When will be 100 days before the new year. –6th week: relationships

There are 100 days left until the New Year, friends. Yes, yes, this day is today. Think about what you want to do before the New Year? Read ten books, knit a scarf, lose weight, learn to swim? Three months is the optimal time to bring your plans to life.

Share what you dream of doing before the end of the year: upload photos with the hashtag # 100daysdo2017_MIF, publish reports and impressions - every day or once a month. Let's inspire each other!

Allow yourself to dream! What would you really, really, really like? It can be a creative project, like that of the MYTH creator Zhenya Rykalova (every day Zhenya, who surprised and impressed her), or an old dream that you somehow forgot about. Eric Larssen wrote great about this in his book "On the Limit." Read it.

Every person has big dreams that speak of who they are - or at least who they want to become. If a postal worker dreams of building a yacht so that he can one day go on a trip around the world, it means that he loves endless oceans, a huge sky overhead and the sound of the wind in the sails.

Probably, in his youth, he thought that ahead whole lifeand sometime - not right now - he would make such a journey. But the years passed, and suddenly he realized that he no longer believed in his dream.

But the dream is still alive! He still loves endless oceans, a huge sky overhead and the sound of the wind in the sails!

We urge you not to give up your dream. Remember what plans you made for 2016. Everyone has something that has not yet been implemented. A lot can be done in three months. And even the impossible!

And a little inspiration in the pictures from El Luna, the author of the magic book "Between Must and Want." To start the journey.

Attention to all lovers to start new life from Monday: you have a unique chance to start it from the weekend. Because tomorrow, September 22, the countdown to New Year begins. Everyone's favorite holiday will come in exactly 100 days.

Bright Side knows how to spend this time with benefit, and invites you to listen to ideas for self-improvement in order to meet New Year another person.

1-3 weeks: cleaning the house

Many studies have proven that cleaning not only cleanses our physical space, but also helps to organize our thoughts and achieve mental balance.

So let's go!

We get rid of unnecessary things.

This advice is as old as the world, but full of wisdom. If you really do cleaning the house, and not shifting unnecessary things from place to place, your home will be transformed. And the recommendations of specialists on putting things in order can help in this.

We transform the space.

Every house has annoying little things: a broken socket, a piece of wallpaper torn off by a child, a peeling door handle. Doesn't pull for a full repair, but appearance and spoils your mood.

Make a list of the rooms and what to do in them. Eliminate these imperfections gradually. We assure you that you don't have to spend a lot of money on endless renovations, but your home will look better.

4-6 weeks: relationships

Think about the people who make you happier and reciprocate.

Call friends and family you haven't seen for a long time, visit elderly relatives, build relationships with those with whom they have been spoiled.

Have a romantic evening for your significant other. Make a list of gifts for family and loved ones. Buy them in advance, and not on the eve of December 31, as many of us are used to doing. Write and send greeting cards to friends who are far away from you so that they receive congratulations just for the holiday.

7-9th weeks: meals

There is still a month and a half before New Year's Olivier in basins, which means that we have time to acquire healthy eating habits.

We've heard these tips a million times, but never followed them: Limit sweets, replace starchy and fried foods with fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains. Eat a varied and healthy food, drink more water, because you are definitely what you eat. Motivation in the form of a slim and healthy body for the New Year should help.

Avoid ready-made snacks and snacks, collect them yourself. Save some money at the same time.

10-12 weeks: sports

Just for fun (sporting, of course), try to stick to these simple rules:

Stop using the elevator, walk more. Get out of public transport a couple of stops earlier, then park your car to "nurse" the 10 thousand steps a day recommended by doctors.

Start squats, push-ups, abs, or running. If you do, say, 10 squats right now and increase the number of repetitions every day, by the New Year your body will take on a completely different shape.

13-14 weeks: self-development and relaxation

You have done a great job! They developed many good habits, strengthened their willpower, became full of pride and self-respect. And even gifts have already been bought.

It's time to rest and take stock.

Psychologists say that the feeling of gratitude makes us happier. Write a list of 100 pleasant events of the past year that brought you positive emotions or taught you something new. Flip through photos taken over the year to refresh your impressions.

Make a list of wishes and dreams for the coming year. And exactly one year later, do not forget to re-read it and cross out everything that happened.

