lie lay lain To lie down
light lit lit Illuminate
lose lost lost Lose
make made made Produce
mean meant meant To mean
meet met met Meet
mistake mistook mistaken Be wrong
pay paid paid To pay
prove proved proven Prove
put put put Put
quit quit quit Go out
read read read To read
ride rode ridden ["ridn] Ride a horse
ring rang rung Ring
rise rose risen ["rizn] To rise
run ran run Run away
say said said Talk
see saw seen See
seek sought sought Search
sell sold sold Sell
send sent sent Send
set set set To put
sew sewed sewn To sew
shake [ʃeik] shook [ʃuk] shaken ["ʃeik (ə) n] Shake
show [ʃəu] showed [ʃəud] shown [ʃəun] Show
shrink [ʃriŋk] shrank [ʃræŋk] shrunk [ʃrʌŋk] Reduce
shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] Close
sing sang sung Sing
sink sank, sunk sunk Sink
sit sat sat Sit
sleep slept slept Sleep
slide slid slid Slide
sow sowed sown Sow
speak spoke spoken ["spouk (e) n] Talk
spell spelt spelt To spell
spend spent spent Spend
spill spilt spilt Spill
spoil spoilt spoilt Spoil
spread spread spread Spread
spring sprang sprung Jump
stand stood stood To stand
steal stole stolen ["stəulən] Steal
stick stuck stuck Prick
sting stung stung Sting
sweep swept swept Sweep away
swell swelled swollen ["swoul (e) n] Swell
swim swam swum To swim
swing swung swung Sway
take took taken ["teik (ə) n] Take, take
teach taught taught Teach
tear tore torn Tear
tell told told Narrate
think [θiŋk] thought [θɔ: t] thought [θɔ: t] Think
throw [θrəu] threw [θru:] thrown [θrəun] Throw
understand [ʌndə "stænd] understood [ʌndə "stud] understood [ʌndə "stud] Understand
wake woke woken ["wouk (e) n] Wake
wear wore worn To wear
weep wept wept Cry
wet wet wet Soak
win won won Win
wind wound wound Wriggle
write wrote written ["ritn] Write

Why is it important to know English irregular verbs?

So, irregular Verbsas mentioned above play a key role in the successful study of English language... Many people were able to see this. Let's consider the main nuances.

    Practice shows: half of the mistakes made in speech and writing lie in the incorrect use of verb forms and tenses. Often the verb is redundant in the sentence or is used falsely. This can completely change the meaning. The principle of learning English is to start with those where mistakes are often made. therefore table of irregular verbs must be fully studied. Otherwise, it is possible to get negative consequences, consisting in confusion of phrases. When there are many mistakes, the desire to learn the language disappears. This cannot be allowed. It is important to focus on the success of the task. With the right approach, all goals will be achieved.

    Irregular verbs can be used as builders of phrases and sentences that are unique in terms of influence and originality. English philologists are proud of such verbs, referring them to the origins of the ancient Germanic language. Many English-speaking poets and writers drew their creative powers from them. Readers may say that they are not going to write poetry in English (although over time everything is possible, it is difficult to predict the turns of fate). However, they constitute its foundation. It is impossible to master the English language without them. Many people who have devoted their free time to the study of the international language could be convinced of this. A systematic approach will allow you to master all topics, including those that are considered difficult in terms of study.

    The study of irregular verbs is also required for the reason that some regular verbs are very similar to them. For example, found is like an irregular verb. If you take it this way, then in practice you get confusion. Every nuance is important and should be taken into account.

    You need to start learning irregular verbs as early as possible. Most of them are based on exceptions rather than rules. This difficult moment should spur and stimulate. Regular verbs will become much easier to learn later. Generally, basic irregular verbs in English still have a definite system. She will help in mastering them.

Irregular verbs are difficult, that's a fact. However, you should devote at least 10 minutes every day to these "insidious parts of speech" so that they are assimilated once and for all. Having a certain system will make the task a little easier. It is important to understand: there will be no English without irregular verbs. Therefore, it is worth giving them time.

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English teachers claim that 70% of the use of verbs in this language is due to irregularities ( irregular verbs or exception verbs ). Therefore, memorization and correct use of different forms of verbs is of great importance in the process of learning English. The school curriculum was not full of variety in this matter - rote memorization was practiced, as a result of which, after a couple of days, most of what was learned was forgotten. But, as philologists joke, you need to learn "irregular verbs correctly." Below we will talk about how to remember them.


The Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary says that English is rich in 260 irregular verbs. But many of them are outdated and are now practically not used, hence the figure of 170 main ones that operate modern textbooks... Not so many, but problems with memorizing forms are almost always present, which made the corresponding question on irregular verbs favorite for those who make up various exam and test tasks... As you know, it is designed to help in memorizing large amounts of information. Therefore, to facilitate the study of the language, special tables are called upon, based on some patterns of the formation of forms of irregular verbs. So, the simplest group to memorize are verbs in which the forms in Present, Past and Past Participle are the same. Here they are:

Past Participle


bet, bet


throw, pour

try on

to cause a pain

give, allow


install, ask


split, split


The forms of irregular verbs placed in the second table are easy to remember, since their second (Past) and third (Past Participle) forms are identical:

Past Participle


bleed, bleed

deal with anyone

to see dreams



receive, become



leave, leave

lend, lend






shine, shine


spend, spend

get stuck, stick

hit, hit

say, speak


win, win

We will put irregular verbs with the same form in Present and Past Participle in a separate table:

Past Participle



to come

The grouping of irregular verbs in the following tables is based on more complex patterns. Below is a table for verbs that have a –n ending in Past Participle:

1) alternating in Past and Past Participle :

Past Participle


drive transport

to rise

2) without interleaving:

Past Participle


break, break

to choose



wake up, wake up

wear (about clothes)

3) fromdoublingat Past Participle:

Past Participle





ride, ride

4) irregular verbs with -ew in Past and -own in Past Participle:

Separately, we single out a group of irregular verbs that end in the second and third forms - ought, –aught:

Past Participle





Another table is devoted to truly irregular verbs that you have to learn by heart:

We hope this material will be useful to all learners and interested in the English language and will help you easily remember the forms of irregular verbs. Good luck!

Print out a table of irregular verbs and place it around the house so that from time to time it catches your eye, involuntarily making you repeat.

Make a two-sided little card for each irregular verb. On one side, write the form of the verb in Present, and on the back - in Past and Past Participle. You can also write translation and transcription on them, as you like. Thus, you will not only receive mobile teaching material, but also memorize some of the verbs while you prepare the flashcards.

Try not only to memorize verb forms, but also to build sentences with them. This contributes to better memorization and correct use.

And rhymes written using irregular verbs will help to make memorization easier. For instance:

  • I'm a brick throw-threw-thrown, (throw)
  • He's in the window fly-flew-flown, (to fly)
  • Me uncle catch-caught-caught, (catch)
  • To mom and dad bring-brought-brought. (drive)
  • So far I'm surprised -
  • Fling-flung-flung where is he from? (leap out)
  • Cling-clung-clung by the collar, (cling)
  • Oh, and a mischievous old man!
  • I, of course, say-said-said, (to speak)
  • That the neighbor broke the window
  • He doesn't hear-heard-heard, (to hear)
  • How he leads me to execution.
  • I am danger feel-felt-felt (to feel)
  • And I was ready kneel-knelt-knelt ... (kneel down)
  • Oh, and it hit me hard -
  • Cost-cost-cost glass is a lot !!! (cost)

The full version is available.

I'll tell you a secret: correct and irregular verbs of the English language are the most “favorite” topic of teachers and students when studying English grammar. Fate wanted the most popular and frequently used words in English to be wrong. For example, the famous phrase "to be or not to be" also contains an irregular verb. And that's the beauty of the British :)

Just imagine for a second how great it would be to add an ending -edto the main verbs and get the past tense. And now all English learners are prepared to participate in an exciting attraction - memorizing a convenient table of English irregular verbs with translation and transcription.


Meet their royal majesty irregular verbs. You won't have to talk about them for a long time. You just need to come to terms and remember that each verb has its own forms. And it is almost impossible to find any logical connection. All that remains is to put a table in front of you and learn how you once memorized the English alphabet.

It's good that there are verbs where all three forms coincide and are pronounced the same (put-put-put)... But there are especially harmful forms that are written like twins, but pronounced differently (read - read - read). Just as we choose only the best tea leaves of the best varieties for royal tea drinking, we have collected the most used irregular verbs, sorted them alphabetically, visually conveniently placed them in a table - we did everything to make you smile and ... learn. In general, only conscientious cramming will save humanity from ignorance of English irregular verbs.

And so that memorization is not so boring, you can create your own algorithms. For example, to begin with, write out all the verbs where the three forms are the same. Then those where the two forms coincide (most of them, by the way). Or, for example, to learn today the words with the letter "b" (do not think bad), and tomorrow - for another. No fantasy limits for English lovers!

