Benefits for mothers of students. Freebie for a student: what discounts and benefits are provided to students

Despite the fact that the size of student scholarships is increasing every year, it is not necessary to say that students can live on this money. It should be noted that the education system provides, in addition to social scholarships various types of scholarships additional for academic achievement. Indeed, a scholarship of 1,300 rubles a month does not allow students to fully support themselves. However, students have a number of benefits and discounts, using which you can save a lot.

Student Travel Benefits

In rail transport

Since 2012 during educational process all full-time students from various institutions can take advantage of a 50% discount on commuter trains. In 2018 - 2019, the right to use a discount on travel on trains and electric trains is determined by each constituent entity of Russia independently. The size of the discount for travel by train upon presentation of a student card can be 50%. This benefit is only valid for a time school year... To confirm the right to use this discount, you must present student card or a certificate of confirmation of study at the relevant educational institution.

What other benefits and discounts on travel do students have?

In any city of our country, you can use the services of city transport at different prices. In any case, this type of service is much cheaper for students. For example, in the capital, for this, it is necessary to issue a student's social card, with the help of which a subscription for a metro ride will be 350 rubles per month. A subscription for an ordinary citizen is about 2500 rubles. Agree that the difference is significant.

Student benefits for the cultural program

Federal law "On higher and postgraduate vocational education»Article 16 grants students the right to free admission to museums and public library systems. However, there are cases of violation of this document, when, for example, cultural institutions offer students to visit the exhibition at a reduced price.

Often cinemas provide student discounts. But you can use them only at a certain time or day of the week. The discount can be up to half the price.

Often, preferential options for visits are offered by other institutions, which include theaters, zoos, hobby clubs, etc.

Benefits for Students in Healthcare

According to Aleksey Kazak, the main trade unionist of all Russian students, students have the opportunity to relax in the sanatorium absolutely free of charge, or at a substantial discount. Vouchers to sanatorium-resort treatment institutions are purchased by universities for their students, and you can get more detailed information from the local university branch of the trade union.

Another option to get a discount in the health care system is a health insurance policy, which a number of companies offer students for special conditions... The discount can be up to 10%.

What tax credits are provided for students

Students enrolled in paid basis, it is possible to return 13% of the amount paid for tuition. This is possible if the student himself or his parents pay for the services of an educational institution. Only in this case the amount is not subject to income tax. To receive a refund, you must write an application and attach to it required documents to the tax office.

In addition, full-time study allows students to receive a deferral from passing military service until graduation. There is no material benefit in this "benefit", but a number of young people go to universities just to get a deferment.

For nonresident students many educational institutions offer dormitory accommodation at a discounted rate.

Other additional benefits for students

A number of Russian educational institutions regularly provides food coupons to selected categories of its students. These requirements include socially unprotected students, for example, orphans or persons from poor families.

In traveling around the world, tangible financial support for students is provided by an international student card called ISIC. This document allows you to get significant discounts on various types of services and goods in more than 60 countries, including Russia. To become the owner of this card, it is enough to fill out an application on the website and make a payment in the amount of 500 rubles.

The international student document allows you to take advantage of more than twenty thousand discounts in different parts of our planet. This document will become a cherished pass to a wide variety of events and institutions around the world. Given the dynamic student lifewhen the desire to learn new things is overwhelming, the international student card allows you to do this with a certain benefit for its owner.

More specifically, this document allows you to save from 5 to 100 (!) Percent of the cost of living in hotels and hostels, travel by various types of transport, including air travel. In addition, a discount can be obtained when visiting theaters, museums, exhibitions and other institutions around the world.

In the recent past, discounts were only available abroad. Today, Russian companies are beginning to be gradually drawn into the number of companies that provide benefits to students. The services provided with a discount on the territory of our country include language courses and driver training courses.

In addition to the ISIC card, there are several more options for such services, which can be found in more detail on the official sites. These cards include EURO<26, IYTC, ITIC. Стоимость их колеблется в районе 400 рублей, а получить их можно сделав соответствующую заявку во всемирной сети, или в международной молодежной организации.

Our Articles

Since this academic year, the basic size of the scholarship for students of Russian universities has increased slightly. On average, according to the estimates of representatives of the Russian Trade Union of Students, 1200-3000 rubles per month. Obviously, it is impossible to live on that kind of money, but a student can get a lot of discounts - on transport, travel, going to the cinema and theater. found out where a student card can help you save a lot.


