Agreements about the English alphabet. Children's poems for learning the English alphabet

English Alphabet for children

But still, at a certain stage of learning any language, it is necessary to learn the alphabet. We will try to make this process more interesting for children!

English alphabet

The spelling and names of letters (exactly letters, not sounds that they can convey in writing):

English alphabet letters Name in Russian letters Sounds expressed by a letter Russian transcription Examples of
Aa hey hey page (paige)
to her chains (chains)
[æ] eh bank (bank)
[ɑ:] and: car (ka :)
[ɔ:] about: hall (ho: l)
[ɔ] about watch (уо́ч)
Bb bi: [b] b bed (trouble)
Cc si: [k] to camera (camra)
[s] from bicycle (baysicle)
[ʃ] w ocean (ocean)
Dd di: [d] d did (did)
Ee and: and: she (shi :)
[i] and zero (zirou)
[e] eh ten (ten)
e bed (trouble)
chemist (kemist)
[ə: (ɛ:)] ё: serve (syo: in)
Ff eff [f] f four (pho :)
Gg ji [g] r got (goth)
Hh heych [h] x how (how)
Ii ah ah five (five)
[i] and little (little)
[ə: (ɛ:)] ё: girl (gyo: l)
and: machine (meshes: n)
Jj jay [ʤ] j journey (johnny)
Kk kay [k] to kind (kind)
Ll e-mail [l] l leg (leg)
Mm em [m] m man (maine)
Nn en [n] n no (know)
Oo oU oU motoring (moutherinn)
[ɔ:] about: more (mo :)
[ɔ] about not (note)
at: who (hu :)
[u] at good
[ʌ] and come (kam)
[ə:] e: work (уэ́: к)
Pp pi: [p] p pen (pen)
Qq q: [k] to headquarters (headquotaz)
Rr and: [r] r red (red)
wrong (ro: nn)
Ss es [s] from so (sow)
Tt ty: [t] t tea (ty :)
Uu yu: [u] at put (put)
[ʌ] and cut (cat)
yu: tune (tew: n)
[i] and busy (bízi)
[ə:] ё: turn (tё: n)
Vv in and: [v] at very (veri)
Ww double [w] at world (уо́: лд)
Xx the ex cop X-ray (exrey)
Yy wye ah by (by)
[j] th yes (yes)
[i] and duty (dew: ty)
Zz zed [z] s zip (zip)

Poems about the English alphabet

Alphabet Rhyme # 1

A is for apple, B is for ball,
C is for cat, D is for doll.
E is for egg, F is for feet,
G is for girl, and H is for heat.
I is for igloo, and J is for jump,
K is for kangaroo, L is for lump.
M is for mighty, N is for nest,
O is for octopus, P is for pest.
Q is for queen, and R is for rail,
S is for sitting, and T is for tail.
U is for uncle, umbrella and use,
V is for vacation, valentine and views,
W is for window, whistle and way,
X is for xylophone that we like to play.
Y is for yellow and yelling and you.
Z is for zero and zipper and zoo.

Alphabet Rhyme No. 2

A is for apple, armadillo and air.
B is for book, beachball and bear.
C is for cat, crayon and cape.
D is for dog, dragon and drapes.
E is for elephant, eagle and eye.
F is for farm, fire and fly.
G is for goat, golf and guy.
H is for hat, hippo and hi.
I is for instrument, ice and igloo.
J is for juggle, jungle and jumparoo.
K is for kangaroo, kite and kid.
L is for lamb, lion, and lid.
M is for mother, mouse, and might.
N is for noodle, nest and night.
O is for octopus, ostrich and owl.
P is for penguin, pig and pal.
Q is for queen, quilt and quail.
R is for rabbit, rainbow and rail.
S is for seal, swan and sun.
T is for table, tiger and ton.
U is for umbrella, underwear and umpire.
V is for vulture, volcano and vampire.
W is for wizard, water and wishbone.
X is for x-ray, Xerox and xylophone.
Y is for yak, yogurt and you.
Z is for zebra, zero and zoo.

Alphabet Forwards and Backwards

W X Y and Z
Now, I’ve said my ABC’s.
Next time sing them backwards with me.

F E D C B A.
Now, I’ve said my ZYX’s,
Bet that’s not what you expected!

The vowel sounds

A is my name.
Two sounds I make.
Short a in lamb,
Long a in cake!

I is my name
Two sounds have I
Short i in pig,
Long i in pie!

O is my name
Two sounds I know
Short o in pot,
Long o in go!