And without leaving the checkout, we propose to pass the test on knowledge of irregular verbs.

Table of irregular verbs in English with transcription and translation:

infinitive verb simple past tense (Past Simple) past participle Transfer
1 abide [ə "baɪd] abode [ə "bəud] abode [ə "bəud] stay, stick to something
2 arise [ə "raɪz] arose [ə "rəuz] arisen [ə "rɪz (ə) n] arise, rise
3 awake [ə "weɪk] awoke [ə "wəuk] awoken [əˈwoʊkn] wake up, wake up
4 be was; were been be, be
5 bear bore born wear, give birth
6 beat beat beaten ["bi: tn] beat
7 become became become become, become
8 befall befell befallen happen
9 begin began begun start off)
10 behold beheld beheld peer, notice
11 bend bent bent bend (Xia), bend (Xia)
12 beseech besought besought beg, beg
13 beset beset beset surround, besiege
14 bet bet bet bet
15 bid bid bid bid, order, ask
16 bind bound bound to bind
17 bite bit bitten ["bɪtn] bite)
18 bleed bled bled bleed, empty
19 blow blew blown blow
20 break broke broken ["brəuk (ə) n] break, interrupt, break
21 breed bred bred spawn, breed, breed
22 bring brought brought bring, bring
23 broadcast ["brɔːdkɑːst] broadcast ["brɔːdkɑːst] broadcast ["brɔːdkɑːst] broadcast, distribute
24 build built built build, embed
25 burn burnt burnt burn, burn
26 burst burst burst explode)
27 buy bought bought buy
28 can could could be able to physically
29 cast cast cast throw, pour (metal)
30 catch caught caught catch, catch
31 choose [ʧuːz] chose [ʧuːz] chosen ["ʧəuz (ə) n] to choose
32 cling clung clung stick, cling, cling
33 cleave cleft cloven ["kləuv (ə) n] split, split
34 clothe clothed clothed dress, dress
35 come came come [ kʌm] to come
36 cost cost [ kɒst] cost [ kɒst] estimate, cost
37 creep crept crept crawl
38 cut cut [ kʌt] cut [ kʌt] cut, trim
39 dare durst dared dare
40 deal dealt dealt deal, trade, consider an issue
41 dig dug dug dig
42 dive dove dived dive
43 do / does did done do
44 draw drew drawn drag, draw
45 dream dreamt dreamt dreaming, dreaming
46 drink drank drunk drink, drink
47 drive drove driven [ˈdrɪvn̩] drive, drive, drive, drive
48 dwell dwelt dwelt dwell, dwell, linger on something
49 eat ate eaten [ˈiːtn̩] eat, eat, eat
50 fall fell fallen [ˈfɔːlən] fall
51 feed fed fed [ fed] feed)
52 feel felt felt [ felt] feel
53 fight fought [ˈfɔːt] fought [ˈfɔːt] fight, fight
54 find found found find
55 fit fit [ fɪt] fit [ fɪt] fit, fit
56 flee fled fled run, flee
57 fling flung flung throw, throw
58 fly flew flown fly, fly
59 forbid forbade forbidden forbid
60 forecast [ˈfɔːkɑːst] forecast; forecasted [ˈfɔːkɑːstɪd] foresee, predict
61 forget forgot forgotten forget
62 forego forewent foregone refuse, refrain
63 foretell foretold foretold predict, predict
64 forgive forgave forgiven forgive,
65 forsake forsook forsaken give up, refuse
66 freeze froze frozen [ˈfrəʊzən] freeze, freeze
67 get [ˈɡet] got [ˈɡɒt] got [ˈɡɒt] receive, become
68 gild [ɡɪld] gilt [ɡɪlt]; gilded [ˈɡɪldɪd] to gild
69 give [ɡɪv] gave [ɡeɪv] given [ɡɪvn̩] to give
70 go / goes [ɡəʊz] went [ˈwent] gone [ɡɒn] go, go
71 grind [ɡraɪnd] ground [ɡraʊnd] ground [ɡraʊnd] sharpen, grind