During the academic year, a student can buy for half the price for the top bunk in a compartment on a long-distance train within Russia. The rule applies to full-time students of universities, as well as students of primary and secondary vocational education institutions with Russian citizenship. You must prove your eligibility for the benefit with a student card or student certificate and a document confirming citizenship.

Urban transport

In every city in Russia, travel costs differently, but for students it always costs less. For example, in Moscow, a student needs to issue a social student card. With it, a monthly subscription for travel will cost 350 rubles, which is very profitable with the usual cost of one trip at 28 rubles and the price for an unlimited monthly subscription for an ordinary buyer at 1,710 rubles.

In addition, in the capital, students of state and commercial universities (with state accreditation) can apply for discounts not only on travel, but also in some stores.


All university students, regardless of the form of study, have the right to free admission to state museums and libraries. However, many museums violate this rule by setting “preferential” prices for students. You can, of course, cut out and carry art. 16 of the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", where this rule is spelled out, or start complaining to the prosecutor's office.

Many cinemas are ready to give discounts to students. It works, as a rule, only on certain days and during the day. But the discount is quite large. This is often 50% of the regular price.

Discount tickets are often sold to students and theaters, exhibition halls, clubs, etc. For full-time full-time students, for example, free admission to the Moscow Zoo is provided.


According to chairman of the Russian Trade Union of Students Alexei Kazak, a student can get a free or a big discount voucher to a sanatorium or a holiday home. “Such vouchers are bought by universities to improve the health of students,” he says. It is better to find out how you can relax at the expense of an educational institution in a student union.

Some insurance companies are willing to sell students a voluntary health insurance policy at a discount. Moreover, the company's website may not have information about discounts - you can negotiate directly with an agent. The discount is offered in the region of 10%.


It is not only Russian students who have to live in austerity and at the same time surrounded by many temptations. Therefore, in all countries there are various discounts and benefits for them. To enjoy the benefits around the world, you need to apply for an international student iSIC certificate (International Student Identity Card). It is at the same time a discount card that allows you to get about 20 thousand discounts and benefits around the world.

Discounts from 5% to 100% on it can be obtained in hotels, on air and train tickets, city transport, in museums, theaters, cinemas, at exhibitions, in cafes, etc.

If earlier discounts on the card could be obtained only abroad, now Russian commerce is also beginning to be drawn in. So far, discounts on cards can be obtained mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Moreover, a discount can be obtained, for example, for language and driving courses.

Besides ISIC, EURO cards are also popular.<26, IYTC и ITIC. Все эти карты платные, но цена символична – около 400–500 рублей. Заказать их можно через Интернет или в любой международной молодёжной организации.


Aleksey Kazak adds that some universities issue coupons for free meals to certain categories of socially unprotected students. “But it depends on the position of the university,” he said. Wealthier students can look for discounts at cafes.

This section lists the most common benefits. The full list of benefits can be found at the ticket offices at the railway station, or at the single information and service center of Russian Railways. Call 8-800-775-00-00 (free calls from Russia, except for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol).

The list of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services:

  • disabled people;
  • disabled children;
  • accompanying a disabled person of the 1st group or a disabled child;
  • war invalids;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law "On Veterans";
  • servicemen who served in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, in the period from 22.06.41 to 03.09.45 for at least 6 months, servicemen awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period;
  • persons awarded with the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad";
  • persons who worked during the Great Patriotic War at air defense facilities, local air defense, the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of operating fronts, operational zones of operating fleets, on the front-line sections of railways and highways , as well as crew members of ships of the transport fleet, integrated at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the ports of other states;
  • family members of the fallen (deceased) war invalids, participants of the Great Patriotic War and war veterans, family members of those who died in the Great Patriotic War, persons from the personnel of self-defense groups of object and emergency teams of local air defense, as well as family members of the dead workers of hospitals and hospitals in the city Leningrad;
  • former juvenile prisoners of fascism;
  • persons exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site and the categories of citizens equated to them.

These categories of citizens are issued single non-cash tickets in the direction "there" or "there and back" on the day of travel. For the “return” trip, the ticket is valid until the end of the next day. The carrier has the right to extend the validity of the “back” travel document (for example, until Monday, inclusive, if the ticket was purchased on Friday or Saturday).