E is my name
Two sounds for me
Short e in hen
Long e in he!

U is my name
Two sounds for you
Short u in cup
Long u in cue!

The Short Vowel Beat

First clap your hands. Then stomp your feet.
Everybody do the short vowel beat.
Candy, candy, / a /, / a /, / a /.
Candy, candy, / a /, / a /, / a /.
Make the short a sound.

Wave your arms high. Swing your arms low.
The short vowel beat is the way to go.

Red hots, red hots, / e /, / e /, / e /.
Make the short e sound.

Move to the left. Move to the right.
The short vowel beat is way out of sight.

Licorice, licorice, / i /, / i /, / i /.
Make the short i sound.

Hop two steps up. Hop two steps back.
The short vowel beat keeps you right on track.

Chocolate, chocolate, / o /, / o /, / o /.
Make the short o sound.

Shout it out loud. Whisper it low.
Just one more vowel in the beat to go.
Yummy, yummy, / u /, / u /, / u /.
Yummy, yummy, / u /, / u /, / u /.
Make the short u sound.

Now give a high five to a nearby friend.
The short vowel beat has come to the end!

Letters & Rhymes

(while reading this poem, you can draw its plot with letters)

I saw a little mouse
Who found a place to hide
Beneath a letter K
Turned over on its side.

I saw a hungry fish
With a mouth shaped like a C.
It was about to catch
A swimming letter D.

I saw a snake whose shape
Was like S's end to end.
It was wearing a big smile,
So I guess it was a friend.

I saw a funny owl
With letter O’s for eyes.
Its beak was like a V,
And it really looked quite wise.

I saw a little kitten
With a tail shaped like a C.
It was having fun
Sitting on a T.

I saw a little man
Whose hair was quite a mess.
And every hair he had
Looked like the letter S.

I saw two D’s turned over
To form two turtle shells.
The turtles both were walking
On legs like letter L’s.

I saw a funny face
With a big L for a nose.
The mouth looked like a U,
And the eyes were made of O’s.

I saw an alligator
With looks so fierce they’d trouble you.

It had short legs and little eyes
And teeth like M and W.

I saw a two-humped camel
With a big M for a back.
It was walking near
A little railroad track.

I saw a lady in a hat
Like a U turned upside down.
The hat was very tight,
And it made the lady frown.

I saw an elephant
Standing on same hay.
Its ear looked like a C,
And its trunk, a backwards J.

I saw a spotted bug
With a body made of O’s.
It had long, skinny legs,
And feet with many toes.

I saw a happy clown
With a big A for a hat.
It had a funny collar,
And a nose that was quite fat.

I saw a pretty flower
With petals made of V’s
It had a crooked stem
And leaves like C's and D's.

I saw a little chair
Made from the letter L.
It had letter I’s for legs,
And was really made quite well.

If You’re Happy and You Know It

If you’re happy and you know it,
Bounce around “b” “b”

Bounce around “b” “b”
If you’re happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it
If you’re happy and you know it,
Bounce around “b” “b”.

Catch a ball “c” “c” ...
Dance with me “d” “d” ...
Fall down “f” “f” ...
Gallop like a horse “g” “g” ...
Hop on one foot “f” “f” ...
Jump so high “j” “j” ...
Kick in the air “k” “k” ...
Laugh out loud “l” “l” ...
March in place “m” “m”…
Nod your head “n” “n” ...
Paint a picture “p” “p” ...
Run in place “r” “r” ...
Sit on the floor “s” “s” ...
Talk to me “t” “t” ...
Vacuum the rug “v” “v” ...
Walk around “w” “w” ...
Yawn right now “y” “y” ...
Zip your zipper “z” “z” ...

The Name Song
Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It
You can sing this as a long song or read it as a short poem.

If your name starts with A shout "Hooray!"
If your name starts with B clap with me.
If your name starts with C touch your knee.
If your name starts with D say "Yippee!"
If your name starts with E touch your teeth.
If your name starts with F say "Wake Up Jeff!"
If your name starts with G blow a kiss to me.
If your name starts with H say "Neigh!"
If your name starts with I blink your eye.
If your name starts with J say "Gidday!"
If your name starts with K then start to sway.
If your name starts with L ring a bell.
If your name starts with M look at them.
If your name starts with N cluck like a hen.
If your name starts with O touch your toe.
If your name starts with P say "Whoopee!"
If your name starts with Q say "Achoo!"
If your name starts with R drive a car.
If your name starts with S make a mess.
If your name starts with T watch out for the bee!
If your name starts with U say "Whooooo!"
If your name starts with V pat your knee.
If your name starts with W, X, Y or Z
Then stand up, take a bow and say "That’s me!"