72 grow [ɡrəʊ] grew [ɡruː] grown [ɡrəʊn] grow, grow
73 hang hung; hanged hung [ hʌŋ]; hanged [ hæŋd] hang, hang
74 have had had have, have
75 hew hewed hewed; hewn chop, chop
76 hear heard heard hear
77 hide hid hidden [ˈhɪdn̩] hide, hide
78 hit hit [ hɪt] hit [ hɪt] hit, hit
79 hold held held hold, maintain (own)
80 hurt hurt hurt hurt, hurt, hurt
81 keep kept kept keep, store
82 kneel knelt; kneeled kneel
83 knit knit; knitted [ˈnɪtɪd] to knit
84 know knew known know
85 lay laid laid lay down
86 lead led led lead, accompany
87 lean leant; leaned lean, lean
88 leap leapt; leaped [liːpt] leapt; leaped jump
89 learn learnt; learned learn, learn
90 leave left left leave, leave
91 lend lent lent [lent] borrow, lend
92 let let [let] let [let] let, rent
93 lie lay lain lie down
94 light lit; lighted [ˈlaɪtɪd] lit [lɪt]; lighted [ˈlaɪtɪd] light up, light up
95 lose lost lost lose
96 make [ˈmeɪk] made [ˈmeɪd] made [ˈmeɪd] do, make
97 may might might can, have the right
98 mean meant meant mean, mean
99 meet met met meet, get acquainted
100 mishear [ˌmɪsˈhɪə] misheard [ˌmɪsˈhɪə] misheard [ˌmɪsˈhɪə] misheard
101 mislay mislaid mislaid misplace
102 mistake mistook mistaken be wrong, wrong
103 mow mowed mown mow down
104 overtake overtook overtaken catch up
105 pay paid paid to pay
106 prove proved proved; proven prove, certify
107 put put put lay down
108 quit quit; quitted quit; quitted leave, leave
109 read read; red read; red to read
110 rebuild rebuilt rebuilt rebuild, rebuild
111 rid rid; ridded rid; ridded release, deliver
112 ride rode ridden to ride
113 ring rang rung ring, ring
114 rise rose risen ascend, ascend
115 run ran run run, flow
116 saw sawed sawn; sawed to nag
117 say said said speak, say
118 see saw seen see
119 seek sought sought seek
120 sell sold sold sell
121 send sent sent send, send
122 set set set put, put
123 sew sewed sewed; sewn to sew
124 shake shook shaken shake
125 shall should should be to
126 shave shaved shaved to shave)
127 shear sheared shorn cut, cut; deprive
128 shed shed shed dump, spill
129 shine shone; shined shone; shined shine, shine
130 shoe shod shod shoe, shoe
131 shoot shot shot shoot
132 show showed shown; showed show
133 shrink shrank; shrunk shrunk shrink, shrink, bounce, recoil
134 shut shut shut close
135 sing sang sung sing
136 {!LANG-22a672c2ca533cc69173f2bc450c00a0!} {!LANG-85b857f800fb02f9e2127085286a4fd1!} {!LANG-acc409a7e2555ba0c2edca8463b93d8c!} {!LANG-f187bd8d1ffe0b5179fc4ea49703f660!}
137 {!LANG-411a53899ef5e5d491697be9ac9c3607!} {!LANG-df9ebc9b8437194960257be0eafed6bf!} {!LANG-df9ebc9b8437194960257be0eafed6bf!} {!LANG-a576f8a473c956045f4aaf82200266ef!}
138 {!LANG-e48ae772b2b2a346952b1e9fe434a59d!} {!LANG-8087a2abe382cfbb96ccd07ac3cf0b30!} {!LANG-974b1dcb11b4739e970b2bc6cb7f5edb!} {!LANG-eb5e3b1a25495ff0205a6201d93cbdca!}
139 {!LANG-8bf211b81c7596d9c01ef6e772f49909!} {!LANG-612eaf6de7fc0a0e2e25cf6928f03a2e!} {!LANG-612eaf6de7fc0a0e2e25cf6928f03a2e!} {!LANG-f0299b16cad9ec3ff78269584f82bc25!}
140 {!LANG-ed0f443cde70511f0299ecb0e99fb405!} {!LANG-a47d7649abe29bcdf7d8df96d65916f7!} {!LANG-a47d7649abe29bcdf7d8df96d65916f7!} {!LANG-e3640b37bbd757ba6371d1844cf8eab8!}