Sometimes it is possible to pre-issue tickets. So, in St. Petersburg and adjacent regions (at the polygon of JSC "SZ PPK"), registration begins in 7 days. In the Moscow region, at many stations at the OJSC "TsPPK" test site, registration begins in 10 days.

To issue a ticket, you need to present to the cashier:

  • an identity document (for example, a passport or military ID, for a child under 14 years old - a birth certificate);
  • document confirming privileged status;
  • a certificate of the right to receive social services in the form of free travel by rail in suburban traffic (a sample of the certificate was approved by the resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2006 N 261p).

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region at stations from which there is a direct connection to Moscow, a cashless ticket is issued to a social card. It is not required to present a passport (except for interregional express trains with the provision of seats and aeroexpress trains).

Please note that after replacing the card with a new one, there were cases of card failure. In this regard, if you have never used a social card for travel by train, we recommend that you have a full set of documents confirming your privileged status with you.

At many stations, it is possible to issue a non-cash ticket to a social card not only at the box office, but also at ticket machines. We recommend using this opportunity to save your time.

Accompanying a disabled person of the 1st group or a disabled child can issue a non-cash ticket only at the ticket office upon presentation of a passport. When issuing a ticket, a disabled person must be nearby. Travel of an accompanying person with a ticket without money is possible only if accompanied by a disabled person.

If for some reason you could not issue a ticket at the box office (for example, there is no ticket office at the station), you can issue a ticket on the train. In the absence of a ticket office and a machine at the departure station, a ticket on the train is issued free of charge, in other cases a fee may be charged.

Refers to regional benefits. The procedure for granting benefits depends on which subject of the Russian Federation the departure station belongs to, as well as on the route of the trip.

The privilege is provided to students and pupils of educational institutions over 7 years old (from 5 years to the onset of 7 years of age, a child ticket is issued), full-time students of educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education.

In the Pskov region, the privilege is valid until June 30 inclusive (and not until June 15, as in other regions).

In the Tver, Novgorod and Vologda regions, on the trains of OJSC Aeroexpress and OJSC Mezhregionalnaya PPK, as well as on fast suburban trains in some regions, the discount for schoolchildren and students is not provided.

In some regions, the benefit is provided regardless of the place of residence, place of study of students, route of travel. In some regions, the availability (absence) of the benefit depends on these factors.

So, in Moscow and the region, the privilege is provided to all Russian full-time students. On the territory of the Republic of Crimea, the privilege is provided only to students of Crimean universities.

Discount travel is issued on the basis of student certificates and student tickets (student tickets) of full-time education on the day of the trip.

In some regions, it is possible to pre-issue a discount ticket. For example, in the Leningrad region (for 5 days).

It is also possible to issue a ticket for the "Student Social Card" or "Student Social Card" (for the Moscow region). In Moscow and the Moscow Region, the privilege is provided regardless of the place of residence of the student (schoolchild) and the location of the educational institution from the station (stopping point) at which the ticket is purchased to any station (stopping point) to which there is a direct connection. In some cases, it is possible to issue a ticket for connecting routes.

When a ticket is issued on the territory of the city of Moscow, a discount on one-time round-trip and round-trip tickets is provided for all suburban trains, with the exception of Aeroexpress trains. When issuing a ticket on the territory of the Moscow Region, the privilege is provided only for suburban trains of 6000 numbering (i.e. for ordinary electric trains).

For students, it is also possible to issue a daily monthly subscription with a 50% discount to or from a station located in Moscow. Registration is carried out on a Muscovite social card for a student, and in its absence - on an individual plastic card (IPC).

As of the beginning of 2015, the issuance of some types of season tickets with a 50% discount for students is also possible in such regions as the Tula, Bryansk, Kursk, Pskov, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo regions.

For schoolchildren and students, preferential subscriptions are issued in such regions as: St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Chuvashia, Mari El, Bashkortostan, Adygea; Voronezh, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Tambov, Penzenskaya, Kurskaya (on trains of PPK Chernozemye), Saratovskaya (on trains of PPK Chernozemye), Sverdlovsk, Nizhegorodskaya, Kirovskaya oblasts, Krasnodar Territory (on trains of JSC Kuban Express Prigorod).

In the Republic of Karelia, the benefit for schoolchildren and students, in addition to one-time tickets, applies only to weekend tickets for 1 month.