Make it a habit to fulfill your dreams: remember everything you have long wanted, and start every week of the new year to take timid steps towards your aspirations. If you wanted to become a chef - cook a new dish weekly or sign up for a cooking class. Dreamed of becoming a writer - do not leave your desk until you write 2 pages every day. Is your longtime passion travel? Dream where you would like to go in the next 12 months, and start saving up for the coveted trip around the world right now.

Write a letter to yourself in the future, tell in it how you live now, what worries you, how you see your life in 10-20-30 years.

Make a list of must read and must see - write down the books, films, plays and cultural events that you have always dreamed of seeing and visiting. Start crossing items off this list during the New Year holidays.

Unplug your phone for a day, make yourself a day of silence. You can combine this day with self-care: a warm bath, a facial mask and massage. Then try on your New Year's outfit and look forward to the holiday.

Decorate your home. Decorating a Christmas tree and hanging garlands will create a festive mood in the best possible way and, possibly, will become a good family tradition.

If you follow our list, then on December 31 you will meet literally a different person: light and strong-willed, rested and full of strengthdreaming and fulfilling their dreams. And most importantly, those who believe in miracles - just like in childhood. But now you already know that miracles can be done by yourself.

Do you feel the approach of the New Year? Do you think this holiday is just another reason to relax or is it a starting point for you, an opportunity to start life from scratch?

It's not just that. This is an autumn aggravation of the self-development disease. Last year, she also knocked me down, and this is how the project turned out 30 dropsbut in the beginning it was October 30 drops.

As for this year, today for some reason (that's really no coincidence!) I counted that there are exactly 100 days left until the New Year. Well, how to get past such a figure? Round-round, and asks for the list of 100.

And although this year does not end at all, why not think in advance about how to complete all the cases and implement some small, and maybe very solid - with a challenge, goals. While there is time. Indeed, in the new year there will already be other goals and projects, New Year's. And I would not want to drag the old tails of unfinished business and unfulfilled dreams into the next year.

Are there 100 tails? So much! Just some kind of peacock! Yes, the image of a peacock is quite appropriate here. A feather - and a huge beautiful tail! There will be !!!

So let's figure it out. It is not at all necessary to finally complete something, although this also largely frees up energy and space for new things. However, there are always cases and things that for some reason are postponed and postponed, are considered not so important as to pay attention to them. We are talking about little things, preferably pleasant and inspiring, that make up the joy of life:

  • buy what I have wanted for a long time, but somehow I’m not in a hurry, and "for now, I’ll manage it."
  • find old or new friends
  • go to some kind of exhibition, concert or performance
  • finally fix something
  • start (just start!) some project
  • improve relationships with someone (apologize or forgive)
  • develop a new habit (there may even be several - 100 days is enough)
  • throw something away
  • sign up for courses (dancing, yoga, driving, French, programming, knitting - you never know what interests there are)
  • add an article (or book)
  • buy gifts for the New Year - we have a to-do list until the New Year!

So, just make a list - and off you go, for the New Year! You can write whatever you want into it, but stick to two main criteria:

  1. what interferes, annoys, burdens - remove from life! Complete, fix or discard.
  2. what you want pleases, what you dreamed about - add!

And it is not at all necessary to write all 100 points at once, the main thing is to start. By the way, one of the points (if you get stuck in writing) can be “add the list” - more valuable thoughts will surely come over time!

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis venture is the list of 100 itself with dates until the New Year. 100 days - 100 cases or actions. Small, but important. And when you immediately put dates on the list when making a list, the likelihood that all this will be fulfilled increases dramatically. Of course, the list during these 100 days can be revised, changed and dates and items, but every day you can do one small thing that will help improve your life.

It is important not to set about tremendous cases, it is better to divide them into "pieces", for several days-cases. And, of course, add a game element to this to enjoy the process. Hang up the list " 100 cases before the New Year»In a conspicuous place, decorate it somehow beautifully and enjoy the New Year right now. Then the last 100 days of the year will be much more conscious and productive, will give you pleasure and make your life brighter and more joyful.

It's always more fun together! For you, fellow travelers on this magical path to the New Year -

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for
that you discover this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and the goosebumps.
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Attention to all lovers of starting a new life on Monday: you have a unique chance to start it from the weekend. Because tomorrow, September 22, the countdown to New Year begins. Everyone's favorite holiday will come in exactly 100 days.

websiteknows how to spend this time with benefit, and invites you to listen to ideas for self-improvement in order to meet the New Year with another person.

1-3 weeks: cleaning the house

Many studies have proven that cleaning not only cleanses our physical space, but also helps to organize our thoughts and achieve mental balance.