141 {!LANG-68947f13b295dc4359b67a0c110ac6b0!} {!LANG-d6dda40075d8e37c3f1f4dedebb10b64!} {!LANG-d6dda40075d8e37c3f1f4dedebb10b64!} {!LANG-2ef389daa5fef38b3e10fb7876eb330b!}
142 {!LANG-9d0c060f2ba6672933c10babd0a25ac9!} {!LANG-9d0c060f2ba6672933c10babd0a25ac9!} {!LANG-9d0c060f2ba6672933c10babd0a25ac9!} {!LANG-2e503913fa8133fb779019761feacf58!}
143 {!LANG-2c8756c45bcb285ed249ccf99b11af06!} {!LANG-ede72a9db0a413adee0ef0fcfbb6de4e!} {!LANG-ede72a9db0a413adee0ef0fcfbb6de4e!} {!LANG-da603317dea82d6f39be6d884542f88d!}
144 {!LANG-fbd196761f54e0f98df4ddcae2dea0ae!} {!LANG-d53d8a5d658a0f46fcb2e089649e11e7!} {!LANG-f34a4d0ff8c1c4a9da324cc027857944!} {!LANG-1d6bb044aa8dc5c1aa84d3811f9f8c36!}
145 {!LANG-d792a02fb6644853318c28fb2ad673c9!} {!LANG-650242e18ea6d1fe8d4270d993a42c87!} {!LANG-beef8c8359e1e67764addfce13c33f6d!} {!LANG-16dc17172ee86a1e11bf4031f6b134b3!}
146 {!LANG-6dbde58d57c4a89c6d925a5cd8dcb944!} {!LANG-96b245d636b6a32348ab56ed00c3c6bf!} {!LANG-96b245d636b6a32348ab56ed00c3c6bf!} {!LANG-69c4f74b23ce39760e5d56921ea2b251!}
147 {!LANG-95d75b611aa1486dff315a444936c7c0!} {!LANG-be69aa609e29bb4d6c71d08ccfa766fb!} {!LANG-be69aa609e29bb4d6c71d08ccfa766fb!} {!LANG-96530b25faca3d7dc7f1263268017942!}
148 {!LANG-944f4de87b3ca991d4daaaaad47f8842!} {!LANG-725c7e8d66753ab8580364fd24aa9531!} {!LANG-725c7e8d66753ab8580364fd24aa9531!} {!LANG-dcdaa38387b43c8e2b267f8b9a6c1767!}
149 {!LANG-fd8860309ba9c0844567e57928eb3f04!} {!LANG-736e2fea8b2521a944fb8e1a2ac74bf9!} {!LANG-736e2fea8b2521a944fb8e1a2ac74bf9!} {!LANG-48bbc35520422aae7f56734805921867!}
150 {!LANG-870cbdd30c2c4a06d0359dd3f6000719!} {!LANG-bd26b45f146f08a10c2079f2ad226692!} {!LANG-bd26b45f146f08a10c2079f2ad226692!} {!LANG-e6b58f1796a6ca9622bf4f97bcd84439!}
151 {!LANG-549ab3a9c7ee6676910cae72ce37dddc!} {!LANG-658fc03c6de06b5172275770b9900e7b!} {!LANG-658fc03c6de06b5172275770b9900e7b!} {!LANG-d8263fc2e8e8a32e9744b5c6afc8c9db!}
152 {!LANG-dccb357f62c0e0444b13284fe150a4e4!} {!LANG-dccb357f62c0e0444b13284fe150a4e4!} {!LANG-dccb357f62c0e0444b13284fe150a4e4!} {!LANG-dd1cf6b2983b6b1732d8380cbcc069e2!}
153 {!LANG-7dce1f9501349859e54fe1a54b2b5ccd!} {!LANG-2a62be5abe4c1c69c4bf5a0f7aec4646!} {!LANG-2a62be5abe4c1c69c4bf5a0f7aec4646!} {!LANG-03ca91544bbd112592c5b3eac8c762a3!}
154 {!LANG-d4739aa648bea35e6c82a70e420ef618!} {!LANG-d4739aa648bea35e6c82a70e420ef618!} {!LANG-d4739aa648bea35e6c82a70e420ef618!} {!LANG-ce93d163f609704f1818068cc46bea8d!}
155 {!LANG-f3a91937d9652aedd036adec47bf9739!} {!LANG-eb39412097d47426fa26445be4d58b1c!} {!LANG-a7f26da0b92f79f3ff7c4b0110bd8589!} {!LANG-d3832040cc125618be87f8514d0afe53!}
156 {!LANG-6000433b2454f173278eb14eab5bc80a!} {!LANG-aeed57afa8eaa68ec0bb1fc6c6c6dfab!} {!LANG-aeed57afa8eaa68ec0bb1fc6c6c6dfab!} {!LANG-e931dd9de71dc4b7f1d6312fd1570f36!}
157 {!LANG-b3218af952e027099368dd5fe55ea824!} {!LANG-3e8fd9c69c24f4e9ce6fb14535103d0b!} {!LANG-9ece89d09b7f52196ff772c7d8e11046!} {!LANG-a4092a983f945c52353b07da40943988!}
158 {!LANG-d9322925e6aeb93ef7c81b0855f7fa93!} {!LANG-d1ae74dda9fce6e347778f151992195b!} {!LANG-d1ae74dda9fce6e347778f151992195b!} {!LANG-a1d29347c1b7881f10e5032b9980438c!}