In the Vladimir region, at the VVPPK training ground, one-time and preferential subscriptions are issued to schoolchildren, students and graduate students living in the region.

In the Moscow, Leningrad, Tver, Kaluga, Oryol, Ryazan, Smolensk, Irkutsk regions, on the trains of the Saratov PPK, the issuance of preferential season tickets is not provided.

In Moscow, post-graduate students and residents who study full-time also have benefits. Discount tickets for these categories of citizens can only be purchased on the territory of the city of Moscow.


In Moscow, residents of Moscow who are retirees, as well as a number of other categories of citizens (see below), enjoy the right to purchase single tickets with a 100% discount on all categories of commuter trains.

Non-cash tickets are issued upon presentation of a Muscovite social card. If the social card is being processed, the ticket is issued upon presentation of a passport, a temporary travel ticket and a certificate that the card is being processed (valid for 30 days from the date of issue).

You can issue a ticket from (to) the station, from which there is a direct connection to Moscow. In some cases, it is possible to issue non-cash tickets for connecting routes.

The discount is valid for trains of all categories. When issuing a ticket for interregional and Aeroexpress trains, you must also present an identity document. On the directions of JSC "CPPK" and JSC "MT PPK" from the end of July 2014, the issuance of free tickets for regional beneficiaries of Moscow is possible not only on the day of travel, but also in advance (up to 10 days).

Also, residents of Moscow enjoy the right to issue tickets without money:

  • labor veterans and persons equated to them (receiving an old-age pension);
  • home front workers;
  • children from large families under the age of 16, as well as students in educational institutions that implement general education programs under 18;
  • orphans and children left without parental care (staying in state and non-state institutions of the city of Moscow for orphans and children left without parental care, students of state educational institutions of the city of Moscow).

From August 1, 2018, the following residents of Moscow are also entitled to a free travel benefit:

  • pensioners
  • foster caregiver for a child in need of state support;
  • guardian (custodian), foster parent raising an orphan or a child left without parental care, under the age of 18;
  • one of the parents of a family with three or more children until the youngest child reaches the age of 16 (students in an educational organization that implements educational programs of primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education - 18 years);
  • citizens awarded with the badges "Honorary Donor of the USSR", "Honorary Donor of Russia", "Honorary Donor of Moscow";
  • parent of a disabled person from childhood studying in an organization that carries out educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education, bachelor's, master's programs - up to 23 years;
  • parents, other legal representatives of disabled children under the age of 18;
  • participants in the prevention of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962;
  • participants in the defense of Moscow;
  • persons accompanying disabled persons of the first group and disabled children under the age of 18.

Moscow region

Residents of the Moscow Region have the right to purchase one-time tickets for electric trains with 6000 numbering (ordinary trains) with a 100% discount on the cost of tickets:

  • labor veterans;
  • military service veterans;
  • home front workers;

From August 1, 2018, the privilege of free travel on trains with 6000 numbering is also provided to the following categories:

  • pensionerswhose pension has been assigned in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • a parent of a person with a disability since childhood enrolled in full-time education in basic educational programs in organizations that carry out educational activities - until they finish their studies, but no longer than until they reach the age of 23;
  • parent or legal representative of a disabled child;
  • guardian (custodian), foster parent, foster caregiver raising an orphan child or a child left without parental care;
  • one of the parents (single parent) of a large family;
  • children, members of a large family up to 18 years old, studying full-time, in basic educational programs up to 23 years old;
  • persons awarded with the badge "Honorary Donor of the USSR" or "Honorary Donor of Russia".

Persons who have received the right to free travel on August 1, 2018 must recode it before the first trip. This can be done, for example, at a suburban ticket office.

On the Moscow Central Circle, the benefit for pensioners (who have reached the age of 60) is provided from September 1, 2018.

St. Petersburg

Residents of St. Petersburg have the right to purchase a ticket with a 100% discount from April 27, 2019:

  • persons who have reached the age of 55 for women and 60 for men;
  • pensioners;
  • labor veterans;
  • home front workers;
  • rehabilitated persons and persons recognized as victims of political repressions;

Orphans and children left without parental care enrolled in educational institutions of St. Petersburg of all types and types, as well as persons from among them under the age of 23, enrolled in full-time education in educational institutions of St. Petersburg of all types and types are entitled to 100% discount year-round.