English alphabet games

It will be very good if you play all the games with your child in English. Let these be the simplest sentences, but in English.

1. Draw some letters on paper, and then, together with the child, draw eyes, mouth, ears, hair, arms, legs, clothes. They can be turned into humans or animals. The names of these creatures will be the names of the corresponding letters. Then the letters can participate in various scenes, visit each other. For example, you can play with the word “family”: let each letter be one of the family members, they will be differently dressed and of different sizes, and together they form the word family.

Examples of possible phrases:

  • These are our letters. The name of this letter is A and the name of this letter is B (These are our letters. This letter is called Hey, and this letter is called B)
  • Let’s ask the name of these letters. What is your name? My name is B. Nice to meet you, B! My name is C. (Let's get to know these letters. What is your name? My name is B. Very nice, B. My name is C.)
  • Look! This letter is like a rabbit. (Look! This letter looks like a hare!)

2. You can also sculpt letters from plasticine (let, for example, funny multi-colored worms turn into letters), you can make crafts from paper and other materials.

3. You can buy letters with magnets, draw letters (just letters, words, or whole sentences) on the magnetic board with a washable felt-tip pen, and then the child has to put the corresponding letter in the right place on the board. The same can be done with paper and glue, fabric and velcro.

4. The variety of word games with letters depends on the number of words the child knows in English. You can call with the child in turn for each letter:

  • food
  • objects in the house
  • body parts
  • objects on the street
  • animals, etc.

If the child only learns words or does not know how to spell them, name the words from this list yourself.

I offer you a list with tips. Friends! Who will have ideas what words can be entered in the empty fields, write in the comments ... my fantasy is over 🙁

Letters Animals, birds, insects, fish House, furniture, dishes Food clothing
A ant (ant) alarm clock apple (apple), avocado (avocado) apron (apron)
B bear (bear), butterfly (butterfly), bird (bird) bed (bed), book (book) banana (banana), bread (bread), butter (butter), broccoli (broccoli), beans (beans) boots (boots), bloose (blouse), belt (belt), bathrobe (robe)
C cat (cat), cow (cow), chicken (chicken), cock (rooster), camel (camel), coyote (coyote) сomputer (computer), chair (chair), car (car), carpet (carpet), clock (clock), curtains (curtains) cake (cake), cheese (cheese), carrot (carrot), cabbage (cabbage), cucumber (cucumber), cherries (cherry) cap (cap), coat (coat)
D duck (duck), dinosaur (dinosaur), dog (dog), deer (deer), dove (pigeon) door (door) dress (dress)
E elephant (elephant), elk (elk) egg (egg)
F fox (fox), fish (fish), frog (frog), flamingo (flamingo) floor (floor), fridge (refrigerator), fireplace (fireplace) fish (fish), fruits (fruits) fur coat
G goose (goose), giraffe (giraffe), grasshopper (grasshopper) garten (garden), garage (garage) grape (grapes), garlic (garlic) gloves (gloves)
H hippo (hippo), hedgehog (hedgehog), horse (horse) house (house) hat (hat)
J jaguar (jaguar) journal (magazine), jug (pitcher), juicer (juicer) juice (juice) jacket (jacket), jeans (jeans)
I iron (iron) icecreame (ice cream)
K kangaroo (kangaroo), koala (koala) knife (knife), kettle (kettle) kiwi (kiwi)
L lion (lion), leopard (leopard), ladybird (ladybird), lizard (lizard) lamp lemon (lemon), lettuce (salad)
M mouse (mouse), monkey (monkey) mirrow (mirror) milk (milk), meat (meat), melon (melon), mango (mango) mittens (mittens)
N newspaper
O owl (owl, owl), ostrich (ostrich) ottoman (ottoman, foot ottoman) orange (orange), onion (onion), oil (oil)
P panda (panda), pig (pig), pinguin (penguin), piranha (piranha), panther (panther), pelican (pelican) pane (frying pan), picture (picture) pasta (pasta), pear (pear), potato (potato), peas (peas), pumpkin (pumpkin), pineapple (pineapple), peach (peach) pants (pants) pajamas (pajamas)
Q quail (quail)
R rabbit (hare), rat (rat), rhino (rhino) radio (radio), room (room), roof (roof) rice (rice), raspberry (raspberry) raincoat (raincoat, raincoat)
S snake (snake), sheep (sheep), squirrel (squirrel), swan (swan), shark (shark), salmon (salmon) shelf (shelf), sofa (sofa), stove (plate), spoon (spoon), sink (sink), shower (shower) solt (salt), sugar (sugar), strawberry (strawberry) shorts (shorts), suit (suit), shirt (shirt), skirt (skirt), socks (socks), shoes (shoes), scarf (scarf)
T tiger (tiger), turtle (turtle), turkey (turkey) table (table), TVset (TV), toys (toys), toaster (toaster) tee (tea), tomato (tomato), t-shirt (shirt), tie (tie)
V vegetables (vegetables) vest (vest)
W whale (whale), wolf (wolf) wall (wall), window (window), wardrobe (closet, wardrobe) water (water) watermelon (watermelon)
Z zebra (zebra)