So let's go!

  • We get rid of unnecessary things.

This advice is as old as the world, but full of wisdom. If you really do cleaning the house, and not shifting unnecessary things from place to place, your home will be transformed. And they can help with this by putting things in order.

  • We transform the space.

Every house has annoying little things: a broken socket, a piece of wallpaper torn off by a child, a peeling door handle. It does not pull on a full repair, but spoils the appearance and your mood.

Make a list of the rooms and what to do in them. Eliminate these imperfections gradually. We assure you that you don't have to spend a lot of money on endless renovations, but your home will look better.

4-6 weeks: relationships

Think about the people who make you happier and reciprocate.

  • Call your friends and family, whom you have not seen for a long time, visit elderly relatives, establish relationships with those with whom they were spoiled.
  • Have a romantic evening to your soulmate.
  • Make a list of gifts for family and loved ones. Buy them in advance, and not on the eve of December 31, as many of us are used to doing. Write and send greeting cards to friends who are far away from you so that they receive congratulations just for the holiday.

7-9th weeks: meals

There is still a month and a half before New Year's Olivier in basins, which means that we have time to acquire healthy eating habits.

  • We've heard a million times, but never followed them: Limit sweets, replace flour and fried foods with fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals. , because you are definitely what you eat. Motivation in the form of a slim and healthy body for the New Year should help.
  • Give up ready-made snacks and snacks,. Save some money at the same time.

10-12 weeks: sports

Just for fun (sporting, of course), try to stick to these simple rules:

  • Stop using the elevator, walk more. Get off public transport a couple of stops earlier, then park your car to “nurse” the 10 thousand steps a day recommended by doctors.
  • Start squats, push-ups, abs, or running. If you do, say, 10 squats right now and increase the number of repetitions every day, by the New Year your body will have a completely different shape.

13-14 weeks: self-development and relaxation

You have done a great job! They developed many good habits, strengthened their willpower, became full of pride and self-respect. And even gifts have already been bought.

It's time to rest and take stock.

  • Psychologists say that the feeling of gratitude makes us happier. Write a list of 100 pleasant events of the past year that brought you positive emotions or taught you something new. Flip through the photos taken over the year to refresh your impressions.
  • Make a wish list and dreams for the coming year. And exactly one year later, do not forget to re-read it and cross out everything that happened.
  • Make it a habit to fulfill your dreams: remember everything you have long wanted, and start every week of the new year to take timid steps towards your aspirations. If you wanted to become a chef - cook a new dish weekly or sign up for a cooking class. Dreamed of becoming a writer - do not leave your desk until you write 2 pages every day. Is your longtime passion travel? Dream where you would like to go in the next 12 months, and start saving up for the coveted trip around the world right now.
  • Write a letter yourself into the future, tell in it how you live now, what worries you, how you see your life in 10-20-30 years.
  • Make a list And most importantly, those who believe in miracles - just like in childhood. But now you already know that miracles can be done by yourself.

    Do you feel the approach of the New Year? Do you think this holiday is just another reason to relax or is it a starting point for you, an opportunity to start life from scratch?

I planned and even started writing in early January.

Fast forward to September 22nd. It suddenly turns out that there are 100 days left before the New Year. The book is not written, the deadlines are burning, I am a seal and a sloth, where to run, what to do?))

This is how my colleague and I begin our 100-day challenge.

What is this challenge?

Then every day, for 100 days, we wrote for 20 minutes. Usually it took longer, but at least twenty. I wrote the chapters of the book; Ira also chose to write - blog articles and writing for CPE.

We had a shared document in Google Docs - a sign where we marked the days. Has done business - walk boldly. But check it out first. The missed days, and occasionally there were such, had to be compensated for on any other day. That's all.

And this is our plate (increasing), which helped to track the process and feel the shoulder of like-minded people. In a sense, this also helped not to quit what was started.

Why do you need a challenge? And why a book?

Firstly, as I already wrote, in December 2017, I foolishly made myself plans to “write a book in 2018”. I was blown away very quickly (because I forced myself to write for an hour every day) and caught myself when I almost lost it all year.

The second, and most important, reason is discipline. When you combine best qualities seal and sloth, it is often easier to come up with a reason why "no" than to find a way to "yes". I have to sit down and check the tests, but I don't want to. I have to go for a walk, but it's raining and I don't feel like it. And this is all very pleasant in the moment, but in the long term it hurts. And here - as much as 100 days. Exactly what is needed. At least educate yourself))