159 {!LANG-a269909a03babde1be7bf8d04b388801!} {!LANG-d87c6b209cf3f0e43da768e1d8ac8b44!} {!LANG-d87c6b209cf3f0e43da768e1d8ac8b44!} {!LANG-a832f351074be37c236275c08005f8ae!}
160 {!LANG-51ec7c9e9f1acbaf7a733491662387e6!} {!LANG-1f04dbbbf2235619fc9176c295bc06e4!} {!LANG-16501795ecc3723d62719063189b11e9!} {!LANG-50f79c88238bb5bcfd15fbeac9f97b06!}
161 {!LANG-9bb5f4637285e99d47ddff6fdf0990e9!} {!LANG-8b13cfc0ac0c065cd2013227ad91676e!} {!LANG-81659fb23072e5dbd03fc6e2938ab4bb!} {!LANG-8b80739ef71c2d971296d24c14de2e82!}
162 {!LANG-9259f32ec3f0c15d80a9bf206c713b54!} {!LANG-d73b5e3ac53c02fc301e8ab475a69b3c!} {!LANG-7d4ef7d1118f01625e5dc6c9eedc2eeb!} {!LANG-09ac6f83316c63fa794e5f8e4123c801!}
163 {!LANG-17380ef82585a449e49e4db72ba84fc2!} {!LANG-c1b27096c80efab79659302b622f32b6!} {!LANG-c1b27096c80efab79659302b622f32b6!} {!LANG-ff426808949c09bdc6b9efda1f40108c!}
164 {!LANG-b80fa55b1234f1935cea559d9efbc39a!} {!LANG-1c6509708e542c4f27d4437b15e331cd!} {!LANG-1c6509708e542c4f27d4437b15e331cd!} {!LANG-1174a359f768b64671dd5219c0fb2884!}
165 {!LANG-92a6b6d61b01198549fb9811ab340c1c!} {!LANG-c6c3fcb7bf78df10afa5f218939a2639!} {!LANG-c34f4ea5cef426870cb74718408ed2d5!} {!LANG-1270523f3d5163b74c4ed1569a2b4499!}
166 {!LANG-28dbbe306ef1015a274293ee771515e1!} {!LANG-238583be3bad6279fcdb810edb9e7597!} {!LANG-26a5547fcf0ee082d24d5d55e5949ce8!} {!LANG-c9cf80a65e95daaf5eb7b25ea97952cc!}
167 {!LANG-7dd6a1574507ed7d39f306b506651712!} {!LANG-eefebf18a5648bcfef2cc1bb6004bd58!} {!LANG-eefebf18a5648bcfef2cc1bb6004bd58!} {!LANG-5f8e35481fa15c92b6ae2c96feb3daed!}
168 {!LANG-cb48463eef788f0da84c71ce1365de06!} {!LANG-a980b5fb4f81f884144d4801995f4b5c!} {!LANG-4f5f90e597f86d3a4631003b0020461f!} {!LANG-047fffc922195fdf14a274a078e1f310!}
169 {!LANG-ac7b0d141910c545e2a964955a22be31!} {!LANG-7cd6c02802f9ed16b7a8f0a4c73e428c!} {!LANG-93353dc1c13db4709825b1d05d16c1de!} {!LANG-1ff61091f251f94f727ad74425dd9e57!}
170 {!LANG-5e7fca2f812ec188f2197eee48f4120d!} {!LANG-539d5fafb3fc2e35b560183c1e0f42f7!} {!LANG-539d5fafb3fc2e35b560183c1e0f42f7!} {!LANG-b72b1498164a44d0f777c78b7805bfcd!}
171 {!LANG-93e5d1d0e8c4da0f12f5bae2c2fced78!} {!LANG-6a31452a4e5b4499ce89d3d2cf862547!} {!LANG-73802e597ab87a2a8f6ea6907f6a6ad6!} {!LANG-6cc17977fa3bb479444a42bdf79c06b1!}
172 {!LANG-adf7202d39d85ea2b406a518aeff9088!} {!LANG-ffe93ca0e207a12c6b5c48ac3bab0177!} {!LANG-ffe93ca0e207a12c6b5c48ac3bab0177!} {!LANG-54abbbefc1432fd86e65152ebd408e87!}
173 {!LANG-e7ad3a66af781989b2743ec212a8a0a3!} {!LANG-2096128c68a41a360a99ff2cabcc2478!} {!LANG-ba9baaeca20ee813b7d0685ca3d42198!} {!LANG-50027923c8cfdfeb05895bc99b759dd1!}
174 {!LANG-dbc300827ff5874ed8a4ef330cc0a329!} {!LANG-3959916a38723b17c64f069568c2ab5b!} {!LANG-3959916a38723b17c64f069568c2ab5b!} {!LANG-8286dac3a232ee0de06b4663b44b44c4!}
175 {!LANG-0ee67a6b55cc3fdd05930fa8aa3eca13!} {!LANG-83effa8bc242a68c5722f535cb1783a6!} {!LANG-83effa8bc242a68c5722f535cb1783a6!} {!LANG-38a19958049b9ba7d286afccc8736dcd!}
176 {!LANG-6ca41843cf09f8c1296234bea87cc48c!} {!LANG-8cbf4f0b21c5ab8ac431de7524ce74cf!} {!LANG-bad5bc37a1cfb6b9eae83e31297601e9!} throw, throw
177 {!LANG-dda2207057f5c3bda65292e3e960a885!} {!LANG-dda2207057f5c3bda65292e3e960a885!} {!LANG-dda2207057f5c3bda65292e3e960a885!} {!LANG-3b89bc29e0a1d12048f0355632b5b848!}