Members of large families, one or both of whose parents are citizens of the Russian Federation, with a place of residence or stay in St. Petersburg, have a 90% benefit from April 27 to October 31.

When issuing a discount ticket, a pensioner must present:

  • a pension certificate or an electronic carrier "Single personalized ticket" of the sample established in St. Petersburg with filled in white fields;
  • a passport or a certificate issued by the city registration office of citizens of the Russian Federation without a fixed place of residence (not required if there is a photo on the "Single personalized ticket").

To receive the age benefit (55 years for women and 60 years for men), it is enough to present a passport.

Discount tickets are issued for all routes (regardless of their passage through the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation) on the day of travel or on the day preceding the trip.

Leningrad region

The right to purchase a ticket with an 85% discount (only 15% of the ticket price is paid) is enjoyed year-round by pensioners - residents of the Leningrad Region.

With a 89% discount, residents of the Leningrad Region can purchase a ticket all year round:

  • labor veterans;
  • home front workers;
  • rehabilitated persons and persons recognized as victims of political repression.

The student's life is inextricably linked with movement. A big waste for them is provided by transportation.

Indeed, many students go to educational institutions located in another city.

To save student money, various benefits are also provided, including travel. After all, students are a category of the population that does not have a lot of money.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" provides for the provision of social support measures for students. The state provides assistance to students by providing benefits, including travel by public transport.

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(St. Petersburg)

It is fast and is free!

Travel discounts

Benefits for students for train tickets and trains:

Benefits are valid only to seats in the reserved seat, but at the same time no matter what kind of train it is - fast or ordinary.

Unlike school discounts validity student - 1.09. - 15.06. This is due to the fact that students take the session in the summer.

Public ground and underground transportation

This benefit is not provided at the federal level, but in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the authorities conclude agreements with transport companies to provide benefits to students on these types of transport.

Discounts are available only for full-time students.

Only those students who purchase a public transport ticket or a special smart card can receive this discount. Each educational institution has its own rules on this issue.

Aircraft and ships

Here we are talking about the characteristics of each region. In this case, you need to ask each company if they have any discounts for students. Often, local authorities enter into contracts with such companies, which provide for some benefits. If such contracts are concluded, then students can purchase a ticket with a 50% discount from the total ticket price. The flight is carried out only in the middle class, and the cost of luggage is not included in the payment.

For commercial transportation benefits do not apply. These include taxis, some airlines and shipping organizations.

On any trip you should show student card... He should always be with you, just like your passport. Without it, you will not receive a discount, even if you provide a pass. If he is absent, the student can be removed from the transport or fined.

Registration and receipt of these benefits

Currently, among students, the so-called smart card... This is a type of travel ticket that is used in big cities. In order to obtain this card, you should contact the appropriate authorities in your educational institution. To apply for a student travel card, you will need to collect the necessary documents and fill out the appropriate application.

The application contains passport data, data from a student card and insurance policy. You will also need to take a 3 * 4 photo in black and white, as well as copies of those documents that are asked to be at your school. A copy of your passport or student ID is often asked.

When filling out the application, it is recommended to avoid mistakes and blots, and the information must be accurate. The application is filled in with a strictly blue pen. After the application is filled out, and all documents are collected, then all this must be certified with a seal. Usually, this entire procedure takes no more than two days. You then receive a decision from your institution's committee.

With a ready-made solution, you need contact a special cashier, which issues travel passes for students. You must have a passport with you. The cashier checks the documents and, if everything is executed correctly, the student is given a special counter of the form. Two weeks later, you need to come back to the cashier, where this stub will be exchanged for a ready-made public transport pass. When the ticket is in your hands, it will have zero balance. You will need to deposit money on it and provide it when you travel.

The validity period of such a card is five years, which is very convenient. That is, a student applying for a card for 1 year can use it until the end of the course. Those students who, for some reason, terminate their studies are not eligible to use this card.

Regional features

IN Moscow and Moscow region for students, a social card is provided, which provides for free travel on public transport in the city, but no more than 230 rubles. When traveling by train and electric trains, students receive a discount of 50% of the total ticket price.

Free travel on the metro can be no more than 350 rubles, and by bus in the suburbs - 410 rubles.

ISIS card

There are benefits for students that are not common on the territory of the Russian Federation, but are typical for other regions. Among them is the so-called ISIS card.