It is impossible to learn English and not know its alphabet. Sometimes the alphabet is what people start to learn at the very beginning of learning English. Sometimes it is too important to study it. Alphabet you need to know in order to:

  • be able to spell an English word in English letters or spell a word (which is quite often in the English-speaking world: "Spell it!" - "Spell it!"),

but most importantly

  • know the position of letters in the alphabet, both in forward and reverse order - to quickly find words in the English dictionary.

In the process of learning, always look at the words in the dictionary. Use a large dictionary, because small ones sometimes lack all and even some of the important, main meanings of words. Small dictionaries may not include the words you want. And try to switch to English-English dictionaries as soon as possible.

English alphabet includes 26 letters:

naya letter
Written letter how
in alpha
the sounds
Approximate Russian matches
A a hey


something like to her in a word w to herka

middle between and and eh: open your mouth wide, as for pronouncing andbut say eh

B b bi
[b] similar to russian bbut pronounced more energetically
C c si

[s] before
e, i, y,

[k] the rest

as from

as to

D d di
[d] as d
E e and

lingering andas in the word andwa

look like eh in a word ehthen

F f eff
[f] as f
G g ji

as j

as r

H h heych
[h] it's not even a sound, but just an exhalation (a very weak sound x)
I i ah

as ah in a word B ahfeces

as and in a word andgla

J j jay as j
K k kay
[k] as to
L l e-mail
[l] as l
M m em
[m] as m
N n en
[n] as n
O o oU

as oU in a word cl oUn

short sound aboutas in the word t aboutt

P p pi
[p] as p
Q q q
cm. k and w
R r ar
[r] as r, but without vibration: lift the tip of the tongue slightly up to the palate, but do not touch it
S s es
[s] as from
T t ty
[t] as t
U u yu

how long yu in a word yutight

as and in a word to andmouse

as at in a word t att

V v in and
[v] as at
W w double u [w] as atuttered with lips alone; average between at and at
X x the ex

as cop

as rs

[j] like th before vowels: New Thorc if [th "esli]
Z z zed
[z] as s

To better remember alphabet, usually composed various songs and rhymes.

Here "s A, B, and C,

H, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q,

And here "s a child" s Dad,

Who is sagacious and discerning,

And knows this is the Fount of Learning.

Great A was alarmed at B "s bad behavior,

Because C, D, E, F, denied G a favor,

H had a husbad with I, J, K, and L,

M married Mary and taught her scholars how to spell;

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N,

O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

Here is this rhyme
We are ABC today
We invite you for tea
Call BBW D:
-Come for tea with E!
F and G and H and I
we will also call for tea.
J loves jam for tea,
K-strawberry cookies,
Lady L and Mrs M-
Whipped cream and cream.
N and O at P are bored
with Q and R without a cup of tea.
S will give them invitations,
T will arrange the treats,
U and V are like two sisters,
The floors will be swept in the house.
W looks out the window.
X scares our cat.
Y asked Aunt Z:
-What do zebras eat for lunch?
Something got hot in the kitchen
Tea leaves are maturing in a teapot,
The cat flies away, into the yard,
In the house, laughter and conversation,
Clinking dishes, bright light
Everything-to-table-from A to Z.
This is what it means to invite
in English ABC.

We are not in the woods today
We ended up in the zoo today
Who sits there in the clearing
This is a monkey - a monkey.
Bear here - shaggy bear
Tiger - striped tiger
Here and the elephant is big
Here and the wolf is not wicked at all
Here is "a fox", and here is "a bear"
Here is "giraffe" and here is "a hare"
Who is this, look quickly!
This lion is the king of beasts
Hippo - big hippo
Says: "It's time to go home!"