178 {!LANG-fd2b1ee841708d9d892e143e6c5981f1!} {!LANG-123b01c98f63832dd8fdbad967c9c84b!} {!LANG-fe075b2e8ac7e69fbc28409d6a67ab46!} {!LANG-b593f32cded71a9e4e36a80941f6d7f2!}
179 {!LANG-e2919fd9cc241fc0101522b23b2e3144!} {!LANG-62261a95026078b7184cd8a77bb964e1!} {!LANG-62261a95026078b7184cd8a77bb964e1!} {!LANG-3c0f4cbeca434a63076e1f5cd1ad20e3!}
180 {!LANG-46cee12dcb6cb8ebd78d8349677a7433!} {!LANG-c4155e3c3fa60b2a3f4f64738b0f08f2!} {!LANG-9a6e2f3fd5bd2d8a7a9d953bce742ad2!} {!LANG-76cf12e1a050b60b3c98a3fe2324d42d!}
181 {!LANG-1632519c24579a808f4370130e62ed32!} {!LANG-dd1b18ace08c6e98a2fa4548baa24ab8!} {!LANG-dd1b18ace08c6e98a2fa4548baa24ab8!} {!LANG-85ae4579bd4ac171e373e8a555e23d06!}
182 {!LANG-9391fc6a9f0ee5f7e1f91215ae6300b1!} {!LANG-85c5f451c32651c37f4ac511d4070487!} {!LANG-d4f9f048da7d473169640d38697c99a5!} {!LANG-4a162fb7d3c24c0cd6ab881d989012dd!}
183 {!LANG-a05af8bcba5bf52b751ee0ad70b9ea3b!} {!LANG-a05af8bcba5bf52b751ee0ad70b9ea3b!} {!LANG-a05af8bcba5bf52b751ee0ad70b9ea3b!} {!LANG-b4ad65e13e8700f4a5110d31d0c5b1f0!}
184 {!LANG-ccd264d1b9d4e066b0ee8103ad72ff8f!} {!LANG-0ad1b0fdc19a35664d131b0b22458fb1!} {!LANG-ea501d39c95fb96e2dd5c6d7eb793cec!} wake up, wake up
185 {!LANG-c1c75183832210234bbff871f62e6379!} {!LANG-a9b57eaaaf0071b3fe1e6c2c2e274651!} {!LANG-9c975a2f1f36180f3652ebd428e4a0c1!} {!LANG-eda2fe55567da45164f605aa5dee813b!}
186 {!LANG-d97a1b6d12739414d393cf018f520f7a!} {!LANG-d0669a70eb6c15bde8f2f5d1d41be7fb!} {!LANG-1a52f6bf1f4a8910d458cb87ad2f8fd1!} {!LANG-c6fff4ba0e94e124eac005110e8a72c3!}
187 {!LANG-5fae0bbfc469f245d400b9197c9f78a1!} {!LANG-e0871757236cd09bf751c6c666442930!} {!LANG-e0871757236cd09bf751c6c666442930!} {!LANG-088295842d2f6e77fc552e5e8bbe3367!}
188 {!LANG-f67d0f8d8660ea400721e52de7e07b1d!} {!LANG-3a7977a78886a0122ed3cdd4669a315b!} {!LANG-3a7977a78886a0122ed3cdd4669a315b!} {!LANG-88d2524b351ff7e3f1152d2670170c17!}
189 {!LANG-71e92394af11cb927a5740b34c6e5d35!} {!LANG-68e82fd46cc9b9a4199594e5b28eb050!} {!LANG-68e82fd46cc9b9a4199594e5b28eb050!} {!LANG-fb59774ef3d9f1fc34941907b6aff00a!}
190 {!LANG-9c2237d9ba3912b9cdc92bf7ba7e1d89!} {!LANG-1472b3563ae2489afd21a5e95bcdc592!} {!LANG-1472b3563ae2489afd21a5e95bcdc592!} {!LANG-824cbdd5906ad0edfd21d27a621f1565!}
191 {!LANG-2c2e50d7113f3af831eb7376eed48ae5!} {!LANG-946926979d5fd3ca26c250e892ec55a7!} {!LANG-946926979d5fd3ca26c250e892ec55a7!} {!LANG-e5e15c8fc53c25b48cef859b549fd7b1!}
192 {!LANG-91a862dbb59ae5bcba8eeadd76df6d1c!} {!LANG-6d6c487d3e924ed37aba50f9546911af!} {!LANG-6d6c487d3e924ed37aba50f9546911af!} {!LANG-c75c3d7ba4921b45f1efd8cd0a747e94!}
193 {!LANG-e994713b7e98a217f5c82da939bec05c!} {!LANG-e052ee88d3e831a59885d1c99c08692c!} {!LANG-fca72fda59a89cd2b6910ccd454daf00!} {!LANG-95a0a4210e34ddd26da0ae3a86bb69fb!}
194 {!LANG-069d36dc48af38456b77e443046174d9!} {!LANG-7ddd29e910ea10c6a171e3b7763e99f4!} {!LANG-7ddd29e910ea10c6a171e3b7763e99f4!} {!LANG-d7ce0bf5fffc95e71b3b9c77ef3f790d!}
195 {!LANG-7108b7e24d06d2edf311719ff65725a1!} {!LANG-28875307ddfa19050063586aac90b0db!} {!LANG-bc744907ca20678910242e565fc65ccf!} {!LANG-cb11b12b89b2f37a4a5cccc568a449a4!}