This card is considered international European travel... This card can only be obtained by students under the age of 26.

It can be issued at the educational institution where the person is studying. This issue is handled by the same people as the design of a social card. In addition to his educational institution, a student can contact a specialized center that issues these cards. Basically, there are such centers only in big cities.

This card provides the student with many benefits. For example, they can be used to buy tickets with a 40% discount on the total cost. It can also be used when flying. In this case, the student can receive a discount in the range of 10-30% of the total cost. This discount is considered to be very beneficial for students studying outside the Russian Federation.

The ISIS card is also considered a student ID. It is international and to this day one of a kind. Such cards are popular in many countries of the world and are considered very beneficial for those students who like to travel. By the way, in many countries this card gives a discount not only on travel, but also on rental housing. Only students who study on a full-time basis can apply for an ISIS card. As already mentioned, it can be issued in a special center available on the territory of the Russian Federation.

To become the owner of this card, you need to come to the office with a student card, passport and take a photo in 3 * 4 format. Basically, the list of documents is the same as for a smart card. But there is one difference - this procedure is paid and in order to purchase a card, you will need to pay 600 rubles. The period of its validity only one year.

This card is very beneficial for students, as it involves the use not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. But it is worth remembering that different countries have different conditions for providing student discounts, but they are available almost anywhere in the world.

Thus, travel benefits are considered the most important and significant for almost every student.

So, summing up, let's summarize that for full-time students the following discounts apply:

  • Discounts on travel in railway transport, excluding long-distance trains, from September 1 to June 15 inclusive;
  • The discount for travel by rail is 50% of the ticket price;
  • Under existing agreements of the authorities with companies, students may be provided with discounts on air tickets;
  • In this case, the discount on the flight will be from 10% to 30% of the ticket price;
  • Students with a social card also have a number of benefits when using public transport.

There is one more point - benefits are provided only to students who study in national educational institutions... If the educational institution is a branch of an institution located in another country, then the discounts do not apply.

The following video describes the provision of travel benefits for students and schoolchildren in the following video:

Students who study on a paid basis can get 13% back of the money spent on their studies. For more information on how to get a tax deduction, Lifehacker tells.

Health care

Many educational institutions have vouchers to sanatoriums and dispensaries. To go there for free or with a substantial discount, the student needs to find out if his university provides such vouchers, and then submit an application.

Benefits for Working Students

They apply mainly to those who receive their first higher education. Employers who study at universities on a part-time and part-time basis are granted leave by the employer to undergo intermediate and final certification. This benefit applies to working students enrolled in state-accredited institutions.


Trains and electric trains

Russian Railways provides discounts as part of the Russian Railways Bonus student loyalty program. Unfortunately, you can only get a 25% discount when buying tickets for the compartment carriages of branded trains.

Travel on commuter trains for students is much more affordable: a discount on subscription tickets from September 1 to June 15 is 50% of the total cost (relevant in most regions).

Intra-city transport

Discounts on metro, bus, trolleybuses, trams, and fixed-route taxis are not federally regulated, but certain student benefits are provided by regional transportation services.

Education and entertainment

Benefits and discounts for students are available in state and municipal libraries. You can also visit a number of museums for free or at a substantial discount. For example, students can enter the Tretyakov Gallery free of charge on the first and second Sunday of each month, and the Hermitage with a student card can be freely entered on any day.

Many cinemas, bookstores, and fitness clubs also have favorable offers for students. Ask about them before making a purchase or using a service.

Technics and software



Adobe Creative Cloud programs are eligible for a 60% student discount. More information can be found on the developer's website.


For modeling students, Autodesk offers its products (including AutoCAD and 3ds Max) free of charge for non-commercial use. Details are on the developer's website.

International benefits


The ISIC international student card is available for schoolchildren from 12 years old, students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. ISIC-card discounts are available in 130 countries of the world, many of them are available in Russia. The card will be especially beneficial for traveling students: you can get discounts on tours, air tickets, and accommodation in hostels and hotels.

Work and Travel

Perhaps the most popular student exchange program. Participation in Work and Travel gives you the opportunity to find a job in the service sector in any of the 50 states of America. Unfortunately, participation in the program implies significant financial costs, students search for housing on their own, and many applications are completely rejected. Full-time students with a level of knowledge of English not lower than Intermediate can participate in Work and Travel.