There is a knock on our door.
-Who's there?
-LetterA and autumn - autumn.
To everyone, so that he is not sad,
Give an apple
an apple.

Letter B, like a ball
Rides, hides under the table.
It's a pity, I have no time to play:
I am reading a book -

-Mice! Take your paws!
So that today for lunch
Do not get the cat -

To the letter D don't come near
Otherwise it will bite
The cat runs without feeling its legs
There is a dog in the yard

Letter E whiter than snow.
E originates from egg,
Egg a kvochka incubates.
This is the end -
the end. And the point!

Sowing green on a leaf,
The letter F will croak loudly
Because frog - frog,
The famous frog.

Do not be friends with this letter,
The letter G is famous .
It is important to raise your head,
Looks down -

H wipe anyone's nose.
My horse rushes like a whirlwind
horse .
There is no barrier for him,
If the rider in the hat-

With the letter I, we are so similar:
I and I are one and the same.
We don't cry, we don't mope
If there is an ice cream-

Sweet tooth letter J
Sweeter than rolls and cakes.
J familiar to everyone
Who tasted sweet

K will open the locks for everyone-
She has a key
To the kingdom - kingdom will take away
The magic world will open wide.

Letter L came then,
To help the lamb -
lamb ,
He is afraid to go to bed,
Asks for a lamp
lamp light up.

Letter M for the monkey,
For a cheerful fast
She is waiting for a treat
Melon - she needs a melon.

N you won't get tired of hanging.
On the branches there is a nest
a nest.
There are chicks in it. We would like
Count the number of them-

From dawn to dawn
Waving a branch oak-oak-tree.
He calls everyone under the arch of branches
Mumbling under his breath:

Pirate - young pirate
parrot - parrot happy:
-Look, this is for us
Waving a branch of a palm tree

Here I will sing a song
In honor of the lovely letter Q,
Because the queen - queen
Loves to have fun.

Why is the rumor going
“Watch out for the letter R ”?
I will tell you a secret
No nasty rats-

It is no coincidence that the letter S
Piques interest:
In the sky-
sky sparkles star-
A very bright star.

In "Children's world" calls us T .
We are glad to visit:
There will make friends with you
Each toy-

If you meet the letter U ,
So it will soon be raining.
U today I have become kinder
Gave an umbrella -

Hey! Run, hold, catch!
Serving letter V.
The ball went straight to the sky

W , everyone knows -
In the dark, flashing a fang,
There is a gray wolf
a wolf.

The doctor said from behind the door:
-I'm taking you to X-ray.
-What? Maybe captured?
- No, just an X-ray.

Hey, lean on the oars!
The letter Y rushes into the sea.
Calls the guys on a long journey
White sailboat-
a yacht.

What is the letter Z ?
You will see when you take a ticket
Wolf, tiger, and goat
In zoo-
in the Zoo.

To understand the alphabet
We need to rhyme
Hides many secrets
This English alphabet.

Here are three letters l, m, n
How is it in Russian here at all
But G is not j, and C is not S

I draw the alphabet,
And I dance and sing.
Even Murku sometimes I
Hey - b - c - di - I call her.

I am….
I am….
I am big and i am brother
For some reason, in English
They say very strange.

I am - 5, and I am - 8.
I am strong and big
Everything became so clear to me
English became my native language.

Excuse me, sorry, can you find out
What is your name? What should I call you?
“My name is mouse” - she whispered
And in an instant she ran away when she saw the cat.

I in English I, pie pie
Cherry jam filling, I pie, perhaps I'll eat
I say one, two and pie flies to my mouth.
I count one, two, three and pie already inside.
Such an obedient pie and didn't say goodbye!


The ABC (audio recording)

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
V, W, X, Y, Z
That is English Alphabet.

T - Well done! Now we can handle everything.

The beginning of the journey.

T - So, let's go. We will sail with you on the White Sea, Red Sea, Yellow Sea, Black Sea. To stay on track, let's repeat the color names.

Poem: Miss Watercolor.
As soon as you take a brush in your hands,
You will immediately come to visit the paints,
And in this fabulous land of flowers
Be ready for different surprises.
Remember all the names along the way,
So that you can always find the right color!

White - white as a snowy field.
Black - like a black coal
Red - red like strawberries
Green - green like leaf and grass
Blue - blue as blue sky
Brown - brown like earth

And if you look around
And suddenly you will see new colors
Sing this song one more time
And come up with your verse, my friend,
Remember all the names along the way,
So that you can always find the right color.