{!LANG-42ce50450b9ca002da7e0714ccf89728!} {!LANG-4b5037d37dc4f32fa449cd48ff62c912!}.

{!LANG-f38e0a33b965f73e269a6972fc0de14d!} {!LANG-b516dad0a585c52d20163393e9f68a56!}{!LANG-8659c83719a8928a286f084d38c3d2cf!}

2.1 {!LANG-c0e5ed0051bfbeebdffa4a10441134a4!} {!LANG-04f637a421383c165a59eec2742b7b3b!}{!LANG-9a4f466887aea475f4f835659463b6b5!}

{!LANG-7d0657945139c6b1aab24246de401241!} {!LANG-561884418c8cd7ed1a49a30caf520595!}{!LANG-121832d64d66755b2908bcc9d93c2efc!} {!LANG-c633cb023910a3ea53a9387206c15558!}{!LANG-d456d66f36635b474150e0f0194e988d!} -ed{!LANG-9141183ba47bc88d008044b0d13c1bc5!} {!LANG-bc744907ca20678910242e565fc65ccf!} , {!LANG-79db3a3d3d45c0349ae35997d8f2f400!} , {!LANG-adcdbd510f53ad049fa1cdedd4499d4d!} ).

2.2 {!LANG-56111cb1ca9901e2c9852d36d1b18903!}

{!LANG-a0236c3df8aeffca063a625e9052939b!} {!LANG-5988e6fe151206f4a7c7e930041af0c4!}{!LANG-29768f6ec5a0a3f566fd1c9596474c03!} {!LANG-b22bad480cd4f0e8298cead6983e6b14!}{!LANG-4228b4c44e9360868befdcec880ec6f5!}
{!LANG-3264a073bde41efc13896c57c81d84db!} {!LANG-45f5e15995266c6a255fbebc1828b4ea!}{!LANG-7a899ea7a5273e5f582945d24d2a394b!} {!LANG-d3e1b9a0b0bca929bbf585dd44e9a5d1!}{!LANG-5517208626d04eb446231c6e2c9edf13!}