Yellow - yellow like the hot sun
Orange - orange like an orange
Violet - purple as a petal of violets
ose - pink like a bouquet of roses
Gray - like pebbles by the sea
Such a wonderful land of flowers!

Poem: Portrait (chanting game)

I paint your portrait
The mouth will be red - Red
Blue eyes - Blue
I love this paint.
No, come on we are alone
Let's make green - Green
Cheeks smeared in sauce
Steel pink - Rose
Draw the eyebrows soon
Pencil gray - Gray
Let's get dressed
White trousers - White
Purple vest -
Pencil - Violet
The forelock will be black - Black
Nice person!

Students name colors in English, complementing a poem read by one of the students.

Game: Colors

The teacher shows the card and names the color, if it is correct, then the students clap, if it is wrong, then the students stomp.

T - Well done, now we certainly won't go off course.

Bay of Mysteries.

T - We continue our journey and now we are approaching the bay of mysteries. In order not to be shipwrecked, you need to solve several riddles, but on one condition - you must speak English.

Who goes to bed in the fall,
does it get up in the spring? (a bear)

Ginger ball
behind the gray skok. (a fox, a rabbit)

A bulldog walked down the street
In English, he is ... (a dog)

Not a king, but in a crown
Not a rider, but with spurs
Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up! (a cock)

Long tail, tiny stature.
Gray fur coat, sharp teeth. (a mouse)

Sleeps during the day, flies at night and
The passers-by are scared. (an owl)

T - Very well, but our ship continues on its way!

An island where different animals live.

T - Guys, I see an island where different animals live, but something happened on the island. Someone is sending us an SOS signal. It's Mr. Rule. We need to help him. Let's make a stop? What happened - we'll find out now. Here is the note. Mr. Rule writes that the evil witch has bewitched all the animals on the island, and in order to disenchant them, you need to name them in English.

(The teacher from Mr. Rule's pocket takes out pictures of animals, the students call them)

T - Well done! Look, what else I discovered - a huge enchanted animal, in order to disenchant it, you need to connect letters in alphabetical order.

(students take turns connecting letters and guessing what kind of animal it is)

Poems about animals:

T - I know you have poems about animals, let's tell them.

Monkey - a monkey lives in Africa.
Runs - run, jumps, the liver sings.
Eating bananas, to eat means to eat,
Goes to sleep at night, sleep otherwise sleep.

Having knocked over the cans on the floor,
A monkey is sitting in the corner.
Putting a bow on the trunk,
Dancing the polka an elephant.
Mr. Brian will be surprised
His jacket was put on by a lion.
For some reason climbed onto the closet
And shooting there is a girraffe.

Silently the fish suddenly opened its mouth
And wiggled fins
She asked the owner
I want to eat - I want to eat.

Running in a hopping dog,
A frog galloped behind him,
The cat was basking in the sun,
Bat flew in the sky.
There was a clubfoot bear
bushes jumped here
Sat on the fox lawn
And drank the milk from the box.

T - Ok guys, now let's sing Mr. Rule and our little animals.

Song: “How do you do!” (audio recording)

How do you do!
How do you do!

I am very pleased to meet you,
How do you do?
How do you do?

T. - Let's take Mr. Rule and all the animals with you on the journey /

Shedding cheerfulness.

T - Now look carefully where our ship will sail. I see the strait of cheerfulness to the left along the course. Let's stop? Are you tired?

Phys. minute: Hands up, hands down. Music.

Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit down.
Hands up, to the sides,
Bend left, bend right.
One, two, three, hop!
One, two, three, stop!
Stand still!

T. - Great! And now we are already cheerful with renewed vigor and continue to sail across the seas and oceans.

Cove of surprises.

T. - Guys, look, there is a bay of surprises straight ahead. Let's take a look, maybe there is something for us. Do you like surprises?

Song: Chunga-Changa. Verse 1 in English:

CHUNGA- CHUNGA, the sky is so blue
CHUNGA- CHUNGA, we sing the song for you
CHUNGA- CHUNGA, happy we are and gay
CHUNGA- CHUNGA, We like to sing and play
Refrain: It is an island,
Wonder island, 3 times
CHUNGA-CHUNGA, eat pine –apples,
Chew bananas 3 times

T. - That's a surprise. And now let's look at the map if we are far from the ABC country. So we almost sailed.

Country ABC.

T. - Finally we are in the ABC country. Are you wondering what's going on here? Let's find out!


I'm already learning English
I am very proud of this.
And today to everyone I know
I will share with my friends.
I call my grandmother Granny,





















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